The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 03, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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Portland Merchant and Wife
Are Greete dWith Home
coming After Sojourn.
riraMnt Journey to Old World and
Foreign Capitals Described.
odT- Roads Landed Ball
Ran Water Missed.
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Llpman returned
last night from a trip to Kurope and
axe again at their borne at III Warns
street, where they were greeted by
members of their families and friends
with a home-coming party. Their trip
occupied a year lacking two weeks.
"Railing from New York on ths
farmanla, our first stop was made at
Gibraltar." said Mr. Llpman. "and then
In succession we visited Algiers. Vlelle,
France, Naples and from Cairo took a
trip up the Nile. I had no deilnlte
plans of travel and stopped at every
point as Ions; as we found It pleasura
ble. Athens appealed to me as the
original center of art and culture and
we have yet to learn from that city
as the best we bar today originated
-Several months were devoted to the
Mediterranean and Adriatic cities. Then
we went to Paris and London and back
act In to the Continent. Later we
visited the principal cities of Oerraany.
Aastrta-Hnngary. Holland and Belgium,
having, of course, to return to Paris
and London.
Flaw Reeida ST .
"Everywhere I was particularly Im
pressed with the rood roada and never
before did I appreciate what an asset
they are for a country. In every
European country a farmer can readily
drive miles to the cities to sell his
products direct and return wltb bis
purchases, being1 Independent of ail
transportation companies.
-American workmen may be better
paid la tbla country than any other, but
there the comfort of workmen and that
of their families la considered of para
mount Importance. In every city and
town there are playgrounds for the
children and their parents have beauti
ful parka In which excellent muslo Is
played In the evenings and holidays for
their enjoyment. This attention to
their amusement and entertainment
large compensates for the lower
wages, as It keeps them entertained
and happy with their surroundings.
Oregwa Apple Seen Abroad.
"X found tbat Hood River applea
are known the world over, but where
Hood River la could be described by
few except as a place In America and
similar hasy Ideaa are held of the gen
eral location Of places In this country.
All American manufactured articles' are
taken kindly too. especially our shoes,
and the sale ef our products abroad
1s Increasing very rapidly.
-There waa one thing that I could
not forget, aa It was brought to my
attention daily. It was Bull Run
water. I really believe that If one of
the European cities bad such a supply
of It as we have it would become
world-f.roou. and people would travel
from this country to drink It."
C. X. March, an Implement merchant
ef Newberg. Is at the Lenox, accom
panied by tls family.
W. W. Lunger, a poultryman ef La
fayette. Is at the Lenox.
Theodore Llndee. a lumberman of
Ftevensen. Is registered at the Lenox.
R. H. Lacey, a lawyer of Colfax. Is
at the Lenox.
E. J. White, a Cheha'.ls lumberman.
Is at the Perkins.
John B. Coffey left last night for
Ashland, where this afternoon he will
deliver the oration at the annual memo-
rial services of the Ashland lodge of
P. L. Reno, a merchant of Oregon
City. Is registered at the Perkins.
W. Waldron. chief of police of La
Grande. Is at the Perklna.
W. TV. Walton, a newspaperman of
Hood River. Is at the Perkins.
A. B. Kershaw, wheat buyer of Walla
Walla. Is at the Portland.
F. Cuthbert. of Medford, la regis
tered at the Portland.
EJgar Ames, a Seattle capitalist. Is
at the Portland.
T. C Han ford, of The Dalles. Is at
the Cornelius.
Charles S. Clute. of Spokane, is at the
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Grant, ef Seattle,
are registered at the Carlton.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Albert, of Colfax,
are at the Carlton.
J. R. Fletcher, of Caraaa, la at the
W. G. Drowley. of Kalama, Is regis
tered st the Rainapo.
Mrs. A. L. Sproul. of Ontario, Is reg
istered at the Bowers.
G. B. Burnett, of Raymond. Is at the
M. G. Rees. of Bull Run, Is at the
P. It. Weyant. of Salem, la regis
tered at the Bowers.
L. Frank Gordon, a Seattle railroad
man. Is at the Oregon.
C. E. Whistler, a Medford merchant.
Is at the Oregon.
Mrs V. E. Beno. wife of a mining
man of Jackson County, Is In the city
on a visit.
E. C. Roberts, a Lebanon merchant.
Is at the Oregon.
A. F. Sether, a Roseburg mining man.
la registered at the Oregon.
Captain C. F. McMenn, the Hood
River horseman, is at the Imperial.
Mr. and Mrs. William Vogt. of The
Dalles, are registered at the Imperial.
F. A Seufert. of The Dalles. Is at
the Imperial.
Mrs. S- J. McPherson, of Lawrence
vllle. N. J. Is visiting her cousin.
Charles B. Moores. at Fifth and Wasco
streets. Mrs. McPherson Is the wife
of Dr. a J. McPherson. for 17 1 years
pastor of the Second Presbyterian
Church of Chicago, but for years the
bead of the famoua old preparatory
school at Lawrencevllle. near Prince
ton University. Several Portland young
men have received their training at
CHICAGO, Dec J. (Special) Ore
gon people registered at Chicago ho tela
today as follows:
From Portland At the Great North
ern. Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. Graves; at the
La Balle. Irving Potter, Mr. and Mm.
E. R. Plttelkan.
From Grants Pass At the Stratford.
George E. Banders. Mrs. F. E. Jackson.
From Imbler At the Great Northern,
8. L. Brooks.
From La Grande At the Great
Northern. N. K. West
Goods Will Be Injured by Handling
If Patrons Walt Until Last
Minute, Say Merchants.
Indicative of the throngs of shop
pers that may be expected If the post
ponement of Christmas shopping Is
maintained until the Ore or six days
preceding December 25. could be seen
yesterday and last night when local
stores were filled with eager pur
chasers until the last minute they
were open.
Exactly IS shopping days remain.
Saturday. December 23. will be the Uat
possible date on which any purchae
may be made for use on Christmas day.
By that time, the managers of the local
stores point out. goods will have been
bandied so many times that they, axe
bound to show the results.
The real bargains in Chrlstmae
shopping are to be obtained now." de
clared one department store proprietor.
Those who Intend to make Christmas
purchases will Hnd they can be ob
tained now probably cheaper and cer
tainly In 25 per cent better condition
than will be the case the day before
Christmas eve. or even the week prior
to Christmas."
The result of early shopping Im
proves conditions for the clerks and
has led a number of organisations to
advocate the earliest possible buying.
Pathe Freres, Great Film Man
ufacturers, Want Views.
President Ilort UnabI to Give Defi
nite Answer Owing to Uncertainty
Regarding Celebration Duo
to Lack of Funds.
Gratifying recognition of the fact
that the Rose Festival Portland's
distinctive annual fete of flowers has
become an event of great National Im
portance was received by the manage
ment yesterday. It came In the form
of a letter of Inquiry from Fathe
Freres, one of the world's leading moving-picture
concerns, addressed to
Melvln O. Wlnstock. general manager
of the People'a Amusement Company,
and is signed by K. W. Linn. American
manager for the; house.
The letter, after acknowledging the
high position the Festival has taken
among-the carnivals and celebrations
of the country, requests that arYange
ment, be made for the taking of views
of the leading eventa of the week for
use In connection with the "Pathe
Weekly," a film production which
hows the "hlgh-llghta" of world
events In all the prominent cities of
the civilized world.
Importance la XoteeU
The letter Is:
NITW TORK. Nov. 24. Mr. Melvln O.
Wln.tock. General Mnar of th. People's
Amusement company. Portland, or.
Mr l..r Mr. Wln.tock 1 bJC aek" owl-
mAmm MfiAlDt of i'OUT f.WOr f In. l7tH W- Shi" ou draw m, ett.nllon to
th. "Rom Fe.tlv.l." which take. plac. the
iosd w-ek in June. During or travels In
lbs Far West I have convinced myself that
this to an event of sufficient Importance.
Horn a National point of view, to J7'
our taking a f.w gllmp.e. for our weekly,
f have booked thl. .vent with th. depart
ment handling all matter. In connection
with our weekly, and 1 assur. you that It
w 11 be our d-ir to do ju.tlc. to the
Kindlr write me again on th. subject, at
vouV convrnl-nc an! believe ma, with best
regard., yours. w JAVIt.
The communication was turned over
to Ralph W. Hoyt. president ot the
Festival, and he was at once im
pressed with the enormous amount of
publicity such an arrangement would
mean for Fortland. The "Pathe Weekly"
deals only with the most Important
current events. To have place on this
mm the subject treated must be recog
nized as being of "universal Interest.
Fans TJacertala Yet.
-We are extremely sorry that we
can't close up this proposal Immediate
ly," eald. Mr. Hoyt. after conferring
with Mr. Wlnstock. "but as I said in
The Oregonlan a couple of days ago,
our finances are In such shape that we
cannot positively close any business de
tails definitely. This plan Is without
question one of the most valuable
means of advertising our city that we
could have access to. We couldn't buy
iuch publicity for any amount of money
because the topics handled In this
moving-picture display must stand ab
solutely on their merits, from the
standpoint of news, value.
"It. most assuredly. Is a great tribute
to the Rose Festival to receive such
a gratuitous offer to advertise what
our celebration la like all over the
known world, but. unfortunately, our
subscriptions do not and cannot war
rant us In making the arrangements
for auch display until we know Just
what funds we shall have at our dis
posal. I fear that we shall have to
decline the generous offer with deep
regret, for Mr. Wlnstock assures me
that the Pathe people must know In
the coarse of the next week or two
what we are going to do about our
next celebration.
"Numerous other offer and proposals
for advertising the Rose Festival on
an International scale have been re
ceived by th management In the last
few weeks, but they have all been
The Rose Festival Association, says
Mr. Hoyt. will continue Its herolo ef-
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In the Fifth-street window of the worth wank uciei i. " ' TJ V , I '
around Goldendale and
to make the display
products made by the Goldendale Fnilt and Produce Association, of Goldendale. Wash.
The exhibit Is a splendid testimony of the fertility and productivity of the soil a
In the Klickitat Valley, all parta ef which have contributed specimens of their crops
Although the exhibit has been shown for more than a week It continue, to attract much attention every
dav Attaches of the North Bank orrice receive numeroue inquiries icH-iu.uB """ 7 " .
r. In thTclty seek Information with the view of making investment, there They declare that any land
That can Produce crops .uch as shown In this display Is worth Investigating. Some Inquiries have gone
direct " the as.ocUlon at Goldendale. officials of which declare that the exhibition of these sample prod
ucts is one of the beit mediums of advertising ever attempted.
w the completion of the North Bank road and the branch line between Lyle and Goldendale. the
Klickitat Valley ha. become directly tributary to Portland. Goldendale and other points In the valley are
growing rapidly. They do all their business In Portland. f
Fwi lw UmfeU. Ck Atm
This new $375
PIANO modern in
every detail for
$27 7.50
hi wsnrti l aMbtawssa .fcissnl'tfieTi eaT
Or $1.25 Per Week if Preferred
No Extras No Interest For One Year
This is one of the enormous savings m
cash and terms given you between now
and Christmas by the KohIer& Chase
Piano, and Player-Piano Club.
If you live in the country
cut this out and mail it to -
375 Washington Street
Portland, Or.
Please mafl free booklet
catalogue telling all about
and Player-Plane Ctab te
ysoaj Plana
i "M'EBER"
IS & His
375 Washington St. Open Evenings Till 10 P. M.
; :
forts to arouse public spirit and civic
pride to the point where sufficient
Am win hi niaiiriwl that the details
of preparing for the next celebration
may be taKen up aeriousiy.
Sweeney Now Chief Tax Deputy.
Edward Sweeney haa been promoted
by Sheriff Stevens to the vacancy
caused by the resignation ot I. D.
Boyerchlef deputy In the tax depart
ment. Mr. Sweeney has assumed his
new duties. His place a. distribution
deputv has been filled by the promo-
I tion of E. S. Huckabay. Mr. Boyer haa
! been appointed to a civil service posl-
' . . . . Y Tn 1 1 a.4 CtalAI
lion an impetiur ..... --
Customs In Portland.
'Washington High Air Pure.
H. H. Herdman. principal of the
Washington High School, last night! de
clared the report erroneous that he
considered the air In that school build
ing Impure. This Impression was
gained from a mtsreadlng of a com
munication sent by Mr. Herdman to
the members of the School Board. His
recommendation waa that a humidifier
be Installed in the building to increase
the moisture In the air. which is re
duced because the air passes over the
furnaces in entering the building. The
air contains a sufficient amount of
oxygen and the air that has been
breathed is properly disposed of. Mr.
Herdman' declares.
The difference between Incompetence
and inefficiency Is that the latter can
If It Willi .
Superior coal I5.S0. Edlefsen's yard.
Co -Operation-Your Success
Invest your money in one of our chicken ranches. It trill pay for itself in a ,
short time. Poultry farming is destined to become the leading industry of Oregon.
An Oakland poultry ranch will not only make you a comfortable living, but will
eventually make yon independently rich.
In buying one of our Oakland Poultry Farms you will be taught the poultry busi
ness absolutely free of cost, by the best poultry expert in the country, whom we
have engaged to be on the ground continuously. "W'e have reserved 40 acres and
have already begun construction of an extensive plant, in which we will install a
10,000-capacity incubator. We will market your products and co-operate with you
OurNo? A laying-house, 108 feet long, to accommodate 1000 hens, is now completed.
Place your order now for Spring delivery of one-day-old "chicks. '
6 and 10-Acre Tracts, $75 to $150 Per Acre, on Easy Terms.
Write for Literature.
Oakland Poultry Products Co., Inc.
808 Spalding Building, Portland, Oregon, Originator of Exclusive Poultry Colonies.
Main 1590.
Slsn and mail this coupon today to Dr.
Van Vlack Co.. Dept. OP-48. Jackson.
Return mall win brlns you Dr. Van
VleclCs Besulsr 11.00 if-fold Abaorptlon
fUm.dy. as explained below, TO TH7
"Cn Off Here."
Above coupon will bring you prepaid
(In plain wrapper) Michigan's great -fold
Absorption Remedy for Piles, Uce
Fissure, Tumors, Flatola, Constipation,
VIC, w u v u
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relief to hundred!
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ter you have tried
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If you are fully
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ivcuci " worn. Men ana
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Absorption Treatment has cured them after
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Check th. progress
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Constructs Asphalt and-Other Bitu
minous Pavements.
605-608 Eleetrle Bid., Portland, Or.
Oskar Huber, Manager.
A Chester (nt.) man haa succeeded In
eating a gallon of Ice cream la 1 minutes.