tttt: STTvnAT OT?rnONIAX. PORTLAND. NOVEMBER 26, 1911. A o " ' AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill REGULAR 1ALE3DAY9 Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. All a lade af H frltr. rarawta, rasa, eteal raaaea. aa raaara. aeailac eta.ea, rtr-l mlm roll aaa llal-l-B aVake, afflra raalra, rMf aatoa, t". (mil eala at private eala at all tlaa. IX OIR TORt; 1TI HCfOD HTKEKT I AJalala laa Kaaaal ! aall ara-e.rl.a. bargain. atalaarr. eatlery. Ia4laa aad srala faralafclaaa. aaaaa, fara. ete.l alaa aorrrlala aata. Saba, lavelartea, tellet mm alaka, tara. akawcaara 4 flmtarea al ako aala caat. J. T. WILSON. Aartlram. Cah paid for furnltura. stocks of merchandise, ate Call ilaln A i4i. Taar Haa tl a Caa(w Itee af fnvestmant Property riaovaf la Oar II a a da far Immeallate ala It raquirea $.''o to r.eni.e. ana amount Involved Is $11 f'0o. We ara al moat trmptl to guarantee the pur rhtwr to itoubir M o"nv In four v.ars If we eoul.1 pranaiiy "iiy rvryiMr.t good offered u n rn .ft..;d hiv Ida chance ara now m fcrlrg Tel'phT. ua end make an ap totntmant to taik It oer. MIRTH. A THOPW, Real Kaaafe Deal., C aam.k-r af f.aarrr. Kite. New Houses for sale new hmisea In rhnlra location In r.ose City Tark. These house ar nl!t In lha moat substantial mann anrf hava all the latest Improvement. Houses ar sold at cost and libera: term of repayment ara riven. Al thnlca vacant loin for home builders 1'or full particulars arp'X HARTMAN & THOMPSON kaaiaer af fai.frr Ralldlaa. TRACKAGE l0xl31 In North Portland. Will ho per cent net on your Inveatment; S4v0 will handle. b!an-a t suit yon. An unus'.al opportunity to double your money. Frlce $li.aoo. HARTMAN THOMPSON, Real 'Ratal I !.. feaasaer af raaaaaerce RldaT. IRVINGTON TalrtT-Srcaaa' aad Tlllaaaaak ta. Beautiful home. Juat completed. Large reception-room. II vln gy room emn fireplace, dining-room paneled, mas-lve buffet; kitchen perfect In detail: four larre hedrooma. tiled hath and aleeplng-porch ; full cement basement, furnace, shades, chande liers, etc. Kvery convenience. Street Improvement. In and paid; I1JS.0OO flreprof achool one block. t;oOO- TK.RMS. DR. r.EOKbb f lRKIML Eaat 2OS. 19 13 C.-an rl-t., I.fl'l l.nd '-. ' V. w..t. I id land. d Trink Pacific R. R. will ha aom 4. Bur B.. rrm.ri Columbia farm iTM-ea ara colnc up are peuina la tha Hu:k:. Va.ley. Fort Oeorita. T ViuPr crtuntrv and the Nhaco Val Wrtte for h'mklM on tta la.t and he.t Aidr.. North Coast l.and t'oropanr. 1017 Chamber of 'omm.r-e hide-. I'ort Thona Alain 2-T. lala o-fl--.. an t. B. Paid-up rapital. Jl i oon A SAFE PURCHASE ?nV-7oo,"oTV 4 I.AUM. rntl of t3 V pr month. Rifht fn th aprtmnt hoa diatrtct. No finer I' rartna t citr. With a lutl rpr. can rrri ia pmr paf month. For J Ti'; I -: rh and, bln. mnrdtcf of $ i.Vw. ri;i rrir rr ftn4 irht mootiii at pr cnt nfrit. Could one aik ( r anrthlnc rvttr man hT O. Fred Ktfh. 3t3-Sl4 -i" hd . t'lp- Oroconlan td A TTll. M. 44L. DO YOU WANT TO BORROW HOO. IIMa, rMa9. K.WO, soon. fcuMto, 'Mto, rrsao. ifMauo, luMu, ii.vmki, ano.eoa TO I.OAX O.H REAL K.TATIi GEO. H.TH0MAS, Raaaa S Alaawank Ride, Tklrd aad Oak PICK THIS UP Lrt 50x105 on Union avann, farin? eat. near Skidmore. rrice $31."0; one-half rah. , GODDAED & W1EDRICK 1M.1 Stark St. SIOOO CASH Will llaadl Tklrd-Mre-el QUARTER BLOCK k.r alk .Saatk af M.rrlMa t. - Price $12,530, Worth $15,000 aaalder aaae flty laeaaae Praaerty. Partlealara MM lOtk , ear lark. WANTED CRrHtnD In Northern Oreaon or Southern Waahlnalon. Applea or rherriea In bearing. Give acreage, number of treea. age. varieties, exa. t location and price. Proprietora only need reply. Address AV iT, Ora toplan. Mortgage Loans On city property at reasonable rnte. CLAEK-C00K COMPANY 6 Board of Trade Rlrlg. Genuine Snap Strictly modem T-room house, with 60 oot lot. on t'nlon are., near Kirno. Kented at 110 per month. Price. liOuo. l..-t alone Is worth It. r.oDDAHn a ti:nRirK S4.t tark at. IRVINGTON HOME Ten-room reelrtenee at 4 Ka.t Se v entaentk street. North, between Thomp-a-n and Beautiful lawn, plenty of rosea. Owner mnin to fhlcasro. win maka mom terms. Sea it today. WATCD CDflVT 400 f f d e p. nAlLll rnU.ll Choice location: hoo ft. railroad awltchlna on premises. To lease for term of years. W. J. MAKELI. 1434 Tea Rids. COLLI. BrRRITK.F THOMPSOM. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, U4 Rarcaatar lUack. i'beaa Ataia IMI. aaaaaaaa-aaaasa aaaaa I -aaaaaaaaaaaa i I I I I I - EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO., INC., ai- Reard of Trad BU. PORTLAND. " OREGOX r ippCO two mllea from Sherl- 13 ft Oil tO dn 0j. . highly CUltl- rated: aood Improvemqnts; In tha famous Tualatin Valley; 170 an acre. Terms. Tif riflU must aell at once XJS InlO Ihnm aore. three miles aouth of Sheridan: rood roads, all fenced: 113 acres In cultivation. SO aeras easily cleared; balance aood fruit land and food standlnr 1 1 m b r. Price 111 an acre. Terms. iLf TDinCla,tT ,n Portland IIIL.L. Ilinwb property n tha Pen Insula for good automobile, S or 7 passenger. The automobile must be well equipped and In aood shape. 11 flDDnDTIIVlTY "' "r nn n i union. i i Sh,rldBn, or, in the heart of the Willamette Valley: hlnh'y- Improved and altogether a ueautlful place. 22 acres adjoining- Sheridan. Or. eared. 12 acres In one- year-old apple treea; balance pas ture: water aystem; new modern louse, electric llpht and new barn; within flpe view of Sheridan. Red hot soil. Trice I33S0; $100(1 cash. halnnce three years. ( per cent. I no IPRCP elKht miles southwest I U J MoflLO of Pherld,n. or.; all In good timber; every acre could be armed: close to aood sawmill. Price 1:100; $700 rash, balance one year without Interest. The Dalles Land and Orchard Co. Has opened offices in Booms 504, 506, 503 Board of Trade. We invite you to come and pet our printed book on planting: of trees and price. We will plant you an orchard and take rare of it until it's a bearing orchard and give you a chance to pay for it. Call and see us and let us hhow you -how to own a pood fruit farm. We will help you to pet a Uart. $30,000 100x100 on Ella street, near Washington. Fine apart ment site. $30,000 100x100 on 21st near Wash ington. $50,000 100x130 on Ella, close to Washington. Best apart ment site in Portland. IVAN HUM AS ON Marshall STlft. IOA4 Tea Rids. A 44R4. Union Avenue CORNER OF FaALSEY 34x65 feet $4000 WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. So Fourth St. Members of Portland Realty Hoard. Halsey Street Price $1350 Each We have some nice lota on this street for tho above price. Let us ehow them to you. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second Street. Lumber Exchange Ruildinp;. IRVINGTON SNAP Swell. ne-. modern. S-room home. 4 bedrooms. 2 sleepine; porchea. breakfaat room. dn. nttlc. full baeement. lot 6tx 10'V bard-aurface etreet In; worth $7&00. todav 164"". on very easy terms. Sea It todav. L01 E. 2th at., near Thomp son Owner nee.1 money. Mako an offer. Tel. East 6948. or call 171 E. 23d at. near Belmont. EAST SIDE TRACKAGE 75x100. close to the very center. between river and Grand are. .$1200 yearly income; will double in value. MT. HOOD LAND CO, 1012 Chamber of Commerce. Irvington Home Fast lth and Thompson. 10 rooms, every modern convenience.. Price $S.".0. GODDARD & W LCD RICK, 243 Stark Street. BROADWAY baraaln. with Income, nlshed hon.e on fin Six-room fnr corner. Price about Jvu ca.n, M :0 Ortgo- I 1 man. Out Today and Sycamore Acres You don 't have to wait for a ear line to be built. Depot in center of tract. No tract over 5 minutes' walk from the depot. Take the Gresham or Cazadero car from First and Alder. Cars leave 15 minutes to the hour. Gt off at Sycamore. We will be there to show you. Sycamore Acres Is the best acreage buys in the finest part of Mnltnomah County. 40 minutes from the city by the O. W. P. electric ear, facing Johnson Creek and the Foster road. Sycamore Acres We own Sycamore Acres, and are enabled to make easy terms and inducements to home builders. W. H. Grindstaff 1125 Yeon Bldg. Main 875 A 7342 Geo. D. S chalk 223 Stark St. Main 392 A 2392 STILL SMILING Of nnn Tm"0 'S'fctly Nob Hill VaiUlUUU lots. In best residence section. tf a o r" " r" Choice corner. 100x100, OlOtiJJJ Hawthorne ave. business district: partially improved. Might consider part trade. rr r r 40x100. with 7-room house OUVJUM 6-mlnute walk of Postof- flee choice apartment site and a snap. KCCnn Splendid view quarter, Ral sPUOUU elgh near 30th; best sur roundings. GtZerf Corner lot. 0x85. beat view, dJjUU Portland Heights, and close in. JACKSON & DEERING 24 STARK STREET Half Block $125,000 was paid few days airo for less than half block on TamhlU. bet. 7th and Park ats. We can mako a price on half block. 100x200 feet, wlth- n 1 blocks of this property, and equal y well located, of almost half this imount. Thla la one of the bent Wee-t hide propositions In Portland. Let us show you. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY Mala SS 102 Fourth St. East 7th and Burnside That fine corner, 100x100. situated on the northwest corner of E. 7th and E. Burnside streets. We have imme diate tenants for the property if you will build on same. For price, terms and other particulars, see us. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second Street, Lumber Exchange Building. 223 on the cash required, $8000. 12 2 per cent on the cost price, $14,500 West Side property, leased to 1916, secured lease. Ask for Mr. Daring. 0. C. R. ELLIS & CO, 509-510 Wilcox Building. Board of Trade Building Tenants holding desirable office space will transfer lease. Phone Main 16.-.0. Woodlawn 1277. v WIlI pay ca.h for Keh. or June laauea Co. hipibla rtn-er Or.-haM bnli. What tiaa you I Btata price. AS oil, Or.gonlaa. ROCHESTER The New Townsite ' Has Made Good Rochester, the new town at the Junc tion of the Northern Pacific. Milwau kee and O. A W. railroads. Is eTowIng fast. New houses are going up every day. Property is Increasing in value everv minute. People who have bought Flochester property are happy because thev are making money. All the rail roads are running trains regularly, and everv statement and promise we have made for the new town is being real ized. THE FUTURE What Rochester has done up to tho preeent Is NOTHING to what It will do in the near future. The machinery for the new power station for the Electric Interurbun to Rochester is on the ground and work on this last railroad will be 'pushed as rapidly as possible. People are moving onto the little farrrrs all through the great rich valley sur rounding Rochester. Thousands of acrea of land are being put under cultiva tion. T!:e Fruitgrowers' Association la going to build a cannery. All tho proiluce raired on these farms will be marketed through Rochester, and the money will be spent in Rochester. YOU CAN MAKE GOOD AT ROCHESTER, TOO But every day you wait It's going to cost you more money. Don't wait until the few lots we etlll have for sale are gone, hecaune then you will have to pav aome one else a profit. Bnv now and let some one pay you a profit. Just as socm as this new elec tric line Is completed some one Is sure to want your lots. Ours will all be gone long before that time and you will make tha money. $25 LEVEL CLEARED LOTS $25 Rla-ht at the railroad junction. Bul- neas lots, $50 to $100. Easiest kind of terms. Warranty deed and free ab stract with each purchase. Call today and see photos of the new town and surrounding country or write for il lustrated (older. American Home Investment Co. OWNERS 1016 Chamber of Commerce On Stark, bet. 3d and 4th. Wood!Wood!Wood! Apartmrnta aad Hotelai Oet our prices quick, rlrst growth, sound, dry, rour foot fir. delivered. $5 per cord. PHO.VE MUX 118. Tam Mike Co.. B3T I'pabar. One of the most beautiful farms in Oregon. "Within 25 miles of Portland and close to railroad. Platted and ready to sell in 5-acre tracts. It is being offered for $130 per acre and if you Want a subdivision property, This Will Net You $25,000 Profit O.K.JEFFERY 1004 Yeon Bldg. A 4484. Mar. 3718. East Ankeny St. Price $2500 Each Let us show you the lots we are selling for the above price. All An-keny-street cars pass this property. Easy terms. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second Street. Lumber Exchange Building. 75x100 Cheap On Thurman Street Near 28th, with 9-room house on it: for revenue income while you're wait ing for Big Returns. Quickly, $5500; and all street improvements paid. Geo. J. Schaefer 307 Chamber of Commerce. Trackage From one-half acre to ten acrea. Ab solutely the beat, cheapest and closeat- In locations on tne E.asi ana in est bides. If tiiii need trackage In large or small areas, either on the Kast or Weat Sldn. I believe I can show you the best values In the city. W. H. ROi, K16 Spalding Rldg. IRVINGTON 100x100. Thompscfn and Seventeenth, In cluding an improvements, $5500 Sengstake cSE Lyman AO Fifth Street. Tenth and Everett Streets Make us an offer on 50x100, south east corner. Must sell to close es tate. GODDAED & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. KOR 8AI.K--Oood aecond mn'ttaii. contract at a liberal ooscounu i ouu, uresoiuaa. ACRES f " DORR E. KEASEY & COMPANY SUBURBAN HOMES We offer today at Roekapnr Station 4 beautiful country places, directly at the station, only 20 minutes from Jefforson st. Each place has its own peculiar charm. Two of them have river frontage. One is a new 7-room bungalow, with 33,000 sq. ft, of ground. Price, $5000; $1000 down, balance $30 monthly. An other Is a new S-room bungalow, with over an acre. $5500, easy terms. One with 8-room house. 120 feet river frontage; a splendid place. Only $12,000. Let us show these splendid prop erties to you Monday. DORR E. KEASEY & COMPANY Second Floor Chamber of Commerce Business Property . Salesman Wo have an opening In our office for a thoroughly experienced downtown property man, one who can produce results If properly backed up. We have the largest and most completely equipped offices In Portland, and will enter Into an equitable profit sharing; commis sion arrangement with the right mau. Address with fuU particulars in confidence, V 223, Oregonlan. ON YOUR OWN TERMS You can buy a modern and com- - plete six-room home, situate oo the north side of ueidier street, between East 29th and East 30th streets; we have sold one and it is occupied. Sto the rent leak and own your own home. Key on the premises at No. 933 Weidler street. (Jail U 3101 Sundays, or Main 3349 or A 3329 week days. For Shrewd Investor! THE BEST TET. INCOME $3672 PER YEAR. Pays More Than 20 THIS IS GENUINE AND IS FOR SALE. See II. M. Davies. CHAPIN & HERLOW Members' of Portland Realty Board. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. s Tha one BEST place in Portland to boy. GEOQRAPHICAX. CENTER aad MOST DESIRABUfi residence property ef the city. SEEnve IS BEUETISO EETTKll go and sea tbe many CatOICB real, aencea under construction aad the 1 (rbvemaula going on. ' 1 he Cregon ' Real state Company CKARTD AVE. AND MULTNOMAH ST. One of the finest little subdivi sions in Portland for sale. $25,000 f-nsh reoiiired: absolutely no spec- i , - , - illation ; if you mean business I will call. Address Al bid, Urego nian. E. Burnside St. Price $16,000 100x100, situated on the southeast corner of East 11th and East Burn side streets. Fine apartment-house or garage corner. For terms and par ticulars, see us. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second Street, Lumber Exchange Buildinsr. A few more men' or women wanted as agents, town and conntry make money in odd hours selling lots at BEND $100 and up; $10 cash, balance monthly. BEND PARK CO., Main Entrance Hotel Portland. MONEY TO LOAN CITY MORTGAGES, FARM MORTGAGES, LOWEST HATES, TERMS TO SCIT. A. H. BIRRELL CO., X02 M-K AY BCILDINO, -Tklrd aad Stark. i -j NOTICE. Bargain! In LOTS and HALF-ACRE tracta. TWENTY-FIVE mlnutaa to cerfr of city. Terms to ault. Take Cazad"ro-(iich-am or E.tacada cars at Flrat and Alder. Coma to Bell Station Sunday. Mr. Nichols or Mr. Hurler will meet all cara from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. Mortgage Loans! 5 For the Larger Amounts. KDWAHO K. GOUOsSV. Uala Hulldla. Holladay Addition 1002. Net Washington Street Have several good buys, in- jcome and vacant, on Port land's "Broadway." Best ! street, therefore land values increase the greatest. New Nob Hill apartment house. Rents $380. Price, $30,000 $10,000 cash, bal ance 6 per cent. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. North Portland Business Property Corner, 50x100 Feet 19TH AKD RALEIGH STREETS ' Price $12,500 Income $60 Per Month H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox Bldg. INCOME Will net UK per cent after taxes' and insurance are paid. Four 5-Room Flats HOLLADAY ADDITIOX. LOT 60x100. These flats are new, modern, well ar ranged, close in and always rented; easy walking distance, 6 blocks to new Broadway bridge and close to illlams or Union-ave. cars. The price, $9500. Is less than actual cost, and very easy terms can be ar ranged. STEWART iTEALTY CO. Main S204. Sl Selling Bldg. E. Burnside St. $16,000 100x100 on S. E. corner E. 11th and E. Burnside. Has small Income apart ment or business corner. Can make good terms on this. $13, .000 Another choice quarter block on 'easy terms. East Eighth etreet. close io Burnside. See us for East Side bar gains. We have them. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second, 40S Kaat Bnrnalde. DEAD Laurelhurst is not a dead Issue. Over $100,000 worth of property sold since October 1, GRIEF ffc nnlv pure for arrlef is action. Act on this now. Choice Laurelhurst corner lot, 63x100. i-rice ioou. HAPPINESS s thla another dandy: Well locat ed lot for $1350. MR. ALLISON, Main 1503 or A 1S1H. wll.KIVG.DISTAXCE LOTS. , . i A,fanff tnilnv Intel in. Dffbl lui. v . . . i rr, ' i-i-i 111 .aninv incrennA In value are located near sanay xiuau un i-cw- , ' l n n n n(a frnm 11250 to $1900, and business lots on Sandy road ments. Ton will mako dollars buyini 11. w AirlAn Tnk. Roflfl City cars, to Twenty-second. Office o corner. PORTLAND-PACIFIC INV. CO, 418 Railway Exchange. Maranall 27S3. FLORENCE. OB. At mouth of Sluslaw River: only river on w.. rlea no ant: complexion ui Jctl'"D . tract awarded) meana a safe, permanent -i i nn-w T ana. inimtV. & - i . ah than amme KaJt ern mt&t. Contract for first 23 miles of n n t A,... m TT1 nrpnra limt let SrtU K.ariin. Ranld trrowth assured. We Ti.n.. 1 J JWIah 1 ft m An aR.IV tnllTll. Ullf I ti. Mnn.niv ntvmenti. rlOBO-ln. sOOd title. ne. Tffu T a V- "(". KOft VpOtl Tl 1 d aT. r L,U AV v v Portland. Warehouse Corner lOOslOO on East Third, one block south of Hawthorne avenue. Price $18,000. LEONARD BROS. 317 Chamber of Commerce MORTGAGE LOANS tZOf JOHN E. CRONAN, HOI J JO aoz svaldlag Uld. i J U BCAL ESTATE DEALERS. n.k William Q.. S15-816 Falling; bldg. BRUBAKEH & BENEDICT. B02 McKay bld(. M. 548. fkmiw, a Harlow. S32 Chamber commerce. Cook. B. 8. A Co.. 808 Corbett bldg. Jennlnica A Co. Main 188. 208 oregonian. PALMER-JONES CO., H. 04-405-a0 Tha Oregon Real E.tate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah it. (Hollaaay aquiuwiw REAL ESTATE. For Snlr lots. LOT 60x100, 28th at., fourth lot north from rarllne. cneao it t - 1RVINUTON. 50X1OS. southeajt corner ol 14th ana inomy.uu. v. - . -... , East loth St. N. roTSOxlOO. 1 block from electric carllne. 1100 to 1150; very eaay terms. J. W. HefferllnReaUyCo.;03 Corbett Jbldg. 70xl40--"H block to car. cement walks, elose '" T'btI?E: 408 LEWIS BLPO. VACANT lot on Division street, auitable for fiats or upartmonts; $1100: must sell at once. Call414,paldlngbldg. IAI-RELHUEST lot: owner will sell cheap Ms equity in lot 17, block 10. Call Mar- shall 207. Monday. " SNAP OWN E R. Beautiful ' Beaumont lot. price $1000; 1.500 cash, terms. 824 Board of Trade. BIO sacrifice in Unlon-ave. corner lot. SOx 100- only $170O; don't miss this oppor tunity. Owner E. 617. Oregonlan. A FEWlots in Marshfleld. Or., for sale Tery cheap. See Bowner. Antlers Hotel. jTyjEQrjITY in Westmoreland lot of $650 for sale. AC t08. Orfgonlan. rbnXER East 7th and Ankeny. fine apart ment site. 810.000. 432 E. Ankeny. WANT Two lots In Swlnton. cheap, easy terms. Phone Woodlawn 2R1. FINE nicely sloping lot on Council Crest; $ 5 y. O 515, Oregonlan. HAVE equity worth $22O0 In building lots; take $850 today. 1278 East Taylor st. VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING SITE. We have an especially favorable site on tha north side of Hawthorne ave. where tha street curves between 20th and lst streets. This site has a frontage of 13:1 feet and is 115 feet deep. It commands a vi&w directly down Hawthorne ave. to the west; Elliott ave. to the southwest, and 20th St. on the south. There is noth ing to equal It on the East Side, and the price is low. Price 812.600. STRONG & COMPANY. 805 Concord Bldg. WE offer to responsible parties who desire to build a home an exceptional oppor tunity on Portland Heights property; with an Initial payment of S10OO cash on cer tain properties that we have to sell w will furnish the additional money neces sary to build; parties building to nego tiate their own building operations; in vestigation will prove that this property at prices from $1551) to $18.V per lot is the lowest priced property in the neigh borhood. LE NOIR & CO.. 835-7-S Chamber of Commerce. MALLOKY ADDITION. EAST aTH NEAK HAWTHORNE. 15 MINUTES FROM WEST SIDE. ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN. BUILDING RESTRICTIONS. PRICES $B50 TO 81100. EASY TERMS. GEO. G. MAIR. TAB. 3477. B 2461. EAST 42D AND HAWTHORNE AVE. TITX, GO WEN-IDE TRUST CO. LUMBERMEN'S BLDG., 6TH AND STARK COUNCIL CREST PARK. Most beautiful building site of 4 lots, with unobstructed views of city and moun tains and of Tualatin Valley and Coast range; elevated situation with many fine native forest trees; bltulithlc paved treets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water, gas, sewers, electric light, telephones and very near carline; easy terms, owner, loOS fcpaldlng bldg. Main 880, Main Ma8. - , $-''0. A fine lot on East Jrtth St., near Glad stone, 4OxM0; will give good terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 3j 102 Fourih St. A 3500. 50X1 on. LOT BARGAINS. 1050 KUllngFworth ave. $linn Kast race. Piedmont. 12nn East face. Overlook. $1400 Rodnev ave.. Highland $2750 100x100. -Piedmont, corner SEE P. B. LENT. 417 Corbett Bldg TWO BLOCKS OF WASHINGTON. Near the City Park: good view of tha city; lot practically level, contains over 7000 square feet; 1 blockto car; 10 min utes' ride to 6th and Washington. Surelv a snap at this price. See it at once. V 224. Oregonlan. IN a very pleasant neighborhood on Port land Heights, within onw block of the carllne, I have a very desirablo building site with a southern exposure, that I will sell to anyone who will build at a price of $1400; this price is only to those who W'Hl build. Terms Invito attention. AH 610, Oregonlan. ROSSMERE. " A few desirable lots left for beautiful homes. You are especially Invited to come and see these lots. Mr. Hart, at branch office, 30lh and Sandy road. JOHN W. COOK. 402 Lewis Bidg. BUY NEAR REED COLLEGE LoU 40x100 feet. 2 blocks from Reed College. $450 per lot, $43 cash. $10 per month. MERIDIAN TRUST COMPANY, boo Railway Exchange Bldg. Phones: Marshall 25t4, A 7430. A FINE LOT FOR $500. In ROSE CITY PARK, close to carline; has an east frontage and commands a splendid view of the surrounding country. This la a bargain for someone. DeYOUNG & JOHSSOV. 514 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CLOSE-IN APARTMENT SITE. I will sell my 62SxloO lot on East 17th atreet between Morrison and Belmont ; w-lll make a bargain price for a quick sale. W. O. Waddel, 300 Lumber Ex change. AN extra choice view lot fronting upon tha Cornell road; a site for a substantial home; Investigation will show the su perior advantages of the property front ing upon this road; improvements all In; $3200. AC 010. Oregonlan. $10 DOWN. J10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot; matured fruit trees; re stricted district, near car; cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473, A 1022. I HAVE to leave town; I have two of the choicest view lota In Council Crest; I wlil sell $300 below the market; $200 cash, balance four years, 6 per cent; all Im provements ara In. street paved. T 615, Oregonlan. " WEST SIDE. LOTS $100. Right on carllne, upper Washington St., adjoining City Park. West 3!th and Yam hill. National Realty & Trust Co.. 723 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5129. I HAVE a large lot containing approximate ly 8300 sq. ft., that is regular in shape, located In a desirable district on the West Side, that I will sell for $2000; it Is suit able for flats or a large ruoming-house. B 614. Oregonlan. TWO houses and two lots for $7000, terms; situated within the mile circle, on th West Side, near 13th and College; now rented at $40 per month. D 626. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Lot 50x105. new 4-room bun galow on lot; price $S00, $100 cash, bal ance to suit purchaser; take Mt. Scott car. get off at Grays Crossing, InQuire at Howe's store for Beard. $1300 IRVINGTON snap. 411x100 lot on Hancock sL, new pavement, 3 blocks to Broadway car. George A- Riggs. 815 Spalding bldg. HAVE TO SACRIFICE. NEED MONEY. $473 cash for lot 9. block 10, Highland Park. Ask my agent F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. CORNER lot, cheap. 50x114, East 10th and Bismark; water, sewer and cement wali.3 in and paid for; easy terms. Owner, r 610, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON DISTRICT bargain, $2400 S.-.x lOo ft., south of Tillamook st., a good in vestment and choice location for homes. Buffington, 006 Chamber of Commerce. SACRIFICE tract 210x201. nice home site; or could be platted in six good lots: $1'" cash, balance $1400; own terms. Hlne, 228 hi 10th. M. 8207. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. Owner of beautiful east facing lot In Irvington, leaving city, will Bacrltice, $1350, terms. AC 812. Oregonlan. LOT BUYER. Walking distance. East Side lot. all Im provements in, restricted, only $250 cash, $21 month. G 624, Oregonian. BARGAIN Will sell 100x100 corner Terris Park. $300 under price lor cash. 200 Itothchlld Bldg. FOR SALE Corner lot 50x10.,, small house; price $400; $30 cash, balance $5 per month. Take Mt. Scott car, get on at Grays Cross ing; Inquire for Beard at Howes' store. SIGHTLY lot on East 15th St., near Pres cott, facing east, $9f0. GODDAKD & WIEDRIOIC 243 Stark St. WEST SIDE, corner view lot. graded stveets, sewer and water In, .70 minutes from Post office; $330; $1.50 down, bal. $7.50 month. Wm. Thomas, 528 'i Vaughn St. $ 1 300 1 RVINGTO N $ 130n. This moat beautiful lot. on Hancock, near 24th. north front, two feet above grade. Terms. 614 Couch bldgj PORTLAND HEIGHTS. EXCLUSIVELY. Beautiful homes and homesttes. all views, locations ard prices. Can suit you. Main 3551. BROOKE. A 3S3. IRVINGTON. Knott St.. single corner, east face; bar gain at $1800; easy terms. J 672, Ore gonlan. PIEDMONT BARGAIN. KOxtno. east face, 3 blocks to carllne; only $1100, terms. P. B. Lent, 417 Cor bett bldg. $10 CASH and $5 per month, -corner lot. ooxioo, near j-inana. r'sinciea district; onlv $40O- worth 'l0O. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 Third St. A KENTON SNAP. 5 lots 2 blocks from car. 3 blocks from bank, east front, corner, unrestricted, $270 per lot. Phone Woodiawn 2"3. CONTRACTORS builders I have a number of lots in irvinston to release; can furnish money to build. H. A. Stiles, E. 24th and Knott sts. SEE I.e Nolr & Co. for West Side property. Exclusive dealers in wept side realty. !..-7-9 Chamber of Commerce. BEST buy In Laurelhurst. lnOxinh, corner 39th and Everett; 5i"v; $o-u casn. t,. j, Condon, 004 Yeon bldg. RIVER-VIEW lot In Overlook, good price and terms. 4tn bnaver st. jnOxino. 2TH AND and Klickitat, good dis- rfct of line homes. 8ib i-.paldini? hidg. EW'-iTY h - Beaumont lots lacing eaAt In block 11. ", oregonian. TVv'O lots, Woodmere. 100x100, $800; terms. See owner. t ront. $8 PER month. 100x100. Masters. 201 Wil cox oiag.. sunany w-.. SNAP 100x100; 2.i minutes out; $3 month ly. O 592, uregonian.