TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER" 8. 1911. 1 Established 1863 We are sole 'Agents for Holeproof Hose. Complete- 1911 7 &Ba 1 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF ouooxxajt Txrxraoxi. rrTnttnr-t" Mela Tr A JJ Maac Editor T !,, Cm(ji-rm Maia J":J T eje4 smUa Mala ! Tkt iwuu Girl IB Farta'' Taois" at S-ls 'Clec. Bak.r Tt f Caveat a; rT?, Tne Flo.r of the Hanoi. TBI. Beoa l 2 to. lon:ht at eloca- OKPHCrM TH rATIR Morrtao. S:ia ud Savaatk) Teodavllle. T aff- riMa X Is aaa Ufi:g&l at :le rAXTjOLI THSATBB raarta aaa V! Vedvl!le, This aXteraeaa mlbt al f t u4 B tPktt THEATER rrk Bad WMbL"fi to Vaudevli.a. TBI aflersaoa A- aad tea's at at T:SO ud B. TAR. ARCADE. OH JOT. ODrOX. TTTO- Ll first rn slataraa. II A H. 1 A..ul..a.ete It d.d far a BrtW Mlaaut la Suadar's taa City Jews asaa Be (ilea Br haadaa la The Owsaaiaa k' m'rlmrm Eater day evealaB- A la. Ciarrtir Osntcits ASKBD to Hn. At a rr.ftlni of tha executive com mtttee of tha Lone Ftr Lotownin' Al locution yeeterdsr In tha office of Pee ratsry J. A- Strowbrldse. It waa decided to miki a general request of lotowners to contribute to the fund for the Im provement of tha cemetery And to ask those who hare contributed to forward a waiver that the committee may begin Improvements. In former notices sent to lotownera they were saked to pay A fixed amount, or apportionment, but as many thought It was an assessment, the committee decided to ask. owners to pay ths apportionment or pay what they can In cash, or In monthly In-J (Ailments. It was also voted to ask the present subscribers to stvs tha es ecatlv committee authority to start Improvements as considered best. Mrs. June McMillan Ordwsy. chairman of the Women's Auxiliary, will orgsnlse her forces this week. Tb executive committee la composed of 10 prominent Portland women, who have consented to assist In the Improvement of the cemetery. CorTTB-j Favors AmrTAJtm or Prim The committee from the Kenll worta Improvement Association has re ceived Assurances from the City En-g-lneer that the additional territory a -Bed for will be Included In tha as sessed territory of the Kenllworth Holaate sewer system. eoraprlsln haul 100 acraa which will drain to the sewer constructed and eventually must be connected with the Kenllworth sewer. This additional territory will reduce the assessment per lot from 11 to 1L The contractors. Piquet. Qlfblsrb Joplln have filled op the sunken trenches In Kenllworth streets and elsewhere, and there Is no further objection from this source. Fast irB Lls.T Hon Ooxrumm Excellent pmerress Is bains; made on the new East Hide Library building-, on the southeast corner of East Eleventh and East Aider streets, and It will be reafly to oceupy November 1. The building Is an attractive structure and covers the entire quarter block. There la a basement for heating and storage purposes. In the main rooms there is space for several thousands of books and other reading, matter. When opened the East Bide Library will have practically the same advantages af forded by the West Bide building. It will be convenient to the Washington High rvhool and the Hawthorne build ing. Psx-bcrt Flpwio'i FrrgAi. Hn.o. The funeral of Pelbert Eldred. who died Wednesday At bis bom, on ths Foster road. In the Mount Scott district, was Held yesterday from the Church of Christ, on Ninth avenue, and the burial was made In Multnomah Cemetery. Eldred cam borne from Walla WaUa last Saturday. September 10. where he had been at work for thre months. H was 11 years of age and had lived In the neighborhood for several years. Acctoact In detail of style and fit characterise our Hart. HchafTner Marx clothes. The all-wool fabrics wear better, keep shape better, look better In every way: fin tailoring- Im proves th servlc you get. Perfect fit for blp and little men. They're the right clothes for men who want perfect garments. Samuel Rosenblatt A Co.. Third and Morrison. OoODraiXOWSHlP COSIKTTTBH ElAH. Th roodfrllowshtp campaign com mittee. Women of Woodcraft, held their annaal election of officers at head quarters. Tenth and Taylor streets, Wednesday afternoon, and elected their officers and committee. October . at 1 o'clock sharp, la tb dat of next meeting. Oassw T4 Pot. T. W. C. A.: Cream of tomato soup, roast beef and York shire pudding, veal cutlets, fried onions, creamed cauliflower, creamed shrimp and egg on toast, vegetable salad, fruit salad, crsb salad, pineapple Jello with whipped cream, coccanut pie. Ice cream with cake. Lanon Coiit. Ibvmotox Hon finished In oak and mahogany, one block from Broadway csrllne: hot-wAter heat, billiard-room, garage, etc.: Btrict ly high-grad home; lle.eOv. terms. 1L P Palmer-Jones Company. Ill Com mercial Club bldg. Phonee: Main is. A Mil. Wb Ssu. balr mattresses retail at wholesale prices, for 10-pound beds from $1.1 nd up. W renovate mat tresses and return them th same day. We Also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Mettger. pro prietor. 11 Front at. Main 47. A 174. VX.llTARtiK TO llOU) COXYEBSB. -Why Vegetarianism Should Prevail" will b the theme for discussion at th meeting of the Vegetarian Converea slone. at the new borne of the World's Advene Thought, til Tamhlil street. Tuesday night. October 10. At 1 o'clock. Turn IvxTat. 1 srttHiRT of North Pa cific Collage haa reopened in the new building at East Sixth and Oregon streets. Two blocks south of Holladay avenue. Parsons desiring dental work are invited. th-noot. or tsi Portlaxd Art As-s.v-tATiox. Drawing, painting, portrait, life, IllustrAtlPO. design, composition, sketch and chlldren'e classes. Museum of Art. Fifth And TAylor streets. Altxoutiox 8au or Orisxtal. Rcoa Reductions. It to 4( per cent less thsn our usual low price. Temporary loca ; ttoB 44 Wash. Cartoslsn Bros, Im ' porters Oriental ruga foa Rsarr. Two-story brick ware beuea, lJxW feet, on railroad track. Eiskteenth and fpshur streets Ia qulr at Portland Artificial Ic Co. PTrrrjrrs or rRACT amd Dbtistrt. Tub Norms. Annual sesaloa of North PacIHo College baa begun. Keflstratloa will close October I J- Havs yon work active students can do to help pa for room or board? Notify North Padfle College. East Sixth and Oregon streets. Nsw Hotx-t. Soott. Seventh and Burnatde etreeta. t leas for a term of years. Apply on th premtsea C X MaJarkey. Krxii'i HvonoraTRiio Iissim is haa moved from 101 Twelfth street to tel Taylor, corner Sixteenth. Wattxo Cheap lot on Jefferson r Columbia, west of 14th St. U 47. Oregonlan. Th Hcttki. SsrwARO Is quoting special rate te a limited number of permanent. guests. SIM. C B a rn km r. Tabor 1114. "Corsets. tr1pte-wtr stay ; .jcua ran teed. Moxbt to loan on real eat ate. Denier A Penier Realty C. e4 C. of C. -Pa. W. ?. Cot-g. office 7J4 Msrquam bids- Marshall 140. Pa. ewADr, dentist. Phone Estt 4TI1. i p, aUaxtataicx ba returned. It?sNew! IfsDainty! Here'i a new pattern in the special plated ware just reached us-we want you to come and admire. We call it the Princess pattern. Plated ware that looks like sterling haa all the charac teristics of sterling and costs only about 1-3 as much. Buy this sort of plated ware and only the hostess will know there's plated tableware in use when you set this pattern before your guests they'll calljt sterling;. A beautifully rubbed French finish rich distinctive elegant. Every piece stamped "Jaeger Bros." Nothing to show that it's plated. We have it in all .the wanted articles. Staple orjfancy. Of course, it's exclusive with Jaeger Bros. JAEGER BROS. 266 Morrison St. Fraud Laid to Wouajc Chiropodist. Borrowing money from an Infatuated friend, then getting possession of the securities And destroying them. Is charged against Marguerite Crawford, a ohtropodlet, who was arrested yester dsy. Th complainant Is W. W. Brew ster, a young contrsctor. who says he lent th woman I1S00. receiving chattel mortgagee In return. Later, he says, she made excuse to get the papera In her possession and failed to return them. Exhibition Is Attractivb. An, ex ceptionally beautiful exhibition of oil paintings, pastels, water colors and drawings by Child Hassam. J. Alden Weir and Thlmlster Proctor la now on exhibition for a short time. Also, paint ings and sculpture by Miss Msry Hortense Webster, the new Instructor In th rt school. Th Museum hours are: Weekiays. to 6; Sundays. 1 to 6; free, the afternoons of Tueedsy. Thurs day. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Widow or Ex-Pot. res) Chiif Ti. Word waa received yesterday of the death In Tacoma yesterday morning of Mrs S. B. Parish, an old-time resident of Portland, and widow of S. B. Psr rlsh. who was Chief of th Tolle De partment here from lill to 1891. The funeral will be held from the Taylor Street Methodist Church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, with Interment In Rlvervlew Cmetery. H. O. RrtCKTrrr r-c Fiicai. Rear. Fu neral services for H. O. Stick ney. who died Thursdsy. October S. at St. Vin cent's Hospital, wer held yesterday afternoon from Holman's chapel. Dr. A. A. Morrison oftlclsted. The pall besrers were: John C Lewis. Wirt Minor. F. 8. Stsnley. Major W. W. Morrow, David C Lwls snd Robert Smith. Th Interment was In Rlvr Tlew Cemetery. Lbitts Pastor Wrxcokko. Rev. W. Boyd Moore, the new pastor of the Lento Methodist Church, waa given a reception Thursday night by his con gregstlon. He has been returned for another year to that charge. A musi cal and literary programme was given. Rev. Mr. Moor responded In a short talk. A genersl donation was given the psstor and family In th form of a pound party. Ths Closiho-Ott S&ui Rbachrs It's Cusii. Oriental rugs thst you csn buy now At the low prices offered At this ssl r marvels of richness and beauty. And best of all even though sale prices rule, you have the satis faction of knowing that Attyeh Bros, ar back of th sal And guarantee every rug. no matter what the price. Atlyeh Broa, Tenth and Wash. sts. Crrit. War Vxtkrax Ilx- Jeremiah Coughlan. a veteran of the Civil War. who has been living the life of a hermit In a cabin at Brentwood Addition, Mount Scott, has been moved to th county hospital where he is ill with pneumonia. H Is not expected to re cover. ' "Savosarola. Hi Lira axd MESSAOg," this evening At 7:45. at the Church of Our Father (Unitarian!. Seventh and Yamhill. The lecture will be illustrated by magic-lantern. Morning servlc at 11. Her. W. O. Eliot, minister. Torso Man Pib in Oablaxd. James C Mathlesen. of this city, died In Oak land. Cal.. October 4. H was 19 years f age and was the son of Mrs. M. W. Mathlesen. living; at 6 Mllwaukl street. Tm free exhibition of paintings by C. C McKim. In the parlors of th Press Club. Elks building. Is attracting much attention. Visitors weloom every afternoon from 1 to . Fiftt shares of U. a Csshler stock, at It SO; slso. nv hars Potter Coin Mscolne stock. Thon Mondsy. Main 141. A 2411. 119 000 Colvmria RtvB Orchard Bokds Chbat tor Cash. Davidson, li Lewis bid. Marshall 771. Orgjcxxo) of Oaks Rink todsy. FARM BARGAIN. We bar for ! on of th most at tractive piece of land In th Willam ette Valley, betmeen Portland and Sa lem: consists of ll acres of very fer tile soil, nearly aJl cleared, gently roll ing, and only about a half-mil from th Oregon Electric This csn b farmed as a whol to great advantage or It can be cut up Into 5 and 10-acre tracts and a handsome profit made from It. There Is nothing better to be found In the enttr Willamette Valley. It la a, bargain. Price only 140 per acre. e ua for particulars. C11A3 K. HENRY CO., Henry B'.dg. Fourth and Osk sts. Portland, Or. AT THE JHEATER. Half the attraction at the theater for th fair ones Is tb choice sweetmeat supplied by the escort. The real treat Is a box of Malllard g Chocolates, th confection of royal courts. These world-famous randies are distributed In Oregon by Sig. Slchel Co. Malllard's chocolates have no equal anywhere. II Third su. Third and Washington, and Sixth and Washington. BUILDINGJO LEASE. Parties will erect building to suit tensnt on Stark street near Twelfth. This is on of th most attractive lo cations in the city: will lease for long term of years. Kor particulars apply to CHAS. K. HKNRT CC Henry B:j, FouxLH Bod, Oaa si A, Portland, Or. THE LARGE JEWELRY STORE Between Third and Fourth. Good Things in Portland Markets BY LILLIAN TINGLE. EVERY week now brings an -increasing array of good things to eat. Nuts ar th latest addition. Th new chestnuts ar now on the market at 10 cents b pound, while new crop pecans. Braill nuts, almonds and walnuts sell at 10 to 25 cents. Nuts, pumpkins snd spples. Tou don't need to look at the calendar; or even to not the shortening days, to know that Hallowe'en will soon b round again. Very good apples are to be bad st SO to 10 cents a dosen and quinces -Rt four pounds for 25 cents. A few crab apples are still to be seen, and Fall Butters snd Slckel pears ar available, the former costing about 15 cents a dozen and the latter about S cents a pound. Flemish Beauty pears Br also to b had at II a box. and a few re maining Bartletts at IS to 10 cents a doxen. Concord grapes ar somewhat more plentifnl than they were last week, and ecll at 40 cents for a largo basket, or SO cents for a small one. To kay. Maisgas. Muscats and Thompson Seedless grapes are all good and plen tiful at 25 to 20 cents A basket. Among the newer arrivals this week are cranberries at 15 to 20 cents a quart, prickly pears and pomegranates at 5 to 10 cents each, and Wonderber rtes. or "Danish blueberries," at 12 H cents a pound. There are also a few late strawberries Rt 20 cents a basket. Late peaches are still very good at "5 to 0 cents a box. -Prunes seem less plentiful, and so are green gages snd damsons. Citron melons are available for preserving, and cassavas and late cantaloupes for dessert purposes. There are good ground cherries at 20 cents, and huckleberries at 12 cents a pound. In the vegetable market, several kinds of squash are now to be had. In cluding English "vegetable marrows." Tomatoes remain comparatively scarce this season, and cost 75 to 15 cents a box. Eggplant Is comparatively low In' price at 10 cents a pound. Cu cumbers and peppers are good and in expensive Just now. Corn Is almost over, and beans are passing-, but there are good asparagus and Lima beans still to be found. Celery and cauliflow er ar both attractive. Brussels sprouts are in again, and so sr Glob arti chokes, chicory and celeriac Pickling materials cucumbers of various sixes. Dill, long peppers, bird peppers, pickling onions, esohallots. green tomatoes anu ium all well to the fore. Mushrooms ar to be hsd Bt 25 to 20 cents a pound. The fish markets Are particularly At tractive Just now. with their array of scarlet lobsters, pink shrimps and sil very salmon and sea trout Oysters are of lncresslng Interest this month, and so are clams. Chinook salmon and halibut are especially good And cheap trils week. The list of available fish includes black bass. 40 cents; sea trout and lobster, 26 cents; catfish, croppies, shrimps, torn cod. bsrraouda sturgeon and halibut cheeks. 15 cents: salmon and sea bass. 12 cents; black cod. rock cod. Hn cod. halibut, -silver APARTMENT SITE. W hv for sal b very attractive quarter block on Thirteenth street, close in. within walking distance: faces east and south. It Is so located that the upper floors of an apartment house built on this sit would overlook th entire city. All Improvements In snd paid for. A slngl lot with no improve ments within two blocks of this loca tion sold recently for 120.000. This Is a bargain at th prlc. 114.000. . CHAS. K. HENRY CO, Henry BIdg, Fourth and Oak sts. Portland. Or WHEREJ0 DINE. You embrace an opportunity when you dine at the Alder Restaurant. JH Alder street. Special chicken dinner and many deli cacies at the Peerless Cafeteria, 14 and Fifth street. Open aU day; muslo from 11 to 1 snd 5 to T o'clock. PHYSICIANSATTENTION! If you are particular about your pre scriptions let us do your work. We ar particular too. The best drugs and 10 years' experience. Prompt delivery day or olg'-it. Morrison-Grand Phar macr Eaat Morrison and Grand are. Phones. East 5410. B 1451. AT THEQUELLE. Plenty large. Juicy Yamhill crawflsh. Dinlng-room for ladles. ta and Stark, CARD OK THAXKSt I take this opportunity to most heartily thank e kind friends and nelchbors t Pea View and Long Beach, who bv their well directed efforts, saved my eott.'re home at Beach Cen ter from the liamea. at the time iji Halt. Air Hotel was destroyed. Salt-Air woy M-faJUaA,VD. . That is the word which describes our stockof Men's and YoungMen sSuits and Overcoats. .We want you to come in and get acquainted, just to Jook around. Do your know we have been selling clothes for "nigh" on to 50 years and today we are bigger and better than ever? There is a reason. We give the right merchandise at the right price. Suits and Overcoats $12.50 to $50 PORTLAND'S CARD OF THAXKS. We hereby wish to express our Ji felt thanks to the many friends for their assistance, sympathy and liorai tributes In our great bereavement in the death of our beloved wife. 'sister and 0." P.LfwTiKD FAMILY. MRU.' B. A. BUFF. " CARD OF THANKS. We wish to extend our sincere snd heartfelt thanks to the many fiends who assisted us In our recent sad be reavement. th loss of our beloved wlf. -"rcnaK-i.terkiGH C. B. JOHNSON. FRED H. JOHNSOK. MONTA F. JOHNSON. CARD. OF THANKS. W wish to extend our sincere and heartfelt thsnks to r'j1"3" their kindness and sympathy hn us in our sad br,v'm,en.tn!1n of our beloved husband end rather. OI our CHARLES BCHNLIDF.R AND FAMILY. Edlefsen's Wellington coal Is less. A Good Watch Will Make You a Companion of Ideal Habits Besides It's ft business asset. Your reputation for promptness depends upon a perfectly adjusted watch. This firm was born to the business of watch making-'-grades differ .prices differ but you get the very best for the least money at our new jewelry store. Were the old firm only in a better, newer location. We still cater to the classes, masses', everyone who passes. G. Heitkemper Co. YEON BLDGK, FIFTH ST. -. wAirran. 1 rood contraltos and soprano voteea: at tract' positions to ellslbl. Bertles; also goo 3 men Tsolol.t. for quartet and trio. Call 5il.v i6 f p. al.; Tuesday, 10 A St.. Sunday. mt. it. Boom (01 Ellare bid : also lady violin soloist. The Irwin-Hodson Company Stationery Store 92 FIFTH STREET I RALEIGH I I ir n I I XViElK ll I Tl I VT'HIIa ' rtNTON LZ OrisV. Ilft L PHOENIX' 1 ! aSSSBBSSSSBSSSSSSBSSSSSSBiSBMBSSSSSSSSSSBBaS J PERKINS HOTEL COUCH - ate ! ROTM CHILD BLOB v. 0 chamber or! RAILWAY EXCHANGE ICOMMERCCl Stationery - Printing - Rubber Stamps FOURTH AND MORRISON FASHION CENTER Dr. F. E. Yoacum of Plsgah Home, Los Angeles, Cat, la Holding a Convention at the Plagah Mission Chores., Eaat Seventh and East Ankeny, Teaching the Full Gospel Many Ar Betas; Saved and Healed, Meetings Today 9 P. M. and Ti-TO P. M. And Eies Day TJatll October 1ft. The Plsgah movement sprang-, 15 years ago, from the hearts of on; man and one woman. Th Intent was simply a good deed to one drunkard. The fulfillment Is . not yet: but in the Ctiy of Los Angeles albne three hundred sin - weary, h o m e 1 e ss, friendless, drunkard, tuherculars, cripples and erring frirls are being fed dally, clothed, lonsed. loved and redeemed to Join the thousands who have heretofore come within the sheltering care of the movement. In the name of Jesus, to live upright, wholesome, healthy Christian lives. Take East Ankeay or Koss City Park Can. COME. ALL ARB INVITED. When You Break Your glasses, remember we are in a posi tion to replace them on short notice. Our modern workshop turns out first class work at modest prices, and we are always willing to re-test them without any extra charge for our sci entific examination. Eslablu-hed here 1890. DALLAS OPTICAL PARLORS 218-21 FAILING BLDG, Cor. Third Bad Washington Streets. Second Floor. Tak Elevator. I JS T7 5 PORTLAND ' COMMERCIAL CLU B) 571; THE VVCINHARO BLOCK, TH. ST. 1 lu!f I 1 board 0r"TRADE MtNRY f At $15 our Suits and Over coats cannot be duplicated elsewhere, "Nuf sed" Keep the Pot Boiling Fancy Lump Coal $6.25 Ton Delivered at your address, in Port land, within the one-mile circle, at this prite, or within the two-mile cir cle at $6.75 per ton, for ADVERTIS ING PURPOSES ONLY.- If yon wish to take advantage of this offer you will have to act at once, as we will sell only TWO TONS TO EACH CUSTOMER. This means our best grade lump coal, nothing 'more and nothing less. We do not make any money on this coal at this price, and are simply doing this to advertise the DIAMOND CREST COAL. WE WANT 450 CUSTOMERS IN THIS CITY. We know that when you have once used this coal, you will continue to do so. Do not be disappointed if you do .not get some of this 'coal, for the first come will be first served. We will not reserve any of this coal for anyone, excepting such orders as are accompanied by the cash or chak. v We are placing 900 tons only on the market at this price. Diamond Crest Coal Company 325 Railway Exchange Building. Phone Marshall 2574. Portland, Or. GOOD! Weill YOU just ought to taste some of those sea food dishes in The Savoy Cafe! You'll say we hare" one of the best chefs in the country. And we have! He is certainly a past master in the art of sea food prep , aration. Always something palatable to coax that jaded appetite. Next time you're Nin Seattle don't forget 1 HO TE L STETOfsT SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square European Plan $1.50 a day up . American Plan $3.00 a day up New steal aad brick structure. Every esodsra coavaaiaaca. Maaarata ratee. Center of taeatra aad retail distriat. US) car Uas traasf anias all ever city. Eleo trie emaibua meets trains and stsamars IS 323 All branches of commercial art, color work and Illustration taught la actual working shop under the dlreo tion of artists with practical aipa rlencs. CaU 01 writs for clroular. 6ol-51i! Behnks-Walkor old-, " snd Yamhill. Portland PORTLAND ART ASSOCIATION Third Year Besrna Octeber a, 1911. DRAWIXG, PAI.VTIXG, PORTRAIT. LIKK, SKETCH, ILI.CSTRATION, DESIGN A0 CHILDREN'S CLASSES For circular apply to MUSEUM OF ART, Fifth aad Taylor Streets. Portlaad, On- "VENEERED" INFERIORITY is covered "SOLID" SUPERIORITY can t be -BECAUSE IT IS HONEST all through - "Veneered" or any other kind of " patched up " '. ' office furniture ia simply an imitation of the genuine SOLID OAK and MAHOGANY that CUTLER invented and makes. It costs less ..to manufac ture and it costs the dealer less to buy.- It is sold as "just as good"; but is it? Do you think it would be right for us to offer you something said to be "as good," just because we could buy it a little cheaper ! Well, of course, it would not be just right, but it's business somebody reasons. Well, we don't like that kind , of business. When our customers ask for an Oak or Mahogany Desk, they do not want a desk mostly something else, so we want to be able to point to the . Trademark for honest, all-solid values. ASK FOE CATALOGUE STATIONERY & PRINTING COJ Commercial Stationers, j Office Outfitters, Printers, Engravers, Booklet Makers and Bookbinders. ' HEAD QUARTERS FOE Architects' and Engineers Instruv ments and Supplies. FIFTH AND OAK STS. Established 1900 OYER TEN YEARS OF SUCCESS NETH & CO. COLLECTORS Worcester BIdg. Portland, Or KIl'HAM . - - a .. I JL : "