The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 15, 1911, SECTION FOUR, Page 2, Image 48

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IKE.V by and lare.. the public's
rment ot any entertainment,
rldeaced by Its approraL Is
one of the really funny talnxe of the
It Is far more difficult to eonrtnce
the tTtrna man or woman that a
thine la bad than It Is for them to
take onto themselves the Kootl when
It has once beea made apparent. The
bl (tat mistake any producer erer
made la the assumption that theater
goers are a art of blithering Idlotsi
There Is no law by which you can
gauge ths manifestations of lasts on
the part of amusement-seekers or
measure public Judgment. Once you
think yon have a line on their discre
tion and preferences, alonw comes m,
Gertrude Uoffmsnn with several Im
ported beads and wiggles and your
maalfoatatlona have flown the coop.
I'll wager a pretty penny that It Pavld
Warfield. Nealmove. Maude Adams.
Bernhardt and Mrs.' risks were all
playing In one company over at a
dinky showhouse In Portland and their
rival attraction was the snake-like
Gerty and her dancers, that the S. R. O.
signs would be tacked up early ro
frost of the letter's door, and that the
only audience the others would have
would be made up of those who could
not get In to see the dancer.
Everybody In Portland who could
buy. beg or borrow a seat saw Miss
Hoffmann. In a production that tor
gorgeous lavlshneee and real beauty of
setting and staging would make an
Oriental potentate sit tip and take
down notes, without Miss Hoffmann
the dancing of the Russians was so
entertainment that was unique and
beautiful: add Mls Hoffmsnn and It
became dangerously alluring, sugges
tive, most certainly, and at times tran
scended all decency. And the Hetll
wss pscked st every performance.
In a few days the finest morality
play of the. season's offering may drop
Into town, snd everybody will take his
wife and the out-of-town guest for a
ride up on Council OreM or a quiet
evening at home. Which reflections
,11 provoke the thought that theater
going folk, as a class, are llae the
Iutchman's ties, to uee a homely ex
pression, "he rumps away befors you
can get your finger on him."
Back to business snd the coming at
tract lone. Harry Bulger wtll open this
evening at the Heilt In "The rilrtlng
Princess.- a musical comedy. Mr. Bul
ger, so long of the tesm of Matthews
and Bulger. Is best remembered for
Ms Interpretetlon of the BUieJsy In
-Woodland" several seasons ago. The
Flirting ITlnrsts hss a run of three
evenings with a Tuesday mattnee. On
Thursday. October 1. playing until
taturday evening with a mstlnee In
the sfternoon. Max Dili, the Pacific
Coast comedian In his comedy. "Ths
tr Ho nhelmrr." will be the
Helllg'e attraction. A coincidence It Is
hel sam Bernard who comes soon In I
He Came From Milwaukee." created
ir. HoKcenhelmer.
-Bright Eyes." lth Cecil Lean and
Florence llolbroo as ths principals.
.M -The Coring Maid." arrive
latter nart of this month
t the Hel-
opening at the Baker thle afternoon
le eoJoyaMe comedy. "The Travel
ing Salesman." Following Its stay of
one week will be -la Old Kentucky,
snd later -The Whits Slater." the piay
In which Viola Allen opened ths Helllg
Theater about one year ago. and In
wMcn Cathrlne Counties Is now star
ring n the Esst.
A playlet Thoss ere ths Happy
r,ys.- wrlttsn snd played by Ed How
ard and Frank North. wUl come to the
Or-heum as Its headline act this week.
I'antages will have an "all star" cast
Psntages Rosd Show being ths at
traction. Alice Raymond and a musical
comedy company of eight Is ths big
type, while Mrs. Bob Fttsslramons.
vocalist. I one of ths other ottering
The headltner st the Empress will bs
-Arls Mysteiia." with 10 In a sensa
tional act of ancient and modern art.
1f particular local Interest will be ths
sketch of -Ths Valus of a Dollar." writ
ten by a Portland boy. Melville W.
Brown. Interpreting thla sketch ere.
beside Mr. Brown In the Juvenile role
j Frank Burks and Ronald Bradbury.
Ust season favorites with ths Baker
Stock Company.
nricrn hfjie iv comedy
Caichr Sons Feoturca Offered In
The) FUrtlns; Prince."
Hsrry Bulger and company open a
threo nights' engagement at ths Helllg
Theater. Seventh and Taylor streets,
tints!. wl,h special matinee on
Tuesli. Mr. Bulger Is not unknown
! local amusement seekers, as the
rln1i-l reputstion left by him In his
axus'.lc Impersonation of Blaejay. In
jV'-V A'r ri lyf x- w'
( X ' '-'.r -J? 3 1, ' -' . - I H w,th th aPPro1 of the
- : - - i v O 1 1 ' I 3 r-- T J JL CouL Midler U bringin his new
- Vi -. . 5 " V? .: (- '. J and Try fuiftir "Hrly Morning Re-
, ; - rVV ; V ' J.j . flections." probably baeed on the uee
' ' ' f juT "V V - ' -; g---V . V of cracked Ice and cold towel i.
T- V. vJ '" 7 -. . - 81em. the reat DanUh exponent of
" f.' . 1 .. ''Ji j; .,-Si -J the art of leserdematn. and Mack Wll-
-, T .' . . ' i'i T : .' 5: I ' i'-r " llanie and Id Segal, foot artleU In
' 'J ' f 'A f i -i original danclntr. will complete the bill
. I I ' - ' - ' . VI f of the week, every act being- one that
I J. -"-Nfi - '-";': i T. f V,"- can be accepted a premier In Its line.
I 1 V ' ' ' I liT . , - Today will witness the last perform.
I II I ' I " I f J - . ' -ill 1 11 ' ances ty rai wtui ma fu, ,ketcn written by Claire Kummer. during the progress ot the tnree acw nu
II ' ' : !. : ' V S ' I
' "
-Wood lend." some seasons ago. Is still
pleasantly remembered.
In -The Flirting Princess." his prea
snt starring vehicle, he Is said to have
a part entirely different from anything
he has yet attempted. "The Flirting
Prlncesa" Is a new departure In latter
day musical comedy. From the rise
of the curtain, displaying the Cafe
Trouvllle of the Hotel Claremont. New
York, until the final moment, the action
moves brlekly.
Besides the clever Bulger the. cast
Includes Helen Darling. Eileen Sheri
dan. Billy Kent. Dale Fuller, -Harry
Dlckeson. Herbert Heywood. William
Langley. Fred Pnook and what Is
claimed to be the daintiest and hand
somest "girlie girl" chorus that has
made The Flirting Prlnoess" ths suc
cess that It la. There are no less than
17 song gems which are part aid parcel
of the piece. Among the most popu
lar are "My Heart's Bouquet." "CaU-o,"
-My Jack o Lantern," "After the Honey
moon." "I've Been Kissed In Frisco,"
"Tell Her In the Oolden Summer" and
Harry Bulger's newest. "He Was a
Sold'er. Too." and a pat net to little ditty
entitled "What Vm Poor Girls Go
Several new danolng numbers, name
ly, the "Oogle Dance," a weird Chinese
dlvertlsement Introduced by Billy Kent
and Dale Fuller; also the "Gloomy
Glooms." the sams being suggested by
the fsmous T. E. Powers csrtoons of
"Joys and Glooms," are distinct novel
ties. ttia;:livg salesman iikiu:
Excellent Production of Well-Known
Comedy Promised at the Baker.
A week of enjoyable comedy Is
promised to Portland theatergoers at
ths Baker when James Forbes' laugh
able comedy. -The Traveling Sales
man."" win be presented for ths cur
rent week, opening with the matinee
thle afternoon.
-The Traveling Salesmen" depicts In
cidents from ths dslly life of a com
mercial traveling men. and Mr. Forbes
has been as successful In presenting a
cow and welcome character to the
stags In this play se he was In por
traying "life behind ths scenes" In his
ether great success. -The Chorus
Th story of "The Traveling Sales
man" concerns Bob Blake, "drummer"
for a cloak and. suit house, who finds
himself marooned In a small Western
city on Christmas day. At the depot
he Inquires from ths sgent. Beth El
liott, shout ths departure of the next
train. Beth answers him. and her man
ner ta such thst Blake immediately
falls In love with her. She finds out
that B'.aks has not had his dtnnsr,
and as It Is too late to dine at the
hotel shs Invites htm to shars hers.
Hs lesms that shs Is ths owner of a
supposedly worthless piece of land that
Is to be sold for taxea. In the second
act Is ihown Blake s room In the hotel,
and a poker game Is played, which is
ssid to bs ths funniest over shown on
the stage. During the game Bob over
hears some tslk between a man named
Rorr, and Martin Prury relative to
Beth Elliott's land. He learns thst ths
railroad company Intends making
some Improvements and that Beta's
land Is wanted. Drary proposes to
Koyce to buy ths property In at the
tax sale, and Bob decides to frustrate
their plana He attenda the sale and
pavs ths taxes as the representative
of Beth, and saves hsr property. Beth
sells ths land to the railroad company,
but as shs is under ths legal age to
execute ths agreement aha marries Bob
Blake, who. as hsr husband, becomes
her legal a-uardlsn with full power to
meke the transfer.
The part of Bob Blake will be played
by Don Macilillan. and Dorothy Grey
will bs seen as Beth Elliott. Sherry
Snyder. Freda Clemons. Andrew Glsss
ford. Jack Norton. L Cole and others
will complete the cast- The popular
bargain matlneo will be given Wednes
day, and regular Saturday matinee.
Those Were Happy Br" T Ap
propriate Title to Headltner.
"Thoss Were Happy Dsys" la ths ps
cullarly appropriate title of the head
line attraction which Is to top the new
Orpheum bill for tomorrow afternoon
It Is approprlats to the Orpheum be
cause the Morrison-street playhouse
has'bsen fortunate in providing ex
traordinary bills of amusement for Its
patrons In ths past and has a llns of
bookings up the managerial sleeve that
will assure many happy days during
the coming Fall snd Winter. This sea
son Is going to be Just as Jolly ss a
bunch of boys gathered around a
stolen barrel of dill pickles.
Ed Howard and Frank North ara
bringing ths Evs'.ess comedy concern
ing happy days, snd those playgoers
who remember the quaint comedy of
Will Cressy lnTown Hall Tonight"
will have some Idea of the delicious
appealing quality of this little gsm.
"Zlla" la. the title ot the tremendously
Interesting drama which brings Mabel
Adams back to Portland. Miss Adams
created a furore here three years ago
as a Gypsy violinist. Hsr playing was
declared remarkable. At that time Miss
Adams was a soloist. Now she returns
with a play, the scens being located
in the Bohemian quarter of Paris,
where American artists and musical
studsnts gather. The besuty of Miss
Adams, her violin music and ability as
an actress ara Interwoven Into a beau
tiful love story. In the presentation
of -Zlla." the patrons of the "home of
advanced vaudeville" will see the noted
setor. C. H. O'Donnell. In his charac
terisation of ths abstntha fiend, the
progress of drlp-drtnklng; being fol
lowed in all V" stagea
Ergottls muscular llllputlans will
nave a presentation of extraordinary
Interest to the little folks. Thess midg
ets execute thrilling feats wlrh ss
much unconcern as men of twice their
sire and are considered most skillful
Lillian Pchrelber. known as a vest
pocket edition of Vest Tilly, Is a new
name to vaudeville, being a tiny Eng
lleh comedienne of recognised ability,
while in Sgr Mldgley Is found a
brand ef roods thst has bssn stamped
Wife of ex-Champion Pnglllst Will
Be Seen at Pantages.
Stars of ths dramatic and vaudeville
realms will b featured on ths first
road show presented at Pantagea, com
mencing with the matinee tomorrow at
1:10. amon
them being Mrs. boo Fizn-j
stmmons. formerly Julia May Glfford.
ot musical comedy fame; Alloe Ray
mond the world-famous cornetlst, and
her comnay; Charles Llndholm, and
many othera
Fon ths first time since Alexander
Pantagea entered the vaudeville field
Kha has collected a galaxy of stars, and
has brought them Intact from the East
Coast, the first road show ever held
In Its original lntactness.
Miss Alice Raymond, the noted cor
netlst. will be heard In a series of
selections with which shs won fame
and fortune throughout the East. This
is Miss Raymond's first tour of the
Pacific Coast and her engagement will
be welcomed by all music lovers. Miss
Raymond Is 'supported by six accom
plished musicians who play on trum
pets, trombones, cornets and French
horns. Particularly elaborate axe cos
tumes worn In this production.
-Former star in the musical comedy
world. Mrs. Bob FlUslmmons, will
make her first appearance alone since
her marriage to the noted ex-cham-pton
heavyweight boxer of the world.
Many songs of the modern world and
of yesterday are sung by Mrs. Fltxslm
mons Including her most noted offer
ing. '"Comin1 Thro" the Rye." In which
she achieved her first great success
when but a slip of a girl.
Clever magician Is Jack Taylor, and
ho enllvess his offering with many en
tertaining remarks. His witticisms
keep his audience In an uproar during
his performance and his feats are
clever and enjoyable.
In the laughing success of vaudeville.
-The Man From Minnesota." Charles
Llndholm. the celebrated character
comedian, will be seen, supported by
his own company. The plot is laid
about the adventures of an American
ised Swede In the more polite circles
and Mr. Llndholm In the leading role
Is most delightful. His support Is ths
best and has been selected for ability
in the various roles.
Remsrkabla feats of equlllbrlsm are
performed by the Hassraans, direct
from Europe, evhere their, performances
were the sensation of the recent sea
son. Father and son. the entertainers
are most accomplished equilibrists and
will prove distinct featurea on the
programme? . .
New daylight animated events will
be shown by the Pantagescops.
Sebastian Merrill and company of
wlxards on whirling wheels will be
seen for their final performances this
sfternoon and evening, snpported by a
banner bill of unequalled vaudeville.
Melville W. Brown, of Portland, to
Appear Bili Strong.
From what has been learned, ths
nsw bill at ths Empress, starting Mop
day afternoon, will be one of the best
of the year. Of particular local Inter
est will be the sketch. "Ths Value of a
Dollar." written by Melville W. Brown,
of this city, who hss appeared on the
local stags. Interpreting ths sketch
will bo J. Frank Burke, who for the
past season was a favorite member of
the old Baker Stock Company. It Is a
novel act well written and Is certain
to make a favorable impression In
Portlsnd. .
The headline offering win be the
most expensive -and largest production
that has awed the Sullivan Consl-
dlne circuit. ' It is called "Parla Mys
teries." A special carload of scenery
and 10 people are required for this act.
Electrical effects and mechanism are
used to make a sensation. Many of the
foremost masterpieces of ancient and
modern art are reproduced In this act
and tho headllner Is one of the strong
est magnets the Empress haa offered
In months to Its patrons.
A special added feature will ba Nellie
Brewster and the Amsterdam Quartet
In "In Love." This Is a dainty, tune
ful sketch written by Claire 'Rummer,
author of "Dearie," one of the most
successful of ths reoent popular songs.
"In Love" Is a tabloid musical comedy
and there is a string of catchy tunes
from one end to the other.
Harry BougAton & company havs an
amusing- act called "Straight and
Crooked Magic" First a trick Is done
In ths professional manner and then it
Is exposed by a comedian. There are
few funnier acts in vaudeville than
Freeman and Dunham are people witn
gooi TOtCM who know how to use them
and they offer a smart turn of songs,
repartee and smart sayings.
"Ths Lady and Her Groom," is what
Hoey and Moxar will appear in. The
turn Is good. It has made good wher
ever presented.
Sunday's performances will close the
bill which has been running for the
past week. It Is a tip-top, first-class
vaudeville show with Fulgora. tho
lightning chango artist, as an attrac
tion; the Venetian Pour are a musical
riot, and "Bottle t-40-9" is a cyclone
of comedy.
Star Programme Promises to Be
One of Best of Season.
Ths Star management presents to ths
publtc for Its Sunday change today a
programme consisting of five subjects,
"The Mission Waif," dramatic: "Bet
ty's Boat. a farce eomedy; "The Little
Animal Trainer," nost exciting; "Trans
formations," showing the versatility
of a character change artist, and "Her
Wedding Ring," romantic drama. The
Dorlo Trio daily is Increasing- the fa
vorable Impression already, created
upon the publla and promises two bril
liant changes of programme every
week during; their engagement at the
Star Theater. They have unquestion
ably made the biggest hit of any sing
ing' turn which has ever played for
this company.
'The Arcade will have four excellent
pictures, "Raffles Caught," intensely
dramatic; "A Hot Time in Atlantic
City," exceedingly funny; "Tho Smug
glers." most thrilling, and "The Guarro
Acrobats," an Interesting acrobatic
turn now touring the country In the
leading vaudeville houses. ' There will
be a new singer, Mr. Elwood.
At the Oh Joy" Theater there will be
one big Indian feature, -Indian Vestal,"
"The Stagedrivea's Daughter," a West
ern feautre, and a double blograpb
comedy. Mr. Joe Sackett, the cowboy
banjolst will be an extra feature at
this theater.
At the Tivolt the feature will be
"Oaddy's Boy and Mammy," a very
strong vltagraph taken from an actual
occurrence during the war between
ths North and ths South; also Mr.
ElwelU the singer, who, during his
first week has become a neighbor
hood favorite.
The Crystal will feature "Marooned,"
a sea story of remarkable power. Jean
Wilson, the singer, and two other
clever pictures round out this enter
tainment. .
' I
Costumes and Chorus Are Favorite
s In Gay Production.
One ot the distinct hits of the sea
son, "Bright Eyes," Joseph M. Galtes'
new musical play by the authors of
-Three Twins," will be seen at the
Helllg Theater for four nights, begin
ning next Sunday, October 22, with a
special matinee Wednesday.- Tho new
play comes here after a. successful Now
York -run and after having been en
thusiastically received In all the cities
where It has been seen. Mr. Gaites
has given the new play an elaborate
scenio setting, three large baggage-
cars, being- required to transport the
scenery and baggage.
Each of the three acts of the play
shows a . masterpiece of the scene
painter's art, and the costuming Is ela
borate and expensive.
The company numbers more than
80 persons and Is headed by Cecil Lean
and Florenoa Holbrook, two of Amer
ica's most successful fun-makers.
There are pretty girls who- can sing
and dance as well as appeal to the eye
and they wear more than 00,costumes
during the progress of the three acts
of the play. .
The musio is particularly pretty and
catchy and a special orchestra, includ
ing a number of Instruments seldom
used for anything but higher class
symphonies. Is used. The book of the
play Is taken from the popular farce,
"Mistakes Will Happen," - and Mr.
Galtes announces that, unlike many
modern musical plays, it contains not
the slightest suggestion of julgarlty,
Play That Centers Around Man Prom
Milwaukee Wins Plaudits.
Sam Bernard recognfzed as one of
tho famous funny men on the American
stage and who during, all his career
has never been seen in tho West, Is
making " his first trans-continental
tour and Is booked for an engagement
at the Helllg Theater, October J, 27
and tS bringing with him his newest
successful musical comedy "He Came
From Milwaukee." ,
The story found In "He Came From
Milwaukee" tells . of the sdventures
which befall the man from Milwaukee
In whose veins flows the liquid which
trui.ArA SAMS-?. - SortANo
Have unqualifiedly chosen this superb instrument
for their concert tour, and add their testimonial to
that of the many who know and use the
World's Best Piano
Uprights and Grands in plain or art cases, sold ex
clusively by
Reed-French Piano Mfg. Co.
Portland's Largest -Exclusive Piano Store
has made the city famous and whose,
ancestors were proud of the inslgnl
of the overflowing stein. Mr. Bernard
who will be seen as the Milwaukeeani
finds himself In many varltles of
trouble while Impersonating royalty
in a forsign dukedom of Zuraoh whioH
is on the verge of a revolution.
Among those who will assist
Bernard In bringing about a hsppj
final to his many advanbures ares Nsll
Bergen. Anna Wheaton, George Bild
win. Billy Gaston, Louise Mink, Allo
Gordon, Henry Norman, John X Cain
ariB Charles R. Burrows.
Famous Old Play With Great Otrnw
pany and Pickaninny Band.
An announcement that Is sure t
rjlease local nlaygoers Is the forthconw
lng engagement at the Baker Theatet
of the famous American drama, "In
Old .Kentucky." This wonderfully suc
cessful play seems destined to outlive
the present generation of playgoers"
for It shows no signs of weakening Its
hold on the affeotions of theatet
patrons far and near.
The story of the play Is quite well
known to most people there Is dash
and stir and action all the time. A
charming love story Is unfolded and
much genuine comedy Is found In the
various situations of the play. The
pickaninnies, always a part of "In Old
Kentucky," will appear as usual. A
capital company and an entirely new
scenio production Is promised.
"In Old Kentucky" will open at tho
Baker, with matinee, today for the
week. . '
Case of Hayward, Los Angeles Bank
er's Son, Is Continued.
Assiduous telegraphing between PortH
land and Los Angeles Is relied upon t
procure Quashing of the charges agalns,
Stanley Hayward, son of a wealthy
banker, of the California city, held here
on a "charge of obtaining money by.
false pretenses. To that end. Hayward,
asked for a continuance of his case
when it was called yesterday.
The prisoner is charged with obtains
lng 75 from L. Y. Heady on a "fake
telegram. It Is also alleged that ha
gathered gold from a smelter In Idaho
and failed, to account for It, but no
formal charge has been made In that
' Hayward received a telegram yestern
day from his father, who is a banker
and owner of the Hayward Hotel In
Los Angeles. The message asked thej
name of the complainant the amount
of the shortage and the name of ths
committing magistrate. The prisoner
"sent this Information and Is expecting
to have the claimants satisfied by the
time of the trial. "
as the
Artists' Choice
Emma Eames
Emilio De Gogorza
Who Appear at the Heilig
Theater Next Wednes
day Evening