PUNS ABE IDE FOR COMING TRIAL Louis J. Wilde Arrives to Pre pare His Defense in Ore gon Trust Case. MORRIS IS NOT FEARED llankers Attorney Sajs E-Catler I Only Serrinj Out Hit Prison Sentence at Hotel, and Will Do So T ntll Protest. To pass the remainder of the time lIWfn now and January I. the data n wblrh hla trial be Kin a. In preparing with hla attorneys to meet the evi dence which may be presented by the state. Louis J. Wilde arrived eater day In Portland. He la staying with reiatlvea. and la accompanied by hla wife and family, and annouocea, throurh hla aitorn-y.. that he l pre- ared to "camp" In Portland and fight It out. "We will he prepared when January 2 arrives to present our defense la first-class shape." aald Jay Howerman, of counsel for Wilde. "We are not at 11 afraid of anything that W. Cooper .Morris may or may not divulge. Thla atuff about hi going over the books la all buncombe. 1 am reliably Informed. Ha la almpiy serving Ins sentence at the Carlton MoteL lie haa been there three we ks now. amok'ngood clrara and living high, and Is Ilk. ly to remain until the newspapers or the public en ter a vlaroroua proteat." A. J2. Clark, special prosecutor In the Wihlo case, haa repeatedly denied that there la a scheme on foot to trade Morris for Wilde, Mr. Clark aald: "I waa careful to tell Mr. Morris that anything he might testify to on the wltneaa aland must be told without hope of reward. We could nut arrange auch a deal aa haa been Intimated, and In any event I am quite sure that Oov ernur West would not sanction it. and he Is the pardoning power of this slate." The Indictment against Wilde chargea that be contribute. i to the rrtmlnallty of W. Cooper ilorrla and the (allure of the Oregon ttuvlnga and Truat Bank by Inducing the cashier to accept half of a commission of 190.000 accruing from the aale of a large block, of tele phone bonda to the bank. HOUSEWIVES POOR BUYERS IntemJgator Says Los Angeles Wom en Pay lllgu Prk-es Needlessly. LOS ANGELES. Nov. . Housewives In Los Angeles are not acquainted with the most economical ways of buying foodstuff, says Miss Edith M. Miller, a Vaasar girl and clerk of the Lodge committee of the Senate, which Is In vestigating the high cost of living In the I'nlted .States. Miss Miller haa gone from here to san r ranclsco. where her Inveatlgatlona will be resumed. 'Many Loa Angelea housewives are poor buyers." aald Mlsa Miller yeater day. "They tlon't know the most economical waya of making purchases. Jn the so-called exclusive neighbor hooda prices of ateaka are anywhere from S to it cents higher than In the poor, or In the middle clasa districts, for the same cuts. Tbla could be reme died easily by the housewives making purrhaaea outatde their district." Miss Miller will be followed here by other agents of the committee, who will Inquire Into the wage question and determine the relation between wages tnd the cost of food. TURKEY GROWS FOR TAFT 1'hrstnut Diet Expected to Produce White House CJobblor de Luxe. NEWPORT. R. I., Nov. 4. Horace Voir, tfte Westerly turkey fancier, la pr-oarlng his annual Thanksgiving gift for President Tafts table. The Taft turkey this year la a fine brome gobbler, which Is gaining weight every minute on a diet of chestnuts, which produces a fine quality of white meat. "I shall send President Taft the finest turkey I ever gave to any President since the one I sent to President tirant." said Vose. BURGLARS MURDER GUARD .lght Watchman for lao Guggen heim Shot at Hla Post. NEW TOKK. Nov. 4. Burglars, frus trated In an attempt to rob the coun try home of Isaac Uuggenhelm. the millionaire copper mine and smelter operator, at Port Washington, shot aed killed the night watchman and escaped la a boat. Members of the Ouggenheira family and their servants found the watch man dead on the lawn. COUNT CZAKY IN COURT Husband of Former Sirs. Innian Sued on Note In Chicago. CHICAOO. Nov. 4. (Special.) Count Ki:xin I. Czaky. who recently married Mrs. Maud Howard Bryant laman. of Portland, encountered trouble today, when he was sued In the Municipal t'nurt for .''io by A. S. Koran, of New York City. The au'l Is tf "ej on a note for 133. 4 , ENGLISH UNIONS TO VOTE gueMlon of Accepting Strike Award Put l"p to Members. U'M'ON". Nov. 4. The Joint execu-r live committee of the reaular trades unions today determined that the untune shall ballot on whether to ac cept the royal rommission'a report or strike for complete recognition of their union. ' The ballot papers are returnable December a. SALEM - ELECTION" CLOSE t'ouncllmea Nominated at Primaries Warm to Campaign. SALEM. Or, Nov. 4. (Special.) Hherp conflicts In some of the wards and peculiar complications ensuing . .v. ik. .ri.r. nnfnlnatlna- elee- f tlon here too ay xor tounciimen. Councilman was to be nominated In all the wards but the Second. In which two were nominated, owing to the re cent resignation of Councilman Dor bin. In ths Fifth Ward. August Hucke steln tied with John D. Turner for the Republican nomination and Huckesteln also tied with J. H. Lauterman for the Iemocrat!c nomination. The nomina tions In other wards were as follows: First. O. O. Brown, Bepubllcsn: A. T. Moffatt. Democrat. Second. W. T. Klg don and C. O. Constable. Republican: H. O. Meyer and S. Manning. Demo crat. Third. John tlegmund. Republi can. Fourth. J. F. Jones. Sixth. J. N. Skalfe. Republican; Max Gehler. Demo crat, Seventh, O. U Townsend. O. O. Brown, given the Republican nomination In the First Ward. Is clerk - - - o.-.. .a n.e He aald to ut 1 11 W Ol.to muM - - night he was nominated without his knowledge and did not Know m n til over an hour after the polls closed. He will consult with ths Stats Land Board, which appoints blm as clerk, before be decides whether he will re ject or accept the offer. The office of Councilman here carrlea no salary or emoluments. NOTE IDENTIFIES HERO JIAX DROPS PAPER IX SAVING TOT FROM RCNAWAT. Mother and Child Rescued Kiss Elmer Reucel as He Lies Vn rontciout After BraYery. Saving. "I have. Just tried to do the xiuare thing." Elmer Reucel. who re fused to give his name or address, walked away from tae place where he saved the life of a little, girl from a runaway team last night with a laugh, and disappeared In the crowd that kl. .Maallnntl f e J t RllDwea uluu i . i Keucel dropped a note from his pocket. ! In .tne struggle. to cnmrwi however, and an admiring bystander conveyed It to the police. A g:rl of flvei yeara. with her moth er, was crossing Burnsldo street, be tween Fourth and Fifth streets, late last night, with the child a little In advance of the mother, when a run away horse drawing a laundry wagon, dashed down upon her. The baby was right In ths path of tho horse. Reucel dashed from tho sidewalk and picked op the little girl In one hand, while he clutched tho rein of the horse with the ot'.ier. Hs carried ths child to safety, but was thrown by tho horso and 11 on his head. Unconscious snd calling on a girl's name which appears In the note he dropped. Keucet waa carried to the uro and the child and mother bent ever him and kissed him as ho lay, soothing hlra until ho regained his senses and was able to stand. Then they disappeared, and Reucel. with a laugh, straightened his torn, and dusty elothea. broke through tho crowd, and disappeared MAMMOTH'S BONE DUG UP HUUboro Workmen Cnearth W'ell P re served Part of Ftmur. HILLS BORO, Or7Nor. . (Special.) Part of the femur of a mammoth was found here yesterday, while work men were digging a well for the HUU boro water system. The bone waa found 11 feet In the earth, on a beaver dam deposit, and must have been burled for thousands of years. It Is well preserved and measures six Inches In dla-neter. , Search was made for other portions of the skeleton, but nothing was found, and It Is evident that the femur had been washed some distance. This Is the first discovery of ths bone of a mammoth la this vicinity which could he well defined as such. Humphreys' Seventy-Seven Breaks up Grip and Duration of a Cold The length of time it takes to break op' a Cold with "Seventy-sven" de pends upon how ftooo the treatment bopins Taken early euts the Cold short promptly Taken 'durinfr the prevalence of Colds, it preoccupies the system and prevents its invasion Taken after the Cold bits gotten seated, is quite effective but takes lonper It pays to keep "Seventy-seven" handy. All dealers sell. 25c or mailed. Humphrey's Homeo. Medicine Co.. cor. William and Ann streets. New York. IfJ: Restores color to Gray or Faded hairRemoves Dan druff and invigorates the Scalp Promotes a luxuriant, healthy hair growth Stops its falling out. Is not a dye. SI. 00 and 50s et Dreg Stores or direct asoa receipt ei erice and dealers eanse. Seed 10c lae ssewle bocue.-i'VJe Hay Spscialliea Ce, Newark. N.J. U.S. A. KEF USB ALL UBSTITUTB. Lei ma a Urea, m mm reattlve High BLOWERS AND VACUUM PUMPS T-.ed foe rernaees. fore. ed blasts. bow ( pipes, all gas and oil ap- . p. lances. r.at whistles. , gas producers, pneu matic tubes, ral'.k'pes. aaa blooms, adtaiws. t.tlng gas mama, gae beoetlDS. automatic ma-chifiexy- Wot Yiciibi Ck-oaf these o a I y are the machines take up that helr own wear; small piston glees big air spare- ao springs or delicate parts: centrif ux.l force be Js wings agalasi cylinder; noiseless. . S Maes. SIT t Send for Cataloau. No. 147 for blowers. No. ls for vacuum LXIMAX BKOe-, H AT Joha 8t, New I era. Big Reductions in Leather Goods $1.50 Leather Bags, priced at. ...97 $1.50 Velvet Bags, new shapes. .97 $2.25 Velvet Bags, sale price.. 1.49 $2.25 Leather Bags, sale price.$1.49 $3.75 Leather Baes, sale price.$2.48 $5.00 Silk VelvetBags, only. .$3V.4S $5.00 Genuine Seal Bags, at. .$3.48 The Most in Value, The Best in Quality- Big -Reductions in Leather Goods $1.50 Leather Finger Purses ... .98 75c Leather Finger Purses 49 $1.00 Leather Collar Bags at. . . .79 75c Suede Leather Collar bags. .49p Large Leather Collar and Cuff Boxes .' $1.75 $1.00 Elastic Belts, this sale at. .49 Wrigrbt's Health Underwe'r for Men Regular $1 Shirts and Drawers QC?p in all sizes, priced at. ... .Otlv A trade-winning sale of Wright's Health Underwear for men. Fine, sea sonable weight Shirts and Drawers in all sizes, made un der the most sani tary conditions, of the finest ma terials. "W o o 1- fleeced Underwear that for warmth and durability . is unsur passed. Comes only in a standard quality that sells regularly at $1.00 a garment. Specif.ll v priced for this Q K sale at ." .OOK Men's 25c Cashmere Half Hose at 19c Come; take advantage of this special sale of Men's Cashmere Half-IIose; the saving will well pay you for a little time spent here. 500 dozen Black' Cashmere Half IIose, made with gray heel and toe and with fine ribbed top. They are full seam less, are guaranteed stainless, and are al ways sold at 25c a pair; all sizes; H Q priced for this sale at , . . . . V will A S pecial Sal .of Bilks Novelties That Hold Many Surprises in Their Newness, ft: y 0 7aoto$l.UU qualities Are jrricea ior xais oaie ax, imu r - Recently a well-known and leading Silk Mill offered us a great overstock of New Silks at a cut price. Shortly afterwards another mill made a similar offer and between the two we were able to dictate our own figures to the first mill. This purchase has just arrived and now you may share in our good fortune. The assortment includes yard-wide Taffetas m black and colors, 27-inch Black Swiss Messalines, also a large line of Black Silks in novelty weaves, fancy stripes and jacquard over-designs; 27-inch Fancy Louisines, Messalines and Taffetas, in a wonderful assortment of designs and colorings, gunmetal fancies and Persian effects; bilks that are suitable for Costumes, Wraps, Waists, Scarfs, Fancy Work and other pur- poses, in regular 75c to $1 qualities, priced for this sale at . $3.00 and $3.50 Grades Wool-Back Black Satins, $1.95 Yard 42-inch Imported Wool-Back Black Satin, one of the season's most favored fabrics. Comes in a perfect weave of rich, elegant finish; is extra heavy and durable and sold regu- -I QK larly at $3-$3.50 a yard. These two qualities on sale tomorrow at one price Plain and Novelty Suitings, $1.00 and $1.25 Grades, Your Choice Now at 69c Yard We procured some 5000 yards of Plain and Fancy Wool Suitings at a price so low that we could not resist the temptation, notwithstanding the fact that we are now carrying the largest stock of Dress Goods in our history. The assortment includes 54-inch Gray Novelty Worsteds, 54-inch Plain Gray Panamas, 54-inch Herringbone Cheviots, 50-inch. Fancy Worsteds, and other fashionable fabrics equally as desirable. Come expecting the greatest values in high grade Dress Goods ever offered by this store and you'll not be disappointed. $1.00 and $1.2o grades on sale at sixty-nine cents. A Matchless Showing of Priestley's Black Dre3s Fabrics at $1.00 the Yard t We are now showing an unsurpassed assortment of Priestley's Celebrated Black Dress Fab rics materials that are pure wool, spotproof and full 44 inches wide. Not a desired weave is missing. There are English Mohairs, Double Warp Henriettas, Silk Warp Crepes, Queen a Cloth, Empress Poplin, Wool Yamise, English Armure, and Wool Taffetas, all of guaranteed quality, and at one dollar the yard. Fall and Winter Woolen Underwear and Hosiery Wo are now showing the most complete lines of Women's Fall and Winter-Weight Woolen Underwear and Hosiery that we have ever displayed Vests, Pants, Union Suits in all styles,' also Medium, Light and Heavy-Weight Stockings, all bought direct from the mills, saving our customers the middlemen's commission. Women's Woolen Vests, Pants and Tights, 75c Up to $2.50 Fvnrv rrnnd stvle in everv eood weierht in the desired material will be found in our knit Underwear Department. Fine all wool, silk and wool, cotton and wool mixed Vests, Pants and Tights in all sizes at prices to suit every purse. TTninn Qtnto fixvm V10 comr Tmllci and in fh sflme materials in the t f yil V? Ui e a. J. V a a-A I LiV. Ut4aav a. m correct styles for Fall and Winter, and in all sizes, the prices range frora $1.50 up to $5.00 Women's 75c Wool Hose at 50c For tomorrow we have arranged a special sale of Women's Wool Hose at one-third less than regular; fine fast black Stockings, made with double sole and gray CQp heel and toe; all sizes; best 75c grades priced at fJVIK Many Other Lines of Woolen Hose from 25 Up to S1.00 a Pair Women's Fleece-Lined Vests and Pants at 50c A splendid new line of Women's Fine-Ribbed, Soft-Fleeced Cotton Vests and Pants, in white and ecru and in all sizes. Union Suits of same quality at one dollar. Handkerchiefs Half -Price Fine All-Linen Hand-Embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs of good size and qualitv, finished with neat 14-inch hem; regular 1 Or1 20c kinds on sale at XV V Great Reductions Women's Suits, Price $12.50 to $19.50 "Excellent" does not express their value in sufficiently strong terms, because they are withiout doubt the best Suits we have ever shown at these alluring prices. Fur thermore, they have arrived within the last few weeks; they are New York's lat est. Made of fine quality serges, wors teds, cheviots and English suitings and come in all 'sizes. Handsomely tailored garments and where alteration is neces sary, a perfect fit is guaranteed. Raincoats, $3.90, $7.50, $8.50, $9.50 $17.50 'We have arranged a very special sale of Raincoats for tomorrow. , It's an out-of-the-ordinary sale, and so all the more at tractive to a great number of careful buy ers who are sure to be here tomorrow. Ttey are Of rubberized covert, cravenette ani other good materials, in a large as sortment of styles in. both light and dark colors. Silk Waists, $3.90 Values, $2.39 Another special offering of Silk Waists, made of excellent quality materials and sbnwn in the season's best stvles. Silk and Net Waists, made with high or low neck, with kimono or regu lation sleeves. 3iany are shown with the popular sailor collar and you have full choice of colors. Regular $3.90 values. Q 9 OQ Special tomorrow only . Long Coats at $7.50, $10.50, $12.50 to $19.50 High-grade, fine quality Coats that are faultlessly made of fine plushes, caraculs and mixtures. Beautiful creations, direct from the makers who set styles and fashions. Also a line of the popular Reversible Coats, shown in dozens of handsome colors and color combinations. If you need a new Coat, buy it here tomorrow. 500 Pairs of Women's Shoes In newest styles and best leathers; -l QO $3.50 grade at .....P'a' Again' tomorrow we ask you to share in our good fortune. This time you save a full third, and have choice of a splendid assort ment of styles. 500 pairs, all new, made of the best leathers and shown in button and lace styles. They come with light, medium or heavy soles and with military or low heels and in all sizes. Regular $3 and $3.50 grades on sale at one-ninety-eight. A Lot of Boys' Shoes . Good, durable all-leather Shoes in gunmetal, box-calf and ve lour calf, sizes 13i2 to 5y2; $3.50 grade , go priced at H?ddJ Another Neckwear Sale An important half-price sale of the popular new Side Ruffles. They come in the latest and best styles and are made of Oriental Lawn,' Net and Venise Lace, plaited on bands to match. They are extra wide, perfectly finished and can be used OC either on coat or waist. Regular 50c kinds on sale at. . . . . . .--,t'v- A Lot of Ribbons at Half Price Extra heavy Hair Bow Ribbons, full 4Y2 inches wide, shown in all wanted shades as well as black and white. Best Taffeta Ribbon, sold regularly at 25c1 912C vard, on sale at. r ' A Lot of Blankets SOaeoniSalean,'it at Mill COSt Because some 400 pairs of Blankets were slightly soiled in transit through improper packing, we compelled the mill to make a liberal cash allow ance. Tomorrow we place them on sale at the same discount, and we assure you they are REAL BARGAINS. 75c Blankets, 59c 100 pairs of single size Gray Blank'ets, with fast colored borders, regular 75c values, now' on sale at 59 $2.50 Blankets, $1.95 60 pairs of extra large gray and tan Blankets, with fast colored bor ders. They are wool finished; very slightly soiled; regularly sold at $2.50 a pair, (P-J QK now on sale About 100 pair's of full-size White Blankets, with colored borders. Regular $1.10 values, OOr priced at ' . OOU 95c Blankets, 72c 100 pairs of size Gray Blankets, with fast col ored borders; regular 95c values, now on sale at : 72 $3.50 Blankets, $2.75 Plaid Blankets of excel lent quality. They are wool finished and come in pretty combination colors; regular sold at $3.50 a pair, Cjo now on sale HP& Y