15 V the SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 17, 1911. PORTLAM OTIIOV S AH Iff IDLE 11 rJiiMj Please Remember for Our Mutual Benefit CROWDS THRONGED THE STORE SATURDAY FK PRICES Evert artide bears our REGULAR price, and it is YOURS at that price-LESS A DISCOUNT OF 25 TO 50 PER CENT. We are in business to STAY and to cany ONLY THE BETTER CLASS JEWELRY STOCK. Too large a Mock of HIGH-CLASS goods has tied up more capital than we can afford to'invest; hence, this UNPRECEDENTED SACRIFICE SALE. . to S07 OFF Diamonds Excepted However, Our $10 to $100 Stones are the BEST VALUE in Portland PLEASE NOTE THE RADICAL REDUCTIONS in STERLING SILVERWARE including Table and Toilet goods; also in CUT GLASS, BEST WATCHES and CLOCKS MADE, RINGS, UMBRELLAS, BROOCHES, PINS.OCKETS and other staple articles surely a Grand Opportunity to Get a Lifetime Supply, WATCHES 12 ki'zp Elein. guar. 20-year case Reg. priee $13.00. NOW 5 9.00 16 size Waltham, guar. 20-year ease, 17 jowcls . Reg. price $22.00. NOW 14.00 Assorted sizes EI sin and Waltham, open and huntine eases, 20 to 25-year cases. up to 17 jewels Reg. priee $20.00. NOW 15.00 New England, in 20-year eases Reg. price $12.50. NOW S.00 CLOCKS Reth Thomas 8-day Clocks. '-Vot gong. .Reg. priee $10.00. NOW $ 3.75 Kitchen Clocks, 8-day, Vs-honr strike Reg. price $ 3.85. NOW $2.00 MESH BAGS Cerman Silver Mesh Bags Reg. priee $ 8.50. NOW S German Silver Mesh Hags. German Silver Mesh Hags. .Reg. price $10.00. NOW S .Reg. price $12.50. NOW 5.67 6.66 8.33 STERLING SILVER SOUVENIR SPOONS Pterling Silver Souvenir Spoons Reg. price $ .75. NOWS .40 Kterlini? Silver Souvenir Spoons Reg. price $ 1.00. NOW .75 Fterliiicr Silver Souvenir Spoons Reg. price $ 1.50, NOW $ 1.00 25 OFF SANDWICH PLATES Quadruple Silver-plated Sandwich Plates,-! Bread Trays, Tea bets. (Joiree bets ana ALL TABLEWARE (including STER LING SILVER) J NOVELTIES Sterling Silver and Gold-Filled Novelties, such as Pencils, Knives, etc Reg. price $ TL.OO, NOW $ .45 TOILET SETS Sterling Silver Toilet Sets Reg. price $16.50, NOW 12.38 Sterling Silver Toilet Sets Reg. price $52.00, NOW 39.00 Large stock, from $16.50 to $52.00, to choose from. These goods made by Alvin one of the largest sterling silver manufacturers in the world. Silver-Plated Toilet Seta Reg. price $ 8.50, NOW 6.38 Silver-Plated Toilet Set Reg. price $12.00, NOW 9.0O MANICURE SETS Sterling Silver Manicure Sets Reg. price $ 4.00, NOW 3.00 Sterling Silver Manicure Sets Reg. price $26.00, NOW 19.50 25 Per Cent OFF all Sterling Silver and Silver-Plated Toilet and Mam cure Sets. Largest assortment of Manicure Sets, ranging in price from $4.00 to $26.00. MISCELLANEOUS GOODS Hat Pins at. . .COST Ear Screws, $2.50 to $15.00 .One-Third Off Ret. Rintrs in ereat variety of stones Reg. price $ 5.00, NOW 3.75 Set Rings in great variety oi stones iteg. price q o.uu, jj 6.00 Set Rings in great variety of stones Reg. price $ 4.00, NOW 3.00 Set Rings in great variety of stones Reg. price $10.00, NOW 7.50 Umbrellas Reg- Pce $ 2.00, NOW .75 Umbrellas, from $2.50 to $22.50.. 25 Per Cent Off We have one of the highest-grade stocks of Umbrellas in Portland. Belt Pins to clear at Half Price Scarf Pins, Sterling and Gold-Filled, $1.00 $1.25, to clear at 35 Brooches in Sterling Reg- price $ 1.25, NOW .25 Brooches, Gold-Filled Reg- price $ 1.50, NOW .9 Brooches, Gold-Filled Reg. price S 2.50, Now S 1.65 Brooches, Gold-Filled Reg. price $ 3.00, NOW 1.95 All Cut Glass 25 Per Cent Off Fine Gold-Filled Cuff Links Reg. price $ 1.25. NOW $ Fine Gold-Filled Cuff Links Reg. price $ 2.00, NOW Fine Gold-Filled Cuff Links... Reg. price $ 3.00, NOW Solid Gold Cuff Links v Reg. price $ 5.00, NOW Solid Gold Cuff Links. Reg. price $ 4.00, NOW 14-carat Solid Gold Pens, pearl handles. .Reg. price $ 2.00, NOW $ .95 1.10 1.95 3.75 3.00 1.25 TLes. J only a few of th. hundreds of hih-qnality articles w. aro slaughtering. COME AND INSPECT OUR STOCK AND BE CONVINCED THAT THIS IS THE BEST OPPORTUNITY EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY TO BUY HOLIDAY GOODS. Look in our windows at the Majestic Theater entrance-under the big electric Majestic sign which lights the way to Opportunity THE J. C. STILLMANKS COMPANY JEWELERS AND DIAMOND IMPORTERS Under the Big Majestic Theater Sign 353 Washington Street Store Open Every Evening LICENSE LAW DISCUSSED rnoroKi okmxaxck is fa- VORFD I1Y AV. J. WALL. Correspondent 1'recs Rralty Ieealera ,lo Support Measure Op .Itc Views AIo Given. lYUlTUASP. Dec. 11. (To the Kdi tor. Noticing In The Oregonlan of the 12th inst.. the Hand taken by C. K. Henry for a higher standard of Integ rity in and looking toward the weed ing out of the unscrupulous now en latrd in the real estate business In the f!iy of i'urtlund. I wish to cite an artual ease In point. A widowed lady rame to our office (the Portland Ab stract Trust Company and requested tat we find a purchaser for 10 acres of land which she owned, and stated that she had a perfect title together with an abstract of the same; where' upon we secured purchaser and re quested her to bring her abstract for examination. To our surprise, sne nan only what purported to be a copy of a certain abstract, ana turtner. ner deed cave her property one-half mile distant from that which she was sup rosed to have bought. he then re quested that we make an abstract of title, also try to correct the clerical error In her title. L'pon search of the records we found a mortgage of several thousand dollars covering; a large tract of land of which this 10 acres was a part. Her deed cited: "Free from all Incumbrances except a cer tain mortgage for I4&.00." which amount would have been the propor tionate amount per acre, and this In face of the fact that there existed no agreement whatever from the mortga gee that he would release from the lien of his mortgage this particular tract upon the payment of this proportionate amount. IV e further found this mort gage foreclosed, the lady having been served with an alias summons, and therefore, unknown to her. was fore closed of every shadow of title. And the owner of this particular tract of 10 acres waa a member, or at least doing business with the firm through which this transaction passed. Therefore, In the face of such un scrupulous methods that are contin ually being brought to our notice. It certainly la high time that the real es tate firms In Portland who enjoy a rrput.ttion above reproach (and for tunately we have many shall rid Itself of such parasites, which not only prey upon the good name of all reputable real estate firms, but on the fair name of the State of Oregon, and upon the lives that have been lived and spent to make her what she Is. Let all reputable firms rise up In arms and demand action -that will rid It of a pest that makes possible to exist In the Kast the smcun: "Look out for tie Ileal Ftte Sharks of Portland. Oregon." Tills shadow counteracts in effect thousands of dollars that each vrsr Is belnir spent by the people of O-cgon to Induce settlers to come to this roast. W. J. WALL. ner of doing It. And they are about to ask the city and state to lend them their entire police power to enforce their edict. Klght here Is where the taxpayer that supports the courts, pays the witness fees, feeds the convict r.ftcr he has been sent to Jail for selling a lot without a license, comes In. Now, as a taxpayer In this county f would like to ask the Portland Realty Board a few questions. Aa long as the organisation was con tent to run along on their own time and at their own expense, the taxpayers could afford to be neutral, but when they ask for the assistance of tne law making power to assist them, then the taxpayer wants to know and has a right to know, Why the Portland Realty Hoard? What excuse has the organ ization for existing? . What Is a "questionable method" In a real estate deal? Is taking an Inexperienced youth In an automobile, with a capper or two along, breaking; all speed ordi nances for nine miles, to annihilate space, and using all the arts and wiles, tricks and turns known to the past master salesman to succed In selling the youth for 1200 a lot that, your banker would not accept aa security for a loan of $300 Is that a question able method? Tf a curbstone operator goes say 50 mTies from Portland and buys a farm for ISO per acre gets It so cheap be cause the owner has not been able In a series of years to make enough money off It to build a decent house and barn plats the land In five-acre tracts, ad vertises It as superb garden land, or ganizes an excursion with brass band, free refreshments, solid and liquid, and sells the land to a lot of lambs at $300 an acre Is that a questionable method? i What has the Realty Board done to- ward easing the burden of the tax payer? What do you propose to do to re munerate the taxpayer for the use of the courts which he maintains for your use: when are you going to do It. and what bonds will you furnish that you will do as you agree to do? Will taxes be raised or lowered, or will we get any nearer "value received" for the taxes we pay? Do you believe that a realty dealers' trust, which your proposed license sys tem would unavoidably create, be of any benefit to the taxpayer? In these days of anti-trust, anti-special privilege, anti-monopoly, people coming forward and asking for any of these things must expect to be ques tioned. Speak up, gentlemen. You have the floor. A TAXPAYER. Hetsjata Aroused Over ScaooL Portland Heights residents have called a mass meeting to demand a new school building to replace the old Alnsworth School. The meeting will -e held next Tuesday evening at the Portland Heights Club. Among the speakers already announced are: Dan J. Malarkey, Isador Lang, Henry Hew itt, K. L. Thompson and Charles J. Schnabel. The School Board will be asked to make provisions for the new building in their forthcoming annual buderet. Mreme la Upaeetd. St. Johns. Or.. IV. IS. (To the Ed itor. In reference to the proposed license ordinance supported by the Portland llealty Board. I wish to say: A license means a monopoly, a spe r:al privilege from which all others are excluded a trust. It seems from the above that the Portland Realty Board are wont to set themselves up as a board of special examiners, a board of censors, to have the exclusive right to say who should have the privilege of negotiating a real estate deal, fix bis compensation and regulate his man- ONLY 6 MORE DAYS to make your Christmas gift selections, so don't delay coming to' the COLUMBIA HARDWARE CO, 104 4th St., to get the best of everything at the right price. Community Silverware, Manicure Sets, Brass and Nickel-Plated Goods, Carving Sets, Coffee Percolating Machines of all styles and sizes. S7.00 Why not buy the lady a Caloric Fireless Cooker, put up in a Christmas package! $7.50 iri -r ....iijiMiMm if It's Community Silver you buy her It's the best Butter Knife, 95. Carving- Bets, all styles, S2.bu up to S3S.OO. li -1' 11T'--L firfir I r ' mil- in ''"T Special 95. Other Caeserolea , and Serving Dishes SI. SO up. Electric Chafing; Dishes S8 12. S15 Hot Point S4.S0. COLUMBIA HARDWARE COMPANY 14 FOCRTH STREET, BETWEEX WASHIJIGTOJf AKD STARK. 1 " L.'r 5 ft. t HI! IflM'-liiJ'rwV " - -i t '.-IT .-:-r mm - (J J. : -r,. . iiiSiwililir- 3 HOME IN LAURELHURST. Which do you think your wife would prefer an expensive Christmas present that might be lost, stolen or discarded, or a lot contract for a beautiful homesite in Laurelhurst? Suppose you ask her tonight and see what she says. There is hardly one chance in ten that she won't say, "Buy the lot." She will see a future home on it. She will see the eternal grind of paying rent stopped. You had bet ter take her advice. There never was nor never will be a better time to take the first step toward getting a home than the present. The money that you have set aside for Christ mas presents for your wife will please her much better if invested in Laurelhurst. Do you doubt this? ASK HER. Now, if you will make your wife a Christmas present of a contract for a Laurel liurst lot we will help you build a home on it, and we will do it now. You will not be required to have very much ready money, only about as much as you pay for one year's rent of the house you now live in. , ' Can you imagine anything that yc;U could do that would be of greater benefit to yourself and your family than to take the first step toward getting a home? Remember that a house and lot in Laurelhurst is not only a home but it is a rrilt-edge investment. Five years hence, Laurelhurst will be the Nob Hill of Pert land and lots that now sell for $1000 will be hard to get for less than $5000. Laurelhurst is served by three carlines and is only 15 minutes from the busi ness center. Take Laurelhurst car at Third and Morrison. MEAD & MURPHY, Sales Agents Phones: Main 1503, A 1515. ' Office, 522-526 Corbett Bldg. Office at Tract. Phone East 989. -Ask for Salesman.