The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 15, 1911, SECTION FOUR, Page 5, Image 51

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' ll
Mr. Monro Goldstein Enjoys Once More the Delihte of Motoring She
Loved In San Francisco Brain Ij Cleared.
Dealer Shows Many Possible
Branches of .Work for
Motor Vehicle.
predfcrtfcm I- Made? That WJtHln IVw
Years Uorw-Dmra Trm importa
tion Will B a DwWcd
Novelty C1tlr-
California haa been backward In ac
cepting th. commercial motor vehicle.
-Bk.Vuel.rn na. routed .11 u""
advanced to support th. claim, of th.
"to truck to superior efTlrlency. econ
omy and a.n.ral usefulness. -
In order to put thl branch of tha
Industry before Lb. business men In a
bV.ln.lla way. ahowtnc by actual
demonstration that it la not a
but Instead a reliable method ol tr.m
portatlon. tha truck dealers of San
Francisco promoted an endurance con
teat. Thla took truck, of all makea
over tha rno.t ' r"de' . 'n,d
rrowd-d streets to ba found .round th.
Eiposltlon City and U.t.d two days.
It included all kind, of truck., from
th. lO.oOJ-pounder to th. lightest de
llT.ry car. ,
Tha rua wa. a complete success. It
attracted unusual Interest and .cor,
of bujlnm men. All entrle. f'
remarkable demon.tratIon of their
worth and tber. wa. not a slngl. bitch
to mar tha achievement.
Following 1. tha complete Hat or
award. In th. different
rl vision IK. up to 0 pound Brush
delivery car.
Uivlslnu K. 1001 to 1S0O pounds
Beo Hitht delivery car.
Division 4K. 1S01 to I00O pounds truck.
Division IK. ItfOl to 00 pounds
Whit. No. 1. -
LlvUUon sK. 8001 to T00 pounds
Kelly truck.
Division K. "001 to 10.000 pounds
Whit, no. 1 and Whit. No. " tied.
Tracks Prwrta Warta.
Th. San Francisco competitive test
la only on. of many such run In all
parts of th. country of lata In which
th. commercial motor Tehtcl. vba.
proved Its aseertlona of superiority
over th. horae-drawn mod. of trans
portation. Th. auto truck Is dally Illustrating-
th. bright futur. In .tor.
lor It. It la rapidly salnlne; favor
through the, .ever, tests of fitness
and demands ar. far In eiceis of th.
Boaslbl. output. Automobll. prophets
so so far as to predict that within a
tew year a homes will b. as much a
rarity on city streets aa cowa and pics
and chickens ar. today.
-While I am naturally pleased with
th. performanc of th. wlnnlnK Whites.
I am squally a-ratlfled that tha work
of all other trucka entered proves that
there ar. many makea of reliable and
successful motor trucks." said C A.
troan. Oregon distributer of tha
White. In discusstns; tha remarkable
performanc. of his vehicle In th. San
Francisco contest.
"Numerous benefits will com. from
th. general adoption of th. automobll.
for all purposes. Tber. Is no doubt
but that th. tlm. will com. when
horses will not b. allowed oh city
streets, any mora than cow. and piss
and other animals ar. permitted to
run at larire now. Th. result will b.
th. savins; of many thousands of dol
lars for th. taxpayers In .treet repairs
every year, enormoua Improvement In
the sanitary conditions affectlnn th.
public health and a further savins of
much money In .very city each year In
tha handllit- of traffic now taken car.
of by bor.edrawn vehicles.
This chana. will tncrea.a th. speed
and efficiency of all transportation In
tha cities. Etarht times as much traf
no can b. bandied with motor trucks
ss can ba handled by horses In a street
th. same width during a riven period
of time. To put It differently. It Is
equal to multiplying; th. width of our
treat by eight. This Is because th.
motor truck takes up only about one
third th. room In th. . treats aa th.
four or stx-bors. team necessary to
haul aa equal load, and will run at
least three time, aa fast. Thla speed
will come about when tb. borsea cease
to block the auto from clvlng- tb. pub
lic th. aervlc It can.
The horse In th. city can no mora
void bains; displaced by motor power
than could th. old .tana coach atay
elimination by tb. railroad or th. now
out-of-date horsecar rule over th. elec
trlo type.
That th. motor truck must rapidly
dtsplac all horses used In municipal
work, such aa th. Dr. and police der
partments. ambulances and for depart
ment transportation venerally. la ad
mitted by all who have given the sub
ject any thouaht. Thla la likewise
true of all stage coach ins" and heavy
frelrhtlnc of materials and supplies
from railroad polnta to th. towna lying
off the main Una of travel, where they
muat haul ions: distances with teams.
Farseere Btetlt.
Tn farmer who baa a large amount
of haullnc to do will have bis horses
for plowlnjr and other work about th.
farm for which no motor davleo haa
yet been perfected. With tha Im
provement of roads, which la coins;
ahead rapidly ail over the country, the
farmer, ever on th. alert for a new
method of savin- money, will quickly
recognise th. economic value of th.
modem achievement. lie will have
railroad transportation expenses and
middlemen's profits on his farm's
product, by hauling- Ms produce direct
to th. city market place, though It bo
bo or 1 miles away. Instead of cart
in to a little station, then shipping
by freight to the city and there re-
handUng again, often two or three
time. This win be particularly true
of perianal-!, merchandise.
"It la cot unreasonable to presume
that within five years most of th.
plowing and oth.r heavy work on
large ranches will be done by motor
vehicles, aa It Is don on a large scale
at the present time by traction engines.
"Truly, man's beet friend has a lone,
earned und well-deserved reel coming
t him. and the motor-driven trucks
will be the mean, cf furnishing It to
Itemodrled Wcmnie iluildtnc Now
Occupied by Supply Dealers.
Pallou A Wright, automobile) acces
sary ditt. moved Into their new
hi roe In the Wemme bulling. Oak and
t-eveeta str:a. laat week. Th. atrue-
tur. aa completely remodeled for mis
halluu Wright will oocury practi
cally a:i of the ground floor, which will
Kive irim a mub lrt.r ii'fti than In
t-a4r former store. Tue second story
al'.l also b occupied by th. supply
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WINTER motoring Is a topto oh
which Mrs. Monro. Goldstein,
of th. Cecilia Apartment. U
vary nthuala.tla. Mrs. Goldstein bas
a saw Abbott-Detroit 0. and Is out
very day In th. open air. rain or
shine, at th. wheel of her handsome
"I am Just taking up motoring again
after nearly alx years of being with
out a car of my own." aald Mrs. Gold
stein. "I learned to drtv. Just pre
vious to th. San Francisco aarthquak.
. . w,t-t, mv wtviton waa da-
W1U Itiw, . j
troyed. I used to take great delight
In my oaiiy spins out v'u,ulM
- . V 1. mwA ,tnn. the OcMB-lbOTt
drive, running southward from th.
Cliff House. in. tang oi m -breesea
and the Invigorating effect f
moving so swiftly through th. bracing
air waa most dellghtfuL I had Just
learned to manage my car alone when
tha great disaster of April. 10, oc
curred. "I am an glad to bay a car again
Hotel Man Trades Auto "Sight
Unseen" for Lots.
Bc-Ulngluun Resident Given rVorxrty
In Seattle Worth $ltiS0 and
SXSO In Cash In Exchange
for an Old Car.
Hark back to tb. days when tb.
"sight-unseen" gag wa. a aourc. of im
mense delight to your youthful sens,
of humor and see If thla doesn't draw
a smlie of generous proportions. It Is
th. story of two men. wise In the wiles
of th. world and successful In tha In
tricate field of finance, who "took a fly
.r as they did In their "on. o' cat"
-Bob" Shields, millionaire lumberman
of Belllna-ham. Wash, and "Charley"
Wright, president of th. Wrlght-Dlck-Inson
Compsny. owners or th. Oregon
snd Seattle Hotels, sr. the principals.
They met In the Hotel Seattle recently
and Shields made th. declaration that
he wanted an automobile.
Now It happened that Wright had an
0 Stoddard, which he hsd been using
continuously sine. the'Sumsner of 107,
and wanted to get rid of It.
"1 have an auto that would b. Just
th. thing tor you." said Wright, "and
I mla-ht be Induced to let you bav. It."
"What do you want for It." Queried
"Oh. moat anything wilt do." an
swered Wright.
"Well." smiled back th. lumberman.
"I have three lots In Seattle and I'm
tired paying taxee on them. I'll glv.
you the lots and 35 In cash for your
car. HowH that suit you?"
"Sold." aald V.'rlrht. who had no Idea
what kind of property he was get
ting. So Shields wrote out a check for
1150 and presented It to Wright and
alr a deed for the three lota
Wright, in bltasful Ifrnoranc. of
what tb. lots were worth, had his
agent look them up and g!ve htm a
conservative estimate of their value.
An.l. lo and behold, the report came
bar that they wer. worth at least
Now the Fortlsnd hotelman Is smil
ing quietly to himself over the deal
Two Football Star. Out of Game and
Other Are Injured.
Corvallls. Or Oct. 14. (Spe
cial.) The first secret-vractlce of the
football squad at the Oregon Agricul
tural ColUse held last night proved
a serious blow to Coach Lolan's aggre
and to b. driving It myself. Winter
motoring has always seemed mora
glorious to me than tha Summer sport,
for tb. air la so much more crisp and
bracing. Sine. I hav. taken up driv
ing again, th. past few weeks, I hav.
been In splendid health and spirits.
If soma of the Portland who
hav. automobiles know tha keen de
light and th. Invigorating effect of
being out In th. open In this crisp Au
tumn weather, and how much benefit
It wonld be to their health and spirits.
I am sure they would get away from
their steam-heated homes and apart
ments. "Winter motoring Is a sport which
th. women of th. East cannot enjoy,
on account of the snow and the In
tense cold, and wa ought - to appre
ciate mora th. opportunities In our
climate. A cover and curtain protect
on. snugly from tha Oregon rain, and
th. tonlo effect of th. keen, rain
washed air Is not only delightful, but
very beneficial, clearing th. brain,
leavening the spirits and Invigorating
th. general health."
gation by adding another mainstay to
tha Injured list. Captain May received
a sprained ankle and will ba out of
the game for at least two weeks.
With May and Evendon both out of
the gam. and three other huskies
handicapped by injuries, prospects look
gloomy to Coach Sam Dolan. Carlson
Is nursing a wrenched knee, but Is still
filling his position at center. Christ
man, the big Kentucky lineman, and
Shaw, of Aberdeen, have, sprained
ankles and may be compelled to retire
from scrimmage practlc. for several
'Dolan ha put hi. men through a
hard week of scrimmage work, but haa
given considerable attention to th.
members of the second team. The past
three daya he ha been coachtng them
secretly "In the college armory, and
Thursday night, when the aggregation
was turned loose against the regulars,
worked a series of plays for big gains,
apparently having the first team men
at their mercy. It waa In this scrim
mage that Captain May waa Injured.
Although Dolan has an abundance of
material on hand, misfortune seem, to
be claiming the best men. At the be
ginning of the season May and Even
don formed a neucles for a strong dele
gation, but their loss may necessitate
soma unexpected changes In the lineup.
AFTER driving from San Francisco
to Fortland In th.Ir 11J Chalmers
"SO," Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Bchults de
clared they would Ilk. to make th.
return trip by automobll. If th. tlm.
could be spared. Mrs. Schults wa.
particularly enthusiastic over th. ex
perience, her first long auto Journey,
and aays ah. will take advantage of
every opportunity, offered for motor
ing In th. future.
"I waa always In dread of a long
automobile trip," said Mrs. Schults. at
the Oregon Hotel last week, "but after
the ride up the coast I found It waa th.
most enjoyable form of outing I hav.
ever experienced. Instead of being
a severe trip it was a pleasant one alj
. Owing to the prers of time It was I
necessary for Dr. Bcnuitx to return oy
train and the auto waa shipped by
boat. Jerome and Fred Schulta made
th. trip with their brother.
Dulmage Smith. Oregon distribu
ters for the Klmore. Hupmoblle and
Rapid truck, received a carload of
"Hups" last week and now have every
model of the little car on exhibition.
H. L. Keats, of the Keats Auto Com
pany, returned last week Trom an ex
tended trrp through his Wsshinjrton
territory. He says the country busl
ress is beginning to take on a bright
a a
rr. Charles O. Terclval, editor of
Health, who i touring the world In
his Abbott-Detroit "Bulldog." haa
reached White Horse. Yukon Territory.
In his dash for paralell J. Pr. Tercl-
val plans to go uuun -
tomobile than any other motorist and i
to accomplish this has fitted bis auto- I
,u. with a oalr of runners. He ha. '
traveled 34.415 miles in hi. auto.
Relieving that It t. In th. Interest of
the motor-buying public to discontinue
the manufacture of yearly models, th.
Elmore Compsny. of Clyde. Ohio, an
nounces that It no longer will follow
this custom. Kew features will be
added as they are brought out. but the
company's engineers will not take the
trouble of adding new llnea Just to
make the car different from the pre
ceding year. While the majority of au
tomobll. manufacturers will not admit
that th. new model Idea ultimately will
be discarded, there Is a growing ten
dency among autolsts to have- a con
temptible disregard for th. dictation of
fancy. The buyers are trying to bring
about th. abolition of th. yearly model
and feel convinced, that they will ac
complish It In a few years.
Driving the same Lorier ho did when
he established a record last June for
the trip from Seattle to Mount Rainier,
Chauncey Wright, of Seattle, has again
lowered the tlm. limit for this run.
reaching the National Park Inn three
hours and SO minutes after leaving the
city. Wright clipped 40 minutes from
hi. former record.
e e
Announcement was made last week
hv N. A. Hawkins, commercial manager
'i ii ii aai in ii i jisi sinajaa
1912 Models Here
The Baby Grand of Automobiledom
Fore-Door Runabout
Greater Value Waa
$900 Fully Equipped
Fore-Door Four-Passenger ouring Car
Coupe SI lOO. Fully Equipped, Electric Lighted, Seat 3
All Model in Stock Call and See Them at Our
Salesrooms, Corner 7th and Anlceny
Distributors for Oregon
In San Francisco Reliability Contest
Over twenty-eight entries composed of all
leading makes of trucks on the market. Un
der A. A. A. Rules.
are equally as reliable. White Gasoline
Touring Cars are made in 30, 40 and 60 h. p.
models All types of bodies.
lie Motor C
NOTE White Trucks have won every reliability and economy
contest in which they have entered on the Pacific Coast
of the Ford Motor Car Company, of De
troit, that 75.000 Fords will be put on
the market for the 1912 trade. This is
an Increase of 25,000 over the original
estimated output- of this company. The
demand for the Model T has caused the
Announcement of the 1912 line of
Appersons show a marked eduction in
price over the 1911 product. No changes
of importance have been made in the
chassis, but the bodies will contain
many new features.
F. W. Vogler, president of the North
west Auto Company, has placed an
agency for the Reo In Myrtle Point,
Or. J. C. Walling will handle the car
Self-Starter Demonstrated.
Autotsts hav. been manifesting con
siderable Interest in the self-starting
device attached to tho 1912 Hudson
"33." For the past week Jean Bent,
special factory representative of th
$75 O Fully Equipped
Never Before Offered
I II' If
Hudson, has been demonstrating the
automatic cranker at the Neate & Mc
Carthy salesrooms. His presence- here
has caused a large number of people
to seek a thorough explanation of tho
White Motor Car Company Moves
' Into Downtown House.
Another automobile firm has moved
into new quarters. This time it is the
White Motor Car Company, which for
merly transacted all its business at
made absolutely perfect road and technical scores in
two-day truck contest at San Francisco.
Only other trucks making perfect scores double
the price of the Buick.
Another demonstration of Buick Light Delivery
Truck reliability in addition to the perfect scores'
made at Portland and Chicago.
t ' j
Express Body Style $1150.00
Flat Deck Body Style. .. .$1200.00
' Complete F. 0. B. Portland.
Solid or Pneumatic Tires Optional.
Howard Automobile Company
Mel. G. Johnson, Manager.
, ' Phones: Main 4555, A 2550. .
ar Co
Sixth and Madison streets. The com
pany's new salesrooms were opened laat
week, and Manager C. A. Eastman ex
pects a marked Increase in business aa
a result of the move. The three-story
building at Sixth and Madison streets
will be retained as a garage and re
pair shop.
The corner now occupied by the
White Company, a.t Nineteenth and
Washington streets. Is one of the most
advantageous in the city. It Is fitted
up In elegant style and makea an at
tractive show place.
The beet rubber cloves for the use of
electricians are tested to resist a current
10.000 volts.
Light Delivery Truck
-jCT 1Q8.0