THE SUMJAY OKEGOXIAX. FORTLAXD OCTOBER 8, 1911. ' 5 . : ZZI i ! L irr1 e . - m Btindsn. of thl dtr. The weddlne; will take place In Pluramer en Decem ber SI. SOCIETY PERSOXALS. The Ml 0rt"iee end Iry Wllon ha b paulgf a few day t Banff. Canaoa. 8 U Brook, of The Dalle, la rneat at the Franklin Menefee bome. en Broadway- Mis Anna Pentland. of Loe An4s. was tha cuest last week of Mr a. Frank lin Meeefee. Lola Xew. daughter of Mr. and MraJ Track. New. la convalescing at ner some. 14 Cook avenue. Mr. D. t. Brlatow. of Eocene, la vl Itln her mother. Mr a. J. R. Bean. In tela city for a few weeka, Mr. and Mr. T. O. IrlTr and family tiave returned from the East, where they hae Tlilted all the principal points of Interest. MUa Blanche Jeffrey, daughter of Mr. and Mra. R. T. Jeffrey. Orer toa street, la elaltlna; Vilas Esther John aon at Coqollle. Or. J C P. Weatenirard and family are acaln lfrln In Portland after two year' abeence. They are now at home at 711 Korthrup etreet. Mr. Marcua Plmpeon and her liter. Miss Carrie Holbrook. left Portland Friday erenlne; for St. Paul and Du luth. where they will pa October. Mra Charles F. Berr haa returned from a three months- visit In the Eaat. and Is at home at Highland Court. Twenty-second and Gllsan streets. I n Ricen leu . .... - - Hospital last week, where she under . . ..rioua o Deration- She la con valraclna; at the bome of ber parents . t t Melena A. Schlndler la vlaltlns; relatives and friend In Salem, whence he went to attend the weddlnjr of her .t - fiB. r Mcninaier. iv Krt Cramer. e-..w Tior will leave Port land Tueaday for New York, where she will visit relatives. Dr. Taylor will Join her In November and return with her tor r-hrlstmaa. u. Mra. Max II. Clark have re turned and will be at home to their frt-o1s In 114 orana " aPr. Grand avenue and East Oak street, af- tr October 11. Miss Frieda Muellhaupt la vleltln friends and relatives In Salem. hence he went to participate In the weddln of her coualn. Mis i-ena ki'. r Albert Cramer. Mra Sam Story, who left Portland for San rraoclseo Wednesday to place her daughters. Eleanor and Monica. Morrison s school, win spvna r at 10IO Broadway of that city. Mrs. Georae O. Wentworth and aona, r-k..i.. .nd Jackson, left Portland re cently by ateamer-for California. Mr. Wentworth will Join hla family later and will return wltn tnem aooui pun 4 v llmtv C Lewis Mead. Mra. Mead and their child were amons; the pessenero on the Shasta Limited for San Francisco last Thursday. They will visit res tive In California and sail October u .. jiui and the Philippines. Mr. and Mra. H. M. Cake, of Port land, left New Haven. Conn, this week on an automobile tour of New Encland. They are accompanied on the trip by Mrs Frank Ollbert. another represen tative of Portland society at present In th East. Mrs Frank Gilbert, of Portland, has arrived at New Haven. Conn, where -.. k.. nn. to visit ber two sons, Al fred and Wellington, and to see her rirst irrandchlld. a aausjnjer. wmm recently been born to Mr. and Mra. Al fred Gilbert. vi.. it t. Shelter, who has been ...r,-A t the Good Samaritan Hoe k - uuk of typhoid fever. i. r.oorted much better. Her fwend will be (lad to know that he will be able to return to her home. Irvine street. In a few diya t.m.a n pitkln. of 11 Chan- man street, baa returned from Cali fornia, where she haa been vtsfltlne .!.: In Loa Anarelea. though she -. ..I some time In San Francisco, Oakland, tha Catallna Islands and the beachea near an FTnrl'0. Superintendent C. J. Franklin, of the r.. i,n Railway. Llaht Power Com ted br hla wlfo and dauchter. Dorothy, haa gone to Atlan tic City. N. J., for eeveral weeka. whera ha will attend the National meeting of tha American Street Railway Asso elation. Mrs. James T. Barron, of III Wasco street, city, departed last evening for she la accompanied by her .,.. Mra. A. PI Nixon, and will be inn.. be Mr. Barron later. Mlaa anna Rarron .and Maater Robert Bar ron will attend school at the Hub City. where the family aspect to maee a pro t rartcd sojourn. nr. W. O. Stlllman. of Albany. N. T .fdnt of the American Humane A million aa well aa the International association and Mra O. T. Angell. of Host on. wife of the first editor of Our immh Animals, were ruests of Mr. ana Mra Bruce Rowan, while In Portland last week. Mrs. Jessie B. Sharp. Miss Dorothy Sharp and Miss Constance Sharp will leate the city soon for an eitended tour of Europe, pssslng the greater part of their time In Parla On their way to New Tork. whence they em pert to sail D'H month, they will stop In Chicago and Duluth. Mr. Sharp wilt )ntn his family In New Tork and travel through Europe with them. The Misses Sharp will pass the Winter at school In Pari. NEW CHURCH WILL BE BUILT ON L ADD TRACT Trinity Methodist Episcopal Competes for Or fin Congressman Murdock to Speak At Central Christian Church October 12. ANEW Methodist Church to cost not less than 110.00 la to be built In the Ladd Addition. Rer. Charles T. Mcpherson, newly-appointed pastor of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church, Is already at work raising funds for the site, which will probably coat about 14100. In. the meantime he Is holding services In the parsonage, at 1(1 Hemlock street, although this building Itself la not yet completed. A bell for the new church baa been secured. It will be erected temporarily upon a pole near the parsonage, and will be rung at service times on 8un- Talbott Wras formerly paator of Taylor Street Clturch. and Is now superintend ent of tha- Utah Methodist Mission, with headquarter at Salt Lake City, while, Dr. Young Is the present pastor of the local church. Dr. and Mrs. Talbott are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Steele, st Evahwe Station. Dr. Talbott will preach this morning, and Dr. Twang will speak tonight on Gypsy Smith. e Miss Eva Clarke, a native of India, will occupv the pulpit of Hassalo Con gregational Church this morning. She haa devoted her life to studying social and religious conditions In Indla-lany PASTOR OF TAYLOR-STREET METHODIST CHURCH. AND FOR ME R ASTOrTwHO WERE ENTERTAINED FRIDAY NIGHT. SFKC! t. AXXOrXCF.MKVTS. Sir nor Cerrello has started his French and Italian rlaasea Write Sill Henry B!dg Marshall 41. v;ondwln front-laced corsets. Wade Corset Agency. Suite 111 Filed ner hide. llh and Wash. Phone Main 44. e e e Hata that are exclusive and strllsh, at The Ehnm Millinery. US Tenth St . near AMer. Order work atso re relees careful attention. e Mrs Butterworth. who haa lately ar rived from Chicago, haa opened a resi dent studt of dramatic art at 17 E- falmon St. Thone B 1P77. e e Miss Bu-kenmeyer' dancing classes and Informal. Tuesday evenings. Sat urdav afternoons. Llnnea HalL list and Irrtng sts Saturdar evenings. Warer Iv Hail. Private dally. A 1111; Main TTii. e e e HITLERS CANDIES. We will receive shipments of there candles every few daya: one and two sound boxes. FRANK N AC Prescription druggtat. corner Sixth and Alder. Selling building. e The Merrymakers of Rose City Chap ter, tx E. S, will give a "&" and danc ing party at the Masonic Temple, west park and Tamhlll streets. Monday evening, tvtober 1. All members of the Eastern Star and their friends cor dially invited. Admission 14 rente. Jefferson Hlg-h Uccts Editor. Owing to the resignation of Mlaa Tern Wedrirk from the staff of the Spectrum, the Jefferson High School paper, an election was held Friday. Alice Gram won by a great majority. Mlaa Gram has been aaeoclated with the paper since It was started. Oregon Ilertw relieve most forms of kidney and bia'fd'r troublea Plummer irug Co, 140 Third street. ULl I L U J D,. Be.i.ta.1. Tow... Dr. H. J. Talbott. j ,..,.- i i i i i i e eeee day. Rev. Mi. McPherson Is now working to secure a pipe organ. Trinity church will compete for the I17S0 pipe organ which la to be given by 11 merchanta of the elty to the church having the highest number of votes, votes being secured by per sons who make purchaaea of these merchanta The contest closes at P. M. February 1. Mr. McPherson says he Intends to have a frame church building erecfed. because It can be finished In better style for the same money than If a stone structure were built. A site 100 feet square will be needed. The par sonsge Is being, built at a cost of 14000 for the building and site. Mr. and Mra McPherson were ten dered a reception Friday night at the homo of Mr. and Mra B. F. Gray, at (11 Ladd avenue. e e e Congreasman Victor Murdock hss been secured by the Central Chris tian Church aa a speaker In a lecture coarse October It. at the church. East Twentieth and East Salmon streets. Other speakers and entertainers who have been aecured are: Whitney Broth ers' Quartet. Senator uore. i r. Conolly. the Dudley Buck Concert Company and Frank Dixon. & racentlon to Rev. and Mra. H. J. Talbott and to Dr. and Mra Benjamin Young was given at Tayior-streei Methodist Church last Frldsy night. Dr. sections of India seldom visnea oj civilised men or women have been penetrated by her. She will be dressed this morning In the costume of a high caste Hindu. e e e Rev. and Mra Delmer H. Trimble, of Centenary' Methodist Eplscopa Church, entertained the official board of the church last Monday evening. It was the first meeting since the annual state conference. Rev. Mr. Trimble will begin next Sunday a serlee of sermons on "The Man for Men." Next Sunday night the topic will be. "His Resolution." and the Sunday night following. "His Sense of Right." October I the topic wiH be. "His Depth of Sympathy." and No vember . "Hte Mental Orlp." Today Is rally day for the Sunday school. This morning's service will be given over to exercises by the school, under the direction of Superintendent Ed ward Drake. e e Rev. J. Logan Crans. who has Just arrived from Kansas, will take charge of Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, at ! Tenth street north, to day. The aubject of the sermon at 11 A. M. will be. "A Courageous Chris tian." At noon there will be a class meeting, and at 1:11 P. M. Sunday school. The A. C E. League will meet at 7 o'clock In the evening. Evening services will begin at t o'clock. "An I'nfading Crown" will be the subject. Awakening in Mexico Is Marked, Declares Investor Who Has Seen Sonora and Sinaloa Em Elected Officers and Settled Down Great Agri cultural Activity Along West Coast, Where Rich Lands Are Cheap. LOS ANGELES. Oct 7. (Special.) Jf. R- Martin, president and gen eral manager of the Mutual Agri cultural Company, haa Just returneo from a trip of eight weeks spent on the west coast of Mexico, where his com pany haa large land holdings. Speak ing of conditions In Mexico, he says: "Tha state of Sonora and binaioa have held their tat elections and the governors and other officials have as sumed their offlcea To the best of my knowledge there were absolutely no disturbances of any kind, and In the state of Sinaloa, where my interests are. the new governor. r - Renterta. wae elected py an over whelming majority. He Is broad-mind ed, and Intends to conduct nis "iiir along bread lines for the benerit ot the people. The policy of the new governor. I understano. win of m -ter foreign Investments and foreign 1m mlgrstlon without monopolistic con cession to either Mexican rltlsen or forelgnera "There Is a great aweaening mining and agricultural lines through out the west coast. The Richardson Conetmctlon Company Is going ahead with Its operations on the ltqui Kiver. thle being the company or wmm Hays Hsmmond 1 the active financial head. September 10 ten capitalists were going over that property. Several daya ago 11 capitalist ana isrmt-r. frnn Kaw York. St. Louis and Kansas City made a thorough Inspection of the west coast In the private car Helga. i.nih.r carload of prospective invee- .nr. were at the same time visiting the Alamoa section In the lower por tion of Sonora. Numerous American agricultural Interest In the Cullacsn are already preparing to sub divide their properties, and the oppor tunity to secure good lana cneap is ripe. Rich Land heap There. -Tha west roast of Mexico la no dif ferent from any other portion of the country. At no other place Is there the opportunity for the Investor or the actual settler to secure at pioneer pricea land which win proouce every product known to semi-tropical and t.mrrate sonea. The property oi tne Mutual Agricultural Company, of which I am president ana manaaer. ana wnicn Is located near the county seat. Moco rlto. about 40 mllea north of Cullacan. haa enloved as satisfactory rain condl- tlona aa ejuld be Imagined. Our eleva tion Is about 100 feet. It mllea back from the ocean, surrounded by hills of moderate height, densely wooded. hih ms to hsve a tendency to pre cipitate the moisture. The soli there nd In other localities i nch of rein In the early part of the evening allowa or pi'" - J break. The climate Is similar to Cali fornia, and Is always reasonably cool In the shade. I brought back a few stalks of com picked by a nstlve on Rancho Sahlno without any Instruc ts or Idea of securing exceptional stalks. Cor. 77 days from oate ot planting was hardening on stalks 11 and 11 feet high, and the ears were large and firm. Asssrlran weveaaewt fireot. Judalng from my own observation and discussion with numerous Aroert- , can and native on the West Cosst, an American movement Is already started which Is likely to he a record-breaker. People seemed to be waiting for the national election to determine who was going to be president, and the confi dence In President-elect Madero la such that already Investors and settlers are filling every train south-bound through Nogales for the West Coast of Mex ico." Among ether Los Angeles real estate coneerna Interested In the exploitation of lands on the West Coast of Mexico are the C F. O'Brien Company. Ben W. McCloskey 4k Co. and C. M. Wooster Co. The O'Brien Company Is the gen eral selling agent here for the Rich ardson Construction Company, which Is backed by John Hays Hammond and Harry Payne Whitney. This company Is developing a tract of 1. 000.000 acres along the Taqul River delts 100.000 four miles of Hermoalllo. which is to be sold out In 10-acre tracts. .In addition to their small farm sales. Wooster ft Co. have sold nearly to.000 acres whole sale, on tract of 717S acres having Just been purchssed by Homer Laugh Un. of Loa Angeles. Preao Seats for Trial Awarded. Seats for newspaper men and press bureau at the trial of the McNamara brothers have been awarded yesterday br lottery. In all 41 seats were marked off In the space reserved. According to a detective of the Burns agency, his chief will not be In attendance until after the Jury haa been selected. The DUtrict Attorney was at M of fice yesterday after an absence of sev eral days consulting with his assistant and Attorney Oscar Lawler. When asked If he wonld assist In the phosecu. lion of the McNamaras. Lawler declined to commit himself. The. attorneys for the defense have arrived at a definite conclusion con cerning the matter of asking for a change of the trial from Judge Walter Bordweir court to another department but refused to make It public. Both LATE HOURS PUNISH THE FAT FOLKS It Is the wisdom of ancient dars that the fatter you become the quicker ou weary. One sits out more dancee than formerly, the rteli sxows weaker after 1 :SO A. M-. In exact ratio to the lenethentnc ot the waist meaenre. Pat Is robbing you ot fun.Just at a tims when you have the leisure end the cash for !t- Tos may reduce that fatty overplus, ana so revive your fl'n energise, it-you will. In the slmplrst mar. Tou can take eg a sound ef It a dar. If you wish, with out csuslng weakness, or wrinkles, or call lea upon xercllns er dieting for help. For years fashionable fat pnp; hava been twins the raraous Marmoia Prescription. H m. Marmoia. S FU tx. Oaacara Aro matic. ea Peppermint Water. Now these eaaie proportions bsve been com bined, most elessntly. Into a tablet, the alsrtnola Prescription Tablet. you mar take ene tablet or many dally (without Injury) as aa offset to the fat. id a sere restorer of that spiiocr. Jumpy, lithesome eslMty end tlrelesa endurance voa have besun to leara to yearn for. Ten der sevrsay-gre cents te your drucclst for 7t write the distributors, the Msr- moia -e. as farmer Bide Detroit. Mich. Why aott Stops a Deep-Seated Cough in a Hurry A Family Supply of Unequalad Cava" Remedy for BOdSbioney Re funded H Fall. Cough madlolDea, aa a rote, contain a large proportion of plain syrup e. good ln- rsdient, but one that anyone can maze, pint ot granulated, sugar, with X pint of warm water, stirred for 8 mlnntea, gives you aa good tyrnp aa money oan buy. A (Ooent bottle of Plnax, mixed In pint bottle with home-made ngar syrnp. C.nj. Aunv a o . directions In package. And money eouidn t bay a quicker, better petneuv. Take hold at once, gives almost Instant relief, and usually stop the most obstinate, deep-seated cough in S4 hour. It stimulate the appetite. Is lightly laxative and haa a pleasant taste children take It willingly. Splendid for hoarseness, asthma, chest pain, and others, throat troublea, and un equaled lor prompt reeulta in whooping oonph, Plnex 1 a special and highly concen trated compound of Imported Norway White Pine extract, and 1 rich in gnalaool and other natural healing pine elements. Simply mix It a directed with go gar syrup or strained honev, and it la ready for use Used in more homes In the TJi-8. and Canada than any other oough remedy. Pinex ha often been imitated, but never uooeaaftdlv, for nothing else will produce the name result. The genuine U guaran teed to give absolute satisfaction or money, refunded. Certificate of guarantee 1 wrapped in each package. Vonr druggist has Plnex or will get It for yon. If not, send to The Plnex Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. Pinex Is fullv guaranted by Laue-Davls Drug Co. (distributers!. Portland. the District Attorney and Attorney Darrow have consulted with Judge Bordwell on matters relative to cer- tain court procedure in the case. Sheriff William A. Hammel and hi deputies have served ummonse on the 125 talesmen whose names were drawn from the Jury wheel last week for pos sible duty in the McNamara trial. On the backs of all summonses served on the talesmen Is a quotation from a speech of one of the, former Los An geles Judges made to a trial term pan el of Jurors, warning the veniremen served against allowing themselves to be questioned concerning the caae In which they are summoned, and advising them, if so questioned .to. rebuff the questioner. If the latter Is persistent the talesman Is advised to report his conduct to the trial Judge. City Polities Simmering. The political upheaval In San Fran cisco, In which the McCarthy oligarchy went down with a crash, is generally regarded as rationalising the Los An geles situation. But politicians. In dis cussing the effect of the Northern elec tion on affairs here are divided in their opinions. One element believes the overwhelm ing defeat of McCarthy puts Harriman out of consideration and Is likely to disintegrate his vote, and that Mushet will gain largely from the lahpr unions. The other element, largely the good government faction, believes the result will re-emphasize the necessttr of electing Alexander at the primary, for largely the same reason that Rolph was elected In Ban Francisco that Is, to prevent the danger of a vlce-rldden laborlte town. Both elements agree that Harriman's chances and those of the reds generally are badly hurt. It Is impossible to estimate the effect of the San Francisco election- at this time, other than, to realise that it is discouraging to the Soclallst-Laborlte party here. There is no tangible evi dence of the effect so far. and .prob ably there will be none until the reds have had a chance to catch their breath. They may stand pat with their forces, but there are sure to be desertions. It Is not likely, however, that the reds will stampede In any great num bers to Alexander. There la no hope ot a wide-open town under Alexander, which large numbers of the Harriman element expect. If the Mushet element is sincere In claiming accessions from the red ranks by the thousands, as they say. It must be because there Is some thing In Musliet's candidacy that Is less repugnant to the unions than Al exander. So far Mushet has not made plain Ms position as between the Industrial at titude, of the present administration and the demands of the laborites. He must not be Judged, therefore, until he hss msde his position clear. It will not A 'WA THERE IS A REASON "Why you should come to Portland's Emporium. You can always find th newest, up-to-date apparel for , misses and women here at a lower price than is asked elsewhere. It is a real pleasure to shop in ' the neatest, cleanest, brightest Cloak and Suit Department in Portland. -Come Here Monday New Suits, ' New Coats. avaaBMBHWHBs. . -sssxsBsssssssxsBsssxzesssssx New Waists, New Dresses Are Here for Your Inspection Your Attention Is Directed to Our Splendid Tailored Suits at $1950 NOVELTY COATS Every smart,' chic style is here. Eeversibles, Duo-faced, noveltv mixtures. A beautiful collection. Modestly priced at...................... S14.75 to S32.50 See Our Window Display of New Light Blue Tailoi-ed Suits 126 Sixth St., Near Washington New Millinery be fair to Judge Mushet by any demon stration of the reds or their deserters until he has msde himself . clear on these questions. Noted Visitor la California. L. F. Maxwell, of London, England, who has been visiting; In the United States during the last six .months, ar rived" In Santa Barbara recently for a two weeks' stay. Mr. Maxwell was formerly a captain In the British cavalry and served with hla regiment through the war In' South Africa. At the close of the war he re turned to England, and took a position with a banking; house. He was then sent to India, where he acted for the company until a year ago when he re signed and returned to England. "Many years ago I promised myself that I would some day Wait the United States," said Captain Maxwell In talk ing of his travel-"and six months ago I determined to fulfill this promise to myself. I first visited New York ana then came West over the northern route, stopping at Chicago, Minneapo lis. Butte. Spokane, Seattle, and then came down the coast visiting Portland and San Francisco before reaching here. "The United States Is a wonderful country. I had no Idea when I left home that I was going to see such a magnificent land. And when I stop to think that I have seen only a - small part of the total I can scarcely believe It . "The average . resident of foreign lands does not comprehend the size of this country, and I know many well read people In England. Germany, France and Spain who believe that your states are simply large cities. That may sound odd to you. but It Is a fact nevertheless." CLOSING GUT SALE No Exaggerated Values We Quote Only Our Regular and Closing Out Prices $3 1.50 Coats $19.75 Our entire stock of new rail Coats in materials of polo cloths, doable-faced mixtures, Scotch mixtures and the new reversible velvet coats that were bar gains at $31.50, will be closed out at. VJ UW nviv a '$19.75 $8 and $10 Beautiful New Fall Waists $4.95 Our entire stock of Chiffons, fancy Silks. Nets, Voiles and Maro,uisette Waists that have not been in stock 30 days, and which sold regularly at $3 and $10, to be closed out at the low price :,$4.95 , I . .'-,.;- W1 i HI' $30 Black and Blue Serge Suits at Only . Five beautiful new Tall models to select from. Every one Is a per fectly man-tailored garment and made of imported French and man nish serzea. Skinner satin-lined. Every woman who bought one has declared they were exceptional bargains at $30.00. We are closing them out now at. . $18.75 tav tv usr vuv $18.75 MM New Location 145 Seventh Street BETWEEN MOEEISON AND ALDER. :v-1-7 i ' "if F. FRENDS EXCLUSIVE LADIES' TAILOR OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT In making my introduction to the ladies of Portland, it is my intention to impress upon them several facts of impor tanceA Chiefly as a means of ac quainting them with my meth ods of tailoring. I will make a special offer of a strictly. Man Tailored Suit, made to our order material, design jid workmanship of superior-quality for a short time only $37.50 My experience and associa tion, both in New York and Chicago, with tailors of mark enable me unhesitatingly to state that every garment made by me will be-guaranteed, both as to quality of goods, style and fit. F. FRENDS LADIES' TAILOR 306 CENTRAL BUILDING 10th and Alder Sts. Phone i Marshall 3613 ' '' Central Bldg, Opp. Olds, Wortaan 4 Cng New Fast Seivice New Fast 4 ' SAfvice ',' . . THE NEW SOO-SPOKANE-POETLAND Tr airi ; de Eiixe is the fart train between Portland and St..PauL, The. equipment is made up of modern day coaches, tourist cars, standard sleepers, elec tric lighted, wide vestibuled, buffet,- library-compartment-observation, cars. Beyond question the finest transcontinental train in service. See that your ticket reads via the - NEW SCENIC ROUTE ', A . A ' A,' ' '' -' ' . ' For rates and full particulars apply at 142 Third street or address . ; Frank E. Johnson, G. A. P. D, Portland, Or. r ,. ..... " 1 ' " " '