4 Located at 12th and Taylor Streets Sty i 1 '1 -' LUXURIOUS in the extreme with every tectural worhl. the Villa St. Clara stand jaent hoi:e on thf Pacific Coast - JOvery detail has been worked out to the lions hitherto undreamed of in apartment-h Furnished by Meier & Frank's Th" Villi St. Clara Apsrtnients were furnished through out Im- TIk -leior & JVank Store's interior decorating di'pnrtm M:t. Th furniture is of solid mahogany, to match thf v.oodv.nrk. The rich (IraiM'ries. the beautiful linens, ehinaware, pas ranpes. kitcht r.-wr,n; and all other fittings are of the high quality for which the name of Meier & Frank is synony mous. Th Viila St. Clara reflects great credit upon the builder and furnisher alike Inspection of TOWHS m Big Delegations Will Be at Arlington Convention. PORTLAND MEN ARE TO GO Forty Member of Portland Com 'jnrrrlal Orfunliatloni Will Ho In Party I-cavlnn Here Wild tkme Pinner on Card. Competition inorc the lea.iinfc towm of Sl.erman. Moro and GUMam counties for t!ie Trl-county Fair to le i.elj next FaH will b ker.. ai.1 all are plan nlr.r to end blr dr ;enll'n to the rn ventlon In Arilnistor Tuesday. The date for the f.:r and tlir- p!ave where It Is to be h.-id will ;e .l-t-rm!ned at this convention. Adv'.-rji fom tha Arlington Commercial iT:t t t:.e Port- Isrd Cmmerrt:il C:i:t say tat between 10 and IIJ otJi.lu! ni'Bil,. from the , three ountles are ."rrln? to come. ; ITpvner wi:i snd C"Tlin 3S. lone J 17. Wssro and Onx VcIIey IS each. I and tne nlir towns hrtve d?V;atlon Ifsird ur:,'!n from five to JO. Tb Portland crowd wll total be tween "o and 40. l:epresentatlves from ( ail of ti e ..imnnr'lil orrji:ijntlon will be In the party, and. owing to Ue cn epe.tedty lare number if reserva tions tilled for. the Commerc-lal t.1ub has decided to have the xa'.lroad com pany run two spe.lal cars. Instead of on!.r one. s was first planned. The chairman of the reception com mittee In Ar'lrnon wrote yesterday to the Portland Commercial Club. saylnK tl.at the m-lM s;ees. -er coiulnjc Into j the neighborhood In larjte tiuv.lnT and that he Is certain tne ll'int Club will be ab'e to fc-nlnli the Poitland i visitors with the ult,r.r of roast itoose that hd been ptarne.i. Those who will ro in t, party from Portland, beslles tle de!ica:ion from tha Orecon Atrrtou; tural Collckre ond representatives of Portlan 1 newspapers, are: X. A. I-euch. K rr. :ur..-,l & Co.: William McKenile. L'a.four. tiuthrle & Co.: W. A. Mao Rue. Pink of California: ;eorsre W. Hovt. M.-rchnnts National Rank; Emery Olmstead. Portland Trust Company: George J. Major. Fairbanks, j Morse Company: C. C. Char-man. Port- i land Commercial Club: W. M. Utnhden- stock. I'mbdenstork A I-ars-n Cm- i muuenMW K m l-Arst-n Cm- I ; pany; George M. Hvland. capitalist: J. Durkehelmer. Wad hams Co.; K. M. 1 Star Sand Company: D. B. Thomas. I Chin Wah. under indlctr.ient as an al capltalist: A. F. Huggln. Klelxcl-.nrr- leed white slaver, was arrested yester Mayer Company: A. H. Ieve-s. Out-set day by t'etectlves Taft and V. i;. after Devers: Dwlght Edward. Dwlght a search lusting several weeks. During Edwards Company; L. Allen Lewis. , that period Wah was engaged fs cook at Allen A Lewis: James Thompson. Wad- i hams Kerr Brothers: R Neustadter. Xtustadtr Brothers: g. C. Pier. Mar a;NW!Is Hardware Con-.pany; J. J. Walter, canltailsf v. M. i-rawnrrt f C Moore A Co.; C. L How.. Mitchell. ' Lewis Ftaver; Jan.es J. Saycr. John I Deere Plow Company; A. H. Averlll, A. j o I I ipany. H. Averlll Machinery Company: Unmnh-e A i4,a nc ft ral-ai. v,n.n, ' L. " VT. n Wilson, Oliver Chilled Plow VMS rr. 51 Villa St. Clara Furnished and Reservations in the Villa St. Clara May Be Made Today and Rest Works; I A. Colton, Pacific Paper Company; II. E. JudK. Valvulitis Com pany: A. A. Schell. Chapman Advertis ing Company: V. A. Ryder. Ryder Ad vertising Agency; Georire D. Lee, Dia mond Tire Company: K. O. Crawford. Lumbermen National Rank. .. 'BILLY' WILLIAMS SPEAKER Prummer YanKellst' Will Talk at V. M. C. A. This Afternoon. Something of a novelty ii In store for those who attend the regular Sunday I men' meeting In the auditorium of the (Portland Young lien's Christian Asso ciation this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Tha speaker will be "Billy" Williams, the "drummer evangelist." who Is said to have a method of speaking that Is all his own. Mr. Williams will deliver his lecture. "The Laat Komp With the Tiger." which lie gave In Portland once before, and which be has delivered IHu times In the United tf'-ates and Canada. Mr. Williams gives a vlvtd picture of his own life before he became a Chrlstlaa. When he apoke In Portland before, at the climax of his lecture he smashed a bottle of whisky upon the platform. In spite of his sensational methods, how- ever, he Is said to have a message for men that makes a deep Impression, K. . Harlng will sing a baritone solo at today's meeting. he Count;- t arm, anfl. believing that he had been forvtlcn. came Into the city tu ri'-nd the day. He is accused of having tilten Hazel Warren, a while woman, from Portland to Taooma. The jm'n ' '" testify aualnst him. Dr. s Orthopedic llymnaeium '."f Infanttle paralysis and ail nervous dliorders. rneiimstlsm. tout, bladder nri kidney troubles. Most modern ,nrl Kianry tmuhies. !st modern methods. K drugs. It K 1114 it I I : 4 p -..- t - ". t e v j : : f . . h 1 ft e - : ; ? - 5- . t lis -7 f I 'Billy' WUIIanM, Evasurellat. Hb J t Speaka at Y. M. C A., Tealay. f THE SUNDAY OILEGOXIAX, POITTLAXD, OCTOBER 29, IDtl. h V .ft" V t . kit erf 'i iw - af - i . 1 . , Hmnnuncpd bv convenience known to the modern archi today as the finest and most modern apart- reatest degree of perfection accommoda (.ue construction are embodied. Arrangement of Villa St. Clara Each apartment has a private hall, which serves ns a point of distribution to the living-room, dining-room, kitchen, bath and dressing-room. The living-room and dining-room both front upon the street, the bath and kitchen being accessible from either. Back of the two front rooms are commodious dressing rooms, which give' the occupant a degree of privacy seldom found in apartments, and serve as storing places for clothing, toilet articles, etc. This eliminates the dressers from the two main rooms. AHCiiuETIEu Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ulm Are Indicted as Firebugs. FIVE ARE TURNED LOOSE Two Youths Field for Alleged Con tribution to . Delinquency of , Minora Grand Jury Acts on Many Cases. W. P. Vim and Delia Ulm, his wife, who are alleged to have attempted to burn the furniture In the Sacrey lodg ing house at First street October 10. were Indicted by the grand jury yesterday on charges of arson. The r:m had purchased the furniture of the rooming-house and had taken a lase on the hullrflng. Poor success In ri:nr.insr the buvmes. with the receipt of a telearam from n aupMter In Los Angeles announcing her serious Illness, are believed to have Induced the at- tempt to burn the place. The lives of several lodgers were placed In danger when the furniture In several of the rooms was Ignited. Fred Sllcocks. a young member of a prominent Portland family, was In dicted on a charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. A second true bill, charging the same offense, was returned against L, B. GUe, a close friend and companion of Sllcocks. The Juvenile Court authorities brought about the Indictments. Other Armta Expected. Juvenile Court authorities also caused the arrest of W. J. Sullivan, proprietor of a woodyard. who Is charged with contributing to the delinquency of minors. The grand Jury will probably consider his case early next week. Two other men. It is understood, are to be arrested on similar charges. Bam Kraaner, a saloonman, accused by Jennie Friedman of having at tempted to extort money from her for police protection, was the subject of two true bills. One charges the pla Ing of his wife In a disorderly house. and In the other he Is accused of hav- Ing accepted the earnings of Pauline Krlstal, a fallen woman. Krasner is the man who gathered affidavits which caused Detective Carpenter to resign from the police department. ) Oliver Williamson, who Is accused of having stolen a motorcycle from H. A. The car was being driven at moder Gabbart. was Indicted on a charge of ! Bt speed and neither the driver nor grand larceny. Williamson, the offi- j passengers saw the fast-approaching cers say. rede the machine all the way ' car, which struck the automobile with from Portland to Oakland and was cap- ! terrible force. Just before hitting the lured by the police of that city within machine the motorman sounded his a few minutes of his arrival. Detec- whistle but too late for the driver to tive Tom Swennes left last night for I clear the track. Warner Jumped from Oakland to bring Williamson back to j the car and Schooley was struck by Portland. j one, 0f the automobile seats and Gabbert. says the detective, had the I thrown from the machine. The auto rcotoreycle. valued at 1310. for sale. He allowed Williamson to take It to try It before deciding If he would purchase It. and the prospective customer failed to return. Five Are Freed. Charles Pickens, who. under the name of N. R. Root. Is alleged to have passed a forged check for 20, was also v - -?jat,-i- sr ;y Tftf Sr CLARA Ready for Occupancy November First iLxnerts trie nest in the west Throughout by Indlcted. Pickens was arrested near Salem a few days ago. A not true bill was returned in the case of Harry Wheeler, Bert Madison and John Doe Reynolds, who were ar rested on a charge of stealing a speed ometer and other accessories of an au tomoblle belonging to Eugene Blazler. Thomas Yates and Minnie Yates .were also the subjects of a not true bill. They were accused of contributing to the delinquency .of Cleo Tallmadge, aged 13. Earlier In the week the Jury Indicted Yates on a charge of contrib uting to the delinquency of Eva Bur dick, also 13 years of age. BOY DRUG VICTIM JAILED Officers Despair of Reforming Joe Curry of Habit, Despairing of reforming Joe Curry, i victim of the cocaine habit, the Juve lille Court officers arrested the boy at the County Poor Farm yesterday and will hold him in custody. After search for a cure at sanitariums and reformatory institutions. Curry still uses the drug. The officers are thor oughly mystified at his Ingenuity In keeping a supply of the drug, which. they say. he gets wherever he may be. Curry Is one of the alleged victims of Solomon Miller, a South Portland druggist, against whom he will appear when Miller comes to trial In the early part of November. The druggist Is under sentence of 0 days at the rock pile, given In Municipal Court for the crime of furnishing cocaine to a coterie of South Portland boys, and has ap pealed. Curry gave strong testimony i against him in the lower court, and i will be held to repeat It In Circuit Court. This boy Is the third of Miller's al leged victims who has undergone course of, treatment and has. lapsed. Only a few days ago John Davis and James Buckner, also witnesses against Miller, were arrested and received rock plle sentences. Buckner has been re leased, but Is held tlH the Miller trial. At one time, after the treatment. Curry gained to pounds in weight, but at the station yesterday he wus ema ciated, feeble and weak-voiced as much as when he first came into the care of the officers. STREETCARITS AUTO Occupants Escape With Lives but Are Injured. OREQOV CITT. Or.. Oct. 2S. (Spe cial.) What might Rave proved a fatal accident occurred at the. electric car crossing at Greenpolnt Friday after noon, when an automobile, driven by i Gerald Warner and containing 1) And -.r.0n. Mrs. Peter Shinville and he.r utile daughter, Gladstone. were returning from crashed through a fence into the yard of the Straight home and struck the residence. Anderson was thrown out of the machine. His leg was Injured. The woman and child were uninjured. Those in the machine say the elec tric car was running at about 20 miles an hour and did slow down when near lag Uva crossing. it -, 1? The Meier & Frank Stores Each apartment is complete in itself, r a commodious residence, although consisting of hut a few rooms. And the elegance and tone of the whole building, its richness and harmony of color, combined with its extraordinary completeness, makes the Villa - St. Clara most desirable. It is finished throughout in solid mahogany. Conveniences of Vi la St. Clara Disappearing beds, parts of the buffet and writing desk, roll back into iron recesses which are connected by ven tilatingHtubes to the outside, so that the bedding is prop erly aired. The beds can be moved to any part of the room and the occupant can sleep by the window, or any where else as desired. EACH APARTMENT HAS A FIRE-AND-BURGLAR-PROOF SAFE BUILT INTO ITS WALLS, and is con nected with both telephone systems, electric and dummy elevators, steam heat, electricity, gas, etc. AUDITORIUM PLAN FIXED.Er ARCHITECTS WIlXj AXXOTJXCE SELECTION' TOMORROW. Design Chosen Will Embrace Mod ern Needs of Building Working Drawings to Be Made Soon. After three days' work the Audi torlum jury which is to select the win Mni set of plans for the Municipal Auditorium has reached a decision. It will be made public tomorrow, when the winning set will be presented by the Jury to the Auditorium Commission and the sealed envelope containing the name of the winning architect will be officially opened. Nothing was made public yesterday as to which plan has been selected. The Jury started work Thursday morn ing with 62 sets of plans on display. The process of elimination sifted the number down to 14 Friday nlarht. This Consumption Anyone Interested In the cure of Con sumption should rt one of the booklets telling of recoveries by tan' use of Eck min'i Altaratlve. Coughs, Stubborn Colds and Pneu monia may be tha beginning of more serious troubles; Eckmau's Alterative is the effective remedy. Read Mr. Kanaly's state ment: Saratoga. N. T. Gentlemen: For live or six years I was troubled with cough and expectoration. I also had a hish fever. My case was de clared Consumption by my physician. I was Biven Cod Liver Oil. Creosote . -and other medicines, all without benefit. "At Christmas time, JftOrt. J was not ex pected to live. Calling- Dr. It. II. McCarthy, he advised the use of Eckman's Alterative, whk'h I took with excelleot results and waa entirely cured. "During the past year I have' rained IS lbs. I go out In all weathers and have had no cough or cold whatever. I give theaa facts to encourage others to use Kckman's Alterative." Signed Affidavit! JAS. W. KANAl.Y. Eckmnn's Alterative is efctive !n Bron chitis, AKthmi, Hy Fever. Throat and l.ung Troubles, and in uplmlMlng the sys tem. Does not contain poisons, opiates or halit-torming drujrs. For sale by j'tiu Owl Drug Co. and other leading druggists. Ask for booklet of cured chb:s and write to Kckinun Laboratory, PhitadelUia, fa., for additional evidence. Jiliiilk Elegantly V-'? '? 3 lTIt 1 Special Features of Villa St. Clara A large and magnificent Amusement Hall has been provided on the first floor, in which the patrous can give afternoon tea parties, card parties, etc., pleasures usually denied to apartment dwellers. THERE IS ALSO A LARGE ROOF GARDEN. EQUIPPED WITH AWNINGS, SEATS, HAMMOCKS, potted plants and a row of electric lights around the whole space, so that it can be brilliantly illuminated for evening parties. This Garden gives a most beautiful panoramic view of Portland and the mountains. was pulled down to three at yesterday and at 2 o'clock the g set had been selected. - E. F. Lawrence professional adviser of the Auditorium Commission, and one of the jurymen, said yesterday that the plan as sele'cted is complete in Itself and the grouping of Ideas will not be necessary. The building, it Is said, will be suitable for all the purposes and will embrace every known modern convenience. The standing of the architectural firm which wins the contest will be investigated and a record of the com pany's buildings demanded before the contract for the working plans Is let. The members of the jury which has made the selection are K. K. Cutter, ALVEOLAR 'By Their Works Ve We have noticed. In an advertise ment of a CHEAP SEATTLE DENT IST, an offer of J1000 for one Alveolar Tooth. We, imleed, feel flattered that so high a valuation should have been placed upon it. Let anyone qualified to win the prize, though, take heed, and when the thousand i delivered for the Alveolar Tooth, let the "unsuspecting''. look through the PILE for the coun terfeit." There is sure to be one. The one who offers the prize Is a COUN TERFEIT. We can excuse a man for beintr a CHEAP DENTIST, or QUACK LAWYER, circumstances may require It (there may bo a reason), nut mat anyone, with half a fool s neari, snouia impose his bootisji, repeateuiy ana unreservedly upon a credulous public. and exhume his somewhat QUACK BRAINS, trying to explain why the other fellow cannot mane kooo. with eoraethlnor he (the Quack) doesJ not and cannot understand, by virtue of his "junslelsm" we feel that "a word to the wise Is sufficient and necessary. When you meet a Dentist so whole souled that he takes to his protective bosom outraged and wronged human ity, when he thrusts out his brawny arms and say tear not, 1 will pro test you, 'T will advertise your wrongs," "I will tell the public what the Ex-Real-Estate-ManDent!st is trying to do to you," sh, put your foot on the soft pedal, there s a nigger in the woodpile. Why, this Is no Dentist, he Is an Evangelist. This man nas mlsed his vocation. What a potent factor has been lost to the Apostolic World. How great would have been his era In the Middle Ages but, alas, this man Is too modest for the monk hood, he Is too self-sacrificing. too filled with tender solicitude for "hood winked" humanity, that he does not choose the pulpit. Not he. His pulpit is the one-column aa in the dally pa pers. His cloister a suite of dental of fices, that serve as a wall of Justifi cation and preservation for the "dead beats" cho flock thither to evade their lawful debts. His sifrn. the dark, grewsome visage In the daily papers, that he "would" hold as a "Sworn of Damocles" above the heads of uDrlsrht, honest and straightforward dentists, who advertise their merits honestly and straightforwardly, who haven't the time I to talk about what the "other fellow" con t do. Oh. indomitable Ego, Faith ful Evangelist of the Dental World, keep right on talking If it gives you "fun." There's a fool born every day and there's always a court Jester before every king and there's a funny sheet in the paper every Sunday. Let us have a little lauirh with you, and let us say that the giddy heights of a "Den tal Reformer" Is most liable to make dizzy the "top-knot" of one accus tomed to wield the knife, and cut gar nishments of the top growth of the human head. Eveu as "Ex-Keai-Estate-.entist." may we not hope to outclass in primitive construction the "appren tice barber?" The noble BRUTUS hath. 11 Furnished Two and Three- v Room Suites With Bath and Private Dressing Room 5V of the Week Spokane; E. Willis Polk, D. Lawrence. San Francisco. Portland; Policeman Follows Tar Trail. It was not difficult to trace George Goodwillle when the police went after him yesterday, for he left visible evi dence of his transit all the way from the O.-W. It. & N. freight sheds to the foot of Morrison street. Good willle Is a driver for the Pacific Trans fer Company and was sent to haul a barrel of tar. The barrel was not tight, and the tar leaked down to the street. When a policeman encountered the track, all he had to do was to keep going till he arrived at the source. Goodwillle was arrested for spilling material on paved streets. for a Tooth DENTISTS Shall Know Them" said, "We have been slingers of mud." W ere it not better to -have slung mud than to have slung "hair?" We pause for a reply . It has often been said that people who live --in glass houses should not throw stones, and some place In that good old book our grandmothers Lavs read to us, th"re is something liKe this: "Strike not the mote from thy brother's eye before thou liast cast ot:t the beam from thine own." We do not claim to be "Evangelists." We are PURE UNADULTERATED DENTISTS. We are kept so busy talking about what we CAN do that we have not time to teli you what the "other fellow" CANNOT do. And whenever you meet a man or woman who is always telling about the man that lives next door to him, be assured that there is nothing good to tell about himself. The man who Is continually finding fault with the "NEXT" man is doing things wor my ui otame nimseir. For the intelligent among our read ers, let us say that we make claims for dentistry in, we might sav. the zenith of its perfection. There Is not one claim we cannot live up to. We have reached a degree in the dental science that is almost- incredulous but we have the SKILL, the ABILITY" and the MORAL and FINANCIAL right to disperse your skepticism and Increufii ity. Alveolar Teeth, Where Hrldgevrork la Impossible. If only your front teeth are left, say three or four or more, we can replace all those that have been lost on both sides clear back with perfect Alveolar teeth, whilst bridgework would he im possible even if you have 8 or 10 front teeth to tie to. If you have onlv two back teeth on each side, saj' molars, we can suppfy all the front teeth that are missing with beautiful, service able, lifelike Alveolar teeth. This could not possibly be done by tho bridge route. And where bridge work Is pos- uijipanson oetween tne two. A very large percentage of our work Is taking out bridgework put in by supposedly hiarh-class dentists and replacing it with the beautiful and artistic Alveolar teeth. And, un like bridgework in another respect, it Is practically painless. No boring or cutting Into the gums, nothing to be dreaded. Now, then, prices being equal which would you choose? Carina; Pyorrha (loose teeth), a dis ease given up by other dentists as in curable, is another of our specialties. We cure it absolutely. It's a boastful statement to make, but we can do any thing that is possible in dentistry, and what we do Is always of the very high est class. Our booklets, Alveolar Den tistry, are free. Write for one If you cannot cai:. We have samples of our work to show at 'l times. a l.VE DENTAL CO., DEN TISTS, Portland. Kington Uldg.. 106 1 "d St. Seattle, Height Bldg., 2d ana Pine. Terzna to raliu-bi naanla.