Tin: SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND. DECEMBER 17. 1911. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OR EGO MAX TELKPUONES. rrtstln r-ranm Ma!a TT A f"!t mulattos slala 7070 A r-9J W.o.tio, Editor Main 7070 A 6PS und Editor Mala 7070 A 'J Composing .rooea Mla 770 A t'93 UK.run.nd.ot bolldlni Itota J A 0W AMCBEMKNTS. HriOfJ THEATER (Seventh and Telr Partlaad Symphony Orchestra In concert. t l-M this afternoon. SaKPft 7HKATFF rr:rnt aid Mw. ott) Corff Ebner and Oertrudo Huteho In Throa Twin." Maun, at 2:1J; tonlfht nt (.is. CBPHttH THEATElC fVerrlsoB, twtwHa futh and Sr.nth Vaadevlllo. Tula at- toraoon at and toolaht at iila. . rAMTAOES THEATER llmalb aod AI. Vaodmi.a. Thla aftsraooa at 1:11; taot.ht at T and a. rypI" THE ATE Rf Park and Weehln- Vandartlla. Tbl aftaraoaa at 2:1 and taalabt at T:0 and a. I.TRIC THEATER (Ponrth and Btar MualeaJ oom.dr. Thm H.npmrk Famllr" Mt l'i1"0 "d tonight at T:J .""CADE, OH JOT, ODEOJ. TITO- - gVat-rua plcturve. 11 A. M.-Il P. SC. koticb to sraschUBERA. OrdVra far Males of tho Xew Tear OragooJaa. which will bo laanrd oa Jaa mary I. 112. to be arai to frleaom, abal4 " to Tho Orrgoalaa at eac. PRICE CEXTS. raatago la tho raited Stale or seaasalii. Canada or Mesice. rrnta. rorotga awtag. 1 rata, Aearoa. The Oregealaa. Partlaad. Or. r When You Buy A Diamond You Must Depend On Your Jeweler There's nothing so important in buying a diamond as selecting the right jeweler. He must be more than honest he must know dia monds We've always specialized on dia monds of the best grade the best advice we Pdciksita Association to But JIalx. Tho recently-organised 1'enlnaula Jnlnt-Addltton Association last rrk raised enough money to buy a hall at 121 Lombard avenue. Plana will be mads to open the halt about January ' when' an entertainment and recep tion will bo siren. Tho association la circulating a petition for 20 arc lights for the dlatrlct and It la expected that the request will bo submitted to the K.vecutlve Board loon. The opening of .Mblna arenue from Bryant afreet to rwuiingswortn avenue la urgeil. Tho rtn Ainina Club will be asked to co operate with to association to obtain "- extension or the atreet. I'aixnxca Shown. A cnllec iion or r-null.-li. Scotch and Dutch ralntlngs. by contemporary artists, la open at the Museum of Art, at Fifth and Taylor streets. The Museum houra re: neeKduya. to a o'clock: Hun oaya. 3 to ; free, the afternoona of i ues.ay. Thursday. Friday. Saturday Twevtt-Oxe Utim of Tortland were released la ,t week from the drudgery oi cleaning house by the purchase of a KicnmorHl Miction t'leaner. Forty elglit other ladles to dnte will be made bappy Xmaa morning by the receipt of rwcnmonu suction t leaner. A sug gestion for the husband who has been worrying over a suitable present. Order a -Richmond" Suction (.'leaner now for nenvery A mas morning. Display rooms. 17 Seventh at., between Morrison and tamhlll. Phone: Marshall 2671. A 101 1. Gistumix. an Oriental rug gives ou an opportunity to make a much ap preciated Christmas gift to wife and home. By looking through our large and choice collection you will And Just me rug you want, rightly priced. t artoxtun Bros.. Importer. 4.7J Wash.. near l nirteentn street. r.rt SrmiAoc to Bb Topic "What Is tho Outlook for tho Woman Suf frage Amendment In Oregon In 1912?" will be the theme for discussion at the meeting- of tho Portland branch of the International Ethical tkiucatlonal So clety. at 611 Yamhill street, next Tues day night, at I o clock. M0CL105 Schwartz, attorneys have moved from tho Board of Trade building and ara now occupying their new offices In suite 1103 of the Wilcox titdg. Mr. Moulton was for many years with the Northern Pacific Mr. r-chwarts la a former official of the General Land Office. n m oau. nair mattresses retail at wnoieeeie prices, for 20-pound beds rrom .. ana up. We renovate mat, treeeea and return them tha same day. t.o auao renovate leatners. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metsger. pro prietor. 21 Front St. Main J4. A H7. Trai CATAixxiraa AiutaxaED. The Pnbllo Library has a collection of trade maioKues representing many Indus tries throughout the United States. This collection Is on die In the technical aicove or in reference department and Is now accessible to the public, Rai-vxTt, furrier, has on hand extra line mink, otter, beaver, ermine, etc, jets; seal akin coat slightly worn, bis; bargain; bear and leopard rug. Ben in at cost to close out. Save money, buy here. 404 Merchant's Trust bldg Hlxth and Washington. Ojc Ttxsdat Aitkrxoox. J o'clock until . Mr. W. B. Merserrau. S40 17th Portland Heights, will give her friends the opportunity to secure some choice mission laces and embroideries from India. Mrs. Emma Oates Hopkins will conduct "exhibit sale." Two Kris Lxctttrc S-HEDrLxr. Free lectures will be delivered at 4S1 Alder treet. at S P. M.. aa follows: Wednea- .-i.-...r .'inrnm skuiis. many ........n .mi aninini skuhs will be ex- nionen: i nuraoay. rr. N. J. Baxter "The Transmission of Life." I.aruk assortment of fancy vest- inra, peautnul patterns, mostlv t-th ards square, also suitable for ladles fancy collars and cuffs, art baara . "Buy It at Jaeger Bros. 99 9 I and by the way Have You Seen Our $100 Diamond Ring? Table Silverware Rakors, Casseroles, Coffee Sets, Candelabra, Jam Pots, Candlesticks, Syrup Jars, Mayonnaise Bowls. If you want the newest and most distinctive jat 1etn in Sterling Silver Knives, ForLs or Spoons, ask to see ouf WASHINGTON PATTERN In Men's Gift Things Fountain Tens, Safety Kazors, Cuff Links. Watch Fobs. Watch Chains. Scarf Pins, Lodge Kmblems and GUARANTEED WATCHES. Jaeger Bros.,7116 usrf0ereJewclry 266 Morrison St, Bet 3rd and 4th J i-uring aaie -u per cent rebate for raan payment, j. pollvka aV Co.. 0 t'orbett bids;. ':pc-tipv ftr th FiREstna t thb Fiarsirx- will be the theme this morn ing at 11. at the Church of Our Father ll nltarl.nl. 7th and Yamhill. Evening service at 7:4S. "What and llow to Tell the Children." Rev. W. O.- Eliot, Jr minister. Hotsu Carltox. 14th and Washington streets. A limited number of beautifully-furnished and appointed rooms snd suites, with and without bath for permanent guest at very moderate monthly rates. Hoss Flnnlgan. man egrr. . PrstJAH Missiox. Brother John Mohler. of Pi"vah M.me. I Angeles. Cat., will speak at I'l.gah Mission this afternoon at 1 o'clock: church F-ast Seventh and Fast Arkeny streets. All welcome. - Jxrmax run Ranrxn Work. The tlerman department of the Woman's lub resumed Its work and will meet Pomona Crasob to Meet All. Dat. Pomona Grangeror Multnomah County will hold Its regular quarterly session In the hall of Woodlawn Grange. Wood luwn. next Wednesday. The session win bea-ln at 10:30 A. M. and last all day. with Initiation In the evening. Dinner and supper will be served by Woodlawn Grange. Beginning at 1:30 P. M. the following- programme will be given: Quartet. Meadames Patton. Green. Foster and Stout; reading. Mr. A. Dickinson; song. Mr. J. Pollock; reading. Mrs. J. K. stansberv: "Alaska Coal Situation." J. J. Johnson: duet. Mesdames Patton and Hammond: Grange Co-operation." A. P. Davis: piano solo. Miss F.lla Cullens; reading. Mrs. A. l'atton; discussion of commis sion form of government. Rev. Ilsrold Oberg. Rev. W. J. Douglass and 14. T. 'etera. In the evening at 7:10 o'clock the following programme will be given: Music. Woodlawn orchestra; song. Miss Lola Foster! reading. Mrs. David Nel son; duet. Misses Lee; reading. Sirs. Samuel Shoemaker: song-. Miss Virginia Hyatt; reading. Mrs. George Hall; quartet, Mesdames Patton. Green, Foster and Stout. A. T. Bartholomew. vlce-tresldent or the Bartholomew Co.. of Peoria. 111., spent several days this week with Beall Ac Lot, demonstrating the Glide car. re suiting: ID the sale of several cars and our taking the ag-ency of the Glide au tomoblle for Oregon. Washington and Idaho. This, with the Avery commer cial trucks, pives ua one of the most complete lines handled in the North west. This week will be devoted espe dally to demonstrations at our ware rouse. 309 East Yamhill street, where the public Is Invited to call, whether In the market or not. Understand, the Glide Is not a one-year . car. but a service csr. as stylish of construction as any 1913 car on the market. Socialist Senator to Ppbak. Wln- fleld R. Gaylord, Socialist Senator from Wisconsin, will make his Initial ap pearance before - the Portland public, under the auspices of Socialist party branch No. 4. Thursday evening; Dec ember IS. at S o'clock, when he will deliver an address at the Gipsy Smith auditorium. Parish to Pat Seminarian's Tuition. A meeting- of the young women of SL Mary'a parish, at William avenue and Stanton street, will be held thla afternoon, to discuss plans to arrange payment for the education of a youns; man lor the priesthood. All members of the Sodality have been asked to at tend. Civic Coitncil to Meet THfRSDAT. Finding It Impossible for the Civic Council to hold Its next meeting Mon day night the meeting has been post poned until next Thursday night. It will be held In the Commercial Club building. At that time views of the Bennett plans for Greater Portland will be shown. RlVRRFRONT PROPCRTT NlTVXR OTTXRED Brroaa We have a desirable piece of property suitable for platting1 or Coun try Club grounds up the Willamette this side of Oswrco. We will be pleased ta give further information. See Mr. Kupper. wlrh Chapln Herlow. 132 Chamber of Commerce. Alaska Mixer Mibsinoj. George Reld, a mining man. recently from Alaska, ha been missing: from 6S1 Missouri avenue for a week, and the police have been asked to search for him. He went away without giving; his friend any reason to believe he would not return. He Is 3t year old. 40 Years in Portland Anxval Salb op UKRK!r.Mxr Plkdoes At Uni-lb Mvers" 71 Sixth Street. Near Oak. 40 Years in Portland. Christmas Noticb. See the wonder ful electric carpet cleaner for 130. Duntlev store. Bentley AV Co.. 47JL, Washington st. Main asll. A I95. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENT. The Fordham Apartments at 170-173 Ford street. Just south of Washington, are ready for Inspection. These apart ment are the best that have ever been built In Portland. They have been constructed and will be managed by Morgan. Flledner St Boyce. J03-S0S Abtngton bldg. This firm of apart ment specialists, have been Importuned for a long time to erect something bet ter than Is usually built and have here put forth their best efforts. The apart, tnents are four and five room each, with every possible convenience. On the first and second floors the wood work is oaic. the third In Circassian wal nut finish and the fourth and fifth In mahogany. The wall coverings are high-class material. Instead of the usual tinting. All floors are of oak. the bath are tiled throughout and have I Ku-ciaes fixtures. The service will also be different. Mrs. Burleigh, for several years housekeeper at the Nor tonla, will have Immediate charge of the bulldln;. There will be hall erv Ice uch as Is furnished In the best Eastern apartment-houses, yet with all this the prices are only slightly more than In the ordlnarv iiurtmrnt ... tid ing. .. STORE OPEN EVENING ' every - - rr EVENING 2!iS$fefft A:i.S?? NEXT , Vfli? PlP O week jLmM lw-7 O vVarVA WM - jmmmmr a, eft J ... SB A. ' -.AA' "3rw 1 1 he estuver Xmas Suit or Overcoat So well tailored, so well styled, that the most economical person will readily recognize the supe rior merit. B. STEINBAGH & GO.'S Clothes look better, feel better, and positively are better. Many exclusive features. A practical Xmas gift for father and son. PRICES RANGE For Suits or Overcoats $15 to $50 Boys' Knickerbocker Suits $5 to $15 Juvenile Suits and Overcoats $3 to $10 Fourth and Morrison Portland's Fashion Center Since 1863. COLD WORLD HAS TERROR Prisoner Asks Added Sentence Spend Winter in Prison. to $25,000 RESIDENCE. 1 4 -room handsomelv mnniniij facing on the Irving-ton Tennl Club In the heart of Portland's moat r,.i. .... renuence District. Large grounds. double garage. ThI house was built tie owner ror a home less than a year ago. and it Is seldom that uch a place la offered for sale at a reallv reasonable price. Possession of the premises can be given at once. for particulars. H. P. FALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. GARAGE WCATION. The owner of a fraction. u Stark street, between Twelfth and Thirteenth, will build a on. tory building to suit tenant, and lease for a long term of "years: one of the best locations In the city for a garage For particulars apply to CHAS. K. HENRY CO., HENRY BLDfi Fourth ft Oak Sts.. Portland. Oregon CHRISTMAS PHOTOS. A few more orders will be taken fn. Xmas delivery. C. Elmore Grove. 363 Washington st. PROVO. Utah. Dec. 1. Cold weather has more terrors tuan the penitentiary for Frank Birch, a wanderer from Jer sey City. N. J. Rather than face the Icy blasts of a Utah December In 1912, Birch asked District Judge Booth to day for an additional six months In state prison. Birch was arrested for stealing money and Jewelry from a suitcase at Tucker, Utah. He stated to the court today that he had taken the articles openly to Insure being put In prison for the Winter, aa It was uncomfortable out in the cold. Judge Booth first sentenced Birch to one year for grand larceny, but Birch pointed out that he would be turned again Into the cold"" w arid In December and suggested a sentence of 1$ months. His request was granted. PLANT SIBSON'S ROSES J Now Is a good time to nlant rosea. ! Slbson'B Roses. ' For next Summer's bloom. For exhibition at the Rose Shows. Strong, well-ripened, full of fibrous roots and true to name. SIbson's roses will not disappoint you at blooming time. THE SIBSON ROSE NURSERIES, 1180 Mllwaukle Ave.. Portland Or. Catalogue Free. 'THE LEFT HAND plays the accompaniment; the' right hand accents the melody or omits It en tirely at will. Why not have a player piano that plays exactly the same way? The new Apollo will; this is real music. For sale only by Sherman, Clay & Co., Morrison at Sixth. WHERE TO DINE. : Special turkey and chicken dinner and many delicacies at the Feerless Cafeteria, 84 and 86 Fifth street. Open all day; music from 12 to 2 and from 6 to 7 o'clock. FUEL PRICES REDUCED. Short, green slabwood $3.75 per load. Blockwood. cordwood. oak. ash, fir. coal, four-foot slabwood. Banfield- Veysey Fuel Co., 75 6th St. Matin 35S. A 3363. CARD OF THANKS. For the many kind expressions of sympathy and the thoufrhtful consid eration shown me by rr.v friends and the oruT of the Maccabees during the illness and in the death of my hus band, 1 wish to sincerely assure them of my appreciation. a MRS. CHARLES PETERSON. ' Christmas Suggestions. Fascinating and charming features In photography. Aune. Columbia bldg. Christmas Photograph. A.-.B- JfSAIPfn, photographer. Central building. Tenth and Alder sts. Make an appointment. Phone M 3348. FITTED SUIT CASES AND BAGS. il,rf,eh variety at Harris' Trunk Mfg. Co.. 6th sL. near Alder. SOMETHING NEW. A player piano with the human touch, ascentlng single notes exactly like hand playing. No other player piano can do it. - Store open evenings. Sher man, Clay & Co., Morrison at aix7i. WEBFOOT OIL DRESSING. . The greatest shoe grease made. Pro long the life of shoes and renders them absolutely waterproof. Use tt during rainy weather. At any store. Main 6565 A 5123 J. K. STERN Ladies' Tailor 447 ALDER STREET We announce our great eighth anniversary sale. We are forced to sell at reduced prices to keep our tailors for the season. Our price and work cannot be duplicated In the city. Before going elsewhere come and look at our materials and get our price. I AM SOLE DISTRIBUTER OF 0 Vain or A 1411 4. E. OABTMMkV KEYSTONE Anything In Printing DRCCO Front and Stark Sts. T ilCOO every Monday at l:o P. M.. in the committee room of Women of Wood i raft Hall. COLAPSIBLS DRIKKtXO CrM GRATIS with each purchase. Our windows how list of Christmas presents. Archer Wlga-Ins Co, th and Oak. rtT - Class S h o RxpaiaiMo Prompt ervice. moderate price. Jacob Bcnwind. 87 etark. bet. Park and tb Xka Photo. Have your sitting to daywill be finished In time. Davles' Studio, Morrison, bet. Id and 4th. Chixa. Glasswarb akd Br ax sea. Gtft for all. Bailey Co, 414 Wash tngton. between Eleventh and Twelfth. Tonto Max. attending Holme Busi ness College, desire place to work for room and board. Call M. til. A J5S4. Cisimu PnorooRArua By E. W Moor, the artist, make the best pres ents. .Elks bldg. Seventh and Stark. Swiss watch repairing. C. Chrlsten sen. 2d floor Corbett bldg. Open eve nings until Christmas. . Mrs. Johx Cram has received a choice collection of Christmas novelties. Country block wood. Main or A 12I$. M, L. Smith, jeweler. Ill 7th st. I Agents wanted. " Miss GESTXt'DS Cnntmxin, R. N. Babies and children cared for. at 704 Nehalem avenue. Phone Sellwood S5. Cascadiax Martoxi Wireless, Will buy at 83 a share. Davidson. 21 Lewis bldg. Art Craft Boo: Shof. Christmas goods, second floor Tilford building. Take elevator. CHRtimAsj SctxxTtSTs! Art Craft Book hop. second floor Tliford bldg. Take elevator. Whit Deer, mounted, for sale. 32 Washington bldg. Main 49(7. $13500. We have for sale a splendid piece of property between Gllsan and Burnslde streets, running through from Fifth to lxik. The entire frontage amount to 350 feet; some rental: a bargain at the price: 835.000 cash will handle thla valuable piece of property. For par ticular apply to CHAS. K. HENRY CO.. HENRY BLDG, Fourth Oak bis, TorUand, Oregon CARD OF THANKS. We herebv l.slr. to .t,- . friends and neighbors our appreciation of their great kindness and assistance to ua durlna- Hi. r,r.ni itIm... j death of our beloved wife and mother Gerda Johanna Swenson. C. w. SWENSOX. OI.OA ROLFK. ' GKHDA SWENSOX. AN INDIAN TRADER is displaying a 3ne collection of Navajo Blankets and pillow Tops at Peter MfT. Co, 389 Alder atreet. opposite O. W. & K. A CHRISTMAS GIFT. Of a photo order on C Elmore Grove will please her. On sale at studio. 362 Washington St. AT THE QUELLE, Plenty large. Juicy Yamhill crawfish. Dlnlng-Toom for ladles. th and Stark. HEITKEMPERS" Our Diamonds are the keystone of success in our long time of jewelry experience.. Our Diamond stock is personally and carefully selected, with the idea iu view of giving our valued patrons the satisfaction of getting the best obtainable. Our specializing in this particular line gives you the assurance of having the largest and right-priced as sortment to select from. Qur facilities for enabling . yon to inspect and select your prospective gem is the very best. We ask your consideration, should you be in the market for a fine stone at this time. In quality we have only one selection for you the very best. But n price we have an extensive assort ment. ' . G. HEITKEMPER CO. DIAMOND DEALERS AND JEWELERS Old in Portland. . YE0N BLDG. New in Location. ISO Fifth St. BUY USEFUL CHRISTMAS G1JFTTS GIFTS THAT ARE APPRECIATED AND REMEMBERED BY THE RECIPIENT Holiday Stationery, Leather Goods, Writing Portfolios, Letter Books, Lawyers' Brief Cases, Card Cases, Desk Furnishings, Desk Clocks, Pads, .' . Cut Glass Inkstands, Letter Openers. Fancy Brass Desk Sets, Sealing Wax Sets, Diaries, Fine Memorandums, Etc. Card Tables, Poker, Bridge, Cribbage, Pinochle Sets, , Chess, Checkers, Dominoes, Etc.' Address Books, Trip Books and All Kinds of Fancy Books for the Home. ' Section Bookcases in All Finishes to Match the Furniture of Your Home. Gift Dressings, Tape, Tags, Tinsel, Seals and Odds and Ends Boxes. . "EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE" ICILHAM STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders CORNER FIFTH AND OAK STREETS THE GREAT Clear Havana Cigars $1.00 Per Box, Up TANTOS Porto Rico Cigars Perfectos and Panetelas Box of 50 at $2.00 All Leading Brands of Cigars Pipe and Smoking Articles SI. S. RICH CIGAR MAN 267 MORRISON STREET Bet. Third and Fourth CHRISTMAS UMBRELLAS The largest stock 'x the city every description- -'rom the cheapest to the highest-priced ones all fine . vaiues also all the staple lines Including our noted Rustproof Umbrellas The best umbrella in town at 81.00, 11.85. ILM. 83.00 and upward. Recovering in all grades of silk and gloria also .airing at lowest prices. Let us put a new umbrella on your old handle or a new handle on your old umbrella. MEREDITH'S -SZS 3-9 Washington St, Bet. 8th and 7th, Imperial Hotel Building. What Are You Doing to Stop This? The symptoms of eyestrain are numerous. It may effect you in the form of headache, or In the twitching of the eyelids, or in the watering of the eyes, or In burning sensations. Correctly-fitted glasses will give you the desired reliefT You need a thorough testing of your vision first. We will do this for vou without any extra chare-e. and you will find our prices most reasonable. Dallas Optical Parlors 318-218 Falling Building. Corner Third and Washington, Seeond Floor; Take Elevator.