THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, TORTLAND, OCTOBER 29. 1911. hina apilaU mi bins. b l- Wlllls-a ...4..r i;e, i .. n 'ra' d. .. J. 11. Liuuin- .i. rt.f.!.-;j.iia. r i--il. of I'Viw!in. Pa., in a r a.n.t uh.rvrr tio ha van ; r in. I note. I much, in the orient. . ..f i.:- earlier trav-l-b."k hemic vinU. on the, Ynnatz" and "The. .i: v. all i.f 'limit." 'K!h:ea Capital of China" has 13 stration and ronlaln graphic ac nts of the les;end. histories, ru- t. nunnrn ami great men of curl- inH historic Chine Mtwu. h n.rsonal life I aln pultnt. even t. Th hivik In authori'stive. ha a miirni vjIii. and .U 1 ft an hon- . loe a an excelW-nt .ind critical i-l v of modern t'hina. tv. rd much Just now of th awek- m of a nair China which la rapidly sorbins- UMtrrg ideas, and here I other new lamp to lllumlnej tha ub- t Tha author tells us of city after jr Ttrn soldiers ara beln drilled er FuroMin and American mea. th educational that Includa nr military trt(im1i. w est Points d Sandhurst. -Barracka have risen every graat city: soldier fill thorn 11.1 aa thar Tine. No mora lwi d arrows, no more somersaults and I'.s. but systematic European nmi th Kuropean irmi of precision. I na rll la now watching to k what aori an account thla so-called weu nel Chlneaa army can do In atamp- t cut armed rebellion. Y'ne- capital cities visited and de- l.ed are- Hangohow. loocno. nn Kweilln. Kwelyana. Yunnanfu. whow. Nanking. Anklna. Nanchang. urhana-. Chana-sha, t'henatu. Len oir. .Man. Rattens;. Talyuanfu. Tainan d ivkln. IT. Hell lm.ka forward to tne time n "the. mightiest poace-project ot ..n hi.torv" will dawn, "when Qreat ttain. thla country and China shall -m a coalition t.t prevent strife nn the nation". By then. enthusi al!v concluded our author, "under - three flans will dwell a thousand li..n of the aona of men. China, here r. kin. II1 accomplish for the whole rid what Ch in the Ureat proposed to r.- hln empire when he built tne I wall prevent trlfe." Thla In a ..hi.. Hut vwt visionary view. Tha t-.l state and China are nonmll rv r.ttionit. How could we enforce rtd-i-nm-e- mlthout large nunaing a a policemen . T'-e book r.-tK 15 too dear. !ie and llta " mm IHeail. by Maiy r..ii:ie fraaf-rd. Illustrated. 1. l-'t- l!run a t-.. lt.l.n. r ( value In forming a trua es-it.- of th private life of Goethe. Is l.m.k Klves new material to oa n l nowhere else In Knirltao. It l t-d. Ooethe. certainly. If moat talea I about him are true, had a aupl usiy larxe number of women admlr an.l the very beat alda of him In regard, the platonlc aide. Is reflect- n ijfw Interesting pages. Such an ...'- im . harnitnir. learn all that may be Known, ror 1.1 .in.-c. of Uretcnen. wno otconi rciierlte In "Kauai": of tha exquisite r.ierli a. center of tha Seaenhelm Idyl; the Charlotte, whom Thackeray lam .ned aa an Immortal cutter of "bread 1 butter"; of the high-bred tJll. to om the poet waa once betrothed; ot enigmatic Baroness Von Stein, to hom he was wholly devoted for 1 hla early Weimar years: of Angelic uffmann. the distinguished painter. ho had prevtouely had a romance wnn t ti...nii anil who became oethe's Intimate friend while the lat- ... .AtA..min in TtAiv? of chrla- ane, the maker of artificial flowers In factory, who Became me great pwei a Ife; of Bettlna too Arnln. and of the any other women to whom be was ore or less attracted, and who all felt .im nrnfound admiration as well as -1, - . --. Ar In.. Rentlmantai nea will bare abundant opportunity In itlsrylng inemseivaa inai w r re and sentiment and trouble are con med. Ooethe was a favored soul in i life, and that hla new biographer is i eaceedlngly kind one. There are nearly 100 Illustrations, id the book Is generally first class In rexy department. Ilafery Match. y Ian Hay. ILKX Hough too. Mimia Co- Baatoa. yinrlal Scotch and English, lore. -tcket. and labor troublea form the rlnclpai texts of this appealing novel. hlch has been read wlia seen enjoy ant. The plot concerns the loveless r-riaara of an KdIscodsJ rector1 aughter to an aristocratic master of dustry. We are introduced to uie eedy and numerous family of Rev. rian Vereker. one of tne most mier- 'tlna; and prettiest members being las Ltapnne vereaer. iue eiani aughter. about 10 years old. The rlnclpai coalmine owners of the ele-hborhood la Sir John Carr. who. rora his stern business qualities and jccesa In forctna; all to think as be jea. is also called Juggernaut, sir ihn and Mr. Vereker had been fellow- udenta at Cambridge University, and '.t John marriea Daphne, aa he need imeone to lend an air of domesticity his numerous house. She becomes 1 wife, larsrely to help her own peo- le. and swift changes of environment tke place. Mr. Dawka. a dog. and r. Carfare, a Scotch widow, are two .aractera worth knowing. There la a ireetness. a freshoeas In the narra- ve that Is very arrateful to blase ovel readers. The arenea are laid In nsrland and most of the people deptct 1 are elegant 4dlera. sly hits being veiled at the growing paternalism :ght by the Uberal ftovernmenU he Nms f ltlawatba. I r H.nrr W. I .on r - r-ir.. nanr i b.lul.'n. lllutrla. Ji hsu.l. SIc.Nally Co.. (alcana. A lian.lsome present for the holidays. n.l sure to please a person of artlsttc.. ..etl.- taste. The (4 full-page Ulua- atlons shown are the work of Grace handler Morn, and are taken from life t Wa-ya-ga-mua-, near Petoskey, ilrh.. where the story of Hiawatha la nnuallr reiridu ed as a drama by na ve Ojlbway. Eight full-page, richly lore.l picture of remarkable beauty irtray principal characters and ecenea. s for the .oem. it 1 a loved American ass I.-, and the world has already pro- ounced It good.' So, criticism on the oem Is not necessary. Dr. Gunsaulus, ho twice saw lonKfellow. contributes u eloquent foreword. laay Year mt a ItAceaee Balcony, by Vlr- ;na . Johnson. si.o. Illustrated, liana. fcles a Co.. Boston. This author, a well-known woman ot tters. spent 2u years In Florence, aly. and In these 21 chapters she fflves -r Interesting observations and Ira- esaions as to lite and customs of that storlc city. The book haa a charming; t environment which haa been excel ntly presented here. As a travel book should Interest many readers ot arled tastes. rklebey la Kalobewlaad. tv William U Hill: and Tbe lilrtn sf Heart s Ie41ght, by Ida X. Mnnnnston. tacn 11 luslrated. Hand. Mc.Nsly a Co.. Chl ao. f Two holiday books for children, sure create joy In young hearts. In Jackleboy" one meets with a happy tch. wro takes children to a new onderlaJid. Wholesome lessons are ught- Attractive pictures are by anny T. Cory. In "The Garden of Qnihe Jail GcAe Jbn Repent Hearts Dellghf we meet with a charming little girl named Delight, who. at her birth wa presented by the farles with a pair of fairy spectacles and who haa fascinating adventures with flower. The nice pictures are by Maglnel YVrlght Enrlght. Two little books of good Influence. Boothlaad Melodies, by Ben King. Illustrat ed. Forbea a Co- Chlcaao. Illustrated from photographs by Essie Collins Matthews and Leigh Richmond Winer, thla holiday volume containing IS poems, mostly In darkey dialect, by Ben King, haa a. Christmas gift at mosphere. The book is a beautifully looking one. the pictures are first class and each page haa a decorated margin. King's verse bas a cleverness, a home ring In It. that always makes It wel come. Here Is a sample ot his vetae In "Ie Eyarf quake": T yarfqtwk a-shakln' Jea a short time ao Waa Belsabub a-pullln' Out d cllokahs down below, yo bettahj drop yo' slnnln' Kim ela Katln he's a-crlnnin' Illme-fcr de bis ssssphone . Am shually gwlns to blow!" People f the Wild, bv F. Ft. Mara, tl V Illustrated. Tbe Outing Fubliahlng Co.. New York City. Seven thrilling tales of wild animals, some of the latter being so clever that one almoat wrltea "human" after them. The most dramatic, best-told tale is "The Palat." being the record of a fighting wolverine which for a time owned and scratched a particular sec tlon of Scotland, where he escaped from Beachell's menagerie. I irat er tne mwntr. ry ttooert sra '" I 1 1 A i A Co.. Hoaton. A sterling love torv. with plenty of BAPTIST. First, tbe White Temple, Twelfth and Taylor street Rev. W. B. Hlnon, pastor. S t.-.. Bible school, classes to Interest all ages: 11. preaching by ths pastor; theme. j meeting, led by J. O. Malono; subject. "V IU 1 ner f'e any i tninit in 7:0, preaching by tha pastor; theme. "When God Forgot." Music by quartet and chorus. East tide. East Ankeay snd Twentieth streets-esilev. Albert Ehrgutt. minister. 10. Sunday school: 11. "How to Oet Rich": :S0. young peoples meeting; 7:10, "Juat Owning L'p." Tblrd. Knott street and Vancouver ave nue Rev. Wehley J. Beaven. minuter. lL "On by On"; T:0, Bartering Jesu"; 10. Blbl school: :0, B. Y. P. V.i o'clock Thursdsy evening, prayer meeting. East Korty-nfth street, corner Main Rev. A. B. Walts, pastor. Sunday school. :J; worship. 11; sermon. "Walls Tumbling Hon": worship. T:S0; sermon, "Tb Urttra r." Tabernacle. Et Korty-econd street and Holgat avenue Rev. Robert Oray. pator. eiervices, H and I.4J; topice. 'tmotionallsm In Religion" and "Footpads on Payday, or Waster of Wealth"; bunday school. :6; young people's meeting. 6:45. Grace. Montavllla Kev. Albert E. Patch, pastor. Preaching. 11 and 7:30: Sunday school. :45: young peoples meeting, 6:3w: prayer meeting. Thursday vnlng. Sub ject of sermons. "Christ and Childhood" and "An Inheritance incorruptible." Arleta. Slaty-fourth street and Forty eighth avenue Rev. Duncan McPhall. pas tor. Services. 11 and 7:io: B. T. P. C. :15: Sunday school. 10. Toplrs. "As B Waa Sent" and "A Faithful Word." lmmanuel. Meade and Second straeta- Rev. H. b. Black, paator. Preaahlng at 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 12. J. V. Guthrie superintendent: prayer meUc( Thursday e.emng at 7:50. Russellvllle Schoolhouse. under auspices of nrar Church. Montavllla t-unday school. I 15, preaching by Rev. Albert Patch, a. Highland. Alberta and East Sixth lret North Kev. Chrle B. Elliott, pastor. St. Johns, Chicago slreet Rev. H. F. Che ney, acting pastor. 10. Sunday school; 11, sermon: I, li. young people meeting; 7:43. svangelical service. I'nlverslty Psrk Rev. A. C. Saxton, act ing pastor. Preaching. 11 an.l i:uU; Sun day school. lt: B. Y. P. I".. .. Swedish Kev. Frederic Linden, pastor. Morning service. lu:4.t; Sunday school, 12; 11. Y. y. '.. S:li: evening service. 7:4i. Second and Central t'nlted. Rast Twentieth and Ankeny streets Joint Sunday school and preaching service, lu to 12 nd 7:43. Chinese Mission. So;! Humstde street Sun day arbool. 7: J. Q. Melons, superintendent. Italian Mission. S14 Font street P. H. Saltorelll, missionary. Preaching. 2: Sun day school; 5. Sellwood. Eleventh street and Tacoma av nue Rev. F. H. Hayes, pastor. Preaching. II and 7.3U; Sunday school. 10: B- Y. P. L.. 3o. lents Rev. J. M. Nelson, paator. Preach ing. 11 and T.o. Sunday school. 10; B. Y. P. C. ::lO. Sunntside Mtermank. Forty-first street and Hawthorn anue Sunday school. B:4o; Conrad Wyes, superintendent. Mount Olivet. Seventh and Everett streets r " ' '?' ;' ' W Tt7i"?" ,.' ' V3 .e : - 1 I iA m I . -t ::' .-if.4 - t.iid in ' ' " ', r-r I " "" ' " f ma o '.l " wmr J rTtju'1 9ra 4" " ' -r , ! "ZZZZZ-' . " ? 'f-- ! ''! - I : ,"" ' -'f----r,I- --r - .,- - .;. "' im '"T" ' " ( wsr,a . . ' '"TZTJ r .j. uijq.j " J f i" I i" "' tT,"" ' - - a,, jr-.'ft.--. - Services in City Ckurckes j are Four Words: loo Lore." stirring action In It. One lively char acter 1 the Karl of Avondale. JOSEPH SL QUENTIN. Mmrt HaJlot Principles. by Richard 8. c HI Ids. llouKhton, in ft an Co.. Boston. A most Instructive and picturesque presentation. The book received ex tended editorial mention In The Ore gonian of last Friday. EW BOOKS RBCEITEU, The Sultan's KlvsJ, by Bradloy Gllman: a story of tha desert, for boys iSmall-May-nanl. Havoc by K. Phillips Oppenhelm. 11. S3. Another thriller, descnblns an International plot for tha Invasion of England; a live novel; Il liS. (Llule-llrown.) The Klylnr, Boys to the Kesrue. by Ed ward 8. Ellis: a well-wrltlen airship tale for boys: o cents. (Winston Co., t'htla.) Athonia. or tha original 4oo. by H. Oeorgs Prhutte; an unusually clever novl dfpUt lng on this continent a cultured civilisation befora tha Columbus era: a story that for poetic Imsgery of thought recalls Donnelly's "Atlantis." (Lakeside Co.. Manitowoc. Wis. ( sterlrg on Special Occasions, by Fannls Merritt Karmer, of tha Boston Cooking School; e fins cookbook gem. Illustrated. (David McKay. Ptalia.) Tommys Money, by John R. Coryell; 60 cents: healthy store for boys: Where the Money lirows. I.y Caret Oarett, M cents: an enjoyable. Instructive and tntlmats talk on ths money market known as Wall street; Knnlgsklnder. or tbe Royal Children, by Anna All. Chsptn; charming fairy stories for fl .23; Old Men. by James Otis, a "soow story" for young folks: $1.2&: Hplrltlsru and I'sychology. hy Theodora Klournoy. professor of psychology at the rnlvesrlty of Geneva, translated by Howard Crrlngton: S2: Illustrated: ths most learned and authoritative book that hits appeared on tha subject tor ths last decade, a critical yet svnipsthetlc study of supernormal psy chology, metapsychlcs, or psychical research, a book that Is every nr history msklng: Ths Missing pearls, hy Emllle Benson Knlpe and Al.lea Arthur Knlpe; 11.2..; and The Pretender Person. by Margaret Cameron; a well-written love story which ds- .lipt in yTio. Harpers. Rv. R. 11. Thomas, pastor. Services, 11 and 7 30. Calvary. East Eighth and Orant street Rev. J. X. Monroe, pastor. Services. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, u: B. Y. P. I .. 8: SO. Second German, Morris street and Rodney avenue Hev. Frederick Buerrman, pastor. Sunday school. 43; preaching, 11 and 7:0; B. Y. P. V.. 6:43. First German. Fourth and Mill street Bev. J. Kralt. pastor. Services. 11 and 7:80; Sunday school, p:4. CATHOLIC. PL Marys Cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis streets Kev. Edwin V. O'Hara will speak at T Bo. on "Morality In Social Life." St. Michael s t Italian). Fourth and Mill streets Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, ft; bigh mass and sermon, lt:lH: vespers and bene diction. 7:30. Ascanalon. FJt 8venty-ixth and East Morrison streets Rev. James B. Fltipatrlck, rector. Low mass, ft; high msss and sermon. 10:30; Sunday school. v:30; benediction of the blessed sacrament, 7:80; week days mass. 6:30. Immsculsts Heart of Mary. Williams ave nue and Stanton street Rev. W. A. Daly. I. ow mass, a. M and v; high mass and ser mon. lo:3U; vespers and benediction. 7:3n. St. Francla'. Kast Twelfth between Pin and Oak streets Rev. Father Black. Low mass, ft: bigh mass and sermon. 10:30; ves pers. Instruction and benediction. 7:3U. St. Andrew's. East Ninth and Alberta streets Rev. Thorns Klernsn. Low mass. 9: high msss and sermon, 10; vespsrs. In structlon and benediction, 7:Ro. Holy Cross. University Park Rev. C. R. Flnner. Low mass, 6:30; high mass and sermon, li:3o; vespers and benediction. 4. Holy Rosary. East Third North and Clack amas atreets Very Rev. A. 8. Lawler. O. P. Low mass, a. 7 snd 8:30; high mass and sermon. 10:S0; rosary, etc., and bendlctlon, 7:30. st. Lawrence's. Third and Sherman streets Rev. J. C. Hughes. Low mass. A, 7 and 9:30; high mass snd ermon,i 10:30; vespers and benediction, 7:30. CHRISTIAN. First. Park and Columbia street W. F. Resgor. minister. Services. 11 and 7:80; ser mon subjects. 'Getting Ready for the Gypsy Kvangellst." and "Blbl 8tore-Houses" : Sunday school, U:S0; Christian Endeavor. 6. SO. Central. East Twentieth and Salmon streets Dr. J. F. Ghorm'.ey will speak at 11. theme, "Peter's Confession the Impregnable Rock"; 7:43. "Human Responsibility In Soul Winning." CONGREGAT ION A L. First Church. Park and Madison Rev. L. R. IivntL. 1. IX, minister, in. Bible school; II, "What loes God Think of I'sT"; 6:80, Y. P. 8. C. K. ; 7:45, "Do Portland People Love Their City?" Hassalo Hev. J. M. Ixiwden. D. D.. pas tor. 11. "An Open Door"; 7:30, "Imposing L'pon Conscience"; Bible school, 10; Y. P. b. C. E.. 6. SO. Sunnyalde. East Thirty-second and Tay lor Rev. J. J. Staub, U. D.. pastor. 11. Rally Day Exerclees by Sunday school; 7.8'. "Christ's Description of Hesven." I'nlverslty Park. Haven nesr Ixunhard Rev. W. C. Kantner. D. D.. pastor. Preach ing. 11; Sunday school, 10; V. P. S. C. E., g.3; 7:0. "Transforming Power of Love. Highland. East Sixth sad Preseotl Rav. E. 8. Bollinger, paator. 10. Sunday school; 11. "The Highest Motive in Decisions : "t'-n-"The Fall of Jacob Paradise Lost" ; 8 and 6: an. Intermediate and Y. P. S. C. r ( HRISTIAN SCIENCE. First. Everett, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets Sunday services. 11 and II : Sunday school after morning service; sub ject of lesson sermon. "Everlasting Punish ment"; Wednesday meeting, ft. Second. Woodmen's Hall. East Sixth and East Alder streets. Sun. lay services. 11 and : subject of lesson sermon. "Everlasting Punishment"; Sunday school. 11; Wednes dsy evening testimonial service. 8. EPISCOPAL. Trinity. Nineteenth and Everett streets Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector. Services, a, 11 and 7:30: Sunday school. o;43. Good Shepherd. Graham street and Van couver avenue Rev. John l)awon. rector. Owing to unsvoluuM delsys the first serv ices In the renovated church will not be held until November S. at 11. St. Matthew"s. First snd Camlhers streets Kev. W. A. M. Breck, In charge. Holy communion i Monts villa . 7:15: Sunday school, 10; services and sermon. 11; evening service at St. Helena on tha Columbia River, at 7:30. All-Saints'. Twenty-fifth and Sevier Rev. R F- Remington, rector. Sundsy school. u.V.; morning service, u; evening service, ft. Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen tho Martyr. Thirteenth and Clay Rev. H. M. Ramsey, vl'csr Ho'v communion, 7::t0; Sunday school. 10; morning service. 11; service for colored DSOPI. : evening prayer. 7:30. St David's Church. Esst Twelfth and Bel mont streets Rev. H. R. Talbot, rector. Holy euchsrlsu 7:30; Sundsy school. :4S; morning prayer. 11: celebration of holy ucharist th first Sunday ot the month; evening prayer, a. - St. Mark's Church, corner Twenty-first and Marshall streets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector Holy eucharlst. 7:30: Sundsy school, ivio; matins snd lltsny, 10:1S; holy euchar lst 11; evensong. 7:80. ' tlra e Memorial church, corner of Weld ler and East Seventeenth streets Services, all and 8; Sunday school. 10. St Michael and All Angels, corner East Thirty-eighth and Broadway streets Rev. , (. potts. Holy euchsrlst, 7:80; morning service nd sermon. 11 (first and third Sun days, morning prayer, second and fourth Sunday, holy eucharlst); Sunday school. X -SO evensong. 7:8a. St." John's Memorial. East Fifteenth and Harney streets Rev. T. F. Bowen. rector. Holy communion. : Sunday school. 10; morning service. 11: evening service. 7:80. St John s Church. Milw.ukle R.v. T. F. Bowen la charge. Evening service and ser- Jt' Andrew's. Portsmouth Rev. John Msr shali. minister In charge. Sunday school. 10; morning service. 11: evensong. 7:SO. Church of Our Ssviour. WVodlock avenue snd Forty-first streets, southeast Rev. E. H. Clark. In charge. Kegular services. 8 and Bishop Morris' .Memorial Chapel. Good Sa maritan Hoapital Rev. W. R. Powell, chap Is'n. Services. 7. 10:30, 8 and .:15. St. Paul's Church. W'oodmere Sunday school. 3: service. 4. EVANGELICAL. Ockley Green, corner Gay street and Wil lamette boulevard-llev. J. P T.?0' ". tor. preaching. 11 snd 7:::o. on "'";" Supreme Nnnie" ml "The - " - Seat": Sundsy sehool. n; K. U t-- " r"KlKM. Sunnv.lde. Main and East T''lr-,;y-,lf stree.s-L. A. Wells, pastor. Preaching. II and 7::l: mornlr.g "Busy : "" There"; evening. "Fishers of Men . Bll.le school. tt:4S: Christian Endeavor Preer meeting. :3o: mid-week prar meeting on Thursday evening. 7:3". lnls. Main street-Myra B. Smith, pas tor. Preaching. 11 and 7:30; Bible schooj. -4.V Christian Endeavor prayer meeting 6:3o! mid-week prayer meeting Wednesday "west 'Piedmont. Alblna and Ktlltngswortb avenues. In old fire hall T. J. L'l'urn tor. Preaching. 11 and 7:30: Bible school. 10; mid-week prayer meeting on Thursday evening, 7:30. Sunnyslde. corner Main and East Thirty fifth streets Llndley A. Wells. PasfJ-Prea-hlng at 11 and 7:30. Morning subject. Hutv Here and There"; evening subject. "Fishers of Men." Hlhle school. 9:4S: Chris tian Endeavor prayer meeting, :3; mia week prayer meeting. Thursday. i:30 Lents. Main street Rev. Myra B. Smith, pastor. Preaching. 11 and 7:3o; Bible school. 0-4.V Chrlstlsn Endeavor prayerj meeting. 630; mid-week prayer meeting. Wednes day. 7:30. West Piedmont, corner Alblna and Kin Ingsworth avenues. In old Are hall Rev. T. J Cobfrn. pastor, preaching. 11 and 7:30, Bible school. ; mid-week prayer meeting. Thursday. 7:30. LUTHERAN. St. James- English, corner West Park and Jeferson streets J. Allen Leas, pastor. Re formation services at II. In the evening th pastor will speak on the subject. "How An Italian Soldier Was Saved"; Sunday school. 10; Luther League, 7. St. Paul's German. East Twelfth and Clin ton streets A. Krause. pastor. Sunday school. :Sl: reading service, lO:S0; preach ing. 7:30; Bible lesson and Young people' meeting Thursdy. 8. Evangelical (German Missouri Synod) 7.Uin church, corner Salmon and Chapman streets Kev. H. H. Koppelmann. pastor. Services, 10:13 and 7:40; Sunday school, :1.V Portland Danish, 640 t'nlon avenue North Rev. J. Scott, pastor. Services on Sunday 11 and ft; Sunday school. 10; Y. P. meet ing Tuesday. 8; subject of sermons. "Obey or Suffer": "How to Enjoy in Propery Way." Our Savior's Norwegian Synod Church, cor ner East Tenth and Grant streets Services 11 and 7:45 by Rev. L. C. Foss. pastes'; Sun day school, lo. Services also at corner Min nesota and Sbsver streets. Alblna. at 11, by Rev. R. O. Thorpe; Sunday school. 10. METHODIST. First, South. V'nlon and Multnomah J. II. Hcnnett. pastetr. 11. "Mission of the Spirit": 7:30. "Kvangellsm"; Sunday school, l:4.-.: E. L-. 6:30. Trinity. M Hemlock C. T. McPherson. pastor. Services 11 and 7:80; Sunday school, 10- Kpworth LcBgue, 6:80. Taylor-Street Dr. Benjamin Toung. pas tor. w:30, classes; 10:Ho. "I,ove as an In terpreter": Vl-.l't. Sunday school: 6:SU. p wortll Lcarue; 7:30, "An Appeal to Men." Mount Tsbor, SIxty-flrst and East Stark C. C. Rarlt k. pastor. 11, "The Magnified Christ"; 7:Kti, "Hallowe'en Superstitions"; Sunday school. 8:4; Kpworth League, 8:30; praver meeting. Thursday. 8. Grace, Twelfth and Taylor Rev. J. H. Cudlipp. D. D.. minister. 10:30. "Co-operation With God"; Sunday school, 12:15; Ep worth League. 6:30: evening worship. 7:30. Sunnyside. East Thirty-fifth and Yamhill Dr. W. H. Fry, pastor. Sunday school, 8:50; 11. "How to Grow Strong": Kpworth League. 6'13- 7:30, "The Religion of a Church Choir." Epwnrth. Twenty-sixth snd Savler Sun day school. p:45; H. "lsdlviduallty in Re ligion": l'ersonal Workers' class. 3; Epworth League, :1WI; 7 :.tO. "The Detective Power of Sin": prayer meeting, Wednesday. 7:30; Blbls study, Thursday. 7:?0. Crntvnaty. East Ninth and Pine Rev. D. H. Trimble, D. D.. minister. 11, "One Thing Lscklng": 7:45. "Tho Man for Men His Heart"; Sunday school, 8:45; Epworth League. 6:45. PRESBYTERIAN. First United. Sixth snd Montgomery F. D Klndley, minister. 10:80. "Squar lp With Cod": Bl'jle-school. VI; C. E., 6:80; 7-30 "The GreateTrt Game of All." First. Twelfth and A'.der Rev. J. II. Boyd D. D.. pastor. 1:3". "The Modern i hrlst In the World of .Tloday"' 13:10, Sun day school; 6:30, Christian Endeavor; 7:30, "Lost." Third, Esst Thirteenth snd Pine William Parson D. D., pastor. 10:3O. "Obedience to the Heavenly Vision; 7:45. "The Laws of C-'letlan Warfare." Fourth First and Glbhs Rev. D. Mac kensie. pastor. 10:30. "Ths ' Quality of Mercy"; 7:30. "The Parable of the Net"; Bible school, 12: Christian Endeavor. 6:30; prayer circle. Thursday. 7:45. Calvary. Eleventh and Clay T. H. Walk er,, minister. Morning. "In Earnest of Ih pledge": evening. "The Vole of Authority." Ana . el. Fifty-sixth and Thirty-seventh svenue. S. E. K. N. McLesn. minister. 11. "The fscret Service Force"; Sunday school, 8:45: Christian Endeavor, 6:45; 7:43, "Ths Water of Life" (stereoptlcon). Hawthorne Park. Hev. E. N. Allen, min ister. 10:30. "The Life Story of Gipsy Smith": 12. Sunday school; 6:30, Y. P. 8. C E. ; 7:30, "Awake. Awake," SEVENTH-DAY ADVENT1STS. ISott Servlcea of this denomination ar held on Saturday.) Central. East Eleventh and East Everett ,trepts Pastor G. W. Pettlt. residence 84 Kast Sixteenth street. Sabbath school, lo; preaching. 11: prayer meeting, Wednesday. 7 80- young people's meeting. Frt.lsy. 7:30. ' Montavllla. East Eighteenth and East Flan ders streets psstor. A. M. Dart, residence 15xft East Stark street. Sabbath school. 10; preaching. 11: prayer meeting, Wednesday "'jTount Tabor Chapel, Portland Sanltorlum, Stark street Sabbath school. 3; preaching. 4- prayer meeting. Wednesday nlghl, 7:30. 'Alblna. Skldmore and Mai lory avenue Paator. H. Haefft. realdence &OH East Ever ett street. Sabbath school, 11; preaching. 12' praver meeting. Wednesday night. 7:30. Scandinavian. Arleta Paator. Adolph Johnson, residence Arleta. Sabbath school. Jl: preaching. 12: prayer meeting, Wednes- Lentf-'sabbath school. II; preaching, 12; prayer meeting. Wednesday night. 7:30. St. Johns Sabbath school, 10: preaching. 11. VX1TE11 BRETHREN. First. Esst Fifteenth and Morrison Rus sell S. Showers, pastor. 11 and 7:80; Sunday school. 10; Y. P. S. c. T... :30; topics, "True and False Repentance," "The Book of Re membrance." Alberta. East Twenty-seventh and Sum ner Rv. J. W. Sprechsr, pastor, n and 8; fiAVANTTS DISREGARD NAGEL'S PLAN TO EXTRACT GOLD FROM SEA WATER Despite Lecture and Practical Experiment, American Chemical Society Is Adamant Grand Jury Indicts Edward M. Grout Maeterlinck Bets He Can Dodge American Reporters Owen 7ister's Condition Is Precarious. V i:'HX ' U: ll U r i, - fsl (Cl A l 4 ? : 111 'ssai'" tSiexDCJ-JT .OJZZ "ll,aassl -gsasl ie2mmmmmmmtm,mtwma J4''&JaG:yS 3-- j . ;'tv--v . tk Kp V j. 'hi -X - :sMiK Vv J t V y -: . ktr 1 1 ' - Tr i r r x- OTyr:: '-cjrer-- NEW YORK. Oct. 28. Special.) The American Chemical Society ! haa refused to consider the j scheme of Ir. Oskar Nogel by which : he proposes to recover gold from sea . water. Dr. Xogel read a paper before the society on "The Recovery of Jletals from Extremely Dilute Solutions." He ; illustrated the address by means of a j simple apparatus. By' means of this apparatus Pr. Nogel extracted gold that had been in solution, one part of gold to 100,000,000 parts of salt water. see Lord Harding?, of Penshurst, Is Vice roy of India, and as such will be host of King George and Queen Mary when they visit India In December for the great, Durbar, or formal assumption by Sunday school. 10; Y. P. S. C, E.. Ti topic "The Gospel Ministry." South Mount Tabor, East Sixty-seventh ReT c. p. planchnrd. pastor. 11 and 8. Sunday school. 10; Y. P. 8. C. E;. 7: PL' "Went To Save." "The Gospel in th Old World." Tremont. Sixty-second avenue and Slxts nlnth treet Rev. Murri Goodrich, pastor. 11 and 8; Sunday school, to. ( I'JJITARIAN. Church of Our Father, Seventh and Yam hlH streets-Res'. T. L. Eliot. D. U.. mlnls r em7rlus; Rev. W. G. Eliot. Jr minister Hervlres 11 and T:4&; morning-. "Prisons and Our P'""n svtcm"; -?'mJl"lZ-ot the Blood; or the Controlling of l.eep rooted impulses"; Sunday school. .. Xouns People's Fraternity. 8:JO. MISCEIXAN'EOVS- Aerlree;.. Berean Blbl. e.son. 1:40. discourse by Norman Lewton. a. Vt Johns-Service, at 623 Leonard .tree . Berean B?7 lesson. 7:45; subject. "The Dl- T'"vmr8outh Chapel. Sell In g-HIrsch Ball, ?' Flora C. HowardPwlll speak at otb ser vlce. on 'Th. Effortless Llf." and Th. Silent-Spoken Word. ' ,,- Advent 438 Second .treet. near Lincoln . smith, pastor. 10:30. misslon Che" L,on- la Sunday school; 6:30. Young .ry "-,tfn,S.U7 :3d. prophetic lecture. sTec, "Wh.Tfh. Blbl. State o, National Conditio"' at the End of Time " interdenominational. Church of ,.' H.mdav 2:3: Sunday .chooi., Brnli Study and nealth conference Wedne.- a"Evfnellcal Association. East Sixth and MrSBpCAr.:3'surnda7?c'hho'oTlM areaational Church. ..- "The Free lecture by I. A. Ariel. :-Tb BMnle of Life": Monday t "Th' W r Give YOUR Children Books This Christmas! make it a point to pome antl see our dis play of books for ChilTlren early this year. It is really to your interest to do so. you will find them on the Second Floor. soon the stocks will have been picked over; but now you may choose from the largest and best va riety. the new books are all here now ; when will you come and see themT bill's Third And Alder Boole Office Supplies And Furniture. r r r r -r r y ejr King George of the crown of the In dian Empire. The Durbar will be marked by a great assemblage at Delhi of the native Indian Princes and Ra jahs. Prince Regent Luitpold. of Bava ria, is very ill from an attack of bron chial catarrh, and great anxiety is felt for him on account of his advanced age-. He celebrated his 90th birthday last March. see Edward M. Groat, at one time Con troller of New York City, was indict ed by a New York grand jury on a charge of making false reports to the State Banking Department concerning the defunct Union Bank of Brooklyn. One of the specifications in the indict ment relates to the omission of a $200,- lnr. Man. Dream." Suit. 72-73. Selllng- Hlrach bids- Modern Sunday school. 31 Fifth street, in; revival met Unit Wednesday and Thurs day. THE PERFECT WOMAN Physical Training and Wiser Katlng Cause of Development. Philadelphia Press. All women today have a wider hori zon. The mother studies the task of feeding and caring for her children and hunts information. The matron, whether her husband's income be large or small, belongs to some club in church, in the home and school league, or in her social life and has a swarm of organizations In which she is inter ested. An overwhelming share of the 2,000,000 volumes yearly circulated in the city are read by women, probably seven or eight out of ten. Concerts, music in the home, art, and the theater all live on the Interest of women, as tke audiences show. Novels and mag azines grow and multiply on their sup port. Physical training. Bound hygiene and wiser food have greatly developed the American woman. The daughter of to day is nearly always taller than her mother, and usually better schooled. Fair as was her mother, she la fairer still, as the Roman poet noted of mother and daughter in a day of cor responding advance. But though fairer and physically stronger, when the American woman thinks of the "per fect woman," she gives the major weight and importance to those things of mind and heart which years do not rob, but instead enrich. Ulasting Out the Pike. Springfield Republican. Anglers will be interested in the The NOVEL ofthTRELKWEST M Caroline La&kHSkV Hie BEST-WESTiilL since xncyJLivvriMJiAv ivc. i pi ritfe8ls - '.v. .,-;.'yti-T1.1'-S: .'g!ii-v.!.TO5K'i; .sff'"'':-:. . 'K'S:5'SSS'' J.'.'adr'.v'Sii'tii 000 loan and another that the state ment of the bank's resources in the re port was incorrect. James T. Ashley, cashier of the bank, was also indicted at the time the alleged false report waa made. , e ' e Maurice Maeterlinck, the playwright, plans to come to America, see the pre miere of "Pellas et Mellsande" at Bos ton and return to Europe without be injr interviewed or even recognized. M. Maeterlinck has made several wagers that he will accomplish this feat, see Owen Wister, author of "The Vir ginian," is reported near death in Wy oming. Mr. Wister is &1 years old. He is a native of Philadelphia and is a graduate of Harvard University. He was admitted to the bar In Philadelphia in 1SH9. He lias written many books. drastic measures taken by the Marquis of Bute in stocking Loch Fad, which is the largest body of water in Great Britain. He found that the pike were eating the trout as fast as they could be put in. and he undertook to make an end of them at ono stroke by blast ing the whole lake with gelignite. There were over 300 mines, some of which threw up columns of water 70 feet high. When the show was over nearly 10.000 pike were taken up stunned, and it is believed that a great number were killed. Now the stock ing will once more proceed. - Geography at Home. Harper's Weekly. Little, Johnnie had been reading the newspaper. "Pa," he said, as ho laid the paper aside, "where is Dresden?" "Dresden? Why Dresden is in Ger many, my son," said Mr. Knowltall. "Why?" "Oh, nothtn'," said Johnnie, "only this paper must be edited by an iggeramius. He speaks of Dresden Vhlna." For full information regarding Any Book Old or New Write, Call or Phone Meier & Frank's 5th-Floor Booli Store Pr.vais Ex. 4 A 6101 99 ?r,rC .. am- I I H