TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTL-AXD. DECEMBER 3, 1011. DARROV'S MOTIVE ONLY TO SAVE LIFE Attorney for McNamaras Jus tifies Defense After He Had Learned of Guilt. CITIZENS AID IN RESULT J.o AngHes Labor Men Dissatisfied Bex-anye Not Consulted In Cause f Great Moment I'r fenae Faad Spent. LOS AXGELE3. Dec X Request for as authoritative statement upon tha outcome of tha McNimtrt case crowded tha desk of Clarence 8. Darrow. chief of nqdmI for tha defense, today, and la response Mr. Darrow Issued the fol lowing: "No motive of any sort entered Into the dlapoaltloa of the McNamara cases, except the welfare of the men accused of murder. . "Xnowlni aa I did the action taken would save the Uvea of the accuaed men. I had no more right to refuse It than a doctor would have to forbear an operation on a patient to eave hie life. "A committee of Los Angeles people, heginnlns; work November 10. made It possible to accomplish the result. Their suggestions were brouaht to me flrat by Mr. fcteffens on that day and every day thereafter aa matters proceeded until the final determination. Clflaea laflaeaee Defease. "How much their efforts had to do with the State's Attorney. I cannot tell, but It . waa at their Interceaalon that negotiations were bexun by attorneys for the defense. I expected the flaai action every day after this ' movement waa commenced end it waa taken the flrat minute that aa understanding; waa reached. "It waa impossible to delay action be. yond the time an understanding; waa reached on account of the Imminent dancer we were In for two weeka of ha Tins; the matter become public prop erty and thus making the end difficult ta achieve. Requests for an authoritative state ment on the situation rather than In' tervlewa crowded DerroWe desk through the day and this one. he eald. waa dictated to answer all of them. Casaplexlty of Sttaatlea AassJrtea. Tha statement In Itself appeared to Indicate the complexity of the condi tions. The local political situation in which Job Herri man, of counsel for the defense. Is running for Mayor on tha Socialist ticket, with tha election only three daya off. was taken Into consid eration, though Harrlman'a own posi tion waa that the trial was not a local Issue and ahould make no difference. The recent arrest of Bert H. Franklin, an Investigator employed by the de fense, on a charge of bribery, waa Sug. rested aa having possible bearing, and thla waa repudiated by tha defense, whose attorneya aald that negotiation were under way before tha incident oc curred. In thla particular aa to nego tiations they were confirmed by District Attorney Fredericks, who. In a state ment today, dated the beginning of ne gotiations aa far back aa July. Tha defense added a knot, however, by' say ing that It made no proffers aa early aa that time. Aa far aa the defenae la concerned, yesterday's action waa again declared to bava been brought about through the agency of a committee of Influen tial cillsena, and tonight membera of a faction which la denouncing the movement Itself agreed heartily that the reault waa accomplished in thla way. Thla fact turned out to be part of the grievance, on the ground that no representative of labor waa on tha com mittee which aided In bringing to paaa an event considered of Infinite moment to labor organlxatlona throughout the United States. Darrow Near Bmksswa Friends of Darrow fear he la on the verge of a physical breakdown. In the paat few nlghta ha haa toaaed about reatleaaly In hla Bleep and haa eaten little. Hla face today waa white and haggard. Never before In hla life, he admitted today, had ha encountered ao terrible a strain. - He waa optlmlatle about hla health, however, declaring ho had faith In hla etrong constitution. Feeling that ha had dona his best for the McNamaraa, Attorney Iarro w received In bitter al ienee the attache which he aaaumed to be aimed at him in comments of labor leaders. "They will all understand In time. ha aald. "I never told Samuel Oompera or anyone elaa that J. B. McNamara waa Innocent. I alwaya had believed that John J. McNamara had nothing to do, however, with the Tlmea dis aster, though 1 learned of hla connec tion with the "Llewellyn explosion. "Whatever Information came to Mr. Uompere about the guilt or Innocence of the McNamaraa probably cams from the accused men themselves. Defease Feed Files rasa. Attorney Darrow declared, further more, that ha originally did not want to defend the McNamaraa, but had been perauaded to do so by labor leadera. Kven on learning of their guilt, later, he aald. he felt he waa right In saving human life. Attorney Darrow does not believe In capital punishment. Moat difficult of all attacka to bear. It waa apparent, .waa that which In volved the McNamara defenae fund. At torney Darrow confirmed the fact that lliO.009 had been ralaed for the two brothers and had been at hla disposal. Confronted with the statement that labor leaders expected that much of thla would be refunded, he answered that ha could not sea how It could ba done, ' -Money flies fast, very fast. he aald. "and In a caaa like thla It baa wings. Of coarse, the trial to date didn't coat much, but preparation for the handling of witnesses and evidence axhauated much of the fund. A greater part al ready haa been spent, and accounting will ba rendered as to every detail. We have been up against It for funda right along. We have been wondering for some time how we could get very far with the tneana at our disposal." The McNamara brothers apent the day quietly. They wrote many lettera and walked about the corridors for ex orcise. They read the newspaper ac counts of yeaterday'e events, and. ac cording to the Jailers, their cheerful air was In no wise affected thereby. Red Cmm Scala Ordered. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Dec. S. Spe cial.) One hundred thousand Red Cross aeala have been ordered by Rev. Otis K. Cray, of St. Luke's Episcopal Church and president of tha Associated Charl tlea of Vancouver. Tbo aeala will ba old in different stores and in tha post office throughout the holiday season. NEW PHOTOGRAPH OF CONFESSED DYNAMITERS, ONE OF THEIR BOMBS, AND OWNER OF THE TIMES. L .7' Vi , . .,. -.j,. MilfffiP T I... 'eAV,t .... S-V . Ui I L .. ,v Wr"'t i i, Ts'- ..t; - .1.' 1 ,v.-," i v - - rrx: V IRE SECRETS OUT New Informer Reveals Other Outrages by McNamaras. CINCINNATI CHIEF TALKS Frank Eckboff, Pal of Confeaewd Djnamiter. Lal DctccUrea to Cachea of ExpolT and Infernal Machlnea. . CINCINNATL Deo. 1. Chief of Pallca William Jackson of this city, on learn ing of the pleaa af runty of tha Mo Namara brothers, eald: "I am not eurprleed. I waa tha poe seseor of Information given out by Frank Eckhoff. tha man who. It waa alleged, waa kidnaped from this city some weeks ago. This information waa Investigated and In a great majority of Instances corroborated. Tha agenta of tha detective force, at Eckhoffa direc tion, have uncovered an enormoua amount of dynamite and Quite a num ber of Infernal machines. "Eckhoff, who is a friend of tha Mo Kamaras. Is now near Milwaukee, with a detective, and he will ba a wltneaa In one of tha Government caaea la In dianapolis on December It." Eckhoff. according to tha statements of detectives, worked with tha Mc Namaraa and knew many 'of their se crets. . According to lecal detectlvee. Eck hoff. before being taken out of tha city by operatives of a detective agency, took tha detectives to a weed near tha McNamara homo In Cummlnavllla. where an old box. which waa formerly filled with dynamite, waa burled. In tha boa a Uma clock and wiring ware found. Eckhoff next went with tha detect ives to Beaver Falls. Pa where a cache of dynamite waa dug up near the Bea ver Falls brldre. Thla bridge had at one time been dynamited, and Eckhoff said tha explosive uncovered waa what had been left ever. From Beaver Falls, tha detective and Eckhoff went to Milwaukee, where more dynamite, aald to have been burled by tha McNamaraa. waa unearthed. : . -- w ; V.- ; S. .1: f, - :. . , . ; Aberre, J. I. MeTfsjsiara, Attorney Joseph H. Beett and J. H. MeXaanara ta Coa fereaea la Jail Center, Bomb Faaad at Eeehaadelaar Healdeaee, Loa Aa- golea Below, Oeaeral Htrrlios Gray Otla. - TRAIL LEFT BY WR1TIN3 nOTEL KECISTE31S WOULD IIAVE PUimD PROMIXEXT PART. McNamara 'a Travel Traced by Sljf naturra In Own Name and by Many Allaaea. NEW YORK. Dee. . One of the trump carda the prosecution Intended to play la tha McNamara caae. It la aald here, waa a. volume containing photographic copies of hotel registra tions of Ortle MeMaclgal and Jamea B. McNamara covering two years. A copy la In tha hands of a handwriting expert here, retained by tha District Attorney of Los Angeles. -The signatures are taken from hotela all the way from Boetoa to San Francisco." said Mr. Ob born today. "They completely corroborate tha con fession of McManlgal In which ha said that he visited certain cltlea and atayed at certain hotela Detectives found hla name, or one of hla many allaaea. upon the hotel registers, just aa he said they would. Jn many caaea. also, he had a companion. "According to tha hotel registers, thla companion registered sometimes aa J. B. McNamara. sometimes aa F. B. Sullivan, eometlmea aa J. B. Smith and often aa J. B. Bryca. We have a acore of reglstera all the way from the mid dle Weat to the Paclflo Coast of J. B. Bryca. Tha handwriting la that of Jamea B. McNamara. In registering Bryce gave hla residence aometlmea aa Cleveland, aometlmea Clnclnwatl. Day ton. Columbus and cities aa far West aa Seattle. - rAH.UU FILMS CENSORED Scene Showing John 3. Writing 'Dec laration of Innocence Cut Oat. DANVILLE, Til, Dec !. To show contempt for the McNamara brothers, they aald. leadera of organised labor today visited a theater where moving pictures of tha McNamara caaa ware being ahowa and cut from the film a acena shotting John J. McNamara In the act of writing a publlo statement Insisting on hla innocence. The union men eald It had been their Intention to stop the exhibition of the film, but aa the moving picture contract would not permit tHIs, they took sig nificant action In. cutting; put a promi nent feature. 1 DEFENSE ATTEMPTED STREET ORATORS DO NOT UP HOLD rNAMARAS. Socialist Declare Bitter Blow Has Been Dealt to Labor, bnt Denounce a Capital. Representatives of the Soclallata, In dustrial Workera of the World and Julius Knlspel. an ostracized Socialist, conducted meetings on afreet corners In the business district laat night, but none of the apeakars had a word In defenae . of -Jamea B. . and John -J. Mo Namara, confessed dynamltera .at Los Angeles, cor did any of them attempt to offer a word In extenuation of the McNamaras crime. "Wo have nothing to offer In extenu ation of the crime to which the Mc Namaraa have pleaded guilty," aald Ellla, addressing 600 people at Fourth and Alder atreeta, "neither have we any further defenae to offer to their act. "Tha .news from Los Angeles la a serious blow at labor, and I feel the seriousness of the situation aa keenly as any other man." he declared, "and I would rather be dead or burled with labor than be hanged with capital." One block away, at Third and Alder atreeta, a speaker for the Industrial Workera of the World attracted an audience equal In numbers. Thla ex hotter did not undertake any defense of the McNamaraa Deprived of tha usual red banner to Identify hla aaaoclatlon, Jullua Knla pel. recently deposed aa a member of the Soclallat - organisation, told hla troubles to a small audience at Seventh and Waehlngton atreeta. He expended hla efforta principally In general de nunciation of the government of this country and Its Institutions. AID SENT TO CHINA FLEET Traneport Takes Men to American ' Warship in Orient. WASHINGTON, Dee. J. Tha Navy transport Buffalo will leave San Fran cisco about December IS laden with men and stores for the Aalatlc fleet, now looking after tha lntereata of Americana in China. It waa also said the supply ship ' Glacier would aall for Honolulu from San Francisco about December 15 with provisions for the Paclflo fleet, now engaged In Joint maneuvers with the troops stationed there. FLEET TO ENCIRCLE OAHU Su-atef-io Possibilities of Attack by Sea to Be Studied. HONOLULU. Dec, 2. The Pacific fleet departed this morning for a crulsa that will Include the circling of Oahu. Tbe purpose of tha cruise, and of the maneuvers also contemplated, is to study tha strateglo possibilities of an attack on tha Islands by a hostile fleet. For The Benefit Of The Public. Beginning Tomorrow And Continuing To . . ZL . v-i 1 T- . TT.. j-'A L.1t Saturday, Dec. 16, Our Store Will Remain Upen cacn evening unui v. . ' -Pa Gill's Holiday Announcement There never was a better time than now to put Gill's Portland's Ideal Gift Store to the "gift test." The stocks ,-0 not tfirtf-P arranf-iVplv disolaved or conveniently Jh arranged: orices are nowhere lower; variety is nowhere - - - - 1 . 1 A broaden quality is or that merit that gives to our merchandise a charac ter peculiarly its own. We have a gift for every person at a price to fit anv tiurse. and our courteous a salespeople are eager to help you in mn oalatfintnc t-Tir- Arrtu tnnst' rrm?. II and see- for your own pleasure, sat is faction and economy and early. The result will be more fitting pres ents for all. Visit " Gill's, Port land's Ideal Gift Store," tomorrow. Books Are Always Appropriate Space does not permit of descriptions here, but you will find a comprehensive list of books on page three of the Booklovers' Section of yesterday's Telegram where we have a full page devoted to Books ex clusively. . We are confi dent this'special announce ment will interest youi as you will find a Book in some one of the lists suita ble for any relative or friend. There is nothing bo much ap preciated aa a Book nothing that gives as great and lasting pleasure; and there is a Book for you to give that will con vey exactly YOUR message of love, affection, good will or friendship of whatever na ture. We have hooks of his tory the works of famous authors spirited novels of to dayrich gift books Bibles children's picture and story books; unquestionably the best selection to choose from in Portland, and all the fairest and most tempting prices. Arrange to spend a little hour here tomorrow, and you will have no difficulty in solv ing the "gift problem." i j i hi ' '" i" i"T Gifts That Endure a Lifetime. ADD to your own pleasure this yearl by presenting a gift that conveys the value of intrinsic merit as well as the thought of personal sentiment; tOur Holiday Displays of Globe-Wernicke Bookcases is replete with timely and appropriate suggestions, that will delight and please you no matter how much or how little you expect to pay for gifts of this character. SlofcVrick Bookcases in Sheraton and other art styles of real mahogany and beautifully figured, oak are always acceptable as holiday gifts and are as decorative as they are useful in the home. CI or ml kxltT for oat Aft otshsae wietiinine naaf deter KTeJttTw. Msbie's sew Uoklot "Tbo Blus Book of Fxaoa, See Our Third-Street Window Display Today Gift Goods in Exclu sive Stationery Discriminating shoppers will find an exclusive showing of exquisite gift pieces in our Fancy Sta tionery Department, choice selections from which will be on exhibition in our windows from time to time. We invite you to see these displays and then to come inside and inspect these appropriate gift lines, of which the follow ing is a partial list Arts and Crafts Jewelry: Brooches, Belt Buckles, Hat pins, Powder Puffs, Rings, Books Ends, Tie Pins, Fobs, Cuff Links, Match Cases, Ash Prays, Blotting Pads, etc., etc. Writing Papers: A complete line of Crane's, Hurd's and Whiting's. Calendars: A beautiful showing, ranging m price from lOo up to as much as you may care to pay. Leather Goods: Handbags, Purses, Card Cases, Address Books, -Music Rolls, Manicure Cases, Lap Tablets, Bill Books, Pass Cases, Desk Clocks, etc., etc. An endless variety of Xmas decorative material. "Water man's Ideal Fountain Pens, Games of all kinds, etc., etc. Juvenile Books Books are tha beat flta for chil dren of all agea, and Tve cordially lnrlte you to rlalt our n e w 1 y - e n larked and I m proyed 8 e o o n d -Floor JUVENILE BOOK STORE, Books, Office Supplies and Furniture At the Corner of Third and Alder Greeting Cards Thla Is the last week we can ac cept orders for P r 1 vate Greeting Cards, and we Blip-Rest that you make It a special point to call early this week and look over the Sam pie Books In our Fancy Station ery D e p a rtment. llv :z STEFFENS SAT ON Fredericks Puts Damper on Writer's Claims. SUGGESTION NOT NEW ONE Proposition "Cnder "Dlscnsalon Two Month J Steffena In Town One WeU "Draw Own Conclu sion," gar Prosecutor. LOS ANGELES. Dee. 8. (Special.) Lincoln Steffena exhaustive atory how, for the Bake of Christian Socialism, he, slnple-handed and alone, brought about the McNamara confessions and will put an end to the war between capital and labor, not only In Loa Angeles, but also throughout the world, caused consid erable aatonlshment here and District Attorney Fredericks waa not the least astonished cltlaen when he read Stef fena' statement. 'Why. I never even law him, Fredrick!-, exclaimed. "I never heard of hla having anything to do with It. In fact, the propoaltion haa been under discussion botween the defense attor neys and my office for two months. Steffens haa been In town a week. You can draw your own eoncluslona." Writer Mora Oe-Bttwses. That Steffens was merely a "go-between" between Darrow and some of Fredericks' friends In the closing hours In a final endeavor to have the District Attorney'a friends induce the District Attorney to allow J. J. McNamara to save his neck at the expense of J. B.'s life was the statement also made by the Dlatrict Attorney. When the propoaltion from these friends of the Captain'a reached him. he aald It waa the same old propoaltion put up to him by Darrow many times before, and he rejected It without further considera tion. They told blm, he said, that foY the benefit of society he should accept the proposition of Darrow to convict J. B. McNamara and let J. J. McNamara go free. rroaeaal la Refnaed. Fredericks said he replied that he could not take such matters into con sideration: that aa District Attorney his duty was to proseoute the defend ants In the dynamiting case and con vict them If he could and ho believed he could. Nothing short of an unconditional plea of guilty from both men, he said, would be considered by the Dlstrlot At torney's office. "The offer of J. B. McNamara to plpad guilty was made to me by per- sons Interested In the defense," said of the Summer, provided I would dls Fredcrlcks. ns far hack as tho middle miss the case against J. J. McNamara. Arlington Heights From $55 to 1109 psr week. If you havs talent or are artistically Inclined, let us help you b i a practical commercial artist. We have the only commercial art school In the West. By studying with us you will ba In touch with professional, commercial art at once, as we are kspt busy loins aotual work for practical purposes. We often have more work than we can handle and we are In need of rood commercial artists. Our studio is centrally located and is well appointed. It Is light and airy. The student will be surrounded with the most consenlal conditions. If Inter ested, call or write for circular at once as we are malting; a spe cial J months' offer. Our night class for the new yesr will be- rln January I, ltU. Open for a Imlted number of students. Put your application In now. A display of our work, showing commercial art as taught In our school, can be seen In the show windows of BARTHOLD BORO.. Stark St., Bet. 4th and Sth. I I I II H.llil " To Grow Hair on a Bald Head BT A SPECIALIST. Thousands of people suffer from baldness and falling hair who, having tried- nearly every advertised hair tonlo and hair-grower without results, have resigned themselves to baldness and Us attendant discomfort. Yet their case Is not hopeless; the follow ing simple home prescription has mad hair grow after years of baldness and is also unequalled for restoring gray hair to Its original color, stopping hair from falling out, and destroying the dandruff germ. It will not make the hair greasy, and can be put up by any druggist: Bay Rum, 6 ounces: Lavona de Compose, 2 ounces: Menthol Crvstals. one-half drachm. If you wish It perfumed, add half to one teaspoonful of To-Kalon Perfume, which unites perfectly wlHi the other Ingredients. This prepara tion Is highly recommended by physicians and specialists, and Is sbsolutely harmless, aa It contains nons of the poisonous wood alcohol so frequently found In hair tonics. Do not acply to the face er where hair la aot desired. B V i Here you can build your home safe from the en croachment of the apartment builder or the business block, above the fog, dust and roar of traffic, overlooking the countryside and city for miles around, and yet only 10 minutes from Sixth and Washington Streets. Building Sites From $7SO to $5' The "West Side will always be Portland's best side. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS and KINGS HEIGHTS will always be the best of all Heights properties and the closest in. The streetcar will not be more than two blocks trom any lot. Entrance to tract through the City Park or from Washington street, iiara-surracea street-and ce ment walks being laid through out the tract. a A B Let us take jrou to ARLINGTON HEIGHTS or KINGS HEIGHTS in ten minutes from our office. Call or phone for appointment. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. Chamber of Commerce Building. A