The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 08, 1911, SECTION THREE, Page 4, Image 36

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stats federation at Rmtbarf. Ths
president. Mrs. Reed, extended greet
ings aa opening of the programme.
Mrs. J. C. Elder spoke of tba history
and origin of tha rlub and lta achlere
maata. Mrs. LaBarrs addressed tha
iruaata on tha alma, ambition and
methods of tha tomlnj year. Ws.
Todd presented tha work of tha dra
matic department. Iees from "Henry
the-VIX!'' and Taming" of tha Shrew
were gtren by " mambara of that de
partment. . Mrs. Sarah A. Krsns ad
dressed tha -x-lub on club fellowship
and In valua In literary organisa
tion. Mra. Gertrude Hoabar MB
Hark. Hark, tha Lark.- a song of
Shakespearean origin. Thla season tha
rlub w'.a taka up tha atudy of "King
Twenty-four young paopla gather 1
at tha noma of Mlaa Dorothy Poyay In
Irrtngton laat Tuesday arming for tha
purpose of organising a social club,
which la to be railed tha "QuIroTUs"
flub. This society will meet eerr
other Wednesday throughout tha Wln
al tha homes of tha mambara. These
fa: Miss Helen G. reel. Mlaa Dorothy
pTy. It Laura Akin. Mlaa Alta
'Anderson. Mlaa Margaret Carr. Mlaa
Mary Thompson. Mlaa Doiui Qulas.
Xtss Arhaah Paget. Mlaa Goldla Krut-
Inger. Mla Mararuerlta Bmmroer. Mlas
Amy OrrstaL Nellla Hamilton. Vllllair.
Ftevenson. Walter Gerxtel. Frank Hol
llatar. Albert Paget.- Tad Bacon. Ken
neth Holllster. Clark Hlrhard; Jesse
Rich. Georgs Lo and Clyde Phillips.
Tha officers chosen are: President.
J ease Rich: Tlca-prealdent. Mlaa Poay;
arc re I a rr. Ted Bacon: assistant-secre-tary.
Clark Richards: treasurer. Mlaa
ret and sergeant-at-arm. Kenneth
Hallister. Tha nest meeting will taka
plara October Is. when Ted Bacon and
Kenneth llolllater will entertain tha
rlub at tha tatter's borne. '
e a
Mr. Ma Bollack entertained tha
members of the Wedneeday Afternoon
Bridge Clu an.! a few outalde guests
at har home In. Oregon City Wednesday
afternoon. The rooms were attractive.
de orated In Virginia creeper. Oregon
grope and aMer. The prlsea were won
by Mra. W. K. Pratt. Mrs. J. 1L Walker
nd Mra. A. A. Prlca. and the club
member' hlgkest score waa made by
lr. Nrlta Harlow Ijiwrence. Those
preaent wera: Mr. Nelta Barlow Law
rence. Mra. W. E.aMTatt. Mra. J. H.
Walker. Mra W. A. Shawman. Mra. C.
M. MaHnrr. Mra. K. P. Hands. Mra. J.
K. Humphrey. Mra. J. 8. Wlxner. Mra.
M. l. ljtourette. Mrs. H. R. Mount. Mr,
1-ena Charman. Mrs.- C. l. Lntourette.
Mrs. Walter Wells. Mrs. O. W. . Eaat
hanu Mrt. C. W. Evans. Mrs. A. A.
Price. Mra. W. H. Log us, Mra. W. 8.
l-Kn. Mlaa M. L. Holmea and Mlas Nell
Caufleld. Tha nest meeting of tha club
will meet with Mrs. C. H. Malancr.
Mrs: Chartea O. Pain . entertained
with an art tea at her home. 141
Hn atreat. Monday afternoon In lien
or of tha memory, of tha 20th birthday
of har daughter. francos Fola-m
I'alne. who died June II of thla year.
Miss Palna graduated In tha February.
lll. ,rlaaa of the Lincoln High School
nd had showed remarkable talent aa
an artist.- Shortly after tha eloaa of
school har health failed, resulting In
her death. Many attended tha tea.
which waa also glret as benefit for
tha Women's AM Society of tha l"nl
rerslty Park Methodist Episcopal
Church. ' Tha "rooms wera decorated
with white asters and Autumn leaves.
Tha plcturea exhibited numbered over
109 and ware all tha work of Miss
- a a a
Tha Tuesday Afternoon Club held Its
first meeting of the season at the home
of tha president, Mrs. O. A. Johnson.
East Forty-second atraat and Harold
venae, last weak. Interesting talks
wera given on tha following subjects:
-Loyaltyto Club." by Mra. A. J. Stiles:
-State and National Interests." by Mra.
Fadie Orr Dunbar; "Special Interests
for 111 and li:. by Mrs. A. A. Bailey:
-Loyally to State and National Clubs."
by Mra Merwln Pugh. Mra. W. F.Amos
read selections from "Tha Seven Agaa
of Women." American literature Is trie
subject chosen for the year's atudy.
Mrs. K. W. Brown and Sadla Orr Dun
bar, recording secretary of tha Oregon
Federation of Women's Clubs, wera
gueata of tha club.
A eurprlse party waa given Wednes
day evening at tha home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Mcintosh tn honor of . their
daughter. Mlas Bonneyhn Mrtntoah.
Mutlc waa given by Mls Gertrude
Klurs. pianist, and Mlaa Gladys Robin
eon, aololst. Guests preaent wera Mr.
and Mra. J. E. Solomon. Mlaa Gladys
Robinson, Miss Minnie Uhmin. Krnk
Rosenthal. Mr. and Mra. Henry Solo
mon. Miss Ruth Grtdley. Mlsa Elsie
Boyd. MarVan Atta, Jim Wlndom. Mlsa
Hone Llnderbaum. Miss Ada Mcintosh.
Arthur Strong. Miss Msry Maudham.
William M.-lntoeh. Gertru.le Klurs. Mlsa
Alta Srnalter. Frank Mclntoah and
James M. lntosh.
Walter Morris entertslned at carde
It Thursday evening at the home of
h's eleter. Mrs. Joe Meyer. Honor
guests were Wilbur Dsvls and hla bride.
formerly Miss Margaret Loring. Miss
Dorothy Povey and Wilbur Davis won
the prises. After tha game supper waa
aerved. Those present wera: Miss
Margaret Hackett. Miss Juanlta Becb
told. Miss Irmt Dunconib. Mrs. Clsud
Rose. Mls Iiorothy Povey. Miss May
Abrey. Miss Myrtle Hummell. Wilbur
Darts. Robert Lyman. Howard Word.
Mr. and Mra. Rose. 8. 'Harkness, Mr.
Daniels. Charles Jay.
Tha Kappa Kappa Club held meet
ing recently at the home of Miss Ruth
Daring, tha corresponding secretary.
Tha membera of 'this club are mostly
alumni of Lincoln High SchooL An
Important business meeting was called
to order by Mr. Hammond, president,
and committee appointed to look Into
the matter of furnishing permanent
Mr. and Mrs. D. Howe Johnaton, were
Invited to assist In the celebration of
her fourth birthday. Saturday after
noon. September 10. Games and music
preceded luncheon. The table waa doe
orated with Caroline Testout roses
and amllax.
a e
. A few frlenda of Mrs. George Upton
gathered at her home laat week to bid
her an Informal farewell prior to her
trip to Loa Angeles, where aha expecta
to paaa tha Winter. An automobile
ride closed tha afternoon. Among
thoaa who called were: Mrs. Henry
Luckow, -Mra. P. Lollck. Mrs. Henry
Krause and Mrs. E. E. Sloat.
Ta a e
meeting of the Portland
FYoebel Association waa held at tha
Elisabeth K. Mathawa school last Frl-
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Franklin Evnder Svarvarud and his bride, formerly Miss Mary
Ethel Pearl, were In Portland few days last week on their way to
San Diego. wSere they will pass two months. Tha wedding took place
In Eugene laat Tuesday. Mr. Svarverud has been engaged in the real
estate business in Eugene for number of "years. His bride Is tha
daughter of Mr. and Mra. E. W. PearL formerly of Winona. Minn.,
who have made Eugene their homo for the past two years. Mr.
Svarverud ws student t the State Vnlvarsity for some time nd
hla bride la a graduate of tha Winona Seminary. Mr. nd Mrs. Svar-
verud will live In Eugene In newly constructed home on Fairmont
Hrkrhta. i
rluhrooms for the society. Recltatlone
and musical numbers were enjoyed and
a light luncheon waa aerved by Miss
Derlng. who presided as hoatesa oi toe
Vm Thnmai V. iMnirJ was hoatesa
t linen shower laat Tuesday In honor
f her sister. Miss Edna Hircn. uuests
wera Mlsa Luclle Weaver. Mlsa May
Laury. Miss Teffia Summera. Mra. Wal
'ter Twllllger. Miss VEtta Lennard.
Mra. A. B. Drew, Mra. William Miller.
.( lt.,.1. . F.a tnkn Pnhhan.
tn rs. ituiii i Jti ' "' ,
Mlaa Lela Drew. Mra -George Hoffman.
Mrs. Edward Capes. Mrs.. George Raa-
mussen. ansa r.mny um. aui-
erlna Covacli and Jin. jiarvry stvun.
State Women's Tresa Club of
Oregon be(J Its second meeting of the
aeaaon October 4. - Attendance waa
large. Mra. E. Spencer read a paper on
tha "Pronunciation of English." and
Mrs. Alice Welster also spoke on "The
Best of the English Language." Mra.
Evelyn Allen spoke on "The Crueltlea
of Our Mother Tongue."
e a
Mra. E. E. -Cable. president of tha
Bayvlew Literary Club, entertained the
women of that organization Thursday
afternoon. After an Interesting talk
on the topics of the day Mrs. Cable
aerved dainty refreshments. The next
meeting will be at the home of Mrs.
Lee Mansfield Clark. East Couch
street Thursday. October 1.
e e
Tha Chooeere "800" Club, consisting
of IX women, was entertained by Mrs.
William Oeddee. 4J0 Benton street.
Thursday afternoon, Preaent were Mrs.
Frank Baker. Mrs. Atcheson, Mrs. J.
Dunn. Mrs. L. Bracey. Mrs. Buechel.
Mrs. S. McFadden. Mrs. A. Neal. Mra. B.
Jackson. Mrs. - Flood. Mrs. G. Lewis,
Mra. Jackson and Mrs. Geddes.
The women's social committee of tha
Irvlngton Club has arranged for tur
key dinner to be aerved under tent
on the new tennla court Friday even
ing. October 20. at o'clock. It will
be prepared In renl Southern country
style, with all "trlmmln's." aweet po
t a toes, cranberrlea. Jellies, home-made
hot bread and mince pie. Dancing will
follow the dmner.
Twelve young frlenda of Mary Kath
arine Johnston, youngest dsughter of
day afternoon. Miss Mathews., who
has recently returned from a Summer's
trip abroad gave an account of tha
Froebel Pilgrimage.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Joneaaon, of East
Couch street, entertained number of
friends t dinner Friday evening In
honor of their cousins. Miss Hilma
Engstrom. of Jjew York City, and Mil
ton Nelson, of Farndale. Or.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Abrams were hosts
at cards Wednesday evening. Prises
were won by H. Frederick and Miss
Emma Kraus. -
The Wahuja Dancing Club gave Its
opening party Tuesday evening at
Rlngler'a hall. '
Officers and othera Interested In tha
Child Welfare Exhibit to be held In tha
Armory November I. 1. 3, 4 and 6. will
ba hoateaaea at tea tomorrow after
noon between S and S o'clock Jn tha
parlors of the Portland Hotel. The pro
ceeda of the entertainment will go to
ward defraying the expenses of the ex
hibit. Those receiving will be tha president
and vice-presidents and other officers
of the Oregon Congress of Mothers,
under whose auspices the Child Welfare
Conferences and Kxhlblta are to bo
made. They are. Mra. R. H. Tata, Mrs.
W. J. Hawkins. Mra. C. F. Clarke. Mra.
W. Tl. Lltzenburg, Mrs. P. J. Mann, Mrs.
D. C. Burns. Mrs. 8. M. Blumauer. Mra.
M. TL Trumbull. Mlsa Valentine Prlch
ard. Othera assisting will be: Mrs. A.
King Wilson. Mrs. Julius Llppltt. Mrs.
James Laldlaw. Mra. Henry Russell
Talbot,' Mra. Elliott K. Corbett. Mrs.
Henry Ladd Corbett. Mra. T. L. Eliot,
Mrs. E. B. Colwell.
e e
The Catholic Women's League will
give an Informal card party- Tuesday
afternoon at 1:30 o'clock In the league
rooms. In the Stearns building. All
Cathollo women of the city not mem
bera of the league and visitors from
out of town are Invited. The enter
tainment Is complimentary and la to
be given with the purpose of making
more people acquainted with the work
of the organisation. Following the
games refreshments will be served and
aeveral brief speeches will be made.
telling of the work of the league along
social, educational ana reugieus no
President's day of the Portland Wo.
men s Club will be celebrated next Fri
day in the . Women . of the Woodcraft
hall. A ahort business meeting will
precede the programme, which will con
sist of an address by the president,
Mrs. A. King Wilson, music by Miss
Emma Wood. Mrs. W. H. Whitfield and
Miss Marie Paige, wllss E. Trotter will
accompany. Mrs. W. T. Wada will speak
on topica of the day and at 4 o'clock a
reception to the president and officers
wirr take place.
The New York State Society of Ore
gon will hold Its regular monthly meet
ing Tuesday .evening. October 10. at
Chrlstensen Hall. Eleventh and Yamhill
atreets." An Interesting programme has
.been arranged and light refreshments
will be served. A cordial welcome is
extended to all visiting or resident
Mrs. Carl In DewTtt Joslyn will give
a recital of her own songs for the
entertainment of the Woman's Press
Club at the home of Miss L. G. Rich
ardson, at the comer of Fourteenth and
Market streets, next Wednesday even
ing at ( o'clock. Mrs. Joslyn Is a com
poser and writer who has recently come
to Portland from the East.
At the regular meeting of the Fruit
and Flower Mission Thursday plans
were made for fancy work and doll
bazaar to 'take place at the Portland
Hotel the afternoons of December 4
and i. Handmade articles of all sorts
and handsomely-dressed dolls will fill
the booths.
A. proto-amme, ' largely musical, has
been arranged for this afternoon in
Young Women'! Christian Association
auditorium at 4 o'clock. All women
and girls are invited. Participants In
the programme will be Miss Wllhel
mlna GUI. Franklin McKee, Miss Ella
Blake. Miss Alice Byn'.er and Miss
Sarah Caue. '
Tha women of St. Mary's Altar So
ciety Invite all women of the parish
to be present at a reception In the
parlors of the Columbus Club, at Mor
ris street and Williams avenue, Octo
ber 12. from 2 to f o'clock.
Chapter A, P. E. O. will meet Oc
tober with Mra. M. M. Anderson. 403
Eaat Eighth- street. at2 o'clock. Mra.
J. P. Jaeger s In charge of the pro
gramme, i
The Daughters of the Confederacy
will meet Thursday. October 12. at the
home of Mrs. George H. Stovall. Twen
tieth and Wygant atreets.
Mrs. Charlea L. Boea has Issued 209
Invitations for a- series of bridge
luncheons to take place at her home,
October 25, 2 and 27.
- . '
Mrs. Marcus Delahunt has sent out
carda for a tea next Friday In honor of
Miss Gertrude Hoffman.
War-Lake.' -
i A wedding celebrated In The Dalles
last week, of Interest here, was that of
Miss Frances Lorrine Lake, daughter
of Judge and Mrs. A. E. Lake, to James
Ward, formerly of this city, -who Is
now teacher in the high school of
Sprague. Wash. The ceremony .was
pronounced by Rev. D. V. Ring Satur
day morning. September 30. at Judge
Lake's home. Miss Blanche Harbi
son, of Hlllsboro, Or, played the wed
ding inarch. The parlora were dec
orated with pink and white asters and
ivy. The bride wore a gown of cream
messallne and carried a shower bou
quet of white carnations. The brides
maid. Miss Margaret Whealdon,. of The
Dalles, wore pink marquisette and car
ried pink carnations. Mr. Ward was
attended by his brother Charles Ward,
of Pacific University, Forest Grove.
After the wedding a breakfast was
served. The young people departed on
the noon train for Sprague.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward were formerly
atudenta at Pacific University, where
the romance had Us beginning.
ASHLAND. Or, Oct. 7. (Special.)
Robert P. Nell, Mayor of Ashland. Or,
and one of Its wealthy citizens, and
Miys Ida Hargrove were married at
high noon Wednesday by the Rev. H.
J. Van- Fossen. A wedding trip to
Southern California was contemplated
but drerred on account of the
nerlouo Illness of the brlde'a mother.
Mr. Ntll Is a widower and a member
of one of the pioneer families of South
ern Oregon. Hie bride has resided here
for a number of years, engaged In
the millinery business. In which she
has herself accumulated a fortune.
Raymond Palmer Richardson, of this
city, married Miss Flora Etna Ball, of
Eugene, Wednesday evening at the
homo of the officiating minister. Rev.
A. B. Walts.
" A wedding of the fortnight waa that
of Mlsa Ethel Genevieve Gray and Max
Hampton Clark, celebrated at the
home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Frank
James Walsh. 10B East Nineteenth
street. Friday evening, September 39.
Rev. Benjamin Young officiated. Dec-
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MARH FIELD Or, Oct. T (Special.) For the benefit of the Mrshfleld public libbary a fancy, dance entertainment was given at tin Ma-sonOperr-ho.
llttl. girl, of Professor Bega.' dancing class. The entertainment was one of the social events ."ZlaX t horT
who tolk part wer; the younger members of some of the best-known families. The girls gave Scottlsh'and Spanish dances, the nllorji . horn
pip aklrtPdac. and drill .They were listed by the Coo. Bay L.e Quartet clTn w.-'.Ub!
close of tha Summer dancing classes which were conoucieu uer j nu....vr x.rB9-. - -- - ----- ,..
tiusa ui ou.M...-. . ,.v. .v.. n.. wh ink rrt A rood sum . waa- real lied for tha library. . -
orate ana tna entertainment i
u niamy trmn.u. i -.r. " . . v, i . .,, in...iri. .- Tt.
Tha gtrla who were prlnclpala In the fancy dancea given were Mary Mctun. ainin norsiaii. c ,
Flanagan. DorU Sengstacken. EJna Bllven. Jane McLain and Dorothy Byler. .
One week of low prices on standard and high-grade Bathroom Supplies, Soaps,
Bath Brushes, Sponges, Bath Towels, Nickel Fixtures, etc. ,
This is an opportunity to fit out your bathroom at small cost. .
Our Rubber Section
35c Bath Towels.... 21
75c-85c Bath ToweG. ....59
$1.25 Bath Towels, ...89
$1.75 Bath Towels .$1.29
$2.50 Towel Linen SjJl.Sd
5p Wash Cloths, six for 25
. 8oc Rubber Sponges.... 69
75c Rubber Sponges .49
n-00 Bath Sprays 59
In Our Bath Supply Section
75c and $1.00 Liners, long handles ...... 48
.$1.50 Imported, long handles 98i
75c Hand Bath Brushes 58&
$1.00 Hand Bath Brushes. 78b
All of our high-grade Brushes sold regularly
at $2.00, $2.25 $2.50 and $3.00. . . 20 Off
Hand Scrub Brushes 1. 25d. 50d
Bath Mitts and FrictionBeIts
25c Turkish .Jlitts, pair. 17d
35c Turkish Mitts,' pair. -23t5
25c Loofah Mitts, pair..'. 17&
50c Friction 'Mitts. ' pair 33if
50c Loofah friction Belts.. 33d
75c EngliahFTiction Belts -48b
$1.75. Horse Hair Friction Belts.'. '...-.$1.33
In Our Drug Section
Aiconoi, Y2
pint . . .
Alcohol, 1 pt;.50i
Witch Hazel, pint .
Witch Hazel, quart. ;
Bay Rum, pint.
Bay Rum," pint. . :
Boraxo, perfumed, 25c can.
Liquid Soap -
Liquid Soap, 35c bottle
Liquid Soap, 60c bottle
Pacific Sea Salt. 7 by 19. 33b
; Sponges
Loofahs (Japanese)... 5?, 10?
Bath Sponges... 50 $1. S1.75; $3.75
Mandruka, Deep Sea Sponges $3.75 to $6 j
In Our Toilet Section
50c Pompeian Massage Cream
35c Sigma Deodorizing Powder
25c Jergens' Benzoin and Almond Cream.....
25c Dutch Sandalwood Soap, bos
25c English Cold Cream Soap, box
75c Society Hygienique Violet Toilet Water...
50c Lundborg's Tisnu Violet Toilet Water.....
15c Swansdown Face Powder.....
25c Meunen 's Talcum Powder.
In Our
$1.00 Bathtub Soap Holder. ..79C
$1.35 Bathtub Soap and Sponge
Holder '..98
60c Tumbler Holder ..48
40c Towel Bar, 24 ins. long..32
45c Towel Bar, 30 ins. long. .36
30c Toilet Paper Holder .24
75c Laundry Soap Holder. .'.60
$2.25 Combination Soap and Tum
bler Holder .S1.78
$1.80 Enam. Bathtub Seat $1.44
75c Tumbler and Tooth Brush
Holder. . . . 60
$2 Nickel Bath Spray Rings,.
complete w i tTi al attach
ments $1.58
$4.50 Shower Bath Curtains.
64x6 feet, made of best checked sheeting. ... .$3.58
$2.65 Glass Shelf nickel brackets $1.08
$8.00 Nickel Clothes Baskets $6.98
20 per cent tiff on aTl Bathroom Mirrors, Medicine Cab
inets and all combination fixtures not mentioned in.
our ad. See our handsome display in our bath sup
ply section.
In Our Bath Supply Section
50c Bathtub Brush . ..37 75c BaHitub Brush. .48
These brushes will not scratch or injure the porcelain
finish of your tub.
$2.25 Bathtub Mats, 12x30 inches..... $1.78
$3.00 Bathtub Mats, 12x36 inches $2.33
These mats, used iiiside or outside of bathtub, prevent
25c can M. & B. Nickel Polish 17
25c can Bathtub Enamel 17
Out-of-Towh Folks Save Money by Ordering Your . Needs cf Us by
Mail Satisfaction Guaranteed ' . J ,.
Woodard, Clarke & C6.
orations of Autumn leaves and white
asters made the house attractive. After
a short honeymoon th youns; people
will live at the Grand Oak Apartments,
Grand avenue and East Oak street.
They will be at home to their friends
after October 10.
Miss Carrye Ethel Wise and Arthur
D. Hosfeldt were married by Rev. F.
DeWitt Flndley at noon, September 30.
The service took plac at the home of
the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. C.
Wise, 289 Montgomery street.- The
house was appropriately decorated with
Autumn foliage and cut flowers. Mr.
and Mi's. Hosfeldt are passing their
honeymoon at Seaside and will be at
home after October 20 at 27 North
Twenty-first street.
A quiet house wedding was the cere
mony uniting Edgar L. Brown and
Celena M. Jones. It took place at the
bride's home in Beaver Creek, Or.,- last
Wednesday. Rev. R. M. Jones offi
ciated. The bride is the youngest
daughter vof Mr. and Mrs. David E.
Jones, of Beaver Creek. She wore con
ventional white, with veil and bridal
wreath of orange blossoms. Mr, and
Mrs. Brown will live on a farm near
the bride's home.
Miss La Myra Ford and Raymond
Winter were married at the home of
tbe bride's mother. Mrs. Clara Forth
Wednesday morning. October 4. Rev.
John Loudire performed the ceremony.
The bride was attended by Miss Es
ther Maclnnls. After a wedding break
fast Mr. and Mrs. inter-leu me t-nj-for
a trip to British Columbia. They
will be at homeefter October IS at
676 Tenino avenue.
The wedding of Miss Gertrude -Melton
to Henry F. Bendex, of Walla Wal
la, Wash., took place Wednesday even
ing at the home of M. H. Hauser, on
Jackson street. Miss Melton was for
merly of Pomeroy. Wash., and is Mrs.
Hauser's sister. Miss Leila Puther-
land, of Walla Walla, Wash., was
bridesmaid, and Clarence F. Jones at
tended the bridegroom.
Hermon DIetrick and Rose Dietzman
were married at the White Temple,
September 27, by Rev. W. B. Hinson.
The marriage of Miss Anna F. Witt
apd Garnett B. Hyde, of Portland, took
place at the home of the bride's moth
er. Mrs. Anna Witt, of Cornelius, Or.,
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Virgil
H. Massey. Justice cf the Peace, offi-
ciated. The bride and bridegroom
will make their home In Portland,
where Mr. Hyde, is employed as mail
carrier. '
Mr. and Mrs. L. Samuel announce the
engagement of their daughter, Ger-
malne, to Milton E. Kahn. At homo
Thursday, October 12. . ' '
. -
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Nestler, of Plum-
mer, Idaho, announce the engagement
of their daughter, Marie Anna, to B. E.
y -
Formerly 500 Dekum Bldg., wishes
to announce to her friends and patrons
that she has moved to
' ;
514 Maegly-Tichner Building
Seventh and Alder
Specialist of Hair and Scalp Diseases.
Telephone Main 9328.
Will be in operation Tuesday A. M.
The London Hat Shop
508 Selling Bldg.
Ladies' strictly high-class Ljon
. don Tailored Hats.
Just from the land where rug weaving is an
art has come a large shipment of master
pieces. There's no need to tell you that the weavers
who wrought these rich specimens worked
to create new delights for the lover of floor
coverings of the finest sort.
Yoar first delighted glance will show you
that these indeed are triumphs s of the
weaver's art in
We make no extravagant claims as to huge'
numbers but there really are a great many.
These strikingly rich and beautiful rugs
and our well-appointed new store are
worthy of a visit.
"We'll expect you this week.
Largest Store in the United-States Devoted
Exclusively to the Sale of Oriental Rugs.