1(J - THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy. PORTLAND, OCTOBER 8, 1911. . : , I r,,v, 0rnTTMTIU. I 1HB Ml OPPOKTCXITima, 1 PrSTF.S OPFORTrNm VcnxEBB OPFOBTOTTDa f BCTM OPFOBTOITag. n'EM.-HID HOIPC-1 A Nuuru; T-nm and r.ptf T,il r -J-Dooi hm. ! !.. r farx!bd. prt. Inducing air inj fu.L Pr mw ran b I.1 for mor.t.-a. THE ,HaW-FaR IOMPANX. Four:a 81. M. 15 " ::LL-i'iii.MMie:' h-v.. laia. ro i t-moa ciui lr 5 month; aaota.r "ma t:T -room lowr furnunM r.mt si month. aull... I turn ..n.4 h.-ip:r. rootr... 10. ' a moutn; 1. IV - ifita st. .V. -W car from c.pt. n-j. wt on yorrlsn o Ita. b:oc aortft. WE a. .rl t.aullful.jr furn:s14 hwr In vanoua 4 ttrtcu In IB. '"T that ar. on! of ta. ordinal,; la. r.nr run from 7S lo 1 pr month. If ln:ri ua i hativ nrm.fw. Hi fjier "f rnmirr- r, ,R ItFST rurnhl mo4ra -rrn flat, v, b;o from E3 and ml Tabor carjln.-: IS-sataut. rxl. to ro!H - This lor oa!T. This a. fuiri-nl tar prtvat. homa Pnoe. Xaia for fur ther Information. FOR LF.Asr Mooom. fur!shi - rnn bunio at TV !llamtt H:M: Iivma-r m. flr.p.ar.. Ihre ritn. m-.o'r or t jr.ar. 4 montn. .wnr llay at 4 n N.wton ,t.. from a to a o r:xn a I rurnlhl hott'O. -ltd ltMl"fl. a-l frail troaa. trri, and arln; romp.."!, f rn:.il. lUiunf d:ara. linen, plana. c 3,xrHAPIX 4 Hr.Rtr-. 1H cnimBT of roiwmrrrt. Hoaoaa far Rrat. iu Unr. l ' Bala. lk A l C "r- 1 rooma rent : located oo Tin rt . r rieai. araam haat. rtinn!fi water la rauii: Income a month net THIS IS TlHaT TOl.- WA-NT Tott ran b-ie i.vi nl.-a little apartment hviaa ror f.-e'A. Iiva In one roureelf and Hv tt la Itae .llrr aenr apartment hae a -rva:a bath. ce and o.eaniiy far--aaad: elaara a $T a m'.nth and -Ive, ri threa rooma for yourae.f. OM.T caah ratjutred. virt k trvT -o. 33-74 Faillna B l -Id and "1 FrTB eTnTF . r.T.-r. m ho.iaa. f-.rnltur. fr ,a:a. two aie.pina rooma ", r'l!"J' r-orn. r.rpat. fine tloora. hltrh.n ''irnl, wood toa and o,l atova. rat $o Vi ; uaed 4 montria. ae.l f t all 4JO taat wrrnB at. FTvEK'v-: houa for rent, centra! loca tion. aa.b(n olatan-o. furnltura and !aa fr aa.. a:i rioma. lnclultn a .er-p-lr porch, rented, a anap. I'bona Mar- aMIl n--4- NEW Fl KNITI'RE of tha r-at S room am'ated apartment In thia clt for rheap: rnt on.y J" month. all at Eaat a'h at. Ji-Tth. apartment S; call f-r Mra mitn. BIK'IAIN HAI.E. NU-a Tirnilure la l-r.o.ia houae. rent $ food o.-at!n. furnare. la-ce yard. 4 co rle aooj. Inquire owuar. 42 4 Flan-de-. Fl'flM.HF:D n. room bouaa. cheap, 'f aold tnia w-ea; awe I location: ail conyen lancea can r'.ear 40 a month- l Lum bermen'a b'd R.ill. molern. oo.l location. 7 rooma ren:l. nl.-a carpeta oa and blrdaeye ma pa lurn'-ure. rent V: Income . leaae; pr!-a 4.. r nurnii'ir. F'R fAI.K ""heap, eompleta houaehold furniture, will a- ! any part, leaves city; home Sun-lay; Mt. e-otl car. Kara Park Kiatien &I4 a'th at. f. a.. II'IIIT-RM attra.-tlva f'.al f.r rent, mod-e-n In every reepect; aoma furniture for a a Weat slide. 10 minuiaa from Poat- erTve. Thona Main 71. 4. tt'RMTt'RB of modern room f.al ana fat for rent reol: mlnutea wa a, to bualneea renter. phono Mam boi. lati, tn at. r't'RN ITT-R E of Id roona for aale and houaa for rent at 414S Jerteraon. corner of inn. rexor.ab a prli a If taken at once, want to laa thectnr el.VI Itl'Trt furniture of a rooma. houaa ' modern, furnace beat, rent o; walklna dl.tance; 5 roorr.a now rented for ' month. Phona E. oC LB A VINO city. wi:l aacrlflca new furnltura In new .-room Bat; a loyely home; ready to mux lr-o; rholca nelenborhood. ha.t .:ock fronT Vnlon ave. S Faro at. Fl RNITTRE of 4-room apartment. ca.n or terma M E. n:h :. N.. cor. Davla. apartment t. .lony houe f.r rant, furrtllura for a.le. rooma all full: prlca reaaonahle; flrat-claaa conrt tlon Phone Eaat 14 Fl BMTl'RE of a-room r.mt; modem, fit. heat; rent ISO; Income J; eloaa In: prlca 315. Phone Main a ROOMS of furniture for aale at IV$ Waah, :.. ni reaaor.ao:a offer refused; houaa for rent Nf-Ti" and modern a-room houae for rent at a Ear rtak at ; furnltura aleo for aala. K'v at TO oak at. FOR a a I.E. cheap, eompleta houaehold fur. o-tura In 5-rr-vm cottaae: M2 Faet An kenr rMn B 141.1; rent fm.. IP it SE FOR RENT, furnltura of rooma In 7. room houae. 3 rooma rented, pay rent. U-lr-e J.-.O.V Phone Main 714. FH- furniture, a-rr..m flat. $1.M down, bat-an.-e 1 per month. 13 tilbaon at. car outh si ME furniiura fo- quick aa'a at your own pri.-a. !eavln city, home bunday. M. r:o:iaeln. -M ZA at. i'V accoupnl of leailna cli. will aell fur niture of alt-room mo.iern houae, very rrunral t'al 77 1 r-ond at. today 1IV-POOM apartment houaa for rent, furni ture for a e will leaaa to null tenant. V 4 Kaet t adiaoo yt-T aacrif,.-e on a.-oount tear'ng bul'.dlnc n-iwn. $17l furniture, rarpeta, etr.. for S o. Frneat IV!!'t, n2 t'ourh Mdl. fTRNTT"vRE of nine rooma. arranged In 5 h"ueeertria entire; cheap: leaving city. I :. Or'niao. F 1 RNItTrK of room houae for aale. har raln owner eon t" I'a ilotrln. -inilay t Monday rvrr.inf. fl to a riWF ath at. a R .n . v mo.tern fat. attractive, p'od fur r hiti rl-ae In. reaainaole. Morstnita. j'': Al.l-' Furrliur. of iVrt-im tli; rni mlrn. l mtxrr : ;tn T. M . Ih" llhrU f II IMTi'KF, ot i;-rtiiii h-iu for '; ri r" m n( h fTer 'J rr n K-tairt--. 2 r-in- for o-.nr 47 Htarh t. f rt KK .NT riiihi-rvm hu t urn it ur for m i hrp. 414 "lh mu Thon Mr- V'.kiM houia 10 rr-ni. furnltut- for Mil rV vl hou t. rn! fumltur-. for :. Kl KMTl'Kr- of iit-r-o ou4 for c- h p ! TftW5-. t. M n .'. a r. fT E r ' (" rt-nt .10.1 fuH tar- f.r Mi. 'l Ma in if-', or ..:. T 2 Ri ii I he. for rnf porti furnltu.- f-r A. ',4 F -,n !-- t 1'honf Mrh I l.iC' I-K ,'!.t! Jurrriliii' of four-room fiat, i4n? $ :' 4 '-4 Ht h pr X HHS FLAT of iwn. c.' In; prtc W-. S'J. A I i la Fl RMTI'RF .-ro-m bouM. ftV4 Co iumh't Hrtt tli- iC ROM hrui. , fum!turt for ;. 4-VS Sarti4.t C.4 aftr IS Ft "RXITV1 E of room houi 11th. Bfr u i-: r. g-ofi. Miia 4 N : . A 71C nv"0-. r:-: f.irr'wha-j. rent bo -". ri v-;n ..". FOR f ALE N':4'y f urr ta.l -V-room mnl- n rt. rrT r in. r.lunt Milo 7 J-OR SALE Furnitiirt of J room rottaf fnr tva cri-'-.iv . t t 90 N. I7t& it U LL fii-n .h1 r.-vt. rhon OrtVM .U. . Vn 1422. r-'ft 5 A 1. 1 4-rrbom tim. J!iftt. 244 T' f. nw vtnc t-v-t. r"VlTT'Rr t mlm. hou t lt. S fi4r-i i4vn rooma; a. o-t4 iBVMtment. fuT for renZ furnttur for :. b; Mrrt.n. 3Jti Tth m-.. war C tyy. Vrw iV-room f t for rnt od furnllur fcr m. No. 77 B:mont t- n vLF f 'ro on W t coaM loration Hiti'r'"ti -H- :!; r. tt:to' iT n-,l niarkot or crocrry. :i p 4.4 t. iouth. cr. 1.4vlioa T- oor 2lt NKVV itofvroom. corntr Et 4Th u4 B-l-n.Ani. Bood Ucrlcn for IVAnlvar. iSrT- 4-TitM fvi"i!!.l 4Toita-. bath, fM. yvrd. -n Pum---. la. r car. tnqulr - r Harria. 20 S Morriaon. fORR5.XT T-room houa. pan.y Ium:ihd or a. f.in:h4 o kerny t. i'h.nt Vain T-i 7 H i 4 houao rural..!. moaiix. Ca.J 17tfi at. . v 'H.I'N v'l drbCi-nr. lary ahav window. '- t-'a iK and T'.na. J"v"-int tLxroom In ttaw brick, at Utb tnd Mmon. Vain BOL ?;oK f. r-nt. 7 Wah. : w tH altar to ,,. ',-fim. ATP y Lw: Mdc I j-, . ftK f "r rant. witt. ihr- U-mf lom, (.Q r art In a. Wd ifn 1 rV.-T 1TH. nar alorriaoa, orti room 1tx40. f ra pr moniv fcaat 6374. SvR ki.NT-Ht oor-r !n tba fUj tor a-V- Iw-ta. iauxra AH 477. OraSanLo, i t.t.rw. FOR RENT Ts-slory bullrtlnr. abaat Mx i X-i. 4- I'n.on l'. North: suir.b for marh:na ihnp. arrhoui or r.pair a.iop: !.. rtiwntb; root. WAKE FIELD. FRJK CO.. S3 Fourth at. TORE In mo-Urn brlca buillln nrarlnc eornpl.llton. oo liricl aa. at Siara. op po. ta Mora.n-Atrhlar rornltura C.O. B at.ira: any frooi I0x fu up: '-ft. cetlinaa: for airnoat anr kind of burlnraa tV location .tira tria rwatoat oppor tunity of tnt In Portland: vapwlally KCKd opntn for bakery. onfrM-torry and dei lca:n. aio fo-" ar-f-?cal flitur. JluHUAN. FLEIItH Ar BoTCE. iJ AhliAtn Blu; FINFKT lot'on In Portland for hlrn claa cmfrtarla: W'aaa:nctnn traot, k'nw Uih I'nr nArtlculua. apply i AI 419. Oravonlaa. FOR RENT Two rtorv hilldn. about ffr ft. I'mol av. North: aultabla fir tnarhtna aliop. warohouaa or repair anop; leaae. reaaonablo rant- WAKKPIEI-U. FRIES S, CO.. J fourth Ptraat. IRK atara and laao.-nani oo 12ih at., ba taaan ft(rk and WaahlOfton .; Pr p-r month. Faimr-JrD-a o -13 -.in-nreui Club blJa- Pbonaa Mala A ; - :3 CHOICE JiOOM. boat .o.-alIorv. on Albart at., for mritnrr- or barter ahop: chap r-nt; wlM giv Iraaa. Apply - E1 1th North. toAMKLK rooma. on aatror.d flr-or of rm-4-a d hid.. -C 7th and Oak ata. H. P. falmar-Jonaa Co., ZLi Commercial Club b.rt-. - ".V ator and (In n-room houaa for r-nt la Funnyaida bui'.nn d;-trlct; P'andM .ot-atin; mil tor 40 par month, pfiona Tator 40 or B 121d. f OH KENT Ptora on llorrlaon at.. btwn lat and rd a'a. Will ba acnl. Aiao a cornar. Dammalar. a-1 Board oX Trmda bidr FOR LEASE. Pat loration on w.ih. at. for liquor bua nm. cloa In. AP 4'J. OrfionUr OV E-H A LF of ator. n-ar Olda. Wort man Kin, for rant. App-F W. L HartwaU. Tit Corna-i bid r Eli A I. at oraa at aa-t and Madiaon-U rrf-itv ?o to M. acrordm to aiaa. In-guir- 371 H"tncrra ava. , TCRKF. N'T ra k room In a fully aaulppad offtca. il-ln ftl4. 4a AMncton bid. Offjer-. MOST (TNTRAI.I.T LOCATED OrFtCES. Al1-n:nil alavator aar-ica; aparla! ln-du-.n-.nta on yaariy 1-aaa. SOS Swatland D.n., at a aua i - ..". bl'ITKr of 1 totttni, or alrirla. fr-iht aooom modationa. Xd floor. Phoanl bid., bib and Cab ata.; auitabla for wholaaaJa or Tr. rtl. . Z I-.Ki;K rooma In nw brick at ltb nnd (Salmon, much liaht. bniit aapactaily for ladiea' tailor, mf.. miiilnar. ate Main l . . V'A XT ED An :hlcal phyt-in to ahara of f:-a-rooma with an a.taptlshvl dentlat, ood location. AD 476. Orfontan. LAH;E. Hbt. corner offlca room on Grand tv. and Ankany; rant reaaonabla. Tbayar ruiton. 741 Slt. Room a. Main 742. TESKand avarythin eompleta In fina ulta of office, to riht party, rraaonable. olO-H-12 MrKay bid . cor. 3d and Stark. F I K VI SH k1 outaida offlc. ua f rarap tlon room, talaphona; $I7.S0.- 4..0 Wor-c-atrr bUl. F.s Ioation f r cafatarla or dairy lunoh, co.l Ira- Apply to Alaiander Land Co.. 4 North ftth at. EON PLD'V Nlraly furnihd offlra, both ohnnea and r.fnnraph-x; raaaonabla ranU Main a". A 2107. DESK room, brlitht. chaarf-il offlca. fur nlihad. front of alar-tor. f0 Hanry bid. oh KICK or da-ak room an ground floor at A ldr, near Sd at. WILL rant raaaonabla. laraa. wa!l-llhted of rica--r om, 'U 7t-3 La-.-la bid. PESKRONf at 415 Chamber of Commrf. ' l.acalla orooa. FOR RENT Fpaca In lobby of ona Of bt puriic bulldinra In city; la aultabla for c1rar stand narhar ahop. raal astata or railroad offira; 7 pr month. Apply to H. P- Palmar-Jona Co., 213 Commercial ClUh hidf. TO LaFAHf. WAREHWB AVT TRACKAGE. Will l:lld to autt tfoanta on tarma. la iVlKi, with raar alley; Eaat 3d at., h-twon Oak and Pina ata Paaa Inveat mant Co.. 120 Kront at- Phona Main "TO LEAt-E FOR A TERM OF TEARS. Fina cmar. lOOxioo, aultabla for hotal or mholaaala houae. R.X'H REALTY CO. Aldar Ft. F.R LEA. ltrOxinO. Ion term, for whola it; houaa; fina location. CaU 00a Corbatt b:-i. . Mvlw. COr.NER. be-t In city; S3 yearn; Went Sid; ood offlra corner. MIGLET BISHOP. 11- Third at. . ill. 1-naa aita for apartm-nta r offica bu.MIn; glva location T 454. Qragonlan, 9.Ao. WILL buy up-to-data baker ahop. with r.-cery and lunrh room combined, do ne line buainaa; will Invoice. CaU iu3 Lumtar Kchan. , TAILOR SHOP In ood location. - eaah bua'naaa. An Al propoaltlon. aiuO caah, must ba aoid thia weak. A 50tf, Oregon la n H A V I N two piacn a nd at cit ncaa f orca ma to a.l my rea'aurant and cheap; 2 aara laaaa: rent $4 Apply 6H Waah IPgrn Cigar Hrora. UrTTKR. a and produca ator a, iloln atru t.y run hualneaa. deliver no ajoorta. and will par you no aa than $2ftO month 1 . l-.r!lrulara R?3 Lumber Erhan". i.oC'D. an l U. patn bualneaa for any ona wno wanta to at Into tha auto bualnaaa; prira $ lerma S c-ah If ood man. A pply 11 4th it. FOR S LK Clcr a:or. located where i'.l tan atop, anap if taken at one. Call Ivor . i and 4 Monday. 2)S Commercial bio. k. Srond and Waahlncton ata JN E f brat eetabLaheil and moat reliable bnalneaava tn c.t ; ownr leavln ?lty to take car of oth-r lntTt; will bear ln- inticatinn. H Orccor-lfi-. iiROERY. ofjcara and confectioner-, daily riiili I": must aell; bat baritaln In ton; i-boiro location; can ba bad vary rheaix App:y lul 4th at. CKtx'FliV and 4sonf(ct lonary : will a ll or milo f-r city property: atock and flx-tu-ea. fj'X Call a-H RuaeeU. I'boi-e E. FK 14. LB by o-ner. payln raataurant. Ion le raaaonabla rent. ood reaaon f-.r allln ; no anta. AO 4&. Oreo- lan. ilERHANT' Turn your dead atock Ir.to taab: my n.odt-rn matboda wt.l do It with out loaa: write i.ia W. V. Rucker. a ' apecla;ia.. PortlMnd. T. WANTED Partner In oontra. Un buslneaa nettinc nt profits. 1.Vm required, U 4L reonlan. W A N T E D A od payln country butcher ahop Ir 2 youn OrntiM. K rVH?, 4- ChAmber of Oommerca. Cl'iAK and 7onfecilonar atora that la pay in mom h orr an1 aobva all ex penaea -3 Umhfr Exchange. v.'i- lei-' AK M-riHiru hu.ai. Waahlnatoa at., modern brick be 11 dm. K 4,', Ora- anlnn. K."-T Al'HANT lor In the heart of tha cuy: (ana placa. ood prtoee and loo leaaa. 4 aTl. Ore nlan. JUSINES.4 open In. prr-nta of prof Ita Ume. ie!timate. attractive, requtraa only a-nall capital to etart. K 45 L Oraonlan, Lpy wiahea t- hear (-om antleman with aicia caah to take half Interact In good roo-nln-houe. X Oreon.an- fOU n'bualneaa wanra man to keep plain accoun'S or lrta delirery waon: will p vou I A week. 5J- Lumber E.chanya. a 'm it) liL YS half Interest In old established concern dome a buaiaesa of 4-'0.iX)0 par WIN TON fl lo axcbapa for caah. reel denra' property or bonda K. 4iAi. Orao nlan. Ml NINO AND IN DC "TRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and oioer bonda boucbt and Fletcher Inr. Co. 2.6 Ao.uton. ir.iR SALE lyeworka: easy ta Kara; eaey VwbuT. C Oregon .aa, ro ?ALE The only bakery on Union ava. N -rth. Farticuiara tS onh :h- SALE 1-chair baroer abap. cheap r j.t rood buslneaa. CI North i:h. jJVy ti4 Daviaon at 20i Lawia b.d. Cir, R STAND f'-r aa; popular tranatar orDerCalint .1 J4Thtra at, LUNCHROOM. nrht and cheap at buay ' crner. Owner. N. $d at. btUCAlESrEN tor aaie. &onf nice bual neaa: raaaonMe. Q4H ?th at. LaKMMI K wl'l supply ya with all movi picture raqiuram aaia. Writ IU Oak. TALK WITH FLETHF-R. All California uu aiocaa. ftVM Alaaka Pet. A Coai 0AH : Aimeda Con. b:d A.mcU Con. trans --. . -0 III Am. Lira Acc bid 4-1 Automatia Call PlckeIl bid mki B ark Ear'a bid Coin Maciiina Potterr speciaj Columbia Kler Orchard bonds to trade tor unincumbered real estate. 40 ttvtry Tire cheap l'o (ilbaon Mfa. Co bid .WH ;ovt Stand. Powder cheap tAaaO l . e p- n trua 1 Oil luy Mtrtailna "onsl 2 2 Multnomah Mechanical Mf bid I rvt) Necarnay .lty Hvdrocarbon snap 5t pac Coal A Oas IS 2'-ft H O. Peck Auto Wheal.. ..bl baraln 2.ri for t. an a t ement ccna um , in I' -rt and Concrete Pile apeclal 1 Mi Plmonaon Flx-lt market 0000 Hkamanla G ft C bl baraaln tst. Johns OH A G .'. . . .baraln T5 L. 8- Caahler barain All other etocke and bonds: ae me be fore buyu. ; may ba iMi to do better. I W ANT Camp ha!! a Ant. 8. G. B Fldality Copper. Oort Stand. Powder. IntatnaiionaJ Refrtceratton. Omaha Tel. bonda Portland Concreta Pon. Home Tel. stk Bnds. Roes 'lty. Stmonaon Fl-It-V 8. Cashier. BIT ELLISON. B C. LOTS. SEE U& 225 Ablnton BM. 8TATIONERT. confatlonary nnd c!ar atora. rent on!y 915. with Ion leaaa; this la a dandy little baaineaa, ciaarln over fioo month and can ba Increased; tha prlca la rlht; a terms. O star and chftphouaa doin $75 day tMisineaa. yerr fine Weat 8lde location. seata c0 people, ftrst-olaaa fixtures; this p.ara la nettin over $300 month; price 1 1V terma RALPH AOCLET LAND CO.. 170 nth bl MOVING PICTURE THEATER. ONE OF THE MOST MODERN MOVING-PICTURE XH CATERS IN THB CITT OF PORTLAND; CA.PACITT 400; BPLKN DID LOCATION; A MINT FOR THB RIGHT PARTY. J. W. CROSS LET, 020 COR RETT BriLDINO. " GROCERY. Thia fine rocery, cloea In on East Bide, ood corner, located In ona of tha beat reaidenca districts In tha city; best of flit urea; salea averae $13o per day; this will atand lnveatica.lon; price 450U, own er coin Eait. HUNTER REAI-TT CO.. I' 10 -21 Board of Trade. Marshall 1777. A 8307. TWO CIGAR 6TORBK $3..d caah buya a very busy stand on tha Weat Side; atock. fixtures. CaU Mon day morntn. f7j buya a rattlln ood confectionary atore; fre-ih atock ; Una flxtura; 2 yeara lease; llvln rooms; placa for boot-black stand. K J. Geleer, 420 Chamber Of Commerce. ATTENTION If yott have $19 to $5000 to lnvcat In a bona fide proposition, backed by a company of Ion standln and hlh eat responsibility whli welcomes tha strictest Investigation, a postal to the underslfrned will secure an interview and full explanations. WALTER WELCH. Everett Apts No. 3. Ili.OO INVESTMENT 0 PER CENT INCOME. 5 months work. 7 month vacation; Western outdoor life; I have two run nln plants, can't hand la both well will aeu either. Ton't write unleaa you hnve tha money and a months yearly. Bryan Haywood, box J 77. Lamar. Colo. HOTEL EXCHANGE. 40 rooma. brick bid , hot and enld water In every room. ood furniture and carpets; clears $204. monthly; Ion lease; cheap rant; will take ood unincumbered property. O. A NICHOLS I XV. CO.. oft Pwotland Bid. HOTEL AND SALOON. Old established business; clear over 9 5 000 year: Independent license worth $-'TJrt; 80 furnished rooms; lease on brick bull din, rent $150 month; prlca tdOOO; terma E J. Oelser. 420 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE you MO.000 cash and ability to fur nish SitO.OW additional within six months? (curity given on substantial business property actually worth several times amount. Party obtalnln funds to share In manacement and prof lta B 477, Oreo nlan. WANTED T buy In tha buslneaa center of Portland tha furniture and Ion tease of a- 7.Vroom ordinary or modem .brick or atone hotel. roomln-house. or to leaaa for a number of years a common, or with all conveniences, unfurnished new bulldln. Address S 479. Oreonlaru A WELL-ESTABLIPHED msnufacturin bualneaa. well located, lncludtn electric, motor machinery and stock, must sacrifice on account of slrkness; owner agrees to as lat purchaser for one month; any reas onable offer will be connidered. OTTO S. HARKSON. 133 First Rt. CASH GROCERY. With llvln rooms; no delivery and s'rictlv cash; will clear llM) per month; $40. part cash and terms to responsible party. CaU room 815 Lumber Exchange bid. - CHANCE OF LIFETIME. A client haa a buslneaa that la jrrowln too faat for him to handle; If you want the best business aver offered see us Mon day. O. A. Nichols Inv. Co., 606 8 wet land bu. WANTETJ Party with $2000 to a a -.tut In hsndltn a land huyln and sellln propo sition, absolute security, ood Interest and large profit; wa will do the work, let your money work for you. Principals only. AH 4T. Oreontan. G ROCERY O ROC E R T. Do you want a payln rocery? no Ho nua Particulars room 816 Lumber Ex chine bid. JL'ST a w ord to the wise fellow lookln for a buaineas already establiahed , with a etn!e lady; modea-ue amount of money raqu'red; pleaae do not Inrloaa stamp for reply ; t h Is is u 01 1 .1 your invest iaU on. AM 4.. Ore-fonlr-n. TTTLL Inveat $.-.000 or more In a LEOTTI M ATE. GOING buaineas In Portland or vicinity. It must stand CLOSE INVES TIGATION. T 4.3. Ore onlan. FOR RENT Garae: moat central axaa In tha cl:y, with modem equipped na chlna ahop. too la. oil tanka, (aaolina pump, fixtures and offls furniture, etc.. for aa?e. Address AN 44, Oreonlsn. FINE LITTLE POOLROOM. 5 tables. On buay street. Rent M0. Good aro.-k of clars. etc. Nets over 85 a dsy; 84T3. N. T. H A LL. 611 Lumbermen's bid. SMALL rASH BUSINESS. On ood street; rent $25: blh-class trad: clears 8-,k0 month: trial slveu; thia la sura oor1. G. A. Nichols Inv. Co., 6od Fwetland bid 80 ROOMS, hot and coid runnln water, fur nish tns aimoal new, brick bulldln. beat location m city; caah 82TOO. If you mean buaineas call or address Proprietor Cap ital Hotel. tSalem. Or. WANTfil' Man to work la small cash busl neaa, aa owner baa more bualneaa than ha can handle alone; will pay you a eatery and profits; very little money required. 6J3 Lorn bar Exchsnga. LiVE, wall-estshUshed cloth in, hats and furnlshm oods buaineas for sale at once, splendid opportunity for the rlbt man. O 44. Oreonlan HOTEL, crntial location, new modarn build in of 80 rooma together with lease; prlca $; MM. about 140 cash required; bal ance easy terma K 44, Oreonian- W'ANTED "ashler and bookkeeper who will Invest $:00. byyin my stock In ood ro ln concern. 1 have to leave city. AT 42 . Oreonlan. FOR 8ALI3 Protlt-pavin paper and Job prlntln plant In rapldly-comin seaside town of Ore son Owner In poor health, must ee'.L Address AV Oreonlan. WANTED Competent party to open farm and exchanae department with well-aa-tabltahcd firm. Addreaa R 448. Oreonlan. W ANT to meet party who will build apartment-hone for me: ood security, on long Imm. R 44. Oreonian- IN order to ralaa money bars to aacrlflca Mi aharea my V. B- Cashier stock. If you mean business pnone Monday. Alain 4aa. un.i. tab t.0 a share for 8 shares of Pot- ter Coin Machine stock; or two at 83 R 44. Otonlan. WANTED Roomln house from owner; will pay cash If price and location are rlxhL Addreaa P. 470 Oreonlan- REAL estate, hntela leaaea. roomln-housea, j and business chuncts. 4Q2. Oreonlan blrt. J $10 BUYS store. Block' and fixtures. 8 liv ing -room a connected. Phone today C 197S. CAfH GROCERY, doin bualneaa of $-0 daily. 528 Lumber Etchanga rfoM TLETE r-stsurant plant; bargain for cash. A $547, Main 1124. WILL STILL Baoo Alaaka Pet. A Coal cheap 2""0 Atmeda Ca. Mines 4S l'"0 Camp. Parety Gaa Br S4 dn tl Co). Kler Orchard bonds 0- ln Auto. a!! ac Adv. Clock iiT Una, Intrmatl. Asbestos (Wyo.) 1 1 1 1'no Metallne Con 11 Ui-O Port. Home Tel. bond & SO per cent stock 7-H IOO Peck Auto. Wheel 2.5 HKN Sprln Tire Co. Los A) -"H 14 V. - Caehler Co cheap 5"K) lilack Easie M. & M 3a 141d Call Switch Co.. Ltd V5 WILL BUT Port. Home Tel. bonds 5.H 100 Port. Home Tel. Stock $9.30 HH) TT. 8. Cashier Co offer in port. Concrete Pile A Eg. offer Sim people's Amusement Co offer looO Eastern Ore. OH Gas 'offer W. K- DAVIDSON & CO.. i9 Lewis Bid. Stocks and Bonds Boug"t and Sold. CLEARS 3odrErt MONTH. Nice business, a-year lease on store, splendid location, will sell at Invoice; re quire 1.00 cash. 411 Henry bid. SPLENDID BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Have contract to sell lare tract of the best fruit land In Oreon. This land is divided Into ten-acre tracts and can ne sold on easy paymenta within WJ days. lvn a profit of over $30.00. want partner with $1Xm) to Join In operattn this sale; expenetice not necessary; have successfully handled sales of this kind and thorouhly understand the business; have good furnished offices to operate from; this Is a splendid opportunity to et Into a safe and payln ouslness; can aecure other ood contracts when this one Is disposed of. Address T 7S. Oregonlan. 6OBER. reliable man. handy with tools, will In to work and Invest $f00. can et lare Ufa In tercet In one of the fasteat one?,, earners In the U- S. and Canada. Will brln you lare dividend every year for life, and If you can devote your time to the business will earn you over 1200 per month; Inside or outside work, as you choose; no saloon or drlnkln men or hot air promotera wanted; only men that hv their own money to Invest and take an active part. Flea. ae lve your phone num ber G 475. Oregonlan. GROCERY STORES. Located In different parts of the city. some with 8, a, b. 1. 30 llvln rooms In connection: some modern flats; rents range from $12 to 8o per month: pricea from 8S(K up for the best places. SEE OUR LIST. B. A Crandelle. 7ul Teon bid. HARDWARE BUSINESS. Country town; no competition: will sell at Invoice, give terms on part of It: doing over 81rO dally business. Particular room 815 Lumber Exchange. RESTAURANT. - Trendy place with 6 llvln rooms, long lease, rant 81-S; clears lf0 per month ; owner wanta to retire and will take all exchange or lve terma O. A. Nichols Inv. Co., 506 Swetland Bid. LOO KIN a FOR A GOOD BUSINESS? W'e have a-'d money-making country stores, from $Jh0 up; hotels and all kinds of legitimate business which will stand jour closest Investigation. V. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. DON'T OVERLOOK US. We have listed at the right price near ly any kind of BUSINESS CHANCES that yon could wish. Come In and let us show you how well we serve our customera BLOCH REALTY CO.. 208 Alder SL PARTNER WANTED. If you want a half Interest In a cash buslneaa that will pay you $3 per week and you are not afraid to work, look this up; $.to required. Call room SIS Lumber Kfhar f bid. ON ACCOUNT OF THE RAPID GROWTH OF PORTLAND. WE ARE COMPELLED TO ENLARGE OUR BUSINESS; WOULD LIKE TO GET INTO COMMUNICATION WITH HOME GENTLEMAN WITH $12, 000. AF 4M, OREGON! AN. MOVING-PICTURE THEATER FOR SALE. Beat location on Columbia River. $2.t0 caah. balance. 8-n0. terma. Everything complete. Address B. L. Nutt, Rainier, Or. A SNAP ON- ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS Will sacrifice one of the best cigar and confectionery stores In the city, located on prominent street and transfer point, clear ing $300 a month, $1500 cash will handle. D 42, Oregonlan. , WANTED Party with $750 to own and operate the best paying proposition In Portland: $750 to $ltoo per month possl- tele. For personal Interview address D 48", Oregonlan. BOAT-BUILDING SHOP. Best location on Columbia Rtver, $7P0; $320 cash, balance terma Address E. L. Nutt. Rainier. Or. PARTNER wanted In old-established real estate and buslneaa chance office. Thia la a good opening for the right man. T 455, Oregonlan . POOLROOM OWNER wants steady man to look sfter cash and customer aa partner he will guarantee you $200 month. 523 Lumber Exchange. BIG snap V 8-room hotel with dining-room, lobby, two stores, cheap rent, long lease, must .be sold at once. Terms. 4u2 Ore gonlan bldg. CAN use $3oo to $10,000 In manufacturing concern; will double the money In 90 days for anyone advancing amount; can secure the Investment. H 423, Oregonlan. ROOMING HOCSE9. APARTM ENT-HOUSE SNAP. 124-room modern corner brick apart ment house, elegantly furnished. In swell location on West Side; long lease: rent only 8580 per room; suites all rented at good prices, netting owner over 8500 every month; price for a quick sale only $12. 000; $6000 handles, balance monthly at 6 per cent lterest. For further particu lars .call on the realty dept. of C F. PFLUGER A CO., Bulte 12 and 14 Mulkey Bid., cor. 2d and Morrison. (Established 1S0. WE WANT AND HAVE BUYERS For furniture of bouses ranging from 15 to 30 rooma We can make quirk cash sales for houses ranging from $500 to $2500. Phone us and we will call. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. 61" Teon Bid. Fifth and Alder. SHOULD GO QUICK. 18 rooms, all new furnishings, good lo cation, lease at moderate rent; this make a good home and will easily clear $05 to $75 per month ; can bo handled on easy terms. Price $1150. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 81-ir ABINGTON BLDG. $150 CASH. 0 room e, eorne r, n l ca yard, good loca -tlon, rent $40, all rented, housekeeping; a fine home with neat Income; you can psy $150 down and balance out of earn ings of house. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., ill U anru D! H af ROOMING-HOUSE. 82 rooms, all full, clearing- $J30 monthly; one block from Post office; brick building, steam heat, run ning water, baths, small amount of cash will handle this. Apply to owner. Lewis bldg., room 1. " HAVE GOOD live customer for good fsmlly boarding house; must be good furnishings and good central location, on West Side; want from 25 to 30 rooma DIETZ-MUELLER CO., 1 ABINGTON BLDG. 14-ROOM houae. alwaya full, good paying, ten ante, f umiahed complete, housekeeping and aleeplnc-apartments; a rare chance to secure a good home and buslneaa. Call A 5-iA or by appointment at 675 Couch at 18th. AFORCED SALE. 40 rooma. new furniture, running water in all rooma; clears $3-r0 over all ex penses: this is the best buy In Portland: this can be bought tor $2u00 down; easy terma AO. 42. Oregonlan. AN honest bargain, well furnished 15-room houae. rent $t5. income $15; clears $i:5 monthly, near poetofflce; am leaving city; must aell at once; no agents. AT Ore- g on Ian. APARTMENT-HOUSE. 94 rooma. Washington St.: long lease; mtnev-makcr; take $4000 In trade. 213 C hamber of Commerce. American Truat Co. GOOD substantial furniture of 11 rooma; Income $130. rent $00; $300 will handle; also 0 rooms, H. K., $100 puts you In possession. Call owner. forenoona. 854 liith. A 4297. ANYONE wanting to get Into a real lWe established business, clearing $2uO. for small sum of $1500. snfl will make terms to suit buyers. AK 4a0. Oregonlan. jL pay caah for rooming-house, 90 to 50 rooma; muxt b barraln and from owner on ly. M 470. Ore o n la n. XX'HOUSEKEEPING-ROOMS, will make a good home; nice Income; close Id, West S.de: 8o50. terms. 402 Oregonlan bldg. 12 ROOMS, fine location, good proflta, nice vard; terma or trade for larer houaa. By ow ner. Marshallliq: WANTED Sa'ob r restaurant; must have laae and be centra I y located. U 42. Ore gonlan. 30 ROOMS, transient house, down town: Ion lease: clara $3K; fine buy. 218 Chamber Com ma roe. a ROOMS, oak fumtlura. wood home. In come SAO; bualneaa Jntereete eleewhare; pr'.ie t4.'.0. tma. X 497. Oreconlan. WANTED Ronmlnir-houB., 30 to 40 roma; muat ba reaionahia, terma. Main FURNITUBE of 7-room flat. 160. Eaat 4015. ROOMLNO-HOU6B fr aala. $1275: $24 caaa. balance on term a. Fnona M Sua. FINE GROCERY. Located In paved district, on a oid corner, atock Is new. fixtures are new and consist of showcases, electric coffee mill, meat cutter, shelving and everything you need in a store; good horse and wagon; lnrge basement; good monthly sales: rent 8JW per month; price 8-iO0; will exchange for 'rmjrNTER REALTY CO. 2i3 Boh rd Tra d e. Marshall 1777, A 3307. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGAR STANDS. SPECIAL BARGAINS. - Weat Sid- location: rent: 2 years lease; $20 to 8-J- every day; 8S-V. West Side transfer station; 83. a day busness: In the center of the city: good lease, reasonable rent; 500, $1500 cash, balance In trade, . West Side: 10 rent; close In: ood fix tures, good-size stock; does nice busness: 87 "0. West Side: long lease, $9 rent; $30 to 8R0 every day; most prominent transfer station: living rooms In connection: fur niture and furnishing go with this at 830OO. B. A. CRANDEI.I.E, 701 YEONf BLDG. INDEPENDENT HOTEL BAR FOR SALE. A snap, onlv 83VOO for $5000 bar; $.400 CASH will handle, balance to suit buyer WITHOUT INTEREST: rent $75; 8-year lease, license paid to Dec. 21. This Is In a hotel always filled with guests. An old landmark. Cash register shows $250 re ceipts per week and the Winter season records have shown over $300; unless you can pay $2400 cash, don't bother me. C 483, Ore goniaii. RESIDENT manager wanted for local con trol of tha Wllllamaon Electric Flexllyte. tha raw portable light containing an ex tenelon cord which can b. unwound and wound np at will:- you muat have a email capital, open an office, handle agenta and e. th. trade on new plan deviaed by u. Tha Flexllyte aella In every electrically IlKbted home, in office,, faotorle,. among aalesmen. actora touriete. etudenta. doc tor,, nuraea. etc. It la an opportunity for a man who wanta no limit on what ha can earn and who can give the ntgn eat reference,. Addrea, U A. Williamson Co.. 2.1 Broadway. New York City. THE PLANT of the Tacoma Mirror A Bev eling Co. la offered for aale by tha under signed aealgne to the hlgheat and beat bidder. It la .quipped for mirror, art glaaa. beveling, bending and other glasa worlc and offera an exceptionally fina op- fiortunlty to an experienced man in that Ina of buslneaa, with some capital, to get a plant below coat and In a field which can be greatly developed. For further nartlrulara addreaa Guy Lyford. a!gnee, 12 Bank of Calif, bldg.. Tacoma. .r,00l J50OO THE EXCEPTIONAL, OPPORTUNITY. TO A MAM WITH SOME BUSINESS EXPERIENCE. ABLE TO SUBMIT FINANCIAL, PERSONAL, REFERENCES. WE 'CAN OFFER AN EX iCUTIVX SAL ARIED INTEREST IN DIGNIFID PROS PEROUS BUSINESS WITH LARGE AS SETS AND OF UNQUESTONED STAND ING. CHAS. RTNfTT.ER A CO.. 211 LEWIS BI.DG. MOVING PICTURE SITES WANTED. If you have vacant property In Port land suitable for moving-plctura show we will take long lease and pay good rent for same. Further particulars. NEW TORK FILM EXCHANGE. CVs Washington St. Phona Main S45. EUROPEAN capital: alliance established European banks supplies capital for sound enterprises all sorts and substantial sire, corporation stock and bond Issuea under written, bought or sold: railroads, mining. Industrial desirable propertlea purchased. Correspondence Invited. Tha International Bankers' Alliance, 48 Mark Lane, London, England. X. T. HUNTER, advisory American cor respondent for foreign and underwriter England, France, Germany, Holland and ' Belgium: electric railways, public utilities, water, timber, industrial and mining en terprises: approved bond and stock issues placed with European bankers and their underwriters procured for corporations. ftOO Broad street. Newark, N. J. WANTED One or two good, sober, indus trious men to Join me in incorporating a ' company to manufacture a well-known household article of great merit, one that la Indispensable In the Summer months. Call Sunday afternoon or I o'clock any evening except Saturday. 147 H Sd ac room 18. COMB TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD. - Agents wanted In Paelflo Northwest. Pacific Mutual Life, 43 yeara old. r2 millions assets. Wa loan money. B. H. Ward, Mgr., 712 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE. Best-equipped cafeteria and restaurant In tba city; good location, good lease; good reason for selling; Investigate; will sell, 1-3. H. 2-3 or all to the right man: no reasonable offer rejeoted. AN 485, Oregon la n. SPLENDID opening for a drugstore, bank, shoe cobbler and harnessmaker at Maupln, Oregon, "on the Deschutes." J. W. Cross ley, 519 Corbett bldg. YOUNG MAN. STRANGER. Make careful Investigation at expenf ef seller before you Invest money In any proposition. Advisory Department. T. M. WANTED Party with 310.000 to 120.000 to take over controlling Interest in estab lished Oregon Industrial enterprise, in cluding presidency and management; main ofTIca Portland; will bear close Investiga tion. AJ 470. Oregonlan. PLUMBING AND TINNLNG BUSINESS. Live valley town, established trade. WI11 aall all or half Interest to aober, rellabe man. Thorough Investigation: will Invoice No agents. F 4G7, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Stock In ona of best manufac turing plants In the city, running at full capacity; management of business goes . with It: this will stand moat rigid investi gation: mlaht consider part unincumbered property. Ferguson. 1:31 Worcester bldg. BOWLING ALLEY AND POOL ROOM. 4 pool tables. 2 alleys, all In good con dition; $4.1 rent and long lease; J1000 mkes both places or will sell separate. B. A. CRANDELLE. 701 YEON BLDG. IF you are iouKmg for a business opening, call on us. We will eee that you tra lo cated rlht: no charges for full informa tion. Klnnev A stampher. B31-2 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark ata. CONFECTIONERY AND DELICATESSEN. $22 rent, 3-year lease, excellent location- over S20 every day; good stock on hand; $MlO. B. A. CRANDELLE. 701 TEON BLDG. 1-S0 BUYS ona of the beat grocery stores In city; cafeteria In connection; S llvlng roims: lease: rent only $40 for the whole iiuslness: clears 97 per day. HVil.KY A H1SKUI, 1 1 mra pi. WISH a sensible party. JSOO up. In coffee roasting business. No competition. You control money. Big field. John Walsh, Walla Walla. Wash. CONFECTIONERY" AND LUNCH ROOM. $35 rent; 3 living rooms in connection; over $20 every day: $M0. B. A. CRANDELLE. 701 YEON BLDG. WANTED Partner with t?0O to take half interest In business which will clear IT.OO per month. This Is no fake. Investigate. AB 47S, Oregonlan. CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY. On Washington St. Rent 2o; trade $13. Clean and good: 7.10. N. T. HALL, all Lumbermen's bldg. HAVE .1000 acrea Oregon land, am practical farmer and stockman; want to meet par ties with object of forming stock com pany to develop land. AF 490. Oregonian. 2S0 GROCERY STOCK. S2S0. Rent Including fmurea $16.30. Stock Is all you buy. 230. N. T. HALL, fill Lumbermen's bldg. SOLID grocery, lease. low rent and sales guaranteed to be fS.100 a month. Rare chance. Call 243 Stark at. WANTED IS0O In most atrtactlve manufac turing business that will net good profit In a month. AO 476. Oregonian. REPAIR shop, partner wanted, will pay 4 day, requires no experience and very lit tle money. l-ail z.l ciara COMPLETE feed mill machinery for eaJe at a bargain. L. Boyer, 1024 Board of Trade Diag. POOLROOM, cigars, etc.. want reallable partner, have extra nice place, good trade. S4oo required. ' a.i cv.i. .i- GOOD paving grocery store, good fixtures, fresh stock, cneap rent, horse and wagon; I'll a. pai. y.j. -"o HOTEL In manufacturing district of Port land, rnone y mwi awu 1 NIGHT watch beat for sale. Price reaaon- able, AB 4ig. uregonian. - TAILOR business for sale on account of sickness: low rem. j.- I .aim WANTED To buy. moving picture show. not in ibis" t - - A POPCORN WAGON. o0. S64 Eaat Taylor : . , M T,Kn. 11172. au r - RESTAURANT for sal., doing good business. r'i 240 Salmon a- GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK. This is an old-established paying busi ness located in a thriving railroad and river town. Good clean stock, which will Invoice between 5i and ttOn). Salea average $2000 per month. Ptesent owner has conducted this business for nt-arly 20 years and made himself independent and now wishes to retire. Long lease at very low rental will be given on the property. Wni sell at invoice. Favorable terms will be given, or good unincumbered Portland property taken as part payment. This is aa exceptional opportunity to get a good business. Fullest investigation de sired from parties meaning business. HUNTER REALTY CO., 223-5 Board of Trade. Marshall 1777. A S307. WANT TO BUY. J1S00 TO $5000. WE HAVE SEVERAL CLIENTS. KEEN. SHREWD BUSINESS MUX. WHO WISH TO ENTER ACTIVE BUSI NESS IN OREGON IN FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS LINES THAT ARE WILLING TO STAND INVESTIGATION. CALL AND SEE US. YOUR BUSINESS WILL NOT BE PEDDLED AND INFORMATION WILL BE KEPT CONFIDENTIAL. CHAS. FIXCLER CO.. 211 LEWIS BLDG. 50 PER CENT FROM DIVIDENDS. Write me ahont best gold mining of fer ever made: pay for half your stock now. We guaraniee payment of other half from dividends. One mill running, grinding out gold, building five more; profits should be $2100 daily when com pleted: full reports and positive proofs sent free. Address John Butler. Jacob son bldg., Denver, Colo. POOL ROOM SPECIALS. Down town, 3 tables, nice fixtures, good stock of cigars and confectionery; bargain at S14O0. Three pool tables, one billiard; long lease, low rent; dandy location; snap. $800. Three tables, waiting-room in connec tion: good transfer corner; good stoc of cigars and confectionery; $12.'0. terms. Four tables, on a good corner under a rood hotel: long lease, low rent; excellent fixtures, big stock of cigars and candles; b!A-' CRANDELLE. 701 YEON BLDG. GOOD-PAYING livery business Willamette Valley town, BOO Inhabitants, good stork and rigs, hay and grain; Invoice price; good lease on building. For further infor mation call on or addresa W. H. Savage, Corvallis. Or. $1000 CASH and some secuitlea will put yoit in poaaeaslon of a fine stock of goods and honest paying business; stock Invoice about $4000: am going onto a homestead; will trade for good farm stock. W 426, Oregonlan. "BOARDING AND ROOMING-HOUSE. 10 rooms, close In, located right for good steady trade: receipts over $2UO per month; only $20 rent: piano and all goes. This Is real good; $575. B. A. Crandelie, 701 Yeon bldg. FOR A FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS IN VESTMENT In any line It will pay you to look up BERNARD A. CRANDELLE, 701 Yeon Building. FOR RENT Business rooms in new Elks building here; centrally located, fine quar ters, steam heat, any size space, good lease. Addreaa Campbell-Fellman Co.. Eu gene, ur. 3.. A 1 . 16 rooms, close in. business center, clears $4."0 to $f00 month, lease, beauti ful furniture; $1700 will handle. 213 Chamber or commerce. FIRST-CLASS confectlo-y In the thriving town of Gresham; ca-.-y-makers' tools; must sell .as I am leaving for the East; price $1200 cash. Geo. P. Parker, Gresh am, ur DAN 1 J X SHALL imuttii. 3 living rooms. Rent $25. Lease. No com petition. Trade $S a day. Clean stockand good fixtures. Will Invoice about $1000. N. T. HALL. 611 Lumbermen's bldg. Hob CASH, delicatessen; receipts $18 to $40 per day; West Side location: one of the best; cheap rent; fortune for the right PI"hIGLEY & BISHOP, 132 Third St. CAVADA wants manufacturers, capitalists and live men: Winnipeg offers greatest combined money-making advantages: business facts free. Chas. F. Roland, com m lssloner. Winnipeg, Canada. RIVERSIDE HOUSE. 1054 Macadam road. 40 rooms furnished, fcr rent or for saie, eaay terms. F. Dayton, owner. 194 First St. SOLID business for energetic man. able to Invest $.'.00 with services, will pay $13S a month now and can be Increased. Particu lars 24V, Stark St. ; DRUG STORES I make a specialty of sell ing drug stores. I have several good lnl.u , eo,-L-.A af rum ah. paying ones. iiu' . ' .V " dress W. E. Berry, care Rowe at Martin. FOR SALE At a bargain, one of the best restaurants and confectioneries in the country, doing good business: no reason able Oirer retUSea. U mtgoma". SALOON tor sale, with Independent license, modern fixtures, near Washington sU heart of the city. American Trust Co., 213 Chamber ot Commerce. OPPORTUNITY for energetic man used to farm produce; requires small investment; will Day $100 a month salary and share pronLB. jatm-"' .. FOR SALE Largest book, stationery and school supply house In Los Angeles; es tablished "5 yeara Address Wm. Kelder. LOh6- g.acti. v-oi. BUTTER and egg business; will sell rea sonable; this clears $250 a month, after Saying all expenses and you can try It efore buying. Call 248 Vj Stark St. " CASH GROCERY STORE. West Side, 7 living rooms. Rent $40. Trade $25. Invoice about $9o0. N. T. HALL, 611 Lumbermen's bldg. WANTED Good man with some capital te extend business; beat moneymaker ever offered; protected by patent. 804 Division BL, CUllWt XUVM- CIGAR STAND. Good lease: only li rent; $15 a day i i . t'jii B. A. CRANDELLE. 701 YEON BLDG. FINE new brick apartment. West Side, walking distance, for lease on favorable terms. P 47.", Oregonlan. $120 CASH for bakery, candies, fruit and cigar store: rent only $15; $ years- lease. 747 Northrup street. FOR SALE Harness and shoe store; also re pair shop; .write for particulars. AV 502, FOR SALE Bar. 7 months' license and one of the best locations In the country, 7 . r .179 Oree-nnlan. miles n wuj. .... " FOR SALE S shares Potter Coin Machine stock, bargain for quick .lie. Address . T..1... T-h. roll.s ir rt. ij. Qrtaci. .. w FOR SALS Poolroom and eisar stand, bar ber shop and shooting gallery attached $450 BUYS a prosperous light lunch, deli catessen and home bakery store: a good i. Phnn, nwnpr. Tahor 34So. mauri -jnoim,. . ........ - -. - Jl MONEY-MAKING proposition for indus trious man; out-of-town territory. 88 N. 3d St. fiALOO.N independent license, heat, business district, good lease, no brokers. AM .70. O re gon lan. STOCK" of groceries at Invoice, about $350, new eooas. 3 living rooms with store, rent 1,S0. L Oregonian. CASH business, "eat Side, profits S dally; long lease. Investigate. Call 3u3 Lumber Exchange. RESTAURANT for sale Rent $fl0; lease; if taken this week, Z months" rent free. F 474, Oregonian. CASH GROCERY, confectionery snd no tions, cheap it taken at once- Wood lawn So. 373 On of the neatest little restaurants lu citv; West Side; clears $7 per day. HIGLEY & BISHOP, 132 Third St. ft ArV.1 run DAU. Prominent corner. 6-year lease, rent very reasonable. Inquire 23 Yamhill gt. FOR &AL.IS i-atge restaurant and coffee house. chap rent. 35 steady customers; easy terms. Apply 187 Front st. - "WANTED Lease and furniture 40 to 60 room hotel; must be good commercial point. W. H- Lu craft. Payette. Idaho. 3 GOOD steamboats and a good business for sale; going out of buslneis on ac count of sickness. AV 544. Oregonlan. tiT'TCHER shop for sale, rent only 510 month, doing $40 a day. Call at 103J E. 11th at. North; take Alberta car. FOR BALE Good-paying saloon. Indepen- Fnt2Il97't u-iTED Baker, married, good proposition, no capital. Addres. box Sal. Ontario. Or. FOR SALlv Cleaning and pressing place for sale cheap. T 470. Oregonlan. COSY little poolroom and cigar stand; good tmsi n esa xr - HOTEL and bar for sale: good location; 100 Hr. Kt in town. C 491. Oregonian. FOR SALE Poolroom at Lents. C 402, Ore- gonian. TWO-CHAIR barber ahop. 2S3 Hawthorne ave.; lor saae. TiARRER SHOP at your price. Investigate. Call au ,-;. . ttn for cash grocery business. Can't beat $525 for casn ft'" T,1T-h- Exchange. It. ODg .--. BUILDERS. CONTRACTORS. AT LYLE We need someone to put up several mall , HOVSES AT ONCE. The best chance for speculative build ing, as the old town is to be REMOVED tn 30 days. ,Se Mr. Lehman about It. KEASEY, H I" MASON JEFFERY. . Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LEARN the real estate business Send fr our free catalogue describing our Instruc tion course in the practice and law of the real estate business. We furnish students with complete real estate equipment "and co-operate with them in selling and ex changing properties. Write today; Na tional Co-Operative Realty Co.. th floor Paciflo building, San Francisco. Cal. SALOONS. INDEPENDENT LICENSES. For the most selective line of saloon buys In Portland you had better make it your business to see us. We have been able to corral 13 independent licenses and prices range from o000 up. Some have In dependent leases. If you are in the market for a saioon. get in touch with us at once. B. A. CRANDELLE. 701 YEON BLDG. WE HAVE a limited number of shares of stock we will Bell In $5(K) blocks or more; a good investment for lady or gentleman; your Investment will net you from 10 per cent up annually; $o0(0 Invested will make vou an officer or director; indorsements from largest dealers In Portland. Address for Interview, Steel Company, 1804 E. 10th street. FOR SALE: Drug stock and fixtures: will invoice about $5000; located in good wheat .country, in Eastern Washington; doing better than JS.SOO business a year; the only drug store in town; well established trade and good prescription business; also have the Rexall Agency. Will sell or lease building. AV 565. Oregonian FOR SALE General merchandise store do ing monthly business $1700. located on Co lumbia River and R. R., factory site, pay roll $3700: clean stock, -good building, cheap rent; this Is a Rood business and strictly square : best references: will in voice $.800. all cash. AV 574. Orego nlan. SKATING RINK and dance hall, only hsll in town of flOOO. property and business for sale, including piano, skate, phonograph, old-established, clearing $loo per week; Investigate this. It is a good business; price 13000, terms. H. Dreths. Grants Fass. Or. IF YOU have J.M100 and up to invest in a steel mfg. company, incorporated, and have the ability, you will be made an officer of the companv; a fine opening for the rtRht man. Address, full particulars, AL 4,7. Oregonlan. FOR SALE A complete bindery and print ing plant doing a good business, which can be doubled; in the liveliest city on the Coast; no competition; a snap for somebody: reasons old age. F. G. TEFFT CO.. Aberdeen, Wash. BEST location in Oregon for hardware busi ness. ir..000 stock for sale. 1-3 cash, bal ance out of sales; good stock, fine busi ness and a money-maker. If you want a money-making business, investigate this. C. C. Rushing, Aurora. Or. GROCERY One of the busy downtown streets: long leas? and cheap rent; busi ness between $-0,000 and $25,000 a year. Will sell at invoice. No bonus askad for the business. Takes $4000 to $5000 to buy this snap. G 466. Oregonian. WILL put you in exclusive, big paying man ufacturing business; staple article, fac tory complete $300: no experiment, no risk, absolutely sure, permanent, legitimate and money-maker. Write Unity Manufactur ing rCo.. Los Angeles. WANTED Young undertaker with acme cash, to take an active interest in a well established furniture and undertaking business; must have best of credentials. Address Paul B. Thompson, Dayton, Wash. TOR SALE Restaurant clearing $200 a month, with a 4-room modern flat, 6-year lease, over 25 meal tickets out, in Port land's best suburb. Rent only $20 per month. Box 577 Lenta FOR SALE or exchange for clear real es tate First-class granite quarry and rock crushing plant, granite equal to Vermont granite for monumental and building pur poses. Address AV 6 IS. Oregonian. FOR SALE New 26-room hotel, building and fixtures, in hustling town, doing good business. 35 to 40 per cent net per an num; price and terms right; investigate. AV'503. Oregonian. SALOON FOR SALE 8 years' lease; rent. 1 i gh ts, water, porter service, $80 ; average $40 day. Connected with 100-room hotel, always full of roomers. Price $3500. Snap. Grab It. B 475. Oregonian. DELICATESSEN, lunchroom and light gro ceries. West Side, good corner; must sell account of sickness; good place for two ladies of man and wife; $300 cash, balance terms. Phone Main 737S. "WANTED A live, energetic business man ager with $.".000 to take charge of- a man ufacturing concern which has a eompleta monopoly and will stand a searching in vestlgatton. C 494, Oregonian. CAPITAL required to finance greatest elec trical household necessity, without com petition; no promoters. AL 425, Orego nian. WANTED To buy the lease and furniture . of a first-class European hotel; must b a money maker and contain at least 150 rooms. AV 525. Oregonlan. IF YOU are a mechanic and have $10VH) and up to invest, we can give you perma nent work and good salary. Address Steel Co., 1!j04 Jfi. lutn st. FOR lease FIrst-ciass fully equipped wire cut and pressed-brlck and tile plant, 100, 0fK brick capacity per day. Address AV 616, Oregonlan. FOR LEASE First-class granite quarry and rock-crushing plant, granite equal to Ver mont granite for monumental and build ing purposes. Address AV 518, Oregonlan. FOR SALE or exchange for clear real es tate, first-class brick and tile plant, cost ing $75,000, nearly new. Address AV 517, Oregonian WANTED Real estate firm to take half of downstairs office; rent reasonable: fine location. C. Dodge, 00 5th st. Phone Main t476. CIGARS, confectionery, shooting gallery, fur nished rooms; cheap rent, lease. Price $700; easy terma 1015 Board of Trade bldg. MOVING-PICTURE show; will guarantee net profit never less than $50 per week; will give trial; $2500 cash, bal. paymenta L 43S, Oregonlan. FOR SALE At a bargain, cleaning and dyeing establishment; must sell at once; going east. CaU 553 Washington street. M 8390. ONE of the best small restaurants in Port land; sales average over $50 a day. rent only $40; rheap at $1600. G. A. Rasper. 410 Ablngton bldsr MAKE a store pay for orchard and good living; $1S50 will buy store, heart of rich fruit district, end make you independent. Address AK 4t2. Oregonlan. GROCERY store for sale, situated close in. doing a cash' business; good reason for selling; Bell cheap for cash. O 4j, Ore gonian. CLEARING LAND We want to let contract for clearing 100 acres of land near Port land. For full Information address D 486, Oregonlan. REAL estate and business chances, every description bought, sold or exchanged. City or country. Call or address 503 Swei land bidg. j IF YOU BUY 160 acres near Long Beach. Wash you will secure an exceptionally profitable investment. Allow me to prove It. P 474. Oregonian. WANTED to" rent, a pool hall In a good location; will buy a small stock cigars, mharpo or will run one on a per cent. Address' P. Q- T 224 14th st., Astoria, Or. MOVING PICTURE theater for sale. Best bur in Western Washington. Partnership disagreement reason for selling. Will stand "loeest investigation. AV 571. Oregonian. QUIT rubbering and buy grocery. Invoice $.400. for $lb00. Great snap. 303 Lumber Exc hange. OFFICE business. $35 weekly profits. More if you work. Legitimate. 803 Lumber Ex change. AUTOMOBILE business. chance for ener getic man: profits large and requires very fittle money. Call 246 Stark st. YOUNG attorney desires to buy interest . in law partnership; would leave city. AK 441, Oregonian. BUSINESS men wanted to occupy new block. Market, .furniture, grocer. 24th and Al berta sts. Phone Woodlawn 1H03. MOVING PICTURE theater for sale by own er $6'0 down, balance monthly. Will stand InveaUgatlbn. V 478, Oregonian. GROCERY Want steady partner, will in volce can pay part down and balance out of profits. Call 248 hi Stark st. RESTAURANT and home bakery, paying $250 monthly over all expenses; trial given before investing. 523 Lumber Exchange. - BEST cash prices paid for all kinds of mer chandise stocks; business, confidential. Drop m a line. Y 535. Oregonlan. FOR SALE One of the best stores In the cjty at a sacrifice. X 40U. Oregonlan. DRUGSTORE for sale; would consider trade. What nave you : r t". v ,w--ta-. MY poolroom and f.gar s'ora for cala for $750. Call Marshall 197S