I2 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAyP. OCTOBER 8. 1911. "w I FYance Fuller. Mia VOna Guthrie. ' i , - SbcKinr ETHOLA &,yrSRN " r i .utri rujicr, mirnm v sua uuiuj ir. Misa Elsa Gill, Mlsa Clarice Biles, Misa ioroiny aiouiton. . inx snaaeo can dlea lighted the dining-room and pink baby roses arranged In crystal bas kets were effective aa decorations, a e Mr. and Mra.. Frank B. Riley have moved to their new place of residence at (1 Lucretia Court. Mr. Riley fath er, E. F. Riley, of thl city, is now en joying a six weeks' tour of the Middle West, visiting- his former home In Ohio and hi later one In Iowa. While in thV former atate he attended a family reunion accompanied by his brother. Dr. C, M, Riley, of St. Louis, dean of Barnes College. of Pharmacy. In that city. a Judge and Mrs. Seneca Smith have returned after pkssing September at Newport, Oregon, and the neighboring -beaches. - Walter O. B. Smith passed a day or so In Portland last week with hi mother. Mrs. C E. Smith, before re turning to his ranch at Hood River. a a The chapel of the Vnltarlan Church FOR THE NEWEST VJSIT THE EASTERN The colossal showing of new Fall and "Winter wearables, now displayed at the Eastern, demonstrates to the ladies and misses correct styles, standard qualities, moderate prices and easy ways and means how to obtain them without any incon venience whatever. . STYLE 111 Mil RFAffi 1 I y.ww AV! cviV7zxr ' J s M I KVi .i... 7 vv i mri mx 7 A-)J VmM .:. .--:-Y - Zj & "Z cur &yv rr j?szrTu0 a- kJ J I i X. " If " . ' 'r '-ll I llrai latval4 lor pabllrattoa Is his dartvat 14 rrarfc Tk Vrvalaa Offl lar W- SCCtKTY haa uut (rrat dal ta Mr (or IUlf lhK- ilaya. To ba urr thvr irr partlra. but fw and malL Itumora of tntrnn1 to ba mnouRffd In thr nrr futura ara In terraUn but not vrrllWu. llotrrfr, a number of vnta hav brn achrd uld for tha romlnc wcrka. Now and then a hoataa drupa a word of a tea or bridge aha eaperta lo have on a rertaln date. "but. my dear, don't mention It. you know my rarda aren't out yet." The weddings of the aeason area't over It aeema. ae each week through October and November haa Its Important nuptial event. Probably of moat Importanro In the eataJogue of tvtober affairs will be tha "coming out" of JJia Kathertna MacMaater. The date haa not been definitely stated, but will be near the elaaa of the month. The William Mac Maatar home again will be the scene f a delightful dancing party, the evealng of this formal Introduction. Miss JaacMaater and Mies Louleo Burns will bo the honor gueats Tueeday even In of this week, when Mrs. Henry Ladd for bet t and Mrs. Klllotl It. Cor bett give their dinner dance mblch la eauaine; no end of pleasant anticipa tion among the younger crowd. The plans a they stand Dow are, dinner at Mrs. H. L. Corbet! home an I dance at Mrs. Elliott Corbetts residence. Mrs. J. Wesley Ldd "111 feature on tbo Hat of hoateaa this week. alao. as she Is entertaining wttn a large bridge party Thursday afternoon. An other sX(air of Importance coming will hi the afternoon at carda given by Mrs. Virginia Bramhall at Alexander Court tha following week. Thus though so ciety Ian t as gay as It was during the aajno season o( last year. It finds ways snd means of employing Itee.f which are pleasing alike to gueet and hoet eas. see Apropos ( tlie numoer of wedllr romlcg off Just now la tne news of the ngaaemant of another of Portland a young folk. Stocktoa Mulford. Mr. Mul ford went to ew York four years age to study art. toward which he had mora tan tha average Iranlr. io much ability and cleverness haa he slow a In hia work I-at he Is now at tracllag favorah.e notice 11 an II luetrator. Poring his Orst eemester In fe Art "tuilenta league he met Mlaa M'"a Iwanek. a charrnlrg hit of femin inity, searcelv more tl.an four feet four Inches In height. le Is the wlneomely. I irariix da ichter of Sn old Austrian family of artiata. A romance began, baaed on the common tntereat of talent, and t-.e ru't will be the wedding of Mlas Iwanek and Mr. Mul ford late next fprlrg Mr M'i'ford lived In Portland mil Ma depart ire for the Kaat four years ago. Though he did not com plete his courae at tie Portland Aced eniv be was a mem Ner of the lv riau. Ha Is the eon of Mrs. A. Mul ford. Aaothsr Interesting bit of in formatloa caaoarnlng Mr. Mul ford la la friendship with Jack Heed, tha, tal ented son of Mr. and Mra C. J. Reed, f tftla city, who Identified himself with literary work ta tha Kaat before hia graduattoa from Harvard, where he edilad tha laaaa Mr. Rood la now ' aw ldo ataS of tha Amarlcaa. Mia ran Tarred -rrr FN. wfc. X Iwanek devotes the greater part of her attention to I'm lllustratlns; of child book. A particularly unique picture, owned bv Mrs. Mulford. I tha framed combination of two aketchea. one of Mr. Mulford drawn bv Miss Iwsnek and on of his fiancee drawn bv Mr. Mul ford. In corresponding position. The variance of technique and execution Is vastly lnteretlne;. After their mar riage both Mr. Mulford and his brIJs will continue with their art and prob ably will make their horns In the New Tork metropolis. Though this engage ment is not particularly new. having been known for some time. It haa not been formally announced In Portland until now. e The Monday Night Club has again been organised and though definite plans have not yet been made a com mittee has been rhoeen to look after arrangements as to a hall and other Important matter. The membership llet of this darning club Includes at present: Mr. and Mr. V. H. ftronir. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson Reed. Mr. and Mr. W. U Brewster. Mr. and Mr. F. N. Pendleton. Mr. and Mr. Ouy Webeter Talbot. Mr. and Mr. William C. Alvord. Mr. and Mra. C. Kdward Gelle. Mr. and Mr. Frederick H. Page. Mr. and Mra. Morrl H. Whltehouse. Mr. ard Mr. Whitney L. Boise, Mr. and Mr, ft. O Reed. Mr. and Mra. Wal ler V. BurrelL Mr. and Mra. J. We lev Ladd. O. O. Pelgram, Major and Mra. Jama Canby. Mr. and Mr. Otis R. Wight, Mr. and Mr. S. B. Llnthl cum. Mr. and Mrs. William f. Blddle, Mr. and Mrs. James A. fhepard. Mr. and Mra Klchard Nunn. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Kfflnger. Mr. and Mrs. John Kben Young. Mr. and Mr. William MacMaater. Mr. and Mr. Morton 1L Iraley. Mr. and Mra. James Krneat Laldlaw, Captain and Mra. J. M. Kill cot t. Mr. and Mra J. K. Cronan. i'r. and Mrs. Marlon F. Hoi ph. Major and Mr. J. J. Morrow. Captain and Mr. H. D. Berkeley. Major and Mra. J. K. Mclndoe, Mr. and Mrs. tverctt Amen. Mr. and Mr. C J. Reed. Mr. and Mr. George K. Wentworth. Jr, Mr. and Mr. J. Q. Wilson. Mr. and Mra. Rob ert Wilson Forbea. Mr. and Mra. Rus sell Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Green. Mr. and Mrs. Alma P. Katx. Mr. and Mr. K. J. Corbett. Carl Ppahn. Mr. and Mra. Frank 1L Robertson. Henry Teal. W. H. Moore, A. Gilo, Mr. and Mr. Edward Cooklngham. Dr. and Mra. George ft. Whiteside. Mr. and Mra. Ralph W. Wilbur. Mr. and Mr. F. O. Wheeler. Mr. and Mr. Frank M. Warren. Jr, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Meara. Mr. and Mra. Frank E. Bart, Dr. and Mrs. Y, IL. Ekaea. Mr, and Mr. K. C. Shevlln. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Corbett. Mr. and Mra. David T. Honey man. Mr. and Mr. Gordon Voorhle. Mr. and Mr. David C. lwia. Dr. and Mrs. Rupert Chlpman. Mr. and Mra. Henry Uadd Corbett, Mr. and Mr. N. K. Ayer. .Mr. and Mr. W. H. Warren. Mr. and Mr. Lansing ttott. Dr. and Mr. Herbert S. Nlchol, Mr. and Mr. B. C Ball. Mr. and Mr. John K. Kol lock. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lewi. Mr. and Mrs. U Allen Iewls, Mr. and Mra. R. 8. Howard. Jr.. Mra. Elisabeth Free man. F. A. Kiehle, H. C. Jefferds. Rod nev Gllsan. C. B. Sewall. Mrs. W. II. Corbett, Mr. and Mr. Well Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. H. U Power. Mr. and Mr. Lawrence Alnsworth, Mr. And Mr. David Shlndler and Dr. and Mrs. K. J. Labbe. a The collegiate alumna of Portland, with Mr. Jam B. Kerr, president, at their head, are pianmna; a series of thakepearean readinK to be given by Marshall Parrach at the Masonie Tem ple. October 17. 20 and XX In accord ance to dates the plays will be. "Com edy of Errors, "Julius Cesser." "The Tempest." Assisting Mrs. Kerr on tha committee of arrangements are Mra. Robert W. Lewis and Mrs. G. H. Marsh. e Of the few large affair of the past week the brtdge tea at the home of Mr. Elliott Corbett I of much inter est. Nina table of card were played and later a great meny more guests called for tea. Mrs. Richard Koehler and Mrs. l Allen Lewis assisted their hostess at table, pouring coffee and serving Ices., Mrs. Henry I.add Corbett, Miss Lisa" Wood and Miss Lesley Smith further aided Mrs. Corbett la enter taining. Autumn leave and aster of yellow and whit decorated the house. Among the first of the affair for Mr. Gilbert Durham was a luncheon at the home of Mrs. Warren Knight Tues day afternoon. Oother guests present were, Mra William Knight. Mis Mill Wesslnger. Miss Stella Prohman. Miss Mvlda Hart Miss Lesley Smith and Miss Leslie Weldler. e e e For Miss Marguerite Bosch ke. Miss Gretchen Klosttrman entertained at cards and tea Tuesday afternoon. Miss Delia Hahn and Mias Ruth Small via the card honors and assisting Miss Kloeterman' In tha dinlnsr-roora wer Mra Kenneth Holbrook and Miss Clara Merrill. Guests who called during the afternoon Included Mrs. Holbrook, Misa Nrrnil. Miss Hahn. Miss Small. Miss Dorothy Newball. Mlaa Kamtna Kloa fennan. Mrs. Albert Schwoitser, M re. E. Smith, Mlaa Lillian Buohnar. Mia I waa attractive last W ednesday after r noon with decorations of Autumn I leaves and mnv hued roses. The worn- en of the' church were hostesses at I tea. Serving at the table were Mrs. D. P. Thompson, Sirs. E. C, Mears, Mrs. 1 L. W. Sltton and Mrs. Ernest Watte, snam, sirs, j, tt. comsioca ana Air. S. T. Connell composed the receiving line. Assisting about the room were i Misa Judith Scott. Miss Kuby Crlchton. Miss Mary Lor.K. Mlsa Eva Long. Miss Edna Mlnslnger. Mis Marjorle Hoff man, Miss Lesley Smith and Mrs. John H. Beeson. a e Among the Portland folk In New- York City last week were Mrs. Oskar Huber and her daughters. Misses Doro thy and Winifred.. a Mrs. Thomas O. Halley has as her guests this week Mr. and Mrs.. William N. Northrop, of Boise. Idaho. Miss Eulalle Northrop. who has many friends In Portland, has recently grad uated from Briar Cliff school. She will make her debut at a danclng'part to be given In her honor October 19. a a Miss Genevieve Thompson Is visiting Miss Florence Ridenbaugh, another I your.g woman of Boise, who Is a favor- tte among Portland society folk. e e a .- ... Mis Russell ci Sewall was hostess Tuesday afternoon In honor -of her mother. Mra A. M. Williams, of Seattle, and her sister, Mrs. H. W. French, of Cleveland. The latter who has been Mrs. Sewall' guest for a fortnight will remain a short time longer. Mrs. Wll ! Hams returned to Seattle Thursday. e Nine table of bridge were played at the home of Mrs. Herbert Holman Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Raymond I Holman and Mrs. Lawrence Holman , assisted their nosters. Mrs. Joseph Grant, of San Francisco. who haa been vlslilng Mrs. Thomaa Kerr at Rivers for the past fortnight. left Portland last Wednesday evening with her two children, Edith and Jose phine, for her home. While hero Mrs. Grant waa much feted at dinner and luncheon and Mrs. Klchard Koehler I entertained for her at bridge. Among the other hostesses of note who hon ored Mrs. Grant were Mrs. L. Allen Lewis, Mr. Hunt, C. Lewis and Miss Sallle Lewi. And In the festivities the young daughters were not omitted. ! Mrs. Kerr Invited a number of children out early In the week for tennis trials I on her court and among those who played were. Alice Tucker. Donald Skene. Teddie Wilcox and Gordon Voorhle. Jr. Mrs. W. H. Skene and Mr. William Ladd also went out with tha young folk and took tea with Mr. Grant and Mr. Kerr. Mr. Georg-e S. Whiteside, who has been absent the greater part of the Hummer, haa returned to Portland. While away (he visited her former home near Boston and was the guest of her parents. Dr. and Mra. David W. Cheever. a a a Mrs. Walter V. Smith haa cards out for bridge next Wednesday afternoon. She will entertain at Alexandra Court, where she Is at home this Winter. a . Mr. and Mra. Roger B. Slnnott have moved into their new home, 34 Mont gomery Drive. ' Still another prominent Portland aoclety matron to return from her Summer vacation Is Mr. John Eben Young, who. with her daughter. Elfa. haa been traveling- In the East tor tnu past four months. Mr. Young passed some time East with his wife, but waa not away from the city the entire four months. a a Nearly 200 aoclety folk called be tween the houra of 3 and at the home of Mrs. Richard Nunn yeeterday after noon. In honor of Mra S. G. Hillyer and Mlsa Olive Hillyer, of San Francisco, who expect to pass the Winter In Port land. Autumn foliage and asters In crimson and yellow tones decorated the house. At the tea table those serving were Mr. William S. Blddle. Mrs. John Itta. Mrs. J. K. Gamble and Mrs. Thomas Robertson. Mis Elizabeth Myrlck and Miss Minnie Russell were mistresses of the punch bowl. Others assisting were Mrs. Ernest Tucker, Mra Lee Hoffman. Mra Sherman Hall, Mra. F- N. Pendleton, Mr. S. M. Meara, Ttka von Bolton and Miss Maud Alns worth. Two important functions of last week were the afternoons at cards, when Mrs. W. H. Dunckley waa host ess. Decorations of chrysanthemums and Autumn leaves adorned the rooms, i Serving at tne tea table Thursday aft- NEW OF THE BETTER CLASS SMARTEST OF NEW TAILORED DESIGNS . $25.00 TO $75.00 Just such clever Fall styles as you would expect to (find in this EXCLUSIVE SHOP. Handsome new mixtures, browns, blues, light and dark grays and the beautiful new two-tone English whip cords. Novelties with large revers and collars on which fjinge and velvet is xised with delightful effect. NEW FALL COATS , $12.50 to $75.00 A remarkable array of exclusive models, charming and practical, unusual in style and coloring. Imported materials, soft and silky double-faced cloths, warmth without weight. New mixtures, cheviots, serges, velours and broadcloths, as well. Rev Design in Drewea xnd Waists Jut Received. Real Smart Suits, t)resses. Coats, Skirts and Petticoats. any fancy, a size for rrad for any price. Millinery Beanti f ul shapes, artistically trimmed, tasteful color blendings. refined looking and becoming. Arc very moderately priced. Step in and trv on some of them. Charge Accounts Solicited . Not necessary for you to pay for your garments at the time of pur chase; you can have them charged and arrange to remit in as small and easy payments as only One Dollar a Week No Charge for Credit Simply Courtesy. EASTERN OUTFITTING CO. Washington Street at.Tenth The BIG MODERN CREDIT STORE ernoon vera Mra. Samuel Heltshu and Mra Charles F. BeeDe- rioay, ar. Guy Webster Talbot and Mrs. J. l.. Alnsworth were mistresses or tne urns, Quests for seven tables of bridge ;atn ered at the Dunckley home Thursday and six table were piayea rnoay. , Many other fruests called each day for tea. a e Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilchrist Owen left Portland last Thursday for San Francisco, where they will visit friends for a fortnight. a a Mra Thomas Kerr was hostess at a luncheon at her Rivera home Wednes day afternoon In, honor of -her guests. Mrs. Grant, of California. . i.lgrn.-coi- ored dahlias decorated the table about which were seated Mrs. Theodore . Wilcox. Mrs. R. Lea Barnes, Mrs. Rich ard Koehler. Mrs. Pomeroy. of San Francisco. Mrs. C. K. S. Wood and Mrs. L. Allen Lewis. Mrs. L- Allen Lewis also entertained for Mra. Grant last week. Among ber dinner guests were General Marlon P. Mans and Mrs. Maua, Mr. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Alnsworth, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kerr. Miss Lesley Smith and. Roderick Macleay. Autumn leaves and russet-toned fruit were table dec orations. e Mrs. Walter V. Smith has invited fruests to tea Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon of thla week. a a a Mrs. Morris H. Whltehouse has tele phoned to a number of. ber friends dur ing the past week that they may meet at her home a week from tomorrow for cards. a a Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beebe, nee Wilson, returned from their wedding trip to Pelican Bay Southern Oregon, the first of the week and are at home on Kin; Height. a a a Friend In Portland of Captain J. M. Ellicott will be glad to know that ha haa received hi commission to the grade of Captain and commands tha armored cruiser Maryland. Captain El licott was found by an overxealous LADIES' AND MISSES' FALL C. E. Holliday ' Co. 355 ilder Street, Corner of Park Furs. Waists, A model for anv figure, a physician of the United States Navy to have a defective ear drum, which it was thought would place him on the retired list. His consequent trip to Washington. D. C, however, settled the matter. He was examined by the Surgeon-General and Secretary of the Navy and found qualified. Captain El licott was with Admiral Dewey at Ma- t nila Bay and during that battle he re- celved the wound which lately caused this controversy. . Captain Ellicott and Miss Priscllla Ellicott were week-end guests of Mrs. Eleanor Martin, of Sao Francisco during the week of Septem ber lg. a The younger university set of Port land will be Interested In the marriage of Miss Hasel Mae McNalr and Elmer De Witt Palne, which waa solemnised in Tillamook. Or., . Wednesday evening at the First Presbyterian Church of that town. Miss McNalr has attended the University of Oregon for aeveraj years, and graduated last June. She SAMUEL H. SCHWARTZ LADIES' TAILOR 423 Fliedner Bldg. There is a wide .range of prices in Ladies' Tailor-made Suits. You usually get what you pay for. , I do nothing but high-class work. If you want this kind I can please you. Quality considered, prices are moderate. Your patronage solicited. SUIT S fl IMF JM J. Mil 1 i t- Off iSlr i i if I English Raincoats for Men and Women Exclusive "Burberry" Agent Bnrberrys have been accorded th . distinguished honor of supplying: His Majeatv the late King Edward. His Majesty King George. Her Majesty Queen Alexandra. Her Imperial Majesty "the Jmpres Marie of Russia. , His Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught. Her Roval HfRhne Princess Louise. His Majesty the King of Denmark. His Majesty the King of Sweden. His Majesty the lute King of Portu gal. His Highness the Khedive of Egvpt. His Highness the Duke of the Abrua z. Hr Royal Highness the Duchess of fi parts, . Her Serene Highness prtnceM Alex ander of Teck. Barberry list of Patron also 1n "cJudes the following names: Ex-PresJdent Lou bet M. le Due d"Orleans Prince Jaime de Bour-" bon Prince Murat Prince de Beau vats Duke of Argyll. K.T. Duke of Norfolk, K. G. Her Hi eh n ess Prince Victoria of Schles-wlg-Holsteln Her Highness Prin ctss Melitxa of Montenegro Her Highness Prin cess of Pless M. la Comtesse d Duke of Somerset Duke of Bedford. K. G. Paris - Duke of Rutland Princess Louise d Duke of Newcastle f Duke of Wellington, K. G. Duke of Buceleurh. K. G. 9nke of Montros. K. T. Duke of Abercorn. K. G. Marquess of Winches ter Marquess of Lans- downe, K. G Marquess of North- France Princess Hatzfeld" Duchess of Bedford -Duchess of Portland Duches5 of Sutherland DucheM of Manchester rnchess of Roxburghe Marchioness of Bath Marchioneis Camden Marchioness of Bristol ' Marchioness of Nor man by Ma rr hi on eps of Down shire Marchioness of Rlpon Marquess of Anglesey Countess of Chester- am pro n, - Aiarquess or wiuuvu- jejey ' Countess Stanhope Marquess of Ailre Counters of Ilchester Marquess of Norman- Countess of de le Wart Dy Countess Grey Marquess of Dufferln Countess of S trad broke Marquess of DownshtreCountess of Munster Marquess of Headfort Countess Roberts Marquess of Douro Countess Cromer Marquess of Tu 111 bar- Countess of Mar dine Countess of Kinnoul . Marquis de 8anto Do- Countess of Portar- mingo lington Marquis de Eeauvai Countess of K on mare Earl of Shrewsbury i ounieiB or jjitowju Viscountess Falmouth Viscountess Hardinge Viscountess Helmsley Viscountess ChurchUl , Viscountess Ridley ViscounteRS Downe Viscountess Powers court Viscountess Gamock Viscountess Lisburne . Earl or wincmisea Earl of Albemarle Earl of Jersey Earl of Dartmouth Earl of Stanhope Earl of Ash burn ham Earl of Portsmouth Earl of Warwick Earl of Carnarvon Earl of Malmesbury "Burberry" Coats Ready for Immediate Wear or Made to Crder K. S. Ervin & Co., Ltd. General English Tai ors Soiling Building Second Floor ' Sixth and Alder Streets (Si1