V NEW TODAY. IniMln!" the err""Tinltie In trJ rear t:i Capital of ron? ?ln without douft. t!i fiii"i-ml " In Oreicon. There are rsunn for tnia. Jt Is In the h-art of th. Wlllar-ietta V:;y. and rllJravt ar bunding-. , radiating Irc m tin- rltv In nearly r direction. Thf iirrtiindln country has n- equal In Orenon.as ""rl agricultural dl-trlct. As a fruit ; cent or ll Is errowina: by loapi and bounds. Tha various fruit unions tnk rr of tha rrnwfr'l output to his srreat dvnt. This la a ft-ntura that should bo taken Into consideration by all prospective fruitgrower.. Be near an organised fruit center. Purine: tha month of Oc tober. in. on rom;.any at r-I-m paid otjt for prune, aion. over f J'J.OOO. Con siderlnic that t:.ere are fivo firm. In rUlern that bur and park prunes, tha total amount pld out for this """J durlns; tha season Is enormous. But Salem Is not dependent for Ita pros perity on any one product. Tha cherry crop Is enormous. The loganberry baa coma Into sudden prominence as a srreat Income producer, and Salem Is the center where It Is dried and mar keted. The yield per acre of logan berries Is almost unbelievable. This fruit. It has been Utelv discovered. Is very desirable dried, and the demand for It In the Eit cannot b supplied. Then there is tha hop crop. Salem la -.e reroknlred hop center of the world. The crop this year brought In about IT.fOn.noii. As to civic Improvements, tha City of Kalem will hsve completed this f'all 25 miles of hnrd-snrfa.'e streets. It has over two miles of cluster lights. Like all Oregon cities. H l no lnnrr tha liiaire it used to b. It Is f.tst (trow Inc to be a most henutlful home city, a (rood place to rels and educate a family nrnid most desirable surround Inira. Land near .:ilem Is very reason ah:e In price, and most excellent In quality. As for general beauty of tha lend'rape. It hns no superior anvwhere. W will be s-UU to rive further Infor mation about conditions In areneral In and about our beautiful Capital City. PIIF.M ROIRD Of TRtOB, Portland Office 22.1 rieary It Ms;. Owner Architect Contractor Of larre. strictly modern, nine room brick house, located at tha corner of KasC Tweaty-foarth Sid l iar street, one bio. k outll of Hawthorne avenue. Most desir able view lot in Improved $1600 rtrlcted district. Impossible to duplicate at prl.'e ojfered. All middlemen's profits reduced: sub stantial payment of jcood unen cumbered lots considered for first pavment. An Ideal buy for htsrri rlasa home or Investment. Open for Inspection dally. W. A. CARPENTER, f a rractls ArealtswC 10o Chamber af Coasseerc. Paeaa Malm 183. Clearance Sale Inside Property TT hr five of tb cholceet blocke In Cap!tn Hill. and In eirh of thene blocka (hr are from tnrre to five lota l-rt. It Is our purpo) to cntlrt-ly clean up the o1't an1 t-nde, therefore, peo ple dr-ir.n: valuable property at a irr-at T!f.ce will have a, chance for tie next ten daye to at a a real bar aln. It is nt that we nei tha n.ony. as we will sell anT f thae lota with very mall payment flown; otiljr tuat we want to clean up soma broken blcHa In our tract "all same 1e-partment atoree." Capitol Hill has own w.trr plant, the bat private iitr plant rir constructed; water vain In front of evrry lot; strata and 9 iifM'kik.v ' .pit"l MM. ir Init-Me tha ,-,. 6-cmt furo. inke ti.e Oregon Klro flc rnr m Tfnih Mreet anv iiace from the North Hank I pot to bilnmn aereet. or at u;Ta. Wortman K 1m? a a tor, and to e Capitol lilll for yottreelf: It I only 1 mlnutta ride from tiie bust-n-ji! renter. Tt la perfect. Ahatrart f'lrnlfJ 'd free lt every loL Call at our t-frtca and aak ua how cheap we tU aell you thc-e valuable lota. Cloliessy & McGuiro 6l-l7 Aklaatea llullJlaar. Lumbermen ManufactVmg Concerns Individuals of Big Affairs NOTICE! A mr. -u!lfld by ep?rteaoe ard ef proTM mt-(li y. ctpeMe Of niiln tfep:Mf a.ty Mch'irmU or o tia.al poetuoa reuirtnc a.(rior bujin and i.cutie capacity, la oin f'T enxarvrnent. .'utT.i''T.t to aume tnaraK(ineiit of tar: ffirA. AV orginlxcr tnd vd dl i !p intr.ix pi-!!;in of n iponi.l'U.tT or l-im in rlte"- ex-ctiiT or i ertlnc Pr v with larre .-on.-r :;on. private Irtl.- tMu. .-f m..fi or en. o.elri-1. Ace 4 : b-Lnti ah.lutl c"rr.-t: record c'. r. W1M mo an riT. Sa!..r must be lit r.it. A11ree MI. Oregon. an. INCOME 10 NET FOTJR 5-ROCM FLATS LOT 60x100 Modern, new. clos in. Alwayt rontfd. Price S 10,500. Terms STEWART RE ALTY CO. Main 3C04. 314 Sellin? BUj. tor an Investment tiiii i.ok tion .vo.ino rmi::R lot. ox i to-f :. M1II1II 2-TOHV TIIKB III HIM. thi:it mPKw m r im i i iu:u. mi i. ow iR seso cood MOMl-(illlUI IIT1HE. Sc Mr Dstks. CHPIX H KB LOW. MraWn .r -arlaa4 Kraltr Haard, Halsey Street Price $1350 Each We Lave aotr.e rice lots on tLis strict for the above rrice. Let u how tbpta to yoa. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Swond ftwt, Losber Eicbacf BiuiJicg. Why Net " awe. I , I Out Today - and See Sycamore Acres Take the Grcsham or Cazadero car from 1st and Alder. Cars loave 15 minutes to the hour. Get off at Sycamore. " Sycamore Acres Is the best acreage burs in the finest part of Multnomah County. 40 minute from the city by the O. W. P. eleo tric car, facing Johnson Creek and the Foster Road. Before you buy an acre home, call and get plats and prices of Sycamore Acres We own Sycamore Acres, and are enabled to majte easy terms and in du cements to home builders. W. H. Grindstaff 1125 Yeon Bldg. Main 875 A 7342 Geo. T. Schalk 223 Stark St. Main 392 A 2392 West Side Brick Apartment On a corner, in a choice location; building is new and rrodern and contains 15 two, three and four-room apart ments. Annual INCOME $3600 PRICE $34t500 Property under 5-year lease. A. H. BULL CO. 202 McKay Building, 3d and Stark Sts. GOING UP Ttrr let In Orrorr Hl(ht will ooa b oln up. WHY? TIM nw extension nt th Itfw City Park carlln to PirkroM will Pa nht by Crrrory Hlfht. Grrirory Htht will bworai th cntr of th.a bt and moat popu latfKl district. t-anJy road will torn pvd and double-track d Bxt Bprtn-. Conalder tbea thlnn. oon-a-der how Taluri hf advanced aionf main thoromhftrM Uka Haw thorn and Union avenues. Nced we tetl yu the rreat In vestment poa lt I II ties CI ureiory ' " en ly $200 On Easy Terms w aell bom on ctay monthry payment, call at our offlc weK dsvs or Hun day. Und of Iloa City l-'arK carltn. Gregory Investment Co. One of the largest real estate offices In Portland his an opportunity for a, good firm land and acre age salesman owning his own machine. We will famish splen did office facilities, ad vertising, etc No ad vances given, bnt good man can make very desir able connection. Box A 553, Oregonlan. Just a Few Left of Those Fine 50x146 Lots At tha nd of Mount Tabor rarllna. Joining tba nesr City Park grounds; the Portland HelRhta of tha Eaat Bide. v . i i fnr iisnA ru tgrmi If 414 i,4il OlAlS mJ99m SUNDAY OREGOAN, rORTLAyP. XOVlrBEB j rsTATE T REAL ESTATE, 1 K-EAt, ESTATE. 7 UAL MMTI. . I REAI, ESTATE. I ' -- tele-UouM. SNAPS! Fractional BUSINESS lot downtown, "West Side, price only $15,000 Terms Fractional semi-business lot within 4 blocks of Postoffice; price, $9000 Dabney&Dabney 307 Railway Exchange. Member! Realty Board. A Bargain for 15 Days Only S44 acres of river-bottom land, three miles from Monroe. Or.; all clenred, under plow except 80 to 0 aorw: on both aides of county mad: runnlns water at all times; wheat averages 3 bushels per acre; modern buildings; one ten-room house: most modern farm and Improvement. In Valley; ! mile, south of Corvallla. 26 miles north of Eugene: In the famous Uend Coun try; all tillable when balance la cleared; good orchard; 1V mllea from electrlo line, I miles from Oregon Electrlo: crop never falls; famous river-bottom land. This offer at S6S per acre, terms to suit. Is good for only IS days. For particulars sea or write R. C. K.eney, Eugene. Or, or Monroe, Or. East Burnside Street Price $16,000 100x100, situated on the southeast corner of E. 11th and E. Burnside streets. Fine apartment-house or garage corner. For terms and partic ulars see us. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second Street, Lumber Exchange Building. For Immediate Action New lnoome-produolng concrete build ing on 0xl2S lot. On lint street, near W ashington. For a short Urn. for sale at $32,000 CfTE9TIOATEL Kartman&Thompson REAL ESTATE) DEPT. Chamaar ( Cammerea Bollalms. REAL rTATB PEAI.EBe. fesrk. William 0 116-JH Falllna bide BRl-BAKEK - A Bt.StDICI. SOS McKay Cbspla & Bsrioir, J Chamber Conussrea. Cook. &.&.- Co.. tos Corbett bid.. JeaTilnss Co. Mala lis. lot Orsronlaa. PAl.iii.H-JONES CO.. H. P-. 404-404-40 Wilcox bids Ins uu(ja iisal Estate Ce Grand ava. and UuiitoKti au iholladay Addltloa. KEAX. ESTATt lor Pale Lata. NOB HILL BAKliAl.NS. Lot 50x1 w. 9-ruom house, ou 18th, near HoC price SlO.Oou: $."oH cash, balance to sull buyer. John W. Cook. Lewis iilds. Pftonn Main A l7iioBUYS lot on btantou SU. near Union ave.. iai'rovmnts la and paid. Pbone ow asr. East Vtll. Foil bALE 4 lots In University Psrk. cfr. Hurt and Trsnton sis. uwner, AJ t4tt. Oregonlan. BY OWNER Lot . block U Weeunore lantl. near near Reed Institute site; St&O cash. N MS. Orsonlan. lOuxloO. taTU and Klickitat. In rapidly .rowing (llactlrt ot s.t"il homea For par tlculara call fcvt tpai'lln. blti.J aLBKTA bualneai property. I1J76; choioe oorner. ioxii, Vi caau; bargain. Wood lawn ITU. j'lTY m lots ft and lo. block ::. In North Jonaamore Add.: a bargain It taken at on-. Fhon Eaat LaBOS Jot. toaH Jlarguarlte are., a -.war. walar. gas. tlS.M). Oencr. Tabor HT2. 8iX corner lo:a In Corona Tark; forced sale. Z Flanders iL 1'none A 202. ilO EvJCTTT In Ralstons buoaalow, or title fcr :: imp. Marshall H'J. WILL J'.xr.flce '" lot S'.i' cash; Koae City car.lne. I'hons Starshall 1111. roll SA1.K or gla barixaaa, xchati.v: qJ.ly In block W eoLawa 1UI, O 1ITT. rl f eurt-istic (r4 J0 designee? by yp2 Al-ITJfcBEI Architect. Yzl VK? Eill de Tails gf fOTsTOCt!Ony y? fTen Dollars. r2 (rk OUR BOOK IS FREE j) TbnTLAND Building Ass'n yj) yj) 322 Mohawk Bldo. 4) PUBLIC LANuWPA IfM OPENING. r; loOaCWCSO IRRIGATED IAND. ij'". l llSsVy MAKE APPLICATION NOW V VtS COftRU (WfGON IRRIGATION &ff'j?l ler Bale Lota. riXQ-B I1EIQHTS SPECIALS. FOR TODAT THB PROPERTY BJCCLCSrVaT Level, perpetual view lot 2 blocka from carllne HOoO Easy terms Special todav only. 124 fet frontage. SS12 square (, ail level. Perpetual view lot IK.0O Eaay (erne Only li minutes to 8txtb and Washington Ste. Carllne direct to King's Heights. Agent en property All da.Vuoilay. DORR B. KEASSY COMPANT., 3d Floor'Ckamber of Commerce. SACRIFICES FOR CASH. House and lot for SK'oO: lot i0 by ivoi oorner. on 69tb and Flanders sts. No. 82. Lot en 87th. between Hancock and Tillamook; lot 50 by 100; eaat front; price S800 csah: two assessments on street been paid. Lot. 80 by 100, on 4th and Salmon, for $S0O cash; these are all good buys and by tha owner, no If you are looking for anything like tbese. call up Tabor C!7. WHY go further out and puy. more for a lot In an unimproved or partly Improved district, when you can buy your homeslte for leps money In Laureihurst. the beet Improved residence addition In Portland? Remember, wo help you t.nance the build ing of your home In Laureluui We will procure you a building loan and take a second mortgage for the unpaid bal ance on the lot. If you want to build a home, come In and talk the matter over with us. MEAD A MURPHY. Office 52;-r.i Corbett HIdg. Phones Main 1I"3. A 1515. ELEVENTH STREET. VTEW LOT. f2230 TERMS. Unohstruetsble view of the city, easily accessible. Inexpensive to build, 2 blocks to car, ten minutes' walk to postoffice; there Is not another building site so rea sonable In price on the West Bide. E 63t, Oregonlan. A FIFTY-FOOT LOT I!f ARDENWALD For $400. on easy terras, where streets sre graded, water piped to each lot and sidewalks built. All psld for. KXAPP A MACKEY. 212-13 Bd. of Trade Bldg. BUY the lot where you can build your own home and then he wealthy when the build ing Is old; lot 5500 so. ft., close In. within walking distance, on the West Side, where In Si years your property will be mighty valuable, because suitable for hotel and stores, but which Is now restricted to res idences; price $:000. terms; half with 5o tl. frontage for $1550. AO 568, Ore gonlan. ROSE CITY PAKK LOT. Adjoining Henurnont and very accessible to new carllne. Imvrovements sll in nnd paid. Magnificent view of the city. Surrounded v-'th beautiful homes. Only 700: J210 cash; 115 month. Or 10 per cent diocourt for all cash. V 555, Oregonlan. A LAURELHORST SNAP. Bsantlful lot In block 34. and fronting 'en Multnomah St.. 2 blocks from Rose City car. Price only SHOO cash. This Is $300 to S4O0 bolow the market value and less than the lot originally sold for two years ago. For particulars call on C. F. Pfluger Co., suite 12 and 14. ilulkoy bldg.. cor. 2d and Morrison. GARDEN re P. S! N-T.-HFERYMEXI StfOO per acre. T have IH acres rich alluvial soil, all under cultivation, on csr line. 6 miles from courthouse; 10 per cent cash, balance very easv. This property Is In line with the city's growth and Is a splendid Investmsot. AD 650, Oregonian. BATOCEAN SNAP. Owner must sell: has one of the best boulevard lota In the entire property; faces en 2 streets, la, ISO feet deep, and close to lanta Plunge. Will take $200 less than price 2 years ago. Act quickly. Owner, O 560. Oresonlan. CHEAP LOTS, en East 2Sth and E. 27th, one block north of Rose City Park carllne. Lots 50x100, $1250 for corners and $1000 Inside lots. Terms. J. J. OEDER. Tor. Orend Ave. end E. Ankeny. I HAVE several fine home-sltss In Laurel burst. I will help you to finance the building of your home. You select your own plans and builder. Investigate my plan. It will Interest you. Main. 1503; ask for Mr. Burllngame! A FIXE LOT FOR $530. Restricted district, street Improvements In snd paid (r. This lot Is In Rose City Psrk. where lots sround It are selling tor $700. DeYOCNO ft HARTSHORNE, 514 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. We are offering for sale a fine lot near the above school snd Kllllngsworth ave. for $S00 on easy terms. DeYOUNO ft HARTSHORNE, B14 Chsmber of Commerce bldg. 110 DOWN. -$10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit trees, re ... imfr4rt near ear. rement walks. Pull Run water, fruit cared for tree of chsrge. noaru oi uwt uiua shall 47$. A 1022. Mar- I!50 CASH My equity; balance $300 at $1 per month. Lot 50x16 2. Ousrantoed cheaper than any surrounding property. Close to paved strest. t carllnea handy. Owner, Tabor 2M. or O Bt. Oregonlan. VIEW LOTS. Mount Tabor. East T2d St., near Bas. Line road; one or two lots, 55x2, very cheap at $925 each. Owner. AO b4o. Ore gor.lan. MERRY MEAD Snap for some one wanting to build In this beautiful restricted district) a few lota can be sold at an exceptionally low price. See O. E. 6tory, at tract offlcs today, or phone Bellwood 712. BARGAIN. 50x100. E. 46th. between Stark and. Al der, this Is a eT.ap for someone. COE A. MK2.NXA ft CO T2T Chamber of Commerce Bldg. iot.ii -T o .-I. T rfiBVFB 100x100 comer on this f;ne business street: some Income. Price $30,000; terms to suit- o ooi, unium.u. . . . .. i .i. n rtlmcteit Park Ant view lot, 1300 under the market price; don't overlook this one; very eaay terms. M. A. Stnee, Oj.p r.ajii - 150 S full lots on 80th. between Jarrett and Kllllngsworth. a snap: $050 .cash, easy terms balance. Owner. Cutbertb, SOI Ce-hu-n bldg. X will'ssII an equity tn a choice lot rn Laa relhnrst. p 088, Oregonlan. IRVINGTON SNAP. Have desirable quarter block In Irving ton, wulc.i I will sell for $3500; easy terms. K H4. Oregonian. FORCED to sell my beautiful corner lot In Rose Cltv Park to meet obligations. .Phone me for parllculara East 4tf!i4. T 508, Ore gonlan. APAKTMI-.NT HOUSE site, 511x100, corner 14th and Market sts. Inquire on prem ises. AN 55S. Oregon Ian. eoO Large lot. 7tlxlOO. near 41at and Klchraond car: sasy terms. Sea Jaa. C Logan. bio tspaiaing pius- SNAP Nice corner $3x100. near East 28th . $ixoa: terms Dubois ft Crockett. Wsshlngton bldg.. room 1. 6UXWI NEAR Klrland. Mt. Scott So car; $1 cash. Ill' per month: $2r. HIGLEY ft BISHOP, 1?3 Third at. Flne corner llHrcloo. $b0; equity for $100. Main 3306. Apt. 40. FOR SALE er trsde. $100 equity In fine lotj two blocks from Hswthorne' ave. car. v nai nave jou. fTJ gut and Kelly sts.. East Side: $8501 . . . . ... -.An rtrevonlan. .,1 improvement " - CORNER East 7th and Ankeny: $1.00 r.ne apanment sn. it " ' 0xlo5. CEMENT walks. 675. Zella Ges- aeii, 1 Meet miiiii,,-"' CORNER lot, 5OT1O0. near Kenton. $750. . , r.A i irr nn I n HL'Rr.Y! Lot for $10: $'J down. $3 per v. . i - idi nr,nnin g.t.Krt FOR two lota S. E. corner of E. 22d nO i'lne. liwngr, fi'i . -.- WILL sell equity In lot on Hawthorne-are. carllre. cnewp. jia:n 70x140, KEAR 41t ar.d Gladatone. $1000. J. a. TIi iu. 408 Lewi. bKVg, S, 1911. ' " WHY gs farther out and pay more for a lot 'n an unimproved or partly Improved district, when you can buy your homeslte for less money In Laurelhurst. the best Improved realuence addition in Portlanu7 Remember, we heip you finance the oui.d tng of your home In Laure. hurst. e will procure you a buiidinff loan and take a second mortgage for the unpaid bal ance on the lot. If you want to build a home, come In and talk the matter over with us. MEAD ft MURPHY, Office 622-52S Coroett P'.ag. Phones lla.r A 1515. TO those wno can sKtic:pate the future. We have for sale the only unrestricted block of property on Kir.irs Heights. Un restricted In the midst of two larKe re stricted districts. Situated at the Junction polar OI canines, wus , the inldat of restricted property It Is suit- ! able for storea apartments or flats or rnr a largo auto garage. The price Is $3000 per lot. To snyone considering me wuoi block we can quote a price that will agreeably surprise you. LE NOIR ft CO., Ground floor Chamber of Commerce. NORTH PORTLAND RESIDENCE LOT. $4500. HARTMAN THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. tTEB U3 ABOUT LOTS TN ARDENWALD. ' Streets are graded, sidewalks bunt and water piped to sll lots: all paid for. $40i and up. EASY TLK1IS. KXAPP ei MACKEY. 212-13 lid. of Trade Bldg. COUNCIL CREPT PARK. Most beautiful building site of 4 lots, with unobstructed views of city and moun tains and of Tualatin Valley and Coast mnvo; elevated situation with many line native forest trees: bltulithlc paved atreeta. cement sidewalks. Bull Run watery gns. sewers, electric light, telephones and very near carllne: easy terms. Owner 10'Js Spalding Jildg; Maln6ad, Main S-1S6. 1500 IMMEDIATELY across the street from a new 410.000 ' home. Splendid view heme site: H blocks to carllne on Rav enavlew drive. Just suitable for a coxy bungalow. Terms. To parties desiring lo build we will furnish a loan on very at tractive terms. LE NOIR ft CO.. Ground floor Chamber of Commerce. hOSSMilRE KEgTF.ICTED D1STK1CT A few choice lots left; the cream of the East Side residence district; water, gaa, cement walks In and paid. Cnly 10 per cent cash, balance monthly Installments. Boo Mr. Hart, on the tract all day Sun day; week days, afternoon. John W. Cook, 402 Lewi. Bldg. Phones Main 0401. A 1267. BOx 100 In high class restricted residence district. Price Jll'.'U. Will furnish yon the money with which to build. $110 cash Is all I require down, balance same as your present rent. Investigate this at once If you anticipate building. Main 1003; ask lor air, curiuisainc UUai.E-3B Wl c-' , $200 cash down takes It, corner OOxlOtJ, West Side, faces carllne, stores and flats here will pay good Income. Price $2000. Big payroll adjoining: fine place to get a start with little money. Call Monday. Jaa C. Iygan. t15 Spalding bldg. . . . r. , n , . -T T "1 CVT 1 D Lot 5. Block 23, 05 by 0 feet, on Hem lock St., between East Harrison and Lo cust: I must raise money quickly snd will sell this lot for $4o0 less than value.; sv One lot for a homo, in hlgh-ciasa resi dence district, close in. Owner. B 1203. $1200 THREE fine, full-sized lots in re stricted district (value $2"50) can be bad for $1200 by paying all cash. For fur ther particulars concernl u this genuine SNAP see Carter-Dugan Company, 620 Chamber of Commerce bldg. " WEST SIDE. LOTS $100. Right on carllne. upper Washington St., adjoining City Park. West 33th and Yam hill. National Realty & Trust Co.. 73 Chamber of commerce. iain o-g. I HAVE for sale, 10 per cent down and 2 per cent per month, the best building lots In the city.; close-in: improvements paid. W. E. Thresher, 437 Chamber of Com merce. . ON the Cornell road. 00x95. Grand view uropertv overlooking the Nob Hill dis trict Walk up thtre and look over the rine homes: 3500buys It at this time. O 500, Oregonlan. CORNER. 100x100 In Irvlngton; best district south of Hraze st. JOHNSTON, BOTH FUR ft TVFFOED. 90S Chsmber of Commerce. Main GJtfT. DO we find the bargains on the West Bidet We certainly do. Two lots on Portland Heights for 8750 each. Terms. LE NOIR ft CO.. Ground floor Chamber of Commerce. DO YOU WANT A SNAP? Lot 50x100. paved streets, cement walks. In Overlook Addition, $111 o; $375 cash, balance at 6 per cent.- ' THE CEDEKBKkCH-ENEBO CO.. 816 Henry bldg: BEAUTIFUL FULL LOT. Near E. 39th and Clinton sts.; cement walks In and paid; price $775: J450 cash; bal $10 month. This Is a sacrifice. I must sell' at once. S3 10th St., near Stark. ' rORTLAND HEIGHTS. EXCLUSIVELY. Beautiful homes snd hom.esltes, all v'ewa. locations and prices, can suit you. Main sjoi. BROOKE. A 38JS. UN council Crest Park Addition. 50x120 ft. lot on car line, beautiful view of city snd valley. Terms. Mrs. J. 6t Peter. 1921 83d St. Everett. Wash. SOUTH Portland, on the carllne; 43x100, flat' $750. Terms 250 below actual cost. LE NOIR ft CO., Ground floor Chamber of Commerce. SEE Le Noir & Co. for WEST SIDE prop erty. Exclusive dealers in West Side ground floor Chamber of Commerce. FINE LOTS One on, other 1 block from incst Oregon beach. Sand Lake. Tilla mook County. Any oaah offer considered. Box 44 L Lents. Or. A SNAP. If taken soon. 100x100, for sale cheap by owner. Northeast corner 13th and Stanton sts.. Irvlngton. T 557. Oregonlan. BUNGALOW SITE. Fine extra large view lot In East Side restricted district, $550, worth $760. AP 507. Oregonian. $350 $10 CASH. $10 PER MONTH. Just one lot left. New cement walks, 1 block to station. Mt Scott line. GEORGE A. RIGGS. 815 Spalding bldg. LOT 75x100, on 21st St., between Braxee and Knott, facing east: Improvements all In and paid for. For particulars phone Wood lawn 8229 or C 2429. 810 CASH and $5 per month, oorner lot, 50x100, near Firland, restricted district; onlv $400. HIGLEY ft BISHOP, 182 Third St. FULL-SIZED lot; hillside; walking dis tance; West Bid.; $100. Terms. AN 664. Oregonlan A" BERT A business oorner 50x80. 11500; an other at $1400; terms. Phone Tabor 17S8, 914 E. Morrison. For Sale Houses. SPLENDID new 8-room house. In highly Improved restricted section; steam heat, hot and cold water in every room, hard wocd Interior finish, $5500. terms to suit you. bee owner, Mr. binkler, b2 Fourth t- FINE HOME. E 16th-st. corner, auto garajre, new S room house; all A-l. Oak floors, furnace, e'egant fixtures, 2 fireplaoes. For sale by W. H. Rosa, 51 Spalding bids. $25 Down and $23 per month. Including In terest; my new 8-room modern bunpalow, lot'aOxlOO; li blocks north of Hawthorne ave. LAURELIIUP.sr, 7-room bucpalow, lot iox 10O, everything modern fcnd flrst-clasa; a borsaln; terms. HIGLEY ft BISHOP, 132 Third at. 6-ROOM bnngalow, near carllne, 50x100 lot, $1SOO. $200 down and $20 a month, in cluding Interest. Mr. Leonard. Columbia Trust Co.. 82 Fourth st SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL HOMES. Oak finish, cheap. Irvlnfrt"n, best res idence location In city. C lStSO, East 273. No agents. W. H- Herdman. FOR SALE BY OWNER Lot ar.d neat, new 4-room bungalow, near end of Rose City Park cariine; $10Ao, S2"0 down, balance $10 per month. Telephone Marshall 2316. HOUSE and barn and one acre of land, cor ner of 25th and Umatilla ave., In Bell wood: $15 per month. Alfred A- Baker, .212 Ablngton bldg. 2V.'ii FOR modern 5-room bungalow, lot ftoxioo. beautiful lawn and roses, easy terms rnoni ooumwn a.., ui . . FOR SALE C-room house In Highland; mast be sold at once, as party needs the money. Phone A 1641: S'OK bALE by owner, tbo haaaaomvs s room house In Irvlngton. 4U0 t 2'Jtn ak N. Call and see It. wnn fiiU: 3 modern houses. at 153 E. auth st- North. Montsvllla car. GOOD 8-room house and fractional lot at 91 fixanton. $2600, payments. SEE THIS TODAY. A beautiful Lanrelhuret home sn Laurel huret ave. and Eajt Flanders; t rooms, full-sized basement: furnace with bet-water coil; open fireplace on each floor; built-in refrigerator; clothes and dust chutes: pass pantry: large sleeping porch; lavatory between 2 bedrooms: tiled bath room; reception hall, living-room and dining-room finished in old Ivory and ma hogany; beautifully papered walls, hard wood floors with mahogany borders on lower floors; sleeping-rooms enameled; breakfast and lUDrouma; Ideal oorner, 69x 100. $1500 will handle. Phone owner, Marshall 8346. RIVERDALE. A beautiful home of seven rooms; a re ception hall, a full-length sitting-room, with firepiaoe. built-in bookcases, window seats; French and casement windows, beautifully beamed and paneled dining room, kitchen fully equipped with pan tries, bins and cubbies; four bedrooms, each In separate color scheme; bath, and sleepln-porch, large finished attic hot water heat, artlstio light fixtures, hard wood floors: about an acre of ground, commanding an unobstructed view of the city and mountains snd situated in the most exclusive residence district tn the city. Price and terms very reasonable. R, F. BRYAN. Main 196.1. A 1227. 505 Cham, of Com. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. ESTATE TO BE SETTLED. Must sell at once beautiful, strictly modem, l-room house, lot 45x160 (and alley), on Kerby St., between Knott and Graham ave., close to 2 good carllne. and the new Broadway bridge; this is a rare opportunity to get a choice piece of close-in East Side property; way be low the market value. For price and terms, call on C. F. PFLUGER ft CO.. finite 12 and 14. Mulkey Bldg., Cor. Second and Morrison. CMember Portland Realty Board). PORTLAND HEIGHTS residence of 7 rooms, new and modern In every particular. Has reception hall, nursery and sleeplnB-poren. View Is unobstructed and location and sur roundings are equal to any on the Heights House la beautifully finished inside and .o. ir.- .Ttirln, with slODing banks. winding stairs approach from street and concrete wall. Lot Is 80 by 110 feet. Price $12,600. terms may be had. nor iuii par ticulars see us. A PARRISH. WATKINS ft CO.. 250 Alder St. CHRISTMAS This year stop making a present each v,e.n,)i t the landlord and make yourself and family a Christmas present of a home. We have a Xlne proposition to "i fer you In Rose City Park. This is a good buy. Terms easy. Price $3650. THB E HAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main S3. 102 Fourth st. A 350O. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. One of the beot-bullt houses, new. cor ner facing east and south. 8 rooms and attic, garage, two fireplaces, two toilets, buffet, desk and bookcases, cove ceiling, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, all mod ern conveniences, JS500; small payment down, easy terms; or will take one or more desirable lots as part .payment. MR. LOT OWNER, HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR PROP ERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATS OF INTEREST; PLAXt FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVEB. J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. " For a small payment down I will fur nish you with a lot in the best restrict ed residence section In Portland, furnish you the money with which to build, and let you select jum u mt, ........ ... -- contractor. Tour present rental toll will - . lnvsilfuntM mV nay lor your uwn iivma - --- plan before building. Main 1503; ask for Air. xsurilligaiue UA W iftort.n, uiBiiui-i. $3500 for a One 8-room bungalow on E. Harrison St.. with sleeping porch, panel dining-room, beamed celling, Dutch kltcnen, built-in buff-t, furnace, sewer, walks and street graded and paid for; for a few days only; terms. BLANCH ARD ft CLEMSON, SNAP FROM OWNER. $2695. Leaving for the East. I am forced to sen my new e-rvum umiKaiu.., menu In and are paid; 20 minutes' car ride, one block from car; buffet, fire place, full basement, Dutch kitchen; 50 Xlou lot; in ii-ii go im. ... - 287. OWNER leaving city Instructs us to sell his beautiful home, located in the Alberta dis trict, on East 0th St.; has 6 large rooms, large attic, sleeping porch, full basement, beamed ceilings. paneled dining-room, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, window seats buffet, bookcases, etc.; everything complete. 301 E. 11th St. E. 5023. BUY from owner; strictly modem 7-room new" house, garage, electricity, gas, fur tiare velvet caruets: terms considered; on premises 1 to 4:30 dally; part ex change. 4.5 laaigm ave., tor. ..uoouu. tC.VIO A SNAP. Modern duplex house, each apartment has six rooms, bath, furnace, fireplace, built-in china closet, not vacant since built in lh years. locatea on comer, streets Improved, Income $60 per month, -no agents. AE 540. Oregonlan. NOB HILL HOME. $6730. Modern 7-room house on Marshall St., near 23d St. This Is future business prop- H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 404 Wilcox Bldg. Main 8899, A 2053. WEST SIDE, close In, $1450. B rooms, lot 33x50. Arthur st,, walking dlstsnce. Bt. Improvements In snd paid. FRED W. GERMAN, 829 Burnside. M. or A 2778. Lpnnf modem bungalow, cove ceilings. Dutch kitchen, bath, toilet, cement base ment, on lot 50x100; price $200; terms cash $1000, mortgage $1000, balance $20 per montn. W HITMER-KELLY CO.. 70 Fourth at. ttofcii hviwtnrr. 6 rooms, basement, bath. toller,' hot and cold water, large bam, 2 lots, 25 large bearing fruit trees, all kinds Of berries, garuen, roses, close in, do tween two car lines; $3000. V 554, Orego. nlan. FOR SALE 8-room modem bungalow; bath, basement. stationary tubs, furnace; lot ' 100x100 $4500. Or will sell house and one lot, 50x100. $3S00; or will sell lot, 60x100, $900. On paved street, near Alberta. AX) 668. Oregonian IRVINGTON HOME. $6750 8-room house, corner 11th and Thompson, 487. East facing, all street Im provements In and paid for; lot 50x100. This Is a snap. Part cash. Woodlawn 8229 er C 2429; FOR quick sale Modern. 5-room. cement lnlock bungalow, lot 50x100, nicely im proved, located 240 Farragut st, near Kenton. Price $2100: $1000 cash. Owner. Tel. "Woodlawn i7U. uosi more, worth much more- FOR QUICK SALE. Comer, $00x100, with 6-room house, near Alberta car. $2500; part cash. Owner leaves' for Europe. Call afternoons. 108 ft 4th st., room 5. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Very attractive. 7 rooms, elegant loca tion. East 19th near Thompson St.. $8000; no agents. AS 550, Oregonlan. WILL sell r trade for any good security an 8-room. strictly modern Irvlngton home. What have jour H. A. Stiles, 655 East 24th at., cor. Knott. IRVINGTON HOME. eAoO Modern 8-room house, with sleep ing porch, lot 50x100. Eighteenth near Thompson. Phone East 5S97. FOR SALE $1500 equity 6-room bungalow; aas electricity, bath, basement, lawn; lot 50x100' H block Union ave., 2 blocks Kil llngsworth. Y 597, Oregonlan. HAVE an attractive 100-acre farm to sell or trad, for Portland property. Write stating what you have. I am owner. AR 560, Oregonlan. jc-oR SALE 7-room. new, modern house, 18th and Kllllngsworth. lot 50x100, fruit and shade trees. $200, balance to suit. Apply owner, AT 550, Oregonlan. MONEY . TO LOAN On livestock household goods, pianos, in tos contracts, anything of value. 8trlctly confidentlttl. Frauk Lane, 600 Swetland. FOR SALE 1 8-room and 1 modem 5-room house: easy terms. Owner. R 674. Ore gonlan. ALBERTA, $25T.O. modem Dungajow, siy&o: forced loss $t00; $1200 cash. Woodlawn 2714. FOR SALE 5-room house and lot: fur nlibed; 1 block from Williams ave.; $2600. 664 Vancouver ave. roof- TERMS 7-room modem home, 64th and Belmont: 80x100; very fine fruit. Bell furnished it aesirea. isiwr OJJ. ONE 7-room modem bungalow for sale, n.oj. car. easy terms. Carsley. 4703 42d ave S. E. Phone Sellwood 1624 J26O0 $400 CASH New modem bungalow. 6 rooms, fireplace, beam celllnga 57th St., Mt Tabor. Phone Tabor 895. . jp.viNGTON For saler modern real- " der.ee. For particulars phone C 2384. 14300 HOUSE and bam. 12 lot. In New-berg. Inomra 419 Yeon bldg. Mam 1010. Hons. Coating $2500 i- MUST BB SACRIFICED. ; Will accept BIO LOSS to sell at once, , . i Owner's loss Is your gain. WHAT WILL YOU GIVE 7 8-room house, lot 80x100, In Bonth Mt. Tabor district, Thl. desirable bungs. o.v must be sold at once at whatever It wnt bring, aa owner has to meet paymenta ox a tract of our West Stayton Irrlsatcl land. Modern In every reapect; on.y blocks from Mt, Scott carllne; $1000 mort gage bearing 7 per cent; few hundred, dollar, down takes It, balance as rent at 8 par cent. Don't miss this investment snap. Call on Mr. Hartog. room SVs Chamber of Commeroe bldg.. ground floor, HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. 2 BLOCKS TO HAWTHORNE AVE. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW; LOT 50x90. PRICE $3250; ONLY $500 CASH. Solid hardwood floors, large fireplace, built-in seats, swell buffet, bookcases with leaded doora, paneled dining-room. 2 tine bedrooms In white enamel with large clos ets, large bath and linen closets, full ce ment basement with laundry trays ana full attic, ail floored, besides windows arranged for open sleeping-room; double construction with paper between and ex tra tine nnlsh throughout; exactly as rep resented and the best buy in Portland. There ar. style and class to this bunga low. If you wish to be shown, call Tabor 2S.-.2. ONLY $500 CASH NEEDED. BALANCE JUST LIKE RENT. Four-room cottage with new modem , bathroom. Lot 40x100, with magnificent view . of the city. ."J Only 2 blocks from car and 13 minutes' : -j ride from down town. . HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce bldg., will give yon full particulars. " BEAUTIFUL BROADWAY HOME. $.100 cash, balance $32 month. Including Interest, Six (0) rooms, splendid fixtures In every room, shades, furnace, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet, sleeping porch an-l sewing-room extra; bathroom fixtures of the finest. These terms arc less" than it csn be rented for. 1'rice $4500. All Improvements. Main 21. S2. DETSCH & WITWER. A 155U. MO Chamber of Commerce. STREETCAR and railroad shopmen read this: Cioso to new P. K. L. & P. shops, also S. P. R. R. Co. shops, where thou sands of men will bo employed, I have a beautiful 5-room and attlo bungalow; full cement basement, with laundry trays, oak floor, best of plumbing, enameled, bathroom; rooms tinted; woodwork hand rubbed and beautifully tlnlshed: cement walk around house; sewer and water con nected; all ready ior business; price $2600. small cash payment, bal. monthly; no mortgage to assume; straight contract, E, A. McGrath, 331 Chamber of Commerce bldg. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Sightly heights homo of eight rooms, large llving-rooin with fireplace, library, dining-room, kitchen, four well-arranged bearooms and bath, plenty of closets. lull cement basement with furnace, artlstio light fixtures, about a quarter block, com manding a fine view and about 2 s ' blocka from the car. Price $7500. on easy terms. For further particulars see ! R, F. BRYAN. 1 Main 1903, A 1227. 505 Cham, of Com. t-ROOll house, lot 50x126; cement side walk; 2 blocks from 2 carllnes; 15 min utes' ride on Sellwood car; 10 minutes walk from S. P. R. H. shops. $200 down, $15 per month; t per cent; price $1000. 1 acre, 30 minutes' ride on good carllne; some trees; no gravel; 60 feet from creek: running year round; good water. Cash or terms. Surrounding acres selling for 1UI more. Can't be beat for the money. Prlea f2o. Phone Woodlawn 1240. NONE OF THESE OVER $1000. Some can be bought for $25 dun a, $13 monthly. i $700 2 rooms, Firland. ..j SSO0 3 rooms, Montavllla, , . $800 2 rooms, Montavllla, - li"v.i $yo0 2 rooms, Woodmere. i ,1 $1150 6 rooms. Brentwood. 1 FRED W. GERMAN. 329 Burnside, Phone Main or A 2776. A BARGAIN. Modem river front home. Including launch; everything fully np-to-date; 6 good rooms; fenced; cement sldewaik; good basement; several cords wood; 30 minutes out. Must be seen to realize it's a bar gain. Must sell at once. X 5tS. Ore gonlan. THAT VACANT LOT. . WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PP.OPERTY7 IF YOU OWN A LOT, WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR PLANS FREE. IF WE BUILD. OUR, REPUTATION. YOUR PROTECTION. ITJ WILL PAY YDU TO SEE US. L e BAILEY CO, INC., CON'TRACT ING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTON BLD. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, new; get off at 49th et,, go V, block south; It facea east; has 6 rooms, fireplace, hardwood, floors, built-in buffet, beamed ceiling; bed rooms white enameled; big attic- Price I. right; terms are easy. Owner will be at house all Sunday afternoon. If you want a bargain, see mis. Will take lot as first payment, . j FORCED SALE. 1 I must sell my double constructed 6-room bungalow immediately to raise money to meet other obligations: has all the buMt ln conveniences and Is brand new ana thoroughly modern; hardwood floors; near Hawthorne: for quick sale $3100, terms. See my exclusive agents, Hawthorne Real ty Co.. 1022 Hawthorne ave. SACRIFICE SALE. Am leaving city and must sacrifice my new 6-room bungalow in Kose City Park, close to car; everything modem and very easy terms. ' W. H. PHILLIPS. 550 Eaat 50th st. North, or 201 Boar of Trade. Residenco phone Tabor Office phones Marshall 473, X 1022. " SNAP S2400. Good five-room cottage, modern tnrouin out; good bathroom, basement; in a so location, close to carllne. . ' 1BRM3 t suit YOU. You ought to looK At this place, as It is a bargain and muc be sold at once. Portland Trust Co. ofl Oregon, 3d and Oak Bts. IF TOU are going to build let me figure On your iJaU.ua, j. iv - v can do the work as cheap as It can be done. plana. All vi Juu"o' . V Drop a line and I will call and se cug. Portiano. , RICHMOND-HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $600. nice, new 6-room bungalow, roomi and bath upstairs, fireplace, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, etc., gaa and electric fix ture. all In, concrete basement and walks, near school and car. Call owner. Mala 9348. for this bargain. Fivand six-room homes, fireplaces, hard-1 wood floors, furnaces, with all built-in, modern conveniences; near carllne; an "street improvements paid; monthly pay ment plan. Provident Investment & Trustee Co., 201. 802. 203 Board of Trad Diqg. rnwiB - HAW jl nuni'u w--.w-. -. Fin 6-room bungalow, brand new, flre Diace, buffet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, etc modern In every particular, close ta car- very desirable corner; price $a000; easy terms. Call owner. Main 4UU5, inorii- .T . .i.-Trinvn nTOTPTPT inga or -ter f "- w n irr .v rr nT T.TTT L7 TT1 Built tor a home, absolutely modern in every particular, best of construction, for sale by owner. Terms $1000 cash, balance on monthly payment, M7 East 17th at. ortn. i-ROOH bungalow, modern in every par ticular full cement basement, furnace, sieeping-porch, etc., etc, in very desir able residence section of Inrlngtoa; price 5 )1UU . e)..f?'tVF t,aoii, WHITMER-KELLY CO., 70 Fourth Bt. BUNGALOW and 1 acres on Oregon City carllne. 30 minutes' ride from the center of the city; ay-minute service; 7 -cent fare- an ideal home; price $4500; $i:5oU HITMER-KELLY CO., 70 Fourth st. 7-ROOM bungalow in Irvlngton for I07-.0: ifiuO down, balance like rent; strictly modern- hardwood floors, buffet kitchen, elaborate light fixtures amf shades in cluded. H. A. Stilea. C55 East 34th at.. cor. Knott. ' " PORTLAND HEIGHTS. " Six-: oom bungalow, modurn. fine neih borhood, about 600 feet elevation, full lot, levM near car. Price $41Ul. Sam Nortuu, 7 Chamber of Commerce (ground floor). Tn "RE SOLD AT ONCE. Good house, with 2 acres, west aide o town. $3SO0; 5'j0 down. NATIONAL REALTY TRUST CO.. CAN you use owner's artistic home, 20 mln uta out, seleot neighborhood, paved dis trict car one block, aa great sacrifice and on own terms? See No. 1181 Ivon st oday. and call Barney. Main 2500. WILL sacrifice; forced to sell my elegant, brand new 8-room house, up-to-date. Rose City Park; one block to car. N 520. Ore-, ronian. f 4-ROOM house, cement basement, with bath.1 gas; reasonable. 752 Height ave. r