The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 08, 1911, SECTION THREE, Image 33

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NO. 41.
Manicuring and Hairdressing Parlors, 2d Floor-Tea Room, 4th Floor Optical Department on Main Floor Rest Room
Writing Room, Nurser, Emergency Hospital in Charge of Graduate Ntirse, Public Telephones, Etc., on tne 2d Floor
Exposition of Authoritative Fashions
Unequaled in All the Great Northwest
Every accepted mandate of fashion in the realm of women's apparel is shown in our big Garment Salon, on second floor. The manager of this de
partment isliow in New York second trip this season and every day's express is bringing us Suits, Coats, Dresses, Gowns, Waists, Etc.
Proper Riding Habits
Typical Central ParK" Styles
And Only $25.00 to $48.50
Lovers of horses women who ride and who are authority on fashion depend upon this store
for their Riding Suits. New lines for women and muses now claim your attention. The ma
terials are oxford pray, melton cloths, Priestley's cravenette, English covert cloths, etc. The
coats are 51 in. long, slash back, with breeches to ride cross saddle; "hab- Clfi Rfl
its" for ride saddles. The prices for these habits range from $25.00 ea.up to ptOJy
Women's Skirts $7.50 to $15
Seasonable showing'of women's Skirts in heavy micturea of brown and gray; panamas, heavy
diagonal and serges and corduroys, in brown, navy and white; plain with panel (1 C 00
front and back; many with high waist lines, giving Empire effect. $7.50 up to P
New Models in Dresses
RicH Velvets and Broadcloths
Priced at $12.50 to $87.50
Stunning new models in Velvet Dresses with Arabian lace collars and cuffs. Striking styles
in silk and velvet combinations at $48.50, $52.50 and $55.00. Broadcloths, perfect finish and
welf made, trimmed in velvet and lace, $50.00 to $87.50. French Serges, in blue, black, brown
and white, $12.50 to $37.50 in all a grand showing of the season's approved tfjO'T
styles. Our first showing tomorrow at prices ranging from $12.50 up to P0 t Jvf
Splendid Coats $12d to $5Q
New, authentic styles in women's Coats, for afternoon, evening ind street . wear, in broad
cloths, serges, diagonals, iweeos, cneviois, aouuie-muea iuaieruu ua mixtures :Ef lip
of all kinds. Every express brings new ones direct from New York.. $12.50 to P vvl
s I IpYj&ZSiA !?f U1TIST1W
fS'dllli Carefnilyj
"Leona" Combinations
S1.19 up to $10
Undenntulin Dept, Second Floor.
New arrivals in the popular "Leona" combination suits. A per
fect three-piece garment, made of fine nainsook long cloth, cross
bar dimity, etc. Trimmed in dainty, yet serviceable, linen, cluny,
mechlin, German vaL laces, insertion, embroideries, lace medallion,
etc. The garment with skirt effect in back and drawers effect in
front Priced for this introductory showing at (t f ff
$1.19. 11.49, 11.98, $2.49, $2 98, $3.49 and up totJXl.UU
Don't Torgtt to Ask for Medallion Portrait Coupons When Trading
Misses' $3.00 Shoes at.Sl.98
Jockey Boots $2.69
Mimes' Vn-i Kid School Shoes,
with jrod serviceable soles,
with best Goodyear welts, size
1 1 '.-a to 2. Neat styles, made on .
the latest Fall lasts. Our reg
ular $2.50 and $3 t aq
value, special, pr, DXVO
Big' Boys Sho
Crochet SI
nig boys Shoes, made of tan,
Lotus calf stock, button styles,
on the new mannish, high-toe
lasts, all hand sewed, sizes 2V4
to 6. Splendid Shoes for
school or dress tfo ff
Spew, pair, DOaO7
Misses ' Jockey Boots, made with
extra high tops, good quality
calf stock, with patent collar ef
fect and tassel, full weight oak
soles. Goodyear welt, sizes 11'
to 2. Our regular
$3 value, spl., pair
es at $3.69 Pr.
ippers $1.19
Women's Crochet Slippers in a
big assortment of colors, well
made, will not stretch out of
shape. They are made on the
Buchanan & Lawrence best
Sultana soles. Our (J - - q
$1.50 sellers, pair, tj) X X J
Last Lecture in Our
Auditorium, 3 P. M.
Subject, "Teaching the Indian How
to Weave." An exhibition of pho
tographs will accompany this lec
ture. This will be Mr. Pnncan's
last appearance in our Auditorium.
Many who have not attended these
lecture have cxpreMed a longing
desire to hear and see Mr. Duncan.
To those we adris coming early as
tkere will be a br crowd. Doors
open at 2:40 P. M. Lecture will
be given at 3 P. M. Admission free.
Autumn Dress Goods
All the now Dress Fabrics indorsed by Dame Fashion are
to be found in this department. New 53-inch Tailor Suit
ings in mixtures if browns, tans and prays, are (f
shown in 30 diffil-ent patterns. Winter fabrics,
Mixtures New imported mannish effects in the rough
pebble and Che Jot weaves, for one-piece dresses or suits.
Exclusive patterns shown only by us. All the tfo pa
desirable shades, subdued pencil stripes, $3 to wJ.OU
Domestic Novplties Rough or plain weaves Jo rr
50 to 54 inchei wide, at $1.23, $1.50 $2.00 and 7.OU
Broadcloths A. complete stock of all the new o riA
shades suitate for street or evening, $2.00 and ?O.UU
Midnight Blue Serge Coatings, 50 to 60 inches wide, ex
ceptional values in foreign and domestic cloths, prices, the
yard, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $3.50,, $4.00. Unrivaled values.
Stiperb Showing Women's
Fall Suits' $17-5010 $115
Women ' Garment Salon Second Floor.
A matchless collection of "Women's Suits awaits your approval at Portland's larges and best Suit
store. The best styles from the best manufacturers are the only ones that find room here. The
past week's new arrivals comprise Cheviots, tweeds, serges, check novelties, Scotch and English
mixtures, etc. Many are trimmed with velvets, fancy buttons, etc. Others are plain tailored, de
signed on the most artistic lines. Jackets are the medium length, lined with silks and satins, wim
velvet or plain collars. The skirts are the new loose panel, side-plait effects, with 1? 1 1 CS O O
Empire effect. These matchless garments are priced at from $17.50 up to D X X O.vlvf
Rain Coats $12.50 to $32.5Q
Extensive Showing in Garment Store Second Floor.
We know best what's needed in the way of Rain Coats. "We've been here n long time and have
studied conditions very carefully. Our stock is complete with the most popular fabrics and styles.
Rubberized cloths in navy, black, gray and tan, $12.50 and $15.00. Cravenette Coats with reg
ulation coat sleeves and English sleeves, in gray, tan and black, priced $15.00 to $32.50 ; cravenetted
wool cloths and English tweeds, styled with high military collars and Jbnghsn JOO Cfj
sleeves; the price range, $20 to 28.50, completing the great showing at prices $12.50 to (DOmOU
Beautiful New Waists $4 50 to $40
Our showing of new "Waists will appeal to every woman's sense of refinement. They are classy in
every sense of the word. Beautiful fancy net "Waists with peplin ruffles, trimmed with colored
velvets and laces, are priced $10 to $25.00. Irich crochet "Waists with Dutch necks and short sleeves
are priced at $27.50 to $40. Dainty Marquisettes with high necks, long and short sleeves, trimmed
with cluny and Irish crochet laces and hand-embroidered, $6.50 to $22.50. Crepe "Waists with high
neck and long sleeves trimmed in tucks. Irish crochet and hand-embroidered ruffle ef- t O E? i
.feet, $8.50 to $12.50. Neat tailored Waists in all the newest styles, from $4.50 to J)0Jv
"Knox" Tailored Hats
We are exclusive agents in Portland for Knox Tailored Ilats for ladies. Our assortment is very
extensive, comprising all the best models brought out by the Knox people this season. The Knox
trade-mark is stamped on the inside of every hat. Look for it. If it's a Knox Ilat, the brand will be
there. Do not take any substitutes for the Knox.
$16.50 Tailored Hats, $12.38
517.50 Tailored Hats, $13.13
$20.00 Tailored Hats, $15.00
Tri-Corn Hats
The popular "Tri-Corn" Ilat,
made of high-grade hatters'
plush. The prices on these fine
hats have been reduced as fol
lows for this special sale only:
Lot 1 $14-00 Hata to $10.00
Lot 2 $14 Hata to $12.00
$1 Neckwear for 47c
All the newest effects in women's fancy Neckwear in
the aide effects, fichns, collars, jabots, stocks, collar
ette, etc., in lace, linen and lawn. A good; variety
to ehoooe from. Regular 50e values, special for A H
2oc; regular 11.00 values, on sale at low price of " '
$1.50 Scarfs for 98c
All the new effects in women's Scarfs for evening wear,
for the theater or party; solid colors or in light com
binations. Regular $1.50 grades, special at tfJO AQ
98c, and regular $3.7.5 grades, offered for P'w7
$2 Handbag's at $1.19
$10 Handbags $6.98
A splendid showing of women's Handbags in all the
newest ideas for Fall ; good leather-lined bags with long
or short handles; gilt, gunmetal or silver frames. Our
regular $2.00 values for flJ9; our $6.50 QQ
values for $3.98, and regular $10.00 values "POiJO
$22.50 Tailored Hats, $17.88
$27.50 Tailored Hats, $20.63
$30.00 Tailored Hats, $22.50
Riding Derbies
Knox Riding Derbies, made of
high-grade felt; regular $6.00
values, special at tfr? Art
this sale for only CpO.vJLI
Knox Riding Derbies, made of
best hatters'- plush; our best
$11.00 values on q
sale now for only u)O.UU
$35.00 Tailored Hats, $26.25
$40.00 Tailored Hats, $30.00
$50.00 Tailored Hats, $37.50
Knox Sailors
Roll brim style Sailor Hats,
made of high-grade, hatters'
plush, $17.50 (Pin ff
values now for D JL JJ
Knox roll-brim Sailors, of best
hatters plush; our $1d values
are priced now (f1 n AA
at low price of
$2.25 Hat Pins at 75c
Hundreds of styles in women's Hat Pins, the largest
selection shown in the city. Every new novelty can
be found in this selection. Values up to $2.2o, TTT
offered special during this sale at only, each C
$l-5pjewelry 69c
A large assortment of Jewelry Novelties, such as fancy
Buckles, Belt and Beauty Pins, Brooches, Quff Links,
etc.; all the new stone effects are included nQ
the lot. Values op to $1-50, offered special at Of C
50c Sterling Rings at 25c
$2.25 Sterling' Rings 98c
An immense assortment of Sterling Silver Shirtwaist
Rings in every conceivable stone combination effect, in
all the new Persian ideas, all the rage. Regular 50c
sterling silver "Shirtwaist" Finger Rings, special at
2oe; 6oc values offered at 3oe; our $1.00 values QQ
at 49c, and $2.25 values offered special at only fOC
Real French Hand-Made
Underwear lfo Price
Undermualin Store Second Floor.
An extraordinary sale of women's fine French hand-made Lingorie,
Gowns, Combinations, Chemise, Drawers, Princess Slips, Petti
coats, etc. Made of the finest batiste, lawn, French linen, mull, etc
Hand-made and . hand-embroidered in conventional and floral de
signs. Gowns, $4.50 to $40.00; Petticoats, $6.00 to $50.00; Com
binations, $7.50 to $40.00; Drawers, $3.50 to $12.00; Chemise, $1.00
to $20.00; Princess Slips, $15.00 to $35.00; all Q
go during this extraordinary sale for only 2 mTYICG
Correspondence Stationery
50c Cabinets 29c
In the Stationery Store, main
floor, a sale of fine correspon
dence paper, put up in cabinets
of 50 sheets of paper and 50 en
velopes to match.. Very new,
50c sellers, specially f)f
priced, at, the cabinet cC
25c Box Paper 15c
A sale of fine oorrespondenpet
Stationery, Oxford, Onyxtone-
and Pueblo. - 24 sheets of paper"
and 24 envelopes to mach, puj
up in neat boxes for particuy
trade. Regular 25c (Jl I
sellers, priced at only XOvV
Women's $1 Elastic Belts 49c
$3 Shetland Veils for $1.98
A clean-up sale of 500 women's
Elastic Belts in solid colors or
in fancy patterns, fitted with
new attractive buckles in gold,
silver or Persian designs. A
limited quantity of yt Q
values to $1. Price TrS C
if J -si' p. , ,
'ft h:ll :ullSp
i In S3:.;' :ismm
r- !. .1. .1,. ,..-f. . --v.ll
Shetland Veils in all the newest
shades and dainty effects, full
size, long and wide. These
Veils are becoming more popu
lar every day; we price the $2
values at $1.19 f - QQ
and $3 grades at Dlt0
Mme. Helene"
Designed for Women
Who Seek Figure
Control With Comfort
The woman who goes in for the utmost
in figure control, at the same time with
an eye to the beautiful lines required
for a good effect, will appreciate the
merits of Mme. "Helene" Corsets. The
Corset has all to do with the fit of the
gown or suit. Our corsetieres are ex
perts in their lines. They understand
just what, model is best for each par
ticular figure. Our Miss Minogue
passes upon every fitting and the firm
gurantees perfect satisfaction to every
customer. Corsets fitted at your home
by appointment without extra charge.1
Great Sale of All Nickel and
Copper Cooking' Utensils
Department Third Floor.
No. 8 Nickel Tea Kettles, resmlar
$1.35 values, on special sale, 98
No. 7 extra heavy Kettles on
sale at the low price of $1.80
No. 8 ex. heavy $2.50 Kettles, $2
$2.75 Tea Ball Tea Pots, 3-pint
size, on special sale at only $2.20
$3 T. Ball Tea Pots, 4-pt., $2.40
$3.25 T. Ball T. Pot, 5-pt., S2.60
$3.25. Coffee Percolators, the 7-cup
size, on special sale at, ea., $2.60
$2.40 Cof. Percol'r, 6-cup, $1.92
$5.50 Electric Toasters, at $4.40
$1.85 CrnmTi Pan anil Rrrnr nfL
fered special at this price, $1.50
90c oval Nickel Trays, 18-in., 72$
65c square Nick. Trays, 16-in. 50
15c round Nic. Trays, 13-in., 10
$4.50 Nic. PI. Chafing Dish $3.60
$6.50 Copper-Plated Coffee Ma
chine, offer4 special for $5.20
$7.50 brass-plated 50-cup Tea Ket
tle, offered special at only $6.00
$5.75 cov. Cop. Bak. Dish $4.60
$3.25 Alcohol Stoves, only $2.60
7-inch covered Casserole at $1.00
Great Sale of Bedding', Curtains and Draperies
$7.50 Portieres $3.50 Pair
In the big Drapery Store, 3d floor, a sale of art crash Portieres with
stenciled borders in artistic floral and Oriental designs,' 50 different
patterns to choose from, all the newest popular colors, $7.50 values
special, the pair, $3.50; regular $12.00 values, special ff
the pair, during this big drapery sale, at only x)0UU
Sic rifnrtd Scrim now on tale at the special price of, yard 23
ioc nrnreci wool U names now on aaJ at special price, yard 45c
Cretonne now on aaie at the special price, the yard, 23c
Madras Curtains
Imported Scotch madras Curtains in floral, Per
sian and striped patterns at the following "prices:
$5.00 Madras Curtains, the pair, for only S2.49
$6.00 Madras Curtains, the pair, for only $3.29
$7.60 Madras- Curtain, the pair, for only S3.89
$10.60 Madras Curtains, the pair, only $6.29
Very wide. Blue, brown and green colors.
Fine Wool Blankets
$10.00 White Wool Blankets, now at only $6.25
$11.00 White Wool Blankets, now at only S6.90
$12.00 White Wool Blankets, now at only $7.50
Cotton Blankets
$1.25 White, Gray or Tan colon now for 95
$1.50 White, Gray or Tan colors now for $1.15
$1.75 White, Gray or Tan colors now for $1.35
Bargain Cir
Also Flannelettes in checks and
stripes and fancy pat-f
terns, tomorrow, yard atvC
Extra good quality in various
size checks, spe- -m f 1 .
cial the yard at 1 C
"White Swiss, assorted size dots.
$1.00 BED SPREADS 75c
Large sizes, Marseilles patterns.
cle Specials
Table Damask in short lengths
of 2 yds., 2 yds., 2 yds.,
special at $1.16, $1.30,
$1.45 the piece.
Good soft finish Muslin, extra
wide, suitable for 1 OIA
underwear, yard X L ' C
Good quality Hand Towels,
size 17x32, with red f
borders, tomorrow ea, X VfC