The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 22, 1911, SECTION FIVE, Page 2, Image 56

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... ' I ' r-rr-r,
IN the building of railways by the
Fi-rat trunk llnvs In the Stats of
t'roiccn durlnc the last couiU of
jrfara we may have orlokel the eon
utrucitun of lesser roada, and'yet roads
of srat Importance to the common.
wra!i:i. And to one of these roads
and It.- subsidiary work that has none
on with It and to the company of Ore
Ron ttliens furnishing the capital and
opert!ui; these enterprises this article
is drvuud.
Cm of tb sections of Orega not
yet tcurhtd by rail Is the County of
Tillamook, lying on the 1'acltlc Ocean,
the ntvt county south of Clatsop. I:
Is not a lrt:e county In area, haying
but 111 suare miles of land surface,
beinc somewhat larger !mh the State
of Itluxlo Island, and the 24th In area
. in this stale. It differs but little In
sis from Marlon and Ullllam-
l-ealaftfsi tlosi imll.
1 '.llin.iHik I'minlv flrst appeared on
the f dmi rtlts of tt-.e cttintry In 1BC0.
with .l ropulation iff 1 S. but thla popu
lati n rmc tlrly doubled during each
le. H.l- up to ;00. when t had grown
i 117 1. being 1:1 boi Morrow Coun
ty. In the decade from l00 to 110
this "iulatlon grew to J. or 40 per
rent. And this gain was almost ex
rlustvelr In the rural districts, the ur
ban population amounting to but 17SZ.
That Is a splendid showing when one
rons .l-rs that the only way of reach
ing thj county was by water or over
rough mountain roads. But the re
sources of Tillamook more than Justi
fied this growth, for there are great
possibilities there for the agriculturist,
the dairyman aAd those who wish to
engage In any branch of the .lumber and more particularly for
those who wish to take advantage of
the many resource of the sea. The
raters of Tillamook abound In all sorts
it salt water fish, crustaceans and shell
.Ish. As a dairy district, however,
rillamook stands very high, the T Illa
tion k cheese beirg as One as any made
In the country.
Carlton, on the West Hide road of
the Southern Pacific lines. Is situated
bout 12 miles south and ii miles east
I the town of Tillamook, the county
eat of that county, and to the west
! Carlton, going up the Yamhill
Itlve'. there la a natural paas through
the Coast Rants by which the stage
line reaches Tillamook, and op this
pass some II miles has been construct
ed and put In operation the Carlton 4k
Toast Hallway, Its present western
terminus being Tillamook Uate.
Km4 la Xear aasaasll.
This Is rT the summit of the
mountains, the pass n the west being
down 'he Trask Kivrr. which flows Into
Tillamook ty at the town of Tilla
mook. This road Is spoken of bv
nany a logging road, because It
reachea a large body of Umber land
I I IX 1 I I I
I 1 LAYkte
CH g . -. t
- 4
t iffnfc
owned by Its builders and owners and
for the further reason that almost
dally fur some time great tralnloads of
loga have been hauled out over It. But
It Is as well constructed as any of the
trunk lines, with l eavy stel. well bal
lasted with rock, gradients as carefully
considered as on any of the so-called
great lines. It will, of course, be
used for the transportation of the great
wealth of timber adjacent to Its right
of way for nearly all of lta distance:
but It Is destined to be a connecting
link between Portland and Tillamook.
regarC.less of any other roads building
or to be built, because It Is the shortest
snd most feasible route and will place
Portland within Ave hours of Tilla
mook Bay.
Probably the credit for this road
should be given to Charles K. Ldd.
of this city, for he was one of the prime
movers In the enterprise and furnished
much of the capital. But with htm
was associated Fred Russell, who met
his death In an automobile accident on
last July. With them was associated
V. H. Dennis..
With the death of Mr. Itussell the
railwav company met a loss Irrepara
ble. Rut there Is an adjunctive part
to the railway business and that Is the
lumber msnufacturlng plant, the plant
from which grew the railway, and Mr.
Kussel wss one of the skilled lumber
men of the Coast. Hence the loss to
the railway was not to be compared to
the loss to the manufacturing plant.
Masse Mea Oveaj Milk
The lumber business Is carried on by
the same men, the same capital, but
under a different corporate name the
Carlton Consolidated Lumber Company.
The mill Is In the suburbs of Carlton,
on the North Yamhill River,
which has bean dammed at that
point to make a lake for
the storage of logs, which lake rovers
42S acres. And this mill Is one of the
very finest In the world, or will be
within a very short time, when the
present improvements are completed.
And this short time means a few days
only, perhaps before this article is
published. The monorail system Is be
ing Inaugurated for handling the out
put Briefly, that meana that an over
head rail extends from the sorting
tsbles to all sections of ths yard, and
the lumber as It Is sawed will be placed
In units of about 1000 feet, and these
units will be conveyed by electricity
to the various parts of the yard, from
there to be loaded on cars for shipment
without disturbing their compactness.
Generally speaking, where lumber Is
conveyed through the yards by horse
or human power, and then loaded by
hand, the cost la nearly f a thousand
feet: by the monorail-electric svstem
this is cot down to less than SO esnta. 1
If V
ii If 1 fair' ' t
The mill Itaelf has been erected with ! and although the work was done dur
every modern device to save .cost In , ng the wet season, still It was done
manufacture: -the machinery has everv j economically and permanently,
late wrinkle of superiority. Band saws when Tillamook will bs reached
will be used for the principal cuts, and
logs of 11 feet In diameter can be han
dled. The main saws are run by steam
power, all of the auxiliary work bv
electricity. And the electrlcul plant
is of Itself a large feature, furnishing
not only power and light for ths plant,
but light for the town of ?arlton.
Kegwlar Tralaa Operated.
The equipment of the railway at tho
present time consists of three engines.
11 frelghtcars and several passenger,
baggage and express cars; and further
cars have been ordered, some of which
will arrive every few days for some
time. Regular trains are now run from
Carlton to the western terminus, and a
good deal of freight and passenger
business Is being done. One large con
tract has Just been entered Into to fur
nish ballast for the Lytle road runulntr
west from Hillsboro. and this contra:
calls for several hundred carloads of
gravel and crushed rock, which Is found
In abundance along the Carlton road.
Tillamook gate Is one of the stations
on the stage line over which the mail
atage runs from Vnmhlll to Tillamook,
by which route the latter place gets
all of its mall. Here a postofflce has
been established and soon the stags
line will end there In place of Yamhill,
and the mall will go from Portland
on the West P'de road to Carlton,
thence by the Carlton A Coast Road
to the Oate. thence by stsge. This will
make a fine day's trip from Portland,
leaving the latter city' at 8:20 In the
morning and reaching Tillamook about
T o'clock the aame evening. Return
ing, the trip ran also be made in a
day. And pasaengers from Albany, Cor
vallla, Salem and other places south can
likewise make close connections.
To go back to Carlton, it Is certnrn
that the agricultural resources of tna
country thereabouts are equal to any
other section of the atate. And this
particularly applies to the fine farms
adjacent to the railway, between the
town and the canyon, where It starts
up the mountain grade. (However,
thla grade Is nowhere more than 2 per
cent.) Here you will find as good
land and as good farmers as any place
In Oregon, and as progressive. Mo It
la sure a good local business awaits the
road. Aside from this tiiere Is as fine
fishing and hunting In the Coast range
adjacent to the road as there can be
found In the West, and there Is uro
to be a large pleasure traffic.
Llae Made Perwaaaeat.
Tho ohlef engineer, of the road Is M.
U. Johnson, and he Is now locating the
final survey down the Tr.tsk. Much of
the rlght-of-wsy haa been secured and
work will be pushed as rapidly as pos
sible. The work will be done by the
romrany snd not by contrsct. The
present road was constructed that way,
t k "Mv4? ; , si k- 1 4i4 l. i" i ; ,'-5-5., -to. : 1 2f4 . I
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cannot be said, but it will not be long.
It has not been mentioned that close
traffic arrangements are being com
pleted between the Southern Paclfld
and Carlton A Coast people, but such
is the fact. The two roads connect for
Officials of New York National Suspected of "Standing in" With Ticket Speculators in Trimming Gothamites
at World's Championship Games Brush Shows Gross Ingratitude.
EW YORK, Oct. 21.-T-I special. j
Yorkers are slowly recover-
. Ing f
from the shock of being trim
med again.
Probably the conduct of the baseball
series does not come under the head
01 highway robbery, but-it was almost
as bad. The fans are still complaining,
but. a one offlca! of the club said
"They will be around fast enough
next season."
Probably they will, for New Tork
ers like to be cheated. They also
seemingly do not "object to being brow-,
beaten and ill-treated. 1
"I complied with all the rules," said
one Wall street broker, "I made appli
cation In writing, enclosing a certified
check. Neither tickets nor check eame
back. Then I went to the office of the
club In the St, James' building. A big
husky asked me If I was a fan, and
when I said yes. he threw me down
Denials that the baseball people
played Into the hands of the specu
lators are useless. Perhaps It will
never be possible to trace the connec
tion, but the trail of circumstantial
evidence Is strong. .
For example, the club made a rule
that no more than four tickets would
be sold to any one applicant, this to
block the speculators, so If a man had
a family of five or alx, they could not
all be seated together.
The club 'officials, however, fall to
explain how It Is that speculators have
rows and rowa or seats. 1 ney couia
hardly have been bought In blocks of
four as the rules provide.
It would seem that the rates for the
world's series were high enough to sat
isfy the greed of anyone. Grandstand
seats were 12 and . and boxes for
six were ISS.
All the same, many persons paid ss
high as 220 for a single seat, and not
a very good one at that.
There have been objections for some
years to ths prices exacted at the Polo
Grounds, but as the people have
swarmed In Just the same, the man
agement Is justified In ignoring the
transfer of cars and the passenfrer sta
tions will be adjacent. If not under one
roof. I
Mr. Ladd and Mr. Dennis are build
ing permanent homes just south of
Carlton, on as sightly a location as
can be found in the Valley. They have
los acres of fine land, running from
kickers. During the regular season It
costs 21.25 and 22 to get a seat in the
grandstand, and often one sees a very
inferior game.
Friends of the management explain
that If there was any playing in with
the speculators, the club officials did
not benefit. One story in circulation is
that certain politicians who practically
control the Board of Aldermen, won
the seat privilege by threats of having
a street cut through the Polo Grounds,
a menace that has been used with ef
fect In years gone by. For the Polo
Grounds takes In several square blocks,
and the club Is more or less at the
mercy of unscrupulous politicians'.
Fan-ell A ad His Mea Knobbed.
Showing that baseball clubs, like
republics, are ungrateful, a word might
be said regarding Frank Farrell. pres
ident of the American League team.
When the Polo Grounds burned down
last Spring. Farrell offered the home
less Giants his field, where they played
for a number of weeks, absolutely free
of charge.
This year Farrell wrote to Brusn,
tell trig him that members of the Ameri
can League team wanted to see the
post-season games, and asking If it
were possible to get a certain number
of tickets and to send the bill to him,
Farrell. Farrell didn't get the Infor
mation, and he didn't get the tickets.
He was simply ignored. And he and
his merry men. those who saw the
games, had to patronize the specu
lators. If the Polo Grounds bum down again,
the team will be compelled to play in
the middle of the North River.
Rent Jumping Is a popular Industry
In New York, but It is liable to have
a bad season this coming year. . The
reason 1 that landlords have firmed a
Protective Association, and exchange
the names of men who are poor pay.
The new organisation is in the hands
of one E. C. Turner, formerly a clerk,
who has found how he can make a falr
slxed income.
Mr. Turner studied up the subject,
and discovered that landlords In Man
hattan. Brooklyn and the Bronx, are
bilked out of fully 21,500.000 annually.
n :
Carlton & Coast Railway Passes
Western Terminus
- . T,i
the main wagon road leading south
from Carlton back to the river. On this
Is a knoll overlooking the whole coun
try from the Coast to the Cascade
Range, a magnificent building site, and
here there new residences are going up.
These houses are large, comfortable
and convenient residences, with every
The debtors are men who would rather
move 10 or 12 times a year than pay
rent. They sign a lease, grab off
whatever concessions are possible, hold
up the landlord for as long as they
can, and then move at the last moment,
onlv to try the game over again.
Turner, however, has banded the
landlords into a- strong organization
and every member sends In his list of
beats, which are carefully tabulated. A
man calls on a landlord to apply for a
flat. Nothing is said to him at the
time, but his name and address are for
warded to the Turner organisation and
he Is promptly looked up. If nothing Is
know.-i against him that fact Is for
warded to the lessor. Should he be a
man who has always paid his obli
gations on the spot, that fact goes to
his credit. On' the other hand, if he
Is a beat, the prospective landlord is
furnished with the information with
out any unnecessary delay.
The result Is that there Is practically
a Bradstreet's rating of tenants and
landlords are benefitting thereby.
Care is taken, however, to avoid mis
takes. If a man's record Is bad. he
la- politely notified that "there is a re
port" that on sueh and such a date he
failed to pay rent, while occupying
apartments at an address given. Up to
date, it must be stated, there have
been few complained of who have dis
puted the report of the agency.
War Declared on White 'Way.
Borough President McAneny, elected
to rule over Manhattan Borough as a
reformer, has declared war on the
Great White Way and thereby demon
strates that reformers have their lim
itations. Mr. McAneny thinks that we have
too many overhead signs, blazing with
electric lights, and is planning to tear
them down, on the ground that they
violate some old law or other.
The new programme may result In
maklag the Great White Way the Dead
Black Way. but McAneny will not de
rive any popularity thereby. The signs
along tipper Broadway may be glaring
and garish, but no one can deny that
they add immensely to the press agency
of the town.
The one thing that the average vis
Through Canyon of Mountains to
at Tillamook Gate.
modern appliance and equipment. Mr.
Ladd will use his as his Summer home,
but Mr: Dennis will occupy his the year
round. No, not quite, for Just north of
the new house is a fine grove of soma
20 acres and in this grove he has erect
ed as splendid a lone cabin as can be
found anywhere.
itor comments upon is the wonderful
light effects of the theatrical section.
They are talked of all over the coun
try and are really one of the real sights
of the town. And now a little borough
president comes along and wants to
tear them down.
Perhaps Mr. McAneny may succeed ,
in his campaign, but it will fall to add
to his popularity. The signs are
away up in the air and do not harm
any body, so there is no real reason
why they should be Interfered with.
Still one can never tell what a re
former will do, even though there is
no wild cry for reform. Perhaps,
however; Mr. McAneny will see a great
light la time to prevent the dimming
of the lights of the Great White Way.
which we all like to gaze -.ipon.
Real estate men are plai.ning a new
campaign, the development of subur
ban home sites.' They have finally
discovered ' that we have far too
many apartment-houses and see that
the best Investment Is In the new Held.
Conditions are regarded as peculiarly
favorable for tl new movement. Al
though it will be financed In New York.
It will be. conducted by builders and
operators who have made successes" of
similar campaigns upon a much small
er scale In cities where population re
quirsntonts have not been more than
10 per cent of the annual volume In the
An entirely new aspect will be Im
parted to the suburban realty situation
with the start of the projected building
pampaign. Bifr operations for more than
a decade have been conducted for the
distribution of lots and plots among
small investors. Home building has
been largely In sections along the old
rapid transit lines, its volume Increas
ing with its nearness to crowded city
Although building In metropolitan
sections has been enormous, it baa not
compared with the volume of land buy
ing. Hundreds of persons have bought
lots to one who has built a house. The
lots are scattered all over, the outlying
sections. Most of the buyers have In
tended the lots for home sites, but they
have not seen a good opportunity for
building houses.
Sinoe the Investment public became
loaded with such vacant lots, large
promoters have found i,t more and more
difficult to distribute outlying sites
among new buyers. People are becom
ing more interested in building than In
land buying. And the current low cost?
of materials, with the great advance
in methods of construction, have con
vinces owners of home sites that this
Is the year for starting their operations-