The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 22, 1911, SECTION THREE, Page 10, Image 42

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. ' 'WsM'L" 1 FK It's the'
S 01
Former Consul Miller Speaks
on Possibilities of Old
Yamhill County.
Frail From IX-srted and Uncared
Orchards inum Acreag e to
Certop AH In Winter Young
Orchard Are Many.
SHERIDAN. Or, Oct. 1. (Speclal.)
Ph.rldane aDDle show, held In the Com
merelaJ Club rooms Saturday afternoon
and evening. proTed to be a momt in
ling revelation to even the -noet en
thusiastic believer In this district It
1 doubtful If a fruit eshlblt ha ever
bn held in the Valley or great-r fis
ntflcance. which had a more representa
tive collection of the colored Deaun-
or was Tlewed by a larger or more en
thnalAatle throna.
tn connection with the apple ehow a
special meeting wax caned of the Hy-Frnlte-rowers
Association, of
wMrK ii n Miller, of Portland. Is presl
-t mi all horticultural beads of
the state are members. In hie speech
before the meeting Mr. Miller had only
praise for the Sheridan country and he
.M that ell this district needed to
make It the most talked-of section 4n
the West was time.
Mr. Miller mentioned the fine trans
portation economy which Is promised
to Sheridan In tha near future and
added that this would assist largely tn
Sheridan's fruit Industry. The ex
Con lul declared that "community Inter
est" was also one of the most Tltal fac
tors In tha complete and rapid success
which Sheridan Is bound to enjoy, snd
be emphasised this phase strongly to
the assembled farmers snd townspeople.
Mr. Miller complimented tha Sheri
dan Commercial Club and the Hj-land
Fruits: rowers Assoclsllon for therr
enterprise In boosting the district snd
for the co-operation between these twa
Important bodies.
swot Revtvea latere.
The ohlef object of. the meeting of
tha Hyland Fruitgrowers and tha apple
show was to revive the Interest of
every Sheridan rancher and to deter
mine the varieties of apples and other
fruits which were best adapted for cul
ture In this country. Mr. Miller, who
for a number of years was president of
Oreron Agricultural College, recom
mended to the fruit and apple-irrowera
of Sherldsn the plantlna of the Tellow
Kewtown Pippin.-Spltsenburg. Graven
etetn and Rome Beauty as the apples
best adapted to the Sheridan environ
ment and he told of his personsl ex
perience and arlentlflo experiments
with Sheridan soils and conditions,
which were tha basts of bis conclu
sions ' -
Sheridan was heir, ha said, to many
peculiar and advantageous features
which were destined to make It tha
premier apple and fruit aectlon of tha
Willamette Valley: depth and shot
character of the soil and high elevation,
combined with Ideal water and air
drainage, are advantages which Sheri
dan own. be said, and a dally sea breexe
which minimizes fruit-tree dlsesses and
"Sheridan fruit, and especially tha
apples from our section, will always
find a ready market on account of tha
fine keeping qualities of our fruit. Mr.
Miller declared, "for tha growing sea
son of tha hill landa Is from three
weeks to a month longer than that of
other sections, and tha fruit Is delayed
In Ita maturity, making It a firm, well
preserved product, which will reach tha
New Tork and forelg-n market In aa
rood shape ss when It was picked from
tha tree. Blooming and maturing Is
delayed until lata In the growing sea
son and as a result there are fewer
crop failures In our fruit than In most
sections; cherries and prunes especially
are favored by this features of nature,
and the late rains can do no damage
to the bU'lllng cherry and prune trees;
strawberries mature In the Sheridan
country at least three weeks after those
of other section and their keeping
qualities are superb."
FTmlt FTwsa Deserted Orchards.
Tha most peculiar feature of tha
apple show was that every exhibit of
apples and pears was from old. neglect
ed orchards and trees, where disease
bad had full away and the trees suf
fered neglect and abuse; apples and
pears were exhibited that would com
pare most favorably with the fruit of
sections which hare commercial-bearing
orchards, been reared amid sclen
tlflc surroundings and treatment.
Sheridan baa 10.009 acres In plant
ed orchards adjacent to the city, but
very few acres of bearing orchard are
aa yet In evidence, and scarcely any
products from the young orcharda were
Sheridan baa nearly tha total planted
acreage of Hood River, and the com
ing Winter that country will bo passed
In planted acres. Many flna speci
mens of apples and pears were labeled
"found In oak grubs neglected."
Crapes, pears, apples, prunes, plums,
peaches and walnuts were all present
In profusion and some flna specimens
exhibited, while corn 10 feet high and
potatoes over a foot In length snd
weighing over three pounds were not
uncommon: sugsr beets weighing 10
pounds and better and carrota of enor.
moos si is spoke wonders for tha bot
tom land of Sheridan. A fig branch
with the maturing fruit attracted a lot
of attention, and the fruit waa the
first seen In this vicinity.
The apple show and lectures hj horti
cultural heads promises to revolution
ise the fruit snd appla Industry In tha
Sheridan country and scientific meth
ods of cultivation In the various fruit
rulturea will be Intensified tnd fol
lowed on with tha assistance of tha
Hyland Fruitgrowers' Association. Peo
ple from other states who ssw tha
Sheridan Appla Show remarked that It
waa the best exhibit of apples and
pears that they had ever seen, and tha
conditions under which the fruit, waa
raised made them marvel at Its uni
formity and slxe.
Road Tax Indorsed.
OREGON' CITT. Or, Oct. :i.Fp.
claL At a meeting of the East Side
cspltsl highway committee at Mount
Pleasant last night. Judge G. B. Dlm
Ick expressed the opinion that under
the present system of building roads
more than one-third of the money ex
pended Is wasteil. There were i;s
present at the meeting and It was re
solved that the members should urge
that a speclsl tax be levied for tha In.
provement of Mount Pleasant brn-.
Germaer Imparted more than SOOn toss ef
fruit w.ate In 1B10. principally apple and
pear peai'sra aad seres, to ee ass 4 6 Jelly
saaastaawrara. v
And strictly modern to the slightest detail is the
only kind of work that we perform or permit to leave
this office. It could not be improved upon even if
vou paid twice the price we charge
Second to no other dentists iri the Northwest for
skill, gentleness and a thorough knowledge of all
kinds of dental work. We make a specialty of
prompt service to .out of town patrons. "We won't
cause vou any pain.
3424 Washington Street, C6r. Seventh
OFFICE HOURS: 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. Sunday: 10 to 1.
Phone.: Main 2119, A 2119. -17
Years' Practice in Portland. .
Indictment of Census Agent
M'Kenzie Causes Stir.
agents detailed to assist In tha work
and waa highly spoken of by Hunt.
Government Employe la Wanted to
Explain Facts In Connection With
Padding of Population Re
turns at
TACOMA. Wash, Oct. 1L Speclal.)
Nothing In connection with- tha re
cent Federal grand Jury Investigation
Into tha Tacoma census frauds caused
quite aa much surprise to most people
as did the Indictment of W. A. Mc
Kensle. special agent of tha United
States Census Bureau, tha very man
whose report exposed the census
frauds and a man who had been for
11 years sn employe of tha bureau, re
garded as ons of Its ablest special
Attorney Kelly, of this city, local
supervisor of the census: Roger Watts,
negro attorney. Kelly a assistant;
Ftacey .Corwln, clerk to Kelly, and
others were Indicted by tha Jury, but
It waa generally expected tn view of
statements made by McKenale and
other Government officials that suoh
action might ba taken. Tha Indict
ment of McKenale himself waa wholly
unlooked for.
MeKeaste (rasa Alaska.'
McKenale came to Tacoma from
Alaska, where ha bad bean In charge
of tha work of taking tba Alaaka en
sue- In the states tha oanaus work la
divided according to Congressional
districts with a local supervisor for
each district. McKenxle, from Alas
ka, waa detailed to look after this
and neighboring districts. Instructing
ths supervisors and their men. Ha
vlstted Tacoma before tha censua waa
taken, gave general directions to the
men. was bera while tha work was go
ing on. questioned enumerators and
checked tha final returns, his check
exposing tha frauds alleged to have
been committed. McKenxle also check
ed over Portland. Spokane. Seattle and
also soma of the smaller cities, maklnc J
numerous cuts In each.
Tha grand Jury Indictment against
Kelly, alleging conspiracy, also names
McKenxle In tha charge, -the Impllca-
lon of tha Oovernment being that It
ha did not consent to the frauds be
ing carried on In tha Tacoma census
count. McKenxle certainly must have
known what wsa going on aad. If ha
did not ao know, waa decidedly sloth
ful In his duty. There la no separata
Indictment against McKenale and It Is
privately admitted that tha Govern
ment's caae against him on tha general
conspiracy charge, on which bo la In
dicted with tha others, la weak.
Haeaa la Waablasrtea. D. C
McKenxle baa not yet been arrested,
he United States Marshal's office hav
ing been unable thua far to locate hi ro
ll la homo Is at Washlagton. D. C
where his family resides, although, bo
Is on tha road most of the time In his
work for the Government. The au
thorities at tha capital hava been
asked to place him under arrest when
ha arrives there.
Information received at tha Mar
shal's offices here was thst McKenxle
was In Spokane on government busi
ness tha day ha was Indicted snd that
he there received a telegram Irom
some Tacoma friend giving blm the
tip." He left his hotel at once and
has not been found, although It Is sur
mised ba Is en routs to Washington,
O. O.
When Chief Statistician Hunt made
the recount of Tacoma's population.
MeJCenale waa ana ( tha special
Rer. John Boyd Speaks Before 300
Sunday School Workers.
rW are bringing up a generation
void of the consciousness of God. The
Bible haa been excluded from tha pri
vate and the public schools and our
children are deprived of their right to
moral Instruction, eminatlng from the
knowledge of God said Dr. John IL
Boyd, pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church, In speaking before 300 Sunday
school workers from various parts of
Multnomah County at ths First Pres
byterian Church Friday night.
Dr. Boyd, who made the leading ad
dress, took for his subject "The Scope
of the Modern Sunday School."
"The Sunday school Is tha greatest
department in church work," said Dr.
Boyd. "Its supreme work Is to teach
that the Bible answers all life Ques
tions It bad Its rise in England and
waa due to tha need to reach hosts of
neglected children. Today It meets a
most lamentable condition among us.
In our schools there Is no dlreot appeal
to the souL
"We are- permitted to teach Homer,
but not David; about ths lascivious
Gods of degenerate Greece, but not
about tha Jehovah of Israel; the poetry
of classic ancients, but not the parables
of Christ. We are bringing up a gen
eration void of tha consciousness of
Ood. And the times are beginning to
feel the reaulta of this policy. I have
not much avmnathv for the railroads
when their employee destroy their I
property, for the railroads, through
their methods, havs done more than
any others to rob them of God. In the
midst of such conditions the Sunday
school offers an effective medium
through which to Inculcate moral prin
ciples In the people."
Vancouver Man Gets Toutbfnl As
sociate Released by Police.
Giving as an excuse that "tha boy
had wanted an overcoat for a long
time" and forgiving bis 14-year-old
partner after ha had run away from
Vancouver with f SO of the firm's money.
H. 8. Harberger, CO years old. part
owner of the Modern Laundry, In Van
couver. Wash., came to Portland Fri
day night and secured tha release of
Joseph O. Nadeau.
Nadeau left Vancouver with tha
money lata yesterday afternoon, and
the police of Portland ware at once
telephoned by Harberger, who asked
to hava 'the boy found but not ar
rested. Detectlvea Craddock and Ab
bott found Nadeau In a aaloon at Third
and Ash streets lata yesterday, and
booked him for drunkenness
A raincoat, which tha young man
bought with part of the money which
ha had taken, crumpled and soiled, was
brought to tha station with him. Har
berger took the young man back to
Ivery Young Coiiple
Who Intend Furnishing a Home
Should Start by Investigating
Edwards' Credit
Our plan is the most liberal be
cause we let you name the terms,
most economical because we guar-
5'V ' . - f-a OOTTP "troll 1 f) 3 fO 219!h Dtl th R COSt
... Ct.ll llV .J OU, V y jw fJ i-r
of your bill. Come in tomorrow and investigate Edwards' HELPFUL
way of doing business; A talk with us and an inspection of our stock will
explain to you why we are Portland's Most Popular Housefunrshers
,j , jsssAsS'ArsSrSJ.S
Sale of $48.00
Wilton Rugs
These are not common velvet Rugs, but are No. 1 quality,
high-grade goods. If you expect to find the latest pat
terns and colorings you will be disappointed, for these are
being sold at this price because the patterns are not popu
lar. This does not mean that the patterns are not good,
for makers of fine Wiltons do not put out any patterns
that are not the work of the highest-priced artists.
, Sends this seven -piece
leather seat dining - room
outfit to your home.
The superior workmanship, the expert construction and the
high-grade materials that were used in making this Dining
Set distinguish it from the ordinary furniture that you see
so often advertised. The table is made of selected and thor
oughly seasoned solid oak, massively constructed and
'beautifully polished golden finish. The chairs are
made of quarter-sawed oak, with seats covered in genuine
leather ; a regular $50.00 value. The table and six chairs,
complete, on sale for.. S39.T5
. in - illl '
mm, ' m3
r BL' tea w m star
This Fine. Combination Heater
Burns Wood or Coal
; An exclusive feature and
one which-Is appreciated by
the busy housewife Is the fact
that this davenport sofa bed
holds all the . bedding; securely
and hysjlenlcally In place dur
ing; the daytime, neatly folded
between the bed springs and
ready for Instant use. savins;
the time and labor of carrying
the beddlns to and from the
bed each night and morningr.
Tha fllnatration does not do it
justice, becausa it has a fine mica
filled front door through which the. '
cheerful firelight will gleam on th
chilly evenings of Winter. It is of
ample sire to heat two medium sized
rooms and has a removable ashpan'
under the firebox, which is very
heavy eastiron. This is the stove you
are looking for, so be sure to come and
lee) it. n
Two sixes, 913.50 and $15.00.-
s- - . li I!
o?h-ernedIve - ??- .nTfo? rj
SlWi'-af1 lolu-coiet over So- K '.OTK? SlJS rf A A H C
uoon sanltarv beW n" This principle has been perfected In our revolving-seat davenpori -fta J M J
III "d ? ."far IT wknoVh notVen .ucceasfuUy carried out .In any h ?!'!,,!?. lllTf I O
... . . 1
market today. 8-4 CASH. SI WEfciK.a., senas mis Vv -.-v
VOlden oifc Tor slithered oa' woKTH 865 HEGILARU. Our sale price this week
A Good PlaceToTradsl
The secret of our business success Is
keeping down expenses. We are not
trying to make all the money In the
world, and can make a s:ood living; by
underselling the stores that haye
enormous ront and advertising bllla to
pay. Make a comparison of terma and
prices it will be to your advantage.
Course In Icelandic Literature to Bo
Given at O. A. O.
LEGE. Corvallls. Or.. Oct 21. (Spe
cial.) Probably the only course of lec
tures on Icelandic literature and his
tory ever given In the Pacific North
west will be conducted by Sigurd H.
Peterson, of the public speaking de
partment at the Oregon Agricultural
.Peterson, a native of Iceland. Is
thoroughly conversant with the Ice
landic tongue and has studied most of
the old sagas In the originals.
Icelandic literature Is especially In
teresting to the Inhabitants of North
America, because written records of
King Canute and Lief the Lucky Bear,
evidences that the vikings of this
northern Island were the first white
men to discover the North American
Oontlnent. j
MastmiecUne to Bo Held by All East
Side Push CInba to Help Out
the Boosting Campaign.
Because ths Auditorium commission
has decided not to erect the Auditorium
on the Market block, owned by the city
in South Portland, as first 'proposed, a
movement has been started on the East
Side to have the building put up there.
At a special meeting of the East Side
Business Men's Club yesterday the fol
lowing resolution wss adopted:
Resolved That a committee of three be
appointed by the Kaat Side Huslneas Mens
Club, by the chair, to select a site ana
start a movement for locatlnr and build
in the new public auditorium on tha east
side of the river, where It rightfully be
longs tn order to accommodate the people.
And. tf necessary, to Initiate an amend
ment authorising the building of the Audi
torium on the east side of the Willamette
River. In the center of the dense population
of the cltr. to give the greatest good to
tha greatest aombec, SO sec seat at the
population now residing on the east side
L? M?YLepper. one of the directors,
aald that a campaign to secure the
Auditorium would be started at once.
"Mass meetings will be held and an
the East Side Push Clubs will be In
vited to participate In the movement,
aald Mr. Lepper. "My own Impression,
from a survey of the situstlon. Is that
the Auditorium ought to be erected In
Holladay Park, which Is very near the
center of population. The East Side
might have been satisfied with the
market block location and would not
havs protested had it been placed there,
but the decision to erect it somewhere
else, and use the main portion of the
money In securing grounds, determined
the action of the East Side Business
Men"s Club." ,
Cmtralia Doctor Says Ditch Water
Is Typhoid Breede.
CKNTRALIA, Wash.. Oct. 21. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting of citizens held in
Centralis last night for the general
discussion of the Installation of a mu
nicipal gravity water system. Dr. E.
O. Houda said that an investigation has
aaows - that aavaral . epidemics of
typhoid fever, whioh have appeared In
Centralla In the past two years, have
each been a month or six weeks sub
sequent to the Infusion of ditch water
into Centralia's water distributing sys-
havlng worked together In making the
A vote taken on the water system
showed that those present were over
whelmingly in favor of the issue. A
tem. His statement was suDstanuaieu , series ui ntr meetings ro u...s "
Rush Banks; the two physicians in eacn oi ine six waras oi uie city.
by Dr.
No Man is Stronger
Than His Stomach
A strong man is strong all over. No man can be
strong who is suffering irom weak stomach with its
consequent indigestion, or from some other disease
of the stomach snd its associated organs, which im
pairs digestion and nutrition. Far when the stomach
is weak or diseased there is a loss of the nutrition
contained in food, whioh is the source of all physical
strength. When a man "doesn't feel just right,"
when he doesn't sleep well, has aa uncomfortable
feeling in the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irritable and despond
cot, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength.
SncA m man should ose Or. Pierce" m Golden Medical
Discovery. It cores dlmessea of too mtomach and other
organs ot dlieatloa and nutrition. It enriches the blood,
Invlioratea the liver, strenithena tha kidneys, nourishes
Yon can't afford to accept tecrtt nostrum as a substitute for this not.
alooholio medicine or known oosrrosmoN, aot even though the argent dealer
i a Isttla bigger fa-svat. saritatasl aa wrapper.