The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 05, 1911, SECTION THREE, Page 12, Image 48

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P Nqs
Jchn F. Spray, of Cottage
Grove, Writes About Fight
on Varsity Fund.
Origin or Trouble Traced to Cam
paign for w Nesmlth Connty
and Itovmfall Is Laid to
"Grafters" Catea Kapped.
El'OEXE. Or. Nov. 4. (Special.)
John Pi frrsy. of 0ttsire Orove. who
testl.'!d at am that forgd nsnx-s
were filtd witii the knowledge of the
committee, has wrlttrn a inter to the
Lant County r-ress. anam-ertng the at
tack melt up'in his testimony by If.
J. Parkinon. Mr. fpray declares that
the referendum movement against the
university was taken up as a club to
fore Kuicene to consent to the segre
gation of Nesmlth County, and accuses
11. J. I'arktuon of collecting- money for
names never delivered.
Mr. Spray wrltrs:
"I did not Intend to answer the at
tack that has been made upon me
through the newspapers since I testi
fied in the referendum case at Salem,
but as H. J." I'arklson Company ap
pear to think they are the only pebbles
on the beacii. I will attempt to write
this matter up from beslnnlng to end.
and then let the people be the Judge.
"About two years no at a mass
meeting of the people of Cottage Orova
there was a committee appointed to
further the creation of a new county,
f being- a member of that committee.
Xew 4'raaty Fight Lost.
"About the first thins: they did was
to get together and name the baby.
Nest In order was to act before the
Legislature and try and rans a bill for
a new county. On that Job the commit
tee spent night after nleht and day
after day. doing the very best wa knew,
but lost, and I assure you that there
was n"ne worse hurt that the commit
tee. Next step another meeting was
called and the same old committee
arpolnted. with. I believe. Mr. Cates
added, or he was elected secretary,
fhortly after the purpoee of the com
mittee waa to put an Initiative petition
before the rotera of the state, which
they did. This took many more dayi
and nlg!-.ta. with the result of one more
defeat. Still the same old committee
was ready to go before the Legislature,
and. as you know, was aaaln beaten.
Then a mass meeting was called while
I was still at Salem, and I. with the
remainder of the old committee, was
Instructed to get up and circulate a
referendum petttron against the Cnl
rerslty appropriation.
".Now right here let me ay if I bad
not thought It waa for the purpose of
putting the Eugene bunch tn a hole so
they would be wilting to arree to a
new county I would never have ac
cepted the appointment on that com
mittee, as I have never fought a school,
church or road.
rsrklMS Is r.asrd,
Now comes the chapter In the career
of the committee on which aome of the
people are mlsd. The committee had
printed the petition seady for clrcula- I
Hon and in casting anuui r ""1'!'
we were Informed that the people of
McMlnnvllle were starting a similar
move against tie Oregon Agricultural
College, and our secretary got in com
munication with some of their sup
porters. Among the rest was Mr.
I'arklson. who purported to be a hlch
tip labor union man: could get the
names necessary In very short time,
for both the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege and Vnlversltv of Oregon. A eon
tract was made with Mr. I'arklson for
loo names at J cents each, or 7
rente for the two names, to be paid
for as fast as delivered. The com
mittee had received but a small portion
of the JO'jO names when Mr. Parklson
wanted money advanced, which was
forthcoming". All was well until the
committee waa Informed that there
ware 0 forged names In the JOOO with
a request from Mr. Tarkison that they
be returned to him as he wanted to
protect one of his clients that was in
Jail for forgery. The committee voted
to return the ( forged names, when
Mr parklson furnished SOO good names
In place, and also ordered 1000 more
names of Mr. Parklson. and on his rep
resentation that, the names were hard
to get advanced the money to him.
vHrln la Aroaeed.
"At thts point some of the commit
tee. I fjr one. became suspicious of the
acts of Mr. Cates and Mr. Parklson and
r-a.te a motion to put the nnmes In the
Ktrst National Kar.k for safe keeping.
At that time Mr. Cites got very anxry
and wanted to resign, but concluded
to stay. . ,, . '
-Next Mr. parklson wanted all the
names sent to halem and put In a Sa
lem bank subject to the order of II. J.
parklson and Lew A, Cates. They wera
Informed that never could be: that the
committee paid for the petitions and
It would take care of them. Mr. Park
lson came up and tried all kinds of
Tersuaslve and threata to get the
namee sent to Salem to be deposited
with seven or eight thousand of his he claltrlng to have that many
against the University of Oregon, also
rough to file against the Oregon Agri
cultural College, but five out of
even of our committee stood pat and
demanded the names we had paid him
for or cur money back. But the money
sr the names never came back.
latreth !et Skews.
-JCew Sr. Parklson. Mr. Cats A Co.
attacked my testimony, saving that It
waa Indefinite, or. la other words, was
not true, but didn't point out wherein
It was not. Mr. Parklson says that he
believes that te committee had agreed
to destroy the petitions. It had them:
why didn't It? Pecause It bad agreed
to leave It to the peo;-!e what should
be don with them. TJta majority of
tela committee believed that there
houtd be an agreement made with the j
people cf Euaer.e trial wouia oe lor
tSe best Interests of alL I will take
t most of tlat burden, as I tried at
several different times to effect a deal
wits the Euaene people, for the reason
that I believed our people wanted tha
tie county above all. but now. aa It
stands, what have we got?
Parkiawa aad Catee Ranee.
"Now. In conclusion. I have a word
far hlr. parklson and Mr. Catea. They
have said what they believed about
me. and I will ssy what I believe about
them. First. Mr. Parklson waa well
paid tor all he .lid. and so u Mr.
Cateei Mr. Parklson getting pay for
iv name and only delivered Sooo. 90S
ct which were admitted forgeries, and
It Is probable that most of them were
forgeries. Mr. Cates got about io
a eecretary and nearly all the printing,
amounting to nearly IUjJ. Now. what
d.d they lo? I believe they tried to
get In possession of all tlie petitions
for the purpoee of one of two things:
either to get the Oregon Agricultural
( crowd to sat uj to tUe against
Advanced Dentistry
In Touch
Work a
Not a
Don't fail to call at this office if in need of dental
serv ice. Our work is conducted along strictly mod
ern lines and advantage has been taken of every
discovery of value to the profession. You will secure
prompt service, the greatest skill and leave when
your work is finished with a feeling that you have
received the best possible treatment at very reason
able cost.
Work for out-of-town patients will be completed
without delay and very little loss of time.
342 Washington Street, Cor. Seventh
OFFICE HOURS: 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sunday: 10 to 1.
Phones : Main 2119, A 2119.
17 Years' Practice in Portland.
tha University of Oregon and destroy
the pet'tlon against the Oregon Agri
cultural College, or they wanted to get
them so as to be In the llmeltght as
heroes. At any rate. I would like for
Mr. Parklson to tell me what was bis
reason for not filing the Oregon Agri
cultural College petition, and how much
he expects to get out of the Eugene
bunch when he gets out with his Initia
tive petition to move the University of
Oregon to Corral 11. lie see paste this
In your hat.
"The Nesmlth County committee
worked faithfully for about two years,
putting In Its time and more money
than any one else without pay, and as
It turned out. without thanks. Five of
the committee wanted to make an
agreement with the FTugene people that
would, as we believed, give us a new
county, but the grafters got In anil
stacked the meeting on us and kicked
us downstairs. M
f ates Makes Reply.
Mr. Catea makes reply to Mr. Spray
"I have read with some surprise the
statements or air. fprsy snu eienu
sertiona as unqualifiedly false. When
i r. rpray sava me .eanuiu " . j
committee paid Mr. Parklson for lOufl
slgnaturea wnicn it never receiver u
tary of that committee I have Touchers
for every cent oisoursea oj m au
ay that the records disprove hia alle-
-. v. . . f.
gallons. 1 110 man j ...
waa well paid for his services, havlni
received $500 and all the printing 'tl
true that I received 1500 for my serv
t i i. tiwia true that I eon
trlbuted IS70 or more than any other
aingle inaiviauai io nv .
-m to the amount received for
printing fr. Spray exaggerates several
hundred dollars. And aa to the charges
made for the work. If It Is not more
then SO per cent less than the same
work could be had for elsewhere, I
will refund every charge for printing:
ever made against the committee. Not
one member of the Nesmlth committee
prepared one line of argument aent out
to voters, nor a single letter in con
nection with promoting the work to my
i - i i ,i.-ni.H nearlv a vear
almoer day and night to thla work, and
aa a reward received -
abuse of such people aa jonn . opray.
. . . c-n. ap mf other In
dlvldusl to prove that I waa In anjr-
. . ... ii . - wife. Parklaon In
wise mi it. . . w..
anything unfair or against the best
Interests of the community.
-As regards the i00 names secures
by Parklson. SOO of which were sup
posed to be forgeries, these names were
in my possession when the committee,
very right lv, ordered them placed in
the First National Bank for safekeep
ing. It did not. however. Instruct the
secretary to perform thla act. but ap-
w -. a ..mmlttMa tA
pointed a merooer i ......
. v reellne- that Inas-
much as I had faithfully and honestly
gervsd the committee in . vm-. u.--
. -. - k.t.. n.,e-rfnned. If T were
lere viiiiwui ' " e M . - -
turned down' at that time It would te
better to reaign aa secreimrjr. .
. .1, K &n fk. ruBtlMTIftS vhO
made the motion and those who had
voted favoraniy upon n "
i a artlon and urged
me to reconsider the resignation, which.
1 candidly admit, was lenuereu m
-i . I v .tn.tee ohlleratlong
to no llvtng man; I have endeavored to
erve the people or
. . . . . - . . . I nn .. n.lml.'v and
laitr.iniiT. nunriwr. . . , -
well, and I do not propose to sit down
... , . . . , n tf tha
Wim loiae. inn - - - - -
John F. Fpray type to vilify me. I
trim there will be no further con
troversy over this referendum matter."
Botany Instructor Is Cho-n.
LEtili Corrallls. No. 4. (SpeoisX)
Announcement has been made by the
pathological department that Mrs. H. C
McPherson haa been appointed Instruc
tor In botany. The appointment of an
xir Instructor has been msde neces
sary by the large Increase In the slie
cf the department, there being Ti per
cent more students taking thla work
at present than there were last year.
yra XePberson Is a graduate of the
University of Chicago, where she re
ceived honorable mention la botany
and scholarship for graduate work In
advanced botanr. She left Chicago In
l0 and for two years was Instructor
at the Michigan Agricultural t'ol.ege.
TSe 1 jpr-me Court of wast Virginia baa
decided s ekar chips are real -aoaay. i
Woman Professor Says Wives Are to
niame for Nine-Tenths of Jan
In Married Life.
Seattle. Nov. 4. (Special.) Divorce
evils may be eradicated by a liberal
application of home economics, which
outside of college Is known principally
as good cooking, according to ISarah M
Hummel. A. B- Instructor In the sub
ject. Miss Hummel further declares
that the college girl as a matrimonial
possibility Is a fable. In an address be
fore the class In economics Miss Hum
mel said:
"The study of home economics will
In time bring about the destruction of
divorce. It la Ignorance of Just such
simple things as how to cook that
causes disagreements, quarrels and
finally separation between husband and
wife. I firmly believe that the wife la
more to blame than the man In nine
out of 10 divorces.
"Consideration of such subjects as
sanitation, beauty and comfort tn the
home; dietetics, or the relation of food
to health and bow much a husband
should have to eat to keep him good
natured; household management, the
solenoe of making both ends meet;
home architecture and decoration ana.
above all. sensible dress make for
happy wives and a congenial atmos
phere In the home.
"When thla study becomes well es
tabllshed In the high schools and col
leges of the United States, divorce and
Its attending harms will disappear aa a
question for sociologists to puszle
Officers Aro Elected and $20O Is
Voted for Nurse. Support.
Members of the Deaconess Aid Asso
ciation, of the Oregon Conference, held
an all-day conference In the parlors of
Taylor-street Methodist episcopal
Church Monday. A splendid attend'
anoe and enthuslastlo Interest charac
terized the meeting, which had for its
object the discussion ef the Interests of
the various enterprises oonduoted by
the society.
The morning session was devoted ex
clusively to business, and at Us close a
basket dinner afforded toe basis lor a
delightful social hour In the interval
before the programme, which had been
arranged for the alternoon, was taaen
Addresses were made by District
FluDerlntendent McDougalL Her. A. i..
Ayers and Samuel Connell, president of
aasoclatlon. and Miss iiliaur uustaison.
conference deaconess-evangelist. led
the singing and gave several solo numbers.
In addition to the support of the
Methodist Deaconess Home and the
regular lines of work for which the
organization stands sponsor, a deacon
ess settlement worker has been pro
vided and plans are on foot to secure a
nurse deaconess for the city work.
Officers were elected aa follows, the
office of president not being supplied:
First vice-president, Mrs. A. E. Ayers,
Woodstock Churoh: second vice-president.
Mrs. & B. Holbrook. 1280 East
Thirtieth street. North; third vlce
orealdent. Mrs. Esther Waldfogel. (30
Wasco; corresponding secretary. Mrs EL
C. Jones. 845 East - Twenty-seventh
street: recording secretary. Mrs c. O.
Ott. Slzth ami College: treasurer. Mrs.
H. A. Hale. 10S East Nineteenth street:
supply secretary. Mrs. J. M. Laue, 764
Hancock street: mite box secretary.
Mra, W. J. Douglaaa, East Eightieth
Pemented Man Flees Officer.
SAI.FM. wr Nov. 4. (Special.)
Axel Nordell. one of the five patients
recently deponea irom ui n -eane
Asylum to their native STstoa, as-t
Low Prices, Square Dealing and Credit at "Your Own 16$" Have
Made Edwards' the Most Popular Furniture House in Portland "
Edwards will help you to start housekeeping in the right way
the way that makes you a permanent customer.
Our credit plan enables you to furnish your home at your
own terms. Our price help enables you to save anywhere from
10 to 25 per cent. .
Come tomorrow and investigate Edwards' helpful way of
doing business. See how different Edwards' is from the ordinary
store. A talk with us and an inspection of our stock will explain
to you mighty quick why we are the people you want to trade
'ike.'Stay Satlsfactory"Barige CASH
This Table $9.95
A $15 6-foot solid oak, round
pedestal table; golden finish,
substantially made, for only
$9.95. Look over our tablo
stock before you buy.
m ''-snMJIk
Places a Monarch Range in Your Home
Set Up, Including Hot Water Connections
The balance you can pay at the rate of $5 per month or $1 per,
week. Use the range for 30 daj-s. Test in every way in your own
home, and then if not satisfied -we- will take it back and refund
your money. That's fair.
A Five Year Guarantee in Writing
With every MONARCH Malleable Range sold we furnish a guaran
tee in writing to refurnish absolutely FREE the firebox or any part
of the Range that breaks, warps or bums out within a period of
five years from date of purchase, which- makes the Monarch a
safe investment.
Your Old Stove Taken in Part
Payment for a New
and we will allow you every cent it is worth. Just
telephone Exchange Department, Main 504, or
A 2826, and our stove man will call and make you
a price on your old stove.
Has the Famous Duplex Draft That
Saves One-Third the Fuel
And a Monarch Range in the kitchen means much to
the entire family. It means less money expended for
fuel, better cooking, a big saving in labor and energy
to the women who do the cooking. A MONARCH
actually pays for itself in a short time. The heavy
steel sides are COLD RIVETED to malleable iron
frames, making a tight, strong construction that the
hardest usage and wear cannot loosen up. This, with
the DUPLEX DRAFT, makes an airtight Range
that consumes all gases and most of the smoke as it
generates, thus saving in coal
Our regular prices
on mission furni
ture are lower than
sale prices else
where. Chair like
this only $12.50
Fumed oak and
) a a t h e r is most
stylish. Our prices
most reasonable. A
Rocker like this at
One Dollar a Week
is all you are re
quired, to pay on
this elegant dining
Sale of Dressers
These dressers are usu
ally sold and are worth
$11.00, but this week the
price is only
Large, square French
mirror, 18x24, with
rounded corners, other
wise exactly like illus
tration. Only one to a
customer. . Delivery at
our convenience.
Call and see Edwards quality dining set at $39.75. The superior workmanship,
expert construction and high-grade materials used in making this set distinguish
it from the ordinary furniture y:u see so often advertised. We have many sets
at less price, but this is the favorite with our customers.
Bis; stores wlf a
bis x 9 sra
a a 4 tBsnooui
raata e a a t
wm t oar
rises, com
pare, and yos
will oca.
A Good Place To Trade
n sic ?cf ess
TUNE, Ton max to
are, If to u
lose yoar poal
1 1 o n, or fall
lek, we will
not press yon
for payment on
yoar furniture.
caped from Trayellna; Agent Huddle
field at the Union depot In Portland,
according; to advices received by Super
intendent Stelner, and Is still at large.
Knrdell mixed up with the crowd and
disappeared. He Is not considered dan
gerous. Owing to the meager appro
priation for traveling expenses for the
deportation of patients. Dr. Stelner
stated It was necessary to send only
one men with all five of these patients,
making escape a comparatively easy
Sister of Husband Seeks Woman
Thought to Bo Hiding- in Oregon.
Somewhere In Oregon a woman going
under the name of Mrs. F. M. Thomp
son is believed to be In hiding, to evade
,r divorced husband s attempts to Kia
ap ha aeoa fr"""" tha Xaot that
he Is dead, leaving a comfortable estate
for her and her children.
A letter to the Chief of Police from
Mrs. Mary Marlon, 1217 Vermont ave
nue, Los Angeles, tells the story. Mrs.
Marlon Is the sister of Adam Ruder,
who was drowned August 20. He had
been divorced and his wife feared he
would attempt to take the boys. She
changed her name and came to Ore
gon, according to the .writer's Informa
tion. The boys are Douglas. 14. and
Truman. 17.
Iai Who Shot Playmate Seized aa
Ho Fleea From Theft Ohsurgo.
Fleeing from expeoted charges of lar
ceny and assault with a deadly weapon,
Oscar Zimmerman. 14 years old. was
arrested by Patrolman Grlsim. of the
harbor police, in the Alb In a railroad
yards yesterday. Just as he was about to
board a freight train.
Zimmerman fired a pistol Halloween
night and struck Benny Schmltzer In
the mouth. The weapon, an automatic
.38-caliber pistol, with several dollars,
had been stolen by Oscar from his fath
er, who lives at 107 Nebraska avenue.
It Is alleged.
Ever aince the shooting, the police
have been on the watch for the boy.
who failed to return to his home. He
was turned over to the Juvenile Court.
Woodcraft Campaign Active.
The Good Fellowship Campaign Com
mittee. Women of Woodcraft. Is busy
with the work it has in charge. The
following circles are represented, each
with a committee of five: Mount Hood,
Oregon. Astra, Royal. Arbutus, Port
land. St. Johns, Woodlawn, Montavilla,
Sunnyside. Arleta, Lents. Mllwaukle.
Oregon City. Oswego. Gresham, Cedar
t. ........ Wnntnrk..aDa Sun-
.U 111S, ficuiiwi' -.
rise and Vancouver Circles of Van-
couver. The committee meets the sec
ond and fourth Monday of every month
at Headquarters building. Tenth and
Taylor. This committee haa promised
1000 new members for the order, the
campaign to run until April 1, the 15th .
anniversary of the Women cf Wood
craft. This will be celebrated with a
banquet at the Commercial Club In this
city. Next meeting will be held No
vember 13.
Indian Drowns In 'Chehalls River.
MONTESANO, Wash., Nov. 4. (Spe
cial.) Tom Gwallle, an Indian, who
I.. Kon " familiar f 1 tru r around Mon-
tesano and vicinity for a number of
years, was drowned in the cnenaiis
nw h!a week. He was seated la
his canoe and was ing towed up the
river by another Indian, who was pull
ing a skiff. In some unexplained man
ner Tom fell out of his canoe and, be
fore help could reach him, was