15 TnE SCXDAT OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, OCTOBER 8. 19H roR bxxt. fc.ia,, I r h Bqt4 tw Tritm Jt l : Lx"ELL ST rortia in modern horn. rafmed urroaad:Bir: sirvctiy pj-fvete. a-jitmbi -"r two ges:.emB) of merr.ai coup.e . oreait fast kod 4.nnr it c.a.rai. East Al- liOOK a-" 2 me for 1 or 3 young la-"-IT miv.:. usi.v: a.l mod am eon- va:c'ee isiair oefir 4 F. M. tori er iionir. 4-U -t ). Norva, crar of ;.a'. lHEf-E ONE A ntee front room. ?ode-n rA-.-enin-A wv, home w.t n omg roup.. r-ni r.-ioiW: rreakta-n .r .f .."-a'-ai. .': it oi'' b vs .luRSTH ' car I'm -.a e.-.t ".1 PRIVATK RE.l,r.''E. r-om and board. I m.nattt- w (mm P. O- tw fina.y f'rn.Au rMD.i :o. on larga front room, or. pef-;ous side room. tfcra " d hot sad tod WBier. 34eia 4 Ja-ksn sv j. h r n v.iriTH. A El. cnrnr Mu't B nan rnt room. well furnished. 'J11" .. for two. In fr. rcr. i urri. ---- hint. board vest d - if dred- E TVO ntce.y frni-hd room. 'th lr :. u!t-b. for or I oung man. with bah. -trv- light end eteem fts. . c .act b-ard aear. cloae m. k rf bi-lA Fhone A JTA VaNTEH Two rpt'mn to board end rvm in prtvara rm..y. oil comforte and h'.me ftv)k!ri; b!" o-atin. near P-t-re Fut !. r B I'" Aul MMvi'ATIi'Ns for w r three gl iiemen. m brae-faet. - rew.y tur- Rlshel -r:.ate r.m. Hl.l d:frte:; nut 1ura.r. rf:tr-ei. Mtriiit'.l tS. 'a -. ZLr '.rx-A d'uiiii room. breakfa-t .. ..,-.- in it ). i irn hora-. b tici.y private. ee io carl... c fcst 8'de. CA.l Tabor 147-- A HOVK for J r 4 yuag ladle wa pro fr rook:rc th?r own m u brmrr pano. 'c Inquiro 4SS Ir ftan ttrom 10. iprtmMii. Cor. nd rjr or "t. TKB WHtKLDOS A.VNIX, Cor. Ttnta o-d bolmoa otA Pt.nmtati. uid.ni b w bad strict. Aodira. mmrrii flrt-ci-o. Mfnnlaia K- 1 : finBt TrhtBt 1"1 bt rrnr4 BpArtmnt rM!Cnr in t.'io riiir; room; n out.i. u .uni r onvninl to erA wai-in dit-nco. prt to tB,phon In mvmrr pBrtmnu "m ht. watr. cbo nnfM. rfrufr rm loap'lry f.-UIti-A TBCuaai rin"m. tr. Att"nrtnt on prymlBa Mrht a.o. CKAM(.r :l HM.-MKD BprUniil- irod and iirte t. Hrand- rw four-atory bUlnC. ra-ir for orcu-rft-r ow. 1 ir.. splandMiy furrtahBfl arrtmatA .-trio utomiuo vot'ir int tvrrr modern wnnin: on tna Ett Md. but ior in than moot apart ments. n rasonahlo rtnl and bat OI rvn. A;iplv to janitor on prml . 4 ftOOii apannrnt for rnt. f urnitur for s t .oration Nh Hill district: 7 m Inula wa. to M thopt and (ha tors; thr cartings tl.Mt. tl.oroush .p mci- rn and f!niv furnished. Ronah ront. wnr lrjn rity Apt- 21. ATO fnuch ml. A 1 1 -S'(lo 1-rAom l irn iS4 apt., with m boa.. privt pftona . naw concroto b d , orl":r.s: ritjr. l?7 nrra a., b-i Waan. and f ar- a a. Phono A "MM. Vih;i Siai. AI.VARAIXX rtna 'ant T-roocz i Individual staam ti'atd boms. rpt Aprt ant T3 Evsrott. Ft rm tn rarmallt Apart- wn;a. 13 n ar. 1 Jaff arson, f r sntlmn. riy frnts?;ti. steam heat, prtvat born. P'ious. ra -at m .!- a coutsmoates In tns r -r rail A pt J. KF'nr apartment, fjrnituro ard laasa for :; owoar leartn cify- $j'jV will buy If taken quirk; houaa ail full and iiar ante lo show to A par cnt Interact per m -ntb, r no sola. Inostist. N T T. Ort-ptan. rC'H RfNT New lr furnished sins la and iwd-rwm houwkeping aporfmants. het sif ht and e.'d water, f l v mlnutea wa'fc f--i ptoff;.-o. iJO Mill at. Phono Wa-n 4 '. J2- IHi: iKrvi apts.. c.r. I'.tb and K Ash; nms. flrpiat-. ht at sr. hat. aI outs rl r-irtva; f you ar tookms; fr ti" tns; rt-e;saa (Ms. rrforonca riu.ei. I'haaa t-L 2&H. frr-ti.n vvpch" "mTnaofuent W'w'arn butia.Pft. 2.'d and Gitua St a. fe nf arvu-w A- rortm aprtmaca. w t i b b. Trjr ront anien a and ary raosoa- h-o rani. Uorao. r.wdnr A it yca, TIT ft CODY C. Trh and T.or. a naar nmr brick, a'! otjtstf4 apart:nena of 3 nd rooirs. s ail t ht. m.1I! 1 i; phona and S.afUu; i'ff'S fu ruts ?d. Janitor serwtca ALORT rOl'RT, Irvtn-tn, ath sjid hu;r sta . iri-dwaif cor; ft rwma. afeam boat, dis ppeartn bls. rafrtgrn-(--. g ruf, modern. Phono Eost ft:. C :3 tup: K ATHEMNE APT-.. li 2d si BwiT oprt4. eint:r furtiistad 3 and a fMrfi ttp'.. p1.: t'j.onra brh. &o ai a ruorn. bwt rata In cur. Wnna Vt' R n : 1 T r apa-tmep t. 4 Nmi and bth. p-iwat h i water ard Hhl re, ptsno; stiab a rr tst-hars or ymiAf Cuup'a; RMr VaaMn?ta tt.v Phonw r:at 1 3-ao. Eat Atar. b- 1 3th on.l l.t:a St. klt:i;.H At'AKTMSNTK U h and I' ar 5 a Fftn( firnr. 4-r-wm S'llta. wtth -aatl bi ad tfinf. p-lT:a and phona; tn pf ta bt in tha c:?t app r a: on-- Til K I'AMAR Two and tras-roem apts.. furnlsnad And 1 ki r. Jtf KUSi'NJa N Woviarn a t-r t man i a. S ." to Itk a t. fuma'-a het. hot wttar: svery Crn ror c. ft 1 4 J-ff arson at. Mala vh a i rot.f f-A-. s. Vet n v furn'ed ?4rt enta. m'e'rt.v KnJr-,. v- y rornninc. soar ws ,1 !.-! T.'S A't"nPt FK RENT Ni'-e T fiirnithad ft-rnom opart K.if s;" hst ar1 : mo1sm ronarl-a-aa. Cs.l at . Ft 4Ah St. North, ask f T Ma. ?-if A b." KOi APAKI-clNT. ?s St Ci.r J n'ceijr furi:hed J-room ;rmn',t and na unfum.anad 1-rMa i;rmnt. fr- t !on m cn ner. t. rtTVTHrr4rARTVrT "ompfa:y ful'n:ri -t-room ap-trtent; p-ivnra phino a.id talo'-r. Ailt.ri on y tt:ia Apart-rn-r.'s. s"d " an FVMTl RK of 1- room apartment. a,mnt new i)rixnl. to lat . party leaving cit. r.uo Man Ft' R v Islt TCO r m In apartment Va (t. Apt-. tsry r-mwoltnca. 0 C.ay a raet. Jt W EI. I ri r. apt.. rhOi.-a rMlanrw d!trrt. r-w. nit-Ti a-r rwnt'i to nVa'rabio rajtr S E. :J I St. Popa E. 2s. APKniEN'T I'r jw-ip.a ir. mwXins f-r hrtf.l. "a I tndav. Tha Mar- ir!t- 2tsf inJ r" 'nH" Tri.llVrtTN rOi'RT 3 and 4-room sultas. a m-1ern. t-r ronib;a lirn and Bi;r r APAHTMANT Fir aHed rd tm furn ahe-4 put tea. lia t'oian ova W"o.-4- iswa TV I " I . 1-ka tv?. t ahar farn ahed houaa. fonn:nt, sry raaannsbio. H 4. Oro- gn.or. X'rFHV oo i apartment, fnm'ahad, ??; uafurr. -a!-ant. U. 4:i Fowsil Vs.. la J. Ta- PO Il-A H IALE Now furniture la ft-mom apt t b i;a. Ir.ioirw pL. I. Brown Ap-A rnnt A ft: 4rRl'TLT modem room apt., basin t if ui:y farsAad. tnc 41ici p.ano. ate. louuc Apt i Ts f,.t. ;:o ?tb st KA I ht. lunar, m "darn furn wd 2 fiom a tm at a. 2.4 E- ?-th st. Tal. Oi. U : APAHTVKNTA. Ketween TMrmia I asd s ia-.n. :ji ard 3. s and 4 -room ar's bac in tna e :y. to f.'V fc. aMA APAKT w T N T. nawly farnisjjed. st:y m.lrn prirnt ha is. ph aao. a to. 1 M N-rtn . !4 St. la!aP-:i 3Jl. CAMAR APARTUE.VTA T4 La.ejv. Peajttfu.lr f-.rn!i r-n apt.; reasocaale. Mil-.. ihed I ;14. b.M.'NTt. 17 1 7th J ajil I t- eultea, bat and eo,d water ..- apartment; Phoae Metn 4-v7 rOH REST A .ri.-tly modern I-room apartment; f-.in!ahe4. p ea. and pr;a: t.iephen. Address AV 4il. Oreg.niaa. TPS FLMS I aed 1-room apartmenlaTf ufC niabed 11 14tlb t. M:a 4444. VVFURNTcrtD 1-room apartmenta. m4 envU4 :ht- jTew-aTI T. 402. Jd . houeeaeertng r'w.ma 42 e pr week up; tea-n hr.L a a v D . -r... rr. apia. I'iraisr.ed. r.rt reaeooaMe. (I E 4-h North. FLAT "A" Waahlrgtoa . . phneia Maraba.i 41 tr- 4ttea4 Nob M.,1 dlstrwt. 14 t:t et., n. FOB E?rr. Aportsnowta, OPLAVDO APAPTMENT". TWKM1ETK AND W A.-HiSO TON fiTS. E.aar:ty furo;nad J and t-rwom apartments. Rates vary moiri. On. fa w choico apart mrn:a bow vaiuiL App.y oa prsmuioA KINa HILL A PA RTMKTfTS. 1TI Kins; ft., near Washlniton 8L WU1 opan Octo.ar 1. 1U1. and wl.l anaintsta tnarr lormar hlh standard of taaancy, A ft and ft-roora apsrtmaoto. As p.y oa pram is as for rosarvailonA THS BARKEit. cr. ?lat snd Irvine it is new 4-tnrj brfat now open; f ur-n-Ood and unfurnished in 2. ft. and 4-rom suitaa. r-p:)--n hsii. alact .'.c. automatic iavatr. l!n:mi d.sappeartf.x badA built in bufTei ami intini dak. gaa rio. Ir boa. plant v of ciaat room, botn phonos, vacuum r!irr fros to patrons. If vi wsnt a-smat-iina: mc-a. cm to tho Bavrkor. Phonos A 1T44. Virht:i 2-Wl. THE DEZENDORF. X irTH FT. NRAR TATt OR. Theso paant ft-roona unfnrnird apart -mans, sir u-t-d In tho heart of ths city, wttn n 1 mioutra' ws.k of tns business cenr. Apply on prm!ses fir rrff f Tons. Tim FVKHriTT. C4A Erarait M. Ni and alarantiy f umlshsd arrt mania. 3 roomr rw-jiirn hail and sia-?-Inc porch: utorantir a.ectrtc slsvator and prlvaio Pac.uc is.e(non; iocated In ono of ta choicest residenrs districts, aur runded by alef ant bomil; woiavlns; dis tsr.ca. , UF-N2 APARTMENTS. 14th and CoiumbiA 4 blrcks s-uta from M'rris.n stroPt; naw brl-k butlcins;. complstrlr first-class, fur nished in J. 4 and 4-room family apart ments; private barh. reception hall, steam heat, hot wa'r, elevator, frso phono, com- rreaaad air csrst rieanms;. Jsnltr sorv--e; rent par month. ?:io and up, ifit be ffrn to ba spprpciatad. , UXST.' P HAIX Ft RM-HEO APART MENT?: Hawthorn iv. and Ksst th st.: brand new buiirttns:. now ready for occupancy : J-room wall furnished apart -men's. wih a vary modarn convanlenco. c:oa in on Est Flria. vary reasonable rent, with bast of acrwea, App y to Ja Itor on premises. T H R IRV f SGI " Irvlrr ot. Ono four and ono Rvo-r-v-m unf i:rniahed arart mtnt ; bavo fi ranc. refr-cara;or. shaUas. hot and cold vat sr. s:aam heat and Janitor aarvica; a. I cutsMa roomA verandas; rate raasoa !!)'; rererancs. Phn A IKINITT PUv'E APAii". M tTNTS Trinity Pla.a, ttw. pith and h st; Just Cn lhd: most mi(mfl'-cnt apartmanta on tha 'in i Coat ; rtniali rea'-nshia; slap!nc porchea: prtrafa hallwnvs and svary mod-a-n convenieira; refcrodcss rsQuirod. phona Mrii;i soa AHEST apartmenie tn ths city, outaido riTi, atio siepin porcn and maid r.om . win tras. s:ss ranaea and refrta arstors haat. hot watar and telephonA Arp y Pans Apt.. l A. Northrup st. vatn THE MAFfAI.1, APTS. A beaut if uilr furnished -rom larsA Prht and airr apartment, ataam haat. p-ivao phuns and Kath. automatic aio ator. tha most homa-Hko and qulat In tr.a my. must ho sean to bo approciatod. It. A alnrshall. Main 02. A 311. LITRRTIA COt T. unfurnished; a ciasa by thamselvaa. Sao them. Luc rat la at., scar 2JJ and Ti'ash. 2 to 3 rooms, all largs. liarht and outs. da; larsa closats and baths; fcsrdwood floors, frao phones In oach apt. rhona prop. And nigr. Mar. J3.i Jtmur 1S'Q. I N I A N CoCRT ftTO Couch. 1 block from Washinaton t. on l'h st.. tel. Main ft and 4-room modern apsrtmants, eam haat. atactrir oi-vator. hut and cull water, talapbons and janitor sarvico. App.y of manager, re'erenc required. THE UKh.ilTU. Tit Washinttoa. or 3d st. ; t. and 4-room apis, furnish ad or unfuraishsd -ap-ia-data. !aaa and mod era. pxlvata bath, la.ephone- rata iamUbU; sarvtco. yhons Msln THA d"M B ER U N nTPA RTM F.NT. Wast Pork and Columbia sta t'irst-cibsa 1-room unfurnubsd apartments, mil modern con venlences: baat Jobation In iha city, front Ire tha parkt. and onTr ft minuiaa wa:k from thabus.nesa cer.ter. Apply to Mf. ORLKKLEt--.II APAHTMESTS. 2 irsn.l r., cor. East ttark. Nicaiy furnished two and thrao-rootn irtnmrnti. r.iodern. prices raaaonabls; waloms (Iterance. Phone East .Vo. inr.rriELD APARTMENT. Tth and Jaf fetsoa sta. t and 4-room apta. wlta bath, ttnfurnlsasd: all outatds rjomi; svary con veniatx.a. modern; 4 mtn. aa.k from p. O ; vary rwn6- rant. PA HE. APARTMENTS. Park and Harrison sta. oasuuful ft and 4-room apartment furnlsnad iJr bousakoapina: avaryth:as; siw aod mj4sm; iaator telephone free; 43 to I W- KORP1CA APTS- rurfllshad. from 1 to 1- room apar;manva, iini ih, irw 1 at. bath and p'-ne, steam heat, mod em raaaona.e- i- lt liaimont su East 841. PAOF. APARTMENTS. A fear select furni-ned and unfurnished J ana J-riK:n apsrtmenta new. fr rent. App.y Ps A part mania. th and Humalue, Vast I Tatephono Home H Itf 1 E ail.E ANTL.Y f -ra-shed 4-roou spartmenr. M roa. W ascu and King stA Phone A TiiF. V KIM.CV. 424 St. Vomaou, corner of Tth. 2. 1 and . 4 -room ap-anra-nte. l imine up to flat; p -i at Tt- -1rat price, new m a:. HAD.hX HAl.L 414 11th. cor. Hall, ft and Utah ad; prata ptmne. ba:h and ba.cony p,.rrrs. ft1 up. Marshall 11T1. SAN MARCO APTS E. ftih and Couch; new brt at earn heat. tmate batia and s; ft room apia-. .d and 4-v ta.i l. E LILLIAN AT AK TMENTS. AM outai-i 2 .i .i-room suite, strictly modem : ve rui 'rr anyon to dupll ct one rriT. Mftrshall 1 (74 PAKKIIM.M APARTMENTS. I ard -ojm iHtAJ ,eai.t; fumiahtd. 24u :h su p. art a. Psoas Ma. a 4si, ar Ma n UTv ITll AND rrl.I.F?B. S n3 r-wmt. f n..jf furm.h ap.rt tr..li. tr1'"tT m'vi. rn. ,vry convenience; .a rtl.:.c-e. Th, Altarronu THfc WisiTiu B'.rci.y moUtrn .iimrtrr.etti,. w,.ic.r.j ills- t TriE .NOK1 ilAai-iv.V 4oT He'! au. rea 3 and J-r.om furnished arartmcnts. maiking dlataoce; Jaanr rv;c i'nore Main MA.rTsON PARK APARTMENTS. Park SL, Cor. Madison. Furn:iied I and 4-ro. m apartment. Ind'.'.dal rhorea; tit.iii.ih. downtown. lu a; ekvl Lar, a r.wnia. .a. - . ...... CM an . Bl.ned apartments, tea W .ar. .st cad ej-. L.RICKSTOS. 44 lith St. Nicely ,hed 2 -room art-, with pnvat, bath te.ersone: pubuc iaondry-room; fur ard teu. jla,-esji TTJa'nITA -5 ' "- rtom f.r- tlth rrlvar. fc-.h. la.-ge. nt omaida n 'mi. j0. i.v TliE KiNi DAMS, v.'rn-r e.-ag AOO D.. , e-re-:s. J atd r-.-ns K.u a.rt- en'.a. reference, required . . - . . n 1 B-roon, .. n - . . eon : m - - --- uiiat eartiT.-nt. 1"' ai oe4 ioq .i:.r. . J et HN -room apartmec emetics wa.ln d :r.ce. pnone, le.p. irg r hs. Ma 1 4 V a-r p lH ED apt-. S room and bath, f,r tii Cn.urrb'ea, lllh and Coiuab.a ewly furalahed. HARRISON COURT. Ith and Hsrrle..n. .,. tarn.saed apsrtment of tw. room and batn. reaei.ao.e rtni. iuT.IN r l' li r -sat nve.ro.tm ar a.-t-nent, vat. e -le- l' dtance. res.1 reaaon ..e. U.ii 771. r.ai.laon At-artn;s. . ivatr.ifaca Paooe f "r rats J4!l a 1 Vark-l. y i Va.n -o or A t01.RHO.ia narniMi. private houae. ata.ua istk lea Ail ieUk a4. at ale 4. FOR KENT. BIOHUlKD COT7RI. rWEXTT-BECOXD AND GLISAN 8T9. 4 AND l-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENTS. THE MOST MODERN AND SELECT APARTMENT-HOUSE IN PORTLAND. REFERENCES. AGENT ON PREMISES. THE NOB HILi, APARTMENTS. C0IO.tR OF 1IH AND JliRaHALL STREETS. . I AND 4-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENTS EXQUISITELT FUB-M.-iiED AND APPOINTED THROUGH OIT, AUTOMATIC ELEVATOR, LARGS KOOMS AND RECEPTION HALLS. REA SONABLE RENTALS. PHONE MAR SHALL 1M1. A MANAGER ON (REMISES. ANGELA APARTMENTS. INEIV MANAGEMENTS 37-39 Trinity Plr. .r Wa,tilrton tre.t nd within 10 w wi.k of buB2ns cntr. m h-t. lctrlc Hrh. I rn. baiha. prlv.t. panne, automatic .v.tor. Jaultor ,ervlc; compi.iiy iu niih4 2. 3 and 4-rocm arrtmrnia, $J0 to 10. REFERENCES REQUIRED. Mr. V. o. W't. , mku&itr, a part ni at No. 1 Marhall ivil). THE CAMBRIAN. Corn,r 12th and Columbia. Raadv for occupancy Octooar IStn. On of ta moat .xqulatteiy furnlahad apartment. In tha city. Furnishing to harmonK, with th woodwork and wall deroratlona. Mtuat.d In on of tha moat dea:ral!a location. In the city within a Mock, of thres carllnea. ReaarTatlona caa be marl, by rar.lr.c at th, MZia.t FRANK RENTAL DEPART MENT. KOLRTH FLOOR. CARMELiTA APARTMENTS. oiate, leiepnone in every .pfiuiui tha moat modem convenience found la the city. Phone Main Sued of call up main . office. Main 07 64. Flaia. FOR RENT New modern 5-room Oat. bard wood floor, and sleeping porch ; center of IrvlnKtnn. 2 biocka from - carlinaa. phono K-.: ITt'.l. ft AND 6-room flat hardwood floors, flra placew. Bleeping porchea. Flneat in city; don't overlook them. Eaat SAth, between Tiawthome and MadlBonj FOR RENT Modern ,-room nat. bath, elec tric lmhia, furnace; walking distance; $-!. lrcludicg water. Key at S40 Koaa at. Call Main 114 or E 8710. FOR RENT On 4-room flat, partly fur nished, lao a month. Jackaon bunga-low. 414 Uth C ft-ROOM upper flat, all modern convenl encea. new.y tinted- 2 carllnea: li'i; key on premleea 61 J Hancock. Main 2.B4. fCR RENT Neatly furnished four-room liat. with water, phone and bath; walk- lug distanc. lliO N. ISth. Rent 130. SEt'OND-floor, new boua.. 6 room, porchea and furnace. Inqulr. of owner, 6a0 Eaat st h st. X. FL'HMj-HED coay 8 -room modern flat. In cutting piano; walking distance. 202S North 11th st. Phone A .487. T-Ri"OMflal. furnllur. for ala. Call Main 2in for Information; no agenta need ap. PO. IN Irvlngton, new, modem furnished Tat, Including piano, alao unfurnlahod flau Phon. il'MM. Low tiK flat, hardwood floors, located In A-l neighborhood, to reeponilb.e party on y. Main m. ft-ROOM flat, good Tlew. fin condition, on cariit.e. Portland Height. I;3. W. H. Towell. I2 B. of T. b.dg. M- 2849. NEW ft or l-room upper flat, furnaca. flre p ace. Hutch kitchen, etc; rcasonao.a. Sat. V. aat lwth t- North. NEW flat. 4 room, plenty of steam heat. tot water, corner 3th and E. Morrlaoa. 1 ion. Tabor HI. MODERN four-room flat, central, reaaon .able to nlc oouple. L92 balmon. Kings Height. FOR RENT Furnished upper four room; ga range, e.sctrlc light, modern, 0. B , a "th at. FOR-rent, an all-modern, flva-room flat. 15 mlrutes walk from center of tha c:ty. M. u Brian. 400 Teen blilg. Ia.W a-room fiat, nrepiaca. modern through out. YVe.t 9tde cluse In. Ready UCL 15; r. nt Main 71"'4. MODERN 7-room u;'per flat; all conven iences. Nob rl.l: 1 minute, from down tn. r. i $l-.v. 77 Johnson st. 4-HOOM flat lth bath; alecantly and new.y furntehed: sunny. with large porchea Ca.l Ml". Kirby at., off Ruaaell. KRMsHSU FLAT. :12 M; 4 room, and bath. fol Montgomery. Adult only. Vain C174. ft-ROOM modern upper flat. cor. Karby and Knott ;. Inquire 194 Knott; phon. Eaat 41SJ. - NEW. e.eaa.itly finished upper corner flat, l:h and Lovejoy sta, ail modern con venlencea Call Main S7S4. tUijA.VT l-raora fat. nice location, very reasonable to permanent tenant. 4J4 Rod ney ave. Phone East ."rOOMS lower and 3 rooma upper modern f it with s.eeplng porch. Just completed. .is and b3 Sd t. Inqulr 6114 4; h at. BEAI'TIFULI.T furnished modern flat, Cre p.are. s eeping porch. T74 Lovejoy. Mar- is:i 60J. DESIRABLE flat on "W" car'.lna. all light rooms. a:i convenience; will partly fur r..sh If desired; adulta. 911 Northrup su NI'ELY furnl.hed It-room rial with sleep ing porch. 140; adulta. 784 OUsan. FOH RENT Furnished ft-room flat, clos In. SJ4 Larabe il.. L ear rilOOSI modern Sat. yard. 10, 17th St. Inqulr lt 14:h. LfiWKR ftata. 7Ji Belmont, -S. 0I Bel mont. $-7. SIViLL flit, upper ba'.f furnished Cor. 2:nd and Kearney, aiarsnaii ao. yiAT .4 fciicht. pleasant rooma. prlvat bat.X furnished or unf urnlalied. 231 Hall. FOR RENT Modem, loaer 8-rooin flat. Til Keerr.er: Esst 2H-.M. I IT?, n r.-room modern flat, 473. W. Park. inftutre 4H Park. LO El.T 4-room fiat: furnace; rent (18. phone Fast b. B 14t'4. 4-KOOll tt, nee Eaat 2. L' carllna, 420 per month. S-r.'V-'U f.at. :;rv, Halaey. inquire at i,h) l-arraoee. a oiocas irum mi mi'iar. ELtdANT S-room flat. In desirable neigh b.Thood. Call East 347. Fv.lri lUiNT Modern S-rxm flat, furnlahed, - month- R13 E.it d North. East ltM9. !7 KA.-tT DAVlrl. near 14th, 4 rooma and mo lem Phone Eaat 2'.'S. y iv E new ft-room fiat trlctly modern. .;o Alberta t.. corner Gantenbeln ava. TJprER 1-m.m fiat; $10. 1144 Belmont. I'hone Taoor ucu. SWELL, o-room lo.er f.at. F. Yair.hl!!. near 7U il $30; adulta, 788 TW O 4-oom flat, on partly furnlhd; no children. Inqulr 2M Hail st- SP'.DF.r'x 4-room f.at. 171 Chrry L Phon k. 3T:. , FOR RF.T Modrr. ft-room furnished ftaL ii4S Columbia. Phone A 4Q4. JTvT f urulahed or unfurnished. A2 N. .3 1. ft R..OH5 at"! bath. 741 Northrup au, nar 5.V 4.,o; k-e 74.1. Northrup nvo modern a-rocm" fiu with good atua 47T and 471S "th t- ft-ROOM lower flat, hot water, foroac; mouern; 41.40. J4 Hall .t. -ROOM UPP' Wm, r 23d. Kev at corner grocery store. ft-TOi'M f at. bath, furnace. SSs Salmon; k e y at 4v-) Saimon. NEU". modn ft-rocm fiata. S27.M and 130. M Eat Ankeny. ft- F.o3l moOern flau convenient to MV car- I ne. $io. i.n Eat t.'-.h il ft-ROOM fat. cer.traliy located, walking dis tance; 17 north. 4"3 Lewi, b'.dg. XL'' coiaar Sa,t. lu. J aal aNiaeioeath at. Corner of ISth and Jefferaon III, 4 and -room apartnienta. unfurnished, with re ception bail, automatic elevator, Paclfla FOR BJLNX. Flat A NEW HOU.ADAT ADD. FLATS. Ea-st y til and Hanoock. S and 4 rooms, hardwood fioora, tiled bath, vestibule, separata baaoment. fur nace and laundry; avparato attic, private stairway, coavenient kitchen and pantry, vhtta enamel finish, choice real dance district- aurrounded by eiogrant homoA FREDRIC M- DEMPSEY. 434 Chamber of CommeroA Phono Marshall 3-31. IRVTNOTON FLATS 14th nd Haisy; A lar-? rooms, sleep lna" porch, private front porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, tii bath, kitchen fur nishod with tin overhead ft-as ransja. Amons; beautiful homes, and excellent car service. T. E. BOWMAN" A CO. E. 2 2d and Braroe sis. NEW. modern ft-rooin f.at. basement, fur nace, .sundry. 4a ranKA heater, elegant china closet and . wardrobe, French plate a lass, easy wa.klnr distance. 2 people only; prica Eaat 7 th and Couch. Telephone E 131. NICELY furnished e-room upper flat, UKht, airy, electricity, gas and bath, phon free, on suit of rooms furnished already rent ed, a.so 4 furnished hous-keepins; rooma 26 1. corner W 11 llama and Graham avea Phona E. 458. 916 NEW flats, overlooking beautiful Pe ninsula Park; Ufht. airy; sieeplnr porches; near JafTerson Hlah; public school; see them today; fine for cnlldren. car. Alnsworth, Alblna avea 5-ROOM" flat. new. modern and convenient; nar 2th and E. Ankeny; $22 per month. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. n. 812-213 Commercial Club blrtr-. Phones Main S01, A TO ADULTS. 6 rooms: hot water heat, hot and cold watar. lars;a aleepina; porch, northeast Tlew; linoleum, gaa stove, trunk roon, with private stairway, walking die ts nee, psv. Montgomery. Phone A 4.r,Sft. ft-ROOM modern unfurnished lower flat: front and back yard, furnaca, splendid Mtt.it. p:nty air; no children; jaS.tW- 545 PiKth. Telephone, business hours. Main 7'.'6. evenines and 6undas. Main 4SU. NICELY furnished ft-room flat, piano, oa car l.ne. 461 ifc th. . Houaekcagpina Rooma. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall; fur x nlahed for housekeeping : gaa range, eleo trlc l.frhts. hot water, bath, laundry, free; $15 per month up; a clean place, best in the city fur the money; snort distance frm Union Dpot. Take "&" or lflth-au cars north, get oft at Marshall at. No dog a WELL-FURNISHED house, flats, rooma 7-room cottage. $27.50 month ; another, 117.50; suites 2 furnished housekeeping ronais, $a. $10. $12 month; 3, 115. Apply S04 2th st. North. W csr from depot. 5th. west on Morrison to 2ith, block north. TH E-TiELENE250NORTH 19TH. Newly furnished housekeeping and sin gle room a all modern conveniences; rea sonable rates; if you are looking for nice rooms In a select location, don't overlook seeing these. FIRST floor cottage, I large well-lighted room a furnished suitable for B adults, central location; references. Phone A and Marshall 24 North 11th il, 2 y biocka from Washington $1.50 TO J2.50 WK ; clean, furnished housekeeping- rooms, free laundry, bath, phon a clean linen, heat. 40tS Vancouver ave. and 2'"3 Stanton; take U car. TWO and 3-room unfurnished su ltes, beau tifully, centrally located, saving carfare, absolutely respeotablA So5 V JafTerson. corner 6th. TH B M ILNER. R50H Morrison, cor. Park; furnlahed. un furnished apts. for quiet people; elevator, steam hest. all conveniences; best location. FURNISHED housekeeping suites, very de sirable. Cambridge bldg., 3d and Morri son. Call room 86. HOUSEKEEPING room from $2 to $5.50 a week. Th MsrcedeA 20th and Wh Ington. COMFORTABLE, pretty rooms, reasonable, free phon a steam heat, bath. etc. 1ST Taylor St. NEW YORK. 7th and Belmont New brick building, furnished and unfurnished apts.. 1 up; steam heat; walking distance. T ROOMS, large yard, barn, corner 6th and Lincoln sta.: Italian gardener preferred; rsnt $20. Tabor 864. NI-'ELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 13.50 up: central. 545 Wash, st HOUSEKEEPING rooms In new concrt b ! d g. Ph one Woodlawn 2997 or 237B. 2 COSY housekeeping, all furnished, close In. $3. 535 Yamhill TWO housekeeping rooms, cheap rent, 408 1st st. Phon Main U.I Id. TWO neatly furnished housekeeping rooms for rent; $10 a month, feast iio. Housekeeping Kaxitib In Private Family. FOR rent, two Dice housekeeping apartmenta, electric, gas. bath and phone; 2 rooma In each, with small sleeping porch ad- phone Tsbor 2475. 69 E. B3d, near Btark. TWO or three larre nicely furnished house keeping rooms, modern home, furnace heat, two entranoeA private porch. Phone Seliwood 1A6, or rail 572 E. Kth 8outh. LARGE front room, nicely furnished with alcove kitchen, suitable for one or two girls, walking distance. $10 month. 535 Si Montgomery st, NICE front room, newly furnished for house keeping, modern convenlenceA right down town; no children $4 weekly. 27 H N. 16th, half block from Washington. SINGLE housekeeping room, neatly fur nished: gas range, light, furnaca heat. 562 Pant Main st. TWO weH-furnished housekeeping rooms, convenient, comfortabla, very reason a bl a 2i2 14:h. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, light and clean; sink, electricity. Call bet. 12 and 4 P. M. 565 V. Morrison. ONE or two housekeeping rooms, modern. reasonabiA Celi afternoon, IStS1. Qlbbs st. ON E nicely furnished front housekeeping room, phon. bath, gas; $3.60 a week. 28 "1-4'h st. 445 eTH. Attractive front housekeeping suite, scrupulously clean : bay window, centra!, gas. bath. M. 4469. Reasonable. 6INGLE or double housekeeping, sleeping or batching room; running water. 5o3 Alder. TH R E ?C modern furnished, housekeeping rooms, holf block from Olds. Wortman A King 370 10th St. NICELY furnished rooms; also housekeep ing room. 741 Gilsan st. VERT cheap nice aultee and single, every convenience. 45 Morrison at. NEAT front housekeeping room. 2S7 13th street. TWO rooms, private family, walking dls tince: reasonable. aloft Jackson st, FUIT E of 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping rooms. ;ower floor. 450 Yamhill. T Wo newly furnished housekeeping room a East 4S77. 435 E. Pine St. VERY neat, clean, central, housekeeping. 83 N. 31th. CLEAN furnished housekeeping roomA 33 N. 19th. 1 block from Washington. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor; free ga. phone. 1$S N. l.ith. TWO large. well- furnished housekeeping rooms, bath, gaa phone. X12 Columbia. "4 SALMON ST., 1 pleasant housekeeping room. 1 lurnlsnea room. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping room a 567 E. Yamhill st. - TWO large, newly-furnished housekeeping roomA 42 East fine, corner frth. FOUR furnished housekeeping .rooms, ground floor; rent rsonablA 202 ast 45tK TWO clean, well-furnished roomA East 6idA modern. reasonablA Phone C 1547. fr-KOOM house, furninhed. close in, rent reasonable. L S. Rentery. Btearns bldg. HOUSEKEEPING or sleeping-rooms. 509 Flandsra st. . FOR RENT Newly furnished housekeep ing rooms; reaaocablA 466 East Oak. THREE pleasant furnished housekeeping; lower floor. 610 East Burns! de. FRONT sMite, running water, g&s ond phone. 3W Colige. FINS a-room suite, sunny and clean; mod ern conveniences. 70O Flanders st. THREE un;urn:shed housekeeping roomA 54U- E. Stark su E. 3532. XW'O-desirable frcnt housekeeping rooms; a a i King ciaiancg. j om iu THftt-.E or four partly furnished roomA , e :iwood 36. NEW and nicely furnished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms, modern. SO Market. ft NEWLY furnished housekeeping roomA modern.. 2." 4 East IStn. cor. Main. rVfRMaHED housekeeping: rooma 667 E. Yamhll.t- tor RENT -1 furnished housekeeping; roomA IV C- at. riivum a., fa.:. CHrP housekeeping roomA 1-91 Woodlawa 24 JEFFER&ON Large, light, newly fur nished a cove room for housekeeping. Fl'R'lSPED housekeeping-rooms In Ington. 321 East hth N. East 2619 FOR RENT Three rooms with bath, eom pte for housesreeplrr. Phone A NICELY furnished rooms; all eonveniencea. Phone Marshall 21 -S. 42 Ella St. COUPLE to .-are mod ex a furnished house, r-li AilsAy bidA, FOB RENT. Heosekeepinc Rooms la Private Family. SPLENDID large front room: rare view point, heat, lights, bath, phone: 16 to $20 per month; moderate rate, by week; W car from Union Depot; walking dia tance from North Bank or to city proper. 575 Couch. N. E. cor. loth, one block north of Washington. FOR RENT To young oouple. no child ren: 3 nicely furnished roomA one ad Joining the other, opening onto front can be used as parlor and 2 bedrooms or for light housekeeping roomA 7S3 John son, , FOR RENT For th Winter, Holladay Ad dition. 7-room nicely furnished bus.'h!? water heat, modern In all particular $70 per month. References required. Posses sion November 1. 676 Weidler st- Tel phone East 2857. FURNISHED housekeeping roomA kitchen, bedroom and pantry, running water in pantry; $12 per month. 110 AlbertA it 'lake a car. rnvare nou?e. BEAUTIFUL aulta of 3 large furnished housekeeping-rooms in pnvt modern, porcelain bath, gaa range, phone, - atnnsaK'.-i A -f KA 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooma; call forenoons and evenings; light and phone; $3.50 per week; no children. 243 E. 6th fftone t oji- FOR RENT Suite of two housekeeping room; a complete little home, with pri vate entrance, 330 Taylor at., one block irom posionice. TWO large, cheerful rooma. neatly f",1"! nished.4 running water, bath. heat, light and phone; also 1 front sleeptng- room witn oaicoy. i v 2 CLEAN roomA walking distance, prefer 2 or 3 women employed during aa' phone, light, heat, bath, A 6020, 3.0 ?tn st. NICE front room, newly furnished. for housekeeping; moaern tuun.v., " phone; 10 minutes' walk from P. O.; no children. 549 6th t ENTIRE upper floor, private house, fitted for housekeeping. 4 coty rooms, clean, water in kitchen, free phonA light ana water. Phone E 1082. TWO nicA large, clean housekeeping-rooms, modern, heat, light, phone, bath and hot water furnished. 675 North 22d. Main 67S7. COS V, splendidly furniehed. two regma tor couple; aink. gaa plate. beau" ful location. Call afternoonA 113 N. 2-d. a 42U7. S-ROOM furnished flat for lvf2 bath. $80. 412 2d at. Call Sunday and eveningA During office hour call Main 4T6M KITCHEN, bedroom, bath and Pfntry for housekeeping. $3.50 a week, with light. Apply 02."i E. Alderat. TWO newly furnished connecting housekeeping-rooms; closet, gaA phone; corner house. ian ipo. ISS ISTH, entire firat floor, completely fur nlshedT roomA modern, lawn, adult oniy. NEWLY furnished housekeeping or ilMPin rooma: fine location; all convenience. .kl. wn alTII llaVlD. very rcajiiiq - - 2 CLEVN finely furnished connecting house kaiplni room., with running water, close in. OOO nil, ma... TWO nice front roomt heat light and phone. 6S4 East Morrison. Phon East t d I 0. TWO nleelv furnished housekeeping r' two or three girls: bath, heat "lephonfc $2 each: walking djtanc.201 lJth.j RGE"room. "use" of'kltchen, modern clean. go"d for man and wife, wife employed: reaeonaoie. i-.t . .. PARLOR furnlahed for sleeping or light housekeeping: bath gaa. An. ne.ghbor- hojd: reasonable. 190 N- 22d. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping room, for rent wt,hlec,ric light, gaj e'epbone Datn; rent n-ifnuanir. v.- NEW and elejrantly furnished iuIim of two rootr.s, 371 Multnomah at., cor. I nion ave. Phone East 3650 WEST SIDE Two partly keeping rooms In new building, walking distance. Inquire liST Hoyt st. CLEAN, well-furnished two-room i suite .and kitchen: walking distance. 429 Market t. Fbone a eo FOR RENT Two nice outside "".".0 housekeeping rooma; phone and bath. 4.0 E. blverett su CLEAN', pleasant housekeeping rooms, re a .onable. Gaa.. bath. phon. alnkv 248 N. IStn ec TWO 8-room suite, or single, kitchen, liv ing room. lctric light b"- -lnk, ehiM not exc uded. 621 Mill tt- PORTLAND HEIGHTS, S61 Davenport U 4-room. lumniiou Ire pnono aim a' NEATLY furnished housekeeping and ilw lng rooms, bath, phone, gaa and furnace neat rree. n m CANVAS COTTAGE for rent, f""h'l J unfurnished: 1 block to W car. 1 block to "3d. If interestea c:i " etie, moaeiu. - V.IIL , TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooma. gas, water, bath: private: no chlldren. 174 rorter au, ctoum. TWO wU-furnlshd newly-papered hous. keeping rami: gaa range walking dl tane reasonable rent. 307 Harrison at. FURNISHED housekeeping nl slna'1'? room- frea llcht. bath and phone: on Phon. Eaat 614. 294 William. TWO sunny housekeeping room, privsi. family. 44 Including gaa, bath, light, wa ter. 129 E. 20th, near Morrison. FOUR unfurnished housekeeping room, with 'bath. 10 Per month. William, ave. car- line. --to ciaMw ... BEAUTIFULLY furnished large, IlKht. clean front parlor, reasonable. Uae of kitchen If V. . VT.:. T,hon. 510 Montcomery. nrgi.Tii . a.ii. f" tmritp- or four furnished housekeeping T"oo". Ill and 12 month. 195 E. 74th at. X. Montavllla car. 2 SUNNY furnished housekeeping rooms; modern; good location. 234 Eaat 18th. cor. ai a in. ENTIRE lower floor: parlor, piano, pantry, kitchen. No clgarttte smoker. 468 10th TWO modern connecting room, on first floor for housekeeping; every convenience. 190 X. 17th street. LARGE front room ana aicove. water bath, phone, furnaca heat. 166 Johnson, near inn. TWO unfurnished room, housekeeping; everything modern, hot and cold ter. ... 524 Harrlon. between 1st and 2d. THREE rooma. housekeeping; bath and hot water, v r.. n : :i LARGE furnl.hed room, with tove: walk ing dlstancefB 10th .t.Jtaln 1012. LIGHT hou.ekeeplng"'front room, Jown .i.in walking di.tance. 61 Waahlngton. FOR PAI.E S50 rooming-house. 12 room. all Turnisnea. an ' ONE large room, ntoely furnished for hon keeping: modern. 834 Parle St. Honae. 6-ROOM furnished house at Peninsula Sta tion to rent. 20 Smith-Wagoner Co.. .311-312 Lewis wag. GOOD 6-room hou.e, nice yard. 1 block west I block. outh of Peninsula School. . Kt. jnnni cat NEW. 5-roora bungalow, gus. bth. elec- ne- gift month: worth J25. Inquire O. L. Hobaon. East 41st and Division sts. -ROOM house, vacant 15th. West Side, walk Vn g d Utancfc rent 4S; adulta only. 447 Etht- . FOR RENT Modern 6-room house. 325 Wasco. Key at 3M Halsey. Phone E 244 a. FOI'R-ROOM cottage, furnished complete, piano central; 2 adulta. Call Sunday, 2 to 5 P. M. 290 Park t, vnnERX 7-room house, splendid location, -nle. lawn. Tak. Brooklyn to 37S E 8th, Sell. 1737. .- 8RO0MS. furnace, near Willamette Height. on "V.-' carllne. S30 Raielgh t; key next door, rnone aisraiiau 7 YORK I. a modern 7-room hous.; fire place and furnace: 23: H block from 23d st. car. Call 414 Spalding bldg. FOR RENT fi-room modern bungalow; no ,mall children; vacant Oct. 20. Phon B 2532, or call e-tl fcaat oi.t .t- NICE I-room houe. 1 block from St. John carMr.e, modern In rary particular. Phona C 29S3. Main awi. UODEKK 6-room house, attic, baaement, ri.rnace and lawn. 6?4 East Taylor. 120: 841 S 23. FRONT; gas. bath, yard- Main CLBAN 7-room house. 710 Front St., near Falling SchooL Inquire 71Water at. MODEftS bungalow. 4 rooma, built-in bed; .22.60."lAlfJlnaave! FORSPENT o-rpom cottage. 1041 Belmont at., rent $14- Inquire 1039 Belmont t- VT"W a-room house, ail modern conven- lice.. Call at 670 E. Oak t- FOR RENT It-room bous No. 634 Alarket .t: 15. M 9122. FOR RENT 7-room house Clay St.. or call Main 7834. Inquire 510 ROOMS, leeping porch, bath, etc- 347 Grand ave. Nortli. near Broada-ay. 330. S14 HALSEY. 8-room modern houae; walk ing distance to Wet Side. E. 1221. S-F.003a houFe on Kearney, near 2 let at. Ption. E- -4237. FOB RENT. Houti HOUSES FOR RENT 5 rooms, 411 11th St.. $25. 6 rooms. $34 Front at., faO. 6 rooms, b'SO Front sc. 30. 5 rooms, E. SOth and Francis. $15. 6 rooms, 30 E. 22d at. N.. ftoi. 7 rooms. 954 Vancouver ave., $30. 7 rooma, 1033 E. Sherman. $17.50, 6 rooms, 1214 Clinton su. $-. 8 rooms, li'4d CieveTand ave. $.6. 6 rooms. 770 Kearney St., $37.50. 7 roomA 4rtS 30th St.. $30. R rooms, 30 P.aleigh St., $40. 6 rooms. 2iS Nartiila sr.. $22.50. K rui ma 111 11-h ar t. I FLATS FOR RENT " rooms. Ecs E. Salmon, s.i.ot'. 5 rooms. East First" and Hoiladay. $-2.50. 6 rooms. 202 Grand ave. X., $2.. 5 rooms, 202 Grand ave. N.. $25. 6 rooms. 101 E. 19th sU, $30. 8 roomA 412 E. 8th N. $35. 4 rooms. 821 Northrup St., $30. 5 rooms, E. 2oth and Hawthorne, $35. 5 roomA 810 Kelly st., $25. 5 roomA 371 Pacific St., $23. 5 rooms, 60 Beech St.. $16. 6 rooms. 3050 Cleveland ave., $30. PARR1SH WATKINS A CO., 250 Alder street. S-ROOil house, Irvlngton DisL, E. Sth N. 5- room houaa, Irvlngton Dlst.. E. 15th . N.. 3i. .-room house. Willamette Heights. $30. ft-room bungalow. Willamette Heights, 35. 6- room bungalow, Sunnyslde Dist-, $37.50. 6- room bungalow. Sunnyside Dlst., $25. g-room bungalow. 7.10 E. 27th .t., .21.50. 4- room lower flat, 19th and Salmon, SS". 5- room upper flat 19th and Salmon. $37. 5-room upper flat, 547, Johnson. $?5. 5-room upper flat. 714$, Kearney. $30. 8-room, new, modern flat, 179 Porter, $45. 10-room house, 8S1 Overlook boulevard. $45. 7- room house. Piedmont Dlst.. $48. 4-room house. 1002 Alblna avenue. $12. JOHNSTON. BOTHPUR St TUFFORD, y 908 Chamber of Commerce. Main 69i7. THE GKEATKR MEIKR A FK.ANK STORB RENTAL AND INHORMATION BUREAU. Home hunters, visit our up-to-dat. ren tal and Information department. 4th floor, main building, and see th vacancies w fcav, listed of desirable houaea and flata. Ton'll ,av time In getting properly and comfortably located. We keep In touch, with all vacant houses, flat and apart sent In the city. We alao keep a llat of new building In cours of construction. Th combined list of all real eatat deal r. Thla Information 1 absolutely lr. "WHEN YOU WANT TO BENT A HOUSE SEE OR" THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. New and strictly modern 8-room house, completely furnished. Very attractive fur niture Including new Ludwig piano. Large lawn and cement garage. $90 per month. NOB HIL. Modern fi-room house. Hot water heat ing; everything atrlctly up to date throughout- Located In ona of Portland's finest residence district. Pee tni and you will want It. $100 per month. A. K. HILL. Ask for Mr. Lowe. 419 Henry bldg. O-room, .-.IWIJ. iimuici, u.uc. ..... 1 block Alberta car. 1010 E. 28th, North. $201 , e-room. 3-story, corner 47th and Ala meda, Rose City Park car, ahades, fix tures, fireplace, view of city and moun tains; will give long lease; $30. 6-room bungalow, fireplace, hard aurface streets, between Hawthorne and Mount Ta bor carlines, $25. E. A. HOISINGTON. Main 6738. 625 Board of Trade. IRVINGTON HOME FOR RENT. Modern six-room house, 324 East 15th at-, very nicely finished, furnace, grate, bathroom, ga. and electric fixtures, on the Irvlngton carline; only a block and a half from the Broadway line: rent $35. See owner, daytime, at 320 East Morrison at.; phone evening and Sunday. East 728. 8-nOOM modern house on Willamette Heights, garage: 1 block from car. beauti ful view. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co., 213 Commercial Club bldg. Phone. Main 8699, A 2b53. 6-KOOM cottaee. bath. gas. cement base ment; nicely located. 411 11th, near Har rison at. : rent $23. PARR1SH. WATKINS & CO.. 250 Alder st. ,-ROOM modern hou6e, on corner 14th and Market st.; $65 per month; not a hoard ing house. H. P. Palmer-Jonea Co., 213 Commercial Club bldg. Main 8699. A 26o3. 7-ROOM House, lo c. Bin -oitn, a". etc.: reaaonable to good tenant. Apply to Imperial Pharmacy. 48 N. 6th. Both p nones. TWO houses. 7 rooms each, elegant condi tion, choicely located. Eaat Side, one well appointed for, physician, reaaonable rent. M S. Rentery. Steam, bldg. 6-ROOM cottage on E. SOth St.. block from car; largo, lot with shrubbery; bath, hot water and a:as; rent $14 per month. W. H. Lang. 1509 Yeon bldg. 118 MONTHLY" McFarland 7-room bunga low; bath, electricity; one block Mount Scott car. See Well. Realty Co., Stewart station. MODERN 6-room house; clean and new. eaa. full baaement; $17. 823 East 9th knd Falling. Phone Tabor 28S5. Wood lawn 1943 5-ROOM cottace. nice situated 411 11th it?, near Harrison St. Rent $25. Key at 409 11th. Parrlsh. Watklna Jt Co.. 250 Alder .t- 820 FOR a fine 6-room house, with den on E 26th .. one block from car. Modern and up-to-date. Blanchard & Clem.on, 66 sixth st. 7-ROOM house, new. sightly, walking dis tance; accessible to several carlines: on East 7th. bet. Oregon and Eaat Irving; - ..ft ok... U.in O.TO.t rem ,.o. r u, ........ - NEW 6-room cottage, garden, low rent- Pay . you to look at thla. 1128 Francl. ave.. -w. -car 37th. FOR RENT 4-room modern bungalow near carline. Inquire of Frank Wolf. '2070 E. Clackamas St.. .vmntavuia. $12 RENT 0-room house, bath, lota of ground; worth looking Into. 233 ; 86th and Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 819. FOR RENT 5-room modem cottage, very nice yard, to responsible party only. 1037 Cleveland ave. FOR RENT, on Broadway. 6-room house: modern: 2 carlines; lawn. Telephone East 780 or 589 Broadway. COTTAGE, with three bedroom bath, gas, basement with laundry tubs. 8S8 E. An keny. Open Sunday from 3 to s. 6-ROOM cottage and hath. 248 Nartilla St., 6 between Main and Madison Inquire 23o Nartilla or phone Main 4171. Price $20. FOR RENT Two furnished hou.es. three F n?t fuVnlBhed. W. J. Wolfe, 15th and Albert a. NEW 6-room bungalow, strictly modern; near Laurelhurst. $20. Phono evenings. B 1942 von pf"T 10-room houae, 1295 Corbett iu Inquire Brown Bro... tailor. 244 Al der st. 6-ROOM cottage, full basement, garage. West Side, 20 block, south of Wahln- ton, $40. as ""S'""" Tl TILLAMOOK ST. 7 rooms, "trlctly modern; rent $3o; will give lease. Ward av Younger, 8iuiejJo T-ROOM house, full lot. nice lawn. Lovejoy bet 23d and 24th: $30 month. anmtt wanon, vio - FOR RENT Modern 7-roora house, with hardwfod floor, in Holladay Addition. Phone East 4oi'4. pmore i. FOB RENT New modern 8-room house. S E. comer East 24th and Stanton sts.; rent $32.60 NO 70 LUCP.ETIA. West Side walking dls tance; splendid, modern. 8 rooms, ve randal yard. Key at 7.10 Everett. FOR RENT 3-room cottage at 106 E. 61st .t Inquire at 104 E. 61st t. FOR RENT One 6-room house. 728 E. Sal mon. FOR RENT S-room modem bung low. 140S Mallory avenue. RENT 6-room bungalow, new. 721 East (1st at. Nortn. iw" v.. Call tutf .as- auj- jO 5-ROOM modern house. 416 San Ra ta i SU -ao. HOUSE and barn for rent, $8 month. Call NEW half-bungalow 8-room housA 490 E. 27tn. ivq3 - e. MODERN 6-room house. 671 E. Alder St. Inquire too - FOR RENT 6-room bungalow on 2th and Haisey sts., fv- -""- FOR RENT S-room cottage, walking dis tanc a In qre2LLi.t POR RENT Modern 7-room house; $20; wood in for Winter. faeuwooa lJM. MODERN 6-room house. Call morning a 86 i i7tn. rnone 4-ROOM house on paved street. 477 eVt llth st.. near Division. East 3400. MODERN 6-room house, attic, basement. furnace ana iwu, - a paOM house, furnished or unfurnished; t.y7- - best of Irvlngton. C 100L IRVINGTON 4S7 16th North. 6-room mod ern house- r'none Mmu, FOF RENT Modern S-room house. 2oth and Raleigh. $40. Phone Main 9034. s-ROOM house. East Flanders st.. near 31st. Inquire S73 E. Davis. B 3019. FOR RENT 9 -room bouge. 447 6th iu 45-E.OOM, cot tag A S26. 348 College naaf Park. FOR RENT. FOR RENT. FOR RENT. House and flat, furnished and unfur nished, a J part of th. city. Sea THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth Street. - Main 35. A 8300. 7-ROOM modern house with more than one half acre of ground, finest of fruita and berries, bam and chicken-house, on Francis avenue, close to Woodstock car line: I want to rent this to some reliable people. J E SMITH. 1- MS Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. $50 MONTHLY RENT. ' $J0 MONTHLY RENT. Stvliah. modern, 8-room hous. on the Heights, Bull Run water, sewerage,' fire place, furnace, sleeping porch. AJ 421. Oregonlan. FOR RENT 8-room modern houae, 60 feet from W-R. car; suitable for rooming house: reasonable rent for the right party. 427 Stanton st. Owner. i FOR .RENT 7-room and bath cottage at ! 695 Flanders st., near 21st.. $40 monthly. I A. E. Poulsen. 41$ Railway Exchange. I Marshall 2733L BUNGALOW, 7" rooms, beautiful home. 35 minute, out on nose i.iiy i, mwi.. and Is .trlctlv modarn; rent $30. Phon. Woodlawn 2756. . 9-ROOM bouse, partly furnished, sultabls for rerentlng or roomers; walking dls tance, West Side. 571 5th. Main 929. 7-ROOM house for rent and furniture for sale; terms reaosnable. Call 414 & Yam hill at., city. - MODERN cottage, gas. electricity. good view; like rent. 513 Buchanan bldg., aft ernoons. 7ROOM modern house, every convenience. finest close-in location: this Is a snap at $30 a month. T. J. Long. Main 125- MODERN 6-room house, wood and 'ov lor sale at a bargain. Call at 660 E- Alder; take sannyaio jiar I Furnished House. MODERN 6-room house on Broadway street, in Irvlngton district; fully fur nished; a pleasant, homelike place, new and clean, with a nice yard: $40 per month. For the key call at 844 Broad way St., or citiu'. mp. 5-ROOM furnished cottage; 1 unfurnished room; Sleeping porua; ceiui.. " good furnace; close in; nice lawn and rosea. A bargain. $35. 2S8 Wheeler t- Phone East 4645. NICELY furnished 7-room house, atrlctly modern, furnace, fireplace. gas water heater, etc.; responsible parties only: rent $45 month. 237 E. Slst, near Hawthorne. Phone A FOR RENT Furnished flat, 5 rooms, mod ern. unnv. well, lighted, .ll of first floor well furnished, furnace, fireplace. 110 E. 17th. corner E. Alder. Phone East 1618. Reference, required. FOR LEASE or for sale, 3 new modern $ and 6-room bungalows, furnished or un furnished, on carline; beautiful view, com pleted on or about Oct. 13; price rea sonable. Main 3759. FOR - RENT 5-room modem bungalow, furnished. Richmond Addition, close in. Apply 987 Tlbbetts st. Phone Tabor 3115. . $20 AND Interest buy. well-furnlshM 6 room house, bath, two lot. 8 fruit trees. house and yard, or will rent. 877 Oberlin et.. Portamooth. LOVELY 8-room furnished house for rent, gaa, water and bath; $15 per month; no objection to one child. 1006 Alblna ave. L" carline. FOR RENT Houseboat, completely fur nished. Sleeping accommodation for eighty people; city water, electric light and tele phone. Only $15 per month if taken for the Winter. Phone C 2131 before 2 P. M. WANTED Responsible parties to rent cot tage, furnished for Wlntar or longer, owner will remain If agreeable; Portland Height., walking distance. AJ 423, Oregonlan- . ROOM furnished house, fruit shed, barn, acre of ground, free water, corner 49th and E. Irving at. Tak Montavllla car to 49th street. ALL or part of a neatly furnl.hed I Mm room modem house nicely located. Call between 10 A. M. and 6 P. M. 289 E. 4. lb st.. South Hawthorne ava. 6-ROOM furnished house, 1023 East 10 th at. N.; new modem, desirable, reasonablel closo to car. school, stores; lease. Ed wards. Mam ono or FURNISHED 6-roora home, modern convenl ences throughout, near E. 26th ? Car uther sts. Good car service. Reasonable. Taor i4o. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED EAST SIDE HOME" 8 room!: owner going to Europe; will lease for 1 year to responsible party. no ennureu. .t.g m ....... A MODERN 6-room house, completely fur nished; piano: furnace heat; lawn , nd flowers; Hawthorne dltrlct. Phon B 1019. FURNISHED house of 4 room on Oregon City carline. large yard. Burden and chicken yard. $12 Pr month. Call 64S Taylon iTsPATTON ROAD. Portland Height. rooms and bath, with ga trtrh"W opportunity for garage; will consider leasi to responsible party. A 4017. rOROOMT-nicely furnished house. rJ; fine yard, close In, 2 carlines, la minutes ?Uo center city: rent $35. Phono Main 1254. 520 Henry bldg. MODERN, well furnished B-roora home, close In. $23. and owner's board, suitable for boamers. FOR RENT Swell home. 6 room., partly finished: mission dining-roorn. complete. Phone Woodlawn 1561. C 2451. FOR RENT 4-room furnished e."?- "'I11 piano; 2 blocks MC Scott car; $8 a month. K 449. Oregonlan. 737 GERARD St.. University Parfc 8-roor furnished cottage, rent $12. Phono East 4503. ALL modem, nicely furnished ZV1 furnace, ga. and electric. lights. 595 E. Ash. cor. 'i.nn. WELL-FURNISHED 5-room cottage u rent reasonable to riRut i -" 1724. sunaay. kuiu " TtFATTTIFUL PORTLAND HEIGHTS COT Bt1ge77 rooms, only $35 per month: fur niture lor Bale cne.y. -.u... Tn-.n TTurnlshed fiat, value $S00; must sell: 3ow7er called o of city. 213 Chamber, of Commerce. American umi NINE furnished rooms, houi-e ready for 3 apartments: very cheap rent. Call 143 Northrup St. NEW 6-room house, completely furnished. 2$ East 23d and Hawthorn ave. East 2221. . 7-ROOM furnished house, all modern: fin. location, near public and hieh school. Phone Woodlawn 1610. WFLL-FURNISHED modern bungalow and garage! T beautiful flowers. Phone numo-r. Woodlawn 86. t t FIVE-ROOM house and furniture to rent on West Side. 309 Clay st Call as soon as possible as owner must leave. NEW. clean, modern 7-room house fur nished complete; furnace. Hawthorne ave. Tabor 2270. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 5-eoom cot tage" Including piano: close in. West Side. Inquire 142 North ISth t. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room house, close in on East Side; $40 per month. Phone B 12U.1 for RENT Fullv furnished modem 7-room F house in IrvWton. 585 Tillamook t.. or call Main 672, Mr. Hart, Monday. 5-ROOVI furnished cottage for rent October l.?: Inquire 477 Union ave.. near Eugene or .ast ovio. ft-RNISHED 6-room cottage, or will ell: gas bath, piano; reasonable; adult.. S55' Vancouver. PARTLY furnlahed modem 6-room house on East Side. $25 per month. Marshall 3198. FOR RENT 6-room furnished house, with piano. In Woodlawn. Woodlawn .87. NEW, modem. 7-room house, elo.e In. East 530, C 2266. $12 50 NEAT 5-room furnished cottage, nlc ' , iQ','. yaro. v. jmim " J NICELY furnished modern -roora house; piano. large yard. Phone B "84, $26 FURNISHED HOUSE. 6 room., mod- em. 1 TVIH.1 v icxila ca NEATLY furnished 5-room flat. 721 E. Tam- nui si. 6-ROOM furnished housA 777 Kearney at., near aoa-st. cat. 5-ROOM furnished modern cottage. A eiepnone .hj. FURNISHED -room cottage for rent, close- in. inquire os uu PART of nicely furnlehed cottage, with Piano, IO BPX CUUgP"'"! 4my.g. wo WANTED Couple to share furnished house. Call at 667 Vancouver ave. DESIRABLE 5-room completely furnished FURNISHED 6-room cottage for rent; $"3. -..IT OAQUL XJ a ' V r-il-n av 7-POOM modern house, 5 rooms furnished.. Be 11 wood 887