13 . x TITE SUXDAT- OREGONIAX, PORTLAND. DECEMBER tf, 1911. THE BEST LUCK WE CAN WISH TO YOU IS Sound teeth . A HOME OUTFIT FROM EDWARDS' MEANS - Your Own Time to Pay the Eld wards' liberal credit system has helped furnish the homes of thousands of people. Every industri ous man and woman, regardless of their station in life,' can come here, get anything they need and pay as they earn the money either' weekly or monthly. No outside security required we simply take your word for it. Our credit methods are so generous we let you name your own terms in furnish ing. Six floors of furnishings to select from. Prices 10 to 25 per cent . lower than elsewhere. Come this week big reductions in all departments. K Bill rr - A Y we ! is ;.. ::.rns do OUR . V ' v , v ' : 1 IT f WORK '' -'V A" I IN TO 1 ; -CX j EVERY MAKE Vr - t' : " 4 ' CASE THEM V ::T''' TRY SOUND v vy US Dr. B. E. Wright. OotmI health is the best jossible luck you cau have and good health is Jararly the result of (;mxI teeth. It is our business to keep your teeth sound and stroiifr. Where decay has set in, we restore them to their former usefulness. When a few teeth are missine, our bridges fill the pap just as acceptably as your natural teeth. If you have no sound teeth, you will find a plate built at this office far superior in fit, appearance and usefulness to any other plate produced elsewhere. " Our Prices Are Extremely Moderate Prompt Service. E. WRIGHT AND ASSOCIATES 342V2 Washington Street, Corner Seventh OFFICE HOURS: 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sunday: 10 to 1. " Phones: Main 2119, A 2119. Seventeen Years Practice in Portland. RATE RULING SEEN A3 SPOKANE GAIN Inland City Support Expected in Fight to Retain Present Commission Action. ders covering distributive rates from Coast cities, we will be limited by the Federal order on the Short Line mile age to the Idaho line. In other words, our rates to the state line must ajrree with the Interstate, as otherwise there would be a discrimination that the courts would not or should not approve. But our rates will not follow the Fed eral horlxontal reduction. Our orders will be on a mileage basis. We shall build up a distance tariff on which re sults will accomplish the 20 per cent reduction, but the reduction wlll be distributed were most needed.' . Kate Tables (ilvesi. "It will be remembered that tha re cent Interstate cue ruling covered dis tributive rates only. Ve assume that the distance tariff of tha State of Washing-ton will be on a somewhat ' higher scale and that the distributing bALK HAUL lAnlrr Id LUI . rates applying locally In the State of Washington will not be lower than I those ordered by the Interstate Com merce Commission for the same dla- DIMrihutlve Schedule Also Are Big Advantage to Eastern 'Washing ton Shippers Further Reduc tion Considered Doubtful. "Spokane, as well as Portland. Ta coma and Seattle, seems to be pleased with the recent decision of the Inter state Commerce Commission In the so called 'back-haul' rate cases," aald J. II. Lothror. traffic manager of the transportation committee of the Cham ber of Commerce, veaterdav. after read ing an editorial comment In a Spokane paper which conveyed the Impression mat Spokane sees blessings ln( the re cent ruling. "Ni doubt Spokane's position la due to the fact that the consumers of ttie Inland Kmpir will be greatly benefited by the reduced rates which become ef fective January s, 115." said Mr. Lothrop. "This. I believe. Is the first time that Spokane and the Coast cities have agreed on a rate proposition, so that we can naturally expect tha support of Fpokane In opposing any move on tha part of the railroad companies In at tempting to bring about a postpone ment of the effective date of rate re duction. Savlaar la Apaesreat. "Mr. Percy Powell, one of the leading merchants of Spokane and chairman of the transportation committee, has cited Instances of benefits to be derived tan res. "The order of the Interstate Cora- i merce Commission fixes the rarea for the first four classes at 100 miles, as follows: 1 Z't: IS S 41 4. ao "If the Washington Commission re duces the present distributing rates for 100 miles by, say 10 per cent, the scale would be: 1 4' it 2 4 4 11 "Should the commission see fit to re- OVIt. W.4H VETERA AD AX KAKI.V M-.TT1.KH I ORHQOX, IIIES OP PXEl'MO.MA. )e,-r' r Y, A f V :. : .'"$!' if'-'! t-i.:-: t4- :- ' ' ".5.r-v-.-. v4 from the reduced rates. Reference Is : ? -2 . " ' - - ."'. vl-' ' J made to shipments of asbestos. The ! J F J - v'r 1 present rate from Milwaukee. Wis, to I J r V ; - I'VV ; J Para Wuh, la ll.4. being made up; I f' ' '...-'. II Milwaukee to Pacific Coast. cents I I 'j .-J , . : I "back. The new rate from the Coast J ' ;.' ?:- i' 4 back to Paha will be about cents, i T '-J -.- i -jr -2x.mil n siissia We find here a reduction to the con sumer of Z2 cents a hundred pounds. This saving will no doubt be very much appreciated bv the people of the enterprising city of 1'aha. "Suirar is another item to which Mr. Powell has referred, riugar consumed In tUe Inland Kmrlre is produced In California: Is brought to Portland and puget Sound cities by boat at a rate of 10 cente a hundred pounds, and for warded by rail at a rale of 65 centa to Spokane when in carload lota and (0 cents when distributed in less than car load quantltiea. The new rales will be about 41 cents and (0 centa "What Is true of asbestos from tha Kast and augar from the Paclflo Coast Is likewise true of substantially all commodities which are shipped from either the ila.it or the West. j More HrWieaa la Mgel. J "Mr. Powell also refers to a meeting ! of the Public Service. Commission of the State of Washington. According to Mr. Powell's statement, substantia lions are likely to follow In lln tat reductions recently made by the Interstate Commerce Commission In the 'back-haul rase. "We are not Informed as to Just what action t"- Pub.lo Service Commission Intends to take, but It Is difficult to figure that Sr"kane could reasonably eipect any reduction In Its present dis tributing rate. A recent newspaper article from Olympla says that the commissioners unanlmouj! say; 'la making our or- ii in, , e C to Mr. 1 4 reduc- f ne with Wllltaaa J. Saaaara. William J. Sanborn, who dtad at 11 Atlantic street, at the age of 71 years, is survived by i grand children and one great - grand child. He served in a Kansas regiment In the Civil War for three and a half years. He waa under Captain William and Lieu tenant Bluett. Mr. Sanborn died of pneumonia after an Illness of ten days. He waa born In Erie. Pa. March IT. 1131. He married at ieaveo worth, Kan. la February, llil. In 1176 he came to Rainier. Or. and has lived In Columbia and Multno mah counties ever a I n e e. His aged companion survives him. as do two sons and two daughters, as follows: Ralph B. Sanborn and Mrs. Cora Slaughter, of Portland; Jesee l Sanborn, of Florence, Or., and Mrs. Clara Wilson, of Kalnler, Or. If You Investigate vr Tir-ii C 1 ' I i ou yy hi oureiy Buy a $5.00 First Payment Young Couples t Who wish to go housekeeping on limited capital will be especially interested in Edwards', lenient terms. Come soon and let us explain further. Stylish Mahogany or Birdseye Dressers A little time and trouble on your part taken to come down to our store will be amply re paid. You will find stylish, up-to-date Dressers at prices about one-fourth less than the high rent dealers ask. Large Colo nial Mahogany Dressers. ..$54 No range makes cooking an absolute pleasure, but the Monarch Malleable makes it much easier and it will do it with one third less fuel and why? .... , a First It requires, no blacking ; has a pol ished top. Just keep it -wiped off with a cloth. Second-rlt will heat and bake almost as quick as gas. With a little kindling and a few chunks of coal you will have a red-hot stove before you can get dressed in the morning. Third It is absolutely airtight, controlled by a duplex draft, causing it to consume all gas as it generates, thereby saving one-third the fuel. Your old range or stove taken in part payment. $10 Sends This Circassian Walnut Bedroom Outfit to Your Home at the Sale Price ' ," ' " Mores proof that it pays to buy Furniture at the Big i-nr Store with the Big Buying Power This$140 Circassian Walnut Suite On Sale for $9150 fM Separately at These Sale .Prices Dresser $37.50 Chiffonier $34 Bed $32 TF.RM" OX COM 1'LETK -Ol'TFIT $10 Cash $2 Weekly or $8 Monthly Stylish Library Tables r . - T jl Each nooms $75 "5Uy Satisfactory "Bajt. BEDS FOR AU Children's beds priced to include spring mattresses are extra. Wooden Cribs, $4.00 Small iron Crib $6.00 Medium Iron Crib for only $7.00 Fine Iron Crib priced at only $10.00 CHILDREN fllllinl a,- ym lb .aVn lllllll $4.90 $2.00 Cash and $1.00 weekly sends to you a big Library Table made of oak in any finish. Compare our prices on similar goods -with others and see how much you save. Our Library' Tables are priced $7.50 to $30.00. Edwards' Christmas Morris Chair ... The makers of these goods have made many improvements in the year just past. A good chair can now be sold for less than ever before. Leather cushion Chairs very reason able. Prices $9.00 to $45.00. Telephone Stand and. Seat $4.90 Mission oak, a Christmas spe cial. Some in fumed oak also, slightly higher in price. F ' Better than living in fur nished rooms. Edwards c a n start you with . enough to get along on for $75.00. Pay ment is only $10.00 Down and $1.50 a Week New Wall Mirrors We have recently opened a shipment of hanging mirrors and are showing- a great va riety of sizes and shapes. Frames are gilt or oak, in any finish. A mirror makes a much better showing than a picture at the same price, arid should make an acceptable gift. Larce mirrors cost f 7.60 to S25.00. New Bungalow Sets Of solid oak, fumed; .genuine leather cushion seats. Popular, artistio and reasonable in price. Most stores must get $50.00 for such a set, but oar low rent, low-advertising price for the set" is only .....931.00 A Oood Place To Trade EDWARDS' "A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE.' ; If you work for your money you should try to find the place where it buys the most Edwards' does not run a high-toned or high-priced place. Our rents and expense are about one-third of - what most furniture stores pay. We don't have to advertise much because lots of people know where to come. Drop in and let us show you prices. I dace the present dlstanc rata 10 per cent to establish distributing rates, ire Willi I I 1 1 U IIIV W W. 1 ' 1 t Z 414 : "These rates mould be slightly high er than the present distributing rates from Spokane. "We find the Northern Paclflo tarlS showing distributing rates from Spo kane to Col ton. Wash.. 101 miles, and to Elmlra. Wash, 104 miles: 1 4S'i...- . ;...S1 j , It will be seen at a glance that the railroads already have granted Spokane most liberal reduotlons In distributing rates, which bare been In effect for many years. - 'Possibly it Is the Intention of the Washington Public Service Commission to make a further reduction, but I doubt It. as their statement Indicates that they will follow closely the basis ordered by tha Interstate Commerce Commission, hence farther reduction In Spokane distributing rates is quite un likely. "The distributing rests at present In effect along the lines of the Great Northern and Northern Paclflo follow very cloaely the distance tariff. "So that if the Washington Pub llo Service Commission does adopt the baala established by the Interstate Commerce Commission, the consumers In all of the territory In the State, of Washington between the Sound cities and Spokane will receive very sub stantial benefit. "A 20 per cent reduction on goods distributed by tha coast manufacturers and Jobbers means a very gratifying saving to tha consumers.- GOTHAM WOMAN TO SPEAK Bccretarj of National Y. W. C. A. Board to Be Heard Today. Miss Elisabeth Wilson, of New Tork City, will speak at the Toung Women's Christian Association this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Miss Wilson, who is a sec retary of the National board of the Young Women's Christian Association, has had long experience in training young women for that work and is said to be an Interesting speaker. Rer visit to Portland Is connected with the closing course of study of the North west training center Itere. The class now completing the three months' course consists of six members, tha largest class to take the work at this center. The students are: Miss Gertrude Irene Byrnes. Moscow, Idaho; Miss Alice Waldron, Portland; Miss Jessie Rsy Nottingham, Portland: Miss Anna Belle Lockhart, Boxeman. Montana; Miss Alice Shepard. Salem, and Miss Leslie Miller, Seattle. Wash. Several offers of positions in association work and definite appointments have been made for two or more. series of leoturea oa association principles will be given the class by Miss Wilson. The visit to Portland will close Miss Wilson's work in the Northwest. From here she will go to Los Angeles. SHERIDAN CHURCH OPENED New Christian Structure Dedicated . WlUf Revival Meetings. SHERIDAN, Or., Dec. 1. (Special.) The Christian Church here is conduct ing a series of revival meetings, and SO persons have been baptlxed at the tabernacle. . Rev. Mr. Van Winkle and Leon Mey ers, are conducting the meetings. The new Christian Church, which was re cently finished, is being dedicated with the present revival meetings. . A unique feature of the revivals Is the dally paper, which Pastor Van Winkle and Mr. Meyers are publish ing. These news sheets are left at the door of every home in the city. The paper Is called "The Christian Revival ist." ii. i. i .... mnerrfresdnourht eru!?er. .k- n-. i iti h-v- ooit over 110.- ooo.ooe by the time she Is fully completed. i 1 w Aie riiirnrurrfl Fffisyorrwim vfarnl "vigor," because barley'fcT! find hoos a tonic. The sturdiest Deoole of the earth , drink the most of it and you, Mr. Man, do you realize the truth of the above from your own daily habits? Don 'tbeselflshi-ordttti case for the home watch the improvements of your family. Your wife will enjoy it after a shopping trip. It will almost immediately relieve the fatigue and refresh her won derfully. As a matter of fact, no brew in the world is so beneficial to the entire iamily as" OZ d Sty le Lager." ' If yon are as careful about the home beverage as yon are your food, you will use oafyOld Styje agr," the beer with a snap to it. k . G. HEHXMAN BREWING CO., La Crosse, Wis. J. L De Bevoise, Distributor lifc m OfHc. Phones: Main 6980 A3322 Residence Phone - r - A4041 Family Trade So!:citex