The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 22, 1911, SECTION FOUR, Page 12, Image 54

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    ,,r -omm it TT.--rvv-T A V PHTJTT A "VTl nHTnilPR 22 1011
JJ J II III nU.11'.11 uijm.':ini ,
Portland Asts. Ostermoor Mattresses, G obe-Wernicke Book
Great Distribution Sale Continues Tomorrow in A-l Depts
cases, Dmcker Giiaran'td Trunks, Willamette Sew ng Machines
See Regular Announcement Today, Back Page, Section 1
MEIER & BLANK'S THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5th, 6th, Morrison and Alder
PreMre: for Winter With am Acorti
A Stirring Sale Beginning Tomorrow, Lasting a Week!
WE SELL Acorn Stoves and Ranges because they are the best. This conclusion was only arrived at after we had examined nearly every well-known line
in the UmTed Stated Comparing them all the way through-feature for feature-we found Acorn Stoves and Ranges were the kind which would give
A . . 1 1 vnnnc,.sv rt o n t i ! ftt ? riTI
ouTiruiW. ue 1 "c Vlrr: w .1 ! REPAIR-SAVERS, labor-savers and worry-savers.
we want every norao iu i oruium lu v mo uivwio v. . . o--- -
opportunity to show yon the difference between an Acorn Stove and Range and any other
make yon may name. All over America you will find Acorns doing good worn tociay aiier,
thirty year.' constant service. ACORN STOVES AND RANGES ARE FUEL - SAVERS,
For This $39 Acorn
Aurorva Steel Range!
HIS Ilandsome Acorn Au
rora Steel Range, as pic
tured above, except with black bass,
mast be seen to be appreciated.
It is made of blue steel, which re
quires do blacking. It baa a 14xl8-incb
oven; six 8 -inch lids . (heavy and
strong); an unwarpable top. The oven
bottom is strongly braced and warranted
never to buckle or warp.
This A nrora Acorn has the celebrated
Ilot Blast Firebox, which burns heavy
smoke and gases save fully 25 per
cent in fuel.
This Aurora Acorn Range is priced in
regular stock at $39.00. For one week
$19. 75
For This $25 Acorn
A'r B'ast Heater!
ssfoxzt XAC
ONE-HALF of the
fuel you used
last Winter will heat
your home this 6eason,
if you put in an Acorn
Air Blast Heater 1
This famous stove
bnrns the gas and smoke
that the ordinary stove
wastes. This produces a
much higher- tempera
ture than simply burn
ing the coal, but the fire
is always "under control.
This Air Blast Acorn
with black base, for one
week only, the No. 14
size, regularly $25.00, at
No. 16 Air Blast Acorn
Heaters, JQO QC
special V J,
For This Splendid Acorn
Heater, for Wood Only
This No. 189 Garden Acorn
priced special ' for one
week only at the excep-
vtionally-low price of only
pHIS useful Gar-
den Acorn Heater
is one of the most
popular of this fa
mous line'
Just aa shown In illus
tration, with airtight feed
door, cast screw register
damper, hinged top cover,
heavy jeastiron lining.
The Garden Aoorn is for
wood only. It is equipped
with a full reversible Due
which carries the heat en
tirely around body of
stove, giving immense ra
diation and excellent
floor-heating qualities.
"Wood Heater,
- $10.75 -
For This Splendid No. 14
Acorn Oak Steel Heater
7 Amp!
OpmS handsome
new pattern is
: unquestionably the tightest,
beat constructed, low-prioei
Oak Stove on the market.
It gives a splendid heat
radiation and will save many
a dollar during these first
chilly days before the fur
nace is started.
It is eonstrueted with a
steel body, flanged outward
at top and bottom and bolted
on the outside to the upper
and lower rings. The feed
door is large and closes
tight. Locks with heavy
malleable iron handle.
This splendid No. 14 Acorn
Oak Heater, priced for one
week only at $10.75.
No. 16 Acorn Oak Heater,
.special at $12.05
No 18 Acorn Oak Heater,
special at $14.95. j
Acorn Water
Heater $15.75
The Acorn Oas Water Heater
furnishes a steady supply of hot
water. The circulation of. water
through the two parallel eopper
roils gives a large surface for heat
absorption. The burner has a large
star-drilled removable cap and is
easily cleaned. Acorn Water Heat
ers, connected up. 1 li 7
this week at f
Free Cooking School
Twice a Week
Every Tuesday and Friday af
ternoon at 2 o'clock, Edna Howard
Baker, a well-known authority on
domestic soience, will give a free
cooking lesson in the stove depart
ment, fourth floor. You are urged
to attend Mrs. Baker's next les
son, Tuesday afternoon. You may
bo sure her recipes and sugges
tions are worth hearing.
For This $40 Acorn
Aurora Stee . Range !
1 1 "''l1
N 0 T II E R extraordinary-
savins on a high-grade
Aurora Blue Steel Range, exactly as il
lustrated above 1
First of all, it is a fuel-saver! It is
built to stand the test of hardest service
-r-of blue steel, with strong, roomy and
well-ventilated firebox. This consumes
the black smoke wlij-h escapes unburned
from . the ordinary stove. From 1-4 to
1-3 of the heat is contained in this black
smoke which is generally wasted.
This No. 860 Aurora Acorn Range has
a 16xl8-inch oven, and, like all Acorn
Ranges, is-a guaranteed baker. Beauti
fully trimmed with nickel.
Priced in our regular stock at $40. For
one week only
Trip of Governors Through
East Mapped by Brady.
Eihlblts Showing Kewurc of West
Wilt Be Carried on Special Train.
Which Will Re Feature at
Twin City Land Show.
POCATELLO. Idaho. Oct. 21. fSpe
elal) How the Oovernors of North
western mates will swicir around the.
Cant. vUltlna- 2 3 cities with a combined
population of 15.4i:.00i and traveling
40tH miles to visit th people of th
F.aat and tell them of the Northwest,
waa announced today by ex-Governor
James H. Brady, president of the en
terprise. W hile the trip Is planned to return
the visits of public men and the many
parties from the East who have vis
ited th Northwest In the past five
Tears, there can be no doubt but wht
It will attract widespread attention,
not only In the country which the
train will visit, but all over the United
States. That a dozen of the chief exec
utives of Northwest tatea should visit
astern cities on a special train, ac
companied by bis; business men. the
representatives of the Panama-Pacific
Exposition and later Joined by United
States Senators and Congressmen, la a
remarkable. If not a historical. Inci
dent. This Is the Itinerary of the "Western
Governors' Special." aa announced by
Sir. Brady. It requires 21 days to make
the trip:
Chicago. Norember 2ft; Indianapolis. Ind..
N-fmtr . Loulavllle. K7-. Novcmbsr SO;
Cinrinoa.ll. o.. Dcmtr 1. Dayton. O.. L
eamnar 2. forenoon- Coiombua, O . tfecambar
X afternoon. undar. December S. Pitts
burg, pa.. ieembr 4; llarrlabura. Pa-. D
Cmrr 3. Baltimore. Md.. December S:
Vk ainirtton. D. C. December 7 : Fnlladol
pnta. Pa.. December S; New York City. Ie
ramber tf. CunJtr. December 10. A!banr.
. T . reeembr 11; I tlca. N. V-. Decem
ber 1.. forenoin: sracua, X. T-. December
i;. afternoon. Rocheir, N. Y . December IS;
Hu'falo. N. T . Decaliter 14: Clayelaad. O..
lecrnber 15. Toledo, O, December 14. fore-
a. rtrtt. Vtrh.. Deee-nber 1. efter
lion. Sunflajr. Lecember IT. Orand Rap
1.1 Mich.. December 14. until 3 P. M : Kala
rn.. Mtch reembr 14: rblcace. liL.
December IS. at(bt; M. Paul. December lie.
a- M.
Returnlns; to St. Paul the chief exee
Btivea will be special mieets at the
Twin City Land Know. December IS. at
that exposition belnc; known as "Gov
ernors' day." A conference attended
by the Oovernors. United States Sena
tors and Congressmen has been called
by President Iewls Penwell to consider
uniform action by the statea In the
leaaue and urge co-operation by Rep
resentatives In Comtresa for legisla
tion which win encouraee fhe develop
ment and eettlement of the American
Bealdea carrytna: the Oovernors and
arty, the apeclal train will contain
four exhibit cars, which will show the
products of the soli, foreeta, lakea.
rivers and mine of the American
Northwest Colorado and 'Wyoming:.
Governors Shafroth and Carey, of Colo
rado and Wyoming-, have made special
arrangements to accompany the train,
and the Burllng-ton line have furnished
thera a fine exhibit car to carry the
products of these two states.
East of Chleaa-o the train will move
over the lines of the New York Cen
tral, the Baltimore Ohio and the
Pennsylvania lines. The routine; was
completed by ex-Governor Brady after
a conference with officials of the
Northwest Development Leaa-ue. which
organisation baa Indorsed the enter-prise.
Govern Wc4t Writes President of
rrnaUIla Needs.
SALEM. Or. Oct. 11. (Special.) It la
considered here that the prospective
completion of tha West Cmatllla proj
ect will be largely enhanoed by a letter
which Governor West forwarded yes
terday to President Taft. eetttngr forth
the facta In relation to that project
and uralnf that money be advanced for
Its completion.
On the recent visit of the President
to this city the Governor act out fully
In a verbal statement th condition of
the project and that Oregon, while pay
Ins: the lion's ehare of the money that
makes up the reclamation fund, la re
eerrlng the small end of It In return.
The President assured the Governor
If the state executive would forward to
him a atatement In writing- as to con
ditions, that the subject would be taken
up personally by Mr. Taft and If he
found conditions would warrant com
pletion, that It would result In such be
ing done.
Governor West's letter, which la con
eldered of prime Importance aa far as
the future of the West Umatilla project
la concerned, la aa follows:
Agreeable to your request made while
visiting Salem during roue recent toor. I
am pleased to write you In referenoe to what
Is known as the "West Umatilla Irrigation
project" la this state.
By this project M Is proposed to Irri
gate about S0.0O0 acres of arid land la
Cmatllla and Morrow Countlee along the
southern shore of the Columbia Klver. I
understand that tbte ta to be done by tak
ing the surplus waters from the Umatilla
Hirer. Willow Creek and their tributaries
the water to be stored la a reservoir cre
ated by tbe construction of a dam S3 feet
high and 13.2UO feett long, near the month
ef Willow Creek: that all necessary water
rights have been Initiated and secured un
der tbe laws of this state and that there
are ae conflicts whatever. 1 understand
alee that complete topographical maps have
been made by the Reclamation Service and
the plane and estimates are aow on file
with the Interior Department. The only
thing needed to start the work la an execu
tive order.
I think jrou will find that the records will
bear me out whea I say that thla state has
contributed as much or more than any other
state toward the aepport of the reclama
tion fund and bas received In return a much
mailer sum than any other arid land state.
White we are broad minded enough to ap
preciate that no matter where thla money
la apenl It will Inure to the benefit of man
kind by providing desirable homes for hun
dreds of thousands of settlers, yet we feel
that a little snore should come to Oregon
than we have received.
This West Umatilla project la peculiarly
well situated. The climate Is delightful and
the soll rich, needing but water to make
It productive. It la within 1M miles of the
largest city In the state and what la des
tined to be the largest oa the Paclfle Ceaat.
It la unusually favored In that It Is served
not only by twe railroads, but by water
transportatlea aa wall.
Ia behalf ef the good people ef this state.
I aab mat yea kindly give these matters
your carer al constderettoa and earnestly
hope that year flndtaga will warrant fa
vorable aetloa en your part.
General Plan Contemplate Rasing
Building Not Permanent and
Erecting; Finer Structure.
attle. Oct. 10. (Special.) Plana are being-
completed by New Tork landscape
gardeners for th rearrangement and
beautlflcatlon of th university cam
pus. On of th biggest items will be
a 1300.000 administration building;, to
be erected In the most central location
on the campus.
Last year Olmstead Brothers, of New
Tork. were let the contract of drawing;
up the plana for the change. The board
fence and wooden grandstand that
greatly detract from the beauty of the
campua. according to these plans, will
be eliminated. Either the athletlo field
will be changed to a more remote por
tion of the college grounds, or an
artlstle-looking wall and an Immense
reinforced concrete grandstand will be
substituted for the flimsy structures
now In use. The Ill-kept wild grove
on ths campus will be swept clean by
experienced foresters and Oriental
shrubs and treea will be Introduced to
give variety to the fir and pine.
While the present large structure
will, not be carried to another part of
the campus, the small temporary wood
en and brick butldlngsXthat break the
symmetry will be razed. The present
administration building will be torn
down. Tha book store may meet the
same fate.
Long, smooth, bee-line drives have
their place In the plans, and paths will
connect the different buildings by the
shortest route. An excellent boule
vard beginning near the canal on the
south side of the campus and leading
around Lake Washington to connect
with Ravenna boulevard will be built.
Speaking of the big undertaking.
Professor E. O. Eastwood said:
"In spending thla Immense sum.
which will exceed $1,000,000, we are
building for a century. Now It may
seem that the proposed change does not
warrant such an expenditure, but In
future years educators will look back
and say that we bullded welL"
Sanquet Given In Honor of Visitors
by Eugene Church.
EUGENE. Or. Oct. 2L (Special.)
The ninth annual session of the North
Pacific Conference of the Unitarian
Church closed last night after three
days of successful work. Twenty dele
gates were in attendance from the
states of the Northwest and from Brit
ish Columbia.
The subject of yesterday morning"
session was Sunday School Work. Rev.
Earl W. Wilbur, of Berkeley. Cel.. ad
dressed the conference on the gubject:
"How to Study the Gospels of Matthew.
Mark and Luke." Two meetings were
held In the afternoon, the men and wo
men holding separata conventions, Th
men listened to addresses by Rev. Fred
Alban WelL of Belllngham. Waah.. on
Church and Man" and by Rev. J. O.
Powers, of Seattle, en "A Manly Re
ligion." Mra. Thomas L. Eliot, of
Portland, read an address on "Teach
ing Children" before the women'o con
vention. The conference cloeed with 'a ban
quet at the Hotel Oaburn. tendered by
the Eugene church In honor of the dele
gate and guests.
Police Believe Organized Shoplifters
Are Here Girl Takes Fur.
Additional strength was given the
police theory that a professional shop
lifter stole $2(00 worth of diamonds
from Mrs. O. H. Flthlan In the fur
store or Llebes & Co. Thursday, when
the detectives received a report yester
day that a similar crime had been com
mitted at tbe store of the Western Out
fitting Company a fur collar being
stolen. Description makes It plain that
the act was not that of the elderly
woman who la strongly suspected of
the first theft, but the police consider
the theory that both theft were by
member of a gang.
A young woman, tastefully dressed,
entered the outfitting company's store
Just before closing time Friday evening
and examined a fur collar, placing it
around her neck and looking at the
effect In a mirror. Then she broke off
the conversation with the clerk In a
manner to allay suspicion, and walked
toward the front of the store, with the
collar still around her neck. The man
ager, who wae at the door- thought a
purchase had been made, until the
clerk hurried to the front of the store
and reported the facts. By that time
the woman waa out of reaoh.
means several hundred dollars to the
Lock Information Asked.
SALEM. Or, Oct. 21. (Special.)
Preparatory to a visit of the State
Board, probably next Tuesday, to Ore
gon City to Investigate free locks' and
the right of way for the proposed new
canal. Secretary Olcott today sent a
letter to the Portland Railway, Light &
Power Company, asking for all the In
formation that company has concern
ing the business done in' conneotlon
with the looks.
In Saxony women are doing more and
more of the laoor. though not so many of
them, relatively, aro yoked up with the
cow to do the plowing In the field as before.
Washington County Clover Saved.
FOREST GROVE, Or., Oct 21. (Spe
claL) A large quantity of clover seed
Is now being threshed In this vicin
ity. Owing to the pleasant weather of
the past week, several threshing crew
have been at work and much of the
clover seed has been saved, which
Come In critically test tha
fine piano we sell direct
from factory to you for only
$195. It'll coat yon $275 in
the regular stores.
The Bush & Lane Piano Co.
' Are manufacturers, dealing
directly with you no mid
- dleman's profits you ac
tually buy as a dealer buys.
Investigate our new easy
payment plan.
9nsh &Ttmi, Phmg
To Portland Churches:
In unity there is strength. In organisation there is success. Line up
the forces in your church that will work for the $2750 prize pipe organ.
Decide NOW upon which particular church of your denomination that is
best fitted to enter the race as a winning contestant and give out the word
so those who are interested can get busy. Every church in Portland has
an equal chance. The one whose members get the earliest start and work
the hardest, has the best chance to win. Get your votes, one with each
25-crfbt purohase, of the following absolutely reliable merchants.
Tailor, 94 6th.
BARRETTS, INC., Lighting Fix
tures, Wiring, 410 Morrison.
near Oak.
BOYD TEA 00., Teas, Coffees,
etc, 209 Salmon.
iers, Men's Furnishings, 311
- CO., Lighting Fixtures, 464
, Washington.
tures, Framing. 187 W. Park.
104 4th.
and Market; 6 votes with each
sack White Mountain Flour
ask your grocer.
C. CHRISTIANSEN, Optician and
Jeweler, 2d floor Corbett bldg.
. R. E. FARRELL CO., Cloaks,
Suits, Corsets, Millinery, 7th and
FRALEY BROS., Millinery, 214 3d.
CO, 353 Stark.
J. J. KADDERLY, Hardware. 130
1st and 131 Front. -
KNIGHT SHOE CO, 7th and Mor
rison, Tull & Gibbs bldg.
W. P. KRANER & CO.', .Merchant
Tailors, 202 Couch bldg.
230 2d.
FRANK NAU, Druggist, 6th and
Arthur st.
and Yamhill.
and Washington, Perkins HoteL
3d and Yamhill.
RASMUSSEN CO, Paints, Oils, N.
E. cor. 2d and Taylor.
ROBINSON & CO., Clothiers,
Men's Furnishings, 289-91 Wash
ington. ROWE & MARTIN, Druggists,
323 Washington.'
RUBINS, Hair Goods, Manicuring,
Plumes, Selling bldg, 6th and
. Alder.
MAX M. SMITH. Florist, 150 5th.
WM H. WALKER, Grocer, 19th
and Washington.
251 Washington.
F. P. YOUNG, Ladies' ' Furnish
ings, Umbrellas, 323 Morrison.
Upon you as a church member
rests a share of the responsibility
of securing for your church this
grand pipe organ on exhibition at
If your church already has a
pipe organ, you will do an act of
charity by helping some sister con
gregation to secure the prize
Portland, Or, Oct. 22, 1911.