THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. POnTLAXP. OCTOBER 8. 1911. 3 Is a mmbr of th Kappa Alpha Thta ororitv. Mr. Pain also attended tn univarsitr. and It wi In Eu-n th the romance found Ita origin. Rtr, Henry Marcotte. of the Weetmlneter Prsbrtrln Cfturen or tortiana. a tsttd by the local paator. Rev. Everett L. Jones, performed the ceremony. iom bride entered the chorea on the arm of her father. Alexander alcXalr. Fhe wore an attractive costuro or Ivory crepe meteor with panels of lace and a court train. Her veil was gathered Into a dainty halo with Alles of the vallev. and In her arms she carrlea cluster of bride ' roses and orchids. Fhe was attended by her sister. Miss Kianchard McXalr. maid or honor, an Mine Cirace Noyes. bridesmaid. Miss Mr.Nalr was attired In plnK messaiin t.nlriMd with crystal net. Mtss Noyes wore a similar sown of blue. Each carried bride s rosea iw onue vrnam was atten d-d bv Terry Bee, o I'ortland. and Floyd Howe. B. Beala and vinv urVair were ushers. The Dria i. the daughter of .Wr. and Mrs. Alexan i.r of Tillamook, and Mr. J-alne Is the son of Dr. and Mrs. D. A. y.ifie of Kurene. Or. The decorauon r the church were white lilies and roses combined with reens. Owing to the unusual popularity or me oriae in church was Ml-d with icuests from th entire state. Following the ceremon vnldini suDDer was served at th MrNalr home. , where Autunvn shades predominated In th decorative scheme. Mr. and Mrs. Pain departed later for a short wedding trip. They win oe a home at the osbura Hotel. Eugene. fter November I. I e e e ' ' The relebrstlon br P. M. Watson his 01h birthday last week was an Im pnriant event. II gathered a number cf Ms best friends annul mm anu mu them at the Perkins Hotel. Mies Delta Watson, who has recently been visiting ta waiia walls, returned for trie cm tier. Others present wer Mrs. D. M. nmim Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Morden, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Carroll. Mr. and xi-a n w Thomas. Mr. ana rs. v. n. tfen'derson. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Hen drlckson. Mr. and Mrs. N. V. Carpenter, Mr. and Mra W. A. rnniips. or an Mrm. w w. McCredle. of Van rouveri Mr. and Mrs. James Mock and Mr. and Mrs. Van nuier. . Wedding plana are shaping them selves about the bride-to-be. Miss Mar; C.erlrude Cronan. who will marry Her bert Noonan at th Cathedral, Wednes dir. Oct. 1. The ceremony will tak plae at half-past eleven o'clock am : . ... k ..rfjllnv rerentlon. Al mere wm w " -- - Individual touch to this affair will b the presence or two matrons 01 M TS. LXU1S l.rTln Bnu iui . " , r ti'ita. nH Miss Josephine Cronan will be bridesmaids. Thomas .. . n.iHii win h best man . gswjunmn ...!..- ..- "... - and the ushers will be Frederick Root. of Seattle. Marry riumpnrej. Cronan. John E. Cronan and Tlowde MOIL ... Th wedding of Miss Persls Marjorl Bluings to Fay trron aims wmw. olrmnnrJ Wednesday evening at St. Mark s tnurcn was one .""- Kev. John E. H. Simpson officiated. . ..... ...., I - - v a and asters I mime, in 1 1 . .... - - decorated the altar and church. Sue Billings, cousin ot tne oriae. w sttendant. Dr. W. I. Northrup gav th brtd away. utter a . place at th horn of Judge and Mrs. II. H. Northrup on Portland Heights. Mr. and Mrs. 81ms have gon to British Columbia and th ound country for , few weeks, after which they will pass I montn in a couaae ai see Miss Ines Beverly Stocklon. daughter of Mr. and Mra Charles II. Mocaton, n.l frank Deniareot Butler were mar ried Monday evenmr at th residence of Mrs. Peter Grant, a sister 01 in bride. Owing to a recent death In the family only relatives wer present. Th reremonv was performed by Kev. Roy F.dgar Remington. Rector of All Saints Church. The bride wss given away by her father. Mtss Daisy Stockton was maid of honor and Charles A. Stockton attended th bridegroom. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mr, iiutier win live tn Portland. e e the social activities of last week wss th Si-mll horseback rid tn th Ttialatln Valley, taken by tn Mlase Flander. Mr. J. c. A'nswonn. ir. wmiam Warrens. Mr. and Mrs. Ratph Jenkins and Mr. Nlchol of th Riding Academy. Thursday. e e s Other Portland folk at present In New Tork are Mra Oeorge T. Wllletl and Miss Evelvn Carey. M r regis tered at th Wolcotk Friends of Mr. and Mra N. J. Lvln son. formerly of Portland and now liv ing In Fresno. Cal, will be glad to learn that their small daughter. Peggy, who was alarmingly 111 with pneumonia recently. Is out of danger and recover ing rapidly. see The engagement of Miss Msv Belle Heusner. daughter of Mr. and Mra (eorge F. Heusner. which was Inform ally announced last week Is causing a bit of a flutter among th younger eet. Just when M:s Heusner will be com the bride of Chsrles Brownlle Arthur hss not been definitely decided. Miss Heusner Is ettrrmelv popular with th younger society folk. She Is a clever equestrienne and Is regarded as a star at tennis, ('he passed th year before last In the K.ast. attending school st Ossinlng-on-the-Hudson. and during last season was active In social events here and took part In th Kir mesa e e e rians ar now under formation for th regular Winter ert of entertsin ments g'ven by the Scottish Rlt Ma sons Though no definite- dates have yet been decided upon, th opening partv will occur about th. mlddl of November. H. P. Palmer ha been chosen chairman of the managing com mute and Ms co-workers Includo R. W. F hmeer. Benjamin Trenkman. Carl B Jone. Plain R. Fmlth. F. E. Watklna C. C. Newcastle. J. IL Msc kensl. J. FT. Werleln, Harvoy Wells and Jamea P. Moffett. e e A reception for th benefit of th ChiM Welfare Exhibit to take place at the Armcrv th first f1v days of No vember will b given tomorrow after noan between the noure of S and In the psrlors cf the Hotel Portland, iinif'r the s'isplces of the Oregon frUat Congress cf Mothers. Tb public Is In vited to attend. Th receiving lln will Include Mra P. J. Mann. Mra D. C. Burr. Miss Millie Trumbull. Mrs. Wil liam B Feehhetmer. Mra 8. M. Blumauer, .Mr. Fdwar,1 Eilot. Mrs. Julius Llppttt. Mr. W. J. Hawkins. Mra C. F. Clark and Mrs. W. R. I.ltienburg. Asslstsnt hostesses will be Mra A. King Wilson. Mra James Latdlaw. Mrs. Ada Wallar I'nruh. Miss Csrrt Holbrook. Mra Herry Kites!! Talbot. Mra Henry Ladd forbett. Mra Elliott R, Corbett. Mr. T. 1. Eliot and Mra F- B. ColwelL e e e Mra W. D. Jellleon will entertain at cards Wednesday and Thursday of this week at her horn on Portland Halghta see Mr. and Mra Vlncant Cook returned t Tortland last Thursday after an ex tensive tour of Northern and Central Africa. Turkey. Ortc and Central and Western Kurp. e Mr. Harper Skas. of Bend. Or., who Is visiting her mother. Mrs. J. P. Crentn. at Garden Horn, was honor guet Thursday evening wheel Miss Wamar Koreii entertained with twe tabes of bridge see Swinging Into form ar the several dancing club now ttat th Winter la closing In on society. Th Wednesday Evening Oub will give ther series of assemble at th Portland Heights Club this year. Th first dance will take plac Wednesday evening. October 11. Th patronesses will be Mrs. Jsy Smith. Mra .liver King Jeffery. Mrs. A. R. Orant and Mra Benjamin Trenk man. Th members of the club include: Dr. Millard C. Holbrook. Dr. Sanford Whiting. James Thompson. E. C. Ollt ner. Oliver King Jeffery. George East man. C. A. Eastman. H- A. Joslln. Floyd Wickers ham Frank Halllnan. M. H. Bchmeer. F. S. Botsford, Etnathan Sweet. George W. Klelser. A. R. Grant. Dr. E. A. Marshall. Horace Chapman. Jsy f'mlth. Rafus Holmsn. Frsnk Oallehur. Herbert Kva. Charles Ktrk brlde. Howard Gaylord. Harry Gaylord. William Lyons. Edward H. Dodge. Cur tis Sargent. W. A. Spanton. W. Clemens. 8. B. Archer. B. Trenkman. H. A. scat ter. Irving Stearns. Howard Latourett. C C. Patrick. Alexander Nlbley, Whal- UNITED STATES ARMY OFFICER WEDS ENGLISH GIRL IN PORTLAND. 't ( 4 .Jcr I 11; .-...' ' I A marrlag of not took plac In Portland Tuesday afternoon, vahen Mlsa Ethel M. Foden became tt brld of Lieutenant E. R. Scott. Twenty-first Infantry. United States Army. Mlag Foden Is th fifth daughter of th lat George Foden. of Chester and Liverpool, Englr.nd. She has sung with th choir of th Pro-Cathedral of St. Stephen lifted with church work. Th ceremony was performed by Rev. Horaca Marlon l:anisv. Th brld wor a traveling costume of cream-colored cloth. After a honeymoon In tha United States th former horn of Mrs. Scott In England. ley Watson. E. Davey, Charles Saund ers, Folger Johnson. C. Msyer, W. Nicholas. Co McKenns, Joe Wiley. Maurlr Dooley. Robert Marshall. Dr. Mc Daniel. L. Cornell. William Walter. Fred Ames. Jo Cronln, R. E. Chapman, B. Leonard. Peter Smiley. George Luders. Latimer Whitney. Charles Hlndman. T. H. Beverley, J. Knapp, C Glanders. Guy Tyler, Walter Gruetter, A J. Cutting, Carrol Dunning and Harold Minor. GOSSIP FROM THE ARMY-POST General Inspection day was observed Friday morning, and General Marlon P. Maua commander of th Department of th Columbia, accompanied by hi aides. Lieutenants F. L. Whitley and McCleave. and Colonel Oeorge K. Mo- Gunnegle. and his staff. Including Cap tain John R. Thomas. Jr.. post adjutant. and Lieutenant F. C. Burnett, assistant adjutant, witnessed the fin military spectacle on the artillery drill grounds. Hundreds of people from the post and from Vancouver, and visitors to the fair, were spectators, as th soldier were Inspected by th General of tha Department. e e e Colonel McOunnegle, commanding of. fleer of th post, this week celebrated hi thirty-eighth year In activ servic In tha United States Army. He gav a dinner party to a few friends at his quarters. eve Colonel Oeorge W. Van Deusen. of the Second Field Artillery, hss gon to Fort Logan, Colorado, to take commend of th recruiting station. Mrs. Van KLAMATH FALL. BOY l THE FHKKIDEtT OF OREGOX SOPHOMORE CLASS. 4 Veraer T. MetBcheabacbrr. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eu gene. Or, l-t. . t Special ) The sophomore clsss of the Uni versity of Oregon organised last evening with th unanimous elec tion of Verne T. Motscbenbacher. of Klamath Falls, as president. Motschenbacher is on of th two men who helped win a I-to- de cision for Oregon In th ship sub sidy debate with Leland Stan ford. Jr University, at Palo Alto, las March. Other officers wer r-Tiosen as follows: Miss Janet Toung. of Th Dalles, vice-prea-Ident; Miss Ruth Beach, of Port land, secretary: Alva R. Grout, of North Bend, treasurer, and Woo Sun. a popular little Chi nes boy from Salem, sergeant-at-arma Deusen and her two daughters, Hasel nd Gladys, win join Rim later, after visiting In New York. The' announcement of th marrtag of Miss Susan Elston Baxter, daughter of Lieutenant-Colon! John E. Baxter, to Lieutenant Theodor H. Dillon, of th Frglneer Corp. PeptemPer . in j f - LMaaaa.l SI aaseeaieae- W. G. SMITH & CO. AND VISITING CARDS MONOGRAM STATIONERY THIRD FLOOR WASHTVGTOV BCILDIXO. KTWSLKXJ THIRD AJU FOCRTB OK WASMI.tQTOal iTKILBT. In Vancouver Barracks when her father was Quartermaster General here. ' Colonel McOunnegle baa appointed Lieutenant James A. Clio battalion ad jutant of th First Battalion. First In fantry. see Lieutenant Walter E. Frldgen. of th First Infantry, haa been granted a two months' leav of absence, beginning October 1. He will visit his old bom In th East. e e Lieutenant Manton C Mlsjhell. In command of a detachment, haa gone to tb Rogue River Valley, to pass soma tiro making maps. , Captain and Mra. William Newman, of th Flrt Infantry, who' have been Itfth East, have returned to this ppst. th Martyr In this city, and Is lden th Lieutenant and his brld will visit Yokohomo, Japan. . Miss Dillon lived Captain Newman, who was on college duty, will sssums command of Com pany F. see Captain -and Mra Mathew A. Reas oner entertained at bridge whist Wd nasday evening at their quartan, see Lieutenant Scott Baker. Second Field Artillery, haa returned from Warm Springs Indian Reservation. and In a short time will b detailed to re cruiting duty. e Captain Edgar H. Yule, of tha Sec ond Field Artillery, and Mrs. Yule, en tertalned th bridge club Thursday. Th first prlr was won by Mrs. James 8. Rogers, wife of Colonel Rogers. Mrs. Cynthia Jones won second prixe. e e Lieutenant Homer F. Wolven, dental surgeon, and Mra Wolven. have return ed from Alaska, and taken up their resl dene In Quarters No. 1. see Lieutenant Georg W. Harris, of th First Infantry, will take a month's leave of absence In November. e Mrs. Robert H. Plerson, wife of Captain Plerson, of the Medical Corps. went to Warm Springs Indian rieserva. tlon th first of th week, and had th experteno of riding with four Indians 14 miles. Sh was compelled to do that, or remain In th hotel until sh could gat word to Captain Plerson. who failed to receive a telegram sent, telling him of her coming. e e e Lieutenant Merle Proctor, formerly of tha Fourth Field Artillery, has been transferred to tb Second Field Artu lery. and he arrived from Fort Leaven worth, Kansas. Monday, to report for duty. see Captain Alfred Alo baa returned from th Warm Springs Indian Reser vation. e e Major and Mrs. Charles E. Tayman, In their quarters, entertained Captain ti Townsend. Lieutenant F. C Bur nett. Lieutenant Walter E. Prtdgen, and Lieutenant Ullo. Through th courtesy of th Clark County Fair Association, all of th of- HOW TO REMOVE WRINKLES IN FIFTEEN MINUTES Just put Neo-Plaatlqu a harmless vegetable Jelly on your face. Let It dry. In li minute wash It off. That's all. No peeling or other drastlo math ods. Delightful sensation. Refreshing. Scientific. Grte fcarvaleaa Par read Law. SU Approval. Instantaneous results. Flna wrinkles disappear, ep line soften, sagging Urts up. race Decomes tirm. sain tigni ens, complexion brightens, fae looks and feels year younger. All In IS min utes. Neo-Plastlqu Is not expensive. Sat isfaction guarantee. Enclose Jo stamp for particulars. REO-PLASTiat'B AGEXCY. DEPT. F. Salt ft, S4V Wseblmartoa at. Secern Floor. Pbewe Mala SSTt. MUCK TO riT. OOOM TO SUIT FIT TO SUIT, Ifew rabrtea Airivlmg Daily. B. SALL THR LADIK9' TAILOR. Tba ame of Well I a Gnnutea 411 MOBRION STREET, Near Bakes? Theater. IliniDfTW? Original and Reprodnc nnwiiiwiiw ttons f r Pattern of Colonial DsatgiM. BALTIMORE runTit. CO.,. 4T1 Washlagtaa Street. Near lfe. R. Kl'bEU Mgr. Tea. Marshall lSST II. 1 1 Exclusive Agents for La Camille, Everything for the Baby to wear secona rioor. menter naerwcr Great Coat Offer Save $5.00 right now on these very latest Fall Coats at S17.50 A coat that sells elsewhere for at least $22.50. These coats are made in all the most up-to-date and modern styles, in the newest materials and shades. Polo, cheYiots, reversible cloths, mixtures. Made with large collars and revers.. All Sizes, from 16 to 45 Our workroom is turning out some of the most unique de signs obtainable. On every turn shows a touch of skill and workmanship. Copies from the most sedate French and im ported shapes, with a distinc tion of individuality. 3d floor. fleers and women of th post war In vited to attend the Fair Friday after noon. Captain Ralph B. Lister, First In fantry, recently promoted, and who has bean on duty at Boise Barracks. Idaho, has been asslsrned t the command of Company I, at this post: Captain Brady TUT vx: En fir At 3 1 75QjSend f or New Exclusive Millinery At Moderate Prices s Every known style of the season is rep resented in our magnificent display of Fall headwear. No matter what style you may want or what price 'you care to pay, you will be pleased here. MM Entire Buihftnd Cor fourth nd morrison streets LAJNO SPCALTY- ffOlSE fOR ZADfES MISSES & CHILDREN O. Buttenoutter, to Company C; and Captain A. H. Bishop, to Company G. Captain James N. Pickering-, of tha First Infantry, has been placed on the unasslgrned list. Captain and Mrs. Lis ter ar expeoted to arrive at the post soon. Major Jere B. Clayton, of the Medi- ! J9 r3r J. P. PLAGEMANN EXCLUSIVE FURRIERS Season's , - Showing of Exclusive Elegance in Fur Garments, Neckwear ' and Muffs Designed and x Our Own Binner and.C B. a Reliable When you fcny your furs from us, you buy di rect from the manufac turer. That's why you can sare a legitimate profit. You will find the most exclusive and up-to-date styles. Made o the fin est material to be had and by the most skilled workmen. Highest Grade Furs at Lowest Prices Every shape, every style of any skin, in Neck pieces, Muffs, Scarfs and Coats. FURS HAVE YOUR FURS TAKEN CARE OF We GUARANTEE ALL REMODELING REPAIRING AND RENOVATING. Correct Neckwear FVr Immediate - r. : . We are showing one of the most complete lines ofi i 3-!-J. XT 1 T.L.I. ; 1a tne newest sryies m aainiy uranoai, or small hand-made effects, side effects in pretty lace and baby Irish, large collars and fichus in lace, Swisses and marquisette. Strictly tailored collars and stocks, and in fact everything wanted and in style. Prices range from 25c to $3.50. a- r U f? s economy cal Corps, has returned from a 10-days' hunting- trip in Southern Oregon. . GOSSIP OP THE ARMY POST Mrs. Herbert G. Reed entertained the members of the Portland Shakespeare Club at the auditorium of the Y. W. C. A. Monday afternoon. Hcelviijp? MANAGER Opening V Modeled in Factory La Spirite Corsets W'Wi J' J - - " Fur 4tyle Book Vear Be fitted with a pair of our Gloves. No seconds, no job lots; every pair clean from the maker; all colors; short or 16-button lengths. $1.00 to $4.50 with their hostess were Mrs. T. S. Townsend, Mrs. I. E. Jones, Mrs. Allan Todd, Mrs, J. C. Elder, Mrs. Ia D. Wol ford and . Mrs. Julia LaBarre. Mrs. W. T. Murphy presided at the" guest book. A short business session pre ceded the programme, when delegates were chosen to attend the biennial of I IS T7. iTnntfnuA on Pas 4.) m : r ; j PL! 08.0