ELEMENTARY ill AT Member of Rural New Yorker Staff Gives Impressions of Championship Meet ALL NATIONS ARE THERE H. T. Colllnrwood Tgnm nn What 0,000 Tenon. M w Tork. Coold AccompUah In Lrr1UUon If They 0ee. In a rent lssu of th Rural Nw Torker. H. W. Colllngwood, special writer on th taff of that periodic!. has th following Interesting Impres sion of a world championship b- -Two strikes, thr ball" -A .tlenc ao intense thm you eocld feel it fail upon 0.000 people, who saw the upirplr put up hU hand to an nounce t.-. .econd .trlk. It waa th. crisis of in flr.t baseball gem for th world championship between New Tork and Philadelphia. Tho great stand wr black with people, and thousands mora wero perched upon th rocks which ros abora th levl In which th ball grounrf. ara laid out Th boy and I t on the bleachers. It was th only place w could Bet. and w eat ther Ihre hour before the gam began and we were among th last to get in. Of course you will any w should rav been at hom picking ap-rl-a. but without discussing that I wl.l admit that w wer packed away In that -bleacher crowd. -Ther were ome !S.0 of us crowd ed on thoe wooden bench with our feet hanging down. Her and ther in Mi black mass f hat a pot of lighter color howd whr om woman haJI crowded In with th rt. Ther may bar been 100 women tn tht crowd. Th .tax-ls whir, th reeerred eat ar placed wer brlaht with women gay color. Our at wer not reserved, but well "deae'ved' after our etruggl for them. f enjoyed th crowd a much aa I did th him. Many of you have no doubt read that dccrlptlon In Hen Hur of the motley crowd wMch urgd out to th crucifixion. Gibbon d crlbe tn msrs of humane who at tended tile Komn game. Th world aa known at that time trathered at these pectaclea, yet I douM If thoe old-t!m horde eo-ild fiow th variety of blood or color which showed within 100 feet of wber w wer. Within four feet at two colored men showlnrf traces of two distinct African race. Th young man on tr.y rtaht wae certainly an Irishman. Th f.t man. who was wM enough to fill two seats, we a German. In front n Italian, behind ws a Swede, off there a Frenchman, a Spaniard and eeen a thlnaman. Ther wa an A rah, whose father at dates In th desert. The son had looked forward to this late s an oasis In th desert of hard work. Here were Indians. Japanese. Mexicans. Russian. Turks th entlr world had poured the blood of Its raca Into this ya.xt crowd. "I do not beilcv the great Coliseum at Rom erer held a larger company. Yet this crowd was different. In th sai-aa" hordes of centuries t(o th air wa filled with a babel of sound each rac ..Ir.ektng In It own language. Th! Tt army of "fans- thought and pok tn th common language of Cnf. ltsh and baseball. For there la a true language of baseball. Nothing ran b popular unless It acquire a language f it own. Tt wa an orderly crowd too. Pome how these waltlnrr men seemed to feel that they had come fo th hush and ntirnlty of a -treat occasion. You may laugh at us you poor unfrtunat peo ple who do not know a home run from a fir catch, but you bar missed a lot ff tha thrill and Joy of life. Heme Kelt for Other. "W feel sorry for you. To th true, baseball crank thla cam represented th climax of the year, for her woe i he best Is player tn th world ready fjr tha supreme struaKl. rio thee thousands sat silent and watchful, for aa you may know, when stirred by pas sion. Su.000 people may glva rent to th moat hldeou and awesome sound. Yet when stilled by th th.iusht of what la to com th sllenc of thl great army Is most profound. -Now. of course you and I may say what a pity that all thee "people and tha nrgy and money they represent could Pot be used for ome mor use ful purpose. I could nm half a doien thing which this country needs. If it were posslbl to rather 0.000 people In behalf of any of the thlnre with th claw of elemental uiaKry barely covered with thin cotton glovs no I-erlslatur In th land would dar re fuse tn demanded law. That la true, hut It la also true that human nature has not yet evolved from that point where at th last analysis the physical power and what It stands for appeals first to tha younc and strong. You cannot get away from that, and It must be considered tn all our rots rots about th 'youna-or generation." -v can hare anything w want In legislation and reform, whenever w cen work tap a spirit and demand for It which la akin to thla baseball feel ing! For In thla silent, orderly crowd ther was nothing but cotton over th .laws. There was a dignified looking ntiiea not far from us who looked like a fair representative of th Clty of Brotherly Lore- You would pick him as on of a thousand to take charg of a Sunday school. Yet when a Philadelphia player raced homo with the first run there came a hoarse cry that might even have startled a l!st leea Csear 2to years ago. Ttirr was our Philadelphia frwnd on one fjot waring his hat and shrieking def'snce and taunts at th crowd of New York fans." Why. the germ of that man a mind waa back In tne, centuries, clad In hairy flesh and sklr.s. shouting a wsr cry at what wer then Its ene mies: Rleaeber Rata Cry. -Ar.d when New Tork tied th -or the entire bleachers seemed to rls like a great black ware of humanity with shrieks and rrl-s and waving hat. For the moment these were har.Ily hu man be:r as w Ilk to consider th race. They were crair barbarian lapsed for the moment back to elemen tal motives. And as I came back to f.nd myself standing up with the rest 1 waa not aur but that th brief trip back to barbarism had cot after all been a profitable one! "But w left th umrlre standing with hi hand up calling two strike! It was th fifth Innins. and th score on to one. There were two out and York had worked a man around to tr.lrd base. On mor pltcned ball would tell the etory. -Consider tha mix-up of th race In this Amarlcan game." Th man on third base straining Uk a greyhound t0 gt horns waa au Indian. Th nan at bat waa of Frwac& blood, wall th SHOWN GAME next batter waa an Irishman, with a Jew clone behind htm. Th catcher waa an KngUanman and th pitcher a pur Indian. This Indian stood ther Ilk a silent representative of fate, with th ball In his hand, eyeing that Frenchman, who shook his bat defiant ly. I presume neither of them thought for th Instant how 100 year ago It would hare been tomahawk against muiket In plao of ball and bat. Yet the rac traits were evident th light and airy nerre of th Gaul and crafty ilieuc of tse red man! Bedlaa Break Loose "Oh. how tfiat bail did go In. "Balir shouted the umpire snd the batter took his base. Then It seemed as If bedlam had broken lio. Men and women shouted and cheered and laughed and cried, for they thought that Indian waa hratUed' at last. But his ancestor went through too much f.r for that. H stood In th center aa cool as a cake of Ice. "Th play for th man on flrat waa to run to econd when the ball was pitched, and run h did. 1 noticed that tha catcher Jumped alx feet to the right as that Indian threw th ball. It went Ilk lightning right Into th eatober'a hands. Th eoocd baseman had run up behind th pltchr and took th throw from th catcher. Of course th runner on third tried to run In on thla throw, but back cam th ball ahad of him and h waa out! -Then In an instant th mighty crowd saw that New York had been ambushed. It waa a great trick, and played so accurately and quickly and with such daring that ren the Phila delphia "fans' were mind paralysed and fotgot to cheer. Tb llenc which fol lowed the Indian to the player bench waa th most eloquent trlbut of th day. And It happened, as every 'sport already knows, that New York finally won two to on. The needed runs were made on mighty hits by an Indian and an Irishman and the great crowd filed out and hom to talk It orer. I wish I could toll my children how some Cap Cod Yankee had a hand In it. but too many of them are occupied In telling what they or their ancestors used to do. 1 think the ram wa In rented and dereljped by Yankees, and that they hare made most money out of It. Probably Capo Cod Is willing to rest content wrth this and let th oth ers handle the ball. I am ready to ad mit w ought to hare been home pick ing apples, but w saw th garnet and tb apple harvest will go better to pay for It- WASUIXGTOX HIGH IS WTXXER Salem Declslrely Beaten by Score of 18 to'0. For th second time thla season. Coarh Virgil Karl's husky lads of Washington High School sent a Wil lamette Valley team to defeat yes terday when ther rolled up a acor of 1 to against the falem High School eleven on Multnomah Field. Th visitors beld Washington to two plsc kick In th first half, but lost their grip toward th end when Wash ington made two touchdowns, both In th last quarter. Salem wa th first to get a chance to score, trying a place kick from the o-yard lln which wa blocked by Washington. Thla wa th nearest the up-state lads earn to th Washing ton goal lln through th game. After losing the ball on down In tb second quarter Washington recovered the sphere and Nelson lifted the pig skin between the goal posts from the JJ-ysrd line. Roth sides" attempted forward passes In th first hslf wr all unsuccessful. Another place kick tried by the balam team In th second quarter also failed. The Washington team began th third quarter with bard lln plunge. In which tax figured most prominently. After worklna; down the field another placa kick wa tried which Nelaon urov tru betwen the posts. No touchdown waa acored nntll th fourth quarter when Nelson waa car ried over the line by a Washington masa play. Nelson made a beautiful pass to Smith a few moments later which gained about 3 yards. After some rushes. Whit scored and Nelson kicked goal, making th total 1 polnta. A feature of th game was th punt ing of NeUon. HI average for th day wa about 41 yard. Pax waa another star. H made most of the yardage for th rtctors. Hofer mad good run for Palem. on round the end being for IS yards. Farmer and I'enn also put In good work. Halem was greatly outweighed by th Washington High School men. Albany, which outweighed Washington, waa de feated by Washington by th cor of 41 to 0. The lln-up: S.l.m. asnmsion. Chetiwth HeTi.lrlcee 1 small JJ ;anom Mrt'lrlland T ltsrrlck R T: Heira ........ Moore ... Normanilln ........ Baker Mnl.lna Berket Wle.t Edwards ? tVhlt Nelson I Varmer -- J " : lieek.t " ' MeAdama R H rinn F B o.'.'iniimi Orant for White. Bmlth for i w.ker. Lafky for Ransom. White for Kellog. I Touchdown. Nslson 1. Whit 1. Klcksd goal Vel.on 1. Place kicks Neton I. Time of quarters II. 1. U 1- ornciais Rater Uord. Implree Latourette and Hurlhurt. FUld Judge Hlrkaon. Read linesmen Captain Reason. Timekeepers Herdmaa and Kirk. 58 GIRDINGJOR SWIM n.VSII ACKOSS YTXLiAlETTE OX CHRISTMAS DAY APPEALS. Arthur Cavill, Swimming; Instructor at Multnomah Club, la Pioneer In XotcI Watrr Contest. Portland" third annual Chrlstmaa day ewlin In th Wlllamatt Hirer un der th auspices of the Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club Is to b a greater event than either of th pre vlou one, according to present plans of th club. Swimmer from all parta of the Pa cine Coast are to compete In th novel contest, end Instructor Arthur Cavill announced that he confidently expect more than o starters this year. Th first tlm the swim waa attempted In l0t ther wer 11 atarter out of Zt entries, and last year ther wer i starter out of mor than 60 ntrle. Thl year Cavill fully expect lt'O entrlr. Tt-.ree handsome t!rer trophy eupa on of which 1 th challenge oup do nated by Stephen T. Britten for th first swim to be won two consecutive times to becomo the permanent property of the winner, ere up for this year' contest. Th first yar th Britten cup was won by Patterson, who failed to compete last year. and Lewis Thon-.aa wa th rlctorlou awlramer. When Cavill first broached th Idea of th Chrttma day swim h wa laughed at by tbo skeptical, but M determination and personal lnflunc over Ms swimmer brought out enough entries to make the plan successful. Swimming In te Willamette River on Christmas day Is good advertising for Portland. Phil Patterson, winner of th first Christmas awlm. may b a contender for the r.onore again this year. II 1 attending an Eastern university and expects to b able to com hom for th holiday. In which vent ha will try to win tha Britten trophy for permanent property. t w - TITE STJ7TDAY OREGONIAX. rORTLAyD. NOVEMBER 5, 1911. AMEEICA'S BEST TENUIS EXPERTS NOW ON WAY TO NEW ZEA LAND TO PLAT TOE DAVIS TE0PHY. - ;i V,la ' ' ' . -a. , e . 3 '7-' r". I .'14 - rts--.-. i ff 5EE5 VICTORY IN IP Antipodes Jaunt of America's Tennis Best May Mean Regaining of Trophy. LARNED FIXES AFFAIRS Recvnt Death of Champion' Father Making- Player Executor Waa Cause of Hesitancy on Making Jonmey to Xew Zealand. BT RALPH H. MITCHIIJ. All y of th tennla world ewltehed from America toward Nw Zealand on Wednesday, when the American team of challenger for th Darl trophy sailed away for Chrtstchurch from Vancouver. B C. on th good hlp Zealandla. William A. Lamed. Maurice K. McLoughlln ana neoi wnui, at first announced, mad up the team which goo to foreign shore bent on ..-.. I . with the famous CUP now long held by th Australian. When MoLoughlin passea inr Portland and wa entertained by Port land tennl man at th Irvlngton club for th day. h expressed utmost con fidence In tho ability of th present American, team, the strongest possible, to bring back the laurl long eought. Though at that time b did not know that Larned ' would b In the party he expressed the wish that ha would, for h acknowledge the Na tional champion the atrongeat tennla man th game ever produced, and Mo Loughltn ought to know, for h baa met not a few of them In hla day. which la far from being over yet. Actloa Fortmnate for America. It waa fortunate for tha Americana that Larned could get away after even declaring, as he confidently bellev.d st th tlm. that buslnes matter would keep him here In America through the Winter. It develop that ther vaa no reaaon other than per sonal why Larned, after declaring h would mak th trip, decided not to go. Larned- father reoently died and left a large tat of which th ten nis champion 1 executor. Thla fact coupled, of course, with the extended tlm of keeping In training up to tho t m et for th play In New Zealand. m?de th. champion feel that h .could not get away, and ha thua gar busi ness reason, a. th. cans Gossip In the East had It that Larned had fallen out with those making ' for the American, and that for thl. reason he would not b. .een in the "am representing America, but again Dame Gossip has been bested Th. match., ar. .rheduled to b Dlaved about th. mlddl. of Decemb.r. .1 ft. American, mu.t board th. Zea landla returning to America on De "l,. .j They will consist of four "ne. and ". double.. Two ..ngl. mafche. will be played th. opening day. and th. double, th. .econd day. Th. "nal day', play will b. f th remaining two matches In .Ingle. Aanerleaa Team gtroaur. McLoughlln and Larn.d will b. th singles representative of America, wnn. Brook, and probably Heath will figure in th. single, for Australia. In th. flrat alnglea matches Larned w oppose Brook, and McLoughlln will meet Heath. McLoughlln and Wright probably will play together in th. dou ble, match. Th. Australian team ha. not yet been announced for tha dou bles, though It 1. probabl that Dun up and Brook, will b. chosen, a they appear at this dlstanc to ba th. strong est team. Brooke, will captain th. Australian team. One point will be allowed tha winner of each match, ao It will rwjulr. thr. point, to tak th ohampIonhlp. American tennl. follower, har. It f'gured that Larned will win two of th. singles matches and that McLough lln .hould defeat Heath, If not Brooke.. Should McLoughlln fall to win either of Ma matches, however, tha American team will UI1 bar a good chanc of returning with th championship, as Wright and McLoughlln will mak. a atrong combination In th. doubles. IWpV Hard rVaJck t Flgar. Opinions regarding th outcome of th matche. ar based on th r.lativ. showing of th British player agaln.t Wilding In England and McLoughlln and Larned here. Dixon, th. leading Prltlsh player, dlspced of Wilding during th. past aaon In Kngland. In the East this year both McLoughlln and Larned won from Dixon and Bea mish, the English pleyera. A in any other .port, "dope" cannot b. relied upon In tennl. and thla -dope" doe. not afford th. best possible lln. clth.r. Dixon played Larned to a flre-t match and In th fifth aet had a commanding ft.- LOUGHLIN ,a, i'ivdrnr'?frrt I ' e, r 1 ' ? lead of S-t and 10-15. Then Larn.d ran th. aet out. McLoughlln defeated Dixon with a-reater eas than did Larned, whll Larned won from McLoughlln In three straight Beta In the challenge match for th. American championship. That shows lust how reliable "dope" Is. It Is practically conceded her. and tn Eng land that Larned I. th. greatest tennl. play.r In th. world at present, though In Australia, of cour.e. they think th. aame of Brookes. McLoughlln ha. play.d against both men and think, that Larned will har little troubl. disposing of tha Australian champion. McLoughlln went over to Australia In lt09. and at that tlm he waa a comparatlre norlce. He made good showings against both Brooke, and Wilding, though ha wa. beaten by both of them. With two year additional experience he figure, to have an equal chanc with cither of th Australian cracks. Larned' coaching on th. trip will also, help him considerably. Thar 1. perhaps no batter double, player In th. world than Wright. He excel, at this style of play. His head work 1. largely responsible for hi. success In doubles. He 1. a left-hander with considerable speed and at the same tlm. he 1. accurat. In his stroke.. The Australian, will find McLoughlln and Wright a hard team to defeat. TYLER IN FIRST PLACE SPOK-VXE IAD BEST OP XORTH PACIFIC'S HIGH TEXXIS MEX. Brandt Wlckertham, of Portland, Given Eecond Place in Singles and First With Partner la Doubles. VANCOUVER, B. C. Nor. 4. For th second consecutive year, Joe Tyler, of Epokane, North Pacific International champion, ranka first among th. ten best players In th. North Pacific. Inter national Lawn Tennla Association, ac cording to the ranking committee', re port which was mad. public her. today by the secretary of the association. Tyler Is given first place in the singles and B. WIckersham and R. C Gorrlll, of Portland, rank first In tha doubles. There ar. a few changes In the rank ings orer last year. Captain J. F. Foulkes, of Victoria, a former holder of th Canadian title, 1. third. Th. offi cial ranking follows: Singles L J. C Tyler. Bpokane, Wash. 2. B. WIckersham, Portland, Or. I. Captain J. F. Foulkes, Victoria, B. C 4. R. G. Breexe. Taeoma, Wash. 6. L. K. Richardson. Seattle. . 8. L. Russell, Seattle. 7. W. J. H. Cardlnall. Vancouver, B. C I. B. Rhodes, Vancouver, B. C. 5. H. O. Garrett, Victoria, B. C. 10. R. & Qorrlll, Portland, Or. Doubles L B. WIckersham and R. C. Gorrlll. j. j. C. Tyler and Captain J. F. Foulkes. a. F. J. Marshall and H. G. Garrett. 4. 6. Russell and Q. Smith. (. J. H. Cardlnall and B. Rhodes. Tb. ranking committee consisted of Judge Lampman. Victoria: J. F. Ewlng, Portland, and R. G. Breeze, Tacoma. HAZrX, HOTCHKISS VET WIXS National Champion Takes Bay Conn tie Championship, 0-0. SAW FRANCISCO. Nor. 4. Miss Ha ael Hotchklsa. National champion in women', alngles. won th final match of the Bay Countlea' tennis tournament today in hollow fashion, defeating Mr. George Tyler. -. In tho aeml-flnal match preceding thla contest Mlsa Hotchklss won from Mlsa Anita Meyer, woman' champion of San Franciaco, In two-lov Bets. Final matche of th all-comer aln gle and doubles tournament, win b playd Monday. rr- - - - . ' J 1 .J' n I r - 1 : ' i , -'J-" j y nf-i ' . , .... . . : .- . - . - :. .1 r , i y iH HEN DISLIKE WEIGHT REVISION Talked Of Schedule In New York Rankles Leaders In Ring Circles. NOVICE'S BATTLE FARCE Tommy Ryan Tells of Mm tn Which Dnnkhorst Meet. Fltxstmmon and Falls Before Punch of Australian In First Bonnd. BT PATTj J. FEELT. Several unexpected things ar. likely to result from th. appointment of th. state boxing commission In New Tork. For Instance. Jak Skelly. official ref eree, has compiled a revision of th. recognized weights, which he has ar dent hopes of seeing adopted. Briefly, Skelly would change the ban tam limit to 110 pounds, the feather to 120, the light to 1S5 and the mlddl. to 165. He also provides for a light-heavy, weight poundage, 17J. and bring, the welter up to 144. What chance there Is of Skelly" pet scheme being accepted remain to b. seen. There 1. really no way of com pelling th boxer, to change the pres ent .tandard. It all depends on th. title-holder and th. near-top-notchers. Should they see fit to accede to his re quest, his revision would Jump Into varus; otherwise It would take years to effect a recognized readjustment. It la oertaln that Champion Ad Wol gast would never entertain the 185 pound Idea. The Michigan Wildcat usually 1. under 133 pounds when he strip to defend his title, and it would be folly for him to consent to anyone coming Into the ring at a higher weight than th present one. Mlddlerrelghta Would Slag. With Abe Attell It Is different. Th. featherweight king might weloome such a change. There is little doubt but that he could make 120 pounds and be strong. The hardest battle he ever fought was with Owen Moran. Had the limit ham 120 nounds In those days, the EngllBh feather wouldn't have stood a ghost of a show. Sammy Langford. Billy Papk et al. vnuM hv from lowering the middle weight notch, a. Henry Berry T-ould from a high ball. But few of the mid dleweight, oan scale lower man 100 nnii hn in ne-htlnsr condition. Mention of Langford'. weight recalls the fact that the Boston "bono crusher" was able to make 133 pounds in 1903. There have been many protests against placing a llght-hearywelght limit. It is said that anyone over 160 pounds Is big enough to fight the world. Newspaper Men I'leased. Freaks of th. ring are many and Tommy Ryan recalled one the other night that merit, rank wun me irean lest. The story deals with the "life, battles and career" of Ed Dunkhorst, and particularly with his first bid for the heavyweight crown. He has been bidding more or less ever since, but tho occasion referred to was the only I time he ever got a crack at a near champion. "It was while I was training Jen- ries for his fight with Corbett at Coney Island," said the Multnomah Club In structor. "Jeff wanted a husky young fellow to maul and wrestle with, so i got Dunkhorst, a stripling of 260 pounds from Syracuse. The only ex perience he ever had was helping mo In m v training. "Well, ho mad. ruch a hit with the newspaper men tho day h. arrived that all had something to say about bim. I told them I was going to make a phnmnlon out of him. "Th next day I receivea a Telegram from a Brooklyn club asking If my man would fight Fitzslmmons. "Can you Imagine it? A novice fight ing the man next to th. champtonf "I thought soma one was trying to kid' me, so I wired baok that Dunk horst would fight the Sultan of Zulu if he wa. given S1000 in advance. They fell for It, Article, were signed. Fits I Surprlaed. "The night of th. fight came. After much persuasion I Induced the pro moters to fork over th. 31000, on the plea that Dunkhorst wa. a funny chap and might decide to walk out of the pavilion any minute if he wasn't given his guarantee. "It came time to fight I was afraid that I would bo mobbed, for I didn't think Dunk' would last 10 seconds. Before the men were called to th. center I told him to look real savage Ilk. and ask Fits how he wanted to fight, with clean break, or what. "Dunkhorst did. It surprised me: It surprised Fitz. In fact, poor old Bob was so flabbergasted he didn't know what to say. He walked up to the lanky Australian and spoke hi. little speech in the most approved fashion. Fltz didn't know what to say. VWelL what's It going to her de manded Dunkhorst. TV e haven't got all night to stick around here! I want to beat you up and get out.' "Fits finally stammered that any thing would suit him, whereupon Dunk horst said that they would hit any time they felt like It. First Blow I Surprise. "The gong sounded for the first round. On rushed Dunkhorst like a Hon. crouching low like Jeff. In a min ute he had Fits on the rope, and the crowd out loose. Dunk got him Into a corner. In attempting to get out, Fltx fainted with his left for th. head and suddenly shifted his right Into Dunk horst's mldrift. It was such a blow as beat Corbett at Carson. Down went th. budding champion and th. look on hla face denoted a painful surprise. He weathered the storm until the bell clanged, however, and wobbled to his corner. "He complained of being hurt. He wanted to quit, I coaxed him into tak ing another whirl and he ran out to meet hi. opponent as If nothing had happened. It got Fltx's goat. He hugged and clinched and hugged some more. Breaking from one of the many waltzes. Dunkhorst cut loose and crossed Fitx flush on the chin. If there had been any steam behind his punch the paper, would have been hail ing a new champion next morning. But there wasn't. It only dazed Fits. H. recovered quickly. "Thus far Fits had been shooting all hla punches toward the waist line, and Dunk" guarded that portion of hla an atomy sealously. Fits started a left lead for "Dunk's tender spot and down went the elephant's guard. Fltx's left halted when half way; his feet shifted qulcklv. ana his right hand shot to Dunkh'orsfs Jaw like a flash. Thud! Down went 260 pounds of the pride of Syracuse. Money First Thought. "Next morning there were pictures printed of six men oarrying him to his corner. . "And th. Crst thing Dunkhorst asked when he awoke was, "Did yon get the money. Tommy T" Dunkhorst. now weighing S40 pounds. Is a freak at one of the small show house, in San Francisco. Occasionally, when some promoter, funny vein Is in action. "Dunk" amuses the fight fans with a whirl at some heavy, and Is In variably defeated. a a Even though th. long Coast season Is hardly cold In its grave and Its epi taph has not yet been written, some of the fans are beginning to guess what each team will show next season. This brand of Bwiss cheese and fruit cake dreaming Is bad business, but a bunch of the bugs fall for It Just the same. First will come the picking of all star teams the "Ideal" aggregation mad. up of the "best" men In the league and when the fans get tired of that along about Christmas they will begin to get busy and guess which men the manager, of the various team, will keep. As the average baseball fan, conceded to be the most peculiar Individual In existence, has pre-ordained Just who each leader should have on hand when the 1912 season starts, It will be up to the managers to make good on these guesses or be roasted. PACIFIC ROUTS ANGELS FOREST GROVE ELEVEN" W1XS BI SCORE OF 29 TO 6. Mount Angel College Team TJnahle to Stop Long End Runs and Ex cellent Team Work. PACIFIC rNIVERSITT, Forest Grove, Or., Nov. 4. (Special.) Tne Paclflo University eleven easily de feated the Mount Angel College team here today, 29 to 6. Paclflo showed a decided Improve ment since the Corvallis game and showed up with an impenetrable in terference. They circled the Angels' ends for 35 and 50-yard runs time after time. At the end of the first quarter it looked Ilk a walkaway, for Paclflo had scored three touchdowns and Bryant's toe sent the ball true to every goal. The star performer was Raymond Bryant, of Pacific, who made end runs throughout the game. Bryant was recently taken from tackle and placed at half. Captain Carson, for the Angels, played a strong game at full. Shairer, Pacific's center, was in every play and shows up as the speed iest center who ever wore the "P." Bryant easily outpunted the Mount Angel booter. The two teams were about evenly matched In weight, bift Paciflo showei greater speed and team work. The lineup: ML AnssL Position.' Pacific Gllllran C..., Bhairer Shlrtsinser R O Wigman Cannard R T Mayfleld Skoneizln R E. . . House. Hoagland Hubs .......L G BurllDRham. Leonard Pick ...XT Donaldson Soler L E Ward Clark Q Perrln Purney R K. ........... Bryant Harbaush L. U Taylor C. Carson T (capt.) Bryant Referee Humphreys: umpire, bklnner. FANDOM AT RANDOM WHILE J. Cal Ewlng and Frank Iah. principal stockholders In the San Francisco club, deny positively that they are contemplating the secur ing of a successor to Danny Long, the San Francisco scribes are pouring out red-hot shots declaring Long's tenure as manager of the Seals has ended. The excitable scribes admit that Ewlng and Ish maintain that there will be no change, but they rattle off yards of guff explaining the reason why a successor Is needed, and it -is not beyond the bounds of possibility that he will be supplanted. If Cal Ewlng and Ish can be made to see the advantages of making a change In the Seal line-up. there is every reason in the world to figure that club as a formidable contender for the honors next season. That club never will be with D. Long at the helm, for he has so "unpopularlzed" himself with the players that scarcely one of the Seals will speak to him, and all of them openly express the opinion that they would be delighted to play elsewhere as long as Long is retained as manager. George Stovall. ex-manager of the Cleveland American League team, and Fred Snodgrass, of the New Tork Giants, have Joined the Oxnard team in th. Winter League of Southern Cali fornia. Snodgrass is playing the out field, and Stovall 1. playing first base, whll. Tom Beaton, of the champion Beaver, of 1910 and 1911, is pitching for tho "Oxies." Seaton reported at Oxnard Immediately after pitching one game against the Oaks in the post season series, for Ben Henderson had promised to pitch the Sunday after noon game and Seaton was excuse Catcher Thomas, of the Sacramento club. Is something of a nlmrod, and th. other day he hied to the country and brought home a limit bag of rab bits. He deposited his bag at a popular resort for a few hours, and when he returned there was npt a single speci men left. Friends and acquaintances of the catcher had helped themselves to the rabbits without-the formality of asking permission. Thomas spied a stranger bearing a pair of rabbits which he believed belonged to his bag, and accosted the person with the query, "Where did you get those rab bits." "They were part of Tommy Thomas's bag." replied the fellow. "Well. I'm Tommy Thomas," asserted the catcher. "What difference does that make?" Impudently replied the custodian of the rabbits, and after some argument Thomas was compelled to pay two bits aplec. for two of his own rabbits. . Every Winter the annual cry goes np that George Schreeder is prepared to sell the Tacoma franchise, and it is not surprising that he does not, in view of the sensational crowds of 20 and 80 people seen at some of the games last Summer. Taooma is capable of proving a flrst class ball town, but what Is needed to stir up tho Interest is a general In troduction of new blood both In the playing, managerial and ownership end. of th. game. Th. -Baker Ball" craze has struck Philadelphia and It Is not beyond the realm of possibility that It may extend to the West a. well. There are prob ably 60 or 100 places In Philadelphia, according to a returned Portlander. where a .oiled baseball is on exhibi tion and advertised as the ball Baker hit out of tho lot In the first game of th world' series played In Quaker town. Minnesota Alumni Celebrate. The Portland alumni association of the University of Minnesota partici pated in a banquet last night at the Hotel Carlton, at which there were 30 covers. The feature of the evening was a Jubiliation over the victory of the Minnesota football team over the University of Chicago, by a score of 30 to 0. Player pianos in our exchange room. Antoplano. J287: terms. J10 per month Kohler & Chase, 375 Washington st. O.A. C.ISNOMATGH FOR WASHINGTON Oregon Aggies Go Down Fight ing While Rivals Roll Up 34-0 Score. CORVALLIS MEN LIGHTER Coach Doble Makes Xovel Protest Before Game, Charging O. A. C. Men With Using Chloroform Mixture on Their Hands. BT ROBCOE rAWCETT, Referee of Washinston-O. A. C. Gam. SEATTLE, Wash.. Nov. 4. (Special) "The Oregon Agricultural boys are using a preparation of chloroform on their hands. It is unsportsmanlike. I vehemently charged Gilmour Do ble, coach of the University of Wash ington eleven. Just as the whistle was about to sound for hostilities In the annual game between the two institu tions today. If Coach Dolan's huskies used chloro form, the formula went boomerang. The events of the ensuing 60 minutes proved that, for the University of Washington players literally swarmed over their smaller opponents and won by a score of 34 to 0, 12 polnta worse than in 1910. Everybody was startled at th. one sidedness of the battle. Seattle fans had been led to believe that the Ore gon farmers were a legion of atlases, each armed with a brass knuckle and battering ram. When the two teams lined up the difference was startllngly , a en- Washlncrton out weighed the Corvallis tribe at least 10 pounds to the man. Aggies Have No Chance. mi... .iATT.no nAWAil an the ball rose on the f rat kick-off. This waa the only snort the Oregon "cow" herders got, for the first scrimmage showed the direction of the breezes. The visitors had no chance. Tweniy-iwo pomi ..kt -,- earned tonohdowns I C-1 COC.-LJ'Jrt vu.wu and a fluke, epitomized the first half, with Dolan's men battling valiantly and oourageously at every twist and turn. In the third quarter th. Farmer, took a brace. Either that or Wash ington developed another streak of somnolency, for the purple and gold failed to cross the goal 11- e. Resist less offensive work, penalties for hold ing and costly fumbles characterised this period. Doble then shunted several aspiring inin , K t,i,im of the ner- sptrlng ones and the Seattle lada orowded two more across, nsuwowo and Wynn cornering the honors, on straight football. "Our team is not as strong as it was last year, owing to tho loss of Keck. Hawley, Huntley and others," said Ceach Dolan after the game. Dolan Praises Washington. "The boys fought Ilk demons for every lrch, but they were simply over powered by superior weight. Washing ton's eleven is stronger. In my Judg ment, than the team Doble led to the championship last season." Washington's first touchdown came after an exhibition of superb football, the locals plowing 90 yards down the field without a break. Mucklestone, Sparger and Wand shot through the Oregon Aggies' defense as though pro jected from a torpedo tube. Jack Patton recovered a fumble only five yards from the line on the second score and Walter Wand carried it across. Coylo kicked this goal. Score, 11 to 0. The Corvallis scrappers howled vig orously on the third touchdown. Coyle had punted over Quarterback Reynold's head and the 126-pound midget tore back after the ball. Field Judge Car ver ruled that the oval hit him before crossing the last time and as Bliss, a Washington man, fell on the ball, the touchdown was allowed. Coyle kicked goal. Forward Pas Net Gain. The fourth touchdown came after two of the prettiest plays seen on a Northwest gridiron this season, Dobie'a men manipulating them, a duet of beautiful forward passes for Immense chunks of territory. Grimm and Sut ton were the recipients of the heaves, Coyle missed goal. Score, 22 to 0. For the Oregon Aggies. Enberg, Jes sup and Reynolds shone prominently, although all the boys seemed working like Trojans. Dolan's men had few opportunities to show what they had offensively and everything that was tried went the route of a pigeon's egg dropped from the tower of the wireless pole that towered over tho playing On two different occasions Enberg sent tremors through the 6000 specta tors by magnificent attempts at goals from placement from behind the 35 yard line. Both went true but fell a few feet short, Dobie uncorked about the same as sortment of plays used against Idaho. Assistant Coach Hunt, of the Univer sity of Oregon, who with Coach Ost hoff, of Washington State College, was an Interested spectator on the side lines, said tonight that Washington played 100 per cent better than against Idaho a week ago. Doble Fear Oregon. Doble declares that his men are in for a licking from Oregon on Novem ber 18. Maybe but If there is super iority on the Eugene side. Coach War ner has kept It nicely covered up. Tha teams are a standoff In weight, tha kicking is equal, aggressiveness about the same, and the weight about equally spread about the scrimmage line and the back field. The breaks will prob ablv decide the championship. Nobody was injured on either side today, as the field was Just soft enough to afford nice cushioning in the scrim mages. The teams lined up as follows: Washington. position. O. A. C. Grlmm-Husbjr L E Kel'ogg- Blss L. T Moore, Walters Griffith I T Chrlitman Presley C Carlson Anderson. Devln..R O sl"" Patton, Wynn ....R T May Sutton R S Znb7r, Coyle, T. Wand Q Reynolds Wand. Hszlett L H Dwarte. Jessup. Muklestone R H btiaw Sharger. Koehler .. .F . Evandoa Touchdowns Mucklestone, W. Wand. Bliss Hazlett. Sutton, Hazlett, Wynn. Ros coo Facett. referee: Ekeels, umpire; Car vet, field Judge. Two Fined on Slave Charge. EVERETT, Wash., Nov. 4. (Special.) Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lamar, recently from Portland, where they were mar ried, today faced charges of whit slavery here. Both were fined 50 each on a minor charge, and the authorities will look up the case further with a view to convicting Lamar for a long term. The Lamars opened a small store here three weeks ago, and It is the contention of Chief of Police Kraby that they have been using it aa a, white .lave headquarters.