The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 08, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 19, Image 31

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    ' -OCTOBER 8, 1911. ' " ' - ' t- ' " .
1 II
- 1 ' -
Eight-Hour Act Shuts Portland
From Submarine Contract.
Willamette Iron Steel Work Ile
fasc to rnde-rtake Task ruder
Labor Clause One Job Yearly
Lost by Circumstance.
Federsl enactions tb.t th. r11'
hour law Is to b. applied " " co""
trsrt. for th construction of niD
martne. bar. resulted In ' to
Portland of MOO.oeO a th Wlllarnett
Iron ftel Works declined to build
on veel itdT a aubcontract from
lb. Electric Boat Company. Th
plant maintain, a nln-hour schedul
and when It wss lesrned that In mak
ing prorl.lon for tha additional iub
marine, that Congress baa Inserted tha
eight-hour clause, th contract waa re
turned East unsigned.
Bart C. Ball, general manager or
the works, laid yesterday that when
negotiations were begun with tha
Klectrle Boat Company It waa tha as
sumption that Inasmuch as tha Oovern
ment did not ln.l-t on the 'lht-bour
clause la connection with the building
of cruisers, battleshlpa and other ve.
aels of the Navy, the contractor
could fix their dally working schedule.
-Labor leaders hav gotten Into pol
Itlca and ar responsible for tha eight
hour law being made a part of tha con.
tract." ..Id Mr. BalL "It
understanding that w were to obtain
a percentage of the contracta to i be
awarded on the Pacific Coast and that
would mean tha building of ona sub
marine here annually. The cost of
each Is approximately 1400.009 and of
course most of the money -would hare
been circulated for the benefit of Port
land. Ta handle the work our force
would b Increased about per cent.
But we don't want that kind of con
tract. If we accepted and could worn
but eight boura a day other contracta
at the plant would suffer. Of course
the Oorernment has plenty of money
available and can Insist on the law s
enforcement, for It only meaas a
greater drain on taxpayers."
At Sao Francisco and Fuget Sound
submarines' are under construction and
many were Interested In Portlands
prospects of having tha distinction or
adding seadogs to the Nary, other than
the torpedo destroyers that were
turned out at the old Wolff Zwlcker
plant. Portland has the. facilities,
harbor and other requirements for
making and testing aubmarlnea. but
so long as the contraclora cannot dic
tate tha number of houra to ba spent
an the undertaking dally there Is no
prospect of an award being mada her.
Mclndoe IWIIrve City Will Sink
Mains After Urcog-tng.
-When tha Tort of Portland Commls
Inn Is ready to Increase th depth of
the harbor channel abov tha 'w-thon-avnu
brtlg to 30 fee. I ba
iler th city will Immediately lower
tha BmII Run pipelines to that depth,
said Major Mdnd.xK Corps of k.n-
ineerts U. tv A, yeaterd.y. after tn
ve.tlg.tloa of a complaint mada by
tha Tortland Lumber Company that the
eight of the rlpel!ne. prevented lum
ber camera from being loaded to
capacity. The depth there I about II
feet, and It Is desired to load vessels
to 11 and I feet at the mill.
Ther was also a complaint that a
shoal north of tha Tortland mill pre
vented Tassels from being loaded at
adjacent plant, aa deep aa d,"lrd
That was referred to the Port of Port
land. Major Mrlndoe wrote the lorn
mission to as.rrt.ln what aid would ba
given th Oovernmenfa project for a
5-foot channel from th foot of Rosa t. the sea. Tha former Com
mission ha r.prcse.i -""""
dred the- Willamette River from Its
mouth to Rom Island. If Congress
would go on record as favoring a con
tinuous appropriation.
Vtramcr -one to Re Overhauled,
llcndcx-xro Relng Stripped.
P-redcing has been completed In front
of Joseph Supple' yarda at the foot of
Kast Morrison street, so that he say
no dirricultv Is looked for In handling
any vessel that .an be accomodated on
the ways. Te ste.mer K. B. Jones Is
to be hauled out tomorrow to have
nw rr. Inner timber Installed and other
work done, that means practically the
rebuilding of the hnlL Her super
structure also wl'.l be overhauled.
The steamer Modoc. whl-h the Lewis
Hirer Navigation purchased from the
O -W. R. X. Friday, will be moved
In Taylor-street dock tomorrow, so that
ah can ba put In re.dlnesa to leave
on the run Toeertav In of the
etes trier I'ndlne. which will be Isld
up and held In reserve for serrl.-e on
tha . Astoria route. Captain James
frhaver Is proceeding with the werk
af stripping the hull of th wrecked
. steamer V F. Henderson, which ta at
tha Portland yarda A houa-movlng
firm I. encased In shirting heavy parts
of the machinery ashore and thy will
p reassembled when a new steamer Is
punt Real jfsr.
Ttr. V. Ill Re l ed Thuraday by Ne-aly
Cn I formed Player.
Arrayed In scarlet and red uniforms
the band of th Oregon Naval Militia.
It pieces strong, will make Its Initial
appearand In public Thursday when
the orsaaisatlon will participate ta the
Columbus day parade, together with
two companies of tar from tha cruiser
Boston, a squad of ploneera and an
, other it .lanaimen. Lieutenant Rlom
berg has drilled the men four times a
week, streets In the vicinity of the
Boston s berth being used for the
movements, and he says they have
Improveo wonderfully since the cruise
f the Boston to Coo Bay
Th full strength of the Portland
division will b aboard the ship today
te prepare for the 0rst annual hop.
which al l be given Tueeday evening
tha ausrterdeck. Th affair la n-
tirly IB th hands of th enlisted mil'
aad special lilumiaauons nave been ar
ranged, while the various apartments
en th ship will be made attractive for
tha hundred, af guests aspex-ted. Th
regular drill will b held Monday night
In preparation far tha parade and final
details will b lien through for tha
Independent Mul Agree Refore
Joining; Regular.
tatl! Csptalna Smith. Moras and
rearsoa adjust their differences with
Cap tains Short and Babbidg. who
with thera formed the Independent
pilots" association on the river be
tween Portland and Astoria, final ar
rangements will not be made to wel
come them Into the Columbia R:rer
Pilots' Assoctstlon. th pioneer organ
isation, against which they bare been
pitted since March IS.
Regular pilot say that It was their
understanding that Captain Short did
not seek entrance to their association
and that Captain Babbldge had rejected
an offer to Join with Smith. Moran and
Tha two "stand-bys" of tfc Inde
pendents received a message yesterday
from th Olson Mahony eleam.hlp
Company regarding th continuation of
the agreement to pilot vessels of that
line, and sen assured that they will
retain the business desplta the with
drawal of their three partners.
Captain Babbidg said he was In
search of a third man to Join. the in
dependents so that vessels In th river
and to arrive could b properly looked
after, but that a permanent arrange
ment for Increasing the forae would
not be undertaken until it was known
definitely how the present situation
would adjust Itself. From what coulij
be gathered yesterday there will ba
further competition on the river.
Cup for-Oats Displayed.
Oat growers In the Northwest have
had their attention called to th 11000
prise enp to be given by A. J. Earllng.
president of the Chicago. Milwaukee
8t. Paul Railway, by the exhibition
of th trophy In th windows of th
Frledlander Jewelry Company. on
Washington street, where It has at
tracted the gas of numerous Portland
resldenta The enp la made of .olid
silver and bear, an engraving repre
senting a field of growing oata.
Figures cf Indians, carved In brass,
adorn the .Idea Tha cup - Itself 1.
nearly three feet In height and Is
' - . Ml.atal It Will
mouiini u u -wu 1 -- -
remsln on exhibition In Portlsnd for
i ....,. fnf tha
several wee-a. v-w.., - -prise
must exhibit their oata aamples
at the American Land dt Irrigation Ex
position In Madl.on-8u.uare Garden.
New York. November 1 to 11. 111. N
entry tee la required but entries will
be accepted from growers only. The
oats must be grown In 1911 and taken
from a field of not less than one acre.
No distinction will be made between
oats grown under Irrigation and grown
without Irrigation. Information con
cerning the exhibition will be given at
the Mirw.ufcee offlc In Portland.
Marine Note.
In tow of the ataamer Ocklahama tha
schooner Hawaii left down from Pres
cott yesterday with a lumber cargo for
Chile. '
Lumber laden for Sydney the British
ste.mer Strathblane la to leave th
harbor at daylight and .h will b
followed soon by the British steamer
Arrival, of the Oregon coast f'aet
yesterday Included the steamers 0ld
en Oata and 8ue IL K.lmor from Tilla
mook and tha gasoline schooner Delia,
from Ne.tucea.
W. R. Grace Company hav char
tered the barkentlne Chehalls. now in
South American waters, to lo.d lum
ber here for Callao at 4S. Sd. Th ves
sel's rat la alx penc below th rata
previously paid.
To load additional cargo th Water
house Jlner Rygja shifted yesterday
afternoon from Alblna dock to the
Portland Flouring Mills Company,
plant, and aha la expected to aall for
the Orient Wednesday.
It was said yesterday by FTank Bol
lam. agent for th steam schooners,
that over 100 persons had been turned
,wy who sought transportation on
the steamer Tosemlte. which leaves to
morrow for th Oolden Oate.
Havtng been purchased by th Chi
cago. Milwaukee Ft. Paul Railroad
: . . - r. ,-lflo tha ferrv
Tacoma. which operated for years be
tween UoDie ana jv i- . - -
tawed to Astoria and will b taken to
Puget Sound.
Robert Dollar, head of the Dollar
Steamship Company, owning the new
British steamer noocn
arrived In Franclaco on her way
here from Kurope. has aalled for the
Orient to conclude negotlationa with
th Chinese government for subsidis
ing his line, which may operate to
When the Japaaese steamer Shlntsu
Maru finishes discharging hardwood
logs at Banflelds dock the latter part
of the week h will proceed to Puget
Sound ato load lumber for Shanghai.
The work of unloading la progressing
slowly as tha vessel has ona long
Inbound manifest, recorded at . th
Custom-House yesterday were of the
steamers J. A. Chanslor. Johan Poul.en
and Shoshone, from San Francisco. The
Chsnslon. cleared for Monterey In bal
last the Poalsen for San Franclaco to
to load dwn the river, and the Sho
shone for the Oolden Oaye with .00.000
feet of lumber.
On the completion ft a hearing to
morrow before Local Inspector. Ed
wards and Fuller of charge, made by
Captain Brandt. of tne barkentlne
Ceorglna. agsln.t Captain Sandstrom.
of tha .steamer Ocklahama. whom ha
clalma attacked him. an Investigation
will be begun Into the collision recent
ly between th steamer Ocklahama
and steamer C. Mlnslnger.
Ordere hav been Issued for th
steamer Captain Jarae Fornanc. of
th r.S. Army fleet In the lower har
bor, to be lifted on the Oregon dry
dock tomorrow for repairs. Th tem
er Jessie Harklns. which was lifted
Friday to have her shaft straightened,
waa floated yesterday and left In th
afternoon on her regular run.
Through .a mistake the British
steamer Hollopolls was reported to
rave lft Astoria Friday, but she did
not leave up until e.rly yesterday and
arrived at the Kastern eV Western mtll
Tut i
tXTHOw JfEi.l
We n aeirals aad i....tly
all e.rale eaae. X VAHITUSE
II Pis susnl a-vee sr glial
Jmix .tthsssl asjrtaes ras: e
atltfellr aasalsl avad it fre-
llhrast St I assistive reasedleai
ni mr aad mnxir
aad aU KEtTtO. ailsseaia
or t r i
W H K N A T 1 H
IIKI your
1st prtir-'-t-ersrjltsttn.
.UJ1 frx
jot. want W cnr
Com t n i4
it. o- Uswlr va
tratmMit. TM
ft thief It 1
i ft ; fn tk
ksva-la t pxti-
lat who knw hia
vuait.4. Our mr
d4 boC a ty y r
to 1'f. but lif
JTMeirta, Off.C h"UM
dairy. ! V Sva
InC, T to ft. -UJ-
tat Waahlagtaa rartlaaal. Or.
r i lit - . " v i
Consult FREE)
Serve, Bload aad Skta Allaaeata
Aad 'Kidney aad Bladder Trssablea.
V Com to m in
r.'N confidence and, let
r me snow you m
' i 'I wonderful rejuv.n-
T ,. - J?atlng and curatlv.
U - r-T "ipowera of my direct
;?Hment. Tou are
tt u n a r no
tlon to take treat
ment unless my
V charges, terms and
a r r a ngement. are
' entirely satlsfac-
My Best Refer- tory to you. Jo ln
enre Is MIT A Jurlous medicines
noLLlR SEED used which leave
BK PAID f .N- after effects on the
TIL. CURED, svstem. No deten
tion from business.
The following allaaeata are arcea
fully treated! Varicose Vela. Serve.
Blood and Skla Allmeat. Kldary aad
Hladder T r a b I e a, Bloa Polaoa,
M eakaesa. Krnplloaa, Plica, Ftstala.
WRITE If you cannot call writ
for Information regarding Dr.
Reef as Treatment.
I meet you personally, consult
with you and treat you Individually
at all times until you are cured.
Legally qualified to practice In Ore
gon. Washington. C a 1 1 f o r nla and
I la 9, I It I Dallyi SamdaTt t l-
J. J. Keefe, Ph. G. M. D.
S13V4 W .lHIr.TOS ST, COR. 6th,
PartlaadV Or,
to be lined for wheat In the afternoon.
As a result a crowd of disappointed
waterfront agents rathered at the mill
early yeeterdsy. expecting to greet the
Word comes from San Francisco that
three men on th steamer Telephone.-!
owned by th Western Pacific but prev.
lously controlled here and where she
was purchased by the railroad Inter
ests, were seriously Injured In her en
glneroom a few days ago through a
"flareback" and surgeons attending
them aay they will be disfigured for
life If they recover.
Movements of Vessel.
PORTLAXh. Oct. T. Arrived British
steamer Hollopolls. from t-n Franrlsro;
steamer Nehaltm. from ( Krancisro:
steamer. Hue H. Elmore, from Tillamook;
steamer Oolden Gate, from Tillamook. Bailed
Hrlllah steamer Strathnees. for Ul ral-
""latorla. Oct. T. Condition at tha mouth
of the river at P. M.. roush; wind aouth
east. mllea. weather cloudy, tailed at 3
A. M Ptsamer J. B. Mtetson. for Aber
deen. I.eft up at A. M. Brltlth steamer
Hellopolls. Hslled St 1 A. M. tlteamer
Hoquiam. for oan Franfls-o. Arrived st 3
Dae ta Arrive,
Kama From
Tosemlts fan Diego.
RSi Hongkong.
Beavar. ....... Han Fedro.
pus H. Elmore. Tillamook.
riAlrfan Oata. .. Tillamook.
. In port -
Braaksraler. . . Coot Bsy Oct.
Anvil Jitnoon vcu
Oeo. W. Elder. Han rjiearo. .. Oct.
Pt-sr fan Pedro... Oct.
Falcon Pan Francisco Oct.
Alitance Eureka Oct.
Tillamook t oouilte Oct.
Rose City Kid Psdro. ..Oct.
Roanoke Fan Dlnjro. .. .Oct.
kuitno Manila. ..... .Oct.
Sbednled t Depart.
Tosemlte. . . .
Golden Gate.
For Rat
. Pan Itle.o. . . .Oct. S
.San l'edro....Oct
.Tillamook Oct. t
Sue H. Elmore
Breakwater. . .
Geo. W. Eldar.
.Baodon Oct. 10
, Tillamook.. . .Oct. 10
.Coot Hay Oct 10
fan Dlrso. . ..Oct. 11
. Kan redro Oct. 14
. Fan Francisco Oct. 14
.Coqulll Oct. IS
.Rureka Oct. IS
, Can Dleso. . ..Oct. IS
Tillamook. .
Ruanoke. . . .
Rote City. ..
.Pan Pedro-. .. .Oct. ' IS
.Oct. zu
.elan us.
.Oct. SO
and left up st S'RO P. at. Steamer Ne
halam. from Pan Franclaco. Arrived at 10
A. X. and left up steamer . Elmore, from
Han Francisco. Oct. 7. Balled at 1 A. af.
Hteamers Catania and Roanoke, from
Ptaamer Ross Cltv. from Portland; steamer
Hear, trom van Pedro. Arrived at 10 A. U.
Btsamara Catania and Roanoke. from
Tortland. Sailed at 10 A. M. Steamer
Tallowatona. for Portlsnd; at 1 P. X.
a.,1TT1.r O-o tt. FMer. for Portland.
Did You Ever See
a Sick Chinaman?
C eke bra ted Cktaes Dcer t Gfva
Treat event f HI Xatlv Htttt,
ttarma aad Herts AaMlately Free.
To one man or woman In each local
ity will be given, free a proof treat
ment of Dr. Lee K. Chin', wonderful
Chines Roots. Barks and Herba. Thia
proof treatment, which kt offered with
out one cent of cost, has been used In
China for over four thousand years and
has curt more men and women than
nny known treatment now In existence.
Ta prove what this wonderful treat
ment will do. Pr. Chin le offerlna- a
free treatment ao that th skeptical
may see and th doubters be convinced.
A cured patient la a doctor's best
No mattsr how many other treat
ments you have tried; no matter how
many other doctors hav failed. Lrr.
Chin etands ready to prove to you at
Ms own espenae that his remedies will
lo the work. Sit down SO and write
Pr. I.-e K. Chin. SM Hall Safe Building.
Sin Francisco, telling him In your oa n
word. Ju.t how you feel and from
what you .uffer most. He will then
eend vou a treatment prepared to meet
tie req'flrements of your case.' and
which will convince you that you are
not In the Incurable state, but can and
will b cured. This treatment will be
sent to you In a plain wrapper with
tlie postage paid.
Ion't put this matter off until to
morrow Just because there Ken t paper
or pencil handy. Look one up now
and write Immediately. This Is VOI R
opportunity to get well. J-vaa it.
How the Quacks Work
vt a CL estVTfl-
Tfce LasmeUxus 8 rectal 1st.
t-M .aa a., v m
. -I1."f'u " -v m AV rPDW
lUt VitkOm, A. VVliuvata
la oftloa, DON'T CON a L Li Us itui
.n . .it financial
inTes." .tc: combined, and I will glv. W0lZJV? t
Watih for mv next announcement exposing how th axtra-cnarg tor
mdlcln -graft"!. worked by tha rjuackvl am in mis war again.
humbug tom. finish, and wlft b. through long a. tt.r. U
quack "ft among the advertising doctor. I believe a Physiol an h
uch right to advertise hU specialty as a bank has to "i.h 1$
liandlng. or a minister to announoe the subject of his Bunaay "fm0"' ?"
illso belfevt ?h?t to'get th. of th people ' h rtId b
first to fight agalnat qnaokery and humbut in medical advertising.
Cured in 5 Days
I cur Varlcoa Veins. Piles. Blood
Poison, ato. In five days. If an
other doctor tells you this can't ba
dene. It means only that be does not
know my methods. . Let ma prov It
to you.
impair vitality. I dally demonstrate
that vaticosa veins can b cured tn
nearly all cases by one treatment. In
such a satisfactory way that th
vital parts are pressrved and
strengthened, pain ceases, swelling
subaldes. a h a 1 1 h y circulation la
rapidly re-eetabllshed, instead of th
depreaalng conditions. I guarantee
you a cure to stay cured or refund
the money.
WMh these ailments you msy hav
mora complications than are pre
sented by any other ailing organs.
By my searching Illumination of th
bladder I determine accurately th
ailment, and by microscopical exam
ination and urinalysis I make dou
bly sure the- oondltlon of the kid
neys, thus laying foundation for
.clentlflo treatment.
Offlaa Hoars A. af. ta P. M. Saadays, 10 A. U.
Cleared British steamer Strathnalm,
Steamers Bear and Falcon, for Portland.
Callao. Oct. 4 aailea German bark
Anna, for Portland.
Bsjldoa, Oct. 7. Arrived Gasoline
schooner Anvil, from Portland.
Victoria. Oct. . Arrived British
steamer Belle of Scotland, from Portland.
tan Pedro, Oct. 7. Sailed Steamer Gan.
When Others FaU
Call and let us give you a careful,
?alns taking examination absolutely
ree. Our opinion and advice will cost
you nothing. Perhaps a little advice 1.
all you need. X-Ray examinations,
when necessary, free. No money re
quired to commence treatment, and you
can arrange to pay fee when cured.
You Can Pay
Durlnar our many yeara of active practice in
, Portlanf some unscrupulous ao-caUed epeciall.t. have invaded the city
yeara of active
, ,
,and tried to steal our methods and advercasemenis, ouw """S-T
to steal our brains, they were not able tv succeed n their dishonest
wavs- so do not be misled by them, but come to u, the oldest estab
iTsheri SPECIALISTS for MEN in th. city, who -uaranteecures, or make
no charge for their services.
Remember, vre have been here for year, are permaaeatly Jocated,
lacorpo rated and 1 1 ceased Bnder the law. of Oregoa to conduct and
aerate a Medical Iaatltate. Sanitarians and Hospital for the treatment
f Mea'a Allaaeata. Tea take ao risk when Ton treat wlth na. We are
her ta atay. aad for all time, aad y will alvraya know -where to find
va - ara sat here today and gone tomorrow. Oar staff of physician
are araduatr frosa the leaainaT college in itt l""
ltm il actWe practice frons IS to 2 yeara, and are duly qualified aad
leased to practice medicine and surgery la tbl. aad several .state. In
mtlKat ear records aad aadlag aad compare them with the other
TTrallr.1 aaeeiallst who have aaly arts ta oar city a few week ar
mnaTurrwCi hlvrjipled -or ......cemcau, w.lrt ta. sp.r.',
rsrwtll how. Beware laveatlgate! Meo, It afflicted r la 1 troi.
a a. - . 11. ..Ik. it will eost t Bathing. , will
Eliar friend a well a you physician, and will advise yon candidly,
bo.7ly aid caoacieatloaaly. Call today. Do.t delay r neglect yoar-
We Treat Men Only Cures Guaranteed
Specific Blodd Poison Cured in One. Treatment
This dlseoverv -4s th greatest boon to sufferers from Specific Blood
Pallia e w d'ScIvered! U ha. been used .ucoe.sfully in over 20.000
?1ZZ it absolutely cures in one. treatment.". No matter how long you
have been afflicted, it works like magic Consult me Pre before going
We Cure
Bladder and
S Pains. Torture. Misery.
ravel. Blood. Mucous and
Pains. Torture. Misery.
i-VTich vou do not care to trust to
, ou car
also known as Nervous Debility. Servo-Vital, Debility, Neurasthenia,
Sir II voo any .ymptoms of this ailment. uch as lose of energy
or ambftlon. vltallv, easily fatigued, dull, listless feeling, nervousness
2nd other symptomi I want you to be sure and call. I have given this
condition of mm special .tudy and-I unhesitatingly say that my treat
ment Is not excelled by any other specialist regardless of what they
mar claim - I know what I have accomplished In even th most severe
fl.IJiiictters of Indorsement are on file and there la no reason to be
f.V'Tiv. vntT slsa. REM KM BER. by calling you do
1 1 c V e ui. k a v'' - - -
not dbligate yourself to take treatment -
tf IF IS TROUBLE, COXSllT l TODAY. If you cannot call.
wt. for frea book and self-examination blank. Many cases cured at
homl Hourrll I IL to I P. M. dundays, 10 to 11.
la nj avaM - -
medical auacka. I find that ona of
tha worst features of tha quaoke la
tha employing of a "case - takr.
Tha hired "cas-taker" need not ba
lloenasd to practice medicine, nor
vn ba a phyalclan. bat If tha quaok
know a -caea-taker" who has suave
and persuasive ways to get yonr
money, h makes his patients first
consult with tha "ca-taJtar," and
tha sauna hold good with some ad
vertising "specialists."
Now. a doctor or medical "com
pany" doaa not employ a "caaa
takr" on account of hla superior
klU to give trtmat or ability
cur, but to get mora of your money.
. n to
Let your common sense .
nick up your hat and run out of a
Zftlr. it he expects you to
?do business with a -csae-taJter. It
Dr. John iwt mnounuM r ,
pars that he is qualified as a Pf1J
1st and ha. made a reputation there-
- ar.wnsaa .a,llwe f 1 TV1 lYllTLri
to nn. and face to faoe. Cut out
the dv.rtU,m,nt of the i doctor you
VilSJ sVUVvat Ugi"V
him PERSONALLY wnen yuu wui
matters. I hav mor money lnvesiea
a ao ron blood poirott.
I use Professor Ehrlich's wonder
ful new discovery. " 60S " in cases of
Specific Blood Poison. It cures, and
Is -th greatest marvel of medical
science. This new remedy ha. been
successfully ue e d in thousand of
cases. Let ma explain It to you. -
I have long been a close stndent of
th oondltlon known as weakness In
men. Sufferers from this trouble
ar nearly always told by their fam
ily pbyslolan that ther ia no help:
it it
means wornout nature, and
that soma powrf ul stimulant for
temporary effect ia the only help. I
go deeper into th causa of the trou
ble and usually find a deranged or
damaged local condition responsible.
As long aa a man lives he should b
as strong In every vital function as
he is physically constituted. I have
a scientific, powerful and permanent
treatment for weakness, which Is aa
natural and dlreot as It Is efficient.
-Why treat with irresoonelblas
when you can secure th expert
services of a responsible specialist f
See m If 70U hav any of th fol
lowing allmnts: Vartcoa Talma,
lTerve, B I a d and 8 k I Allan eata,
Bladder Troubles. Blood Fwlsosss,
rt1ae, Ulecra, File Flataln.
t 1 r. M.
234V- Morrison
Corner of Second
Portland, Oregon
eral Hubbard, for Columbia Ri ver. Sa lied'
yeaterdsy Norwegian steamer BoWl. from
Antwerp, for Han Franclaco and Portland.
Tides at AsUrla Sunday.
014S A. M....8.4 f..tjS:4S A. M....11 feet
0:54 P. U 0.0 leet7:lT P. H toot
Fee When Cured
practice in MEN'S AILMENTS In
- 4T ..ImIJaAa. ka va IffivariAn 1 n A P 1 1
Gland. Ailments
Straining. Cystitis Stone In
Straining, cystitis, c-ion in tne
all Kldnev and Bladder Ailments
the lamuy aocior. 1 am a specialist
relief ana a speeay cure.
Facts AgainstQuacks
and Fakes
By C. K- ljlOLSMAN, M. D.
' When I began my advertising
campaign against the quacks and
fake doctors, some of the "spe
cialists" seemed to take offense
at my statements. No doubt "the
shoo pinches," or they would not
try "to cover up" by boldly an
nouncing their methods of doing
business and trying to convince the
unsuspecting public that they are
the legitimate specialists' In Port
land. I repeat. I am the only
in Portland, who owns his of
fice and equipment, advertises his
fuil and correct name, publishes
his recent and true photograph
and personally conducts his office.
I do not hide under a false name
nor publish a false picture, nor
make a falsa atatement of any
My services should not be com
pared with the quacks and fake
doctors who advertise one thing
and do another who promise im
possible 6 day cures who are
often compelled to pav some un
fortunate doctor a few dollars for
the use of hi. name which Is put
forth in brazen letters as THE
erjeeiallst of the ofrice who boldly
advertise to "guarantee or
refund every dollar paidT and
many other schemes to get patients
into his office, and who. after get
ting the patlent'a money and dos
ing and drugging his system for
weeks and months, turns him out
minus his money, ruined In health,
and not a dollar refunded. These
"specialists" depend solely upon
false promises to get their busi
ness and hire Inexperienced doctors
to consult, examine and treat their
In offering my services to the af
flicted the result of 18 years' ex
perience In ailments of men I am
giving you the BEST that can be
had anvwhere. My reputation for
the past 18 years can leave no
doubt as to my ability, honesty
and integrity and should be suffi
cient to convince the most skep
tical that I am the FOREMOST
and LEADING Specialist in Port
land. I do not make false prom
ises. I possess skill and experience
acquired In such a way that nu
I dally demonstrate that Varicose
Veins can be cured in nearly all
eases by one treatment. In such a
satisfactory way that the vital
parts are preserved and strength
ened, pain ceases, swelling sub
sides, a healthy circulation Is
rapidly reestablished, instead of
the depressing conditions. I guar
antee you a cure to stay cured.
That disorder commonly known
. as weakness has for years and
(fenerations baffled th efforts of
physicians, yet to this very day a
majority of doctors, specialists not
excepted, are attempting to over
come It bv methods that have been
In constant use and have always
failed for half ' a century. They
dose the system with powerful
stimulants and tonics calculated to
restore nervous force or strength
that Is not and never has been
lacking, with the result that the
functions ar temporarily excited,
to the positive detriment of the pa
tient. Weakness is only a symp
tom caused by many distinct local
conditions and is curable by nocal
treatment only. I PERMANENT
LY CURE every case of W EAK
TREATMENT, without giving a
single Internal dose, which dem
onstrates the absolute accuracy of
my understanding and treatment
of this disorder. In years I have
not met with a single failure, and
I hav entire confidence In my
t ability to cure all cases that come
t. me for treatment. I am eaually
certain that no treatment other
'I Treat All Ailments o Men, and Cure to Stay Cured
I Offer Free Consultation and Advice
I Invite yott to coma to my office. I will explain to you my treat
ment for Varicose Veins, Hernia, Nervous Debility. Blood Poison,
Piles Fistula, Bladder, Kidney, and all Men's Doseases and give you
FREE a physical examination. If necessary a microscopical and chemi
cal analysis to determine pathological and bacteriological conditions.
Every person should take advantage of this opportunity to learn their
true condition. A permanent cure is what you want.
If you are suffering from any of the above diseases, write to me
immediately, giving me a description of your case in your own words.
Beturn mall I will send you absolutely free a diagnosis of your case
and my best professional advice as to how to proceed in order to correct
yUrMr Idee Is open all day from A. M. to 8 P. M. and Sunday, from
10 to lonlT. Ailing men out of town who cannot call should send in
the coupon below for valuable advice and information.,
c sr. Holamani Pleasesend me free one of your Question Blanks,
as I desire to describe my case to you for the purpose of taking treat
ment. If I decide you can cure me and your charge la low enough to
suit m.
Nam ......e.
Address '
Dr. G. K. Holsman
22 1 Va Morrison St., Corner First, Portland, Or.
is what you win get
if you treat with me.
Results are quick and
positive You ar
Benefited at one.
Mn who hav
dragged their cases
along for months
with som other spe
cialist are astonished
at the prompt f U
of my r m a r k a bl J, TJ
treatment. I cure Jp
Krvoua &svv
Varicosa Veins. Piles,
u n n 1 11 r Rheuma-
tlsrn Stiff and Swollen muiu, .iuney,
Bladder, etc ; .5
Blood -Ailments quick- CfiC '
- ly and safely cured by OUO
CensaltatloB Free, Write CalL
Vae Old Reliable Specialist.
Corner Alder and Second streets. En-
1 A. M. to 1 P. M. f -
A Wonderful Cure
By the Famous
Chinese Doctors
326 Vi Morrison St.
k7 ca Portland, Ur. air, ipm
m 1! -years old and have sutterea
weakness and nervousnen for three
. - .mor on mv face. AtIir3l
T wini to some doctor, but they told m.
tuT. . was Impossible to cure, so upon the
iSVici o my relatives, who bad been cured
by the. Chinas, doctors. I "t to them.
Aftef taking two weeks of their herbs and
compounded and other medicines, th.
tumor was completely cured without tne
I"nlta 'l fel sratefn! toward
ana 1 rsoommena J ' - -
A wants to set wall soon, to ro to sea
-rite to them and seeur soma meoi
il, I am .ur. wlU bring results.
J. A.
gimmermann. Albany. Or.
t--- waa known In Venice at an early
it was not unknown to the Greeks
Snd Romans. To protect the native article
I ti Importation Into England was prohibited
la lee.
,un miiina 1 1 I. 1 ...i. in .ssawwiut
f -,
' l V4 r a :
-w -
1 1
other can share It and shonld npt
be classed with the specialist who
attains the name "specialist and
name only after a few months
experience. . , .
A thorough investigation should
be made by every ailing man as to
the specialist he consults. Duty
and destiny to self and those who
depend upon you demand the best
medical attention. I have the abil
ity and can Rive you this service.
I have always charged a very rea
eonable fee, so that my services
may be obtained by any man who
sincerely desires to he cured. I
make no misleading statements or
unbusinesslike propostions- neither
do I desire to be particularly independent-
I would like to have you
for a' patient if you will come to
me on a strictly professional basis,
accepting inducements that I offer,
which are my ability, 18 years
successful experience, time-saving
treatment and cure of certain dis
eases. than that which I have perfected
can completely and permanently
restore strength and vigor.
EASES With these diseases you may
have more complications than are
presented by any other diseased
organ. By my cearchlng Illumina
tion of the bladder ! determine ac
curately the disease and by micro
scopical examination and urinaly-
sis I make doubly sure the con
dition of the kidneys, thus laying
foundation, for scientific treat
Scientific treatment only should
be used in combatting this loath
some disease. I cure Blood Poison
witn the new German remedy by
introducing it directly into the
blood, purifying it. neutralizing
and expelllner poison from the sys
tem. New blood thus formed sup
plies and rebuilds the tissues in
such, a way that the patient re
covers his normal state of health,
strength and soundness.
Many patients have no confidence
in their doctor because he demands
pay before a cure has been effected
and there are many who have been
misinformed about their condition
or through unsuccessful treatment
have became skeptical and think
there is no cure for them. I want
an opportunity to treat such men.
It makes no difference about the
financial part, as I accept pay for
my services as benefits are de
rived, when I am satisfied the pa
tient is reliable. Health is capital
at interest. I will prove my ability
to cure you before asking pay for
my services.
I Cure Men
Pay When Cnred.
Ren eral Debility,
'Weak Nerves, la-
Ainnl, Results
of exposure, overwork ansfbther vio
lation of Mature'. aaw.eiiments of
n 1 - . iiia.tid. Varlcoa
Vein, quickly and permanently
cured at small expense.
I cure such aliments as Varicose
Veins, Piles, Specific Blood Poison,
etc completely and permanen 1 1 y,
often with only a single treatment
Office hour. A. M. to 8 P. M.
Sundays. 10 A. NL to 1 P. M. only.
I'HV, Washington St Corner First,
Portland. Oregon.
The old eminent
rlnotfir etii-sa inV
disease -
iipfAMfniiv. iurh as weak
ness, constipation, asthma,
catarrh, cancer, plies, nerv
ousness, rheumatism, blood
poison, lunr, . liver, kidney
and sto-roach trouble; als-V
nrivate ailments of men and
'; j
is. )
i jSt , j , 1 women No matter who-has
h .tiJV' ., J failed, I guarantee a cure If
Snafcma curable. I have spent a life
time study of neros nu
sever.lumver.ltle. nd took post-gradual.
.n chin. I have thousands of tes
"monla.a from0 my rtM
only the moat harmless Chlnca. herbs, re
gardless of th. high price. So I can help
you. Call or write for symptom blank and
circular. Ng jgnjncmv CO.,
Uiu. iirA- W. E. cor. Alder. Portland. Or.
Englishmen are supposed to be the most
horsy-people In the world, but they are far
behind many other countries In rerard to
the number of horse, a head of population.
In thla respect Australia leads the Brltlah
Empire, there being 5 horses to every IOO