THE SUNDAY- OREGQMAX, TORTLAXD, OCTOBER 15, 1911. TJUT SETS WHEELS OF FAIR IN MOTION President Turns Earth for Big Panama-Pacific Exposition in San Francisco. ORDICA CAROLS GREETING Taier Aiare hklt-9 Modsut Crowd Vttnfr Imprrie Cercmonlea Which Take Place In Gold en Gale Park. BAX FRANCISCO. Oct. 1. Under conditions that were almost Ideal Itrst round wu broken her for the Tana ma I'aclflc Exposition of 11. that la to commemorate the opening of the 1'inimi Canal. President Taft lifted the first spade ful of black earth from the ground on which a few year from bow the ex position buildings will rise: Mme, Lil lian Nordica mk her greeting- and more than persona Oiled the great stadium In Golden Gate Park to witness tha first ceremony In memory of what Mr. Taft and other speaker railed "the greatest ena-ineerlna- feat the world has erer seen. tha. Panama Canal." eea la riawleaa la Beaatr. The President spoke from a platform erected lust In front of tha grandstand In the stadium, facing the south, stand ing on tha edge of a giant green cup that waa Qlled almost to the brrtn mlth Interested crowds. Overhead the sky was a flawless blue, with never a cloud to mar Its perfection. Far off to the south and east rose hills, green for the most part, each point distinct In the clear air. with her and there a (olden patch of cultivated land. Nearer at hand Just across the stadium, tha h!!ls that fringed the road over which the party traveled stood out In boldar relief, dotted with people. Around tha racecourse of tha stadium the banked thousands of spec tators and on the track Itself thou sands of soldiers from the Presidio and hundreds of militiamen stood at rest, their sruns flashing" In tha sunlight. Kvery few feet around tha course wera flagpoles from the tops of which floated the "Star Spangled Banner and the blue and cold flag of California. Crawda See sea Malfl-Celered Sea. In tha cup beneath tha President were more than iO.ovO persons. Most of them were women. From tha plat form It looked like a moving aea of bodies, that were crested with purple and blue and red breakers. Picture machines whirled and snapped aa the .President and Mme. Nordica played their parts. Over tha top of the racetrack not more than a mile distant waa tha Pacltlc The murmur of Its breakera came only In distinctly to the crowd above, but Its blue matched tha sky. and the white of the waves aa they touched the shore agreed with tha whit of tha flag that whipped In tha wind above tha stand. There waa hardly an unpleasant Inci dent. Thousands of persona had coma to the stadium before the President and nndrr the warm sun a dosen wo men fainted before h left. The most of tbem were treated auccessfully by tha emergency hospital corps on the round. Mme. Nordloa waa unfortunate both times aha sans:, for when she opened the programme with an aria a band attached to one of the regiments waa Just entering tha oppoalte aide of tha enclosure and when she stood out on the green hillside to sins; the "Star Fpangled Banner. tha thousands of firecracker that the ceremony com mittee had ordered fired exploded In aalvoa that drowned her vole to those e sot far away. ( 1 1 1 I.e. t T. llearm. The exercise marking the ground breaking lasted two hours. Charles C Moor, president of the exposition: Mayor McCarthy, of San Francisco, and Governor Johnson spoke before Presi dent Taft, and Mme. Nordica sans; aa rla. Mr. Taft confined 'himself to an ex planation of what the Panama Canal means to thto Cnlted ftates, how It will double the value of the Natlon'a Navy and the volume of Its coastwise com merce. "I congratulate San Francisco and California. aald tha President, "on their patriotism, energy and generosity In selling the opportunity to commem orate such a great event In th world history and on that reflects so much credit on the spirit of our American P.epubllc. governor Johnson, "who yesterdsy wslrome) Mr. Taft to th state. In brief feshton. waa warmer In hi Introduc tion of the Chief Executive today. "l in this occasion, fraught with so niui-h opportunity for San Francisco." sold the Governor. lt Is peculiarly ap propriate that the representative of the Mate of California should say a few soldi of greeting to President Taft. lie has come to this city for this par ticular ceremony, and with heart over flowing with gratitude and Joy w acknowledge our obligation to him to day. California expresses lo him with all It great heart. Its appreciation and gratitude for what he baa don for fan Francisco and for th entlr Coast." Kan a la Kept la Hex. When th President finished speak ing he shouldered tha spade and marched down Ibe steps from the plat form to the cra.s. He stuck Ihe spade In the earth and gave it a powerful anove with his foot, and aa the camera battery and movlng-plcture men clicked In chorus, brought up Ihe first spadeful of dirt. whl. h Charles 11. I Young, of the ceremonies committee, received In a mahogany box. "la that enough?" asked the Presi dent of Mr. 1 Young. -I think that will do, Mr. President," Mr. I. Young replied. Then the President unfurled the offi cial Hag of the exposition. Tha hal yards were tangled, and ha made th committee disentangle them befor h would hoist the flag. "I don't want to make a fluke of this." he said, smiling. As tha bract caught th official em blem of tha fair, guns at the Presidio, concealed behind tha green curtain of tree far away acroas the stadium, brok out In thunder: strings of Chi tteae firecracker, suspended from pole tn th well of th stadium, were set vft. and Just over Mr. Taft s head I'4 pigeons. :v of them milk while, th rest Mack. wr released to fly out ever th rheerinjr thousands. Madame Nordica lifted her voice In th first bars of th "ritar fpangled Banner." the moving-picture men caught their last chance and th ceremony waa over. Daagbtera Are Visited. Following th groundbreaking the JTos'.dent paid a brief rail upon the member of the Native Daughters of the Ooldea Meet at bis hotel, and drvpped lo for a law momenta at th Union League Club. To th daughter the President aald that East may bo East and West may bo West, but wom en In th United btates were Just about th same every her. "Perhaps." aald h. "the right to vote may make a difference, but I doubt It." . Tonight th President viewed th city from bis hotel and spent a few minutes at the Bohemian Club. It waa carnival night In San Francisco and the Illumin ation was attractive enough to keep tha President gaatng for hours. TAFT JOIXS TAIIXAMETTE CLCB President Greeted by Yale Yell and Honored by Oldest Society. WILLAMETTK UNIVERSITT. Salem. Or, Oct. 14. Whlta President Taft was In Salem and aa his parade passed the university grounds, several hundred Willamette students greeted him with the Yale yelU The President stopped and spoke as follow to the assembled collegians: "Your president has asked me to say good morning to you. I alwaya feel at home In an academic, community, and thank you sincerely for greeting ma with th Yale yell. "I do not know If you. young men anil woman students of Aristophanes out her are aware of the fact that In the old days a YaJe man was known by his ability to give the old Yale yell In the barbarian language of that Ureek scholar. The rest of his. Aris tophanes' utterances we forgot aa speedily aa possible. "You are to be congratulated, my dear young friends. In that you are able to attend this splendid old university In the beautiful Willamette Valley, founded, I believe, before Oregon . be came a state. I trust that all of you will greet th opportunity afforded you here to become useful cltliens, able and willing to meet the exigencies of pop ular government. Again 1 am glad to have had this opportunity to greet you. Good-bye. and God bless you one and all." Whlle at the Capital City the follow ing Invitation was extended President Taft: "Phllodarlan Hall. Salem. Or, Oct. 11 To Hie Excellency, the President of the United States: Wa. the members of tha Phllodarean Society of lllam ette University, have this evening taken action extending to you an earnest In vitation to become an honorary member of this, the oldest literary society In the pacific Northwest, and of which Ore gon's distinguished Congressman, Mr. liawley, 4s a charter member. "J. O. STERNS. JR.. "MERTON R. leLONG. "Committee." "It gives me pleasure to accept your Invitation to become an honorary mera bert of the Phllodarlan Society of Wil lamette University. -WM. IL TAFT." October li. 111. SCORE ON SHIP STARVE ENGINE OF SCHOONER FROM NOME IS DISABLED. Woman and Little Girl Among; Pas sengers That Suffer Hunger on Storm-Tossed Vessel. SEATTLE. Oct. 14. The power schooner Bender Brothers, from Nome andtheKuskokwlm River, pissed In atCapeFIatterr today, disabled and with more than 35 persons on board Starving. Her gasoline engine exploded Dine dara ago, when the schooner waa 106 miles off the cape, severely burning the chlrf engineer. Captain Louis Knaflich, owner snu m.a.v, w I, 111 . .. 1 1 V. UO B.tlU June XX with passengers, provisions . ii . . . y. CI n n m . n f ana supplies u . . . . I - i. KArllivMtrn Alaska, (m her voyage - she " went to Bethel, several hundred miles up tha Kuskokwlm Rlv- . ......... .4 . . ... r vlalfjMl eC. '""-'"" - - - by any other vesrwl In the season. Returning to semius, snv cmrnw I I.. . a n. n . n if a passengers, mviuuiiik ..... little girl, and a crew of flvo men. The schooner exparianceo. iuin wvmtuci on her voyage south, and on October i. In a violent gale her gasoline en gine blew up. l na ooai i uncu ..,...:--.., ... . - until th storm abated, when the aalls wera rigged and the boat headed for Cap) Flattery. The food supply had run short betore tne accineni ana waa necessary to put all hands on the most mager rations. int 1 niiri ciir . . . - - . -Snohomish responded to the distreas tg- nala or tne ienur rwier uu .. supplies on board anl towed the rnooner w mn ukvi.. " known, all hands are weU except the engineer ana ttpm "" ENGLISH ' BAYONET FOUND Weapon Vsed at Time or Waterloo Tarn Vp at Alban. AI.BANT. Or- Oct, 14. (Special.) While helping lo survey a line sn di viding a farm of the Marshall estate, eight miles east of Albany, recently, Frank M. Powell. Deputy Postmaster of Albany, picked up a most peculiar bayonet- The-bayonet waa found cov ered up with dirt near an old spring In some dense woods, and from Its ap pearance and surroundings had evi dently lain there for a great many years. The bayonet Is almost two and one half feet long, much longer than those now In us In th United States-'Army. It ha a brass handle and Is made of splendid material. . and. though badly rusted. Is fairly well preserved. Mr. Powell, who Is a lieutenant In the Oregon National Guard, has looked up authorities on bayonets and has found that this one Is of a type used by the English army a'.moat a century ago. Such a baronet was never used by American soldiers. It ts a mystery how It was ever left In this location, for. aa far as known, no English sol diers ever passed through this part of th state. The theory la advanced that th bayonet tuay have been given to an Indian by pioneer traders of the Hud son Bay Company and hae reached this place In that way. VENATOR ASKS DIVORCE Religions Dlfferenoes Said to Be, Keal Cau of Dometlo Infelicity. i .t?i v-, rwi 11 Th. suit of lc.iv, . - - - - . Ulysses G. Venator, formerly of Port land, for a divorce irora ni - ""f Ai a r ai -1 . ..... . . ously contested here by Mrs. Venstor. who said on ins iia wumj u'.i - . . - .1 X" , n . , V tur ,111, nf his PH snjrpirw - - good looks. This caused a titter In the courtroom. v enator s allegation Is cruelty, but religious differences are aald to be th real cause of the marital falling out7' 'The Venator lived In Portland sev eral yeara. until a year ago, and Mr. w in. if. veara manager of one of the departmenta of the Hexter- rredraah Marowar company, iie iru tnm I!... .twilll a rur IfD IDd H gaged la a similar business there, I 'MIIRA BUTTLE DRAGS SLOW WAY Wrangle Over Acceptable Jurors Expected to Last One Month More. , TRIAL MAY BE NINE MONTHS Participants In Case Go to Beacbe VTten Court Adjourns Last Eve- . nlnx List of 800 Witnesses Is Notified. LOS ANGELES. Oct. 14. A scurry for country clubs and beshes marked today, the end of the first week of the McNamara murder trial. When Judge Walter Bordwell adjourned the case at noon until Monday, the big white hall or reoorda In which the trial is being ! conducted was depopulated quickly and few officiate could Ce round in ui course of the afternoon. District-Attorney Fredericks made a trip out ot town, as did some nf his associates. The talesmen shared In the general relaxation, being taken for a ride In a sightseeing automobile set apart for their, use. They returned late In the day. sunburned- and singing and- were locked up In the vacant courtroom re served for their use. Brothers Hold Co a fere ace. James B.-McNamara. on trial for the murder of Charles G. llnggerty, a vlc tlme of the Loa Anftfjes Times ex plosion, was taken back to his cell, where during the afternoon he dis cussed the situation with his brother, John J. McNamara. also under Indict ment for murder. The brothers occupy cells across the. corridor from each other. Clarence S. Darrow, chief of counsel for the defense, and Lecompte Davis, 'in associate, were tn conference to gether throughout the afternoon, plan ning the work of next week. - The brief week. Interrupted by two holidays, was sufficient to outline the tremendous struggle now beginning. Those who at the beginning predicted a three months' trial lengthened this to six months, and that nine months or more may have elapsed before the trials of the brothers are completed seemed general opinion. A month In which to obtain a Jury was held a moderate estimate. . Whether the 800 or so veniremen remaining In the drawing made the first of this year would suffice to sup ply a Jury was discussed, with the point In view that trial eventually might be pushed out of Los Angeles County for lack of Jurors and begin all over again, but this Idea was not largely considered by counsel for the defense. Nevertheless, a vigorous struggle over every man In the Jury box Is expected, and December is likely to find the se lective process still going on. Labor's! Statu Involved. External proceedings, however, were held of minor Importance, compared with the declaration In court In the de fense that the case would be regarded not alone as the trial of a single man. but as a struggle I J which "organised labor,'.' its actions, and the opinion In which labor organisations were held br talesmen, could play-a Jeadlng part. That, and the defense that the Times waa blown up not by dynamite, but by gas. seemed to comprise the position of the defense, although the burden upon the state of showing that James B. McNamara-wa in Los AngelttX or at any place where he could have, been responsible for Haggerty's death, will be strongly Insisted upon. Perhaps 800 witnesses, all told, are being held In readiness, according to estimates of counsel. With the excep tion of Ortle E. McManigaV a leading witness for the state, now In the Coun ty Jail, none are In Los Angeles, so far aa Is known. The expense of trans porting them across the. country and of maintaining them In hotels here Is so vast tn the aggregate that they will be summoned only far enough ahead to get them here when they are want ed, and nrohablv manv never, will be summoned st ail. being held on wit- nesses' list now solely for corrobora tive evidence. . CAPLAN IS BELIEVED . HEAD Wife lias Disappeared From Home In San Francisco. LOS ANGELES. Oct. 14. (Special. That the waters of Puget Sound hold the secret of th whereabouts of David ('apian. Indicted mlth others for the dynamiting of the Tlmesx building. Is the belief of state's attorneya.- Assfntsnt District Attorney Ford virtually admitted that the prosecution has evidence In hand to show that Caplan , waa drowned In the Sound within a month after the explosion here. Information In toe hands of Dis trict Attorney Fredericks Is that Csp lsn left San Francisco October t. 110. four days after Schmidt, his alleged pal. left there. He went to Portland, and there for the' first time showed his friends In Ihe north how homesick he was and how he longed for his -wife, lie wrote Mrs. Csplan dally letters, al though warned that to do ao was to In vite detection by the operatives of the Burns agency on his trail. In Tacoana. where he tvent after leaving Portland, he made his head quarters with the Socialist colony st Lake Bay. say the detectives who traced him. Lake Bay colony is In charge of Jay Fox. Ihe editor of the Agitator, a paper published In the In terests of the Socialist party. After remaining at the colony for some time. Caplan. who persisted in talking too much and wriung nanyu airs, i ap ian, was warned that his presence In the camp was too dangeruus and he must leave. In a, launch supplied by the colony. the prosecution believes, he started for the shore of British Columbia. This is the last ever seen of Mm. It Is as serted he never landed on the other shore of the great Sound. No trace r him has ever been discovered. 'and the state, the detective agency snd others Interested In the esse Insist he Is dead. Mrs. Caplan disappeared a few weeks ago from her home In San Francisco. BEACH SEES GIANTS WIN (rnllnn1 Trom Trt -Pay. w.nnr to score him on a drive through Collins, thus tlelng the score. He had held the Giants magnificently until that moment, but It-Is precisely such Hukes as these upon which . the big games hinge. As a whole, the game, though close and bitterly fought, was -devoid of great moment, and with but one or two exceptions it was lacking In those perloiis of hslr-rlslng. suspense which we hsd hoped for. It Is the sort of ball see. but not the kind-you tell jour wife about when you come home late for chow. It was not the kind of ball one expects after sitting at the gate all night on a soap box; not the kind to make one rejoice at having tossed off a J0 bill to a ticket speculator, the while one's certified check is slumbering in Mr. Gray's dead letter office. It started brightly for Mr. Mack and hlk- disciples of the higher thought, for It seemed that Bender had been up all night making medicine. Giants Find Redskin's Fetish. . During four Innings he had the In dian sign on McGrtw'i scouts. Yes. Bender was there with all the aborig inal sign language of all the separate tribes. He .possessed the Apache omen, the Mandan maglo, the Sioux secrecy, the arapaho evil eye and even the Slwash shibboleth (say It fast and you. get a gold tooth free.) . The Giants boiled .some snakeroot. rubbed It In their hall-and discovered his secret. They told on Mr. "Bender. The news spread, and his Incantations and exop clsms became powerless to affect them. Somebody plugged the holes In the Giants' bats and tbey began to swat, not gently, but too well. As for Mathewson, he was there with some ot the redskin wizardry, and barring a weak spot In the second and third where he threatened to bog down, he showed that he also had his rod, his runes and. his talisman right with him. When he showed his old time form, which waa all throughout the latter part of the contest, he was Invincible. His curves bad all the unexpected vagaries .of a Japanese rolling ball and set the fans to ghost dancing. He was the big shaman, the wlxard and the warlock, and there Is some talk tonight among the root ers of making him president in place of Taft, who never could play ball, no how. AH In all. Matty's necromancy had It on Bender's by a slight margin, due no doubt to his coming from another tribe. Crowd Is Immense. Now while the game Itself was what we expected. via:- a pitchers battle, the crowd was extraordinary. It was not the battle of two high-priced twirlers. nor the contest in geratral shlp between McOraw and Mack, the master chessmen, nor the batting and fielding and base-runnlt of either team which made the opening game of the 1911 world's championship series stand out as a spectacle. It was that mighty outpouring of humanity, that hoarse-voiced audience of 50,000. that sport-maddened ' multitude, which filled the amphitheatre to bursting. We have, many times seen baseball like this. we will see It many -times to come, but never have we seen a baseball crowd like that which Ini tiated the neighborhood of Coogans Bluff yesterday. It was tremendous. It wss Inspiring. It was majestic and from their perches atop the huge steel grandstand dozens of exaggerated American eagles burnished with gold leered down wlh cold sardonic eye upon the frenzied horde which had made the speculators rich overnight. Thirty thousand is the figure' which rumor asserts was paid for the control of those paste boards, which by all the laws of 'right and Justice belonged to Fandom, IX such Is indeed the case. It would seem not only fitting but significant that Mr. Brush and his as sociates had adopted for an emblem the figures of a glided birfl of prey. Speculators Grove Rich. We saw 1( of the world's best ath letes, lean-muscled, cool-blooded, qulck thtnklng chaps, who work together like parts of a.well-olled machine, but there was nothing In the sight to warrant a man In peeling off even a painted $20 bill for a 12 ticket The bleachers were banked solidly by 1? o'clock, for- it was a great baseball day -The sun was slightly dimmed by a faint October haze andMhe air was sharp enough to be Invlgoratljig-r-it was real hard elder weather, with Just the right twang to it One noticed first upon looking down at the well-kept field that a great 'shadow, cast by the south wall of the grandstand, was creeping out to the visitors' side Inch by Inch. Later as the game progressed It . was like the Implacable, shadow of defeat reaching out to engulf the Quakers. It crept slowly across the sward and it was not until it touched the players' bench oc cupied by Mack and his men that the Athletics weakened. The score was 1 to 0 In Philadelphia's favor, and Bender was pitching won derful ball. Then he hit Snodgrass and passed him to first, opening the way for New York's first run. Then fol lowed Herxog's drive to Collins, who STOP EATING SO IF YOU HAVE STOMACH U tVa-.,f!J la k. rffl f J INSIST ON GETTING HOSTETTER'S -.. PURITY GUARANTEED . Relies'for its greatness not on the honored traditions of its ancestrage so much as on the creative genius that has made possible, through scientific research, the building of a piano of such character as to have set a new standard by .which all pianos must hereafter be measured. ' -THE MASON HAMLIN PIANO is a distinctive piano, not in its con structive features alone. It is a. distinctive piano in tone, in action, and particu larly in those indescribable characteristics which make the greatest appeal to the cultured musician and create such enthusiasm as to have led such notable musicians as CHAS. DIERKE, BEATRICE DIERKE, LULU DAHL MILLER, ALICE BROWN MARSHALL, FRANK G. EICHENLAUB and BEATRICE HIDDEN EICHENLAUB, MRS. L. W. CHAMBERS, F. T. CHAPMAN, MISS ABBY "WHITESIDE and many others to pronounce it the very best piano the world has ever known, and to back that opinion by the purchase of MASON & HAMLIN GRAND PIANOS. j MASON & HAMLIN PIANOS may be seen in all their various styles at our warerooms, and are sold on easy payments when desired. . 304 Oak Street fumbled It. bringing In the lanky cen ter fielder and tlelng the score. Again In the seventh, when that shadow had finally swallowed the Athletics, the Giants scored their second and winning run. WELLS- FARGO PROFITS BIG Report Shows Compauv Pays 10 Per ,. Cnt Dividend Twice Yearly. SALEM, Or., Oct. 14. (Special.) Operating' revenues for the WeJls Fargo Kxpress Company'ln Oregon are shown to be $346,162, the gross re ceipts from operation in this state be ing 1582,201, while the road pays for express privileges 1236.039. The re port sets out that the books of the company are not kepf by states and consequently the company Is unable to report the operating expenses charge able to Intrastate business. The gross receipts for the entire sys tem are shown to be $25,167,427. while express privileges cost The operating expenses are placed at $10,995,791 and dhe net operating reve nue' at $2,375,615, taxes accrued amounting to $248,909, and the net op erating income Is $2,153,770. Divi dends amounting to $2,396.740- were AND THEN assist nature by the regular use of ,. v : Hostetter's Stomach Bitters It insures a healthy stom ach, good digestion and a bet- ter appetite. Your meals will taste better and you will obtain more nourishment from the food you eat. ' It has relieved thousands . of cases of Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Biliousness and Malaria. START TODAY. - - r ; i r v paid on the common stock at a rate of 10 per cent, semi-annually. The report for the Spokane, Portland & Seattle road, shows an operating In come of $2,064,166. The operating revenues aro $4,819,464 and the oper- , ating expenses $2,322,127. Taxes ac crued amount to J4ZS.4UU. The gross income of the Columbia Southern for the lease bf the road Is $27,130. the net Income after deduc tions for taxes, rents and miscellane ous expenses being $9540. Salcm-Stayton Line Coming. WEST STAYTON, Or., Oct. 14. (Spe cials) Many surveys for an electric line to this populous district have been made in the last two or three years, but at last there la some hope of the expected becoming reality, for con struction camps have been pitched near Turner for the beginning of work on the Salem-Stayton lime. , Ex-Congressman Bays Ranch. CATHLAMET,' Wash, Oct. 14. Ei- Congressman W. R. Ellis, of Pendleton, Or., has purchased the Pacific Cadeau ranch hear this place. The considera tion was $26,000. Mr. Cadeau Intends to move to town and lead a life of leisure the balance of his days. MUCH": TROUBLE . STOP COMPLAINING i The davrof supremacy because of name, of tradition, is past. This is the age of progress, of achievement. Old standards, no matter of what duration, are replaced by the newer, the more modern. Old names," no matter- how. honored, are lost, forgotten, forced into, oblivion by the accomplishment of the master minds of today. . . "piano Between 5th and 6th EVERYBODY SATISFIED IS THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE WHO INVESTIGATED BE'D, OREGON. That If why sold PS lots In one dsv. A number of our buyers were those w"So hal bought in this office, subject to examina t'on. And thev were all satisfied. After you have inyestlsated the wonderful natural resources surrounding Bend, which is mors than Portland. Seattle or Spokane ever had when they were the same sire aa Bend l today, you win agree with .1. J. Hill. Port land business men and the leading r.ewspa prs of the Northwest, who all say thai Bend will soon be a large city. We are sell In business and. close-In re' 'afice lots. .0 140, within 3 blocks of the-Jnlon Depot at an average price of $200 $200 m TERMS $!0rER MONTH. This Is city property at village prices. Tou know of the Immense fortunes thai haTe been made by far-sighted lnvetor who have taken advantage of Just sucli an offer as we are making you today, and bought close-In property In the above-mentioned cities when it was cheap. Do not delav. aa this property Is going rapidly. Csi, or write today. Oct free maps and photot of Bend and Central Oregon. THE NEWXON--KOI.I.ER CO.. IC., 301-302 Buchanan Bldg.. Wash. Pt HUSBAND CATCHING BY FAT Many a too plump lady is grosning In spirit, at this moment, as she lolls back with a lollipop between finger and thumb, at the thought of her matrimonial chances, ..ii. v.....Tr ,h. enn never ctve up OUV L V 1 lO l . . ...... - - - - - tier lolling and her lollipops and go In for eerclsing snd dieting jnstesa. koi for a husband. Tet one glanoe over her k,.,iit at her eaually well adver tised hips, tells her all hope Is vain unless she reduce. Now. such girls are simply behind, the times, or they'would not worry about their reducing. They would reduce ana. ao it. i,kf rti.n.rhance of their appetite for candy or luxurious ease. All thst i needed to take off 12 to 18 ounces a cay. ana rap idly reduce the hips, chin, abdomen, etc. - r. . i. mn-t obiectlonableK -Is one pleasant, elegant Marmols Prescription Tab. let. after meals and at neaiime. . ... ... v. tt 1ms most and uei inn lai " -" - - see what that change will do toward at tracting the men. The tablets are not In jurious in any way imm famous Marmola prescription via. : hi ... iri V . Cju-tM Avnt.iNtl M arm nit, it - - . . . 3ij os. Peppermint Water); and they r not expensive, inc iaiiut v ...... er Bldg.. Detroit. Mich., and all druggists ssklcg only TS cents for a case.