TIIE SFXDAY OKEGOXTAX, POISTLAXD, XOTE3IBEH 5, 1911. 14 UrTTATloM W.OTKI-JAU. PRACTICING ex pacta 3cd attorney of d-e-raa to re:i.we U en-ar '.uwn hare a-no.tf a tal nnr. wmbm witn ksowi f t-e '4 f ill por tuaily to mae ire IimmjI of e-r.e t the comnui..'. a h.meef; aa drnt:uri r r tre reaaoa lfl" . 1 hm I-n 6Vpe-ynt upa mf T ruoai cl co--;-rt.y r.aa t spare time la w.il u o parw-iie..r .-.t "' -r.o porta of te et a. rjo:!i ecac z. o ir1 A K " l'f enlan. ATk.4-Ai one -r as porter er d:a-wa-wber. or wl.l lake j-b running a.eeior r do:st jan.wr w.r in h .:; or apart rr.e n(-b" 'M, I aa fmnual and nod'r ctud the w jr k. can tae of wood or oil f -rr.a-:e fir fca: . 1 am bendy with carycir vurk. mnct.la.at hepr two y - . .an cio rferr.e; bean la e:ty 4 y-era old. Tepaone -- ,,!. x4 f. r La:njp la. MAS aad :f weal p.ec In eparu.ant tom aa jaaitora. I ipnr.-e; men uaAfrM4cO ai. --m eteewa. ca ad ' t n) Ltorr f ebo-it ..-tncly. aee elevator; cea e4.ju anything aiv ut a -a or ,.,-- Artie a . y tI-u--nd uouM espet oa oti buraors. cn fwnwi g.lt- t:93. ee. Ma. a . 4fe G :eo t- md at. rj,,TrT i LA.'-.Ki-l.v ! dry goods moo requires pl( 'on la row.t - tnir.d. yre with large i:nir t-r; now et&a.wed m I'orUuta. F Aid. Oft iTCATION- wn- aAnitary d!ryma nd m- U9r; u: imnd tno cad.u-f ox sn.: ood la w...Tl. oa coo-i pou.;rr lua or.d formor; r.!ud:o-oa,l. tamporia d r Al- oi-ora'onlaa. OTSINa by nnlority fxod-aAto. 3. C i. 6ro. e n iiwil bua:n xp-r;nco oa tumi-r. ftiitiil riusr, JiAoJiir.c hp. bu.-.c. : 'rtt" fr it. 1 o. oxxoc. bit r?ruc. Or car a W-ANTSp',:tloa at coiiin4Ciln f'.rir.on Ott do oa brlro w -ric r. i n u l.ia lBtruntnti. c- da 'y id Jt:nd "f K. R- r. Joha U lno. i. t. fllat i 1 ort.tnil. Or. a s U riH. t: and o.Tioo moa. oo K. 10 tun.ty to o-oiao on:.otd W'.ta piooo t trat ! pmii.at c;0':.i.y; b-rt of rec ord An-1 rfreo AUdro H. W. TJckor. 47 litn au Pointon by jung marrUd nun. OmieX t prtnt. but iiaf 1 i tor eircuriiM-.. ca. xp-rlonoa in bsai rd a 'too; bJt of r:rrasooA, Act i: 4. Oft n TolM nun aiolTira; l t rSjrht da airoa a it.ir aa ool.cTtJr or ta ofXlc. la tiprlao al bot.i; anoii arj ccrpML Ail 4. OrtJ t is. BAKKH ib;i po.ilna; coAbla. ajwr-l-o d. -a.-.j-ar.d raa. aobr. r l:t. r'''!':. country prfrral- AM til. Of i-jn an. aiACHINLaT J t fr-m Porni i.to an:a a- f'.m.iy. Loi:un. l-ar mi:i.i irJ ach wira. K AC baw. t W at Paono A a-. VaMSU by a ay-iori:d man wf h fimi r. ilaca oo I, in raii'-ii ; lt of ro:orr. -. W. T. iiadapoth. ovl4 utft avo.. Arleti a: at log. . cTl A L'FFET" H and wifa aako attuatlon la t rivata wnif; atAly irtvr. v U tnuroutf: d :uitl. i Kubot Tlt- W A .n T i4. i t . r ! iivaq. .ia j -.n it r. portr or L:!r; cn t4. anr bird f ork . t rf reuc. Kd fetb au fSoro Marino.! . KArtRtfcNi'SU rmarii for-i.an and a-d ilvaoio-b nn wania p aiu aa frf man on '.K-lt ron-h or form. bJUtb preXerrad. V 6. r. t. 1 r jis i an- 1 'J man atiou- o. ho! dal.-a to Muri for b- a4 a.J rworn b-fnro 4 aftT v-nol "m l or itluri iuo. U. IX Ai.. ivoua 8'; t'omm ewoaltb bid. ivilN-J man pr;on-d In p'tlTjr bua!P" watica prmauont pao. ck .rr-. or fru t ran on; a-t:ry t object. K . Crt r n. fe.l . A iw.S wiiniiJ by your-c mtn bo-ab-r or ti 7 atnd of I . :oo wora, am ain.o. vt boblca r -i can ( um;a b-at of rf-"-nca A ft . Orff,)iiian. I" TiM jBiUS and nioira to rwtlniah, au i -a. k,i iar. a t J a jcuara'.ie.u; or ha.f ; r.co of oiuara, uwl.tkt. Tnono U 5? . fTlTT ATTON w -ir td b ftrtno motlor p.rturo s iAur. r.l a.n wora. b-t f pfrii.--. ;ato a.rjr. Cboa. A- bi rr son. 0 "t. NO n-n. S ata pva::i'n ia pr.ia fmt . .'.-ro tii-r hnco to Ura Y i- tt. Jl' Pr month, bvard aad fooin. V ANTFr V.rk br oobr. IrJua'.riou ina; ;;tr.:r. p.r.i:a-. ;ori-' rJtl rrpwiir:r. . pa:or;s . Huuna;. Fboto tarna.i i.ii. -, yTiiTU'N. rpir!ra. Jrt'rc trvk or prl ai car. Iia-a Jn Pa. ard two yara, hia bad v n voMrr rprlnra at r a!r.c aut a. AP g3T. rorfn1-n. i;: Vti' ri"w" TT7Zir IN . I'NTK.. J ' II t 'l , r,rrt! r .-TKAI-iltT, FIP-.-i:"- i '.VmjI M.I.N. -W liX l.a. CUckA Was. c It. 1.'l N'J rmrr mao waa:o wo-b of any :n . a.l or j art ot day. Piar.t M. C-iv-i, lAlAii H tr r' al ntf, can mJI our i - ;,;''n. fA.try ard c.mm.a. A-i a"1. lr-eonln. Wfcl.l. !v.-a'a-l ii"g nvan t-a aa ftfmiii o mom. r v.-ac X rsu:i d. Addrvaa AM &4 '. urulil "a V ond wtf: ma aoua fr. -f or Tra- mon; w tr art a.t atlnn; mt?. fcot or drda. Adaroa S &-. trfo..tu A MII KTR want a pt'on to r-' k !3 rr cviii Nw WMttra e:taa lA G.iaoa a;r. lt N1 tin :.! H;ma Tuatraaa tvi.rft -;roa p:a :. w ti f-r h a room an 4 Loard. Main 31J. A -i44. DAKER. t. a.-wind man. eirt-tly i'aily or.4 Mlr ti:y or country. lota at. I non A 3"tl T.Tk.i.:i:" t-i man want to cut ta fT rr of tho ra.;rad coin paclaa. A J MO, 1 r" f 'ti'an Janitor lr i'4r,.n,.t . K- Ac. try, ,r rr..o 4.u.i Mr at ro-inN aa r. arqu.acd wi:b cu;. ' r ion . d ar.-i All o, oro- IvTNa nan. JJ. n r ati i -tuti wi '. citji. . t. s od f-i'iri'.i.in, w Dia tmp.o) men:. C Al rCi'R. JprM. wfcftta poa.i:-a la t.r or out; ba good ri ruc. P iiS. "r jcr'in. jAi'V.Nt-t man w -i-a -r.f ri wora. prt at (. ! m . y or A - 5 . i 'rcr-I in. JAPAXK wart a p!'..'n !) faiiiN for coaling or ho .V t"4. vrpnlrti bJTT Tlt tTHAIA Bwkknft mmti MroowropborBk ?rB -T-Cl-A3 t:. uor?:ir o aarJ .a-a iptripr.rt. nt 4 ar. '1 accura:. a air n.s ) Trt w-.tb roUabla firm. aiti:er la tro c;t or aroAU toon. r-fcrnara. ti l. trKuiui tOv Kk? aiPE ti nd at lo k-ra.plr. f iHliUr wuii aU k i ia f o'c oi n. vl-a pr maaaa: p .::on; t'ourh:y xfTlrn. ad a i-.d coi?tr; ; go 'l Oi-.r :r i; oca:it; baat city rf rnt. AJ A, t-'rv DnuB. EXPi;T:iPVtKD yunc la-iv drlraa roattton aa book ka par ar.4 eattr In oft c or tor, good rofareacao. bA. Orrio- I.I LI A Fl-f". b-okkpr. cpAblo of hMila t,oy work, caa ;oncra;'hio wor fiuaily aa vri., o4 In ivi.'iab; aaary . AJ Ml. Crjirar.lAn. ITKNOURArHEH and book-poc with T rs' oprienoo. J'rr agrk a.l or part a v ; aa.a.y rtatoaAbi. X ai. Orago r ix to- k k el k i'tlH. youn r ia-ly with a-.s t-ara ijki: a, in-'orpor a:lon wir. atranpr ia ft, oiu o;' (r r-atnbif aa.ary; rrrronc-a !f drtrd. l'Vn AlJIO. b P iTN 'tl.Ai FI ;:k Vauna lair apTt ataa c(U ai' r. ar. n,t j atx y-r rrivnca, da- pos'tlon. ai rfont . aa.lary will b o-t !.-r!. A i.1r C P'l. 'T-t'n. COWFt'F.N T a:anoa;rphar ?atrat r':aT or daak room in beta;. Jl Alaxgurrlto V. ir;-J(RAPHKH w!th Id aarw asrrlnoo In ra''-d otr.co waau (ood poaituia. A At. Orc,,T1aa. EA T R lart aarta rT'..- w rb of any klrd. irt lira; ox; -.ar ar.d Oonapa-t-nt; r'rrfnci. C rrgon:an. TOrvo" !ad. f yara atraTco typ!at. oauatant brob kopar. r:arK. waata poa ii,.n; T 1 w n-' up. Kftft 14 t V 'KTKATOR wTa poattioa w!:h f. rat ciaao Portland aatabUtbrnant. J dii. Oro- K. f'T. nt - --vcraphrr dralraa poaition. rafno A 64'x AN ai p-rlr.od an ,-g ra ;hr r da!ra parma- tFLRIINCrD c. fic aa ' ant. K r - r oa aa of- t-XFERTNv fTr. cz sl a.nograpbor do- .ra p"!r;oc. 4.0 'a:n at. iXFf.KT itro(Ta; her d-oa ou:Mo work; tone a r'M''r- R irg?niaa, tJlTTATI'-V a-rtHi t p urg lady at-r.v and bh,T. A K J.Orgor.. n. r woald lta a p .a--. Pft 'n 'at y '-'A. lATY bokkr, -'!r.f 1 and CAaw., daatro asa;tion. W baw, Oraga.aa, JM JJEST opportunity In Portland for dreee mkr to Dui.! good buiHfM or at art r,n.kir hO".t- NW I'TiC St U'th a-.d rn-a a -a. fhofi Main i5ol. Mt cy. t...:..wik-i.i tnl ItdlM tailoring, fl c.ta rka.icr h.p ad reasonable price gi .4 -o Maui IOi vntnc uwto Ad ticy worx pi&ia tr oiubroiaorad, 1 lout u f'hoa a a:;x lhi P. WEBB, o lor. o f r Kurt cuttonn by t dy ; pr frt Pt. t::orio Inlia - o ot; . w n n. r i; - M A K INI tfono br tho dajr; work j-rr.lrl, tiW do. AJ(Sro 1 . ujur Mioo:ppl tAl'UllKNVED d:tim.kr ar.d tj:ora mo ir.ipmnu In fitn.llloo, ! Ir.f fiwr.i tuU r; poiAiLJ. 2 - n liofl. trt SfETV VOrX dv ncr HiaKf dro oa 5 up; WAlat. . ; tfMinf a;fwaa m f .Ufo u4.. or boauurulljr. AUk A..L.AiX lt i-ilft.L7. 44 KMlngPWorto. g.Hna, l-l.ora.1 aolta. rbul.lr of fir-n-onta of a.! doaTipt lona: bjh t your ., n al. C k.'.'-V Wood lawn a iaJ tu( Lf iiJit pro coila. a:r.a poaltloa aa prlrata aoorrtary. cgia in".' -i r rtrBMi. T Pt'l. Uragonlan- 1 r " M A K I' rd altoraiiona, ;ri.c.uu, pn -o rcaaonabla. ktI worM Pboaaa C; UL'HK: youi g woman oona u . ;irra pusluoc of roflnemant. X o. l.tffg.it.HtH. PLAIN aal farcy droaamakinc. raaaonabta j r oa 134; Corbrti t Pbona kluraiiaJ t't,U.KNT draania'Kin dna rojjna b. It T-2, Wain tV4-d Caii for dra-n-.iUara , , A"CtVjrrTEVT. oxprUnced reaniaky wruld Uko a-wlng b day. fS.3 P day. p---. n UT. .Sordica Ayta . V A.-H I 'NABI-ft droaamakit. and ladiae" tat.rrg, aifcarlocad draaamakar. Phono !kujif.KV and hand awln. baty .ay a para:t. I'i E. 1-tU .North. A aj-.. . .1. kir--e of fatiiy dr-makln. gowna. . Ci.l M iin CiJ. . t I :;.HL;.NCi;i dr. a ir.r i r tno day. Pi .iak-r would llko aow oo4 S'J7. 5i:L--MAKKR frarr. :ho fcaal wKJ tako day work. Marsnall I 71. DHFSSMAKINO- CnHdron oiotba a apa- L-i, -1.-4 d up. walata II "E. oat Id; firt-c.a-a work. Marahal' 1. TO Io n.an.Mf.a:. drtilng or aowia. Manl'all --' . SriMSIi wala and aklria raaaonabla, TlS !lr3 cor. 2-d. Man LADIK9. now la Iba tlma to gat rtm a tafl-.r-i u!t ma4a to rnoaaura. V.a fjrriari vrrtMi.( com piata. prtc SiS to 4 0 c-f aa-1 glo ui a trial: aattafnctlon pruar artcd HotrVklaa A nMT. 4-l hwot itn.i bu:g . Ma aad waablngton. Phono 14 i-ihii: 3:o , i i hTKl uioiv and a trained nuraa, U-:ra rmiinfnt r"lon ratirg for old nv or inrtiit Oi phona n urn bar. AJ r .7, urgJi-ian R'i.-POSHlPr.r ln1y will coma to Tonr homo r hotal carmic for children or aemt !-.v:!ui at any hour day or avanlng. Fine SfftlO Blfl. A ftAT'd. is;AT. ntt.id.a-agad U.ly. i-ra.-tl.-al. ktno.y tur. rvjulrao tr.cwemtrt crlug, for ol-ft-riv lady or Ina:i4 prffirod. Cathoi:o Vvrn"h"a Ioagna. Mala TRAINED malo nunc dalra permanent p.-i tloo ran? i xr oia KmunnM vaitX Al t)ronlaa. b EXFrRirNvm practical child ptiraa da airat or.a& niei;a; firt-c;aaa refarcnoa. - v a., f i-c n!in. i r K . F.scHi nurra wlahaa a poaition; r;tmi:T caea a apc1alty. Apply .J'.2 Grand ar.d Taylor at. Phona Eat Ilia. F. rhliCN'CTD nurM wlahag mtro ancgo "r Ma. mt'noJty, Invaiid. InfanL Vala ?... A 4TT. tX'f.KitNCrt Ruraa conva4cf-nU od o drtofa rafarancae. Wood law a pHVTtAl noraa. w!'.;ina; ta work:, wants r.MMawit Ua!a iad or AB 654, Ora- iTlSNTD D4r i ta in.'ianiint 1th rafarancaa. 910 a woak. lit 6f II1 At Tlf? ourg woman wpb 2-waaka-o.d hi if wiha to art aa wat auraa. Phona EXrUit:'Cr.r. practical Duraa, baat of r-r-raa Main 1 . foil aa J-inr"! Durta, phona Alarahal 24 .7. or Jliln 44'i? CA ? A ll-K amp-rlaora-l young woman with S- 4. d:rt-a Lowkf ing poUloa or rMmrf w-k wKh bouaaap:ng room. - A I.rt"., rgon tan A.E'I IN wanaa. an ir.lnt Cook and h,.Ma-k-fr. aatroa a .tuat!oa. Apply at 1 j Vaughn at., from 11 to S. Tel. Wain 24. ; w a T t ; i initios mtaly hwf kplng fr w Mi r man a cbamNrwo-k. tirtrr t.r d .nwhng: coontry prafarrod. t nJSa lt at.. r-om 4-3. a1y wanto managing at:ian; compliant, tri; ttrtnem. Sun lay or Mon T. North ih. or:::y; bt r 1 y f.)ffniii. A bl : f- Ad r' I widow wo-i.d Uka poel- tl.-o aa huakacpor fop rnttrian: no ob-j-ti-n to ec ar two chlidrao. T 547, Ora- g.-n:an. ;7j i!.l- a olD lady waota poaition aa bouk-opr. widower. In r out of eft ; ro o;.javti"0 to ana child. All (41. Orago r -an. ti i t' aTI S hcuakarr for wldowr; r;: or call. Mra T. Sutth. Sod Tint at., room ft. Portland. Or. KM i'Ki:;N"Tr:i woman with boy 13. da f -' bouaakaaptng wldowarg bo ma. Main LAT'Y w:-h hotel experlnta w;nta eharra o' rnm'nt houw; can glv beat of refer- --.-. V' t'rginlan. Ki-i l it Young oi..a wanta a ho 'jp'krrwr, bm-hclr quart era a r- Or.-ifintn. 1.1. 1--.'If Ainr-an wiiliw n!i hn of n i.i-aera ho:-n. Cull up Main bi-t or R ' fr AT ;.'!T. fYf gi'n'att. fc.. i-r iilKN.';!) w.tman : rity re'ern-e; cbaxga roomtug-houaa. blaln -'-'3i. A 47TS. CAI'AHI E wman with dmrntr 2 dm'reg !!Lit ,n hvianarr winwari rami;''. st Ln a Aranrer. 2 3 W Ald.-r Main 2o.t. V.NTt:i Paltton a houaok-rper for ra ftn4 crnip'a widower, in or out of tr-wn Kill o.V. ,!;:io capaM'X dairra position as k pt; no trif'.or or mat rtmonlai. .v "rgtn1an. AV r'PITIuN aa toui k pr In widower's h .n.e. country or city ; good cook and h lua-kepgr. F aSO. Orogonlaa. YC'"v-i widow wnu'd like 'houakplng fr w!lvtr or barheior'a aj artruanta; azper- -.'--'d. A n .-2. orrgoit'.ati. II Of kf Tr". FPK II for w ! dower or bache'or lr a img omn. Oil mornings, CZ2 l'';an iera at. Miln lsS. AS w Tklr.g hus- keener In nlf'wtr" homa cr wo ;l.l euro for In rait 4. M's Mc Ken He. H rl Teton, until a P. M. Monday. T'et rf-erer.ra. LAi'V. c.)-nit-tit and experienced, wlabes i- ..t1on houakeervr or tnanagor la bott-L C 872. O-eonlan. ET rFRI.T woman wUbaa stoady work: Is g..o 1 plain cook and neat bouaekacpar. A 5"n O-eir-'niari . A v;P)V would Ilka po!Mnn aa hou- .ir. unlncuinbarad, country. AT 6o U tr or.ltn. TOt'N ) wirtow ari eh'ld wants position as h Weeper. 1 -V Ml'waukle pt. ! i.h.-A-ili Widow W-tl.d kep hotlia for :itimii or riub I )0. C'regrnin. Ki houekei r rilra filuatloa for a w!.'.?war C f!-4. Orai -ntnn. E1TVATTV wantad by experianred cook at 4 oon1 g'rl: watcea Is.", anil f lp pr riTth. raape.-tlve'y. Phona Woadlawn flflV. C''1'"1 ra;n cook wthea i!.tia:ion. wogs $ 1 -? r 5. Ma'n 'W or AP r.'.s. OrroH.tru MITI-F;-Arrr.I WM AN. flrat-claaa cook, nar-s rvi::n. hotel, raataurant. Mrs. K.. 14 Nrth ltb St. C'"1 V y.'.T y.ST cred girl wanta ehamber wrk; d n!4-n"ti work or work as laun rtr?. Fl or.t tlat tU. forNd lady. 14 yeara. wliiheo aome klrd of honaat work: can do anythlr.s; from pea t- broo-i. T "". Qregonlan. iiAiviKr;KSKF.. skilled in ail branches of t;i-- trada, alihn smploymect. a 7 14th a"ret. ,.t woul-i Tllca to attend oClca; i.ilr.ry. AS f-t-i. Oreiconian. cvrr:oj lauadorad. It cu a pair. in IsA iii'l.-H g.r. want, g.r. wants g-nral houaework; can t spai ak Kngllso. AB C4U Oragoali rTTATTO!V fVAVTED TTKMAUB. 51 iacHLaneoua. EXPEUIENTED woman would taita cars of a ma 11 rooming bouse or do oh am bar wtrk in oxebanga for pleasant housekeeping roon.1, furnished or un furnished. 4011 Fairbanks aa. tot. Thurmaa aad Vaughn, na bit-ck wet 2-d. A LAD Y of experience would like a poai tion as manager or ai:tint In hotel or roomiaff-floia or wou.d taka balf tnter eat In good paying rooming -bouse. Cail at 467 7Lh s- or phono A 4 7 IS. fel l L AI ION wanted ss second girl by b iiah girl, roceniiy amvfl ; cannot tak hlng-.f-h; pr. ate f-:nliy pr-ft-rred. Telrrhoi.fl Lirt or" app.y forenoons, 70 K. Sv.-i st. N. TOL'N'l lsdy, ampioj-sd from 9 to 9:8(X ouid like to work for room and board; a wait labia; walking distanoe p rata rrao. Ff' i wood A'uL'LUVT you Uka to leava your cnildren In tat care of a re: lab. e girl whan you ge out of an evening? Phooe Mam Tbwi aftor b P. it. hK.sl'BOTABLE widow wll care for gen t.emsn's torn and family Good meat cook and aoamstress. AU Orsgo- niaa. T.VAM tin Mandn.g. p.aln aewlng. French hraailng oa taolo lin-n aapacia', done at your boiiaa. or mother helyor. Mrs. &mma K charOs. bM2 Tuurman au WANTED Vy aspenenred laundreas, steady I iae In private family for imnmr, auob- Oar and Thuracay. goclan. AdUreaa H aoO, Urt- A WiAN capable of assuming position aa companion, housakueper or mthor'a helper dea.rea co!Hoq in a good homa. Phona fie.lwooa 1240. REFINED, capable young woman wishes po- e.tLn aa aaieaiaay witn xirrn wnars aigai- eervlt will be appreciated, 1 eal O rag on lan. A LADY with 0 y-a:s exparlence. capable of taking full chart; ? apartment or rooming -tioiwe, would Uka A poaition; ref- ernc. a J ri, vrrorian. ' LHlh..Ci D maid for aaoond work and waiting on tao:, Mrs. J. X. Teal, 179 Su T.alr at. Phone M.iln 2640. Ui RL wanta placa in city la do g ana red housework: msicea 125 to $30. Write box 71, Portland. Kouta 2 FIKFT-CX.AHS cook for boarding house or hotel, very beat of referencta. Cathollo Women's , Iengae. Main 2431. WA VTKP I'onltlon aa chambermaid or h int-kfcier In small country hotel; ref eran J.aat MMti. Rhl rl.'i'KI) Chnat Ian girl, 2, wishes placa ss m.ild or traveling companion to a ladyf bat city referwnr-ea. W .'i1, C'regonlan. IN I oC -t uKk'c. by rspfcta'e young laiy a l:h expe: lenre; also knowledge of bio tf p'.nff. AC f.1. Or- jonlan. FIKj-iT-CLASH A, No.-l cook, cafeteria or riell-atn preferred; good wgea. X 577, TfCJtiJnn. Y 01 NO girl w a position in doctor or fientist's off tea: experience In office work, li 57S, Orcgnnian. PRIVATE Inatruction In grammar-grade work riven by experienced teaoliar. Mar shall 6-l. TBil.r.r.it.LV woman, aoud cook, for few man. small p'ace. Country pre for red. Mra fos ter. P2 N". ftfh St.. Hotel Clayton, Hoom 34. Kh.I ABl-K woman wants work few hours dolly: wonia cars for chlldran avenlnga Ta b or 10 7 X . WITH manufacturing firm by thoroughly com Tt ent bookkeepor, reference. Phona C S$44V LACE rurtstr.s hand-laundoroJ. called for and delivered; work guaranteed; 4io pair. Phona Marshall 2137. LAlV would like position aa lanltrefs or chambermaid. Call 400 Monro at. Phone FTast 4 31. r COM PUT B NT laundress wants work Wed nesdays snd Fridays; good refersnaes. Phon Msln 6q6. WANTED To care for little girl btwa-o 4 and 4 yewxs. 640 OSth it. 6. E. Mount Pcott car. TEFEPHON K operator d-slr-s position as operator of private exchange; experienced; g"d references. AP 6od. Oregonlnn. Or'iMAN woman, good cook, would like i l.too In family part of day. Phono Wood lawn 87. WOf AN wnnts few hours work mending, plain sewing, low wages. li 1940. WOMAN wiuld like work by dav. cleaning or fanry lronlnar preferred. Tabor 317. LA''H cur m Ins laundered, expert. 4-1 S. C 2-27 Ua.ED Clerical or drafting work. After S P. M. H ft.'.l. Oreronian. Uii'-I. wanta work In stor at onoa. dr-a Eaat 2 I'd at. South. Ad- LN'.I.l.-H tranches taught foralgners an 4 others. B1 faimon tf. CC'lllXTKXT laundress wants full days Kat A u'lOKVI) woman would l!ks chamber work to io. l.rsv card at 84 4 Couch at. bl. I'K H IKNCK U piano teacher gives two lessona for 75 eta. AH Qregonlan. t.XPERIENCED lsundreaa wools work bp thn day. 441 East 7th st. LA bl cur rains laundered ; flrst-olaas work. Mra. Clsrk, 27 r.eech sf- WAXTCI) Waahlna: and housed eanlng. I'r on IZast t'n. room 10. LA'"' C cur'alns. hand laundered. Phona Mr-ln liid. XllMtU-AiiKO 1--ly wants work by day or hour. Phone Main H'Md. LA I V ir uui London and Par!a; piano: chlU uren'a French class forming. Main JMT4- rbt"VO woman wants work, 2ao hour. Tabor 245. . rirat-cimaa laundress wanta work Mon day 1 referencea, no half day a Woodlawn Kll. WOMAN wants lauadxy work and cleaning by iMy. A 1447. LAX Y wants dy work; t'.nm laundrsss, 0 onta hour. Marshall 23S4. WOM N wants day work, experienced. K2 Will lame a a Mra Brady. C lfiZS. JSii li A KulAX woman wanta day work, wnsVng. ironing, house c. waning. A SsyT. utl,MAN lady would llks to oare for chil dren fow hours each day. Wpodlawa S27? DISilWAfHINO by experienced woman, or chsmeer work. Phone Marihan 8234. 6IIAMSTRKNi work neatly dona. Phone Tot-or 11-S. B ItiO. WANTED Laundry work, baJf daya only. K t:'. Oresonlan CAPABLE WuMAK wanta Cay work. Main 22 jo. room f. KNITTED shawls snd scarfs and go-cart robes mnde to oMt. Phone Fell wood Ifrtf. COLORED won-an wanU wnrk. Ma!n Sh-40. any kind day COL'JP.ilD lady wants work Tuesday and Hntur lay; no half dts. F.aat 151L , KM'ERiENCFD cashier wishes poaition. Th"n- C 2-ll T 4O0. Oregonlan. O E It M A N om an wan cooking by th? dny. housework and -0 Monroe t. WASHING at home and abroad. East o60. w a -vTrn a fi e xt. EITHER sex, to sell guaranteed hosiery; i0 per cent prollt; gooes replaced fra If hole aipeara; experience unnecaaary. 'Address "Wear Proof." West Philadelphia, Pa. L00K at financial display column a, our quarter pat; ad.; first stock orTered to pui-Uo today. Agents wanted. 430 Wo rooster. Nr- V liouehol4 necessity. Jiist out; tfO.000 11 ig Ir'our sold ia?t month; coats 10 r-i.ts. soils l0 cents. Kvftone Mig, Co., t4 8 Jaokson at.. Muncle. Ind. sell perfume: so can you. $3 will buy goods worth $lo: we will explain; ump i 0 cent a Koyal Perfume Co, Dept. 40, Pan Franclaoo. FRE" aample. patented Aug. 29. 1911, not rold In wrn; daily proiJt $. dead ensy; send 2o (mailing cost). C. P." Seed Mfg. Co.. v8 Reade. New York. WE TA Y 1.1 tJ week and expenses to men with rlga to Introduce poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 1h. Parsons. Kan. BECntT" s'eady Income selllny novelty and char tabl i:cni, in dtma.it by mer chants: rat.r.ogu free. Climax Novalty Co.. t"t. Loi::s. Lk.'N'T Slav for wages; earn $5 to $23 dully: ie own boas ; w a show you how. Particulars free. H. W. Rnapp Co., An con. CnL iNi:x; MXI'lilJIKNCKD men and women, $.10, otli-ra op week, city or country; p.r- Iicu'in fre 11 3 Wilkin Co.. 310 Tfoler block. Seattle, Wash. LKO'TIMATE substitute for Kt machines; ps tented , sails on attrht for $1. Partic ulars. Oirha Co.. Anclersjn. Ind. WANTED Irculatlon lunnsper and tora fjr lire piper. Call or address 410 17llers bldg. AO E NTS. leam shout the profits made sup- Ilylns perfumes to familia. Ad draws efflcr 4 Co., Indlanapolu. Ind. SALESMEN to sell stork local corporation; 20 per cnt cash commission paid dally. H-din. 4 Worceater bldg.. city. BOTH sexes, eorr.ethlnr new; gas Jet room bearers: nescaetty every houe; aay seller; nr't sip; Med. He. I1 Heads. New York. AGP. NTS snd solicitors warned for good propoait!n. aometbln new lo Portland. Apr y '-' Couch Bldg. VAVTEC Live agents to sail phot eoaj pons. Boston studio 942 Waak. sC WANTKO AGENTS. GK N'F.RAL and local: hare la your oppor tunity: encrsretlo man can make $2500 Yearly ana ud. Improved Carfcheater kero- aene mautie lamp revolutionises old meth ods; lar superior to electricity, gas. acety lene, gaso.ine, 1-10 cost; burner fits all lamps: aa'o, clean, odorloss; bums with or without mantl; tested and pronounced by btata of Pennsylvania. "Most efficient Pght found." Greatest auiler known; want lew more live men in open lerniory. . cheater Light Company dept. 13 U, 204 X. Staia St., Chicago. AGENTS and slgnpainters, steady Income, pl-aeant work. asy hours, your own boas, ael.lna am boa sad metal 11a window let t era. ready prvpared to be put up with benzine ar.d A roUr: experience only increases sposd; can ba put up for lass money than any kind of band painting; average coat under c. sell up lo Sac; profit always good; demand enonnou; complete outfit and ruikntM rat-da fraar monav back If c laaaiiatled. blm boaaed Letter Co.. 241 JkiUvvaukea ave., Chicago. AOcJNTS W loan you aamplo; make $140 to $di weekly selling our new and un equal ad portable gasoline table and hang ing lamb for lighting city and rural homes, stores, halls, church t a. Most powerful light known. Mors brilliant and many times ohesper than ras or electricity; ev ery ona a j asaibie cuainmor; large eoromis alona; excluaiva territory free. Write for amp! today, fiunahine Safety Lamp Co-, til Factory bMf.. Kansas City. Mo. Htirlt S best yet. BUgesi holiday seller out. blvery man buy a Women buy for presents to men. Wlngo made $10SO profit six week. Fteveron aeliing bo evary day. ou do earn a. K very ona amazed over mar velous accuracy of new wonderful auto matic rator sharpener. Agents, salesmen, managers wanted ereryw hero all or spara tlma $50 to $UD weekly. Get de tails, sworn statements at once. The Never Fnlr Co.. 5'J3 Colton fcldpr.. Toledo. O. 0T BUSYr something new; frenzied selling going on everywhere; Beers sold COO first e.k; Houfjansen sold 4 two days; other fellows making S4. $12. 120 daily; light, compact, carry In pocket; enormous de mand; largo profits; territory going fast; act quick; postal brings free booklet; will how you how to make money quick. Uni versal import Co, dept. A. 1061. Cincinnati, Ohio. ; AG 2 NTS and saleamen; sell the "Slip-Easy coliar faatener and tie siide; 204 per cent profit; I'Oo article; you "tie your tie with out a tussle;" every man needs one; catchy advertising helps to a ell on sight; also large oon.inlaelon on orders and repeat or - durs sent ua from rated jewoiers and ha-bordaaht-ra; an ideal side Una. Send lOo for agent s sample. Lovstt A Company, Heverly, Mr.is. MEN and women, there are 1.340.000 desk telephones In use in United fitatee. Kaxh and every user of desk telephone cheerful ly pays quarter for new telephone cord holder. It has never been shown In your territory and it will give you a chance to clear $12 to $.10 daily for the next 6 daya If you act quick. A. B. Lee, sole manu facturer. Canton, Ohio. SK.I na your address ai d we will mall our new catalogue; our lit 12 agents' catalogue Illustrates o00 articles, all sold on money back guarantee. Make big cash profits; get Xinai presents free and enter $10y0 priso contest free. Complete selling in atructlona teach you how to get orders at everv house. A. W. Holmes A Co., Dept. M-, Providence. R. I. PICTURE book, harp, mandolin solicitors, we hava the beat proposition, easiest to - handle; beat monoy, and .some 1 11 ins; that everyone wants; If you have ability and want a atcady. remunerative poaition, thfa P one opportunity of a lifetime to rt In right. Sunday and Monday, 9 P. M. Hoom 10. Zhi E. Morrison st. MOST practical, cheapest, only guaranteed cigar lighter made; retails for -fc; over luo per cent profit. 33 1-3 per cent profit when sold wholesale to ckar, drug, de partment stores, send 15c for sample. Su perior Novelty Wks., 857 Crlily bldg.. Chicago . AGENTS, on salary or commission;! the greatest agents' sellor ever produced; rtry user of pen and Ink buys It on sight; SiiO to 300 per cent profit; one agent s sales amounted to $ii-0 In six days- another $:'2 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 44, La roj-se. Wis. J3E Independent, at art mall-order business; our booklet, "The Truth About Mall Or der Business,' tells how; It's yours for 10c. Snd trday and we'll Include "The New Road Map to M-iM-Order Success." Just off the pre", alsa formulas nnd trnde secrets. SETTING FUN. box e0t. Oakdale. Cal. FIELD unlimited Grab this winner, and tlie money 1 yours; an absolute ruocvhs; 03 per cent buy It. You make 100 per cent pro3t. Send postal for free partlculare. The A. D. BpeclaJtlea Co., ICS Turk at-, Han Francisco. Cal. $2o WEEK for two houra' work a day, brand new hosiery proposition that beats them all; write for terms and free sample If you mean business. Uuarante:d Iloaiery Co., 6"3Q Finch bldg.. Dayton. Ohio. CKEWINO CUM Sell dealers your town. can, profitable business bultt quickly with our brands: four flavors; novel pack ages. Writ today. Helmet Co Cincin nati, O. MANAGER wanted every city snd county, handle best paying1 buslnees known; legltl mite. new, exclusive control, no Insurance or book canvassing. Chaa. Hals lead. 4$ Weft 34th St., New Tork. AGENTS make big money selling our metallic letter, for office wlndowa. store fronts and glass signs; anyone can put thrm on; eampie free. Metallic Blga Co 437 N. Clark at.. Chicago. FOR SALE Elk flaga. banners, draperies and novelties for the reunion In 1912. Finest line In America for sals cheap. Address the Western Fireworks Company, Denver. Colo. ItiO KARA DIAMONDS Agents everyone, wear and sell our famous Bokara Dia monds; write for sainiie offer and ca'-a-lrguo free. Northwestern Jewelry Co., UJ8 Wllaon av.. Chicago. . WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Furnished, six or seven-room house with garage, for six monthi or more. Must be close to school and In god neighborhood. Responsible parties; csn furnish references. AK 647. Orego nian. WANTED By refined couple, 3 or 8-room furnished cottage or apartment; modern, private bath, etc.; by Nov. 12; references; West bide preferred; state full particu lars and lowest rent. H 554. Oregqnlan. t REFINED young couple would like the care of, or to rent a furnished house on West Hide, Willamette Heights district preferred. X K7C Qregonlan. WANTED A furnished house or bungalow of 6 or ft rooms; must be modern and close In; one having furnace preferred. State full particulars. L 533, Oregon fan, WANTED A seven or eight-room house to rent by the year; mouorn; not too far from business center; price not over $30 per month. AC :, Qregonlan. TRUST WO RTHT man snd wife will cere for reaidvnee durirj" Winter in exchange for lent or part payment. Address Room bi'd Y. M. C. A. MAN and wife, no children, would take care of small furnished house during Win ter; references. AO M4. Oregoniun. WANTED Modern $ or S-roorn bungalow, by young couple: must be close In; good car service: yard. Phone Tabor WANTED to rent 2 or 8-room furnished cottage with water and gas, by young man. V 54S. Qregonlan. SMALL furnished Hat by young married couple. W 6t4, Qregonlan. Apartments. WANTED Furnished apartments, good lo ca'lon; five or six rooms; responsible par ties; no children. L f60. Qregonlan. Room a WANTED 2 small basement front rooms, unfurnished must have water and g-as: reasonable rent; apartment preferred. V RA3. Oregon Jan. WANTED Qne housekeeping room for" wo man, employ ea. ana oiuftnier ciose 10 school; Catholic preferred; must be reaa- onsble. AM ofll. Oreponlan. ' WANTED by lady employed, sunny, light room. Nob Hill district. AF 653, Ore gon lan. YOfXO man wants room In private fam ily. AO 68. Oregonlan. ybUNOlad v"wants your? lady for com panion. AT C-3. Orecontan. " , Hm With Hoard, GENTLEMAN desires room and board In private fnmlly on West Side; must be In walking distance and steam or air heated. P 561. OreKoniftn. WANTED Room and board, private family, by youns lady; must be flrst-clnss, cen " trally located; references. AP 666, Ore- g-onlam TWO young ladies wculd like room and board with private fnmlly; West Side; walking dtatance. T 6.q, Qregonlan. GENTLEMAN wants ronm and board In private homa on or near Union ave, and Alberta St. AE 5flTi. Qregonlan. FOR Winter 6 to 7-room furnished house. W t yide. no children; reference. M 55 Oregonlfcn. WANTED Home for boy 12 years old: will work for his board and schooling. R 670, Oregonlan. LADY employed, wishee board and room, walking dlstanca, reasonable. K 517, Ore gonlan. A GENTLEMAN would Ilka flrst-olass board snd room with bath In private family. T 57". Or-gonian. FIVE o'clock dinner by gentleman; refer encea AS 654, Oregonlan. ! WANTED TO KENT. Rooms With Board. WANTED Board and room for man and wife; prefer private home; large room; warm; good board; West Side preferred, north of Washington st; state price and location. V 5H. Qrogonian. NEATLY furnished room, with or without board, wanted in private family, modern home, by quiet young man; no oinr roomers: give full particulars. AD 543, Oreconian. ' WA NTED Refined home for companion able girl cf 15 years; handy at house work: willing; to pay far musio. Y Or son lan, . iSualneaa Plucea. WANT $50' 10-year lease on factory build ing on East iSide, close In- Pacific Art Glass Works, 151 Front st. FOB RENT. Furuialted atooana. HOTEL ALDER. Beg-lnclng today HwlEL ALDER, 4tn and Alder sts., will offer special induce ments on weekly and monthly ratea to fie-rcanent gueeU during the Winter. Best ocatlon In the city, convenient to all theaters, storea. business dlstrlot and post office. A comfortable home, with every modern convenience, in the heart of the city. Local and long-distance telephone, hJt and cold running water In every room. The beat of bellboy and elevator service day and nlk'ht. Rooms singly and en suite. House thoroughly modern and newly -furnished. Rates on application. NOW OPEN NOW OPEN! NOW CPEN1 Tns-e tlvree beautiful furnished hotels. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL MINOOK PA ItSONS. ROWLAND IIS., 4th St. 211 4th St. 0iVi 4th st. On Fourth at., running from laylor to Fslmon st.; brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private bathe, hot and cold water In all rooroe; strletly up to date In all respects, and at popular prices. If you want something out of tns ordinary. In ths heart of the city, at rea sonable prices, give us a call, as we kno you will like it. Rooms by the day. weak er month. Tourist trale solicited. NOTICE to the Public: That the residence at 648 H Washington, bounded by lth, 18th and Alder sis., has changed hands, and will be known as the Hotel Rose, un der entire new management. Hotel has 63 light, ventilated outside single and some housekeeping rooms, well furnlsned. hot and cold water and Steam heat, bath, gaa and electrio light; rent reasonable, irom SJ.50 up. Special rates to steady roomers. Transient and only respectable trade solicited. Only 5 minutes' walk from postofflce. dive us a caiL Good accom modations assured. HOTKfj CAPLES, Residential. WO Taylor. Transient. Bet, 7th and Park Sts. Opposite Heiiig Theater. Central, cmieu Rooms from 75c daily, with private bat a, from $1 dally; special weekly and montniy rates; suites. New, handsomely fur niahed brick; elevator, telephone, hot and cod running water. From Union Depot J" car to Taylor or "W" car to 7th; from Hoyt-street Depot. S" car. transfer on Morrison to 7th. Phone Marshall xJO. THE CORDOVA HOTEL. 11th and Jeffer- aon sis. ; new ui ' j - , pleted. over 60 rooms, all with private tei ephoae. steam heat, hot and cold water, many with baths; newly and splendidly furnished. This hotel will cater to ths home-loving, permanent tenants and will make every effort for the comfort and pleasure of its guests; rents the most reas onable, considering furnishlnga and equip ment in ths city. Now open for Inspec tion. nnv T itt 7 VT TOR ROOMS. We direct you to rooms, apartments, flats, hotels, that will best suit your re quirements. This service is absolutely FREE OF CHARGE TO YOU. - Call, write or phone, APARTMENTS AND ROOM DIRECTORY, G." Lovejoy su, Portland, Or. Phone Main 6V- JUST OPEN! JUST OPEN! HOTEL DENTLY. 264 H 4th, Opp. City HalL Right in town, quiet, splendid furniture, telephones, steam heat. hot and cold water in each room, baths, large rooms, $3 50 and up per week. Plenty of heat. Transient Trada Solicited. Main 617ii. 4) A. 4629. unTir.T. I. A RALLE. Opened Oct. 1G, 191L Absolutely tireproof ; Tenth and Burn side 2 blocks north of Washington; rooms $1, with private bath, $1.60; spe cial rates by week or month; suites; mod u.'lTFl. hAVriV. Ill Eleventh Street. w modem brick outldlng. tteam heat ed private bathe, hot and cold water In room a, beautifully furnished, cosy, com fnrtabla, rent reaaonable. Cal! and see ua ftearular and transient trade solicited. 6AHGENT HOTKu, corner Grand and Haw- theme avea. BuulUuf .f"" slngie or en suite, with prnste bath; hot and cold water, steam heat and prlrata shone In every room; moderate weekly or monthly rates; grill In connection; transi ents solicited. RAINIER HOTEL. One block from Union Depot; 140 otrt slde room with hot and cold water as! steam beat; offers special rates to perman ent erueata; rates 60c to $2.00 per day; 43 50 and up Pf week. Phone liaia $413- GRAND UNION HOTEL, at-7 4j East Burnsiae. 120 modem steam-heated rooms, close In hot and cold running water, rooms single or en suite, rooms with private bath, rates 50c to $1.50 per day; $2 to $7 per week. East OlMU. o J to. 1SS 11TH ST. Comfortable rooms In vary desirable location; furnace heat, - hot and cold running water In rooms, waJkina; distance, also furnlahed housekeeping rooms In basement; gas plate and wood range for cooking and eleolrio llghUt rea sonable. , THE WEAVER. That quiet, select family hotel, at 710 Washington st., near 22d ; nicely fur Utthed outside rooms with private bath and phones: board if desired. Main WL THE PEER HOTEL, East 8d and Burnslde; new firt proof building, steam-heated, hot ard cold water and phonea In all rooms; private baths, lobby and parlor; elevator servlcs; rates $3 per week and up; traa aianta solicited. Phone East 171. LARGE front room, bay window, elegantly furnished; everythine conducive to com fort, suiiao: ii w i cu. i.cti.iii heat and s 11 modern conveniences. "Bo isnta Apts." 1WH 2d st. Phone Mar shall 2944. Terms reasonaoie. 105 H Twelfth St. Marshall 2790. In heart of business district. Steam heac, hot and cold water, free phone io every room. II QT Dd "Pi 4 weefc nd ug THK REGENT. 101 H Seventh au; beautiful roomsT right down town; Ideal location tor parties staying In town for business or pleasure; rates very reasonable, by day 9t week. US month up. HOTEL REN WICK An Ideal home for business people; centrally located; elegant rooms- ail modern conveniences; "th and Taylor sts., 1 block from Portland Hotel, opposite Helllg Theater. Main Mfl, - MADRAS HOTEi T 12th and Washington. Any room In the house for J5 a wsek and nothing extra for iwo in a reoza; thoroughly modern. THE COLONIAL, outside double rooms, $4 to 18 50, single rooms $2 to S3.50, steam beat, fma bath. 163 10th. "W" car from depot. NICELY furnished, clean, well-kept room, hot and cold water in every room, ciose in. moderate prices. 30 North 17th St., JUS. Oli- " Liiil airy rooms, modern, suites or ain ale $2 and $3 week; 0v minutes' walk inH unras: free ohoae. Lin- just off Washington, siaranan iftu O ail a'Jf-vu - THE GLEN DOHA, 18th and Couch; for rent, furnished rooms, large parlor, billiard and pool .tables free to guests; $10 per month and up. Call Hotel. 828 4tn. NICE ciean sunny room, $2 for one, $2.50 for two also one $2.50 for one. $3 for two; electric llpht, heat, phone and bath. A601i0. 370 7th st. "SICE warm front room, for one or two; also larga attic room, $1.25 per week. 186 14th sl - NICELY furnished sleeping room for young. UdyT close In. Call apartment 11. 821 14th at. "phone i A 1057. "hotel franklin, 1?.TH AND WASH. New management, strictly respectable, front roomr. $5 and $5.7)0. THE TEMPLE. :4$Vz Yamhill .st,, opposite Hotel Portland; furnished rooms; $2.50 a v.ek. up; transient. . FURNISHED, also unfurnished rooms, very suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bid., 1st and Pine. NEWLY furni6hed rooms, 10 mm. walk from p. O.. $2 and $4 a week. 633 H Washing ton t., between 15th and 16th. EUCLID HOTEL, lath and Washington sts.. strict Iv modem, suites, private baths; rates moderate: transient or regular. ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor and alcove Bleeping room, bath, phone. t30 North 18th. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at moderate pricee. cor. Sd snd Montgomery. THELarrp.bee. 2274 LarTabe: under new managtnient ; modern; transient; close in. DESIRABLE rooms, g-otd location, $10 up; one hP'ifKper-ir.g. . 1 aioiriMm. KORRI3 HOTEL Rooms strictly modern; $3.60 per week and up. l&2h 17th at. FRONT room, use of piano. 1S1H Park at. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ARMENTU3 HOTEL, 410H Morrison Under new management; every attention paid to the comfort of our guenta; transients so licited. Phone Main 81)50. Furnished Rooms In Private Family- LARGE, sunny room, with alcove. In family of 3 adults; steam heat, constant hot wa ter, lo minutes' walk to P. O. ; satisfac . tion assured to anyone wanting a nice, quiet and cozy room. Coil at 08 16th sU Phone Marshall 2439; gentlemen only. FINELY furnished room for gentleman. $11 per month ; furnace heat ; modern; tsrble board close by; walking distance, near Eaat Morrison-street carl in e. 6i2 Belmont St., cor. East ISth. NEW and elegantly furnished suite front rooms on lower floor, suitable for 2 or S adults; steam heat, electric lights; also steam-huated sleeping room. Marshall 217H. rr.O N. ltlh eu HANDSOMELY furnished front room In modern furnace-heated home. within walking distance of business center, suit able for two. 254 East 3d North. S. S. corner Multnomah BrilGHT. well-furnished rooms for one or two persdne, also large alcove room; with in walking distance. 141 East 12th, oor. Morrison. East 13S0. NICE little room on Sd floor; very desira ble for man sleeping daytime; reasonable rent; all modern conveniences. 341 Jef feriion. BIO. newly furnished front room, with al cove bedroom, electric lights, gas, bath, suitable for two; reasonable, walking dis tance. Call Sunday, Bolifr Yamhill. LARGE, nicely furnished room, suitable for two gentlemen, two beds, two meals. In modern flat, $-5 per month. 647 H dth t- A 37oi LARGE, well-furnlshed rooms, hot and cold water, phone, furnace heat, single, suite or housekeeping ; walking distance. 655 East Eurnslde st. CLEAN, light, airy rooms, well furnished, steam beat, bath, phone; easy walking dlntanoe; reasonable. Main 7410. 445 Co lumbia St. TWO newly furnished rooma, 122 K. Sth, between Aider and Morrison; rent rea sonable. Call between 111 and 1 or after 6 P. M. k NICELY furnished room, wltih lots of heat and hot water. 670 Belmont sc. oor. 20th. Funnyside and Mount Tabor ears. Phone Tabor 1075. LARGE, clean, light, front. room, with al cove, heat, light, bath and phone; one or two employed people; references. Call Sun. or evenings. 654 YamhllL NICELY furnished front room, very rea sonable; one or two gentlemen; private family; close li. S26 Cay st. Phone Main 8S5 203 GRANT st., 2 front rooms, by week or month, with or without board. Phone A 3745; VERY nicely furnished room with steam heat and every modern convenience. Phone A 4070. FURNISHED nine-room house In a beautiful resident district, reasonable price. 674 E. Taylor at. Phone E. 2005. - NEW and beautifully furnished rooma In modem house; one-half blook from busi ness center. 128 14th street- ARE you looking for a warm, modern room In AI location If so, call at 387 Mill. . EXTRA large front room, with or with out housekeeping; privilege; modem in every respect. 387 M11L m NICELY furnished rooms, electric )isht, bath, phone, $2.50 and $3.00. 807 Jeffer son st. LARGE front room in Irvlngton. half block from Broadway, with or without board. Phone after 4 P. M., C 246L VERY desirable furnished room In modern Eteam-heated apartment; second floor. Flat D, 460 Jefferson. Main 7504. FRONT room, newly furnished, to gentle man. In family of two; light, heat and bath. 330 Harrison st.. near 6th. FINELY furnished rooms with all modern conveniences and close In; walking dis tance. Call at 675 Olisan st. NICELY furnlahed front rooms for one or two gentlemen. 475 7th at. Call after 6 P. M. ONE front room, on lower floor, furnished, $1.50. or $2 for two; also one for $1.25, 672 E. Oak St.. corner 13th. NICELY furnished room for rent; modern; bath and phone; private residence; close In. 412 East Harrison. LUXURIOUS room, harmonious surround ings, restricted district; walking distance, T 620, Oregonlan. FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences, reasonable. 633 Flanders. In walking distance. NICELY furnished room, modem conven iences, centrally located, reasonable, 404 CI ay, near 10th, LARGS, airy, newly furnlehed rooms, hot and cold water, bath, telephone; an Ideal place. 182 14th st. N. 5 WEEK, front room suitable for three or four gentlemen; phone and bath. 214 11th fit. SLEEPING porch, with large front room, ail modern conveniences. 602 Market LAKciE room, suitable for two ladles or gen tlemen; heat, laundry privileges, paved district; $10 per month. Tel. Tabor 3161. TWO nice rooms, electric lights, bath, heat, phone, private residence, $3 0 a month; home surroundings. Main 5509. FOR RENT To 2 gentlemen; large, newly furnished bedroom; slngla beds. Apply 715 Johnson st-. flat 1. X FINE suite of rooms to rent where thera are no other roomers, to a business man. 474 Columbia st, PKdVATE family; room suitable for one or two, walking distance, 2 blocks from Steel bridge, 2G7 La rr a bee at, STEAM -HEATED furnished rooms; electrio lights, gas, bath, phone. 5t5 Glison street. LARGE, comfortable room" in private home, for one or two gentlemen; gas, heat, bath and phono. 325 7th, NICELY furnished front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 235 Adams at,, near steel bridge F0R RENT Furnished room In Rose City Park; half block from car, with or with out board. TeL Tabor 253. FURNISHED Couch st. room for rent, 407 East NICE large front room for two, $3.50. At 452 Salmon st. furnished. NICELY furnished front room. 1041 East Yamhill st, ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. large light room "with bath. 489 21st st. Phone Main 3257. NICELY furnished front rooms, at. Marshall 3054. 331 14th NICELY furnished room for one or two gen- J tlemen. 141 13th St., cor. Alder. J FURNISHED rooms, with boar a. I l.z glan ders st. Phone Main 1647 8 NEWLY furnished rooms. 631 Columbia st. near lGth. Wilt give board later. HALL room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, reason able NEWLY furnished rooms, walking distance, 74 j Hoyt, . FURNISHED room In private family, wolk- ing distance. 60O 2d st. FLF.N-HED room in new, modern home. 754 Front at,, near Falling School. TWO nicely furnished rooms on first floor; rent reasonable. 511 Morrison st. NICELY furnished room at the Mahr, 228 N. uta. Call Apr. 11. Marshall 2038. IN house with no children, one large fur nished alcove room. 766 Johnson. TWO nicely furnished rooms. In private house; references required. Phone B 1964. FIRST FLOOR; front room; reasonable. J68 12th st. . NICELY furnished room for one or two, walklne distance. 327 W. Park. 2iS NORTH 20TH ST., well-furnished, light and attractive room. Take W car. N ICE room, cheap ; Eal 6th. easy walking distance. FURNISHED room, heat, light and batn, at 423 Harrison st, FRONT ROOM, nicely furnlsheo furnace heat, bath ; reasonapie. ats 111a at. o. ONE fine front room suitable for 2; also "single room. COS Clay st. NICELY furnished rooms to rent- 697 Ho,t street. t ROOMS, $7 to $20. in modern private home. 410 Park st. Phone Main 8527. TWO single furnished rooms, street. 26 North 10th 70S EVERETT ST. New three-room apartment; no children. FRONT room; closet. 163 hot 17th, and cold water, large corner Morrison. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms In good nome; references. 738 Johnson st. ROOM, suitable for one or two. running water, heat,' phone, bath, 265 6th at. NEAT ROOU$-50 per week; $2 for 2. 261 12th st. . SEVERAL well-furaished rooms, from $2 weekly; transients also. 655 Washington. BEST room in city for money; modern, near Washington. 29 17th North. TWO nicely furnished rooms, for ladies. 461 Union ave. North. Phone E. 1578. NICE front room for 1 or 2, strictly mod ern; walking distance. 94 North 16th. FOB KENT. Furnlahed ivooxua in Private Family THREE rooms, very nicely furnished, la modern hat, near caxiiues; 14 minutes' walk; anyone wanting a comlortabla home, either lad tea or gentlemen, better see these rooms. Call Sunday. B 146a, or phone evenings during the week. This is first-class. 164 1-IH Splendidly furnished, large, worm room lor one or two; separate beds it desired; also and $3 rooms; plenty of hot water; cheapest lu the city; walking dLstance. TWO large, iirst-clas furnished rooms, suit able for two gentlemen in each, with fur nace heat, electric lights, bath and phone; price reasonable. 6-tf Johnson at, AfhonS Main 64U7. TVQ large newly furnished front rooms, suitable for two or four young men; also furnished bedroom with use of kitchen; suitable for two. 30 E. 11th N. Phona B 31u.". FOtt. KKM In private home, nice largo furnished furnace-heated room, sultab.e for two gentlemen; also small room with in walking distance of postofflce. 40i Jackson st. Phone Main 4331. FURNISHED room; steam heat, electrio lignts, bath, phone, automatic elevator ail modern conveniences; gentlemen only Carmelita Apartments, ISth. and Jeftar son. Phone Mala 4.47S. NICELY furnished, large front room and alcove; a well NEW STRICTLY MODERN, private apartment; close in; fine location; for one or two gentlemen. Phone before 1 P. M. Marshall 2345. YOUNG man, living In private family, wishes roommate; modern except furnacel on carllne, 20 minutes out. East Side. AL 6d2, Oregonlan. $5 WEEK, front parlor, private home, bath, heat, telephone, walking distance, gen tlemen oniy. 185 16th st. Phone Main llM'J. FURNISHED rooms, private family, no chil dren, walking distance, one block from two carllne a. 16th and Holly sts.. Ladds Addition. Bath, heat. Phone E. 211. ONE very nice alcove room and two small rooms, unfurnished or furnished. If de sired. SOS Jackson sL, between 6th and 6th sts. $10 VERY pleasant, well-furnished front room, with piano, good neighborhood, walking distance. East Side. Phone East 1476. PLEASANT furnished room, modern con veniences, choice neighborhood, walking distance. Phone C 2&03. 266 Grand ave. North. , LARGE, elecantly furnished room, close In. electric lights, heat and bath, suitable for one or two young men. 71 Trinity Place, WANTED 1 or 2 ladles, or man and wife, to rent room; breakfast If desired. Phone East 42l3. 447 6TH ST., near. College; newly furoisned front room, suitable for married couple or two gentlemen. FURNISHED room, suitable for couple or two girls; privilege of making breakfast. East 144. Col hj E. Burnslde. ROOMMATE wanted by young lady, at 180 17th st., cor. Yamhill, who has large front room and use of gas plate; $7.60 per mo. NICELY furnished room, $10; large attio room, $S per month; heat and bath. 160 16th st., near Morrison. 16S Vs 10TH. Neatly f urn Is h ed room, suitable for light housekeeping. - TWO large rooms, elegantly furnished, first floor front, private bath, furnace; also larpe double room. 26 N. 17th. LARGE, pleasant room, suitable for ona or two; reasonable; breakfast If desired. $45 Fourteenth st, $S AND $10 Newly furnished ateam-heat-ed rooms, closa, pleasant location; ladle preferred. 'East 2634 after 2 P.M. PLEASANT room with use of kitchen rea sonable to lady employed. Call before 3 o'clock. 33 N. 19th. WELL-FURNISHED room in private home; board or use of kitchen If desired. Phone E. 3151. 774 E. Burnslde. 12 11TH. near Salmon; front alcove room with porch; suitable for two; walklnsj distance. LARGE, attractive, newly-furnished room, Columbia and llith; steam heat, hot wa ter, phone. Call Mrs. Layman. Main 7741. WANTED 2 to 4 young men to occupy 2 neatly furnished rooms; rates reasonable. Marshall 1258. 650 Hoyt ELEGANTLY furnished front, alcove fo rent; everything new and strictly up to date. 349 Harrison. Phone Main 8012. TWO nice, newly furnished, all conveniences, gentlemen or business ladles; $9 and, $14. 715 Hoyt St., cor. 22d. NICE front room with alcove and sleeping porch, suitable for two; steam heat, walk ing distance. 39 West Park. 31 l MONTGOMERY Large, light, dead rooms, $9 mo.; all conveniences; furnace heat; close in. A 7796. NEATLY furnished front room, suitable one or two people; stove heat, bath, phone. 450 Yamhill st. ONLY four blocks from Helllg. desirable for two or three: private entrance; $2.50 nnd $4 week. 230 10th. iO Very nice room, modern conveniences; furnace heat, walking distance. 893 11th Ptr?er. , PRIVATE family; nice large front room, furnished, close In, L50 a week. 414 Harrison St. ---- WELL-FURNISH ED room for gentleman; clean and quiet; furnace heat, electrio light, bath. Phone 700 Flanders. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room for gentle man. In new home In irvlngton. phone 2 1429. 1 . NICELT furnished room In private family, suitable for two, near Washington, reoson able. 650 Couch. i m LARGE sunny parlor, newly furnished, dou ble roam, single beds; walking dlstanoa. 401H 12th Bt, ONE room with board in private Doaraing h ou se ; first class and modern. 208 23d st. LARGE room, all conveniences, no other roomers, small private family. Maln002, UPPER floor of S light housekeeping rooms, walklne distance. 571 5th. M. 929 NICELY furnished rooms; $8 and $10. 806 14th st. . $3.00 WEEK Nice front parlor room; adults) oruy. i-" 3 tiBnv .v". FUHNISHED rooms. 443 21st North. Call be tWeen IO A. M. and 4 P. M., week days. LARGE, pleasant room, with use of piano; also gmau rwm. NICELY furnished front room, reasonable, 473 Alder. FURNISHED rooms, 251 Clay. close in, reasonable. NICE large front room; bath, phone and furnace heat. 674 Johnson St. NEATLY furnished bedroom, gran phone; $1.50 per ween. on NEAT furnished room; home privileges; Kas. furnace, phone: close In. 800 ith st $10 Large front parlor bedroom, nicely furnished; modern. 670 Gantenbein ave. PRIVATE family, Savler St. two modern rooms. 66$ ROOM Suitable one or two people; bath, heat and phone. Marshall 83 1. 12 WEEK; good room, with stove; quiet home: short walk. 2fl2 Tenth st. FOR nice steam-heated rooms call at 54 fl Washington, apt. C. . NICELY furnished front room in flat. 693 Glisan. near 21st. DOUBLE sleeping; room, nicely furnished 1 all conveniences. 66 Ella st. Call Sunday. NICE furnished room, phone and bath. 251 10th. FURNISHED sleeping room, $1.60 91 14 1st. cor. Stark, room 25. HOT water heat, new, richly furnished front rooms; central; reasonable. 355 11th. ROOM, free phone, gas. bath, also two email rooms, cheap. 194 X. 15th at 701 EVERETT, near 21st, flat B, nicely fur nished room; private home; gentleman. NICELY furnished room, suitable for 1 Of 2. all conveniences, 12. CSS Irving. 664 GLISAN ST., bright front room, furnaoa heat, walking distance, gaa, bath, phone. NICE room, connecting, bath, for gentleman. Mastin, 409 Yamhill. t NICELY furnished rooms. In new, light fiat. 432 Sd. flat-C! $L50 to $3.50weekly. 305 12th. FURNISHED room, reasonable. 315 Market. FURNISHED rooms at 35 North ISth it, Unfurnished Rooms. TWO large unfurnished front rooms. In pri vate house, first floor, bath, rss and hot water furnished; close In, 300 Holladay ave. Phone C 2237. iKwinift en Cl BoareL DOES a home appeal to yoT The Whitehall, cor 6th and Madison, large rooms, bath, broad verandas, quiet, close In. near can, 4 blocks from P. O. American plan. IfiE MAN I TO U 261 13th. new manage ment; thoroughly renovated: Imrttia r-joms : choice board. Main 1184, PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d year! rioma with board. ue of eewlng-room. li brary. 610 Flanders. F. N. Heath snpt. TWO- fine rooms; home cooking; modern. 617 Kearney, TheAiagnoiias. Rooma With Hoard In Private Family. LARGE front, also single room; 0 blool Postofflce, 223 West Park. A A