The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 17, 1911, SECTION THREE, Page 8, Image 46

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Comedians Have Some Quaint Burlesques in Their Latest Production, "The
Old Town" First Success Is Recalled.
Give a Gift Worthy of Yourself and
the Recipient
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can tmge today are possessed of
a wider equipment of materials
and methods for the. successful accom
plishment of tlielr business of making;
people lauRh than Partd Montgomery
and Fred A. Stone, now playing; n
"The Old Town."
They are gymnasts, acrobats and
dancers beyond comparison. They both
know more of the rudiments of legiti
mate eiasra methods, and both can sing;
a little bit if It is demanded of them;
but in their well-stocked armory the
most valued weapons In the campaign
against dull care are to be found In
the weird and wonderful devices of
It has always been so. From the be
ginning; of their sucreful careers they
have evinced always that genius born
of an Infinite capacity of taking; pains.
v-Mch is the secret of the marvelous
tran; ormation possible of achievement
through the nse of cosmetics and kin
dred transformlty material.
Xike-l'aa Are Q mailt.
It will be recalled by most people
wfco saw the same players in "The
visard of Ox- that their first favor
with the audience was affected initially
through their quaint make-ups, one as
the scarecrow and the other as the tin
woodman, the latter the character
played In the production by Montgom
ery, the former the Impersonation of
his associate. Stone. As a pair of itin
erant organ jrrlntlers in "The Red Mill."
the same pair struck another bullseye.
for effective burlesque characterisa
tion, but In "The Old Town" it will be
admitted that for qualntness and ludi
crous effects in costuming and facial
accord therewith the pair outdo all
their prior success in burlesque charac
ter cartoons.
Most people who have witnessed the
production probably have shared in the
mirth that sweeps over the audience
when the two funmakers first appear
as the Swedish emigrants. Montgomery
as a frau, tone as her husband, one
befrocked in a manner suggestive of
Castle Garden. New York, on a Swedish
day, and th eother suggesting In his
curiously peaked hat. gay Jacket and
odd-colored trousers another real Swed
ish visitor from the Swedish fatherland.
BnrleeqMe la lfllarloas.
Hut It is in two other of their im
personations they assume, to be near
their sweethearts In the play, that their
real high note In hilarious burlesque
costuming is struck, and while both
aim at the same target caricature of
a pair of luckless ward politicians, it is
Comedian Montgomery who attracts
most eyes when this series first dawns
upon the audience, when the laughter
occasioned by the absurdly comic pic
ture of the pair dies away. Comedian
Stone turns to his partner and says:
"Get back in your shell. Archibald."
The audience roars more boisterous
ly than ever, for the admonition exact
ly fits tha picture. Montgomery, in
his many-sixes-too.large derby hat and
many-slzes-too-big collar, as well as In
all of his other hahllaments suggesting
nothing so much as the casing of a
big turtle.
President of Oregon Equal Bufxrage Association Points Oat Situation In
Beaver State and Tells of Hopes for Future Success.
THS announcement recently ap
pearing In The Oregonlan that our
townsman. W. it. Paris. Is en
gaged In assisting me In the formation
of a State-wide organization of voters,
to secure the adoption of the pend'ng
Kqual Suffrage Amendment at the .No
vember election of 1SIX. has brought to
me so many Inquiries from newly Inter
ested citizens of widely separated sec
tions of tha state that I find It neces
sary to appeal to the press of the state
for opportunity to submit for general
convenience of the public the exact
status of the movement as It exists' in
the Facl.lo Northwest at present writ
ing. Assuming that nobody needs to be
informed that women are surrounded
on the north, east and south by equal
suffrage states, while Oregon, the well
kaewn mother of the movement, is still
awaiting victory. I will confine this
article to conditions as we find them In
tha mother state. Oregon Is the only
remaining state on the Pacific Coast
not yet entitled, to her rightful seat
among tha alx equal suffrage atatea as
a duly qualified and entitled member of
the National Council of Women Voters,
of which I am told that three states are
to be proudly represented by their Gov
ernors at tha basiquet to be given to
Governor West by tha Progressiva
Business Men's Club December 23.
Defeat Itoea yt Dlaaeartem,
The Equal Suffrage Association of
Oregon, after finding Itself swamped In
the quicksands of defeat as the result
of a national campaign of Imported
managers In 190i-0 (which frightened
the business Interests of the state Into
an organized rebellion of voters against
the enfranchisement of women) re
treated Into ambush and maintained a
campaign of masterly inactivity
through HOt and 119. In other words,
we merely operated nnder a flag of
truce so far as public effort waa con
cerned, while engaged, as an organiza
tion. In relaunching our scuttled ship.
The experiments we made during the
elections that followed our defeat of
ISO have passed Into history. But
meantime our work, like a greet field
of growing grain, was steadily ripening
for tha harvest. And when the Idea of
Formerly Tull & Gibbs Building
November. 110, had come and gone, we
relaunched our ship, with all sails
spread and colors flying. We are now
gladdened by the words of encourage
ment by hosts of men, who were
pleased with our non-militant plans of
work, and delighted with their deter
mination to see us triumphant in 1912.
a determination that is ripening into
statewide promise of fulfillment
through the organization of voters
above cited, composed of adherents,
many of them being leaders of all po
litical parties, who, though widely dif
fering on other questions, are. making
common cause of votes for women,
their slogan being "Oregon Next."
Le Aagelee Case file.
The newly enfranchised women of
Washington and California having
proved their fitness for the franchise by
their conservative and yet progressive
votes during a most exacting period of
political upheaval, have inspired all
thinking men with confidence In the
ability and desire of women to build
rather than destroy. The great news
papers of the two states named are
outdoing each other in praises of the
wisdom, foresight and conservative ac
tion of the women voters, especially of
Los Angeles, who. though largely In
sympathy with the labor elements of
the country, united as with the voice
of one to assist law-abiding men of all
parties in rebuking with votes the
mistaken but honest masses, who are
demanding eo,ual pay and equal oppor
tunity for all the people, but will not
stand for violence, rapine and murder,
which men alone have been unable to
As the old cry that "women do not
want to vote" Is the only bone of con
tention over which any honest voter is
now hesitating, It is of Interest to
quote statistics as follows: In 1895
the Legislature of Massachusetts sub
mitted a straw vote to the women of
the state. In an attempt to settle this
point, with the result that although a
strong "antl" association made heroic
efforts to poll an overwhelming "no"
vote, yet In 238 of the 322 towns In the
state not a single woman voted no,
while out of the 575.000 who could have
voted against It, only 861 actually did
o, while 22.204 voted yes.
But. to make a long story as Bhort
as possible. It was lately proved In Los
Angeles, beyond all cavil that women
will vote whenever, in the course of
human events there Is a moral or ex
pedient principle at stake, even more
generally than the men. The great
xiewspapers of San Francisco, Los An
geles. Oakland. Sacramento and other
leading cities, many of which had
openly opposed, or only negatively sup
ported the Equal Suffrage Amendment,
came out under display heads on Oc
tober 6 announcing that fully 95 per
cent of the Women had voted, and all
agreed that the women had displayed
supreme 'courage, discipline and ability
in voting their own sentiments, regard
less of any of the ordinary wiles of
Voting Schools Established.
They had previously established vot
ing schools, in which men as well as
women were taught to vote with sys
tem and intelligence. In San Francis
co, th stronghold of the "antls, a pe
tition for resubmitting the amendment
requiring 32,000 certified signatures,
had secured 9000 when its circulation
was suddenly stopped after the Los
Angeles women had proved the utter
futility of their effort to roll the tides
of freedom backward.
May Arkwrlght Hutton, of Spokane,
Mrs. George A. Smith, of Seattle,
Clara Shortrldge Folts. of Los Angeles,
and Km ma Smith DeVoe, of "Tacoma,
leading representatives of widely di
vergent factions of suffragists In Cali
fornia and Washington, are united in
their desire to see "Oregon Next."
Living Christmas Gifts
That every recipient will appreciate, which will especially
touch the hearts of the ladies. v
In anticipation of a popular demand for finely grown
Winter Flowering and
Ornamental Foliage Plants
For Christmas presents, we have this season devoted
otir skill and attention to the production of an elegant
collection of plants, and will offer for the holidays the
finest selection of these treasures of the floral world
yet assembled .in Portland at Cbristmastide. We will
show in our store many
Exclusive Novelties
In rare and beautiful plants, attractively arranged in
handsome baskets, hampers and jardinieres. These
Gifts of Nature
Are admirably adapted as p'resents to ladies, and will
b sold by us at popular prices during the coming week.
Early purchasing advisable. Your selections will be.
reserved for you and delivered at the proper time.
Christmas Cut Flowers
Popular as our holiday plants may be with flower
loving people, there will without doubt be the same
brisk demand for our HIGH-GRADE CUT FLOWERS
which has characterized our Christmas season for years
past. For what more appropriate as a gift to a lady
can be selected than a boy of choice blossoms direct
from our extensive range of hothouses. Every popular
flower of the season will be on sale the coming week,. ,
at prices within the reach of alL
Free City Delivery
287 Morrison Street, Portland, Or.
Make Ideal
I Christmas
This special $16.50 Willow
on sale at only
Guaranteed hand tied, from
healthy African male ostrich ;
23z23-inch spread, 3-ply. Greatest
bargain you ever saw.
Besides we have many other spe
cials, ail at about half price.
French Plumes
$10, $12.60 and $15 grades
on sale at only
We guarantee these fine Plumes to
be of healthy male bird Aincan
ostrich stock, fines extra long, soft
and pliable.
All other French and broadhead
Ostrich Plumes at one-third to one-
half off regular prices.
Ground Floor
141 V2 Sixth St, Cor. Alder
Opp. Meier & Frank
Open Evenings Till Christmas
are the most sought after gifts because they always
retain their value as well as brilliancy. We are
making a specialty of the diamond business, selling
only the good kind.
is by far the largest in the city. Our prices knver
than elsewhere. If you are one of those who have
dealt with' us in the past these facts are well known
to you. If not, call and let's get acquainted, for our
mutual benefit.
Watches Jewelry
Silverware Cut Glass
Novelties Toiletware
and Umbrellas
Largest Diamond Dealers in Oregon
283 Morrison. Street
74 Third Street
Nothing1 pleases them better than to
see the patriotic way trie men of Ore
gon are coming to the rescue of our
proposed amendment, which will, when
adopted, eliminate the words "white
male" from the state constitution, and
insert the words "or her after the
word "his" In the constitution as It
now stands, and thus relieve the 48,000
women in Oregon of further struggles
ty our full and free enfranchisement.
Russians pocketed last year $2s,204,23
from exports of butter.
uiauu new
$400.00 Piano
Brand New
$375.00 Piano
Brand New
$325.00 Piano
"TSl $165.00
Brand New
$425.00 Piano
1 SSI' 7 It !
I mm ?i i
Among onr shipments of pianos from the factory for Christmas trade,
one carload of brand new pianos was case damaged en route.
The cases of these pianos were slightly
scratched, but the interior mechanism is
s good as when they left the factory. In
fact, the scratches on some of the pianos
can hardly be noticed.
As we are anxious to close out these
slightly damaged pianos, we shall sell them
away below what they cost us at the
Don't delay, but call at once and see
for yourself.
We can make these pianos as. good as new and they will make
most appropriate Christmas presents. i
, Bemember, these pianos are slightly damaged in case only.
Graves Music Co.
Ill Fourth Street.
Sensible Christmas Gifts
Embossed Stationery
Copperplate Cards
Leather Pocketbooks
Diaries, Desk Sets, Etc
Open Evenings All Week
One Block North of Washington