The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 22, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 5, Image 17

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    OCTOBER 22, 1911. " fJL f
innhr waa not verv fast on his feet
and quickly decided that I could win
before many rounds Dy iirms ""-j
despite his advantage in weight of
about 18 or 20 pounds.
I started In by Jabbing, hooking and
getting away before Christopher could
land effectively and most of his blows
found me going away from them, thus
depriving them of their '"heft." He
tried to follow me 'and Imitate my foot
work, but no man should try that un
less he has trained and practiced it
carefully. Christopher soon became
tangled in his own footwork and in
the eighth round I went in to land the
finishing' punch.
(In the next article, Mr. Ryan tells
of his arrival in Chicago and of several
bouts near that city.)
Manager Knickerbocker Insists His
Team Is Champion.
Heavyweight Defeated While
Tommy Is Still Unknown
Beyond His State..
Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln
and Hill Reckoned as I
Having Chance. !
California Conceded Slight Ad
vantage in Strength Over
j fast on his feet I pnnn nnllnl o "T-1 "l
. . - -- -- mmm mm esassstssssaae s s i t t TT..T---..--
l 1 ftJ: l afoetWIIWUP
i I 1 ? ciAxE Txt Oftri Pi-ay ajy g'";N7 r I1"7)
j fcV "
rropnal That Trans Tour Kant In
Holiday ami Give Exhibition
Gsnw Win Rapport Paid
Coach Hear Knell.
BY" C A. niLEtJER.
RERKELET. CaU Ckt. :i. (Special.)
Now that the annual freshman tmn
are oTfr. Interest In football ha shift
el to the varsity teams, and from now
intll toe big varsity game on Novem
tr 3 the (udrnt at the Unlveralty
or California and Stanford will get be
hind the two rival varaltle and lend
every possible effort to bring the vic
tory to their college.
At the present time California eem
to have a aliant advantage. The Blue
and Gold harkfield la playing wonder,
f jl football now, but It i not unl'ke
ly that the next couple of week will
a lump lu their work, aa a num
br of the player are on edce now and
rannut aland murh more work without
a-olnr stale. Captain Amos Elliot la
playing murh belter than Is to be ex
teted this early in the ajon and.
ailes he la given a layoff acMin. he l
pretty aure to lose loma of the vigor
and dash which characterize hi play.
Bark Field la Mra.
Allen, the crark center three-quarter
on last year'a varsity Is atill Quite
a bit behind hia form of last season,
but thla I mainly amounted for by
ti.e fart tiiat he ha not been able to
plae In many of the practice game, ow.
In to Injuries. Walls., another of the
star backa of lat year'a team, haa been
Leaping to coarh the freahmen and haa
not even reported for varalty practice
aa yet.
From present Indication the Cali
fornia barkfield In thla year'a big came
will be the strongest combination that
haa ever played the KuKby name In
California and will be vastly auperlor
lo the Stanford barkfleld.
Coach Presley, of Stanford, lia been
shifting his player around a rood
deal and for thla reason the Stanford
backs are rather an unknown quanti
ty. Captain Erb haa been uaed both at
.ia!f and at center three-quarter and
haa not shown very well In either posi
tion. Ills regular berth la at half back
and he will probably wind up there,
making necessary the shifting of Cass,
:he present halfback, to the three
nuarter line.
Frown, a veteran of tree varsity
Fame, probably will play fullback
again, but he haa alma) a had consid
erable difficulty In playln much of a
game against California, and ao the
knowledge that he probably will appear
In last line of the Cardinal defense
:s not causing a great amount of worry
rnong the California avtnpathlsera.
Rlsllng. a member of the Talo Alto
High rVhool team last year, U almost
Hire of a position at first flve-elghtn
on the Cardinal team. He Is very fst
and carrla l ball well, but b
not In trie same class with the older
and more experienced varsity men and
will have hi han-i full to keep Elliot
nf California from running through him
In the big game.
A alight superiority among the
Stanford forwards helpa to even up the
two teams. l-p to date the Stanford
rnrarri have been the strength of the
team and In the practice game have I
done most of t'.ie scoring. Coach Pres
ley had been devoting a good deal of
Ms lime to tiie forwards and expect
to make the play In the varsity game
as mu-U of a forward game aa possi
ble. Teassa Well Vlsttrard.
But Presley Is not the only one who
realizes that a tram must have good
forward as well aa backs and every
afternoon for the past two weeks.
Coach Schaeffer. of California, haa been
putting the Blue and Gold scrub men
throuich hard practice. In the last two
games the California forward have
shown marked Improvement In their
p ay and now are almost on a par with
their rivals at Stanford.
Thla Is to be the last year of the paid
roach at t-'tanford and it practically
sound the death knell of football at
that university. Those In charge of
athletic affairs at Stanford have a
hankering afu-r the English way of
carrying on athletic In" . universities,
and in line with that policy are fig
uring on doing away with the paid
coaching system. At Oxford, Cam
ririge and the other English unlver
a'ties. the coaching ! done by gsuau
ate. who receive no compensation tor
tnelr work. Eastern college have
found It Impossible to turn out strong
teams unJrr this system of coaching,
and If Stanford adhere to her Inten
tion of adopting It. It will mean tho
end of strong varsity teams at Stan
ford. There has been come talk of aendlng
both the Stanford and California team
Hast at Chrlstm time to play exhi
bition game In the large cities with
the end in view of Introducing the
Hugby game in the Eaalera Unlverst
He. The proposed trip would cost
about IH.OO'l, and it is thousht that
the expenses-of the tlip could be met
by the admission paid at the various
games. Some of the prominent atn
Irtlc managers In the San Francisco
Bav region are considering the advia-
hi'utv of the trip and are preparing
a report. The proposed plana for the
trip call for live ganiea in
Albany Indoor l.eagne KeorRanlxcd.
ALBANY. Or, Oct. 21. ( Special. In
order to strengthen the Albany Indoor
Biitball League and make It a smaller
organisation with atronger tram s. the
league waa reorganised at a meeting
held last evening. Two teams were
eliminated and their playera appor
tioned to the four remaining teams.
The Southern Pacific and Spanish
American War Veteran teama were
the one whose names are dropped. The
militia team, strengthened by the ad
dition of most of the Veterans" team,
will play henceforth undr the nam
of the -Military Club." The three re
maining teama of the reorganised
league are the Albany High School.
Knights of Columbus and Alco Club.
A complete new schedule w arranged
and ail teams will start on a new per
centage basis- A. C Baker was elected
business manager of the league.
rr mT months the Kdrmt1on of Ciro
L. Asx-!a !'"" "f the L'nlted Kltisdmn
i... ba J''I " rheek !u.s
Tf th eold-str mytrm. snj Us parlis-J,bia-t
romniitEM r-ports thst It hs
r,-it tho nii'if bf..r th. sovsram-at
5i.rinta. VMS a 10 th. appolnt-
ni a sevwaauat eammluc te give It
1" with THfu or CJl ?VV -.
HP3Klf?5 MiJHT K fL-r V? aV a
roppej on the vJrA
Portland to See Champion Mat
Man at His Best.
Vrrtler Manager Kxplaln That
Sore Knee In Chicago Boot
Itelonged lo Man JYom
Buckrye State.
Tortland fan are to have a genuine
treat In the form of a great niatfest
when the world's title-holder. Cham
pion Frank A. Ootch. shows here at
Oregon Hall on Nevember 1. Frank la
coming In the very finest pink of con
Frank A. (iatrk.
"T'ho discovered Frank GotchT"
1 a query often propounded to
the aportlng writer.
Martin "Farmer" Burns Is gen
erally given the credit. Back In
100. when wrestler were quali
fied with the crafty second-story
man Burn, then one of the best
heavyweight In the country, be
gan to circulate stories of a won
derful wrestler he had discovered
on a farm in Iowa.
Eight years later. April 3. 1J0S.
Gotch defeated Hackensehmtdt
after two hours of a peculiar
struggle. A little over a year
later Gotch. then fully 100 per
cent better, defeated Toukouf
Mahmout. the 'Terrible Turk."
who Is now with him on the tour
that brings them Into Portland on
November 1.
But Gotch himself will tell' you
that It was hi match with Tom
Jenkina on Way 13. 1S0S, in Kan
sas City that won for him th
championship of th world.
if :. ..ri
if- -) !i
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I ' ' "
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dltion. fresh from his very decisive
conquest of George Hackonschmldt. late
of Russia, who caught the first boat
home after Gotch made him look Ilk
a selling-plater vainly endeavoring to
qualify as a Derby-winner. And what
Gotch did to Hack was only a sample
of what the Humboldt boy haa been
handing out to the rest of them and
In the fix of Alexander of old. with
'no more worlds to conquer," Frank Is
going to take this one, last, red-hot,
stealing tour and then retire to the
quiet life of his Iowa acre.
There Isn't a wrestler on earth who
wouldn't be tickled to death to take
the loser's end In a match with Frank,
but Gotch can't see It that way. Most
of the foreign wrestler have not fur
nished him with more than a comfort
able work-out. and the same thing Is
true. In varying degrees, with the
Amerlran bunch. High and lofty in
his ability, Frank stands so terribly
alone that lie knows the world doesn't
possess an opponent for championship
honors, irrespective of tKe many claims
persistently set forth.
Kmll Klank. manager of Gotch, put
It this way: "They are all setting up a
howl of what they wonld do to Gotch.
Some of the papers have listened to
the noise and yet. Hackenschmldt waa
admittedly the master of the balance
of the bunch. Does the public want to
see Ootch wade In and trim these false
alarms In one or two minutes? That I
exartly what would occur, and has
happened, and Frank Isn't going to
humbug the public by lending his name
to any more of those challenges. There
was the case of Hack; his backers were
all agreed that he was In the finest
shape of hi career. They believed In
him so that they backed him with all
the money they could lay their hands
on. Then, when they saw Frank
stripped for action, they speedily de
veloped cold feet. Implored the referee
to save them by calling the bets off
and he compiled. After the match, they
told the world about a bad knee Hack
possessed. Let me tell you something:
Frank was the one with the bad knee.
He hurt It In hi training In Humboldt.
It bothered him considerably, but ha
didn't complain.
"Curley and the balance of them, such
as Roller, knew about Frank's Injury,
and what did they do but appropriate It
to Hark? The Injury to Hackenschmldt
was In his heart. The yellow started
there and branched off with one chan
nel coursing down his spine, and the
other attacking Ms mind. Hack waa
outclassed so terribly that he had to
grasp about for an excuse. He went
against a different Gotch and he got
trimmed so hard there Is no room for
explanations or a come-back. And. be.
sides, you couldn't drag Hackenschmldt
Into the ring with Frank again If you
had a steam crane. You couldn't even
get him In with Mahmout. the Bulga
rian Tiger, who will accompany Gotch
on his tour. These fellows can put up
all the brands of talk they know, but
they can't find a way out. And now
they are sore, and they would rob
Frank of hia glory. That's all the good
It will do them."
Owing to the preeont inadequate fa
cilities, boxing has not gained much
headway. Many, however, wish to take
up the manly art nnder the Instruction
of Tommy Ryan, tho club's Instructor,
who recently came hero from the East.
Wrestling continues to attract, and
In order to satisfy the boxing and
wrestling devotees, a class schedule
will be announced this week. Separ
ate evenings will be set aside for both
Four Teama Will Comrietc for Cam.
eroa Cup Thl Scaon.
Interest In occer football has re
vived, say officials of the Portland
Football Association, which haa reor
ganized, and the game la expected to
be well patronized this year.
Four clubs will compete for the
Cameron cup. which was won by the
Nationals last year. The quartet Is
composed of the Nationals, Cricketers.
Multnomah Club and Occanlcs. All the
games will be played on the Columbus
Club field with the exception of the
contest in which the Multnomah
Club' tram Is engaged. These will be
played on Multnomah Field.
The Soccer League's schedule fol
lows: October 39. Nationals vs. Crick
eters; November 12. Oceanlcs vs. Crick
eters: November 19. Oceanlcs vs. Na
tionals: November 2.1. Multnomah vs.
Cricketers: November 30, Multnomah
vs. Nationals; December 3. Cricketers
vs. Oceanlcs; December 9. Oceanlcs vs.
Multnomah; December 17. Cricketers
vs. Nationals: December 23. National
vs. Multnomah: December IS, Multno
mah vs. Oceanlcs: January 1. Cricket
ers vs. Multnomah; January 7, Nation
als vs. Oceanlcs.
Ca Worth $4000 Taken From
Stateroom Is Steamship's Loss.
RAN FRANCISCO, Oct 21. A case of
opium valued at S40OO which had been
shipped from China under bond and en
route to Central American ports waa
stolen from the storeroom of the
steamer City of Panama early today.
As the drug was under seal, tho Pa
rlflc Mall Steamship Company Is made
liable for It losa Tho hip waa to
aall tor the aouth tomorrow.
THC ftXME lC5i
Ptrajff Wife NTTC)
William' Milchewski to Repre
sent Multnomah Club.
Contest Will Continue Two Weeks,
Tieglnnlna; Monday Boxing and
Wrestling PronilNes to Be
Under Way Soon.
Another National champion has aug
mented the ranks of the Multnomah
Amateur Athletic Club. Ho is William
Milchewski, who won the Amateur Ath
letic Union wrestling championship, 145
pounds, at the tournament held at the
Helllg Theater latit May. He arrived
here Friday and will make Portland
his home.
Th coming of Milchewski recalls an
interesting story connected with Ills
trip here from Chicago, when he won
National honors. Accompanied by an
other wrestler, Bcha'.k Milchewski
"beat" his way from Chicago, being
devoid of traveling funds.
The night he defeated Ward, of Seat
tle, for tho championship, tho crowd
howled Its delight until lie was forced
to make a speech. When he started
talking be said things which came as
a complete surprise. He told the au
dience of his hard work to get out
here, how he got on the wrong freight
many times, was put off by the
"shacks" and finally landed in Port
land. So Impressed was the .crowd with
- :"-vs. , a.'-
t William Mlehewakl, National
Wreatllaa Mtar at the Mnlt-
aomaa Clob
his sincerity that the men immediately
began throwing money into the padded
ring, and before their enthusiasm died
Mlrhcwskl was standing In the center
of a circle of about $100.
Cnable to accept the proffered hos
pitality, because It would profeslon
alize him. the Chicago champion turned
the money over to the officials of the
Multnomah Club, who added a little to
It and paid his expenses back to his
home. i
The acquisition of the former Davis
Park Club man Is a big thing for the
Multnomah Athletic Club. The Na
tional champion will enter wrestling
tournaments and Is expected to bring
many honors to the club. He Is con
sidered one of the cleverest amateur
wrestlers In this country. The year be
fore he became champion he was
beaten in Brooklyn by Carl Johnson,
who got a decision over him.
Entries for the annual handball tour
nament of the Multnomah Club closed
yesterday with the following .signify
ing their intention of competing: A.
O. Jones, W. K. Post, H. R. Wakeman,
C. P. Osbourne, Ben Rlesland. Parke B.
Myers, G. H. Eastman, A. B. McAlpIn,
S. Douglass, Thomas H. Cleland, J. H.
MacKenzle, Thomas Kerr, A. H. S. Haf
f on den, T. P. McGlnty and H. N. Proeb
steL These men. representing the pick of
tho club's handball talent, will vie for
the Ben Holladay cup. This trophy
must be won three consecutive years
before it passes permanently into the
handa of the winner. It Is the blue
ribbon handball event of the club, and
in the past has brought out keen ri
valry. Those who have entered have
been practicing dally to b in the best
possible form when they ax called
upon to compete.
1 1 yt
Kv ji
Crouching Position Bewilders Baker
In Battle Xear Grand Rapids
That Gives State Champion
ship to Toong Fighter.
(Copyright. 1911. by A. H. Beckett)
Before that year, 1889, was out. I got
another chance at Jimmy Murphy but
again I found that "infuence" some
times has a lot to do with the winning
or losing of a boxing match.
As I said In my last article.. Mur
phy was lightweight champion of Mich
igan and all champions have their
friends as long as they have the title
and money to spend.
The second bout with Murphy was
arranged to take place near Grand
Rapids. My first fight had been to a
finish, or so the articles read, while
the second was to be an eight-round
affair with kid gloves. It was adver
tised as an "exhibition" but both Mur
phy and myself realized that It was to
be a real battle.
I had gcined a pretty thorough
knowledge ' Murphy's ring tactics in
my 37-roundl attle with him and when
wo met for the second time I went
into the ring with my campaign well
mappod out. For one thing, I was de
termined that Murphy should not get
another chance to land his terrible
right. And throughout the bout I was
able to keep him from using that hand
to the best advantage.
Fighting la Forced.
According to the way I had figured
.things out. Murphy's body was his
weakness and I Immediately began to
play for that, and bothered him a lot
with a straight left to the face. Know
ing that the bout was not to be a long
one, I forced the fighting and here my
fast footwork stood me in good stead.
Murphy soon began to show signs of
flagging under the stiff pace.
I found an opening In the fourth
round and sent him to tho floor with a
fusillade of blows. But the referee
was a follower of the Murphy camp.
He assisted the fallen champion to his
feet and was very slow in tolling off
his count. I Immediately went after
Murphy again when he had regained
his feet and but for the assistance he
received from the referee I would have
knocked him out In that round.
For the remaining four rounds. I had
Murphy stalling all the time and the
referee saw to It that I did not have
any too many chances to land the
finishing punch. As. a result. Murphy
lasted the eight rounds. No decision
was given but Murphy always insisted
afterwards that the bout was a draw.
1 and my followers looked upon It as
A victory.
My showing with the lightweight
champion made the other little fel
lows a bit wary of mixing with me. I
was not particular about the weights,
however, and when I could get no other
lightweight bouts I began to look for
the bigger men.
Meavywelgnt Faced Next.
The recognized heavyweight cham
pion of Michigan at that time was
Henry Baker. He weighed about 170
pounds and had a good reputation. I
had been after a Grand Rapids pro
moter to get me some more bouts but
when he offered me the match with
Baker my friend all begged me not to
take It. for they thought that I would
stand no chance against the big fel
low. However, I accepted. I may have
been a "bit swelled" over my success
In other bouts and perhaps did not give
the proper consideration to the big dif
ference in weight. Anyway, the match
was made and It was up to me to get
into condition.
I weighed, when properly trained,
about 130 pounds at that time and in
stead of training down as I had for the
lightweights, I decided that I would
try und put on weight and still re
tain my strength and speed. As a re
sult of this I went into the ring with
Baker weighing close to 140 pounds.
He had an advantage of 30 pounds or
more in weight, longer reach and
greater height.
Baker had a good right hand. In
fact, tho right seemed to bo the fight
ing hand of a good many of the old
time fighters. He was willing to mix
heartily and landed me on the floor In
the first round with a right swing.
Crowd See Defeat.
Fighting in my usual crouching po
sition. I played for the stomach and
landed some effective blows. The crowd
which jammed - the old ice house at
Reid Lake thought I had tackled too
much, for body blows do not show as
much as those to the head and face.
In the second round. Baker landed
another right swing and again I went
down, but before the end of the round
I bad him covering up for I was mad
enough to tear In at him, regardless of
the consequences. The low rush
troubled him, for few fighters fought in
a crouch in those days and Baker did
not know how to guard effectively
against my style of fighting.
I realized that the additional weight
would give Baker a big advantage In
a long fight, so when the third round
commenced I started to make a quick
finish. Slamming rights and lefts to
the body and poking an occasional
straight left to the face, I kept the
big fellow backing until he was all in
and then a smash to the jaw sent him
down for the count. The heavyweight
champion of Michigan had gone down
to defeat before an almost unknown
Grand Rapids fans began to claim
me as one of "their own." I became
the most popular boxer In the hustling
little city and had plenty of backing,
both In the matter of friends and
finances, after I had disposed of Baker.
Such is always the case. The public
likes a winner and while he is on top
they Idolize him but no maiden was
ever more fickle and once a champion
Is defeated he quickly goes into ob
livion. Secend Heavy Is) Eaay.
Some people may .question the state
ment that Baker was a heavyweight.
To the doubtful ones I would say to
look "ip the record of James J. Jeffries,
the former heavyweight champion of
the world. In the list of Jeffries' fights,
they will find the name of Henry
Baker, who was knocked out by Jef
fries lr. nine rounds at San Francisco
on May 19, 1897. This was the same
man I fought and defeated at Reld
Chris Christopher was the next op
ponent dug up for me by the Grand
Rapids promoter. Christopher was a
popular middleweight. He had a good
punch and had been winning most of
his bouts by the knockout route and
was strong enough to go a distance.
The fight was to be to a finish and
took dace lust outside the Grand
Rapid city limits. I found that Chris
j Sporting Kdltor.) Sheridan and Wil
lamette v aney tans still maintain mat
the Sheridan baseball team is the most
logical contender for the state semi
professional title and the followers of
the Valley team assert that their team
has the best and most representative
record of any of the four teams that
are prone to spout about state honors.
Sunday's Oregonlan contained an ar
ticle which would in part refute Sher
idan's claims to the state semi-professional
championship, but the Portland
scribe, who was evidently strong for
his home teams, failed to advance any
logical argument whereby Sheridan's
claims were weakened. It was said
that there were other logical contend
ers for the state title, namely, Salem.
Woodburn, Albany, Corvallis, Baker
and other good semi-professional
teams about the state and that they
ought to be considered, but it was evi
dently forgotten that the entangle
ment of placing the state honors con
cerns semi-professional teams only,
and everyone of the teams named as
being neglected contenders for state
honors, were strictly professional
teams and belonged in an organized
league. It was also stated with au
thority that "Red Rupert" and Mana
ger Grayson would not claim for their
teams the state semi-professional ti
tle, because they considered such a ti
tle something that could not be set
tled. This Is absurd and Sheridan fans
are laughing at the lukewarm atti
tude taken by the Portland semi-professional
fans. In the first place.
Portland is the natural hub for all
lines of sport and the surrounding ter
ritory with its poor transportation fa
cilities affords a most representative
area for all athletic disputes to be set
tled in which state honors are in
volved. Sheridan or any other team
wouldn't have the unadulterated nerve
to make state claims If their record
didn't warrant a try for it.
If the teams who have these good
records don't "toot their own horns"
certainly nobody else Is going to do it
for them. There is a state champion
ship to be decided and there surely
must be some logical contenders, and
Sheridan fans believe that the most
logical claimants for the honors are
the Columbus Club, Kscheles and the
Sheridan team. -The Gresham team
would be included if it had not con
ceded to Sheridan and the Columbus
Club the divided honors at the time
those two teams were to play to settle
the championship, and Just after Co
lumbus put the Greshamltes out of the
running by beating them two games.
Sheridan decidedly defeated the Co
lumbus Club and offered another game
which Columbus canceled; the Esch
eles were booked for two games and
they also failed to show up and no ex
planations were lonncorauig ll
peculiar indisposition to come to Sher
idan for the games. The Echeles only
claim for the honor lies in the fact
that It beat the Columbus Club.
A three-cornered series should Be
arranged to decide all dispute and the
games would draw largely if played
either in Sheridan or Portland.
dan and Valley fans do still maintain
that there Is a state semi-professional
title and that their team la the most
logical contender for that honor.
Manager Snerioan Club.
Defeated White""" Hope Will Seek
Other Arena Contests.
NEW ' YORK. Oct. 21. (Special.)
With the Indomitable pluck that he
showed in his fight with Jim Flynn
Carl Morris has again taken up the
training grind at the new Polo Ath
letic Club, with the declared intention
of making good in New York the
scene of his recent disaster. New York
ers have little time to devote to a
loser, and Morris has been cast aside
as a hopeless failure by most of the
fight fans. Yet to condemn him abso
lutely may be as much a mistake as
was the ridiculous idea that he would
be a star of the game at his first at-
tewhen analyzed, the result of his
fight with Flynn shows that he really
did wonderfully well when all the facts
are taken Into consideration. The re
sult of the contest. Instead of being
a cause for condemnation, should be
the cause for high praise. The fact that
Morris was able to last for 10 rounds
with an experienced man of Flynn's
caliber was a worthy feat for a novice.
If Morris' hitting muscles are developed
as they are capable of being, Flynn
would never last half the distance.
But Morris was poorly handled in
spite of the money spent on his train
ing. Instead of work calculated to de
velop hitting power, he got long rune
on the road, that took off surplus
weight and speed and snap as well. He
has never had the use of a well
equipped gymnasium before and in fact
is Just becoming acquainted for the
first time with the uses of the dif
ferent paraphernalia of an up-to-date
training quarters. Morris fS only 22
years old and, despite his great size,
his muscles have not been developed.
He Is boyish and good-natured as well
as Intelligent, and, like all game men,
is free from bluster.
Altogether he has a winning person
ality, that causes every one who comes
in contact with him to feel friendly
toward such a good-natured person
from the first.
At tho new Polo A. C. where he Is
now training under the management of
Billy Newman, Morris will have the
benefit of intelligent coaching. A
match with some local man will be
obtained for him in a few weeks. When
the name of Al Palzer, Tom O'Rourke's
white hope, was suggested to Morris
as a possible opponent, the big fel
low's face lit up In a happy grin. Mor
ris likes fighting and makes light of
the injuries received in the Flynn com
bat. The truth Is that while he pre
sented a repelling sight, his Injuries
on that occasion were superficial. His
brain was clear and he was strong on
hi feet, although bathed in blood. This
naturally made him look worse than
he really was. Whether or not Morris
has the latent ability eventually to be
come a champion is more or less of a
mystery. Jet one cannot help admiring
a man possessed of such sterling cour
age and determination.
Third Drydock Promised.
SEATTLE. Oct. 21. A third drydock
at the Puget Sound Navy-Yard vir
tually Is assured by a letter from
George von L. Meyer, Secretary of the
Navy, received by Representative Hum
phrey today.' The second drydock, de
clared to be the largest in the world,
is nearlng completion and a third dock
1000 feet long will equip this yard as
the largest on the. Pacific Coast.
Portland Academy and Columbia by
Losses Are Practically Elimin
ated Many Strong Individ
ual Players Noted.
With the Portland Interscholastlo
Football League starting forth on Its
third week and several games out of
the way, the dope seems to point to a
keen struggle between Washington,
Lincoln and Jefferson for championship
honors. Hill has an excellent aggre
gation, under Carl Wolff, but the three
above named are given the edge by
close followers of the high school
Washington's decisive drubbing of
Portland Academy Friday proves that
Coach Earl has fully as strong a squad
as that which won the 1910 title by
walloping all comers. Lincoln took
second place last Fall with Columbia
third and Jefferson fourth. Columbia's
12-0 loss to Hill with the earlier 2-0 de
feat at the hands of Jefferson prac
tically eliminates the purple and white
from the race.
Jefferson and Lincoln are both much
stronger this season, in the opinion of
the experts and a hard battle Is ex
pected when Lincoln meets Jefferson,
November 3, in the first of the elimi
nation clashes between the three lead
ers. The schedule this week follows: Oc
tober 26, Jefferson vs. Astoria at Port
land; October 25, Hill vs. Portland
Academy; October 27, Columbia vs. Lin
coln; October 27, Washington vs. Van
couver, at Vancouver.
Hill Military Academy celebrated Its
victory over Columbia with a banquet
at the school Friday evening. Dr. J.
W. Hill. Major von Eglofatein, Colonel
Patterson J. Root, W. R. Taylor and R.
E. Hicks, of the faculty, Preston Shear
er, Ted Stiles, manager and captain re
spectively, and Quarterback Metcalf, of
the Hill football team, and Joel Emily,
coach, made speeches commenting upon
the Interest that the students are tak
ing in athletics this season. Besides
the students of the school, the follow
ing guests were present: Mrs. W. J.
Stiles, Mrs. W. C. Slattery, Mr. and Mrs.
I. Fredenthal, H. Clarke and J. Lelbly,
of Seattle.
Dr. Hill, who has just returned from
a trip to San Francisco, as a guest in
President Taft's special car, told the
students of some of the incidents of the
"The President's train was being tak
en across the ferry at Sausalito and
the Chief Executive was busy shaking
hands with the deckhands." said Dr.
Hill. "Seeing a woman sitting on a
bench over to one side he asked:
" 'Who's child is that?' "
"Upon being told that it was her's.
he asked her to bring it to him. Ho
took the child in his arms and then re
quested a photographer to take him
and to be sure and get the address of
the woman and see to It that she re
ceived a copy."
White, one of Coach Earl's newly
developed halves, is getting to be the
sensation of the season. In the last
two games of Washington High he has
proved himself to be about the best
ground-gainer for that school. He bids
fair to make a place on the season's
all-star eleven.
Jack Day, of Jefferson, and Patter
son, of Lincoln, will be two others
that will make a hard fight for these
positions by the way things are loom
ing now. If these men continue the
play they have begun tho season, they
will certainly be strong contenders for
places on the honor team. Another
likely candidate will be Jackson, who
played an exceptionally fine game
against Columbia Thursday.
Eddie McAllen is one of the season's
phenomenal discoveries, who. although
known to be a speedy little player, ex
ceeded all prophesies in tho game he
played Thursday. Many times during
that game he saved Columbia's prob
able score by his agility and ability to
think quickly.
Northwestern Colleges Revise List of
Playing Dates.
Nearly all the Northwestern confer
ence schedules have been revised, and
In answer to a general demand, the
complete schedules of the six big
schools are hereby appended:
Orrjron Tnlversity.
October 27 Washington State College at
November 4 Whitman College at Knen.
November 18 University of Washington at
November 26 Idaho University at Eu-
eNovember SO Multnomah at Portland.
Oregon Agricultural CoUea-e.
November 4 University of Washington at
SeNovembr 11 Washington State College
at Corvallis. .
November 18 Willamette University at
Corvallis. .. . ,,
November SO Whitman College at walls
Washington University.
October 2S Idaho University at Spokanft.
November Oregon Agricultural College
at Seattle. , .
November 18 Oregon University at Port-
toNovember SO Washington State Collegt
at Seattle.
Washington State College.
October 27 Oregon University at Pullman.
November 11 Oregon Agricultural Col
lege at Corvallis.
November 18 Whitman College at Spo-
kaNo'vember 80 University of Washington
at Seattle.
Will tin an College.
November t Oregon University at Eugene.
November 11 Idaho University at Mos-
CNo-ember 18 Washington State College
at Spokane. . . ..
November 80 Oregon Agricultural College
at Walla.
Idaho University.
October 28 University of Washington at
SlNovember 11 Whitman College at Mos-
CNovember 28 Oregon University at Su-
CNo"vember 30 Utah at Salt Lake.
Victoria Woman Kills Self.
SEATTLE, Oct 21. Barbara Robert
son, 35 years old, and registered from
Victoria, B. C, was found dead In her
room in a prominent Second avenue
hotel today.
Apparently she had committed sui
cide by drinking chloroform and lay
ing a cloth saturated with the drug
over her face. A note asking that
Thomas Sloan, of Vancouver, B. C, be
notified of her death was found in the
room. Nothing is known of her at the
hotel other than that she arrived from
Victoria Thursday night.
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