aCIIL SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 8, 1911. H E W I DO W W i s raxjuin oomis E A) 1 Mohammed Mulai Hassan Bey was Turkishas you'll guess, - But'ultra-Europeanized, at least in speech and dress. And 'twas in Constantinople that he first set flashing eye Upon our love-lorn, roving friend, the charming Widow Wiser 7 Twas a dinner at the Consulate! The Widow Wise was there. Among the foremost honored guests, and never looked more fair. Mohammed Bey was hypnotized, and in his Eastern way Began to woo the Widow then and there without, delay. 3 She caught his fervid glances, and she scorned them tactfully. "No harem-scarem Turkish Bey," she thought, "shall capture me! "He's handsome, rich and civilized," they said, "and jjuite a catch!" But the Widow didn't fancy mch thfs cejcommended match. But ah, Mohammed Mulai Bey would not accept her scorn. He sent her 'round rich presents by a messenger next morn. And everywhere the Widow went she heard how great and grand Tbisup-to-date young Turklet was, the model of the land. m 1 m '7, -v. '4 IS : I. - VwKviv' 1 .v 1? V 5 The Bey himself called every day. The Widow was impressed;. ssr I That he seemed different from the rest she to herself confessed. " . C1 vi S Perhaps if he had asked her then, a "yes" she might have said; But, ah, the Bey was too intent his hand he overplayed. 6 Next day two Turkish ladies called young,' pretty, ;dark brunettes. They talked about Mohammed Bey and puffed their cigarettes. 'You know him well?" the Widow asked. "Ah, very well," said thc "You'd be a lucky woman, dear, if you should wed the Bey." Still others called. A score in all. Each praised him, left and right "Oh, he must be a splendid man," she pondered with delight. -"You're relatives, I fancy, and you've known him all your lives? ' ' "Not alL" they said, "but quite some time we are, you see, his wives!" 8 "Wives ! cried the Widow, "And you come io'ask I wed him, tool" "Of course," the gentle ladies said, "as all good wives should do!" (co,rWcKT..TTOwTOHE1uu,.) ' The Widow Hushed. "No thankshesaid, with TLL NEVER JOIN A SYNDICATJEI" exclaimed the Widow Wise