The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 22, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 12, Image 24

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    -A w-..'w I TO wl ALH.IuI. I .
FA 1 INti lit SINiSS. lovat4 in
driving ri.r'j rd nvr town.
,. or OLKA.N ST' "K. which will
inToic brtwe-n "0 and $$.
. vrj $.:voO vr month.
l-rnt wnr h conducts thia
buinM ter ner.jr 'JO r tod
mad ht r independent and
now wishes to retire. Lon I
at very low rental will be glven
n the property. Will :. at In
voice. FA.oTidiM tprmi will
la, or go 3d unincumbered Port
land property t4t-D as part p y
mmt. IHM IS N tXCtP
a good bus.n. in Test -iAg:.on
rl paired from parties nieao
;af buaineaa,
I acres. ALL UNDER tMTrH.
Hi JUT; alt l-vi Und; 12 acr
no in aiUlfa and grain; all
fenced . p.eoty of JunipT timber
fnr po-sts and tu. od orchard.
KW iroom house. ood barn and
othr outul'dtciEB. located T
mitt from vHi town : priro $M
iMr arre; will exrhanice for euy
or Urm property m Weatern Ora
goo. WANTED.
Grocery bu!r. In Ksst Port
land ia emrnange for $- equity
tn S-acro farm mt'o from na
tion on tha tetacada Electric line;
17 aera in hub etat- of cultiva
tion, abundance of fruit of a.l
kind . fair Dulidtngs: team. 2
coa. A ho-ts. T j thltfceoa. a fu.i
cqjipment of aricu:tural imp.e
mrnia. hay. grain. vrgetaOli. etc.
Old-established t'n'raj tora la
fln- V .am.-t V..ry town; olca
-inry nUin tor bulMinf. wre
ioum nice room house, large
barn. etc. ; good clean toca. will In-o.-i
about $-.. poatofllra go-
wttft th pUi-e and pay abont $1
pr day. rrj aerate t:ul at $-"io .
,sar haa conducted thta buam--aa
for l yrara and wishes to retire
a acrount of old . mn-ntl-r
Fortiand r;d-nco up to $;:Vx.
Ca'l at th ofTua for fu.l parttfu
'are photo, etc
219-2:.. Board af Trad.
Martha:i J 777. A J30..
AO ACRK near Mtarada. iu arree In or
chard. 70O. for res. amir in Portland.
grocery itorrt, tt& on doing nlc
fcuinrn. for acreajr. lot or houi't.
lot". Arbor LIce. Ad-, tr area.
! arret nrar Kta-ada, -- arrea in
ru tSation. tM. for city property.
room modern huaa for roomini-houK.
reral ruomlns-houaes' for bouea or
a-room modern bouae. for
rheap farm.
nrom- riir property. $I.00; rent for
so pr month: to trad for Improved
farm a It r iM-k.
several houe fr farmi and farmi for
houaee. Phn Main T74.
Kourth &.
Rral estate onra and broker to
h now that w have arlua r!awi
sf ral etsir. bth lnoni and a -
ant ranin in pnre
fr.rn t 4." txu. to em-hana:e.
If oit hae anvtnius; wh!rh you atari
to e. han f r nelhlna e.s you
unl i'ke .etter. rome in and
u. We win ct It for you if a
haven't !t j rraJy
ba t:in ;r rrpT..
fe4 Fourth htrert.
h-d mar--. 3 to 5 years t age.
hr'l jF-;'1;ns;. 4 to ; ars of a:.
head mU't-s. 4 years Old. ! to lo'O
t of thta stock will be on m at the
th -rne-awe. staba. 4- Ha wi borne
Monday. O t. and vrry day
catirr until i,d. We wl.I s-U some of
at our TuJ-iy am t ion. '2 i M.
ihornr-avt. titauira. 4 x Hawthorn
t r.9l
A P 7 .0-A It K Karl M f.N A .
. r-a la cultivation. m arra blna;
rrd. I7t acres bottom lan1 . 4 horses,
uio'jt ii heatl cattlr. p.nty thickens and
ttirk . sod aprtoK and wr.; walar. 2
him, barn and ; hr but M!nra. iiay,
oaa and hnt. tn fact, everything go-a;
pattlnc propoiition. iNi ft. from t'l
arap of?!-e. P. and atatlon: $40 arr
m.-.uda all. for savI city income prop
r.y at caah pr!r. thla la our cash
pru e. fa,i loth at.
VI own a beautiful reaiuenca an Eaat
Main itrwt. rloae tn. worth amongat
trmhr JTom. If you tnvrat iate you "lit
sy so. We (lr-dd t get inr ground
and rats chtrhrna. Therefore, we wlil
t-. goo-l arrrt r!oa to cara up to
f im i. first p. vmeat. Aatt our agent.
K KTi HS. 4hambr of Commerr.
Have modern home io-atl In swell dla-t-trl
of Tacoma. minute from rfotel
IonnUy: wnrtb but wtlt exchange
tor I'ortland realty on Vm basis. Jn
roma per year. etulty .lCoO. Sea
H:act. :ll Lewis bids;.
AN up-to-date general store doina a flour
ishing buslnesa In one of the b-st Inland
towns wiihtn to miles from I'ortland for
sle chap or eK'hartge for city property
in Portland: will invoice about 1 12. owe.
This la a good hance fwr one looking
f r sll-paying business. AV 4:. Ore
I RM house fall lot. F. tmh st. N. PYlra
S.L:4. rlaar of Incumbrance, to exciianire
for (Arm wttn but idtngs. not over $l-Vd
and assume or give mortgaga for differ
htarlf Ft reel.
T KA tfc KuK AXt LOT.
4 ro. irrs. moet:y housekeeping. rVarlng
t lrt month net . r!n in. id. 2
year l'ae: price oK; want house and
lot to aa me valu: must be clear or nearly
so. Kuu particu.ara i iiith St.. near
V i LX hnfc,e improved farm f -71 acres
in Yamhill County. tthln 4i ntllea of
Kortlnd. for fLri-cIass residence proper
lies, w'uat.nti $' per acre, has s;o-d e-cn-riotn
tiuae aid outbuildings wtlb run
rin; aster AM 17. iregon-an.
H W si equity In i-ur tun on t'nlted.
tiesr a.cctric station. Va.ue $lj.N, pmen(
Incluoln Interest, that w can ex
change f.r diamond, auto, lot. tmg. com.,
Just so) there are no payments la be mad.
.111 31 J Lewis Mdg.
WANT to exchange eu'.ty ef 4S0d In cor
ner lot and (room d we Mrs. Irving ton,
valued l00. for sood roomlr.g-houee and
some caah Jackaon At leering. 244 titarsx.
t-KMiM house la IrM-igton. IrUHK); will .
change equity of t 1,NM for room'ng-houa
or acant lota: baiancw is tn mortgage,
mnninf 4 yeara Phone Main .41.
lu EXt'H A NOR A half Interest la real
estate business for sam tn collection, and
Insurance, or unlta. 332 Lumber Ex
ebange. liAVK )ou anything to good city property
to trad for a farm, and py some cash?
If you hsv. answer this and will call
tri e you. .-K Mt. Oreeonlan.
$ 0 Kvl'lTV In fine Ka.t j-..le lot lo tra1
f'r d.amonds or furn'shed houseboat: bal
ance JjtNj. pay 10 monthly. V A1S. Or
jrontan. Wil.'. r fhin ; my tfo acrea timber la
l.iho for i'lrt'.and propvrt . 4' II Mala
;.17 1. rKrn 1 hetaeen 6 and P. M.
WANTKD Portland residence In exchange
tar lo are commercial apple orchard,
fart in b-'inr nar Moaler. ralue $.VtOO.
4 V o-J. Ore go rn an
TV rXCHAX O V. Lot. 2 cottasea. B-af
tiou'.h Kirst t.. clear of debt, for ntra
res:iene; will pay difference or assume,
O H'X iresonlan.
WANTKD 'n.aii Improved farm and stork,
rtrhant on city horn, clear. O el. Ore
gon :iu .
EX(HAN'i B vry fin lot In Ladd Add.;
all; exchang equity of 1300 for cheaper
leia B 31-V 'resonian.
A-'KFS xl wheat land. Morrow Ooun
tv li-1' trad for iota or house and lot
"up to twi. lth a' . war ark.
L ' H A Nj K A-paaeenger automobile for
rooming house or vacant lots. D 527.
.recr. inn.
CASH and l0 restaurant; receipts
fin to per ds. for good lot.
FlRN"ITVRB 6-room modem Tat. or
trade for lot of equal value. Call. BO
trojM to show you. Phone Kawt t
2 ioI outh Portland lota, one b.o a to
car. VX. eichang close-in acreag. eS
Wh st.. near ftark.
?.J AC'HKS g-wd fruit land for automobti.
it h. w ar E'ark.
v At ilKS. 2 . rtr lots, for acre south Mount
Tr-r irrj Miwirroriir
HiK 5ALK jo Columbhm River Orchard
bond: ZV9 lwia bld. Maraball T.s.
W ILL buy eoulty fn T,aure'hurt lot. If y
MC tawl Address AC Or.foolan.
' I FOK 8 A I.E. j FOB SALE. .
" . t t I TO EXCHANGE. J FOB . ! Automobile MtacelUneoM.
a L' m r.. m plies mm from his new
hom. at HiKbUnd. Cl . "Srll my 101"
on Uoirb.rJ . l onr.. rri.ruic.
rrlr. Von ma tk a Hrt-ci te.m,
hrnr and on lo prt paymrnt and
hip to nie; or trade half -If party pre
Jr. I must have a team f"r my roT. 1 lav. rytMn(r to
your Judgment, but be quick about It.
Nothtra more de.irabie m thla looaliiy.
betwren A'bma and llBilppl a.,
carllne. adjmninx a l reitrlrlrd
district: a l)unln.a future; will
b sold far below r.lutitlah-d value; no
p!u nor Ulnklt'a .anted. E. F. Ferrla,
r. K. 4:1th t X.. Kou flty Park.
-HOOM modern Irvlnston home; wlil tak
clly lota. .
room furni.hed cottage. exchns for
lota; prica flu.
acr nr Salem. hlh atata cultl
Tanon; I10.0OU. .ant city Income prop
erty. .
s acrea near I.lnnton. 3 a-re cultivated.
crda wood, finest a.dl; mant city
home or 'lota
u acrea. White Salmon, for ood city
property; alao 40 aerce. Marlon t'o.
l-i) acrea at Kaale reek. 14 Acrea cult.;
want r""'! rltv properly.
fI.OIiFKI.TKR IlKOS., 411 ronrh Plda
I control about ;MHi.fn.oo in value of
Pt. l.oula Income property. Thla protrty
belona to people who are moving We.t.
They desir. to convert ellher pari or all
of their no:dinge Into Wentern lanrta or
dealralila Weatern clly properly. If you
are the owner of hlKh-claaa Wcmern prop
erty from JJa.wO or more and dealre to
exchanire same for hiKh-rlaae t. bou!a
Inreelmenl property, p.artng your prop
arty at 111 actual and Intrlnale value and
accepting the St. Luta projrty- on the
earn. I would like to negotiate with
you. I'reter to deal direct with owner.
II A. Vrooman. Third .National Hank
B'dg. 8t. LoulA Mo-
Party with followln to trade for Weat
rn Utegon property, or mercantile bual
neaa: JK-acre wheat farm and ' acres
llmler and fmlt land. No Incumbrance.
:ti!ft.rrt grain and stock farm, for I'ort
lajid or valley property.
ItkMi-acr wheat farm, f -o OO per acre,
for a:fa.ra .r Western Oregon properly.
SLD a.-res t Irrigated land, with walr
right: R. R. through tract: price toO
per acre, for Portland property
200. acr. atock ranch, haa iO arres of
fin. bottom land, aome caah and balance
trade; prlc. g.ui.000
Pulle 81T B)-a:d of Tiade. Portland.
EXl'IIANUK. with free rent, for 3 years of
nice Improved r.ncn. near saieiii: 1 .0
rhlck-na. Inn buahela corn. 1UO aacks tur
nlpa. Ii0 bushels oats, one 4-year-old Jr
aey cow. 2 hogs. 10 tons hay. wood to Ust
a year. 1 bugy and harness, alao all
klnUa of eriable and nice furnliur. of
T-roo.-n bungalow; will exchange all for
nice bungalow in the city at taah '
or lots or aires, this Is a fins dairy and
hoc nnrh. lth fine living water, wlln
7-room bungalow, l.arna. granary, garage,
chit ken-houaea. hogpena: on main road;
one mile 10 depot. F. Kucha, JO Cham
ber of fommerce. Vein Wi1.
New Z-ramlly Bona, wun irm
of concrete block. 6 rooma with up-to-
. . 1 n ..m.ln .nil (urBlUi to
each aulte; Creptace. etectrlc and (aa fix
luriA lot SuxliHl; paved street. 1 olock
to carhr.e: Iree from all Incumbrance;
prlc. ln.l00. terma. 10MO ensh. balance
to suit or wt:i trade for a lot worth lu.
! 10 t.i.iji and pajr diftersncs la casa.
All 41. Oregonian.
12 acres, well Improved. 6 miles east
of Vancouver. Waeh. ; lootl trees, 7-room
houee bam and ch Icken-hoiisea: will ex-
rl.aiigs for cry properly; prico JOtvO; In
cuinbranc. sk.:G0.
I'll Lewis bid.
Vi hav. a well-Improved 10-acr. farm,
with Block and Implements. In fruit and
alfalfa, to exchange for I'ortland prop
erly; small tra.-t near Portland or bual
neaa near by. as rhe owners wish to llv.
Close to tbelr folks: will staud closest
Investigation. Ve have also good farma.
business opportunities and rlty property
to exchange one for the other.
F. Fl'flts. 4-' Chamber of Commerce.
Am an old bachelor ami own a splen
did lHn-acre farm, stocked, and you know
h w It Is rooking his oan meals: there
fore 1 give anyone who kno.s what good
land Is a bargain, and .111 take about
UiBio in city property or acreage as first
payment: prlc. 400. Particulars through
my agent. .
K Kfclis. 4?0 Chamber of Commerce.
sVK aa'e or exchange. 23-a.r. Tokay vlne
yara. 7 years old. 1 v miles from LodL
no bulMings. but first-class land and
excellent vineyard, prefer Portland prop
erty but will aceepl ranch. For furtner
particulars writ. Hewloy. Bird aV Co..
I.0.II. Calif.
10 Ki 'RES fine deep soil. 30 ft. waier
frontage on Wlllametto River: fin. deep
soil, does not overflow: prlc. J'.'ioO: will
exchange for good house and lot up to
4'miO. Mr Cats. 120 llallaay Exchange,
4th and Stark sis.
WANT "to "exchange modern Nob HI II dwell
ing with garage and iooxlui). valued $-'S.-Hn
for dwelling, good location,
valued M- to tTioO and difference in
caah ar.d mortgage. Address P i'i4. Ore
gonlan. ft ACRES right on the Wllamelto River; fins
sll oval banks, tine view. 20 mllea from
Portland: pries t'.ZlO caah value; will
exchange for good lot. Mr. fate. O.'K
RaU.ay Exchat.go bld(.. 4th and Stark
at a
EICHT lo'a. MinnesotA ave. and Sumner St.;
1 lot. 1st sc. near.J.lncoln ; 1 lot. I'nlon
it..; lji acres, near linker; 23 acres near
f.ncro; paying business: total value
fiafsat. What have you to match any
or all? AE M4. oreronlan.
EN"il.lSH walnuts: met o acres clear
ed, bo acres partly cleared. o acres tim
ber 30 miles southwest from Portland;
be.t soil. J springs, dwelling house. Ex
change for city property. Seneca -p.srh
At Co. i First st. Main 444. A 104 4.
lil'SINESH properly on Belmont St.. near
building. prlc- 1 2.100. will exchange
;ioii e.iulty for close-In rltv property or
for a stimll farm near Portland. E. J.
i;eier. 4"'i Chamlier of Commerce.
LAM or lleto.k. aTd acres Improved
Eastern Oregon wheat land, also X acres
unimproved land near Kalama. Wash., fre.
from Incumbrance.- for horssa, cattle or
ah p AL MO. Oregonlan.
I WISH to buy home In I'ortland. Have 20
acres Irrigated land In famous Hennlston,
or district; will trade all or half and pay
difference In cash. Address R 633. Orego
nlan. .
f" aCRKS at Tonuuin. 3 blocks from electric
atatlon: floe soil, price ltno cash value;
III exchange for house and lot up lo
$1000. Mr. fate. S.'O Kali way Exchange
b dg. 4th and Stark at.
EVi'llANilE. 4 loia In ban Diego. CaL.
which I value at .0o, for automobile,
diamonds, lot or ?as.h-
3 12 Chamber of Commerce.
WILL sell or trsde my squlty In a beauti
ful B-room modern hom. In Irvlngton for
vacant lot or cloae-ln arr.ase on Ore
g..n Electric or yt. Hood road. W. H.
lilies. 4IT Oregonlan bldg.
WE hava the finest proposition on Sauvles
Is'and. of 4SO acres, for stock In Oregon.
This place haa severs duck lake, and
fin. houses and barn. Rowo-Thstcher Co..
j;4- fhamber of Commerce Marshall 711.
FoK SALE 10 acres on Oregon Electric. 10
v mllea out. S minutes' waik from car;
cheap for caah; will trada for Improved
city property or Iortland Homo TsC
bonds Al. M7. Oregonlan.
H'ASSEW.ER V.xwell In flrst-clasa con
dlllon: prlc. 17.N.: will trad, for d l
or Portland Homo TeL bonds. AL olu.
j L Irade for anvthing: 6-acre orchard in
heart of Hood River Valley orchard lends.
within 4 miles 01 town.
Chaa. E. Hicks.
Independence. Or.
FtiK E.CfIAir. B-room aweiuns. ini-eo
locsted. 13 minutes from business center:
lot toxloo. for acreage of equal value;
price l:."0. AP SlSOregor.lan.
TO FX'ciT tXOE Chicago residence lots." value for Oregon property. Will
yield 12 per cent If Improved. AB 614,
SO. MoKTliA'iK. aO0 note to ex
change for Columbia Rl .'it Orchard bonds
on cash bss.a. 317 Railway Exchange.
fiUVK s-me A 1 city lots to trade for
good s-paaeenger car. Call 1!7 East Tay
lor today, or 41 Grand ave. Monday.
TRADE your property anywher.; send for
Use Northwest Exchange. 22 tienry
1 HAVE $7 equity In beautiful acreage
which 1 wilt trad, for lot or diamonds.
R o.lll. Oregonlan.
WHAT hav. you to trad, for iTOO eyuily
In 13 acrea fin. land, launch or auto con
aldered. t 614. Oregonlan.
WNTFD Clear Portland lot In exchange
for thousarid-dolUr new Jewelry stock. W
T. Cook, b.10 Alberta sC
fl0OOCOLlMBI A River Orchard Bond and
rash to Invsst In city property or acres
near cltv. AO SIH. Oregonlan.
SM V.L1. income property for lots or acreage.
H. H. V hits. V24 Oregon st.
COL'JK U0 acre and Denver suburban lots
for property here. Hsdley. 3IO Spalding.
g-.tH, 2 f is'.a. San Krsncisco. mlg. elsoO. 'or
Prtlsid. B S2'. Oregonlsr.
2U ACRES A-l fruit lsn.I. for up-to-date
homo la rortUsd. Call JJarsball 3a J.
40 acres In cultivation. 10 acres In Ps
ture. .Hi acres In oak and fir timber, good
orchard of 120 bearing trees; fair build
ings; price only l0 an acre; will trade
for Portland property.
li acrea at Tlgardrllle. mostly
rUared: will take up to 43UOO in trade for
port '.and bouse.
10.1 acrea good fruit land for hotel, room-Ing-houae
or any good business.
lfto acrea wheat land In Crook County,
all plow land, tor Portland properly or
I.umhsrmens Ulilg.. ft'.h and Htark.
For exchange, 4S acres in Exst Aah
laml. Southern Oregon; all young orchard,
good soil, new cottage, poultry buildings,
city water, etc.: near high school; would
exchange for dealrable farm property or
divide for cash: price 1.13HO. Ownr. tv F.
Starr. 64 California St.. Ashland. Oregon.
Wll; sell or trade for Portland prop-
rty ot acreage, a small herd of ch.etls.nd
ponies; have two black s;all!ons and
number of mares; thla Is a good oppor
tunity for anyone who wishes to go into
buainesa of raising thuss anlmala. P
BOS. oregonlan. ,
IIAVi: :i.vs acres in Yuba Co., California,
at $."0 00 per acre: "J7S acres In Utitte Co..
California. 2H ml'.ea from Palermo, at
S0.',.of per acre: oiKi-arre ranch. Linn Co..
Oregon. 4 miles from Crabtree; owner has
other business and ennnot Klve It his at
tcnlton. Would trade for Income Port
land at cash value. O 51,-. OreKonlan.
EI'ThIV acres. Ipper Hood River Valley:
10 cie:ired. balance light brush; pt.aslhl)
13 acre, too teep to cultivate readily,
.under ditch: 175 i-er acre; equity t.i'juo:
price la not padded for trade and ou
will have to ahow value; will exchange
for anything In Portland or for grain ana
a t oc k fa r m. A V 3'iti. Ore K o nln n.
FciR-SALE or exchange. 40 acres Rogue
River Valley, 6 miles from tlrauls 1 ass.
red soil: 10 acres young pears. 1 cro
grapes. 0 acres plowed: new wire I nee. a
springs. 10 acr.s slashed and burned; nrst
ciae. fruit land; southwest elope; -a Here
wood cut. J. Morpeth, Sol fc. llth al..
FINEST quarter block on Shaver at.; two
g-od houfs. sr-ace on corner for four fiats;
will exchange for West Side house or farm,
value fMHin. or will trade 7-room house
fir ferm: 40x11X1. .l.-aio. for farm; no in
cumbrance, owner, s-p, Kearney. Main
-j..r. .
1 E.N acres. 4H miles from !h. Hood River
city I'ostoffice: fair buildings; 600 stand
ard trees. H are 8-year, V see 6-year,
balance 4. S. 2 and 1-year: close to storm,
school and church; price 10.00.l; will ex
change equity of l.-hH) for Wlllametto
Valley ranch. A V 64 7. Oregonlan.
W) have desirable property to exchange,
hourrs and lots for 'ucrenge, and acreage
for hous-s and lots. If you want to ex
change nn a cash basl. see us.
421-422 Chamber of fommerce Hldg.
loiu KiJl'ITT In a spiemlld Irvlngton home,
beautiful corner. TixUHi. with line shads
trees, garage; will lake home or
vacant lot for equity: balance of 4.Vi0
Is pavabie M'0 p.-r annum at tl per cenu
f.nmhermi 11s Hlilg.. .".th and Stork.
IHKSS choice 10-acre trscta mar ancou
ver. one mile from carline. partly cleared;
ll.'iO per are. terms: might trade for
locsed-ofT land; prefer Clark Co.; could
psy cash cilflerence. Chua. W. Huell.
route 6. Vancouver. Waah.
T H r. Hoed River District Land Company.
Hood River Oregon, hag a list of im
proved ana unimproved Hood River
ranches, ail sixes snd prices, to exchange
for Portland and Willamette Vallsy prop
erty. NO MONEY 0 acrea to exchange on real
denc. property; :tH acres, highly Improved,
ftuoo cords of wood and I2HO") of personal
property Included; mortstiKe for difference.
IS miles out. IS from 1C R. station. J32
Lumber Exchange. ,
$1830 equity In swell 6-room bungalow,
corner lot oOxK'0. Iisrdwool floors. In
Merlow. for clear lots or what have you:
give Ui-scriptlon; owner. Address K 4S,
HAVE S')0 equity in four acrea of fino
land at Oswego overlooking mountains
and river: land In crop and bearing or
chard, fine spring: will trade for equity
In house of same value. 11. H. Farnham,
s.'S Henry bldg.
THREE fine lots. 6-room cottage, butcher
shop on corner, large stable, value s.t:Mi;
Id view lots. Columbia Heights Add.. Van
couver. Wash.: value I40O0; will exchange
for Portland property.
CEI.LAKS-Ml'RTON CO. S25 Yeon Bldg.
SMALL, well-improved poultry ranch, near
Everett Wash., to trade In on a business of
merit, mercantile or manufacturing, from
SI6110 to s3oo0: give full parllculara In
first letter. AV tiox. Oregonlan.
1 WILL exchange 10 acrea of orchard land
near P.oseburg al $looe for free and clear
lot or lots.
332 Chamber of Commerce BMg
WILL take in lot as part payment on 7
room modern home near East Flanders
and 29th; price J4t0(.
211 Lewis bldg. '
WILL exchsnge Irvlupton Heights quarter
block, worth 2."t0, free from nil deot. for
equity In Improved or unimproved prop
erly. Give details of your property in
fft letter. Address Alt MO. Oregonlan.
HOOD RIVER forty, unimproved, east side,
good neighborhood; liW: has mortgsga
of I2HKJ. will tra.le ec,u:ly for any Port
land or Willamette Valiey ranch property.
AV 6U7. oregonlan.
EXCHANGE fine, modern home, worth
$11 . choicest part of Irvlngton. to ex
rnsnge for corner, sultnble for store or
flats will as3iime. Address owner, 412
Ea.t 21st st. North. ; ;
HAVE ."i-arre home In Woodburn, Or., high
ly Improved; splendid house and barn.
Price $8000. to exchange for Portland
property. Albert Welch A Son, 703 Hoard
of Trade. '
Fine Improved farm near Roseburg. H
mils from station: 12 aree fruit; $s0Kt;
will take to s'i"0 city property, clear.
od Rotlichild bldg.
I hav. some fin. Improved acre tracts
near station on Salem Electric; will ao
eept clly property. La U arre, $0$ Com-
merlcal block.
WILL exchange 7-room house, modern, for
acreage near city. Including furniture;
must hav. $1000 cah; value $30V0. Phoue
Woodiawn 4:1 for particular or appoint
ment. W 611. Oregonlan
BEAL'TIKCL home, value t.'.iw. Eaat Side,
to exchange for Income property or good
lot suitable for fists. Ja. A. Clock. 202
Aider st. Phone slain elii).
WHAT have you to trade for a thorough
bred 6-vear-old trotter, l-.u0 lbs., hlxh
graii. siudebaker buggy and harness?
phone Main MMi.
4S-ACRE tract of timber, part sugar pine;
1 lx muifg from railroad: would sell cheap
or exchange for part carpenter work. W
612. Oregonlan. or phono C ltf46.
Have unincumbered lots to trade for It.
Fred W. German. $20 Burnalds. M or A
1EN acrss of 1-yesr-old standard apples on
ths Lyl.-O-Jdendsle branch of the North
Bank U. K-, $300 par acre. AV 64. Ore
gonlan. W AN TED -Portland Income up to $16,000;
will put In Hood River orchard. 10 acrea.
also $0000 first mortsas; and assume. Box
P'3. Hood River. Or.
$lloo SEAI.SK1N coat, almost new, bust 44.
full length, 4a, to exchsnge for property,
acreage, diamonds, cash or what hava
you? V 6o3. Oregonlan.
20 ACRES, part in cultivation, near good
town, for Columbia River orchard bonds.
Snap this up. 2ul Swetland bldg. Mar
shall :tSlt.
CLEAR lots to trade for equity In dwelling;
wilt not assume over $13oo; must bs
straight mortgage. W. E. I'-. 437 cham
ber of Commerce.
For my depa.-linent store business.
See Albert Welch st Son. 7u3 Board of
WILL ex-hange timber claim for fine bun
galow, might assume small mortgage.
Room bio Arlington piqg.
FOK farm exchanges, businesa chtncsi or
rooming-bouses, call on us. Nortbwsal
WANTED To exchange Tacoma property
for Portland. Improved or unimproved.
AH 6o3. Oregonlan.
qn or" two good lots for equity or first
payment on bungalow or six-room bouse
in good district. AD S17. Oregonlan.
CITY Improved and unimproved; want
Ioimj or more acres cheap land. 6322 tiuth
tie. s. E. Ponlnnit
40 ACRKS. clear: value $lo00. will trade for
first-class auto, 6-passenger. X 620, Ore-
WILL take good 4 or 3-pass. aulo as psrt
on block 2Ox230 on Peninsula. J. L.
Shsfer. lien. Delivery.
"0 TO M" acres. Mollala Valley, electric
now bulldinx. at 2i per acre, for clly
property. 1114 Couchbldg
& ACRES Garde:! Home; trado for city
properly, til 4 Couch bldg;
GOI" lots In Park. Rom City
car. trade at $223 each. B14 Couch bldg.
411 ACRES, clear, "will trade for CoL R. O.
bonda. X 61W. Oregooia.
A FIRST-CLASS Improved 10-acre tract, lo
cated 114 mile from Orchards Sis, on
elec. line. First-class land In exchange
for a Portland house and lot. value about
$0300. Portland property must be GOOD.
Choice farm to exchangs for general
stock of merchandise: land Is located In
"Willamette Valley; also have land In
Eastern Oregon.
A $23 000 stock of merchandise and
about eilo.OOO worth of Improved real
estate to exchange for Willamette Valley
land. If you want a good money-making
business look this up.
WHITM ER-K.ELLY CO., 70 4th at.
Main 1Q0. A 1008.
White I almon land. 1 mile from school,
church and postofflce, 2 miles from good
sawmill. 2.(KiO.O"0 feet of timber on place;
good mill site; red shot soil with few acres
"beaverdam." beat of fruit land. Adjoin
ing land sold for $40 per acre. Price $2
per acre. Will exchange for Portland
DON NELL - MERP-JLL. 228 Stark .St.
ONE of the finest 80 acres tn the Wlllam
etto Valley, adjoining a thriving town on
the S. P. R. R. There la a modern 10-room
house. with all modern conveniences; farm
Is fine black soli, best on earth; IS acres
of pear and apple orchard. Have equity
of $7000 to trade for I'ortland property.
Call 414 Spalding bldg.
3 DOUBLE houses, one two-fiat house and
store attached; all paying 10 per cent in
reut: 72 lots: also beautiful 14-roora resi
dence on finest street; all located In Au
burn. N. Y.:wlll trade for business or
unimproved land: here's a snap for some
one In amount from $1000 to $2300. Ta
bor 323J. H. L. Stevena.
Vehicles. Etc
Potrero Grande-Green Hunter, registered.
New York Jockey Club; winner of many
rtbbona over the Jumps al horse shows
and many races at long distance; file
saddler: a good pedigree as any In Amer
ica; perfectly gentle, Kramer' lUaBig
WILL ell li head of my grading stock,
which ha Just arrived from camp: among
thla lot are several well-meiched leama
of mares and horses aversglng In weight
from 1100 to 14U0 lbs.; this stock Is sound,
true workers and In good order, also few
light horses'. 1 buggy, several sets of har
ness and wagons. 14 7 East 12th, cor.
Madlron; llttlo cottago In Hawthorne Park.
1 PAIR of horse, with harnes. (l:S.
1 pair of horses, with harness. $158.
1 pair of marea. with harness. $22a.
Nice set of ponies, broke to ride and
drive. 13.
Corner of th and Hawthorn ava.
Tra is Bros. woody ard. -
FAST pacer, bay mare, 7 year old. city
broke, gentle for uny lady to drlvo; can
step 3 miles In 2:23 and is a 2:13 pacer
next year; also my Bailey bike buggy, rubber-tired,
harness; must sell; leaving Ore
gon and cannot take my si; bargain. 713
East Couch, near 20th.
ONE new 8' Mitchell wagon, with gravel
bed: fino oye or laundry wagon: two good
expreaa wagona. one good camel back
wagon; will exchange for horses and cows.
14 I'nlon ave. cor. Ash.
I WISH to have 2 teams and 2 farm wagona,
complete, and one single horse with har
ness: sodnd and good puller; to bo paid
IfO days; give note for the same or niort
gage at option. AD6J b.0 regojiian.
A BARGAIN $135 buya team, weight 2200
pounds, sound, v and lo years old. works
single or double, harness and farm wagon
and a plow. Phone Seilwood li&o. Call
Monday morning. ,
HORSES pastured for Winter, individual
paddocka, plenty good feed and care If
desired. Fred T. Merrill, Rose Vista
Farms, 6 miles from city. Phone, lone
distance, 12-Mile.
- 7 year old, sound, gentlo, work single
or double. In good shape; UOO pounus;
will sell cheap. A. G. Thompson, trustee.
4II Henry bldg
SIX head of good work horses, weight from
looo to 1H0O lbs.; two tarm wagons, two
spring wagon, three aeig of good double
harness: this stock came in irom a
and must be sold. 400 E. Salmon.
TEAM of good workers, mare and horse;
M-ntirh o.;,...- -uliabls for larmlng or any
kind of work: have no further need for
them; with their harness ioo. jonn
Dobbins, at 334 Front si.
5-YEAR-OLD gelding trotter, by Common
wealth, dam Netty Ham, 1160 lbs.. 1
hands, perfectly gentle, good and fast
driver, i-none aiam
FOR SALE or exchange for good llo-se, two
fuil-blood Jersey bulls lone rea.llered),
alao seme frenh cows. Address M. c'. Hull,
Box 77. Boring, or.
BARGAIN Hav horse, 0 years old, 13'S" fpa.",
$03; rubber-tired buggy. $30; cart. $1;
single bugaiy harness, $3. Woitrlng. 235
Arthur st.
WANTED To exchange a Waverly electric
au-.o In good condition, for good brood
mares or farm horses. Address M- C. Hull,
Boring, or.
ONE cow and calf for sale cheap; one farm
wagon with team and harness, team of
young mares. The Model Slnbics, 2D5
Davis st. pnone .11. ihi, a unio.
ON ACCOUNT DEATH I have to dispose of
my pair of mares. Call and see them.
Mrs. Hampton's team, corner Sth and
Hawthorne ave. Travis Bros.' woodyard.
FINE pusture, hay and stable for horses,
during Winter; horses called for and de
livered. Address M. C. Hull, Box 77. Bor
ing, Or. (Bamford Place).
17 HEAD mares and geldings: several
matched teams and single horses. o0 to
13H0 lbs., will be shown In harness and
four days' free trial allowed, a.'il Second.
FOK SALE A littie team, fast trav
elers, good pullers, new harness, will sell
cheap. Inquire R. W. Forbes, Llnnenian
sta-.ion. O. W. P.
A FINE heavy gray team; well matched,
good pullers; heavy harness and 3 to
wagon, nearly new: outfit $475: Inquire
32 't N. Sixth St. Main 3730.
GOOD pair of low, chunks, heavy-boned,
true as steel, 7 and a: weigh C'lo; right
out of work, with the good breeching har
ness all complete. $423. 334 Front St.
You ng, uund horse, suitable express or da
livery, for sale cheap. Portland Riding
Academy. Johnson and gist st.
FOR SALE or trade, black horse, weight
lo.'.o. gentle, good driver, good express or
family horse. Phones A lSle. Msin 1H45.
ONE 26o0-pound team of mares. $130; or
will exchange for smaller team or cattle.
14 Union ave. r
FOR SALEFlne saddle horse. 7 years old,
welglig about lOOO; can bo seen at -Mont-lom-.j'
Stables. Front and Montgomery.
liil'U HOUSE and harness, top wagon. 2o0
chickens, between 1 and 2 years old. for
sale. F. Kllnner, Illllsqaie. pox un rt. a.
PAIR Imported Shetland ponies. well
matched. 2-seated tra.p and harnes lor
ale. 1014 uiviBipii. p
WANTED Young team. S00 to 1O00 lbs.:
also express wagon; mast, bo bargain. AT
7.24. oregonlan. .
FOR SALE A small team, harness and
buggy; can be seen at 42 E. 24th N.. be
tween 10 ana a.
TO exchange, pair heavy truck horses for
.. - v. V 1.7(1 Drpnnl.n
Ignter larm iioce.. "
GENTLE, true horse, leaving city, $25 If
sold al once. 560 Cole.
WE BUY. sell or rent horses, vehicle, har-
ness. Hubert A Hall. 81 Water IL
12 FRESH cows, some fine Jerseys. A.
Heiman. near Lents aunovioo.
NEW Studebsker Stanhope ana n i
1. ss than half value. Phone Main 81
Fi'Tt SALE Flrst-clas riding pony. Phono
Woodiawn 1347.
WILL board team of large horses for the
Winter for their use. AN 514. Oregonlan.
LIGHT covered wagon, good condition. $25.
I'hone A 72i7. to 11 A. M.. Mouday.
$03 lUYSvei:y gentle team of ponies, sound,
7 years old. H.M Second.
TOP camp wagon, A-l condition, $35, worth
$100 3."!4 Front St.
N1 E bay horse. 5 yeara old; gentle, $45.
334 rront st.
TWIN buggy for sale cheap. 363 N.
X HORSES for sale. 371 Lake St.
$3O0 MORTGAGE to exchange for good lit
tle caT;17IaMwsjJCXhjjjTg.
BRUSH runabout with top, late model. A-l
condition. $275. 182 Morrison St.
lo H. P. runabout. 1910. run 2000 mllea. ilr.
Brown. White Garage.
LIGHT auto truck, good condition: been
.hnrt time: a bargain. 18S Front st.
EI ECTR1C runabout, worth $P00. at $313,
for cash. 233 Worcester bldg.
Hl'PMOBILE, fully equipped, perfect con
dition. A J 612. Oregonlan.
BARGAIN Bulck auto truck for sal or
trade. 641 Hood si.
WILL exchnnge fine piano for good run
about mo Alder St.
WILL trade .10 acres, value $1SOO. for run-
aOOTlt. '-.
A 110 Cadillac car. o-paasenger. good aa
new, $S00 cash. Phon AA. 2i!75.
HOU3E. Excluruv dealers In used automobile.
Wo have the following cars In atock,' all
fully guaranteed.
Bulck runabout.
Regal touring car.
Hupmoblle tour's ca
Lion 40 touring car
Pope Hartford tour
ins car.
Overland roadster.
Bulck urrey.
Marlon roadster.
Knox 7-passenger.
Pierce 6-cyl., 7-pass.
Loiter "Briarcllile.
Monitor truck.
Bulck del. wagon.
American 2-ton truck.
American 8W-ton
Lauth Jergen ton and
a half.
White three-ton.
Stearns 7-passenger.
Autocar one-ton.
Reo delivery wagon.
Peerless touring car
Jackaon delivery wag
And rrany other, all sixes and shapes,
on our list.
W also have one 1911 twin Indian mo
tor cycle, .as good a new.
If you are In the market for a launch,
wo have one of the finest on the river,
40 ft. mahogany throughout, ha wash
room and toilet. 40-h. p. motor, electric
light plant and full equipment; cost $4..o0
co-nolcto with boathouse, etp. Our price
Now in our new location.
Phono East 8230.
TOMOBILE. You take no chances when buying from
us. aa we guarantee every car sold; we
are the leading dealers of slightly used
automomlles; our stock of over 75 can in
cludes ail makes, at price aa low as $200
to $4XH; no matter what car you want,
we have It at the right price, in A-l con
dition and guaranteed.
Here are a few we offer for your con
sideration: Pierce 48-h. p. 7-pass., Just
like new, guaranteed for one year; 4 doors
and fuilv equipped; cost $oo0; our price
only $.1300; will accept your old car as
part payment.
Marmon 3Vh. p.. 6-pass., good as new;
owner has authorized us to sell this car
at sacrillce; get a demonstration In this
car and you win buy It. Cadillacs, big
bargains, $350 to $1(100 1008, 8. 10. 11
models. Auourn 40-h. p. S-pass., looks
and runs like new, snap, $1230.
E. M. F. 30-h. p. 4-pass. $500.
Hudson 25-h. p. 5-pass, $G75.
Maxwell 22-h. p. 4-pass, $000.
Great Smith 40-h. p., $378.
Royal Tourist. 7-pas., 45-h. p., $700.
White Steamer, 7-pas., Ilka new, snap,
Flanders 20-h. p.. 2-pas., only $400.
Cols SO h. p., 2-pass. roadster, $550.
We have a number of trucks and light
delivery cars, $3O0 and up.
Remember, the only safe second-hand
car Is the on. that Is guaranteed, and
backed up by a responsible Arm.
We teach our customers how to drive
and care for their car free.
Our customors are at liberty to call on
us at any time should their car get out of
adjustment. Wo employ the best skilled
mechanics ;thelr service is also free. We
attribute our success to the fact that
every purchaser has been a satialied one.
21st and Washington Sts.
7-passenger Studebaker. $900.
o-pabseuger Lambert. $600.
5-pa.csenKer Oldsmohlle. $330.
2- parsenger Krit runabout, $300.
3- passenger Bulck roadster, $500.
Studebuker electric coupe, $530.
These cars are all genuine bargain.
Come and see them
Union Ave. and Wasco St.
Phone Esst 322.
1910 5-pass. Apperson, Al- shape, equip
per. $1200.
1911 Reo, 4-pass., fully equipped, guar
anteed. $00.
1911 Reo roadster, perfect order. $S50.
1910 Overland. 4-pass.. top, glass front,
speedometer, set tire chains, Inner tube;
car as good aa new. $600. ,
1910 Bulck, 3-pass., i's-h..p., equipped.
$430. . I
493 Alder it, corner 15th.
Phone Main 7179. A 4959.
FOR SALE or trade. 2-passenger Maxwell,
4-passenger Reo, Cadillac delivery truck,
4-passenger Auburn, 4-passenger Over
land, 4-passenger Ford, 5-ton White Gas
Truck, o-paasenger Parry, 6-passenger
Velje, three-quarter-ton Bulck truck, three-quarter-ton
Penn truck, 4-passenger Cad
illac. 2-passenge.r Overland, 7-passenger
Franklin, 7-passenger Locomobile, 7-passenger
Matheson. Hawthorne Garage, 443
Hawthorne ave
My 40-h P. 7-passenger almost new
$3000 automobile can be bought for
the next few days for $S50; of
course it is cash: this Is one of tho
nicest looking and one of the best
equipped car 'n Portlatyl; a car that any
one will be proud of; no Joy riders wanted,
but If you mean business, will demonstrate
any place. S.-e owner at 301 Buchanan
bldg.. 2MiH Wash, st,
FOR SALE Two new 3H-toii RMance auto
trucks, equipped with gravel bed. Cheap
for cash. Inquire liOS Board of Trado
Bide-, city.
REGAL ROADSTER, 20 H-. P., first deliv
ered, run. only 100 miles and In flrst-clasa
condition ; fully equipped, with top, glass
wind ahleld, syeedometer and Prest-olite
tnnk; sold cheap for cash ; no trades.
I'hone owner. Main 6835, between- 2 and 3
P. M.
TWO 1011 Mctx cars, 12 H. P.. for sale;
one has nevr bf en out of the earn pie
room; the other BllKhtiy used; $0!0 cash
for the two. Address Public Garage.
Woodburn, Or.
Have a 19 1 -passenger Cadillao, just
been thoroughly overhauled, good tiros;
am leaving city; must sell It; no reason
able offer refused. AK 013, Orffonian.
"Will taka large auto as part payment
on ;tlH-acre c-ntral Oregon land. 0O acros
under ditch; terms. Call or phone C. H.
Bu-nett, Hotel Oregon, Monday forenoon.
FOR SALE A one-ton truck. In first-class
condition, with a 10-pasrenger body ; also
a new stake freight body: a big bargain
if taken svt once. Call Mr., Main
FOR SALE &-ton Mack self-dumpiug truck.
Specially adapted for coal merchants V.
contractors. Truck practically new and in
excellent condition. Will soil cheap. Ad
dress Box 1788, Spokane. Wash.
Win ton Six, in tine running order, J400
canh and orchard bonds; big snap. -Ul
Swetland biag. Marsnau aun.
WANTED An electric coupe; must be of
late u rm k ii niiu in k uuu iiuuiiiuii, -
dness. stating description and price, X 511.1
HOW about your gasoline motor ? Does it
run smoothly? If not, send 10c postage
for "Engine Trouble" text-book. Breeze
Carbureters. Newark, N. J.
AM GOINO to buy a larger car. so have
no use for my 5-passengr Franklin; ?Sli3
takes It today at 1278 E- Taylor or 41
Grand ave.. Monday.
WANTED Instructions in driving auto, will
do your repairing in turn ior same, am
competent mechanic. W. E-, 1071 East
WANT, for cash, 1911 5-passenger auto, not
over 30; must bo flrt-class condition, and
bargain; give make and full particulars.
L, r17. Oregonlan
SNAP 1011 Krit. 475, 4-pass.. 4-cyi : can
be used aa nifty runabout. Call bio apald-
Ing bldg. x
FUR SALE 7-passenger Studebaker. rlrst
class condition, for caah; onlr3u. Phone
Woofilawn S257 or C 25S5.
5-PASSENGER auto, thoroughly overhauled;
j will sen or iraci. iwi -J"-
10 Washington Uiag.
ALTO truck for sals or trade; capacity
1CKHI pouna; in guou v,."
Tabor 3J.
NEW garag. Just completed. Live and dead
storage. Bpeedwell Motor Ca. 2. Al. SA.
85 14'b St.. cor. Couch.
JTton auto truck In good condition; bar
gain If taken at once. 2S 6th sU Main
708. A 4iK.
AUTO for sal cheap. 204 13th at.
RUNABOUT. Must be in good condi
tion. H)N or 111 model. .W'l"
change one of the finest lots In WEST
MORELAND; value $loo0. AE 524. Ore
gonlan. BARGAIN First-class 30-horsepc.wer road
ster, fully 'equlppped. top. wind chleld
speedometer, new tires. This ia a real
bargain; will take $330 today. Call 15
FOR EXCHANGE A Pope-Waveriy electric;
a very small expense necessary to put it
in A-l order; will exchange for gasoline
machine or sell cheap.
4th und Couch Sts
TIRES FOR SALE Two Goodrich, 3oxo.
three Diamond, 3x3; all new and un
used and will be sold at half catalogue
4th and Couch Sts.
FOR SALE Pope-Waveriey electric at a,
bargain; a very small expense necessary,
to put in A-l order.
eta anu cuuen ?-is.
WILL trade first-class 50 H. P. runabout.
A 1 condition, for vacant city lots. Phone
E 4002.
ELECTRIC Stanhope, nearly new. for clrfar
lots or. as part payment on 5-passenger
car. AK 517. Oregonlan.
1911 5-PASSENGER fore-door touring car, In
perfect condition, for sale cheap tor cash.
Apply Alex. ueuiu., ji- oat
CARTE RCA R, 6-paesenger, 1911 model,
only slightly U3cd: a bargain; owner leav
ing city. -V 000. urcso'iiau.
EwUITY in high-class residence lots, for 5
passenger car. AK. 519.Oregonlau.
Dogs. Birds. Pet Stock.
rvnci nnfiR. DOGS.
Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, field-broken
Pointers, English Better puppies, tocner
Spaniel male and Toy Spaniel female
41st anil Raymond ave. Sellwood 1R51.
FOR SALE French Poodles, 3 to 6 months
old; also want to buy 60 to 200 Wn.te
Leghorn hens, full blooded, 1 to 2 year
old. Address G. H. Bluhm, Lents. Or.,
R. 2; or phone Lents 4313.
PEKIN ducks, pure-bred, young and In good
condition: incubator and brooder, almost
now and in good running order. Telephone
Main 150! or address S 517. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE 180 young chickens, mostly
pullets, cheap, 1 mile south of Tremont
Station. ML Scott car. Haner place or
Phono Main 31, aprtmcnt 32. i
FOR SALE Maltese terrier bitch. 8 months
old; pedigree; fine lap dog; pure white;
worth $50, will sell for $12. AP 520. Ore-
gonian. ;
ENGLISH bull terrier purs, strain Then-
dara's White Hope-Willamette Dazzier.
Phone Mllwaukle, Red 32S. Oregon City
car, wewun'i. aoum. o...
ENGLISH bulldog puppies tor sale; Rodney
and Prince Albert slock. For Information
write Mrs. Carl Richards. Independence.
Or. ;
FOR SALE Very fine pair fox terriers. 6
months old; well marked: four puppies, 8
weeks old. 1440 Williams ave.
BEAR, cougar and coyote nounds pups, $10
each; trained dogs, $2o to $'0. A 490.
RHODE ISLAND red cockerels (rose and
single comb), Pekln ducks. bSth and Tiua-
mooli. ' .
BARGAINS In brown and white Leghorns.
Barred Plymouth Rocks and Rhode Island
xi.. Phone Tabor 805: also incubator.
PEDIGREED Angora cats,
eoras. $3. 663 E. Stark.
half-breed All-
WHITE Persian cat foi
sale. Call at
West Park.
AIREDALE TERRIERS for pals, sport and
guards. Lad.llx Kennels. Estacada. Or.
FINE thoroughbred fox terrier male pup for
sale. Ralland Cash, Underwood, W ash.
5 FRESH cows for saie. 794 Tacoma ave.
Phone Sellwonq inw.
TWO beautiful Persian kittens (smokers)
for sale. Phone Monday.M. 094-
SINGLE comiT"wliite Leghorn roosters at
$1 each. 200 East56th at., cor.Taylor.
FoR""SALE-Family cow, Jersey. Phono
Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments.
PIAN'OS rented. $3. $4 and S3 per month;
P eV rellalTe I makes Chlckerlns. Stetnway
and Kohler; rent can apply 011 purchase
Srico if desired. Kohler & Chajie. 3.o
Washington at.
BIG cash bargain In almost new piano 140.
with stool and scarf; no scratches or
bruises 221 Adams, cor. Holladay. Phone
E. 2132.
PIANO bargains In our exchange r 00m;
Steinway $90. Chlckoring $1... Kohler $lv.
easy tet mt Kohler 4i Chase, 8.3 W ash
Ington st. .
PIANO player at great reduction; Party
leaving city has left this instrument with
u, for quick sale. Kohler Chase. 3.3
Wasnlngton st.
ALL musical Instrument and music, etc..
belonging to the late Prof. Edwin A.
Smith, to be seen at 435 W asco. C 1300.
evenings, a lui
ilY $400 Emerson piano will be sold at auc
tion Tuesday. 10 o'clock. Baker's. 1.1-
HIGHGRADE piano, almost new at a.
argaln. I'm leaving town. 54o E. 31th.
FINE new mahogany '"',". "VX
only iss
flU uvnis T "
,r.O HOB AK T .M. tADLQ M'in
debt, sell cheap; terms. 440 Jd St., Main
3 7 .-i3, A 70-iL'. .
AM honestly In need of cash ; will sacrifice
my prnno and paintinss Please an
awer 223 5th st.; always home.
T ADY'S vloliu. beautiful tone; cost
Lm Jell fur i.V. Phone B 2B43.
3U0 PIANO for lbO; terms first class In
every way. Phone Main 4427-
$i8 PTANO"Theck free. Phone East .SPlM.
FUR SALE Uncalled for lady's tailored
it, brown, black satin trimming, s.ze ib;
" bargain If sold this week. AK -l.
HOOD River apples, direct from grower to
Hnsumer. 1.7S per box J:
livery. McKoy & Webb. 6u7 leon bidg.
phone Marshall 163:
F.irt ijiLE - H- P. A. C single-phase mo-
tor cmh. table, saw. shafting hangers,
..iiAvfi Kelts. 1j7 Moniana. evenings.
a KAKGAl N Piano, leather couch. 2 rock
ers 1 carver nd a good cook stove, tor
ale cheap, none --
ttop fi LE Comptometer adding, a vianig
and subtracting machine, box model, rub-
Iter kevs. $:to. Al o.t, u"fi"-"
rRE-FalrbuUks roller scale. wM
weign two ion., v1-"-'
Front st:
DAVENPORT, cost $U5. mahogany frame;
DU1. than half; little usd. X 03i
-iraDniilnn. or box J2.S, city.
FlLLtrado launch hull as part payment
MmSd balance on "r-
in nrst-class condition. Phone East .Ml.
FTf3 ..N'T practically new 200 Edison Am
h.ia lliil will make terms to reliable
r.rl- no trades, t-ast i
FOR K LE Malleable steel nsa 18-ln.
oven; sells new $tiS.50; will tae too; good
as new. Phone a. -.u.
frnvlTI'RE of 8-room house at your own
price; will ao'1 together or separate. S44
1st s , .
mrr.HT his home lie left furniture worth
. for sale at 20. 34 Manjuente ave.
Hawthorne cars.
9TirKETS to Denver, male. dark, medium,
oildille'-aged. one tali. slender. other
meuKjtoutHjy L'P
NEW cabinet, White sewing machine; will
" sell verv cheap. 844 1st st.
LARGE cannon ball heati r, almost new. for
sale eneap.. .'- -
ONE 125 refrlcerator. good as new, $13; one
u KO-carL. '
MACKEY'S history of Freemasonry, 7 vols..
S40. OlO, llUfiUIILai,.
DIAMOND in gentleman's ring at a bar
earn, aj .i. vit."n"
L. & C. SMITH typewriter. v
cheap for cant, n ojj. c.o,- -
CHARTER OAK range; almost new.
A 4405.
STEAM table, six feet, 3 meats, 4 vegeta-
VERY fine new mink set, one new sterling
sliver bag; reasonable. Main 178.
FOR SALE 50011 Columbia River Orchard
FOR SALE Cheap, good wood ran5.e: al8
gas range. Call mornings. East 4,43.
BE UTIFUL gowns, opera capes tailored
suits. CS Flanders st. Main
"0 FOOT 6 H. P. launch, toois and house; a
bargain. AJ 513, Oregonlan.
hiuy PUGGY. bed and chair. excellent
tiAtiX,..Y r, I'hnn. A 105:"..
COnaitlOH, vnoe. - " -
WELL fertilized manure for sale. Phono
East 4'.'2'i.
MEDIUM-Sl'-ED coal heating stove; good
as new, ?S. 1025 Francis ave.
FOR SALE Black bear rug, mounted. Tel.
Marshall 22 ii,
$4." BIRDSEYE muple dresser, $20; f.Ti.oO
blrjpeye tnaph chiffonier. $18; blrdseye
map.e rocker, $H; blrdseye maple chair,
$.i..-o; solid brass beds, $10 to $27.50; $40
roli-top drsk, golden f2-; ofTice re
volving chairs, $3 to 57; IS-'o davenport
bed, e$12.."r0 ; line w eathered o:ik china
closet, $20; fine weathered oak buffets, $1
to $20; line weathered oak dining chairs,
$1.2a to tine weathered oak extension
tables, $12.50 to $16.50; weathored ouk
Bi-rvtng table, $7. SO; gas ranges, $5 to $18;
steel rnns'i'8, $1S to $2o; line coal and
wood heaiers. $1.75 to f20; room-size tuks.
$. to $2o; $2." wax oak library table, 4bX
:;o inches, $15; wardrobe, $."i.r0; sanitary
davenport, $4; dresecrs of all kinds. $7 to
$2U; chiffoni-Ts, $.".ri0 to $15; goods de
livered free of charge to any part of the
city with our own teams. Open Saturday
evenlnss until 1. Western rialvase Co.,
M5, f47 Washington, between ltith and
17th bis.
1 Ice plant.
1 Iti-h. p. upripht enjtne.
1 50-h. p. engine.
1 90-h. p. Corliss engine.
1 00-h. p. boiler.
1 Pc-tson water wheel.
Lots of rails, all sizes.
Corrugated iron.
Rubber roofing.
Pipe pipe pipe.
HiO tons 30-lb, relaying rails.
f0 tens 4U-lb. relaying Vails.
1 12-h. p. economical boiler.
Wo aro positively the largest dealer
in second-hand machinery in the city and
carry a large stock of all kinds of saw
mill, mining and electric machinery.
J. SIMON & BR0-,
Front and Grant Sts. Take S car going-south.
W,-Inch galv. pipe, $3.45.
I -inch galv. pipe. $4.25.
1-mch galv. pipe. $tl.4i.
lU-irch- galv. pipe, $5.
1 galv. pipe. $'-.65.
..-inch galv. pipe, $11. H0.
Above pipe Is all new and guaranteed.
We also carrry in stock liuge quantities ol
second-hand pipe in all sizes up to 12
hich. which we orfer at the following
H - inch pipe, He.
-inch pipe, 2-14C.
1- inch pipe, SUc
2- inch pi!-e,
Ail fcuaranteed to be in lst-class con
dition, having tu-w threads and couplings.
J. -l.MON A BRO.,
Front and tirant Sts. Take S car.
8 S H. P., i'JO-volt. 3-phaso Induction
1 713 H. I'., 220-volt, 3-phase lnduotlon
moto-. , . ,
1 15 H. P., 220-volt, 3-phase Induction
mi"Jo H. P., iJO-volt, 3-phase Induction
motor. , ,
1 50 H. P.. 220-volt, 3-phaso induction
Motor experts,
los Union Ave.
All kinds of electric machinery bought.
Fold, rented and repaired.
run oaijcj.
1-H h. p. single phase A. C. motor. 110.
1-1 h. p. slnjjle phase A. C. motor. $d7.
1-5 h. p. 500-volt D. C. motor, $73.
1-15 h. p. 3-phase A. C. motor, $
1-17 Va h. p. K-phase A. C. motor. $150.
1-50 h. p. 3-phaso A. C. motor. $350.
3-15-amp. G. E. ammeter, $10.
1-ia-ln. A. C. exhaust fan, $11.
1 16-in. D. C. exhaust fan. $13.
1 Indian motorcycle, lamp, tandem, $1B.
We als.i do motor repairing.
Phones East OS. Columbia 3.
Now is the lima to buy your Bult, rain
coat or overcoat; an Immense stock to
choose from. They are sample model
and cancellation orders from manufac
turers of ready-to-wear clothing;. I pay
from 10 to 25 per cent less than tho mer
chant for my clothing and sell in an of
fice building (rent $30.00 a month). Thl
is why I sell you $J7.50 to $30 00 suits
und overcoats for $18.75; $12.M to $A.0
clothes for $14 75.
Room 315, Oregoi'iian Hidg. ' Take elevator.
WF. have purchased all tho machinery from
the McMillan Grain Co. and are offerln
for sale the following at a bargain.
1 "mio-lb. Howe scalo.
1 3ol'-lb. Howd. scale.
Lot ot first-class hund trucks.
1 economical boiler.
Larrn lot leather belting.
Large lot first-class pulleys, hanger and
.hurting. sijjon & BRO.,
Front and Grant Sts.
Take S cnr.
For sale 12 nood milk cows; six come
fresh this month and nix coming frail
soon and 1 Jersey bull. 3 years old.
Springwater. Or., 2 miles west of Estacada.
R. P.. 1. Springwater. Or.
We per square.
Guaranteed new.
Co-rugated iron. Corrugated Iron.
Front arid Grant Sts. Take 3 Car.
CHEA.P 10-oz. fly with ropes, for 14x20
tent, new; 50 ft. rubber hose, used once,
kitchen stove and cooking utensils, almost
new 00 Vi. gallons, choice, home-canned
frulf new sewing machine, easy pay
ments. S3 Shaver st
. ......... i.H.UVI TITfc-
FOR SALE: All the finest grado golden
oak one roll-top BO-inch desk; one fiat
toif 70-lnrh desk; three office arm chairs,
one revolving office chair. Call 517 Wells
Kjro bldg., Portland.
bTEclAL sale on sewing machines; 'lh"
used- Singer. Wheeler & Wilson. V. hit..
Domestic and New Home; some other new
40 machines now J2..50, wall they last.
S. S. Sigel. 335 Morrison bl.
LARGE lot of new wire fencing.
All galvanized.
4c pound.
. v. Own
J. 01.U.1 ""i
Front and Grant Sts. Take S Oar.
OSE new BO-inch flat-lop mahogany desk,
ore revolving chair and two companion
2nalrs all mahogany; will sell cheaper
than could be bought at wholesale, kor
particular phone Marshall 1)0.1.
DECOMPOSED GRANITE for use on garden
w-ilks or drives; the same material used
by the Southern' Pacific on their station.
Call aiarsiiaii --q.
FOR SLE New Stevens 18-gauge ?.ub,ls
b arroied shotgun and leather case Smith
& Wesson. Ss caliber revolver. $J5 take
a 1. rial 1. 01- i-" Jt
wull SA.LE 25 secoua-nanc neaiei..
nLrly new. from $1 up: also 8 good
1 cooker chief aa range. Call
E. ciay.
It EXCEPTIONAL bargain In Underwood
. (i Smith Remington typewriters, see
'! ..... T, .ijr ler CO.. NO. WO
The ioiinvcav - J r -
Sin st. .
I'uR SLE 6 fresh milch cows, sonie heavy
nUlkersftake Gresham car to lalrWow
imiulie Howltts Farm. Phono Farmer
4US. -
FACTORY representative of Singer Machine
Co in town for few days, have limited
number of machines at factory cost. D
520. Oregonlan. i .
Safes New and 2d-hand: low prices; easy
ternTiafes opened, repaired and painted.
Sell safe CO.. and Portland
CA1.-K CO.. 85 5th st. Main oacu, n -.iiq.
FOR SALE One new 32 special Wlncheatel
SSa?" Bood buy. "i'hone Marshal. 1660
Hoom 41 1
If your stove doesn't bake, there it
omethtng wrong. 1 can fix it. SUA East
Morrison. Phone East 10
:.,, VAi ic Fine painting. S-lx.-iO, ' Love of
he Ilmu-rily ' ( ailitable lor saloon, grill or
d,-avT"g-ro"m; only $50. Address or call
473 H.-ur'.son at.
Trrii-VD The cheapen and best plnce In
Vown to buy vour hats Woodiawn Mil-line?-
jhjTjMJjekum ave.. Woodiawn.
for SAiTe Furniture for five-room house,
all or part; also piano, camera and field
glasses. PJioneTabo4fW.
foi! SALE A" Icm'aio ticket to Chicago hy
way Cmwiha: good to Nov. 30. R 532.
Orvgotila". ' 2
TICKI-'T to Denver via Seattle and Spo
kane; male, middle-aged. D 5211. Orego-
; pKOHHEAD sewtng machine, nearly
new; aitacliments. 3.10 'i Morrison, room
42; utistalrs.
FOR SA.LE CHEAP Quartered oak sectional
book case; Early English finish. Call 018
Ladd ave. J
FOR SALE rool table as good as new.
will sell cheap. Call Monday, 48; N. 3d
Alain (lo.j
HNDSOME Mexican handwork linen lunch
set. exclusive riesiKh: made to order, la
pieces. 1 an am j'mi
TO SELL 630 potato boxes In good condi
tion. 28 N. 4th st. Telephone Main 35S0.
Portland, Or.
5 TONS No. 22 gnuse galv. sheet iron.
Front and Grant Sts. Take S Car.
FOR SALE Lady's ticket to Omaha. Dark,
medium. AG 531, OregonianJ
TYPEWRITERS, visible, will be sold at sac
rifice. Room 10 Washington bldg.
HOT'SEBOAT completely furnished for rent.
Apply Mr. Wellge. Oregon Yacht Club.
Contractor's equipment by United Engineer
ing & Construction o., no uewis mug.
OLD gas and coal range. 427 Wash. Iluire
2 to 4 P. M.