.1CH . I TO HClWOt 1 FO Al- 1 , '""". T oR SALE r exchange itncn ot lent m ArtAona, p-vlant. and 14 acre leased land, situated oa raJ.roed; 2- acres b -torn lex.d. Amu arre new.y fenced, out eide rm.na for ! head catt.e. An toll. UI groe- anything: eae.t--..y edap.sd te rtj;nf of fia cor a. com torimby fur nished 9-reorn buM. sieep.ng porch, floe onodo end choir fruit trees, new born. tiM $Vt; co!Dpit lino farming t n p . -moats; S srej;a, windrnui oad to ah. lO head well -bred cat tie. roach moot ad Mtafou 7 s.tuated oa rei.rod between Fresco. t and bmnttr. loo a of Hurabo.dt. fartur 12 miii on nne autoroobi.o rood: 4 trains deij; aiatloo oa la&d. climate weur passed. ' Aa opportunity for any ooo contemp. at las; B(A(inf in eatt.a. dairy or farmlnj bu:c-M. Hfjpolds. d 't. AfRES aad alee aew room houoo and woodsne'l. baohuuM, acr-a peering or chord. Imim of fruit this year, good we,, at ItouM and nice running stream of wot or all too year oa pie-, oa s"xd ma-c-adam road and 1-1 muo from station oa electric J too. a minutes' rtde of euy la ik country tillage, near ptoroa. churches and school. roal at your dxr dally and both telephone llnee past the dr: true p'sro mm: do sooa to bo appreciated ; w:j cxr.ior.gs for bouse and la cit. A. W. bm:ia A Co.. 4Jd Chamber of Com tr.orco. fburt Miln 6.3. liy.RB I A MONET MAKER Buy this f.no o-yoor-oiU li-arrer irrigated eomnvr ciol orchard. Oooramnt wot or r1bt fully paid. Wtffups. Spitienberga, J-d thane, famous Yaairna Vai.ey. W mlio to statioa ; hgft state of ru.tlvaoon; big profits eortain aftsr 1-M2; potato crpe poy tntereet aad ipno, o,Q, terms or exchange. Write fr particulars to day. Wo bar other good icmtmBti, r a--tfte Finance Compos jr. lb hue blds, BoolUo, Wean. TO ttebtrf, S dwub.o bouaro. oao S-flat bouse aa-1 stro attachsl and 14-room boutifui reoKi'ocs. oak floor and fmisn. stm boot, oa t tnst stroet. Wratrd ut Auburn. . T-; must of this property pay. n 1 per cent in rnt. will irsds for prprty la or nar fort land or fur onv mrruantlle buctnrao and le anyone a ba-sam in amount from : ta l-i.e. .nr. 11; R li-h st. Tabor I3U. j-ACKK piattirs; proposition within s imnutn' r de of city, on electric line, on ff'od mtritm road. IO mlls from I'ort lani. in air country vtliaca. RMr stores, churrb and s-houI. mail at your dor daly. w p:pol to td hou and barn, t acrea of youasj orrhanl ; wll ricbantt for income probity In ettr. A. W. H tilth A Co.. li Chamber of Com mar CO. Fbono Vala t:i b A M i''EH 5-room houae. on crtr lot. ft't&luo atraet lmpromnU tn ; alao a reah jrot-ery. doii g a s; od buaiaa: ei rtir.i opportunltv for man and wifs to c a sice butnos rhi. Klthor for so le or t rode for a mall rfon 1m proved rn.-h. Addreaa 1411 West nh. OeAttle, V aa h. EX rrr ion a tTo" r p on f rv itt. NO MUNKV KE'JIIREO. Will trade my equity of In 5S acres of orchard land worth rlnao to twn of Hood lUter. for sjood chattal mortao of equal slue; about 7 a t-s of this place UAder cu.tlvaUoa. E 4i. Ort on: so. U a.T T or K-rootn darltiac. veined ."m'O to $T50O as part psmertt on one of bt Nrtb Hill horues with gartft and lteO. with cbM-e shrubbery. v;ud would l-r-far a:i ch diffrrenre, but mlKht conskdsr leaa. Addreaa Ore ffonian. tlT.&OO CASH equltv In Wst Side quar ter block, with trackace. to trad for real dance property or a:rajte; also some good lots. cl"r. located In Han n. ('ron. to tre-le for other property. What have yoo? (wner. O ew. Oregonlan. A LITTLE JJEAfTT. 3 4 are bea ring orchard on Orecn Klavtrto to eichance Yr equity In r-ei-d-nr. Trie J1T5' Owner at Del Monte Ap-a. Sot b and Wash. 1'hono MarshaU 1 . I. sro.-k in I sclf! Fsce Hr(-k Com rny lhl furnished fsce brick for Spal d re and other larze buiMlta 1 paid J, jl o!d for this stork; alii trade half or a:i far rottaga worth up to IO"); will pay ame caah. AR j', Oregorlan. IS aRFs sar station. 4J mtnutee rtile of etty. on county road. S nnder cultivation, baisoc rosy cleared; near food schl. will consider lot as first pament: price T9 per e-re. A W. Hrjith A Co.. 414 rhimbr tf Commerce. I'hom Mtn 51:1 U A.NTIU T buy unlncumtered buniiioS of or 4 rooms, worth about ?. from Br who w til take In expanse com merriat yur( orvhard In blT'i - class dts tncT. mut be unincumbered. ". Ore gon art . 4 ft' kM heu ISth at.. ie;iwtM4. It l 111. fine garden snd berrtea. yards and houses f r tiS chicken. WouS.1 taae cheap t ee- imi:i auto as part poyment: price l??J. Owner. 113 R. th st. Tsrxr Ul. ro h tk"a t 1An or a- res f timber at $ per aero lo trade for iocli of general m-rrhn. disav Ft partt-uiars. call on or add rose) I- M Hitney. Woodbwrn. Or. afl7' rT r"n i-rvKim bunrslow. Ut !. S bl-ka from fnlon-ov. cara Prtc I ."- wnin-nmberaf Uil or trade for ood farm or ocreoga. K. Pumstsr. owner. m - 9 a r k st W 4NTtt Te b-iy modern, unincumbered rt 1enc la fort land. mt to frt wr from private party who will accept developed -acra orchard and some cash aa payment P M 3. ortoma. FivK sewlastn coat. No JS, o tr1e for gaaiiline boot, diamond. roomlnj-houM, fimiture or wfcst bate you. ll'J iiaw thorre ava yruR CR"HARP 1 acrea part br Ing. v, m ! from Mooter; will eschaaca f-r Torr!nd property or mortvago. Ad drees TTO North Capltal st-. aiem.OT. M-'l'ERN 4we;ticg. roorr and bath. n-ar rariin. lie. w J . pr'ce 1h. would taae go.t lot or sur-urbsn !' part pay rr t twner A I 4t. reBonlon. IE acres of l-yeer-old standard apples oa tio Lyle-U lden.lole branch of the North renk H. Ll per acre- AV . Ore gaaian. ml.w L' I T V in modern ro.m bungalow. r;oee in. Kast h.l. In da for vacant lot. automobile or what bave yoo. Akl 4WU rtf.tnitfl SO ACKS. (itate of Mlchlsaa. under cul tfvs'loa. 3 houses, barn. fu-nitur. -rimit fort. aad property. V 4io. Ore gn;an HAVE fto acree raw land In Clackamas a i eunty. $1 per acr. clear f mum bftot. to exchange lor city lota H &47. ( t ntar- ANTi: Lv To rti-hini tract of f :ne or chard land la Hood Kier dlatrtrt for nn tncumbrsd ii:4n. lot la good aeiga-borrt-.-l 4i-. fr-g ntan WILL KXCH N-1K. For roolrg-houee. J') moaVrn cot lA4( fi mrtgase. What hatg yotl 7 3J ("hamper of Commerce. JlAVK good warehouse tot on Kaat file t oichaage r -r a rrase. gtvo price and lo catio. H freaoniaa. ilAN A'.moat a. w hn new w I'l trade f r UuHde acreage or tots. At! 4i Ore gonian. CAN jtLL CoiutnlM Klver orchard bonds at a 'cw figure. J. F. Had. ay. l pA.a Ing b rtg rXi'lUNi'K rortl.tnd incoms property and to0 manufacturing Interest f r land near Portland. AH 4T. ffnUn i WANT stcch marchandtse will em rhange goo1 lota or . up to flu, w. pot :0. bt. Jobct. Or. W ANTFt Two or three-karat diamond and vacaat lot In exrhaage tor new bungalow. wt Ma AJ 4 Ortrn'tB. W ILL escbaace sxme fine vacant lots, clear. fr hot:e end I t rree from iocumbraaea. ps 20v rt. Johns. Or. yH farm eichangee, business chssces or rooming-bouses, ca.l oa aa Korthwea leaitv Co. ;T Poard of Trade b-dg. AN-KiK' pierty for rr . i nK picture snow or rri'turant in r un hbu or auo-urr-. hw p-eierre! AM 4". t reg n ta a. fiEXi'llANiit: ;.aoVii t-i of 4:mberin the Coeur d'Aien dtrtct. lUhi. or a ,il or rea? Tl; A lbi y ur propert y ur property any e hers, send for North a eat exchange, 22 Usury liai. s dg NEW rti'-l - T-ro i house near Lents; value m.rtge want Svtm land f'r my part. AH 4t7. t Teg -ml an. Ci'l-Ori Alv .n i and Inr auiturbia lots, fr property around here. J. Bad lev. Tia hp i b Jg. VlULtaae o.d h use. S or 3 lots, aa f.rst PAment on new mKirn -r o ti houi bo at e sv pavmerts R 4 Ot nu W ILL t-ads equity la W acree and Cintract oa city lot f -r port meet Im pro ted prop rt" J lr-goa an. MaM "A'"".'I R'.N 1 r'mnt and patents f.r C. R beads, trice Aii J I'. Orego- kW. at'dera -rvm bouae f.r acreage or vacant lota: a: ft-rovm bung:ow (or Iota P 4eV O'fi'.in. (MVl.l. i-room house. fle improiJ jot. A . JA on i:t M'!. l.'O. ttr acreage rvf Wo.d,awa HI. WHAT hate vu te I ado f r 13 lots ti i:1 of Pokono, value fJO. Maia Main ?tv LA HANiK. butiful lotg In Foreet t .r f.'r F'rtar.d propert Addreoa F. Verb vea. F rt tiro S, Or JSi'k'MC b's'nees property tn small town, paj-tng per cent, for Iota or acreage. H. R- WTie. Pi Or goo t. A 1'AKTM KN T HoI'E n . f..r se e or exchange fr ree UiD sr. phone Marshall l2eV THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 15, 191L " ' - " , f I - ,,,,, r1Ilr T WATEI-MISCl:lXA.NEOC9. 1 HELP WAXTED-MALE. , I . I n - a-.- I Al tnODUM. 1 ucvuv. - WANTED. If yoo have a good flat location on the W-et Hide wl-h an old bouse and arm exchsnce. we bare ft acres adjoining Couo cll Crest, va.ued at tu. also luvv cash, and will assume up to flo.OuO. CHAS. IUNOLER CO. 211 Lewis Bids. te-ROOM roomlng-bouso. well farnlsheaL lt,-)ar lease, rent VSO per month, clears about I39 to f- per month; price 4om; win trade for good city property about game value. THATBR A FXLTOV. 141 First Bt.. Room 4. Main 742. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE. We havs a large number of houses listed with us that ws csn exchange for rrn" or acreage; If yon bavo anting In that lir.s whi-h yutt wish to exchange, plcaea call at ofTlcs of C. F- Prlugr co.. eu:te 12 and 14. Mulksy blag. cor. -a nd Morrison. WE OFFER a t tO equity In a -xloO lot. In the Laat hide bumesa dtstrtct. vaiuea as U.0oo. mtg. S years. 1 per cent, m escape for a Crst-claas room house, north "f Ankeny st. t-No-UAKTMAS THOMPSON. Realty Exrhatge lejt. Chamber of Conimerce. 15 ACRES at Tlsardvllle with ImpJv menta to trsde f tr goo-1 home In port land, $.150 sn acrs. adjoiniiig acreage with young fruit trs he.l at lot. Thuj . Is a cash value on this acreage. JOWKV-II'S TRIST CO.. Lumberrr.ens M-Igi. 5th " Sinrfc a- R K M modern house, furnace, f .replace, wash trsa cement basement, etc.. corner lo' walking distance U est Side: price t'C'AQ, will take bungalow in part Pay ment, balance easy terms. THAYER FLLTON. 14ltt 1st, hoom 4. Milti 1 oAN a good .ot. Aoftliin. city water. ra1 ed streets, havs paid J'K. balance of Payment now due. and cannot meet It; I.I trade equity for motorcycle, launch, piano or sacrif.ee for cash. AN 41!. ore gonlan. ' FIN E ranch, good Improvements; ta-mtle circle Portland, 10O acres cleared. " aceg eal.y r eared, price $-i H.0n trad, good city prp-rty. AuO cash, ba.ance time. Write owner. E 4", Ore gonlan. . ON IZ acre. TO hry bearing fruit trees. K room modern house, hsrd surface street, 4 blocks to car. clear of Incumbrance. will trade for boose of same value. THATER A FLLTON. 141 S F'rat t:.. Room 4. Main 42. ...... -r- . -t-i.- v. -u i"r.VN ntAI C- i c --v- - - - - Will trade New York property for acre age or Umber land. ' MIX A MAR?H. 120 Ten blis;. Marshall 332H. FOR SALE Columbia P.lver Orchard bonds. June lasus. J .Vi; Febmary lssu. and October lue. 2.rr. Davidson. 2 Lewis bldg Max hall 77t. WILL tradi for anything; -c.orJ"1-1 heart of Hc-d River Valley orchard I within 4 mile, of town. Chaa. L- Hlva, Indepndenis. Or. fjHACTlFL'L screare on Towell Valley Road. 2 rai:ej from city limits, to exehengs for lots or houses west of 50th street. F 4w.. oregtnian. ftlrtO EQCITY In iouth Portland bungajner for unlmcumbered lots or acreage. C lMitt. FOR KALE, Vehlclee, Etc. 132 WILL buy a team of '- aA black mares. and 7 years old in r u ar breeders, hars raised colts this year, w rk any plscs. thoroughly gentle; any ons can drivs them; a.so for PTJ a tii set of breaching barnsss. 16th nd Aif fsi will boy the best combination mare, new harness and bsw buggr; Ihi mirt ctiv 'broke, sound and grr.tle; a lady can take care of her In or out of the tble. she ta a Ana ssddls mare In dUlon to betne a splendid driver, lnth and Alder. I.iO will purchase a 2VO-lb. pair f marea. full sistera and 7 years pld : botih recular breoders; work any piat-e used on ranch, thorouan.y iruo " V. irnMi voea with Ued on rancn. inorouaii.y km- - -A new s'it of breeching harness goes wltn . . . v :mmt Turk I 1UD in. D.ir mi i . u. ... bl.M.k loth nd AM" .'0 will buy a i.uu-io.. pir a n.w ot hirnua at thu prlr ltlto and A11T. ' 1110 .11 tk a SJW1. pair of troa Lljioii. brok.. anr piaca anj to all ob J.. t. lt and it. Farm waor. IHht n.ir burW and p.. buiMi vrr cnap; alo a f l:ht ,:ock amuj:t. lth and AldrT. ALtTlON fcAl-E. On Mnndar. Oct. It. t 2 P. M . w. will m!I hor for lha tilth dollar; anyon. .t-.Tio, hotHt y.hutr. or hmrurmm to J'll. "brln lhn lo th't ai. and t hlht cash f'r llirm. loSlUVH HOKSE EXi-HANOB. .... u . Wf i'or .. t h lt KriAI of m..'.. an4 .ldlna, w.lchlntr .from to 10 lb... brok. atn,'.. and douu:,. aullabla for lia-Ht Urlvlr.. riprru or hmy haullni: prl- from $ up; .vorythinc from ih: b.ra aold with a lotnniM and trial a!lowd. Naw York c;b ftb. !! and AWr HOP TAKD. Cl.ar ooa tht, ! aeta. rood hoptvouM? and dllln. dot. to town, on running atrram and fin. couatry mad: will lak. aom. city nrop.rty In .xebaaaa. Vr-on. or r ('. ownltn. AIH a-l'llnca p.und ,ood work-ra, and .mnd. fl-W; whit. ,:ntl. hoi.. liou. 7-y.ar-old hor... f'-i: porrH horw. li0 punda. t: all a.uaranlood aod 4 d.r fr. trial allo.td. Jl fcacood. near nil at. MAT' HF.r tm of t.y mar., a era o:d. w.Knt SI" lb... with K harnaa; l.m I. fU4rnt.l food aork.r, and aound. Aak for lr. Spd a t.am. Eaat 12tb aad M.d.on. l.llt;. hou In Ina park. S IIKAU of mrr, and horr. Juat arrival from a -artln ramp; ..v.ral mr of har D ... alo t o f.rm wfon.; wl'.l Mil at ny ntu: oSrr. Eaat 13th. cor. )l4llin. Hou. In park. r'K I.B Hm. aultab:. for ,pra or d.llvry; oud, and "und: f.-r a. ch.ap. a 1 ranaut um him. Portland Rtdlac A(-almr. Ilt ana joon.on. DNt pair of mua. w.lcht 21; prlc. to uit purfh,r; 1 pair of mar.a and rr n.u. pric. l.-i".; 1 pair of horaaa. r.i. BAT horar. IO; work, ,lng;. and atand w.'.cha 110; nrrd mon.y. Uray t.am. mar. aad hor... r M JiOO. brMChin DAT horaa. city brok.. ntl, for any 1.1 ,i,h, lioa. rubbr-t!r buafy. ood har n.a. mu.t a.. I; tl. Mr. Huaha. Can b .n at Toil-l l taf. H rront w TKAU aafoo and hiinni, horaa and bugsy. top d:iv.ry aoa. nlca fat pony, cent f.r chii.'rrn; all muil ba ao.d at one 21 Kt l.'in. ri'K SALE On. full blooJrd black l"r ch.ron mara. yra old. l'it 1J. trua and not a blm'. and two younf Jcraay cow,, chaap -1 Kutll at. Xv ,.a harMf, clly brok. ch.ap. mu.t b. aoid at one., no h "n. d,alara n-.u ap. p.y. HuihM Uroa. Stab:. loth ana J.f. f.ron. norl-rTs pa.turl for Winter. Individual patUlocka. plrnty ood frd and car. If 4V.irL Krd T M.mll. Koa, Vtata rrn. ml!- from city. I'boaa. lona d'.t.nca. 15-Mila. TWO l.uia for .. on, t.am. nrw har ,(lrit ana team and harbraa, w.rzut 2-v. for aal. cba.p. Fboa. Taaor i:. ; (.UAR-OLO g.M.n trott.r. by Common. WM.th. dam Netty Ham. 1 150 Iba.. Id himla. prfijr nt:.. sood and faat dn.rr. I'hon. Main Ma. N1'K pair of low-t chunka weight :l. T and t v.ara old. ther. la net a better pair in I'ortiand with thlr hoay rioaton li.. kar ar-. 40i'. JJ Front au HAl H . fllly. 5 rata old. cranri.on of lan r.lc.u 1 yar old. (In. promir ta. f.r aal. or trad.. H E. Sl.ml.r. isu OaK at. ron. Main 374. FX'K bLK Taam. ba horr. dump waaon a-d barswa aUo Kay mar., wrlrht UiM tft with foal J14 M'ntaom.ry at. FINE tip bJCO. ra:n ..u;pmrnt. cui:i:oo tlr. ax.d bimMJ; cai SUO; barsalo. Wood, laan liCT or AT ttiOrraoniatu BOklll "tram", w.leht lba. flratla work'", barneaa ard aood farm wagon, ail a'.'. I'hon. hrllw I&4.V lirs mara anj a bona, w.int Ji Iba 4 and 9 y.ara old. harnaa and wacon and plow. s:lwood 1T. . FAtT bvitr hnrw. baautiful .addl.r. ? j.ara. b.ak. cheap at HA Woodlawa ITS. boraea w.icnt -' H) lo... bamcaa and waffoa; good work man, 13. ttw E. bal mon at. HiiK-t!1 boardnl during Wtnt.r month. rMni. ... t . ana. oonim. k't. W S Pl'T. a.11 or rent bortt y.hlciaa, har Hubert A Hall. Water ,u 4., Bl'TS llaa-ib. boraa: bu, a goad mbar-llr.d buggy jte'.'.wood i:g. BLACK aadira pony, grntie Tor boy or girl ry prette. cheap. Pellwoo4 Til If'.!' war. for cow; whit, rabbit rhr- Thor TiW g.Vtl after 10 :io. fT)VlKS. ,u:tal'le f.-r ch':dr.a. ride or drtva. g.r.t e. at la-gatn Ket t'ak. Hil LL like to r.'iy amall Shetland pony clean. tt 4oi. NKW Mud.bakr :nhor-a aod ham. as for I.aa tbaa bail .aiua. Fhona Mala 1. I MOE team.- brood mares, single horse. mules, wagons, nameaa. eic. in numbers for sale; sverything so id with written guarantee to be as represented or your money refunded; refer you to PorX. land Trust Co., where wo bank, as to " reliability; business references also fur nirhed. Portland Stable, iih and Oouch sts. E. W. Uagyard and K. L. Evans, p ror rie tor. CLYDE mars. I years old. sound and heavy boned; weighs lOu; bargain. 14 F rop t- Pianos. Orgnns and Mnstcai lmtrnmfSti. FOR SALE A h Urn-grade, sweet-toned, up right piano good as new; a bargain for tjito. part cash, rest easy payments. Ad- are av dm, Oregon ian, TOP buggy, cushion tire, and harness; used few months; cost tlbQi bargain, or apply as payment on suitable piano. Woodlawa 207 or A 5J2. Oregonlan. AM "honestly In need of caah ; will sac rifice nay piano and paintings. 1125; please answer 22$ tin ; always home. 23. FULLY secured. tTble ISO per month, to exchange for piano. too, Oregonlan. FINE fitcinaay p.sno, good condition. Call after 10 A- M. lHd Loanadalc. apt. 54. TWO alec a nt uprinht pianos, atsndard make; seii cheap. Room lo. Wsshlngton bldg. FOR SALE Conn cornet, high and low Tltrh; cheap. Main 34J. ) "FOR FALE A S40O piano, cheap for cash Aatomobllea. POBTLAXD AUTOVfiniLB CLEARINO-1 "Excluslv. dealers In aa4 Auromobllaa.N V. bav. lb. following In stock. K HIT Runabout. PI'li'K Hunabout. Hff'uMOUII.K touring car. P.D1AL touring car. HI'Ii'K touring car. rF.KKLES touring car. HVEKLA.VD roadater. I'lEHCK l-ryrl. touring car. ri'K HARTFtiRI) touring car. A':nia.v a-ton truck. W HITE 3-ton truck. AMERICAN a-rton truck. F.WICK delivery wagon. MONITOR delivery wagon. I.Al TIi-J EKliKNS truck. r''HAfHT delivery wugon WHITE delivery wagon. KEO delivery wagon. WE GUARANTEE EVERT CAR WB SEL.U HAWTHORNE AVENUE. EAST FIRST ST. I'hone East 3S30. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT A GO66 I'bEO CAR CHEAP. Flve-paaaenger Packard. rev.n-paaenger Packard touring car. Plve-paasen.or high powered Packard phaeton. . Aii In wiirst-claag condition and guar an'.ecd by ua. FKANK C. PIGOS. Packard Garage, 23d anl Washington st. T-PASSENOER Chalmera o. Fully aqulppeed and In fine condition, for aula at aaci flre. having purchaaed a new car. an might consider good raai estate. D 90J, oregonlan. , ONLY 1300. 1!11. 4-paaaenger. 4-cylinder auto. In goort condition; will go anywhere; Inex pensive to run; can be uaed as runabout. f JM. c. Loitan. SI5 Spnldlng bldg.. bunday only. I'hone Tabor "!'. WILL trade 40 acrea of good land In Linn Co.. on Willamette River, worth Mllo per acre, for a high-grade 4 or B-pas-eng.r automobile In good condition. Ad dreaa AF 413, Oregonlan. FOR RENT Oarage; most central garage In the city, with modern equipped ma chine shop, tools, oil tanks, gasoline pump, flxturea and office furniture, ate. For aala. Address M 4US. Oregonlan. KO mor. carburetor trouble. Be. Roberts. 03 N. Park, cor Flandora; ha will put on a Fpced.i for you and save you 23 per cent on your gasoline and give you mora power. WHAT have you to trade for 7-paaaengor autof Thla car cost $i00O new; has had the best of care and is in fine running order. Worth Investigating". A 413. Ore gonlan. 11 AlTOMOniLK. a-paasrnger. fine con dition, run less than 400 miles, full equip ment. In fine condition, cost new $2130; will sell t.0 cash. Call Main 12 Sun-da- morning or week days after P. M. WANTbli 3-paa.encar car In exchange for real estate: will give or take cash differ ence or will take mortgage and car ta the value of the real estate; West Side and high clasa AC 491. Oregonlan. HAVE three lota In Newport, value t'M and $:3' caah. that I will give ror a good antomoblla. Owner. 1143 Cleveland ava. Phone C 31. W ANTED To mak, arrangement for Joint use ot antomoblla garage, show room and office. Introducing new automobile. B 428, oregonlan. I'UH bAl.E An aJmo.t new Harley-Davld-son motorcycle; finest equipped machlna In Portland; very reaaonaele. V Ml. Ore gonlan FOI R-PASSENOER. detachable tonneau. 4 cyllnder llulck with magneto, top. lamps, tools etc. newlv painted; a number 1 con d i Hon. Make an offer. Call loth at. W A N TE L lood 4-passenger 111 or 1911 car for $!4 enulty In beet reejdrnc lot in Alameda Park. Woodlawn ajl. C I3- AITO FOR SALE SUlhtly used. 4-cycle. .i-h p. car. guarani,d In perfect condi tion;' a tarxain. Vis Kast Caruthers at. Phone Bll'. I VICTORIA Baker Electric shaft -driven; la nearly new. A bargain, as lady owner le leaving city. V4U1. Oregonlan. RAl'CH at Lang Electric coupe, the moat sat is'aciory city car for Ihis climate; fin condition. J Wtt. Oregonlan. W ILA, trade high-claaa T-paasenger car. used montha In city, value Hiu0. for real estate to value 3J6o: car like new; ab solutely guaranteed. B 410. Oregonlaiu CHALMERS pony tonneau. fully equipped, uaed very little and cannot be told from new: c.-at .:10ft. Price. IKSJ cash. Poal tlvely no trade. B 4H. Oregonlan. vxPEHT automobile rfpalr man will, at Vodr garage, repair and overhaul your ma chine for half It cost you at the ahop. K. Srtv Oregonlan. FOR 8 A LE Electric VlctorU. brand new at low price, for Immediate sale. Terms to responsible parties. App'y Kose City Electric Garage. Alwaya optn. AM leaving city, must sell my 5-paasenger White steamer; It must go evenat a great sacrtnee; good aa new. b43 alb st. N. E. Woodlawn 2-7. I HAVE an equity of I2.'x0 In Irvlngtoo res idence; house drawing liO per month rent. What hae you In, a good auto? Bo" ChHinbtr of Commerce. WANTED New flve-rasenger auto. In ex change for $14uo equity In o-room bunga low. AO m, oregonlan. Xj truck. i300-pecr.g'r capacity; all I x.od condition. 2 5tb SI. A 4724. Ma! II In In 7C'. A -P,SENlEK model F Buu-k In excel lent condition, price J41S. Phone Woods lawn 1 FOR SALE, or will trade for apeed boat: h'gh-grade 4-cyMnder runabout In beat of conditio n- O 4' Oregonlan. vrw sarage Juat completed. Live and dead storase. Speedwell Motor Co.. 2. SI. 3. 33 14'h St.. cor. Coucb. . Forit-PAftsENGER. four-cylinder 1011 demonstrator for sale; a snap. ,Call 4 lot hsu aTpAVsENGKR auto. oo; have got lo sell; will take siliO today. Call 1278 Eaat Tay- lor st. FOR BALE t-cvllnder Franklin, flrst-ciasa ahape; will s.11 cheap or trad, for real est te. Call East 1.1L AUTOMOBILE tires ti to 113 each; all e's-a S13 Main st. FOR SALE A 7-paasenger ear, price 41. Phone A jt.t. BAHRAIN For aale or trde. one IJuick auto truck. Inquire 641 Hood it. BRlfH runabout with ten. late model. A-l condiuon. - HI Mjrrlson sk pvH HUtE 7-passenger automobile, rates fl per hour, rhone E 2112. WI.VTON' 4. one year old. at a earnfloe: will coneider part trade. M 4t4. Oregoniaa, BEArTIFUL "panel body. light- delivery auto for sale, easy terms. Call M loth at. PACKARD roaclster for sale or trad, for o-peaa.ngur car. AJ 47. Oregonlan. THIS WEEK'S BARGAINS. Pierce -49 H. P.. 4 -door, good aa new; will accept your ok4car aa part payment. You win have to. act quick if you want this one. - t Auburn. 40 H. P., 6- pass., just like new; bargain; only 11250. Cadillac. SO H. P. 5-pasa.. only 1600. Bupmoblle. 20 H. 2-paaa.. 1430. Cadillac 30 a. P. g-pasa. lata .model. IlliU. " Thomas. 43 H. P, S-paas, 630. ' E. M. F.. 4-pass.. 30 H. P...50a Oakland. 3-paaa. SO H. P.. HO0. Studebaker Oarford. 7-paas, 40 H. P ll'ioo. Bulck. 12 H. H., 5-psss.. 1400. We are headquarters for second hand trucks. Rapid fine condition. 1 ton only. 1973. Orabowaky. new. cost I2S00; our price I now. Jajkaon. 1300 lba.. only 100. Buck, good as new. 1300 lbs..' cheap- at suoo. Orient. 1300 lbs.. Just tha ear for fro-' cer; bargain; S534. Many othera. Call and sea them. Larg est stock in Northwest. You take no chance when buying from ns, as we guar antee every car sold, regardleee of price or make. Remember., evary car guaranteed. OREGON AVTO EXCHANGE, 21st and Washington Sts. OREGON AGENTS WANTED. I am A orthweat distributer for undoubt edly the best automobile on the market. . andwlthln the next few weeks will estab lish agents and sub-agents for lli- n every city and town In the State of Ore gon; the name of this car Is known the world over and It Is In a class by "self, for none of the cheaper and few of the higher-priced care can be compared wltn It good live men will be offered very liberal proposltlona and hava the co-operation of the factory branch and advertising department: progressive parties wishing to Identify themselves with such a car are requested to aduresa M 4U2, Orego- gonian. xuooOVERLAND. 40 HORSEPOWER. Four-passenger, large, roomy. 4Q 11. t-. Overland. In the very finest possible con dition; purchased by Pre,n,ownelvfa May 18. 1P10; equipped as follows. f'af wind shield, silk mohair top and hood and side curtains; best weed chains. extra inner tubes and three extra tires, all tools and Jack; r.0-gL gaa 'Molina tank, funnels., etc; my stock of and oil; gloves, motor coat; evertning toe. ?oV the very small sum of utH); cost ma double the amount. Can be seen until Wednesday. October 18, at blable, SOS FORD. Bulck. Overland, Maxwell, the alr frlctlon carburetors drive your carl a mllea per hour on high ; must more apeed. much less gasoline; one adjusting acrew, attach one yourself: satisfaction or refund money; want agenta. Alr-FrlcUon Car buretor -Q., X'mjlvu, v. . . .... .TV." n i on 1 T VII Over .13 autos In good condition, win trado for real estate of any kind: every auto will bo Inspected and demonstrated to buyer-a satisfaction. What bav. you to offer? C 603. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade, beautiful little 4-Ps-senger auto. 36-horsepower. equipped with new Bosch magneto double ignition. new tiros, epeedometor. prestollte. adjust able glasa front and single top for run- . . AAnlan aOOUl. U Jfc. B"" W ILL trade for real estate, on 111 a-paa-senrcr auto. 60-horsepower : car In nne condition; wlU trad, for lots, acreage or equity tn residence; don't answer unless you hava something good. A eil, ore gonlan. . FOR SALE 5-pnsscnger. ad horse power automobile, left on our hands 'ro"5 fnllure to fulfill mortgage; will be sold Monday for price of mortgage; almost gtven away. Call at 123 3th at. north. near liiisaii- HOW about your gasoline motor? Does It run smoothly? If not. send 1k postage for -Engine Troublo" text-book. Breeze l amureicrs, nen.i.i Ioga.Blrds. Pet Stocky OOOS, OWJ. ivv.v,o. Pointers, setters. Chesapeake Bay re trievers and cocker spaniola, Boston bun and English toy at stud. Jackson. 41st a n d Raymond ave, Seilwood l.l. ENGLISH bull terrier pups; strain -of Thendara a White Hope" and champ on -Willamette Dasxler." Phone Mllwauklo . - . . I . K Ull.anlrl. FINE flock homer pigeons, also pair runts, for sale cheap. Call rly. 83 Idaho St. Take Fulton ear 2d and Mor rison. BEAR, cougar and coyote hounds , pups. 10 each; trained aogs. -a to e-w. A Oregonlan. AIRDALE pups for sale: pedigreed stock. Th. gam. kind- Sidney Miller. Address Oswego. tT. rt. r- i-, FOR SALE Good, young, gentle oow. I Par tora and East 18th. H mile eaat of Wood lawn sistlon. . II UIIODE UPLAND RED hens and 1 thor-oufh-bred prUe rooster. Price 1A 74S Johnson st. WANTED To know Immediately of male thoroughbred Maltese terrier for breeding. Phoneinorrurgs.C07J; AIREDALE TERRIERS for pals, sport and guards. Lsddix Kennels, Estacada. Or. ANGORA kittens; show class stock. 1001 Alblna ave. FEW pedigreed White Orpington eockersla. 4 Eaal 87th North. WANTED Orpingtons or R. I. reds; state age and price. b43 E. Kelly St. LARGE" fresh Durham cow, extra heavy ...mi,.. o'. R. xoth. SS car. FOR SALE Spits puppies. Tabor 352. Miscellaneous. ON'S line pure beaver muff and neckpiece, ".l; also long Winter coat. 1 3. 30; first class condition. S33 13th St. DKOP-HEAD genuine Singer sewing ma chine, with accessories, cheap. 12 10th ml., near Washington. FOR SALE Besutlful oak desk and shalr: big r.srgain. sit. i,uimr . FoR SALE Remington typewriter, cheap. J 341. Oregonlan. . FOR SALE Complete furnishings for 1- room i.mnou.c. mooi j ij " SMALL number pure-bred Pekin ducks, fanvy stock. Phon. Main 15W7. 25 POUNDS BuUsr Pearaa2oc; bring ba ket. 1024 Hoigate. cor. E. 84th- El Fi'TRIC auto, good running order, a one-fourth value. 338 Worcester bldg. TYPEWRITER. I C.. Smith visible, al tro 15 4R3. Oregonlan. BABY Infant set. never used. Tabor 074, T 1 I OLD German master violin, very cheap. 23 4S1. Oregonlan. ROLLTOP oak desk and chair for aale cheap. 612 Swetland bldg. BOCK drllla 15 nearly new at your own d 3 Oeeeonlan. vfed gas stova, In' flrst-cla r s -v--., .i.n Tabor 2S. condition. FOR SALE Good sewing machine, cheap. Call 1SI2 E. Cllsan St. FOR SALE New Busch, 163 binoculars, 12 power: a bargain. AL -41'2. Oregonlan. LAPGE houseboat, on scow. ua rewuuii, , snap. Phone Seilwood 1228. LADY'S Ensllsh raincoat: new; size 36. Gray. Call 313 Morrison St. JE"ELER'S foot lathe cheap. Phone Marshall 2213. GEfNT'S full-dress suit; sisa 35. Price 323. phone EaJt 41111. BLACK mounted bear skin, fine specimen. rvason-ble. Phone Main 47. SLIGHTLY used gasoline woodsaw for sale; bargain. sol r. fcvwcu. mi .J'e. DOUBLE dissolving Enterprise stereoptlcon complete, cheap. AV tti8. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Cheap. 2 tents, 12x14 and 8x10. Phone C 2tfb4. I'REMO cumin, 8x7, o3 outfit. 2K 2tl Kslilng St. ONE verv On. mink set. reasonable. Phone !n!n 47SS; FOR SALE cheap, lady's new black astra khan fur coal. P 4 So, Oregonian. FOII SALE Good seoond-band wheel for $10. Apply Harold Owcens. 4o3 E. 11th St. 40-l'OL'ND featherbed; never uaed; for aale cheap. 440 Jefferson st- FINE switch, made from my own hair, nat- uvally curly, brown. 8 413. Oregonlan. FRESH, green and purple Concord grapes Oak Grove :i. vom. lor mem. Coiractor's equipment by United Engineer - cnn.i,.tinn rn acs l..wi. b :i . MANURE for sale. E. 1773. NEW otor-boat for aale cheap. Tabor .223. FOR SALE Pool table at 3&6 Alberta, at. CHARTER OAK .-hole steel range. $lb: Bucks six-hole steel ranyeewitn - coil. 5; (jus ranpes. 5 to 1S; (fas Pjaf; 1.23 to .50; (tas heaters, 7."o to ..5 solid oak. roll-top desk. $2; rcvoivinff office chairs. :t to T; ofrice tables, a to f 12.00 ; $:. Davenport bed, upholsterea In' crem velonr, oak. frame, 12.i0; iron beds, $1.50 to $7.50; all-brass beds, $ to $27.50; $90 combination folding bed ward robe, desk and dresser, ail in one piece, 3o; $13 kitchen cabinet, $6.50; kitchen safe, S3; beating stoves. $1.50 to $lb; ex tension tables, to $ltV5; solid oak side boards and buffets, $7.50 to $5l ilnl"K chairs. 75c to $4; rocking chairs, $1 to f. full sixe hardwijod dreasers, $d..,o to chtffonlprs. $.i to $10: fir wardrobe, o. xl2 ingrain ruga. $5; Brussels. Axmtnster and velvet roomstse rugs. $7.00 to $lo.r.o, full-site bed sheets, 33c e-ch; pillow "8ef tc pair; V mantel folding bed, $5. West ern Salvage Co 645-547 Washington, bet. Jt;th and 17th sts. Goods delivered free with our own teams to any part of the city. Both phones. Main ll-OS. A 3.93. FOR SALS. , . 1 H h. p. single phasewA. C motor, io 1 H h. p. single phase A. C. motor. $oi. 1 5 h p. 600-volt D. C motor. J5. . 1 15 h. p. 8-phase A. C. motor, 150. 1 17H h. P. 3-phase A. C. motor. 5130. 1 C-0 h. p. 3-phaae A C. motor, $350. 1 15-amp. G. K- ammeter, $10. i 1 12-amp. A. C. exhaust fan, 911. 1 18-amp. rr. C. exhaust fan, $12. 1 Indian motorcycle, 2i h. p.. com $2'2S, new Solar motorcycle lamp, cost $0, tandem attachment, cost $25; will sell lor $165. ' . . This list only represents a amall part of the second-hand machinery we have, for sale. " We alo do motor repairing. COLUMBIA ELECTRIC ENGINEERING. COMPANY. Phones Enst Columbia 8. ' FURNITURE BARGAINS 91 7. .10 iron bed for $10, $12 iron bed for $fl. $10.5 iron bed for $t Srt. $9.50 Iron bed for $6; $S iron bed for 95, $7 iron bed for $4. $;..5f springs for $2.35, $4 . "ft mat tresses for 93.50; $14 dresser for $S-50. $20 hall tree for $12.5o; $S no-carts for $4.50. $12.50 go-carts tor $7, $3 renter stands for $2, $ft.5 mahogany for $4; $3 weathered for $2. $20 pedestal dln lna; table for 13. $lo.50 hall mirror for 95, $11 hall mirror for $7. $5.50 hall mir ror for $3. .:t2 Williams ave., between Graham and gtanton sls. U car passes door. . 40PER CENT discount, new quarter-sawed osk furniture, brass beds. gas range, mater heater, nice rugs. 17 jars home canned fruit, Jellies and preserves and everything complete for 5-room house; terms on part; house alth every conve nience; walking distance; can be rented for S25 and save money If you want it. A Li 415. Oregonian. IF you have anything to sell consult ua: ir nod x rnceilvor! on consignment for sale at auction; we hold daily sales anT can turn your goods into casn quicKi , you get the benefit of the full market value, as we sell on smalt commission. WHITAKER cfc CODORL Auctioneers. Phone Main 3770. Office and salesroom, 8S9 Washington st. FOR SALE OR RENT. All kinds of hoists, concrete mixers, eta See us for machinery bargains. 1 No. 3 Champion Rock Crusher. 1 No, 30 Marlon Steam Shovel. STANDARD MACHINE CO., iim Dermcn "Iug' rr - FOR SALE One fiat-top desk, 80x54 inches, 1 drawing board, 42x72 inchei; blueprint frame and tray, stool, chairs, etc. 241 TJM a. -e tt Una Hat atrvl rl At OT1 C- DECOMPOSED GRANITE for use on garden walks or drives; the same material used by the-'Southtm Pacific on their stations. Call Marshall 3 OS. k ELECTRIC HOISTS. Rent or sale; ours are best and cheapest. '6TNDARD MACHINE CO. Lumbermen! Bldg FOR SALE Ticket to Los Angreles; first class, good up to Oct. 31; lady, medium middle age and dark hair; a bargain If taken at once. AL 485, Oregonlan. PARTY who took 23-20' Winchester from t5 E. lttth N. has been Identified and will be arrested unless rifle Is returned or $le" mailed mfe. FOR SALE. 400 shares cashler stock at $12.50; sell ing now at $15.00; need money; going to $20 November 1. AH 496. Oregonlan. 100 QUARTS of home-canned fruits in Economy pars; peaches, pears, strawber ries, cherri-ss, raspberries, sweet pickles, etc. 702 East 64th North. Tabor 5S0. MEN'S TROUSERS. Corduroys, serges, tweeds and worsteds, $5.00; pants. $3-50. $4-00; pants, $2.60. Jimmy Dunn, room, 313 Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator. FOR SAL13 One 25-foot fish or duck boat fully equipped with 8 H P. Perfection ' engine, lamps, eta Has roomy cabin. Easy terms. Call up Woodlawn 2870 Sun day or call at 270 Stark st SPCIAL sale on sewing machines; slightly used; Singer, Wheeler fc Wilson, White, - Domestic and New Home: some other nsw $40 machines now $27.50. while they last. S S. t?tgel, 3it5 Morrison st. FOR EXCEPTIONAL bargain in Under wood, La, C. Smith. 4fc Remington type writers, see The Northwest Typewriter Co., No. 90 5th. 40 TONS of hay, 25 clover, 16 timothy, 9 acres potatoes, all on Base Line road ; will be sold together or separate to the highest bidder. Call East 171L SAFES New and 2d -hand; low prices; eaar terms safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO. and PORTLAND SAFE CO., 85 SUi st. Main 680. A 4119. If your stovo doesn't bake, there something wrong. I can fix it. 869 East Morrison. Phone East 1022. FOR SALE 1 small gas stove 95; 1 ball bearing lawn, mower f 8; 1 Rambler bi cycle, good aa new, 920; 1 cheap buggy. 220 E. 61st St. B 1928. 1& REMINGTON. Smith Premier and Fay Sboles typewriters; also Underwood vis ible typewriters, cheap. Room 10, Wash- lngton oiug. LADY leaving town for indefinite period will store pianola piano and music rolls where It will receive best of care, or wou.d selL Apply R P15. Oregonlan. HAVE $700 equity in 2 acres of One land, will exchange for good automobile and cash difference If bargain. T 494, Ore gonlan. WANTED a-paasanger automobile; will give real estate. Metcalf, 310 Teon. Marshall 2432. ENGINEER'S transit, cheap; vertical cir cle, perfect order. . Thomson, 315 Custom- nous! ONLY $175, 80-h.-p. auto, made by Inters n.rlnr - 1 Inln fn stllltnVit B ftgalivMrV wagon, easy terms. X 511, Oregonlan. HOUSEBOAT Four rooms, completely f ur n1hed. at a bargain; might trade. AH 4!4. Oregonian SACRIFICE Singer machine, practically new; owner leaving town. 1343 E, 3otu st. N-" DAYTON COMPUTING SCALE. In perfect conditloV very cheap; call Sunday. 26Q6 S. E- 49th st., near Division st. ' WILL trade launch hull as part payment on motorcycle, balance on terms; must be In nrst-ciass conaiuou. r.none cast zb. 97 50 Good Sinner eewlng machine with attachments. 3504 Morrison, room 42 (up stairs). I HAVE an equity worth $2200; will take $750 today. Call 1278 East Taylor or 41 Grand ave. SOLD HOME, must sell furniture, learlng city Wednesday. 384 Marguerstte ave. Hawthorne car. FOR 6AL13 Two fur rugs, bear and wild cat, very reasonable. . 8S0 E. Yamhill. Phone Tabor 3367. FOR SALE One -large-size "Cole" air-tight wood heater. See Janitor Dezendorf Apartments. 208 10th st. FOR SALE Small second-hand Clark band mill, -x-foot wheel, in good condition. F. i-."illler, box 147, Berkeley, Cal. NERLY new furniture for sale, all or part. Also some rubber routing. E. w. Wag ner. 1575 East Flanders. FOR SALE Two tickets to Denver, both male, dark hair, middle age, one stout, other slender. AJ 501, Oregonian. PAR TY going East via Seattle to Minne apolis, see Mr. Rutherford, care Fithian Barker Shoe Co. No description necessary. FOR SALE cheap, a brand new overcoat, broadcloth, with Persian lamb collar. Cost $75. Apply at 425 Everett st. FOR SALE cheap Thoroughbred Buff Or pington pullets, cockerels air , tens. 1411 Kerby. ; ' COLLECTION perfect Indian spears, points, miniature flint tomahawk, choice geologi cal apeclmens. K 468, Oregonlan. DONKEY engine, gasoline engine, air com pressor tor auiu or rai wwio. - .-xw- riwk bldg. FOR SALE Cash register in good condition; cheap. Budelman News Co., 329 Morn son st. 4-H P. motorcycle, flat belt, Adier, 1911 model, magneto; very easy terms. 206H 4th st. , ONE adding machine; one typewriter deesk. 307 Lumber Exchange bldg. GENT'S bicycle. Orient, coaster brake, A-l condition, cheap. 206 H 4th st e-ANTED--MISCELIaAyEOrB. WANTED Lady's ticket to Los Angeles, 641, Oregonian. WANTED Railroad ticket to Chicago, male. B 4S&, Oregonlan, fE BUY CLOTHING. FURNITURE, TOOLS His; heat price paia ror men s ana iui-3 cast -off cloth in ;. sbo-. furniture, tools, mechanic, lodging. Call Main 0SO. 290 First at.. The Globe. MERCHANDISE WANTED. Wanted, a 910,000 to $15,000 stock or merchandise In a good country town, Grussi A Zadow, S17 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. TO SELL or trade for cash, diamonds or property; a full length sealskin coat, bust 44. length 45. cost $1100. AR Ore gonian. WANTED Cheap for caih, electric motor for Singer drop-head sewing machine. Al ternating current, 00 cycle, 110 volt. AO ster. llrarnnian ' PAINTING, papering and kalsominlng by aa.y or t-uturaci. uui oi w u liclted. Phone Main 8003. 155 N. 13th, J. Rankin. . WANTED Land for clearing by contract. 10 to 75 acres: s;ive all particulars; lo-. cation, price, etc., first letter. G. Spanos, Prindle. Wash., care W. N. Ry. Co. WANTEJJ Land clearing of all hinds, one or 100 acres; 20 years' experience; modern equipment. Weeger & Co. Phone Main 1319. vo wasn. st-, rorxiana TOOLS Highest price, paid for all kinds of second-hand mechanic, logging tools. Le vin Hdwre. Co.. 229 Front. Main 1072. WE pay the highest cash price for second hand furniture. eatr & Martin. Fhona East $134. $48 Hawthorne ave. WANTED at once Ticket to Omaha, or Kansas City; young man. AL 48 7, Ore gonlan. . WANTED Lady's bicycle; must be a bar gain, but will pay cash. AB 496, Ore gonian. FULL-DRESS suit, sixs S5 or StJ chest; must be latest ut and In good condition. AB 4Sft. Oregonlan. HOUSS BOAT WANTED. Must be in good condition and a bar gain. "Will pay cash. J 532. OrrirontHn,. WANTED Nurseried English Cluster hop plants.- Ella M. Finney, R. F. D. No. , Gervals, Or. MAHOGANY dining-room set, consisting of a buffet, table and 8 chairs: a-ddress, with description and price, W 4S5. Oregonian. WANTED To purchase cash register; keys 1 cent up. Address, stating stylo and price, AG 507, Oregonlan. WANTED Moving picture machine. gas outfit, films, folding chairs, etc , AL $78, tiregoman. WILL pay cash for diamond weighing about 1 karat; would prefer a pair of earrings. 1 karat each. E 4S5, Oregonlan. BARGEft'S AUCTION HOUSE. 170 E. Morrison. Phone E- 1021. Pays highest cash price for furniture. YOUNG lady will take excellent care of piano for Its use during the Winter. , AS 4&4, Oregonlan. ' . NATIONAL cash register, not used long, good as new. very reasonable. Inquire at 34 N. 3d st. Main 141. A 1310. I WANT a good scow houseboat; must be a bargain; will pay some cash. Address C 012, Oregonian. ARE you In trouble over real estate, busi ness or personal matters? Can make you quick deal, city or state. S 499, Oregontan. FURNITURE complete for Ave rooms. Call at once. Main 1160 PIANO and cash for houseboat. Answer quick- Address C 513, Oregonian. WANTED A second-hand cash register, cheap. G 495. Oregonlan. WANTED Dun t ley vacuum cleaner for cash; first-class condition. Main 3291. FORD Auction Co. pays most casn for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. A 2445. WANTED St. Bernard male pup for house dog; state price. AV 555. Oregonlan. RESPONSIBLE party will take care of good WANT cash register; give particulars and price. X SOS, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Man and wife for light Janitor work In exchange for 3 furnished house keeping rooms, .gas and electric light in cluded; man who has had experience with steam heat preferred. Call at 863 East Olisan St., or phone nasi or vj jq-v. WANTED Wholesale lumber yard plannlng mill superintendent. Long Beach, Calif. Invest $3000 to $5000 in stock of cor poration. Address, Citizens, 514 Consoli dated Realty Dirg., i.os angeiea, ani. PARPRNTFR to work in country on-build ins; and "batch," or man and wife to live On PUsCB ana DUIUI llWUOO ima t m Apply or address 204 Wh .taker. . cii pc(Pv TA-antoH tn Itpll our line of Pa clflc Coast-grown nursery stock; cash paid weekly. 1'acihc ursery jo., i.uo x kuu . bldg: FIRST-CLASS salesman, in clothing and fur nishing goods, one who knows the business and can dress a window. Apply Fried man's Clothes Shop. 133 Sixth st. iv a 'TE D Bookkeeper: must be thorough ly familiar with the transfer and storage business, tiive iun paniouim- letter. T Oregonian. MAN to take charge of branch office for rr,mnro tirn out or j-'ortiana: muse ue &uib f to handle men and Invest some money In company. A& 4itf, oregonian. SALESMAN wanted to call on retail trade - ha r.ttv. commission basis: state ex perience and references, H 485. Orego- -n' a vnrn Unn OS trk 'J. A. TBflrfl. clerk HTO eery department, general store, out of town; state reierences jluu. cjiyi tcuv.c. -u 41t7. uregonian. REAL estate man wants young man In real estate department to show land; no experience necessary. National Realty A 1 rUfl V.UB1UUC1 W VUUllllCll.q roMPETENT plumber wanted to take con rmrf or nlumbinsf for three store rooms. S. V. Johnson, 418 Railway Exchange bldg. U'iVTPn An experienced shlDDlnsr clerk for wholesale furniture house, one capable of selling goods; state experience evna sal ary expectea. x- on, vregtfUKtn, JOB PRINTER APPRENTfcE WANTED, ONE WHO HAS HAD ABOUT 2 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. CALL MONDAY, J. R. ROGERS, 90 1ST ST. CARPENTER or contractor to build house. take pay In adjoining lot. Main 502; A 33 84. EXPERIENCED salesman tor merchant tailoring. Call at once. Maxwell the Tailor; 246 Washington st, SALESMAN to call on doctors. Established trade. Clean, well-paid work for hard worker. P. O. Box mi. Phiiadeipnia. WANTED Furniture varnlshers, rubbers and polishers. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., 144 Aiacaii Mill rvwu MAN of good appearance and good talker IO SOUCIt mi 'oifto -. - - - land. Apply 9 to 12, 721 leon bldg. EXPERIENCED cutter for merchant tailor ing. Call at once. Maxwell the Tailor. 14o Washington st. WANTED A good tile ditcher, 600 rods to lay. For particulars, write box 511, Cor vallis, Oregon. WANTED An experienced tailqc and pressor for ladies cloaks and suits. R- E. Far rel Co.. 7th and Alder. WANTED Experienced ready roofers, Mon day morning at Gypsy Smith Auditorium. Inquire of roofing foreman. JAPANESE wood-cutters wanted, fine tim ber, good ground, long job. Inquire 210 Second st. WANT an experienced man to drive auto mobile on rent; must know the city and give reference. L 500. Oregonian. BOY wanted with wheel; about 16; must have references. Call after 10 o'clock 3a4 Washington. MAN for ranch work, must milk and under stand care of horses. Phone room 202 Portland Hotel. BOY to deliver and solicit for meat mar ket. Call Tabor 2077. BOY. about 15 or 16, to help In tailor shop. 274 N. 16th. LIVE wires to sell coal; big commission. 422 Abington Djug. WANTED Man to work short shift morn ings In restausant for board. 103 N. 3d st. SOLICITORS wanted. Imperial Dye Works, 271 Taylor st. TWO finish carpenters at 59th and Stan ton sts. Monday morning. Call Tabor 3039. WANT 3 floor-layers, 20th and Washington, Tuesday a. ji. WANTED Good eoatmaker. Apply J- S. Jensen, The Dalles, Or. WANTED Solicitors for city work, good proposition for right men. 448 ash, st. SALESMEN wishing to establish themse.ves ask for Mr. Bryant. 1118 Yeon building. PHOTOGRAPH coupon1 and portrait new offer. Cutberth $tudlo. Dekum bldg. WANTED Boys over is wua wneeis. a d st. . - 2 MEN of ability as sales managers. Apply Monday from 10 to 2:00. 202 7th St. FIRST-CLASS eoatmaker. M. M. Ungar, 202 4 7th st. jjACHINISTS. non-union. Apply 222 Com? merclal Club bldg. BOILERMAKERS, nonunion. y Apply 222 c ommercial "o- BOYS wanted. Gardner Cigar Co., 329 Everett st. YOUNG men to take i orders for photo pil low tope. Call Monday, 467 7th st. Schow. INCIDENT. fOne of 11 any.) Office Secretary Employment Department. Yonnr man, stranger, out of work' ($20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 tor special employment membership I win have only $13 left between me and star vation. Secretary If Vos pay 95 for special employment membership you will have the Y. M. C. A., with Its resourees. be tween you and starvation, . Result: Young man joined Association. In less than a week had satisfactory em ployment. Record for 9 montha ending Sept. $0: Calls for men 9 Positions filled New 4nembers .....law Employment membership SuaFntw?e! employment or refund of membership) fee; gives two icon tha full membership privileges. 10 mon-hs social privileges and undertakes to keep party employed during the full term of membership with out further charge. . We have, constant demand for n,a" f rade. experienced men. Are you Xittetl or a better position? See secretary employment department. T. M. C. A. THE U. S. NAVY is today composed of tha finest body of picked men in the world. It has no place for -the ne-er-do-well or the failure. More than 1000 men applv for positions in the Navy each week. Only about 21 per cent of these pass the examination and are accented. This shows that the Navy picks Its men with rigorous care and pains. The Navy does not urge any man to enlist. But It does urge both parents and . sons to Investigate the opportunities the Navy offers young men (li to 35), either as a four years' training or as a life a work. The life. 1, healthful, the work grV able, environment wholesome and helpful, and the man who wishes to learn by study and travel or to learn a trade will find ample opportunity, as will the man who desires to save monev and win promotion and retirement on three-fourths pay. The nearest Navv recruiting station W at 219 Railway Exchange bldg.. Portland. The officer in charge will be glad to see parents and sons, and explain everything you wish to know about work, pay. P10" motion, retirement, recreation, etc. O send for "The Making of a Man-O-Wara-man"; it Is free. Address Bureau of Navl- r ration, box 326, Navy Department. Wash ngton. D. C. COATMAKERS and tailors wanted: pressors and finishers; sanitary shop and' good pay. Ray Barkhurst. The Tailor, cor. ih and Stark sts. ARE TOU the manT Here la your oppor tunity. No matter where you live it you want to make big money and estab lish yourself in an independent business requiring no capital, we will teach you by mail, all the secret of the real estate business, including thorough commercial law course, list with you readily salable properties, co-operate with and assist you to permanent success; our ,64-page free book fully explains our methods and tells what it means to be the local representa tive of oldest and largest co-operative realty and brokerage corporation In tha - world. Write today. International Realty Corporation, 127 Manhattan bldy., Chi cago, 111. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the U. S. Marine Corps, between the ages of 19 and 35. Must be native born or havs first fiapera. Monthly pay $15 to $69. Addl lonal compensation possible. Food, cloth ing, Quarters and medical attendance tree. After 30 years' service can retire with 5 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply to U. S. Marine Corps recruiting office. Breed en bids. 3d and Washington sts., or room 7 Winchester House. 13 H Sd St., Portland, Or. SALESMEN TO SELL HIGH-GRAD3 GROCERIES on commission to ranchmen and other large consumers, giving you an oppor tunity to work up a business of your own, wit h large returns. Reference required. Satisfaction guaranteed to customers. Es tablished In 1872. Write Western Of fice 422 24tb St., Ogden. Utah, or Loverln A Browne Co.. 1853 B. State st,, Chl cago. 111. WANTE4O Buecialty salesmen; good per manent positions for the right kind of men. Goods are handled through whole sale grocers and we have agents in all prominent jobbing centers. In applying give experience, age and all information having any bearing on subject. Richard son Lubricating Company, Qulncy, III. sales department. WANTED Business and sales manager fo? automobile sales office in Seattle; man with exceptional credentials and proof ot ability and some cash to Invest. Will show 24 per cent net yearly on money Invested. Opportunity for a good man -to get Into and run his own business with -small Investment. Salary and commls sion. C 500. Oregonlan. WANTED for TJ. S. Army, able-bodied un married men, between ages of 18 and 85, citizens of United States, of good charac ter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, . Worcester block, Sd and Oak sta, Port land. Or. A REAL estate firm selling Its own suburban f property desires to open a department for Is ting renting and Insurance; a good po sition open for high-grade man of experi ence with clientele, one that could make investment in company preferred. H 49S, Oregonian. - ' FREE RENT Prominent downtown club, three blocks from Postoffice, want man and wife to take care of few small rooms; will furnish two good, housekeep ing rooms free for exchange of service. Address W 482. Oregonlan. WANTED At East Portland Cleaning A Dye Works, 14S Grand ave., city, a com petent solicitor and driver; smooth and polite talker; good references required: need not apply without the above re quirements. AN opportunity far a live man selling our guaranteed Yakima Valley grown nursery stock; exclusive territory; outfit free; oash weekly; "huBtle," not experience, required. Toppenlsh Nurserymen.. Toppenish. Wash. WANTED Man with salesman ability to manage automobile branch out of city; $2500 to $5000 investment required; salary and commission. Address, with references, M eOl, Oregonian. YOUNG man with theoretical knowledge of surveying to qualify for map drawing; state age, schooling, .experience if any and salary required. V 400. Oregonlan. RY. M Alii CLEKKf, postoffice clerks, mail carriers. November examinations in Port land; sample questions free. Franklin ln stltute. Dept. 3 10-J. Rochester. N. Y. BRIGHT boy wanted ; office work: good chance for advancement; address in own handwriting, stating age, previous exper lence. W 484, Oregonlan. CASUALTY insurance agents. If you are not making more than $li5 a wek. see Agency Director, 41S Mohawk bldg., 9 to 12; steady position, good pay. WANTED intelligent workman who has knowledge of carpenter and cement work; Btate age, address and reference. R 600, Oregonian. WANTED First-class tailor who is compe tent to take full charge of shop in men's store, selling ready-made clothing. L 503. Oregonian. WANTED General handy laborer around building in course of construction ; give age and address; references required. 3 476, Oregonian. ONE reliable man in this seotlon to handle the always ready re-tread. Address J. Always Ready Re-Tread Co., Factory, 804 So. Olive. Los Angles, CaL TWO coppersmiths for out of town; wages ' 50 cents per hour. Call 222 Commercial Club bidg. WANTED Picture play writers; big pay; we'll teach you. Picture Play Associa- J tion,San Francisco. UPHOLSTERERS wanted. Washington Mat tress Company, Western and Pike, Seattle, Wash. . WANTED First-class commercial sign writers. Apply Foster & Klelser, East 7th and Everett sta SOLICITORS; new household necessity; easy seller; good pay for energetic work. a to 6 P. M-, H. A. Coyle, 231 Oak St. WANTED Experienced solicitor driver for cleaning and dyeing works. Call 104 11th st. BOY with wheel wanted at Nau'i Phar- . V. aeil alHfP macy, ulh . PORTRAIT agents New proposition; money every day. Brill. Morrison at. FIRST-CLASS ladies' tailor. M. M. Unger, 202 7th St. BOY wanted, wheel, $10 per week. Call after 1 P. M- 274 Taylor at.