ColnmhiaElver Traffic Analysis'bf VastTChanges in Prospect '.Result'of Opening of Columbia Rh and Panama Canal - The;Huge 'Undertaking at Celilo Effect Improved Waterway BT W. I. LTMA : TRK pvopl of th North wt r usually crlltd with torlht and SMacltr. But It -mar b qautloo4 whathar mora than a small fraction hara jrst formd snjr adequata conception of tha vast chana Im pandlnr throacb tha Tananm Canal and tba Inauguration of waar traffic batwsan tha two sldas of tha tontlnant. Tha poaalbllltlas of commarrlal da valopmant In air parts of tfea raclflc Coast ara untold, but In soma rcapacts thosa of tha Columbia Rlrtr rocion ara for most. To ons writing from tha rlawpolnt of an Inhabitant of tha Inland Rroplra tha opanlns; of tha Columbia Klrar car- rlaa an Almost oqual auccestlvcnsas with that of tha Panama Canal Itself. Tha combination of the two canals conrars a surcvsUon of commercial chances equal to those of tha first transcontinental railways. The fact la. we. of tha Northweet. re on the threshbold of a new epoch. Whether we fain or lose Individually by this new epoch depends on the do. jrree of IntelUcenc with which we ad lust ourselves to It; but there can be no question that there Is a new pass luat turning; la the momentous records ef Padflo Coast history. It Is not my purpoae to discuss, ex rpt Incidentally, the Panama CanaL Rather I ak the reader's attention to preeent and forthcoming- conditions of water trafde by the Columbia Hirer to the vast Interior regions of Ore goo. vtasaington and Idaho. Katraae of tha teaaibaat. It was a great step In tha history ef this country whan. In the 'fts. the Q. ft. X. Co. Instituted water transpor tation from Portland to Lewiatoa and other points on the Snaks and Colum bia rivers. That was the age of" gold; a dealing period of adventure, enter prise and rapid fortunes. The steam boat provided the only means of en trance and the proverbial pilot ef those day could run on a heavy dew. .The captains sever thought of low water, but plunged right Into the teetfe of rapids and reefs, daring elL And It was werth the daring. It Is reported that the Tenlno, leav ing Celllo for Lewtaton April 1J. 1st, bad a passenger list of fares amount ing to tie.tsi. n a subsequent trip bar receipts for freight, passengers, meals and berths footed up 1 1 LOW. The O. 8. V. Co, wss capitalised on Ioceabar 1. lit, for 1171100. Tet from Its proceede It eipended nearly oe u betterments, paid to Its stockholders over IJ.O0.C0 in divi dends and sld out to the Vtllard Syn dicate la If for fi.0oe.00C la lit! freight from Portland to Wallula was par too; to Lew iatoa 110; while passenger fares were tit aad fit. That was a great age. out It paaaed on and aa age of rail way development, farming, frultrals Ing, city building, "booming." suc ceeded. So the glory departed from the rtver aad the steamer was rele gated to the bonerard. Ia 111ft tha canal at the Cascades was tompleted and the Columbia region aa fsr'aa The Italics became open to the sea. Tkls effected large and beneficent results, but tha region Immediately reached was but a small part of the vast Inland Empire and hence the benefits were limited, fame concep tion of the results on freight rates 'may bo gained from the fact that the rate on augar from Portland to The Ialles fell from 130 per ton to f 1.20 per ton. as soon as tha Cascades canal was finished. During all tha time following com pletion of the canal at the Cascades It has been apparent to observing men that results of untold benefit to the Inland Empire would follow tha com pletion ef a canal at Celllo Falls and tha Grand Dalles. For such a can si would overcome the only serious ob struction between Portland and Priest Kapide oa the Columbia, lit miles and Iwtston en the Snake, about ITS miles from Portland. It would Institute an era of water trs asportation, for the logis of such water rates Is to reduce rail rates to tha water level. Statis tics show that the average rail rate la the United States Is I t mills per tea anile, whereas on the Oraat Lakes It Is only .7f mills per ton mile, and on the Ohio Rtver. If estimates of en gineers are correct. It will become. wllA completed laiproveaiaats, as low i as River Effect on Inland Empire of Rat ss half a mill per ton mile. A little flmirlng would easily show that the annual savings to the Inland Empire would amount to millions, enough. In fact to pay for the Celllo Canal within two years or less. Plans at CelUa. By reason of the heavy railroad tar iff under which the Inland Empire has rested, tha construction of the Ce lllo Cans! and other Improvements on the river, such as would Insure a seven-foot channel at all seasons to Priest Rapids and at least a four-foot channel to Lewlaton. has been one of the special demands of our section upon Congress. Various propositions hsve bean broached by engineers. At one time a ship railway was favorably considered. Then the plan of two ca nals, one around the Celllo Falls and one around the Grand Dalles, thus utilising about five miles of good river between was decided upon. Further reports of engineers led to the decision to make a continuous canal from the head of Celllo Falls to the Big Kddy. That plan ass accordingly adopted In March. 190&. and has beeii pursued since. The work dragged somewhat at first, as Government Jobs are wont to. But In 110. through the Influence of the general public awakening, de veloped by the National Klvera and Harbors Congress snd through ths constant efforts of the Northwest dele gations In Congress, as well as ths ef forts of various private cltlsens, an ap propriation of f J.C00 000 was secured o be paid In six annual Installments. The total estimated expense Is fl.flt, 000. and ths existing appropriation Is considered enough to complete the task. A recent visit wss msde by the writer for the purpose of ascertaining the conditions and prospects of this great work. Major J. J. Morrow, of the rnlted States ErTglneer's office at Portland, hat general charge. with Lieutenant IL H. Robert, aa local man ager. It Is apparent that the work is in good hanUn. and Major Morrow and IJeatenant Robert offer every courtesy and assistance to those desiring In f or ation. Inspection of the work shows that It la In excellent progress. Two larare contracts for csnal construction were made, one of MO feet, now completed, and one of 14.000 feet completed, except the cement facing. The present work Is being conducted directly by Govern ment and with highly satisfactory re sults. Major Morrow estimates that about one-third of the work haa been done. More wa accomplished during the past year than In any three years before. Seven hundred jnen have been employed, and the number, may be In creased. It funds JuKtify. I found the work la progress at various points simultaneously, the aim being to get the cuts snd fills outlined the entire distance and thus work ths largest force) to the beat advantage. Tha heavy rock work Is at the middle and the two ends, a considers We part of the Intervening spaces constating of concrete embankments tnrougn trte sand. There will be used about 100. OuO .gallona cf concrete In this part ef the work. The finest kind of steam hovels ara In use. At one polsit I saw a Vulcan with an arm (0 feet long by which the huge scoops of the shovel can be deposited so far from the edge of the excavation as to more than double the working capacity over on of ordinary slie. Aa Isasseaae) Waterway. Aa now outlined the canal will b atght and a halt miles long. S feet wide at the bottom, eight feet deep, and with several basins for passag ways. 10 feet or more In width. Five locks are provided, though only three will be used in ordinary water. At It lower end, opening into Big TUB STJXDAT OREGONTAX. PORTTJLXD, OCTOBEE 8, 1911. Eddy, from which there is an unoh- structed passage way to the ocean, ZOO miles distant, are the tandem locks. by which boats may be lifted 78 feet. At Five Mile Rapids, about two miles above. Is the next lock, with a lift of 11 feet. In any except extreme high water, this lock will place a boat at the upper level, and It can then pro ceed through the remaining six miles directly Into the Upper River. For use In very high water, two more locks will be made, one at Ten Mile Rapids, and one at Celllo Fall. It Is a beautiful piece of engineering and to all appearance the work Is or the best character. Major Morrow aays that with an appropriation of 11,000.000 a year the canal could be open within three yean; or with tl. 600.000. within two. This situation evidently offers great Inducement to u In the Inland Kmplre to bring every pressure pos sible to bear on Congress to add to the appropriations. The gain will be worth the eiiort. Do all of us appreciate what this slg nifles? Consider for a moment what such a reduction of freight rates would mean to the Inland Empire. Probably within five years there may be 10.000. 000 bushels of grain for export. A re ductlon of S cents a bushel on an aver age might reasonably be expected. There would be nearly a third of the total cost of the canal saved In that one Item. Com to consider the saving on up-freight (In which the saving will be much greater per unit than In the outgoing grain), and It can readily be seen that a single year's saving will nearly pay for the canaL Then there Is another Item of the ut most moment: electric power. Th canal will offer a drop of. It feet In two miles. There Is nothing to are vent the constant utilisation of power from all the water that can be ad ml tied. In faot tha whole force of th Columbia River can ultimately be em ployed at this point for th creation of power. It la likely that 100. 000 horsepower could be developed herewith but a fraction of the force of the river, and that amount of power, rented at f if per horsepower, (half the rate now pre vailing at Walla Walla), would amount to t2.S00.0O0 a year. That will not be realised at once, of course, but It Is one of the future possibilities. Treaaead Flow ef Water, The scene cf this great canal work Is a strange place on the Columbia. The whole enormous flow of the great river, which ranges from 100.000 second-feet at low water to 1,000,000 or more at high water, is compressed Into a channel at Five Mile Rapids of but ICS feet wide at low water. It has never been satisfactorily sounded, but It le believed to be deeper than It Is wide, probably too or 400 feet. Prob ably the walls overhang. At the Big Eddy, where there 1 greater width, the depth ranges from U)0 to ltO feet. One object of special Interest at Celllo Is the Great Northern bridge, 'leading; to th Deschutes branch. It la partially -oompleted ahJ will be one of the greatest bridges in the country. It crosses th river Just below Celllo Falls. One thing of peculiar Interest Is th effect of the completion of the canal, and specially the united effect of its simultaneous completion with the Pan ama Canal, on railroad. Some affect to thing that the canals will be detri mental to railway and that railway managers must necessarily oppose canal construction. Some railroad men have. In fact, shown an unfriendly spirit, but the larger and more statesman-like of them realise that the ultimate Interests of railroads run parallel to those of the public, and that added business and wider opportunities for feeder line will result from the general diminution of rates. In the end they will gain more then they will lose. JBut tier is another series of con-, dltfons equally Important, and that Is the present navigation of tbo river, and Its significance a leading up to future traffic when both Columbia River and Panama are open to continuous naviga tion. It is generally known that the Open River Transportation Company has been operating boats on the Snake and Columbia Rivers for several years, but few, I Judge, have weighed the mo mentous results to commercial Interests which will logically follow. This company was the off-spring of the Open River propaganda of a few years ago, which secured also the con struction of the Oregon Ports ire R, R. from Celllo to The Dalles. The com pany has had many misfortunes and unforeseen obstacles, but has persisted, and Is now making a triumphant suc cess Several years ago. Senator Bur ton, then chairman of the House rivers and harbor committee, gave J. N. Teal and others to understand plainly that he would not favor appropriations for our rivers unless we could demonstrate that they would be used. If lmmroved. As a consequence, Mr. Teal and others courageously set to work to make th demonstration. Suffering some losses as pioneers of this second era of steam boats, they have steadily widened and strengthened the scope of their, opera. tlons, until It haa become obvious to shippers and to railway managers and to students or commerce that here has been unobstruslvely growing tip a fao- tor In traffic which Is the herald of a new day in the life of th Columbia River country. Under the Influence of the ability and Indefatigable energy, of Captain W. 8. Buchanan, the super intendent, and W. S. Small wood, the general manager, tb Open River boats have this year done a larger amount of business than ever before, and have offered such rates and service to shippers sa to produce a new trend In river traffic. Work of Ore River Boats. Thy are now running the J. N. Teal from Portland to The Dalles, making three round trips a week. They are almost constantly obliged to reject freight, while passenger crowd th steamer. From The Dalles to Celllo the traf fic Is carried around th Una of tha canal by th Portage Railroad. It will urprla those not familiar with condl tlons to knew that the Portage Rail road handled In ltOt 15.481 tons of freight, valued at fl.013.lfS no mean amount. Above Celllo the steamer Inland Em pire runs to Pasco and Kennewlck and intermediate points, and usually one a week to Priest Kaptd and other points above Pasco. The distance from Celllo to Priest Rapids Is about 110 miles. Boat service on this run Is maintained substantially throughout the year. The Twin. .Cities runs from Celllo to Lewttton 2t&. miles, from February ts August, the Water during low stages not being sufficient... -Although tnese posts are primarily deelgned as frelghtboats and though tha scenery from Pasco or Lewlston to The Dslles hardly compares with those forver-new scnes of grandeur and beauty seen from the decks of th Teal, yet that trip on the Upper. River is on of rare attractiveness. Nor Is th trip .so slow as might be expected. Down th river they mak nearly railroad time, or would If th large amounts of wool snd other freight did not cause stops. But to a student of traffic these stops are among th most Interesting experiences of the Journey. But now th point or greatest value In regard to the Open River boats 1 their freight rates, tb affect of them on railroad rates, aad the foreshadow ing of the new era. Although the necessity or transport ing everything around Th Dalles on the portage railroad causes delay and expense, the present freight tariff on the Open River boats is only about 70 per cent, on an average, of the railroad tariff to Pasco, Kennewlck, Lewlston and other points. This is a general statement. Some specific examples will be of interest. Some comparative rates by rail and by boat from Portland to Lewlston are as follows, as Indicated by the tabulat ed statement: OunparlaoB of Rates. A. Leas than carload lots. Classes Ter vL 1 2 S 4 Rail 1.S5 fl.20 J0.0S $0.80 fO.JJ Boata 90 .81) .70 .63 .88 8av. by boat 10 48 80.40 fO.JS t0.1T Sav. per ton 89.50 88.00 85.00 3.40 Average savings per ton, 83.88. 10.13 82.40 In carload lots the boats give the added advantage that they allow a smaller minimum than the railroads, being 20.000 pounds, aa against 80,000 to 40.000 sounds on rail. On the following commodities the comparative rates per hundred are as follows, with 10.000 pounds minimum: R. Carloads Per cwL Sucar. Bait. 80.8S .80 Nails. 80.65 .40 Twine. Rail U.t 80.63 .40 Boata .48 Pav. par ewt. 10.20 80.0 Sav. per ton. 84.00 81-20 84.2S 83.00 10.25 85.80 On down freight, the rail rate on wheat is now 17 cents per hundred weight the boat rate 18 cents, rrora Lewlston to Portland. Th rail rate was 10 cents last year, but was forced down by the boat rate. Perhaps the most remarkable figures on down freights are on wooL Th bulk of tha wool amounting to millions of -pounds and deatlned to New York and Boston, goes now by the Open River boats to Portland, thence by the Amerlcan-na-walan steamships to Tehuaatepec, where It. Is transferred and reshlpped on the Atlantic to destination. From Lewlston to New ork and Bos ton the rate on unsooured wool in sacks Is as follows, per hundredweight: Open rtver beats . -J Wharfare at Portland 0125 Steamihlps to New York New York to Boston 18 Total to Boston 1 1-4423 Total to New York 81.2625 By all rail from Lewlston 82-1 Saving to Boston t .6ST5 Saving to New York 88T5 One cannot but pause to ask If such a saving, about f 15 a ton, can now be made on wool, what will it be when both canals are completed? May we not reasonably expect that freight rates will be cut to half or less of the present rail rates to the great manu facturing cities? What will that sig nify to general prosperity? There Is yet another feature ot toe comparative rates, and that Is the rates by combination of boat and ran .o points not Immediately on th xirers. This is the most important-aspect of It all;--4os-.JX-4aa iates to such points could not be lowered, the general ag arreeate benefit would not be great. since the towns directly on the rivers are few In comparison. 1 Combination RaUea Leas. But It appears from an inspection of the schedules that the combination rates by boat and rati are less in the great majority of places within from 80 to 100 miles of the shipping points than the straight rail rates to or from tidewater. A. Portland to points oa Desennte Bau- ar. vl Celllo, per ewt Orchard, distance from Celllo, 18 mile Classes 1 3 3 Comb, rata 80-48 80.41 80.83 fO-Zw -23 All rail 54 .40 .88 .32 .37 At Garfield, 88 miles from Lewlston, tha combination rate Is lower on first and second class, but higher on the ..-.-la- other classes, and from that point on the all-rail rates are lower. Figures clearly demonstrate the fact that within a somewhat irregular sphere of about 80 miles from the chief shipping points on the river reached by rail, the boat rate, combined with the local rail rate in what I have styled the combination rate, is lower than the all-rail rate. Main line points on the railroads are more likely to offer lower rates than on branches. But however analyzed, rate figures are ln finitely suggestive as to the traffic possibilities of the near future. The Open River Transportation people are doing a limitless service to the inland Empire in acting as the forerunner of the time when both the Panama ana Celllo canals are open, and traffic shall hare learned its new route to the great centers of population In the East and in Europe. Railroad trafflo must adjust Itself to the new order, but as already urged, this Is no menace to the railways. What they lose in one way they will more than gain In others through increase in population and production. - And the general body of people will be the bet ter oft in ths same ratio as traffic is cheaper and more free. There la one final consideration which I find to b greatly . exercising the minds of far-sighted business men and students of commerce in Portland. This is the readjustment which must follow the short-and-long-haul contro versy as expounded by 'the Interstate Commerce Commission In the Spokane and Reno cases. It seems to be con sidered in Portland that the decision was at least largely a Spokane victory, though with an Important reservation. But now by a kind of common consent Portland people are adopting the con clusion that they will be thrown back to rely upon their natural water-rout advantages rather than upon any arti ficial advantages of railway discrimi nation. In adopting this principle Portland has made the greatest step in her recent history. For no power can rofi her of the benefits of the Panama Canal and the open Columbia. Portland is shaking herself mightily in prepara tion for the new era of the canals. Effect of Canals Era. It will be well for those'.of th In land Empire If they, too can realize the grand significance of this new era. The doctrine of the Interstate Com merce decision and th new era of ca nals will have a twd-fold effect. First, It will make cities in general depend rather uDon natural than artificial ad vantages, rather upon the great honest basio movements of commerce than upon sharp Jobbery in securing dis criminatory .Yates and the manipula tions of secret lobbies. Second, it will create a greater harmony and mutual helpfulness between all parts of our great Northwest. Each section has its ioii ta supplements the others. properly speaking, the seaport city and the in land city are not competitive; they are complementary. The fear entertained by som tn Spo kane that the open river will build up a great rival strikes me as chimerical. The new era will undoubtedly be of Immense benefit to Portland, and As toria, and Vancouver. It will make fine cities, perhaps great cities, of Pasco, Kennewlck and Lewlston. And when the Prelst Rapids canal is open, also of Wenatchee. But while the benefits may not be quite so marked for Spo kane, Walla Walla, Takima and Mos cow, they will exist Just the same. What will benefit one will In the gen eral course benefit all. It would be as foolish for the mouth to stop all the food and allow none to go to the stom- ach as for Portland to stop the nour ishment of commerce from passing on 'to Spokane. It would be as foolish for the hands to hold the food and refuse to convey it to the mouth as for Spo kane to , withhold trafflo from Port land, i ' One thing Is sure, that the interior cannot present the development of the river towns by any means short of stopping' to produce and grow and thereby commit commercial suicide. In the new era that is hard at hand, whose changes "may be many and great, the river towns are bound to grow. We shall play the part of wise men if we adjust ourselves to the laws of com mercial: gravitation rather than ngnt them. The -man or the community that bucks the law of gravity usually suf fers more than the law does. With the spirit of intelligent oo-operation and mutual helpfulness, all parts of our great Northwest can meet a new age of commerce, the age of water traffic; with industrious hands, clear eyes and honest hearts and realize a development of which we have not even dreamed. A Peruvian Olty That Was. ' Hartford Times. On the plateau adjoining Lake Tlti cacsi In Peru, the largest lake In South America, are found the ruins of a city as large as Boston. The stone walls of the principal buildings are of excellent workmanship and the gateways are elaborately carved. Some of the sin gle stemes weigh over ISO tons. There la some evidence that the Inhabitants were th original discoverers of corn Land potatoes. At all events they -were skillful masons ana haa attained an or ganized civilization. The origin of these ruins was as much a mystery 900 years ago, as is shown by the earliest rec ords of the Incas, as it is now. At present the region in which they are situated Is oold and arid and entirely Incapable of ripening cereals. It la inhabited by a few hardy mountaineers. It Is evident that the climate Is en tirely different from what it was when the plateau was the center of a large population. This change must be due to th elevation of the mountains on the east, and perhaps of the entire plateau. According- to Schedule. New York Tribune. . William T. Lewis, automobllist. was talking in Racine about the 26,000- mile automobile trip he had Just made In Europe. "One sees Europe In an automobile," be said. "One really sees It. Some tourists don't, you know. "Once in Florence I was standing on the bridge over the Arno drinking In the beauty of the old Italian city when a half dozen of my compatriots drew near at a quick walk. "They hurried by me, every now and then consulting their watches, and as they passed I overheard this conversa tion: . - " -Well, Florence la all right, sure!" " Tlorencer "Why, yes! This la Florence, ain't itr- " "Of course not. This is Vanlc.' Oh, go on! It's Monday, anyhow, and Monday's Florence; Wednesday's Venice.' " In Net Tork. Harper's. Mr. Black My husband la always astounded at the amount of money J need. Mrs. White Well, call It a budget, and nothing will surprise him.