The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 29, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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i .
i .
. .... saar a VTI at a T TTW a T Q
irley, of New York, and
'Conne!!, of Boston, Chosen
for Distinguished Honor.
Will find our carefully
selected stock of
garments a splendid array
of the season's most
authentic styles
;lconio picked, also
i pal Delegate to 'Washington to
w Promoted Consistory In No
vember . to Be Fifth Held
by Present Pope.
ROME. Oct. 21. The Pope will create
. Urge number of cardinal at the
nslstory to be held November 7.
it. Rev. John M. Farley. Archbishop
New York, and Most Kev. William
. O'Connell. Archbishop of Boston, are
nong those who will receive the red
it. Monsicnor Diomede Falconlo,
ostnllc drloKte at Washington, also
.11 be elevated, according to the an
.uncement made today. The full list
prelates whose elevation to the car
nhite as officially announced is:
Mini(rmr S. M. Cosy Machos, Arch-
hop of Valladolid.
MnMsnor limmedt Falconto, apoato-
.leleuate at WashJnRton.
rn.isnor A. Vtco, pfal nuncio at
Monstg-nor J. Uranito dl Belmont
naolll. ex-papal nuncio at Vienna.
Farley a4 O't'oaaell Choaea.
Most Rev. John Farley, Archbishop
.s'ew York,
.'.lost Rev. W. H. O'Connell. Arch--n"p
of Boston.
iloit Kev. Francis Bourne, Arcn
hop of Westminster.
Most Bev. Francis S. Bauer, Arch
thop of Olmuets.
Mens ignor I. Amlette. Archbishop of
Monslpnor F. V. Dublllard. Arch
shop of Chambery.
Most Rev. Frunx X- N'agcl. Arch
hhop of Vonna.
Mon-itjcnor Lw t'abrlera, Bishop of
ontpeller (France)."
.Monslgnor Bisletti. papal major-
Monslgnor Lugaxl. assizer of the holy
,Monslxnor I'ompoll. secretary of the
inicrea-.itlon.tI counclL
Monsicnor Billot, of the Jesuit order.
Mnnsignor Van Rossum. Re
mptorlst. The last -consistory waa-held In De
fnber. 1907. four cardinals being ap
vnled at .that time. Since then many
i-ancles have occurred In the sacred
j'lric by death and now there are !2
fats of the total of TO unfilled.
I Coaalatery Leas; Deferred.
'since lsoJ It has been the intention
hold a consistory and -on each oc
nn It has been postponed at various
r.f un one ocrasloirll was said that
- I'ope adhered to his opinion that
e United Slates should have not
nre than one cardinal during the life
'animal Gibbons, v
The proposed consistory In November
ill be the fifth held by Hope Plua X
1 the death of Leo XIII there were
cardinals. In the past eight years
js X has created 17 new cardinals,
whom two have died. Thirty of the
rdinais who took part In the elec-
n of Cardinal farto as Pope also
ve died.
The Orst consistory of Plus X was
Id November . 13. Its chief pur-
se was the raising- to the cardlnalat
Monslgnor Merry t'l Val In order
at the papal secretary of state could
-ar the full title of his position. The
cond consistory was held on Lecem
r 11. Iu5. the third on April IS.
7. and the fourth and latest on De
nibcr It. in fhe same year.
pTrrnment Criticised by Dl-harged
' Honduras Official.
EIB.V. Honduras. Oct. It Allan
. rd. who was relieved this week aa
lerican Consul here, committed aul
ie yesterday by shooting himself
rough the head. He had been da-
milent for several weeks.
Ftesides a small photograph of him-
f which was torn into pieces, Mr.
rd left the following unsigned note
his desk:
"Yes. It has come to this: If you can-
t trust a man. kill him. Proerasti-
ttlon. carelessness, neglect, cowardice
bah:- ,
.-WASHINGTON. Oct. IS. Gard's home
is at South Orange, N. J. He served
- a teacher in the Philippines, then
secretary and later as Governor of
irn Province. He was made Consul
Celba in 1910.
I ure Addrtl to of Repositories
! of Postal Savings.
Cton. Ot. I. The following banks
ive been designated to receive de-
.!! of postal savings funds from
or.aori Columbia County Bank, of
Heiens; First National, of Sprlng
e!l; Coollde M-Clalne. Beaverton:
enlnsuiar Hank. St. Johns: Bank of
hKi City: .Central Point State Bank:
ate Bank of Hubbard: First National
ink f Burns.
Washington Arllnrton National, of
rlir.gton: T'.imwater Savings, Leaven-
rtn: Cle Klum State: State Bank of
ikley: Kelso State and First Na
nal. of Kelso; State Bank of Kent:
irmers se Mechanics, of Maiden: Cow-
t .rtintv iinnK. of Kalama.
( la'io First State, of Kellogg; Hal
gale Merchant, Ixmit Imprisoned,
Flic Claim for $12,500.
XOGALES. Aria.. Oct. J8. After hav-
I lain In a Mexican prison since last
arch. Abraham Salesby. a merchant
Nogales. returned home toduy, a
ntence of two and one-half years lin
ked on him having been revoked by
- supreme military court at Mexico
Salesby was taken Into custody at
-rmvsillo and sentenced by a military
jrt assembled at the order of ex
vernor Luis Torres, who charged him
th having tried to Induce soldiers
Diss to desert. Torres left Mexico
hen the Madero rebellion succeeded.
Salesby promptly entered a suit
th the State Department against
xico for $11,509
j .h j I :
Unwritten Honor Code Violat
ed by Midshipman.
Member of Vpper Class Compels
Plebea to Go Through Paces to
Amuse) Girl Visitors--Prank
Is Not Kthlcal.
ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Oct- For the
first time in the history of the Naval
Academy at Annapolis, an upper class
man violated the unwritten law which
governs rigidly the ethics of basing
among the cadets. last Sunday, when
he compelled two ' plebes to undergo
the humiliation of performing severe
and undignified physical exercise to
amuse two girls, who giggled at their
Because the cadets consider that this
act broke their code of honor, mem
bers of the second claaa, to which the
offender is said to have belonged, will
not uphold him. and are now taking
every means to Identify him and fix
his guilt. They declare that they will
spare no efforts to see that he is ex
pelled from the academy.
Hasina; Private Affair.
According to the theory .held by the
midshipmen, basing Is a private mat
ter between the upper classmen and
the plebes. and Is necessary for the
proper education of the younger men.
To exhibit a plebe for the amusement
of outsiders, however. Is regarded as
humiliating and Indecent. Hence the
Indignation of the cadets.
In this case, the two plebes were
obliged to perform "number 1." a se
vere physical exercise In which the
cadet must hold his arms parallel to
the floor while he raises and lowers
his body by spreading his knees and
bringing them together, all the time
resting on his toes. The unfortunate
plebes were also compelled to stand on
their heads to enable the upper class
man to show off his authority.
The Incident took place Just after
church. This is one of the few times
when outsiders, particularly the fair
sex. are allowed In Bancroft Hall, the
living quarters of the cadets. They
are permitted to bring their friends
Into the reception halls and corrid. rs
at this hour, and all cadets are di
rected to dress and conduct themselvea
in keeping.
(ilrla Held to Blame.
lnicr usual circumstances, tne han
being the dining quarters or the mid
shipmen, visitors, particularly women,
are not allowed at all.
The plebes were so Indignant at the
treatment to which they were sub
jected that one of them reported tho
matter to a second classman. He In
turn told officers of the class, and ac
tion of the united class followed. The
plebes did not know the name of their
hazer. and tried to Identify him by
means of a photograph, but failed.
The cadets are also Indignant
against the girls. They are said to live
outside of Annapolis.
The offense has been reported to
Superintendent Gibbons, of the acade
my.. He Is much pleased with the ac
tion of the class, and Is disposed to let
the cadets handle the affair them
selves. -
Japan Want Peace and Keel That
America Is Friend and Customer.
War's Cost Prohibitive.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 28. That the
reign of the Manchus Is ended was
the opinion expressed by Pavid Starr
Jordan, lecturer, peace advocate and
president of Leland Stanford t'nlver
slty. upoa his return from a seven
weeks' tour of the Orient. Dr. Jordan
visited Japan and Corea In the in
terests of the "world peace founda
tion." "There Is no question but the Manchu
must go." he said. "Although no
trouble had occurred during my stay
in the Orient. It would appear that the
people are displeased with the Imperial
government and are disposed to over
throw It.
"In Japan I found the people In
much the same frame of mind as peo
ple In other civilised nations. There
Is little of the spirit of war for war's
sake anywhere among civilised peo
ples. The love of strife Is satisfied
with baseball and football. In Japan
Left. Arehlblsbop Farter, of New York I
Left, Above. Moaalsraore Falcoaloi Be
low, ArrbrbUhop 0Coaarll, of Bostosu
there Is less danger of war than In
most nations. She still feels keenly
and must feel for years to .come the
loss in manhood and money which a
great war brings and present burden
on the working people, who mostly pay
for wars.
"Japan sees In America her best cus
tomer and nearest friend. Her own In
terests lie In Asia. In the costly task
of the permeation and absorption of
Corea and In the safeguarding of her
Investments In South Manchuria, final
ly, she needs every yen she can get by
taxation or otherwise for her own proj
ects of development. She has nothing;
to spend on international war.
Work on Proposed La to Begin
In December or January.
SALEM. Or., Oct. 5S. (Special.) Al
though plans were originally made for
a meeting of the Tax Commission to
prepare tax measures for submission to
the people at the next general election,
to be held some time during the com
ing month. It Is probable that no such
meeting will be held until In December,
or after the first of the year. The
State Board of Tax Commissioners has
several weeks of work ahead sitting
as the State Board of Equalisation, and
reports from various assessors are be
ing received, which will necessitate
tabulation and preparation for the tax
In the meantime the higher students
In the classes In economics at the Uni
versity of Oregon are working on prac
tical data for the use of the Commis
sion on the tax measures.
The advent of the single-tax plan,
which has taken on definite shape,
causes the question of taxation to be
one of prime Importance during the
coming year, and the committee has a
hard problem on Its hands to arrange
tax measures to suit the people under
the county tax amendment.
It Is probable that It will be some
time before the Supreme Court passes
on the question of the Clackamas Coun
ty single-tax petitions. The Supreme
Court will be at Pendleton for some
time, beginning sessions next week, and
Attorney-General Crawford Is expected
to remain at Waahlngton, D. C, for
several weeks.
Willamette Valley Orchard Doubles
In, Output by New Method.
WEST STAYTON, Or Oct. 28. (Spe
cial.) The final results in dollars and
cents, showing the benefits of irriga
tion, were received today when the
California Can n era" Association paid
for the prune crop of the Carter orch
ard, belonging" to the Willamette Val
ley Irrigated Land Company. The net
proceeds are twice as much as the
average for the three years previous
to the application of irrigation. While
the price obtained this year was eight
and one-tenth . cents a pound for the
80 s, yet this fancy price did not cause
the Increased receipts, for the damage
done to the crop by the unusual early
rains more than offset the extra price.
The yield of the Italian prunes
proved to be an average of 51 prunes
to the pound.
Members of National Commission
Due In Portland.
SEATTLE, Wash.. Oct. 21. The tour
ing members of the National Monetary
Commltslon concluded their hearing in
Seattle today and after a visit to the
Navy-Yard tomorrow they will depart
for Portland.
E. B. Vreeland. of the Commission,
at a luncheon today answered ques
tions of Seattle bankers and made
clear many points In connection with
the proposed National Reserve Asso
ciation. , I
Clatskanlne Extension Rushed.
ASTORIA. Or- Oct. 78. (Special.)-
The Astoria Southern Railroad Com;
pany has a force of men at work con
structing the extension of the railroad
In the Clatskanlne River district. The
road Is to be completed as far as' the
Western Cooperage Company's large
tract of timber, and then work will be
suspended until next Spring, when
active construction on the line as far
as the Nehalem Valley will be com
menced. Governor-General Forbes Improves.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. Canon
Forbes. Governor-General of the Phil
ippines, who is ill with dengue fever,
psssed a fair night and rested easier
today, say cable advlcea received from
Bishop Scadding Speaks at
Sacramento Meeting.
Delegates to Eighth Missionary De
partment Convention of Episco
pal Church Sec Advance
Shown In Pictures.
SACRAMENTO. Oct. 28. (Special.)
More than 100 delegates of the eighth
missionary department of the Episco
pal Church convened in this city Thurs
day. These delegates are representa
tive bishops, clergy and laymen of the
Pacific Coast. Alaska. Honolulu and the
Philippine Islands. The convention was
opened by the Klght Rev. Charles Scad
ding, bishop of Oregon, who for, nearly
two houra held an audience of more
than 1400 persons assembled in the
Dlepenbrock Theater. Interested In the
story of the advance of the Episcopal
The bishop showed about 200 beautl-
Humphreys' Seventy-Seven
breaks up Grip and
Quick application.
The quick application of "Seventy
seven" decides the duration of a
Fall Colds are apt to hang on; bet
ter take time by the forelock and keep
Seventy-seven" handy; it . is your
best assurance against Coughs, Colds
and Sore Throat. All dealers sell
" Seven ty-6even." 2oe, or mailed.
Humphreyr Homeo. Medicine Co., Cor. Wil
liam arii Ann Streets. Nw York.
Stops instantly when you apply.
Does not apHl or dry np. Always ready
AO DnisfUts 15e
At prices no higher than quoted
in many so-called SALES
No charge for Alterations
Refined "tastes are easily satisfied here, .
where "QUALITY AND INTEGRITY" our stand
ard gives assurance of unequaled values.
Entire Third Floor Devoted to This Department
ful stereopticon slides. He began with
the early days of the Episcopal Church
in Jamestown. Va., and ended with the
far away churches of Alaska. From
the historic old Virginia town the
speaker led the audience through the
states of the Atlantic, the Middle West
and the Pacific Coast.
The bishop has a keen sense of humor,
and in an alert anfl inspiring manner
added life and spirit to the many pic
tures. He took his audience along the
Is now on sale in
Bowers Hotel Oregon Hotel
Hofbrau Lotus
Louvre Geo- rchultz
Hubers Richards Hotel
J. E. Kelly's Family Liquor Store
You should try it at once. Watch for
the, Green Label it predominates
wherever good beer is sold.
fa tho outgrowth of a lifetime of brewing- experience. Our Brew
Master learned tho business in Germany over 46 years ago,
therefore there ia a reason for the individuality about the "Heile
man Way" of making beer that puta "Old Styla Lager"
the beer with a snap to It in a class of its own and brings
back pleasant recollections of the Fatherland.
It is the real merit the genuine value that is responsible for
the unprecedented demand. It has honestly won its popularity.
It 1s not chance that has made "Old Style Lager" the best.
It Is not the material alone that produces good beer, it's the
knack of knowing how to blend the different materials tojget that
snappy taste and aromatic flavor that makes "OUT Style
Lager' so much different from other beers.
G. Hcilerrmn Brewing Co, L Crono, Wis.
FBrniiTrado ' j l. De Bevoise, Distributor
65 No. Park Street, Portland, Ore.
Office Phoness Main 6980 A3322 II Write or Phone for
Residence Phone: - - - A4041 Vices md Term
f v
5 Up
line of the Southern Pacific from San
Francisco to Portland, with side trips
through Oregon by stage, boat and au
tomobile, showing the many attractions
of the state and the needs and oppor
tunities of the church in Oregon.
The Oregon delegates are Rev. H. R.
Talbot, Rev. H. Marsden, Rev. H. D.
Chambers. Rev. William Lucas, Rev.
P. K. Hammond and C. B. Pfahler.
Rev. George C. Hunting, of Nevada,
was elected department secretary upon
Hi 1 IS !
mm m
il w!
It 1 I!
I Mil
the nomination of the bishop of NeV
vada, seconded by the bishop of UtaiUj
The convention will close Sunday
night. j
Oakland Nonagenarian Dead. j
OAKLAND, Or., Oct. 2S. (Special). '
D. W. Stearns, a pioneer resident of
this place, died last night. Mr. Stearns
was 90 years of asre, and had lived
here for more than 40 years. The fun-'
eral will be held tomorrow morning. I
mb.. m
U' 1 -
111 x. J -ev a ftlll II IV
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