LITTLE GIRL FIGHTS MOTHER IN COURT 11 -Year-Old Child Scratches and Threatens Suicide if Awarded to Woman, v JUDGE SHOWS SYMPATHY After Hrai-ln Story of Smmll Mlse, San Francleoo Jurist Drcldc. Neither Tarent Shall lias. Her. Women In Room Cry. SAX FRANCISCO. Dec. 51 Special.) After creating a scene In the court room by scratching and Denting her mother. little Louise A. Schroder, the 11-year-oM daughter of Mra. Rose Schroder. dITorced from her husband, told Superior Judge Van Nostrand In hla chambera thla morning that ahe would kill heraelf If be gave her to her mother. "I won't go to mr mother." wept the child bitterly. "I ll kill mvself If you gWa me to her. I would rather be dead than live with that woman." Wild excitement ruled In the court- room when the child aftacked Ita mother. Mrs. Schroder has) been sum moned to appear In court to determine the cuatody of her daughter. When ah entered the courtroom and aaw the child sitting there, ahe cried out. "O. my baby." But. the daughter turned from her mother and when Mrs. Schroder sought to take the girl In her arms. Louise fought her crying. "Get away, get away, I won't go to you." The mother burst Into tears and screamed frantically, while the other women witnesses took up the walla. Judge Van Nostra ml then took the girl Into his chambers and asked why she would not go to her mother. The girl said the reason waa - that her mother had been In the habit of taking her to disreputable places. On hearing the girl's story and cor roborating It by testimony and letters Introduced In evidence. Judge Van fn'ostrand ordered that the child be placed In some Catholic Institution, and that neither parent should have custody of her. REDMOND MAKES APPEAL London Business Men Hear Why Ireland Needs Help. DUBLIN. Dec . Spe. king at the City Liberal Club In Lon don. John Redmond made a well reasoned appeal to a body of business men. based on two grounds the Inef ficiency and extravagance of the pres ent method of governing Ireland and the congestion of business In the Im perial Parliament. Next year, he said, all of them would be engaged In dla cussing a great measure of appease ment and reconciliation for Ireland, and. although they could not at the present moment discuss the exact de tails of that tneaaure or the exact ma chinery that would be proposed for carrying It oat. It was still of the ut most Importance that the main princi ples and the broad aspects of the problem should be fully understood and considered at once. When they were told that Ireland was a pauper dependent, and that her poverty waa due to the Incapacity of her own people and their Inaptitude for commercial pursuits, let them remem ber that for at least 200 years It was the deliberate policy of England to de stroy Irish Industries. In the seven teenth century Irish Industries were beating English Industries In England's own market, and the Parliament of England took steps to prevent that state of things continuing. Because England succeeded by her legislation In auppresslng Irish Industries, that was no proof of the Incapacity of the peo ple of Ireland for Industrial pursuits. The very moment that Grattan succeed ed in establishing his free Parlia ment, from that moment Irish Indus tries revived. Then cane the fnlon. and from ths day of the Union down to today It had been one continual history of decay and Industrial stagnation In Ireland. One of the first results In Ireland would be. as the outcome of self-government, a revival of the Industrial prosperity of the country. HAWLEY APPOINTS FOUR Applicants for Entrance to Naval Academy Are Selected. SALEM. Or.. Dee. 1. (Special) Representative Kawley today made ap pointments of applicants to take the examination for entrance to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. There are still two appointments for second and third alternates for each appointment. Those made are: Appointment No. I Principal. Raymond Kenneth Bailey, f Granta Pass. Or., who desires to be examined the third Tuesday of next April: first alternate, Charles Graham, of Oak Grove, Or., who desires to be examined the third Tuesday of next April. Appointment No. I Principal. Jill ton Oren Carlson, of Marshfleld, Or., who dealres to be examined the third Tuesday of next April; first alternate, "Fletcher Klrkland Ware, of Medford. Or, who desires to be examined the third Tuesday of next June. ROOSEVELT CHANCE LOST North Dakota Is Now Strong for I-a Follette, Says Senator. , MINNEAPOLIS. Dec !. Th name of Theodore Roosevelt no longer Is one to conjure with In North Dakota, ac cording to United States Senator Uronna of that state, who Is here to day on hla way to Washington. The Presidential bourn for Senator I - Follette has swept the state, be declares. "Roosevelt Is popular In North Da kota." he said, "but It Is too late now to awing the state away from La Fol lette. even for Roosevelt. One thing I have noticed la the large number of Democrats who are for La Follette In preference to Wilson or any other IvmocraL" here on December 4, Is oT considerable Interest to the people living outside who own property In Newport. The main Issue Is whether the proposed . will h nut through or not. Royal A. Bensell. formerly thrice J Mayor of Newport, under whose admin- . . .. . . i . I -.4 a1a.1a 1 Istratlon the city received electric lights, a municipal mountain water system and various other Improvements. Is up for re-election In opposition to George H. Wilcox, the present Mayor. The main planks of Mr. Bensell's platform are progressive; he wants the sewer system, so long promised snd discussed, to be put In without further delay, and to have the main street at the boat landing planked. Mr. Wilcox Is not opposed to a sewer system being Installed but his reign has lacked the Initiative, as he has kept referring questions and what Im provements have been made during the Mra. FVederle Tfc !. Ferssee ly Mahel Tallaferr. Wk. Al leges Im Dlveree Salt That Ha. bead Wm Creel. NEWPORT VOTES MONDAY Main Campaign Issue Is Over Pro posed Sewer System. NEWPORT. Or, Dec, 1. (Special.) The city election, which takes place past year are the works of Indlvlduali and not the city. ACTRESS ASKS DIVORCE M.VBFX TALIAFERRO ALLEGES CRCEL TREATMENT. Frederic Thompson Charged With Shaking Wife He Won by . Whirlwind Courtship. . CHICAGO, Dec 1. (Special.) Mrs. Frederic Thompson, known In thea trical circles as Mabel Taliaferro, to day sued her husband. Frederic Thomp son, the well-known producer of New Tork. for divorce. Extreme and re peated cruelty are the charges made by Mrs. Thompson against her husband. The Thompsons were married Novem ber 18. 190. following a whirlwind two weeks' courtship by Thompson. It Is said. ' Four distinct and separate allega ( - .f moitv. dating from the mid dle of August. 1J10, are contained In the bill, whlcn was nieo iur o. . Thompson by Attorney George A Trude. The flrst act of cruelty on the part of her husband occurred In August. 109. Mrs. Thompson asserts. On that occasion he took hold of her and shook her violently. Ufa bill says. In the following January he struck her without any reason. In the early part of June. lflo. he attacked her and violently took hold of her shoulders with such force as to bruise and dis color them, the bill alleges. Humphreys' Seventy-Seven Breaks up Grip and Cold Feet If you have cold feet, it shows tack of circulation, and a predisposi tion to take Cold If you will take "Seventy-seven" at the first feeling of a Cold lassi tude, a chill, a sneeze, a shiver, or scrapy throat before the Influenza or the Cough sets in it will start the blood coursing" through your veins and break up the Cold If the Cold is neglected, "Seventy seven" is still the best thing, but takes longer All dealers sell "Seventy-seven." 25c, or mailed. HumphrsTS Homeo, Medietas Co., Cor. William and Abb streets. New Tork. SEE PAGE 9, SECTION 4. Aberdeen Investment Co. TOOTHACHE Stops instantly when you apply. DENT'S TOOTHACHE GUM Dose sot spill or dry bp. Ararase tsady AHDrassistslSe Your Mail Orders Will Receive Our Prompt and Careful Attention-Express Prepaid on Purchases Within 100 Miles of Portland Amounting to a 5 or Over-Free Deliveries in Portland and Vicinity i - ' ' i a ' ' P' -- I. Fancy Dress Goods Especially Priced at 150c Yard An extensive showing of 33-inch Woolen Dress Goods at this extreme ly low price. All-wool Henriettas, French Albatross, Nun's Veiling and French Batiste; fine, soft clinging fabrics in the popular evening shades. SHiMANDMORWSON The Most in Value, The Best in Quality Woolen Dress Goods in Evening Shades at 75c Yard 40-inch silk and wool Chiffon Voiles, shown in all the desired shades for evening wear and party gowns. .It is a sheer, pretty fabric that drapes gracefully and is very fashionable. Price-Saying Hints on. -Yule-Tide Gifts mi 2 ' Sr i ;j aW a. .am m f 4- ift.c ,tsT 'W a am w r for Young WS and .. M tfjfi. me urn m fh A Store Filled to Overflow ing With Fresh Xmas Goods With the largest and most varied assortments of Holiday Goods we have ever presented; with prices as low as can be offered on things of such ideal quality, the search for proper gifts and needed mercnandise appropriate to me giaa seasuu ' can profitably and satisfactorily begin and end here. We can hot urge too strongly the importance of immediate shopping. Ample as are our stocks, perfect and complete as is our organ isation of salespeople, the rush of the 4 'last-day" choosers is sure to deplete assortments ana renaer service less prompt jj and satisfactory. Now all lines are intact and prominently 7i displayed and our service is at .trie very maximum oi excel lence. Everything to be gained by stopping now much to be lost by delaying. Start tomorrow. ; '. Gifts jif for Home jp . and illi W Person j y A Manufacturer's Sample Line of " Fancy Aprons for Xmas Gifts V3 to V2LessTlianReg. We were fortunate in securing a prominent manufacturer's entire sample line of Fancy Tea and Chafing Desk Aprons at the above great price concession and tomorrow we place them on sale in the same way. The assortment includes hundreds of styles, made of fine Swiss, sheer lawn, India linen, batiste or fancy dotted materials, trimmed with dainty embroideries, laces and ribbons and all are well made and neatly finished throughout. They are doubly suited for Xmas Gifts and are always sure to please. A few are slightly soiled from handling, but mnst. all are fresh, clean and beautiful. ThpTP. arp. dozens of stvles to choose from. and as first choice is best choice, we suggest an early visit. Prices range from 19o Up to $1.98 Each And All Are a Third to a Half Less Than Begular. f In the Men's Section Men's Underwear at $1.25 Heavy Wool Shirts and Drawers with plush back finish and the verv best trim mings. Comes in a light buff color and in all sizes. Our regular $1.50 line. . Suspenders in fancy boxes at 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Leather, Plush and Velvet Handbags Shown in the popular new styles ; regular Q o a-, $1.25 and $1.50 values at Whether for gifts or your oWn personal use, these Bags are recommended as being exceptional values over 1000 new style Handbags in this offering. Included are fine leather Bags in regular or flat shapes with short or long handles; also Velvet and Plusji Bagswith long handles in colors brown, black, blue, purple, and the popular Suede Bags in blue, gray and tan. The kind that sell regularly QQp at $1.25 and $1.50 are priced at ". 17 Bead Chains, 50c Values at 25c A great half-price sale of 200 Bead Chains. They come in the popular long style in black and coral finish, nice smooth Beads that sell regularly at 39c and 50c each, on OK p sale at We are ready for you in our Won derland of Dolls. -i- Come and roam through at will; everything is arranged for your inspection. Thousands of Dolls for the good little girls; but come and see for yourself. Make your selections now, while assortments are complete. Purchases may be delivered when you wish. Bolls Perfume, 75c Kind, on Sale at 39c A sale of Eastman's Triple Extracts and Directoire Perfumes, all popular odors. We also include in this sale Wouna Face Cream and Toilet Water. Goods that sell regularly at OQr 50c-75c bottle OI7V From all parts of the world Trains, Drums, Guns, Tops, Wagons, Doll Bug gies, " Coasters, Black Boards, Blocks, Games, Books, Mechanical Tops, Trains, Boats and other Toys. In fact, nothing is missing from this wonderful showing. Come, make your selections early while assortments are at their best. Toys A Large Shipment Just Received New Style Sweat'r Coats for Women, $2.50 to $10 A Very Useful Xmas Gift We are now showing a com plete new stock of Women's New-Style Sweater Coats, the season's best styles in plain and fancy weaves in colors "gray, white, cardinal and navy. They come in V-shape, high and the popular "Rough-Neck" styles and in all sizes. They are attractive for Xmas gifts and it will pay you well to select now, while assortments are complete. All prices from $2.50 up to $10.00 They are the best possible values to be had anywhere at these prices. Women's Woolen Vests and Pants at $1.00 to $1.25 Each We especially request your inspection of these splendid lines of Women's Woolen Vests and Pants. We have never shown better made, better trimmed, or better wearing Underwear at these prices. Both garments come in gray and cream col ors. The Vests are neatly finished with silk trimmings and come in high-neck, long-sleeve styles, and the Pants are shown in ankle length with band top. Union Suits of the Same Qualities at $2.00 and $2.50 Suit Children's Underwear Fine Woolen Vests and Pants in gray and cream colors. Good warm garments that fit well and wear splendidly. All sizes from 1 to 16 years, from 45 up to 85 a garment ; An Amazing Sale of Women's Fine Suits Odd lots and broken lines in all colors; regular H h k values to $25, spl. The coming week will afford an opportunity to purchase a remarkably stylish and well-made Suit at a still more remarkably low price. Odd lots and broken lines shown in navy, brown and a large, variety of mixtures. Made of all pure wool mate rials and shown in the latest styles. Coats are lined with good quality satin. Regular values up to $25.00, spe dally priced $15.00 H o 1 i d ay Gifts For Men at Temptingly Low Prices Handkerchiefs, Suspenders and Matched Sets in Xmas boxes. Also Gloves, Neckwear, Hosiery and many other suitable offerings too numerous to mention. All at temptingly low prices. Handkerchiefs Of pure Irish linen and good size. They come neatly hemstitched and with embroidered initial in the corner. They come 6 in a fancy box C 4 Af and are priced at 25c each, or six for. I aPx.1V flWr Half -Hose A special underpriced sale of Men's Plain Black Silk Hose of excellent wearing quality. They come in all sizes and are sold regularly OQp at 3oc a pair; priced for this sale at. . w Negligee Shirts at $1.15 Fine custom-made Negligee Shirts, made with soft turndown collar. They come in plain white, cream and tan and in assorted stripes. All sizes, regular $1.50 values. Beautiful Silks for Christmas A glance over our Silk offerings demonstrates the wonderful scope of our buy ing power. You will not find a more interesting stock in town to select from, nor will you find prices to equal ours for lowness. Fancy Silks at 69c Yd. Regular 85c, $1.00, $1.25 Qualities Here is your best opportunity to secure beautiful Holiday Silks at a bargain price. Over five thousand yards 'in this as sortment suitable for waists, dresses, scarfs, millinery and holiday sewing. Not a desired weave or coloring is missing and all are underpriced. You have choice of yard-wide Black Messalines, 27-inch Black Peau de Cygne, 20 to 26-in. Black Fancy Poplins, Messalines and Novelty Moires; also an endless assortment of the correct new weaves in Fancy Dress and Waisting Silks, 20 to 27-inch Novelty Jacquard Messalines, Gunmetal Louisines, Fancy Taffetas, Persian Novelties, Rich Pompadour Silks and the new Crepe de Luxe in self-colored dots, standard width plain Swiss Taffetas in all shades and Tussah Poplins in wanted colors with self-colored over-designs. It is a wonderful assortment and you should lose no time in selecting. You have choice of regular 85c, $1.00 and q $1.25 qualities at this sale for .T UaC