The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 22, 1911, SECTION TWO, Image 30

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Brewers at Last in the Market
for Hops.
r.ncHh rtvmanrl Contlnnf Mrons
and With tUtrrn Cnmiwtltion
Added Should RcMill In
Hlglier Valn?.
Tbe volume of hop bumness done yes
terday would bve fmH Urge for
n ordinary day. but following the
furious burin of the two precedln
lays. It looked like a quiet market.
There was no cessation of the demand,
but there were fewer sellers. The
undertone of the market was strong
and the trndenry was upward.
The moat Important development of
the day waa the Inquiry from the East.
Tbere la no doubt that the Eastern
brewera and dealers have suddenly
wakened to a renltxatloo of the situa
tion that confronts t.m. Not only
waa there Inquiry, but many orders
also rame from the Eastern trade.
Iealers and breers who a few days
ago refused to consider 35-cent offers
re now anxious to buy at 4'1 cents
and better, tme Rood sale was made to
an Eastern dealer yesterday at J cents,
and It was reported that an Oregon
peculator has Jispo.ed of a big block
of hops In the Kaat at even a blRher
"'jkl'the market waa lifted to Its
present level solely by virtue of the demand, it stands to reason
i that the added competition of the
Eastern buyers will still further
i-lren-cthsn values.
While 40 cents Is still the current
price offered, thvre have been bids at
a hlsher riirure. It was reported from
Aurora that an offer of 41 cents waa
made In that section for a lot of 19
Catlln l.tnn paid 41 cents to Tom
Tennell. of Independence, for 163 bales.
Among the day's purchases was the
Mnaness lot of J bales at Lincoln,
hv Julius I'lncus at 4, cent. Kluber.
Wolf Netter hoiiirht the I'arsona
lot of bales at Hlllshoro at1 "
XoU Nels secured a -bflo lot at 40
cents or better. T. A. I.lvesley was
actively In the market, and so was Joe
Harris, who l said to have cleaned
tip the St. Paul section. Mlshier
Cribble were making offers at various
points, lie boucht the Koff lot of ?0
bales at Balem at 40', cents. H. I
Jlart secured 130 bales at 40 i cents.
Yakima sales Just reported were the
rvmarala lot of J0 bales, boucht by
Mitchell & Toole, and the Roulou crop
of 40 bales, secured by Robert
L1It'SwaJi learned yesterday that the
report of the 4S-cent option on lao
bales with 11000 down was a myth. The
option waa taken some time ago and
the price waa 40 cents.
HeTalattoa laterraols Bwle vUh ,h
rarlfle ""-
Orders for flour from China nave
entirely ceased. No cables of any kind
have come throuch for several days
and there Is not likely to be any re
newal of the buslnesa until the revolu
tion Is settled one way or the other.
Coast millers could not nil any orders
for prompt shipment. were any to
come, owlnc to the lack of steamer
space, but they had counted on a con
tinuance of the demand for shipment
after the turn of the year. This, for
the present, has ceased. The failure of
several native banks at Shanghai may
have some effect on the business al
ready worked, but this remains to be
seen. , . .
The wheat market waa quiet but
firm at the prices that have prevailed
for several days. The European
markets are strong and If they con
tinue to advance will affect prices at
this end.
Loral receipts. In cars, were reported
by the Merchants Exchange as fol
lows: When rur' Fl"ir.O:i- lli
Is j:t
r A . v ... :14
!- 7
in s 4
paturdav . . . .
Year ain
1- I
J7 a 17 S I"
:;4 it
' 7 11 .t
4 4' 1" ''
I" 4:;" '!
3jji i:a 7; 4u io;a
All Varieties ef This Fruit Will Be Rraree
This Seaaon.
The demand for apples Is steadily
Increasing and as supplies are Insuf
ficient, the market Is gaining In
strength. Buyers are continually ask
Inr for IMS apples, such as were plen
tiful last year and the year before, but
these are not lo be lind this neason.
The short crop In the Northwest Is
riaklag Itself felt In the markets, and
from now on prices are likely to show
n advance. Most of the apples selling
on the street bring from 11.30 to 11.71.
Taney high-colored frnlt Is held up to
S3. SO. but the demand above the 12
mark Is limited.
The lemon market was firm. In
some quarters fancy stock waa held at
f 7.
There was steady demand for
grapes, and all kinds were fairly well
cleared up by the close of the day.
Large quantities of cabbage, cauli
flower and hothouse lettuce have been
coming on the market and prices have
Batter Bad The Markets firm.
The week closed with very firm
feeling In the butter and cheese mar
kets. Supplies In both lines were
light and the demand waa good.
Oregon eggs were scarce and firm at
the former quotation. Storage eggs
were plentiful.
Receipt of poultry were limited and
they cleared up at steady prices.
Rank Clearings.
Hank elearmse of the Northwestern cities
sasteraay were as follows:
learlnsi Ra'anree
Portland i.n...I IIM.MJ
fitt 1. - l - "J
Te.m fl t ; ..'"
Fp"kn 7lV;i iHTi
Orarlncs of Portland. teett;e and Ta,.ms
for the past werk and corresponding wee la
former years were:
Portland. Startle. Taeotra.
1911 le-'l $lMIO .Vt f 4.H.U IM'-i
Jl 12.oi.i.3-3 lilo..v A '.'4.vT
..... s.'.,j:i.-,". l:t.4 u. n a. I'.m.. ii7
rt.Tll.tl7 n iu :M 4. 772 114
1,.T .HI Ml 1I.J1I 10.-.1 .VII
1B.MI :7 i -.M -.!j 4.:4 :-r
a . .".a ar. N).-M a ;.i ;o
Ti. " 9 4 rt. 77"! SMts'l '2. 7..'.srt
3kt "... 171. 1"1 4-47 7-1 :i13..;H
s.Mr 4.01V44 4K-IT-T JMMW
3.1S3.U1 JJ-.13 l.;71.;0T
rogTLAxn MARaurra.
Orala. Flew. Fee. Kta.
vclt-AT Expert balr Uluestetn. .tf
4e; cluo. lie; rsd Russian.. Jc; VaiKy. lie;
'"flOI R-Pstoata 14 !M er karral;
atrslcht. M "i. eiort M 0! Valley. 4.a;
im. 54 : wtH wheat. 14 SV
tin LTLTFS Braa. J4W: per tea:
-.ddlto.. 151: snorts. -i.6j:. railed
NLwaJTa, 33; ersekel W p t.
, MAT No. U E. O. timothy. llTOls;
No. S Vallev. $150 l: alfalfa. ia.W; clover.
Iioaill irair.. IllslZ.
KAKUr-yctd. il per ton; brewing,
nwir.iral. per ton.
OA Is -No. 1 white. $10 per ton.
Vegetables and Fro It a.
TRPflCAI. Frtt ITS Orsmes. I WO
Hi per w. Cal.lornia srayeirult.
tuar... 6 lic Pr Puna; pineapples. o
I-r p..ati1. l-aior.s. $ot cr bo; pome-
rf'KKMi HOI": Reaches. J5 3 45o per
bos. p.uBl WniJc per t7iu;pian". .
;vo par pcuitd. peaja. &wll.. per Box.
rapra .k uI -3 per fcox. apKies. I1.S' S
S-l-i pr b..x; cranherriea. . J.'. i per
. . ... a i T . -i . r t . . t n
HACK Vr,if;rUl.i -a-roia.
fOTAToti Jtrgon. jia Pr poond;
a t p.taie. per pttand. J
NIN:- UreEon. Sl. per huntSred.
VKiiETA Artictooka. 7"m3 per dosea:
lana. iol'te: mbl.rtse. i, i,c per pound:
raullf lower. iuuTic per ilcl'n: corn.
sue per dozen; curutnberm. HOI .'-." per sar.
I(l.f.inl. itfSo per p.und. carllo. 10(;1
per pound; lettuce. OiJc par dosan; noi-l.o.i-o
Irl-.u.e. H per boll peppers.
S4itf per pound; radlanea. Uao per '.
i.tou:a. per poanil. tomaioaa, luilo
par bos.
Dairy and Caontry rroduee.
rOfLTKT liens. 13 9 14c; fPr'nK,;"
OI4-. ducks, young. Iljlo'ic: seeae. 1 1 9
I.o; lurkoi. a.iva. i'ul-lc; dreaaed. cholco.
"hITTKR Oregon rrtamtnr Dattar. solid
pa' -k. ::. prima, extnu.
F.ii;.- Krtaa Oit'ion r-nch. eand.eS.
So- doaen. ...
lhtf.-t- Kreih Tlllsmook. fata, tie.
Younc A'nerlraa. lu-; atorase, f.ata. lc.
iDiiHk America. I.' ;c.
Pwl'.K r ant!. 1 l"C rr pound.
VEAL Fancy. I31ae per pound.
Staple Groceries.
SALMON rolumbla Hlver. 1-poin1 tails.
I2.:a per duarn: 2-pound tall a, J2S3; 1
pound llnta i40; Alaaka pink, l-pound
'"l uFr KK Roasted. In drums, 2V 3 40c
per poun.J. .
lUt.sHT Oiolre. 11 7S par case: etra.ned
tonev. loc per pound.
iAI.T J-anu!ated. $15 per ton; BaTr
grouud. lot'a. $vo par ton; ios. V par toa.
MT Waln-Jia. l-n-lo P-r pound;
Braxil nuts. 14U1-: filbert., lev; almonda.
KUIKCl peeana. i-.-: cotojnuta. V 0c U ki. Pr
doran; cheamuls. 12H Vmr pound; -B.caory
au:. So loc per pound.
BEA..S t.rua.1 wlilte. 4 Vio: larKe w.';"'
4ic; I ima. tic, p:o. (Vi. Waxicans, 0c;
Sarou. 5o.
HU E-Vo 1 Japxn. 44e: cheaper Bcanea.
.l Ki 14.5.1; Southern hd. S9,C; "J"
por'.t.l imperial. be: Imported extra Je.
' SlAJA-nry granulatefl. 7.30; rrolj and
berr. 7.o"; lieet. 7.1u; extra C.
ponrdered. uaria.a. :.ii; cubea, parrots.
;.70. ..
uhif.d rr.rns ArPs. io Pr,jF".Uw.
apr.cota. Itifll-Sr; p-ach'S. .'-"il.'
trunea. Italian. 10S910c; allver. lc; r.
white and b.ack. rt if 7 -t c : urr"nti,V;
lie. ralalna. looaw Muacalel. atl-io.
bleached Thompson. Use; unbloacaad aa
ianaa. ic. acedeU. vStf'JVo.
Hope. VmI and Hides.
HOPS lull crop. 40i41'.c; olds, nomi
nal. MOHAIR Cholco. SS37e per pound.
WCul- Kaalern Or.on. 01o par
pound, arcertilag to atr.naaja. Vailor.
1 T r per poiihd.
Ct.LTi-Ury. lOHc: lambs. 40 00o eaeh;
ahearinrs. - j J 40o each.
hllt-.-:iril hluts. 98100 per pound;
sued calf, latfloc; salted kip. 10'ic:
creao. unaalted. lc leas; dry calf. 19lf20o;
dry staxa. lllll'i& .
CA3CAKA er pound. SiSSC.
I.INSEED O lie Pure raw. lo barrels, T;
botd. In barrels. tvo; raw. In caaoa. I1.0-;
bel!-d. In caea. tl.04.
TCKI'tXUMl Caaes. Tic. wood barrs
HSc: Iron barrels. 62c: lu-caso lots. eso.
uasuLI.s,-. Motor xaauline. Iron barrel a.
17c; raaea. -;. ad gasoUaa. iroa Sajra..
klc: caca. Svc
COaL o; L. Ordinary test, caaea, Ita;
ba ta taa,aa, v o.
HAMS 10 to 12 pounds. 1-J1S-He: 12.o
14 poumle. 17 4 il 1-"-. 14 to 10 po;-u. 1 V
17 Sci Id lo Is pounds. 17al"4c. rklnncd.
Is.-, plcnlra. 11 collate roll. ItSo. kltATS Beer tociuaa. T6o:
dried beef se:. nous; ouuido. aoAo; isldaa.
U.-; kl.ccklea. Sic-
LAHU- kieitle rendererl. tlarcaa. lo:
tuba. 14c; atandaru. tlorces. 14ia: taua.
li'-e; ahorteninc. tiercra. C; tuba, ko.
llACON s'anc-y. ic; atandanl. 24c;
Cfculce. ale. KngllKh. 10 31SC
DHI SALT CC I', fell llreular short clears,
dry salt. lllVjc; amokod. 13ao: bar-ka. 11bt
aa.t. Id So; aincaed. 14.o; backs, baaay
alt. lliHci amoked. 14 c; axorta. salt.
14. lauaet 1-, -c
lorrnnon Pcvotrtl to Clearing Up
Odd and i:nds of Stock
on Hand.
No cattle .ore received at the yards
yesterday, but there wns a good run of
hos. most of them contract stock from
the Kaat A single load of sheep ar
rived. The forenoon, as usual on Saturday,
was devoted to clearing up the odds
and ends on hand. A bunch of good
ewes was taken at 13 and culls at i!.5'.
A few cull lambs brought 13. Oood
hogs sold at $7.35.
Receipts were 8x3 hogs and 174 sheep.
Shippers were J. H. Haskln, Jensen,
Wash., one carload of sheep; Henline
and Thorson. Nebraska, eight carloads
of hog: J. H- rhlrman. Maupln. Or,
one carload of hogs: W. U. Kurtz. Mau
pln. Or, one carload of bogs, and J.
Nelson. Centrajia, Wash., one carload
of hogs.
The day's sales were aa follows:
WelKht. Price.
S calves 4 ,rt "'""
Bl rul ed ewrs
. i'l
!.! cow a
. . . 1H .1 M
II .... lambs ' " ""
7j S::r :
'ylcrt quMed "at "the Portland ITnion
Ftoekyaxtls Ir the various classes of stock
fhorc-'eer. $;.40S$;f
i;rw.l to rhlr Plf cr . . . u..i.f
K!r W iwr- 9.vii B--3
Medium ittc-jr J I?''1'
tuor toi- is"
Cholre cww 4o0 4i
y.r to n'wxi cow. I r1 : ;a.
Comrai-n cow- ,r 7
litre. choi4- spAcd h!fer...e 4V-i
t:holc hr.f.T J-?V, t'-i
riintc. bull it?
(,o.xl to cht'lr bul'. '" S-'Jv
I oirmon boii 1?' ; l' ?
t'tioi ca'" - l" -''
;..4i 10 cbl' calvei 700 , 7.13
-..mmon ivrs 4.0t S.JJ
mote state I'-'l
G"d to cbotc tap
(hoicTTi:ht hn 7.400 7
4 )-Hi to rhotft hoca 7. . .-
Fir to ioo hofi 6.7;.ii 7.t.t)
Common hog -UUtf 6-SO
Chir 4Prllii wethers, coin
ol 1.40C S-7i
Chlc Trnrlln wethers, tut of
tr.oun'iane 3. 15ff S 4rt
Phnk twui and threes 3.13
rhtc lmr 4.00 :g 4 2i
O-x ti to choice Umbi 4 0 4. 16
cuiis a.ooa 3 50
f blrstTO Livestock Msrkrt.
rIICAtK O-t- SI. Csttte Rrcelpte eetl
mmtrl at ; intrk-( duil, w-tst- li"vee.
ft.Titt; Trill trsr. $4. 10 ti. 10; t
rm irT. $4. Set 7.;'. atockfrs tad fler,
j;,;; com and heifers, 13;
caU. . Jr. tf . t
Hoc Kecrtpts eetlmsted st 11. 00: msr
kl .. atraJy, I.irltt. f $.!.' ir 4. mtxd,
$i ft.p(.(: hi-iry. s i 4 i ; routjh. i g ( '.'S:
Itood to choice l y. : r kipig-a. $i.7&
V; bulk of J a. t 3 u o.
Sh.Tjf Kfre-ipta etlrn.M mt IftPO: niskt Nativf. ?..i;il.Tj; Weaiero. 12.40
i. 1 si; ypitilr.:. J."-j lamua, native,
Wcittrn, J-7i4.1J.
Chtcmc rroduc Maxket.
CHIC AO It Oct. tt. Butter Steady.
Cramrli-e. ?Jft2: ds.rl4a, 21 tl 2C
Kates Steady. Kecelpta 2111 caaes; st
mark. caa included, ljl7c; flrata. Sic;
prime flrata, 22'
Chess Hreadr. Daisies. 14Het4He;
twine, US 0 He; Touna Americas, 149
m,c. Ions borne. 14 V 4.14 4c.
Uulnlb Vial Markrt.
DI'U'TH. Vt. -. Flax on track. t-.M;
In ettirr. $2 to arrive. 12.34 . October.
3; Novfmber. $' 4 aaked; JDscemoer,
9i-si bid; May IJI somlnaU
Prices Carried Down Through
out the List.
Decrease Is Reported of 10.000 In
in Number of Idle lYelgltt Cars
In Past I'ortnlplit Bond
Trading Light.
NEW TORK. Oct. II. Bear operators
took an , aggressive position In the
stock market today and succeeded In
bringing about substantial reductions
In prices of speculative stocks. The
three leaders Heading, Union Taciflc
and Cnlled States Steel lost a point
each, as did Lehigh Valley. Southern
raclfti?, Louisville & Nashville. Rock
Island and a number of other issues.
There was considerable profit taking;
In the copper stocks, following yester
day's rise, and Amalgamated Copper
ana American Smelting lost ground.
Great Northern Ore certificates de
veloped further weakness, losing near
ly two points on moderate selling.
The bears mude the most of rresl
dent Taffs reiteration yesterday of
his views in regard to tho enforcement
of the rilurman anti-trust law.
Chesapeake & Ohio waa conspicuously
weak, while. In common with other
Southern roads. Its gross earnings have
been increased. Kxpenditures have In
creased so greatly during the last
year thut Us balance for dividends was
cut almost in half und the stock lost
more than three points.
A decrease of nearly 10.000 Idle cars
in the last fortnight is reported, mak
ing the total surplus the smallest since
November last yeai.
The showing of bank for the week
was better than had been expected.
Trading In bonds was light- New
Airbrake convertible .6s were weak.
The general market was steady. Total
sales par value. J1.u6j.0u0. United
States bonds were unchanged .on call
on the week.
Ol ni H.Kh' Low I Cls
Atnai. Loi-per Co
Am. Car at K., com..
Am. Can. coin.
do prlerrrU
Atu. Cotton Oil. com.
Am. I.OCO.. com
Am. Sucar, com
Am. Pmclt.. com. ...
JS-,1 4K', 4S
a "a
83 Vi
43 44
111'.'. 117
65 S1 "St
lltit 1 17
do rrrfrrcd
Am. oolen, com....
Anaconda Mining Co.
Atrtiiann. com. ......
1 l"l 07 H 1001a lr
103 10.1 103
x,. ac t ... cuiu. . . .
t4,t Kiibar
I'.rooklrn Ittipld Tr
Canadian I'a.'inc. e.
Pi 1 07 el VO -M
74- 74', 74V, 74
Central Leather, c... -1-kl Hilt
do preferred
C. Ac G. w.. com.
do nrrf erred
lof W
71 V
40 S
49 '.a
C. M. ML P i!09 109
('. ac X. W.. com...
Cli-sai.. ak & Ohio.. "3W
Colo. Kuel ai Iron.
Col, a South., com.
Hi, ".I t,ref..rrel.
do 1t Dre,'rred. . .1 73 I 73
73 Oss 13U
Cnrn Products, com.
do rrcfirred 70 70
p.lawar. Ac Hudson..
lenvar ac I:lo o., c...
do nrt-fcrrrd .....
Erie, common 30H SOS
do 2d i.r.forred. .
do lt preferred... MI4
n.nar.1 C.l,'tric . . . . 1 ,r,l U ' 1 TKI W
Ureat Northern, pfd.Jl-:l
Ire Hrcurlttea IsW 1$V
Illlnola Central
Int. Kitrveafr
is is
MSI 14
lnterurlau Met., c.l 14S
,l.i itrefwrred
I.ehlch Valley
Vnnui c:tr South..
AtMa.f'halmera. c ... S1
do preferred 11 W
Chleano Alton, c.
do preferred .....
Ore Lands ........
i . n, I i,r,Tee ......
43 Vt
43 S
Louisville Jk Nnhvllle;14T
31 31
39 Sl'lH
M. 8t P. 8. S. M.
M.. K. T.. com
Mlaiousi I'aclfle
National Lead ..
Nevad. Consolidated.
New York Central .
xr v a.
i! is,; his
. r ..... 1 "
!.-. 10
10.-, w 1i
105 lii5
Nor. St Wealern, com'lutfti ltKS4
North Amerlean
Nortri-;rn Parlrlr. rom:117
Cui.i IbI1 S S. Co..
Pennylv;,nla R'Plway
ITfMoil steel car, c.
do nrefi-rred
Re.idln com
clo flrat prf
Kep. Iron HtML c.
do preferred ......
Rot k lslatd. coin ...
do pre, rred
St. L. S. K.. 2d pt.
do lt pref
'42' '
St. L. S. w.. com
do Dreferrerl .
Southern I'arirtc. com
tou'.liern llllsy, c
do preferred ....
Texas a: Pacific
1!9 2S
Tol.. Pt. L. ac W.. com
i.i ' '
19 19 in2
do prelerred
Union Pnclflc. com..
do preferred
V. Ituuber. com...
do preferred
V. S. Steel Co., com.
do preferred
frah Copper
Vlralula Chemical ..
Wabash, rom
do preferrod
Weatero I'rlon Tel. .
Weatlnffhouae Elec
Wlaronam Cnntral. e.
lila Kour
Katiw.iy Pprlnss
do preferred
Jloldfleld Con
Whee'lnc Si Iike E .
Mexican National .. .
Third Avenue
Tennesaee Copper ...
China Copp
201 20
Total aales for th. Any. 228.300 shares.
-rw TORK, Oct. 21. Cloalne quotations;
US rf 2s rc. 100 N Y C gn 3s.. s
do coupon ...10i No rsclflc 3s... l'
C S 3s res lnl No Paclflo .a 100
do coupon loisfnlon Pacific 4S.101
U rt o.w 4a reg. 11 l Wis Central 4s.. 92
da coupon .. .11:1 Japanea. 4s .. 87U
D aV It Q 4s 90
Stock at Boston.
BCsTON. Oct. 21. cioalnu quotations:
Alloues 27' M..hak 80B
Amaic Copper.. 1,.;, Nevada Con .... lti
i i 1. a t,iu... 21 I.NIplaalna Mines. 7
Arllona Com .. 40A North Uutte 24
H C C ac M. 4 i North Lake .1
butte Voalltlou. UliUld Dominion. . . 37
Cal ft Arizona.. 4J iosceola S.1 .
c ml t Hecla. .. .8S-, parrott (S A C). 9
Centennial blQulncv 6S
Cop Itan Con . o e- rwaunun I
E Hutte Cop M. K' Superior 23
Kranklln !P Hoa Mln.. 3
Clroux con .... j , i.'iioiui, -.
Uranl y Con . . . 2! f f Oil.. .11
llreeno Canarea. fi l' HSU M... 4ii
1 KoyaI:e tCopi o jin rx-oiv.
Kerr Luke 2 Ttah C"n ex-dlv 13
Lake copper.... -4 1 'n topper Co. 4 'a
Ta Sail, copper """" ........ a
Miami Copper... 10' wolverine S3
Condition of the Treasury.
iris'lllsllTON. Oct. 21. At the begin-
ntna; of buaineM toilay the condition of the
Cnlled Statea Treanurv waa:
Wnrkina- balance In Treasury of-
tire. 77.13n.7l9
In banks and Philippine treasury 34.920.5ld
Total balance In Treaaury 13,.;o.3il3
Ordinary re.elpt, eaterday 1.H42 l.lrt
Ordinary dtahuraemcnls 8. 100 .159
Dedclt to date this fiscal year. $21,791.
755. as 'asalnst a deficit Of tl3.44a.9i6 at
this time laat year.
These flcuree exeiuae ruuai lwii ana
public debt transactlona.
Money. Exehaaa-e, Etc.
NEW TORK. Oct. II. Money on call nom
inal. Time lonna easy. Mxty das, 3 tf
per cent: 'i das, lOa per cent; six
nntli. 3. pr cent.
C!e-! Prime mercantlla paper. 4M
per cant.
Utaxims cxcaaoi, lum. Hiu& wiaai auaA-
neas In bankers- bills at 4.I14 for 40-day
bills, and l.sSo lor aemanu.
Commercial bllla $.&:.
Har allver &4c.
Mexican dollara 15c ...
Government and railroad bonds steady.
LONDON. Oct. SL Bar silver Steady,
24 15-lsd per ounce.
Honey 181 percent.
The rate of discount in the open market
for .hort bills ia 3 per cent; for three
months' bills, 8 e 3 Pr cent.
BAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 21. Sterling en
Ixmdon. 0 dava. 14.83; sterling- on Lon
don, aif-ht. 4.M.
Drafts Eight, lc; telegraph, 4C
CHICAOO. Oct. 21. Exchange on New
York. Sc discount.
Prices Quoted at tho Bay City for Vege
table., Frnlta, Etc
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct- 21. The follow-
tnz produce, prices wero current hers today:
Vegetables Cucumbera. S.-,75c; garlic,
305c: tomatoes. l..40c; eggplant, 35 B 75c
Kutter Fancy creamery.. 34c
Eirgs Store, 44c; fancy ranch, 4c
Cheese Young America, 15al5c.
Fruit Apples, choice, JT; common. 7Sc;
Mexican llmea, 4 -14.50; California lemons.
choice, $5.50; common, Sjl.50; pineapple, $3
& Potatoes Oregon Burbanks. $1.40 3 1.45;
Faunas Burbanks. 1.601.6; aweeta. ai.60
iilflsluffs Bran, 2S29; middlings. 132
6 Hay Wheat. $13620; wheat and oats, $13
(j-17: alfalfa. $ la.
Onlona 90c5$l. , , .
Receipts Flour. 3010 quarter sacks; wheat.
162S centals: bsrley. 06 centals; oats. S26
centals: bran. S75 sacks; middlings, 15 sacks;
hay, 230 tons.
Exploits of Specie to Europe Are Ex
pected Soon New York Banks'
Reserves Increased.
NEW TORK, Oct. 21. The statement of
clearing-house bank, for the week shows
that the bank, hold $15.3.90 resets la
exc-eas of legal requirements. This is an in
crease of 3.440.76O In the Pr",00"1""'"
rash reserve as compared with last week.
The statement folloaa:
Daily average Decrease.
T.n $1,01.074.000 S.932.0O0
If?",-I. 337.OM.000 1.734.000
legal tender; 1.2 44rt.OoO .2.4-.M1.0O0
I'.t 1 0.049.000
cTrcul.t'on ::..:.. 50.02U.000 70.000
BanE""c..h reserve In vault. $355,970,000.
Trust companies- cash reserve In vaults. $3.
H7 000. Aggregate cash reserve, $419,317.
ws). Excess lawful reserve. $18,203,950; In
crease. $3.443.7.-,0.
Trust companies reserve with clearing
house members carrying 25 per cent caah re
serve. $00,173,000.
Actual condition Decrease.
Loans fl.lOS.4flr,.000 14.610.0O
t-"cV,-.... 337 41,2.1)00 1.205.000
Legal tenders .... 2.5oo.0O0 .1.940.000
Net deposits. .I. 1.767.607.01.0 22.759. OOO
Circulation ....... 5O.31.0o0 564,000
l'anks"cash reserve In vault, $335,498,000.
Trust companies" essh reserve In vault, $64.
9K4.000. Aggregate cash reserve. $420,482.
Ooo. Exren lawful reserve, $19,303,350; In
crease. 13.941.350.
Trust companies reserve with clearing
house members earning 2J per cent cash
reserve. $59,206,000.
Summary of banks and trust companies in
Greater New York not reporting- to the New
York Clearing-house
Ioan, $ 603.114.700 $ 1,820.900
Specie ........... 2.24 1.OO0 1.2S4.700
Legal tenders .... ll.4H5.6oO 3o3.6o0
Total deposit, .... 6bS.700.8oO 2.616.000
An unexpected decrease of $22,759,000 in
deposits, not altogether accounted for by
the contraction of $14,010,000 In loans, and
the small shrinkage of $765,000 In specie and
legale, waa a feature of the statement of the
clearing-house banks 01 xvew iiira iur
Tie reault of the charges noted wss to add
$." 94V350 to the excess reserve, bringing
the pr.nt surplus to I19.303,8i0. The fig
ures cited are based on the statement of
actual conditions.
The report of averages for the week In
dicates much amaller changes, the surplus
reserve, baaed on the average computation,
atanriinz at il3.203.B50.
A statement such aa the one under dis
cussion only emphasizes the stagnant con
dition of the money market and explains
why rales In New York remain ateadlly be
low the normal so low. In fact, that finan
cial Institutions of this and other cities are
loaning more extensively than ever to
Kuropean creditors. With sterling exchange
at a very low point, it seems certain that
a great export of specie is to come shortly,
and this, desplto tho fact that our export
trade from now en will increase because of
cotton and other purcnases by curope.
Coffee and (sugar.
NEW YORK. Oct. 2L Coffee closed weak.
although near month, were steady, with. the
entire list being finally 23 to 46 points lower.
Sales. 132,750 bags. October and November,
14.74c; December, 14.65c; January, 14.13c;
February. 13.S5c; March. 13.58c; April,
18.50c; May, 13.44c: Jnne, 13.37c; f July,
August and September. 13.84c.
Spot coffee, steady; No. 1 Rio, 135c; No.
4 Santos, 14c Mild coffee, quiet; Cordova,
17 8 19c, nominal.
. Kaw sugar, nominal; Muscovado, 89 test,
5.30aS.a7c: centrifugal, 90 test, 6.S0
S.H7c; molasses sugar. b9 test. ..0544
5.12c. Refined lusar, steady; cut loaf.
7.55c; crushed. 7.45c: mould A. 7.10c: cubes,
7.(Kc; X XXX powdered. 6.90c; powdered,
6H5c; granulated. 6.73c: confectioners A,
660c; No. 1. 6.60c: No. 2, 6.65c; No. 3,
0.3OC: No. 4. li-45c: No. 6. 6.40c; No. 6, 6.35c;
No. 7. 6.30c; No. 8. 620c: No. 9, 6.20c; No.
10. 6ir,c; No. 11, 6.1oc; No. 12, 6.05c; No.
13. 6.00c; No. 14, 6.00c
Hops. Etc., at New York,
NEW TORK, Oct, 21. jlops Firm. State
common to choice, 1911, 4iW56c; 1910. nom
inal; Pacific Coast, 1911. 4HU44c; 1910. nom
inal. Hides Steady. Central American, 21c;
Bogota, 21622c
Petroleum Steady. Refined. New York,
barrels. $7.35; do. bulk. $3.66; Philadel
phia, barrels. $7.35: do. bulk, $3.85.
Wool Quiet. Domestic fleece, XX Ohio,
27 28c
Turpentine Quiet; machine, barrels, 61c
Dried Frnlt tat New York.
NEW TORK. Oct- 21. Evaporated apples,
quiet; spot, fancy. 10ai0c; cholco, 9 s
9c; prime, 8O0c
Prunes Inactive; quotations range from
8 to 12c for California, up to 40-OOa and
llB13c for Oregons.
Peaches, quiet, steady; choice. 11011C;
extra choice, ll312c: fancy. 12jl2c
New York Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Oct. 21. Futures closed
barely steady. 14 to 21 points higher. Octo
ber. 9.2Sc; November. 9.31c; Decsmber, 9.4,c;
January. O.JUc; February. 9.89c; March,
9 43c; April. 9.48c; May. 9.57c; June, 9.63c;
July. 8.69c; August, 9.64c; September. 9. 6 Sc.
Spot closed quiet. 30 points higher. Mid
dling uplands. 9.7&e; do. Gulf, 10c, No
sales. t
Naval Stores.
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Oct. 2L Turpentine,
firm, 4640c: sales, 532: receipts, 600;
shipments. 4!S: stocks. 33.966.
Rosin, firm; sales 2324; receipts. 1931;
shipments. 2o34; stocks. 84.637. Quote: B.
$6 40; D. $1.45; E. $6 .0; F. a. H. L J, M.
$6.65: N. $6.50; WO. $7.20: WW. 7.50.
Metal Markets.
NEW YORK. Oct, 21. The metal market
were quiet and practically nominal In the
absence of exchange. Lake copper. 12.6: 9
1175c: electrolytic. 1 3.37 12.50c; casting.
l;tflM5c Tin. 41.fi342.loo. Lead. 4.2$
f 4.30c. Spelter. $.15$6. 25c Antimony,
Cookson's, .'lc Iron unchanged.
Wool at Ht. Louis.
ST. LOriS. Oct. 21. Wool Dull, Terri
tory and Western m.dluma. 17020c; line me
diums, 16tflc: One, lift 13c.
Land In Japan can be owned outright
only PV Japanese, nuiij" i me.
pire being nomlnally the property of the
empire. However, If foreigners In Japan
. - nmnanw k1iI.I1, under .1 T1 l I'. T W .
, . v. Ann, nanv mav hald. laJld In thS
company's right, ,
Wheat Prices Lifted by Cov
ering Wear Close.
Reduction of Xlne Million Bnsliels
In the Canadian Crop Is An
nonncedPront Taking Weak
ens Corn Oats Are Firm.
CHICAGO. Oct. 21. A hut?e reduc
tion today In tho estimated wheat yield
of the Canadian Northwest helped give
the market for the cereals an upward
tilt. The closing tone was strong with
prices running from the same last
night to e advance. In corn, there
was a net decline of to c. Oata
finished unchanged to !c up and pro
visions varying 5c lower to 10c greater
Short sellers were In a flurry to
cover as the session came to an end.
There had been -much new buying on
weak spots. In addition, many longs
who sold out early were nervous and
at every favorable opportunity sought
to reinstate their lines. The news
which received the biggest share of
attention was the 9,000,000 bushels de
crease In the Canadian crop, as com
pared with what was exrrected a month
ago. December fluctuated from
$1.01 (g 1.01 to J1.02. closing c net
higher at J1.02-J4 1.02.
Profit grabbing by longs brought
weakness In corn. December range
from 65 c to 66 c. with the close un
settled, c down at-6614c. Cash grades
were in fair demand from shippers.
No. 2 yellow was quoted at 76'i76c.
Oats were firm because predictions
that receipts would materially increase
had not been fulfilled. Top and bottom
levels touched by December option
was 48Sc and 4848Hc, with latest
sales 48484c, a gain of J,45 over
Tast night.
Foreign buying was a factor in
steadying the market for hog products.
At the end of the day, pork and ribs
were unchanged to 2'yic off and lard
5c lower to an advance of a dime.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High. Low. Close.
Dec 1.01 1.02 1.0t SI. 02
Mar 1.06 1.07 1.06 1.07
July 1.00 1.00 .99 1.00
Pec 65 .65 .66
May 66 .67 .66 .66
July 66 . .67 .66 .66
Pee 48 .4S .41 .49
May 50 .50 .50 .50
July 47 .47 .47 .47
Jan 15.87 15.95 15.77 15 80
May 16.00 16.07 1E.7 15.90
Oct 9.00 9.10 00 S.07
Jen 9.10 9.17 9.10 9.10
Jan 8.:3 8.30 8.52 8. 22
May 8.374 8.87 8 22 8.35
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Firm. Winter patents. S4.254.40:
straight. 3.8O'?4.80: Spring straights. $4.50
(4.76; bakers, $3.705.
Rye No. 2. 92 c
Timothy seed I1S015.S5.
Clover 814 0119.
Pork Mess, per barrel. $15.76 18.
lard Per 100 pounda,, 89.10.
Grain statistics:
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
equal tn S6S.00O bushels. Primary receipts
were 1.075.000 tuahels. - compared with 1.
169,000 bushels tha corresponding day a year
ago. Estimated tecelpts for Monday: Wheat,
46 cars: corn, 224 cars; oats, 131 cars; hogs,
83,000 head.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 15,500 5,800
Wheat, bushels 67,200 46,200
Com. bushels 202.500 518.000
Oats, bushels 242.100 166.900
Rye. bushels 12.000 10.600
Barley, bushels 129.000 11,500
European Grain Markets.
LIVERPOOL. Oct. 21. Wheat. December.
7s 7d; March, 7s. 6d; Mary, 7s 6d. Weath
er cloudy.
LONDO.V. Oct. 21. Cargoes firm. Walla
Walla for shipment. 86s 9d.
English country markets firm 1 to 3d
higher. French country markets quiet.
Minneapolis Wheat Market. .
MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 21. Wheat
December. 81.10 f 1.10 : May. $1.15;
July. $1.15: cash. No. 1 hard, $1.1; No.
1 Northern. $1.12; No. 2 Northern. $1.00
01.10; No. 3 wheat. $1.05 S 1.06.
Grain at Kan Francisco.
BAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 31. Wheat and
barely Firm.
Ppot quotations
Wheat Shipping. 11.47 1.60 per cental.
Barley Feed, $1.75-1. SO per cental;
brewing, $t.80t1.85 per cental.
Oats Red. $1.62 61 2 per cental,: white.
$1.67 1.72 per cental; black, $1.70(1.80
per cental.
Call board sales
Wheat No trading.
Barley December, $1.96 per cental; May,
$1.91 per cental.
Puget Round Wheat Market.
TACOMA. Oct. 21. Wheat Blue.tem.
85c; club, 82c; red Russian, Sic : fortyf old.
b2c. Car receipts, wheat 88 cars, oats 5
cars, corn 8 cars, hay 18 cars.
SEATTLE. Oct. 21. Wheat Bluestem,
S3c; tortyfold, S0c; club. 80c; Fife, 80c;
red Russian. 79c. Yesterday's car receipts,
wheat 16, oats 5. hay la. corn 1.
Remains to- Bo Brought Here for
CHEHALIS. Wash., Oct- 21. (Spe
cial.) The funeral services . over the
late David Stewart of this city were
held yesterday at the iTesbyterian
Church. Kev. A. H. Chittenden officiat
ing. A delegation of local attorneys
acted as pallbearers. There was a
large attendance at the funeral. Later
the remains were snipped to Portland
for cremation.
David Stewart was born in Glasgow,
Scotland In 1S46. He came to America
when & young man, and In later years
settled In Bismarck, N. D., where he
practiced law. He came to Chehalis
In 1890, forming a law partnership
shortly afterwards with W. A. Rey
nolds, this being the oldest law firm in
Southwestern Washington in continu
ous practice. In 1894 Mr. Stewart was
elected Mayor of Chehalis and held this
position for seven consecutive years.
In 1901 he was chosen prosecuting at
torney, serving one term.
Mr. Stewart was a deservedly popu
lar man locally and had many friends.
Ho was married seven years ago to
Miss Sadie Packer, of Portland. The
widow and a 4-year-old son. Charles
David, survive him.' John Stewart, a
well-known Portland capitalist, and
James Stewart, of British Columbia,
are brothers. Mar y Sanderson, of
Lakefleld. Ont., and Ellen Stewart, of
Lindsey, Ont., are surviving sisters.
Depot to Bo Reopened.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 21. (Special.)
Complaints that the station at Tallman
has been closed by the Southern Pa
cific has caused the State Railroad
Commission to ask the road that it be
opened and cared for In the future. This
station is at the Junction of the Wood-burn-Bprlnglleld
and Albany-Lebanon
ttPMRFPS (American Association of Public Accountants
MbMBCKa j0regon State Society of Public Accountants
Auditors, Business Economists and Systematizers
912 Lewis Building, Portland, Or. Phone Main S918
branches and th Commissior says in
its letter to the road that the closing
of the station has resulted in great in
convenience to passengers transferring
at these points and in delay In handling
MILL LOSS IS $100,000
Fire Follows Close Tpon Completion
of Extensive Improvements
at Littell, Wash.
CHEHALIS, Wash.. Oct. 21. (Spe
cial.) Fire destroyed the sawmill
plant of the Chehalis Lumber Company
at Littell, Wash., four miles west of
Chehalis on the South Bend branch,
early this morning. By hard work the
planing mills, in which were thousands
of feet of high-grado lumber, and the
dry kilns, which also were filled, were
saved from the flames. A total esti
mated at 3,008,000 feet of yJrd stock
is reported to have been destroyed.
The loss of the mill and machinery is
conservatively placed at $100,000. The
amount of the Insurance is not known.
The fire broke out in or near the
filing room. A heavy fog prevailed
and the flames did not spread as rapid
ly as they would had the weather been
clear and dry. In addition to the mill
burning, several dwellings occupied by
employes of the company were burned
and others were saved and the spread
of the fire was stopped by dynamiting.
The Chehalis Lumber Company mill
was an auxiliary concern of the
Wheeler Lumber & Bridge Supply Com
pany whose headquarters are at Des
Moines, Iowa. W. W. Wheeler, of that
city, was president of the company, and
Benjamin Moore was superintendent in
charge at Littell. The company em
ployed in the mill, yards, planing mill
and woods from 120 to 150 men. Ex
tensive improvements had just been
completed, among which were a slab
slasher, a new conveyor, cement bed
under the large engine, and enlarge
ment of the pond to increase capacity.
Tho daily capacity of the mill was 80,
000 feet in ten .hours.
The destruction of the mill will be a
hard blow to the lively little town of
Littell, which was dependent on this
plant and that of the Wisconsin Lum
ber Company for labor for its residents.
The engine of the latter concern did
yeoman service in helping save what
was saved in this morning's fire.
Friend of Victim Riddles Slayer
After Two Die.
OROVILLE, Cal., Oct. 21. In an In
sane fury at the refusal of his white
sweetheart to return to him, Edward
Williams, a half-breed Indian, shot and (
killed Inez Brooks, a young girl, and ;
Mrs. Lillian A. Mullen, her friend, and
seriously wounded William Mullen, a
boy, before he was himself shot by D.
J. Mullen, the head of the house, in a
running duel. Williams is now at the
county jail with small chance of re
covery. The half-breed and the Brooks girl
had been living at the mining town of
Cascade, when the" girl left after a.
quarrel. Williams traced her to the
Mullen home, armed with a rifle, last
night, and asked V. J. Mullen for per
mission to see her". As Mullen stepped
In the house the Indian opened fire
through a window, killing the girl and
Mrs. Mullen and wounding the son in a
leg. A fourth shot missed the father,
who brought the assassin down with
wounds in both arms and one hip. The
Indian was found in the brush early
today by a Sheriff's posse, exhausted
by loss of blood.
Commercial Club Committee to Scan
All Soliciting Schemes.
DALLAS, Or., Oct. 21. (Special.)
The Dallas Commercial Club has ap
pointed a "secret committee" to inves
tigate all soliciting schemes. Every so
licitor for a charitable or boosting en
terprise must explain his mission to
the secretary of the Commercial Club.
The "secret committee" will then in
vestigate and if the cause is a worthy
tone the secretary will be instructed to
give it written indorsement.
'To uphold the "secret committee." it
is provided that any member of the
Commercial Club who patronizes any
solicitor who has not tho approval of
the committee shall be fined a. Tho
personnel of the committee is known
only to the members of the commit
tee, to the president of the club, who
appoints them, and to the secretary of
the club. The committee will be
changed every six months.
Man AVho Shot Mif-s Irving, Escaped
and Surrendered on Bail.
CHEHALIS. Wash., Oct. 21. (Spe
cial ) Frank Calvin, whose recent
escapade at Eatonville. where he shot
Mrs. Vivian Irving almost fatally, later
making a sensational escape and sur
rendering to Sheriff Urquhart, of Lewis
r-nuntv. arrived in Chehalis yesterday.
He has been released on 5000 bail.
signed by friends and relatives near
Calvin savs that he has no plans for
the immediate future. His arm, which
was shot in the wrist, between . the
bones, and also in the fleshy part
above the elbow. Is getting along nice
ly. He will remain for the present at
his old home. Toledo.
Governor Once Struck by Man Who
May Be Martin Relative.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 21. (Special.)-r-Perhaps
an incident in local history,
the connection of wHich has just be
come known, may shed light on the
case of Leo W. Martin whose troubles
were recently responsible for a clash
between Governor West and Judge
Gatens. of Portland. Several years ago
when Governor West was plain "Os,"
he attempted to Interfere with one Cecil ;
Vaughn who was driving a horse at
the State "Fairgrounds. West protested
against the method of driving and
Vaughn resented West's Interference.
As a result Vaughn furnished West a
black eye.
Vaughn was married to Leah Martin,
who is now reputed to be connected
with the case of Leo Martin. She se
cured a divorce from Vaughn and
moved to Portland.
On County Road Tliey Encounter
Boxes With Their Names.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Oct. 21. (Spe
cial.) Three surveyors of the Govern
ment soil survey being made in Clark
County were passing along the road
northeast of Camas today and came to
the cross-roads. They were H. L.
Westover. of New York; A. W. Man
gum, of Tennessee, and A. E. Kocher,
of Michigan.
On three mail boxes, side by side,
were the names. Westover, Mangum
and Kocher. The coincidence struck
the surveyors forcibly, and tliey said
nothing like it had ever occurred to
them before in their lives. The soil
survey of the county was completed to
day and the party lias been sent to
Spokane Car Throws Men on to Pile
of Fallen Rock.
SPOKANE, Oct. 21. Bruno Castanzl,
an Italian laborer 30 years of age. was
fatally hurt and four other men In
jured at 3:15 this morning, when hurled
from a speeding dirt train rounding
a curve at Howard street and Gar-
land avenue, on the Spokane Tractiot
The car did not leave the track but
the men who were sitting on the floor,
were hurled to the street, falling on
a pile of rocks. Castanzi's skull was
fractured and his chest crushed. He
died a few hours later. David See's
left arm was broken and three other
men were bruised.
Prisoner Is Successful Preacher.
LA GRANDE, Or., Oct. 21. (Special.)
Converts, led to religion through en
thusiastic revivals, by L. C. Elliott, ar
rested in Portland this week on charges
of immoral conduct, number several
hundred in this valley. With La
Grande as headquarters Elliott con
ducted revivals in all the valley towns
and was remarkably successful. Four
months ago he gave some, attention to
real estate and just before going to
Portland, September 1, had purchased
a cottage here.
"Every .machino
owner that I hap
pen to know seems
to he very much sat
isfied with the Bit
ulithic pavement
we have in this
S. Clark,
Baker, Or.
Coromlxnion Merchants, Stocks,
llondK, Cotton, Grain, Etc.
Correpondenl of J.ogan A Bryan
Chicago, ew York, Boston.
We have the only private wire
connecting Portland with tlie East
ern exchanges.
Constructs Asphalt and other Bitu
minous Pavements. 603-60S Electrlo
bide., Portland, Or. Oskar HuMr,
Steamer Anvil
sails from Albers Dork No. .1. Wednes
day, October 25, 7 P. M.. -for Tillamook,
Bay City, Newport, Florence. Bandon
and Coquille River points.' Ticket office
128 Third street. Phone Main 62 S, A
4.r.06. Dock phone A 1902, Alain 151.
Freight and passenger'.
Low Rates. Schedule Time.
SIS Hallway Bicbaate Wldg.,
FurtlMnd. Or.
Mala S37S. A 3B2a
Sails from Alnsworth Dock. Portland. S
P M every Tuesday. Freight received at -Alniwortb
Dock daily tip lo I P. It Pas
seneer tare, firat-claas. 110; second-class, 7.
Including meals sod berth. Ticket offlc
Alnsworth Dock. Phones stain 20s, staia
170. A U34