THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 8, 1911. 11 pnT4Tiox w ivrrrv m l"L - CIVIL. tci.fl'r r s m-t vtth m taf r. un; m wt h-i r mp crmoi tw support f m . br-.4i.y -lu.a'.ed. w:d ar-gine-jring x - r : -r . ra . r a r a, m u n . 1 p . work. h.; m4 cancrt str j lur' iiwm.r l'iif- ' ag.n-r.cs social lea of A -T.-r . nt rUffac. AL 474, Tfr.:il .. . . Tvt S- roup. iasdlntan a-oei-t;m, man goo4 seru-nr ftr.4 know e ho to uk cr af auimobii, bora ar.,i c i.'i if la n txci nt x &.--;-. Pboit Ei iti or - drMi 4." . 'r-; nt-i. - W A N T"M r. .. ee mar,a;-r of wr ar er-.m-nt huu, or enytmng requiring ru!r, i.y man of 'id ppanc, J J.f..rr ii4 Al an fUs bo;l it BcMMfr. N drunkard. X 44 7 O: ;-- V a omn. Sal-e. no chil dren. uu I I.k to work on finn. twtJ ,r rwri:..f houw; man is able to do "7 wo-k. la a a -vJ mukor and woman u "'! co ibl ttouMMptr. Aioo Hu- i'. : 4 Md.awa t. Vi-t'N-J ;rmio nuen. 2 y-sra old, ing, w;na HMJr P"-Wn dnwn tin or ear of ocii, !Ur-i to . ut of t'wa. Cbu. Kautx, Ceo. Porf..,ad. Or. J rio' by y wns n.i rled ma. fami.leT uii or-xon. w r.i-.on. Idaho and Ce i luf nl. 7 ax rT.t xpri-nc. rapid wii couX4;c, reform.. AO 4'J. ora Cr an. V A.T.-.i 1 imepti of c-mmiury uik. haao any accounting required; nanyw rr . etna. e emyricac. vri 1 r;.rncl vi fii loceii. AO 4.3. rioa:o. CoOKwenta work, city or country; do nut u too' .-o or l.quor; lng experience In I brtnrr; or msn ana w if HI t..?-rnr. botn good cook. AD Ol, res'-n a J.. W AXTK I p.aitioo aa fnrmr or flrma tr Burrrl tnan. 7 yara of a-- prlr;, beat of rafTancea O X Ora a;:n io. I t t - K I. p-'a:ty Mlmaa, S yar eg w::.amfta ojr terrltorT. hartjwara and irnrai at or a trad. dira poaltiao; tmt rt,'rroct. A F a4. Ora.ouiaa. pra; farritjr. unruiU ravatrlaa;: ao or ni taat of rofarascaa. W 441. Ora- 1 K r - I. a r .rrur or rrpairar at rani r la f'or-laa I. If inl--rvlwad will furnlaa rrrnca to aait an body. K Ura- aa -ax jAl'ANr-V. hlU laraiir. Jual arr1l. it4ka r:ni'r and Umio, want a ! a.t i. a In m fmiy aa w altar, houaowork; .ft r yi-.nP. It 4?4. ironlaj. CTTaT ; k1. -t and f.rt-clsa machanic. n.arrt-;. ih poattlon In aity or oun trt , in-,.iy aot tr suid raiiabia. Af 4a, rrji 't.tan IiOT of I. 'kI parvntaar. woId !tka wtrk whr thr t a vnanro of ad Tanmcnt r Usrn trad. At' 44. Orta- r ia- 1 . 'TN Jpna. h! Uucail-H. don't m k- w t.ts a tln a houaowork. .lt r.-.k.r.. wa;o iA poC BwOU. A ur('H. v A NT 1 I l canil'.makmf. o tans' man, chanro to !' workar. strictly lro i i--ocraam & akin pr a: . r . I Up Al-trr T 4. ;ntnln. TAKK contrs. ts for srda work. rs.lia. r a p : .a . sh tuds, Tr Isn laOAp Br.tnr. - a Almsr. t,ma.ll..a a. Fitt-r-' I.A.-.H pastry covk aud bkr wabta p.t: .1.. c-.a tfl rWroea. In Mlsf ).4 srintl.o A pr::ua4 hy.iruii m.rr Jrirs mnr P'-tt-.n ha mak-a ir no charaja lr MM !. , jtrrt-tBUft. UAW'kI U cn-f i!-R. flr-t ci dtnnr a 1 rdr. 0 sar .ip'inr., want t!.. t.' thwr. cit or c -untry. AK 4o r r '-n j a. vr p h-ma A - JaMT"U orfi-ma atl t car f r ma ch ; rr1-nr ard rcott.m'lat ).n ; 0-- - stp:ouint. Aat 4;. ur foniaa PIT !Urhau."lnJ ctnr p..ii.r,r. i bur or contract. Mm M Art in - NIN- ant-l by hih-caaa automw ,. msa, .tr.lnj. rpin r dr-ioo- r ir.a . rfrn.-- a. ATU-N aut-a Uriviu- aut truck by r-patr man and U -nasd crtautaur. SJ H'.i at. or IL-n-.a pnra II -" lwT ) -ra .d wiriLa work In arrocory i-r aora aiii pprcttad- M - 4 r. . CM u r'i'a.t'i; tth first-:. sa rfsr-nca. Vi, crt'Aniii r-pairmg. i-haa position wtt priat fmiy. V OTantsa. MAU.lurir. .n auk laml.y nt poltloO .n fim. iit bo us- to as. I. tia ao V 4.. .r-ai man. o" P V N rails'''- wanta p"ltloo on fruit larm. arood bnt. b a aaa prafarrsd. A N 4-. C'raaon t-a. CT-irstJadv'man nia position aa r , tsaa car oai or sv eoatv 1'bono V okJ awn U . rrrTfci;MAkKR ih-a altuation 1J yar auria-'; rafracaa, wa 244. aa- CLOAK and u't hujr-T. flttar. now tth .u-rrn Ca;ifmi fm datra sains Pinion Ik Port.aad. AN . Orr:onaa lT-il fK LKANINO and lndow waahlng. or jmtor wora. Maui Attdraw Jr. uinr - 47 r t.t p.-siilon In da-oial oftlo by li.Vns-'U d-ntttt. r.-t-cis-a operator; atata trrii.a. AN 41. t 'rccotilan. wT PV u I i-lN' KT lunch-count-r mil wanta p.s.v to work aiUta. AO il.raonian lUokkiprra and wramrapbrra. A TMOt'.ol'illir.T compliant and r'Iab: oiUa a-tman wanta p.ttu! with rilab; shja.- h.ouj or d':rtront aiora. t nmr-cnt t. takt full rharaia of arrount 1 tr i f lia d-p- rtniftii. Pat of iv-rrrri-ra and a b nd. If raqulrad. Ad-tr-s I 4-v- t rr gon .an a r KN " ; U K Pi - H- 'Ju:-d. lhoroiih- ty ynn.--'.l m :rn.)r.p(iy, bookk-- Inc and m- n ra w:rtv work, accuatomd t. rran ,ty iud bih-a;rsUs work. Addrs V . 1. ' N Main -V- 1- T iV"i II 'C iHI . V ct:p'tftit ounc iJdy book-k-i". with know .-o of :u-raphr. tirirra -tin. I ra p-r inc , bast r rr-Vrn;;.i A t-l. Or- -lan s-ncrp:i-r. bokkpr. s pjrni a tumbr ar.d n-.a-rr rauc. phono Maid !!.- . ri N.K,iiAi nn wd f.Iu.-atwn. . ru aatl . t , r. .-ara prtnc. aiair.i, rapid . turn lab y r- fin n-a. V 4-, urt- STrN'.HAr'H t . n a .rkr. Aiits pes. : W.a l.- ou. 1 1 4T t, r.'iiiaa- a x p r i c r. c. g -Hd no ob Taoor 3104 or t oi ! at poi ton as o'tica aa lt r b, .;r-a " -rk. roo4 prnmin. f a w. r . ra'.Tt-ncr. axpanauca. r L 41 .'r'-nl- r Al HON:: -r P slr-s psr .ia-r.t 1 r' ir - f.r ai) B" araj'h nparalor da 01a. n-m.r.l MOr; Tt. K -.'141. K 441. KKiVi TiSV -pir dcair s p-s.tioia. I -.r4aJi b.o.kcpiriat I'noua a.ast AM 11 VI L S ouna d-sira of?; work s,s awfiaai b-'kb par . yr aara ax pstrtp1. rraita Tabor 14- v-l N iAd a;-r cf t -fr. 4 months' office rpnrr-. w p a.tin; wi..m Worker. I honr M On f.J art-r 1J P M. iU'OKKKr Pr-R STKNOORAVHER . nprl rnra In aU bran.b S'&arai office worav M a 1 n - " 4 7 Twl"Ni la'y w'ha position ta office, c'.ar I a sura ir1aocd. undsraiand tp wrttls H i.-v t , k K Ki HN ' I lady at watraphsr dMrf a p .:.on. law prr;rrt2. rsaarvakraa, at yli; room ft. ITKNtXiKAfH U(. on yaara aaporiaa. da s' r.-s posi.l 'O. vltn-r pfrrnai.tnl or au( si tuts :.a - i mag.ilaa. Marsna.I 1 v" a.n " " I Pi; -oa f r 3 dsra of tha wwk I r everts.---! of v4 ant:r AMrsaa AV Cr f JTt I x. tVlfHIKM"K t at-na rwphsr. crurt wait vl-icetsd, wUbaa pvw.UOfk. li 47 on an. 0Hit atuB'-'frsphar Wanta p-"ttIon; 4 J."s ri-.riaiKa. bat of ctty rsXartacaa, Main J4J i TT I'tV KI riN'i. aosracta and manuacTipts vary raavaata It. on CoL 7. 8T kno.R phfih with lo&a aiprtaco la 1 wanta p4Uoa. Ma n 1077. aT K.N ; R A P H K H. pr!ncad la Insurance, ma. hlt-ary and t--hn,rsi work. Main W77. t -. KII'N'KU b.-kkatr and a'.aa-an.'--r wACts pi!t.on. :!wod 10V2. V A K Kii wn:a axt-r'-n.-s.! h:p, .;.r--!. s -:r!. 4! K i-r La 1'ifc.V aad c y-m h'me. Ma 1 rro a aj 'mm; at Al aa ivpr. V f 3 -v tT VT A N T 1. 1 l' b ha day. or at home, pr-.' -s moj'; Phon Tb-r 1 1 "ma. Al-L k:n.!a f f anior.bia draaamaklnr and laillsa tallortr.a ssp-tallT. Main 11. FlKiiT-OI -4 drumaJt:nc don rsaa-nab:ax A 7 A A. Mala Hi. cal for rtraaamak ar HnTTIOV W A N TF TV FFTM A I-aV EXPEHIENCilD drMtmakvr ariha p'aoa in nrti-riBH rami. ia to do all kinUa of ain ana a:tratina; raaaonabia. Ad dra r crgf'tuan tvK fak-a for ai: umla of obroj'lry, .l.l;ug n4 infanta outfl; a pr.aitr. i'a4 or aOaraa. Xra. Clark. K 7tk at. WuhK tn bora:nc-hoi- or ..Jor ham tr rlna mtd da-aid lady: food cook and houk-pT. T 414. Or-onlan. DKKmmiakp: from tha Et a-lll do dy work. rmodltfic. altaration. Marahall lTi. - lKK-'.-IAKIV''J anj latlioa" 'tallorln AS Wan'.cctoa:aTanth at. aatrmnca. i'aoa Lhr.v-MAKiN) and p a:n a" in, rafcon- p' !.- ilra. Jamon. 4oT iiiiort r-t . l.n:a Or. f'hoQ 3T1J. VI. ivS.-il KIXi Su;:i J J to or a'4.ra 1' Wititi $1 to 111 ATI work t ia-artrd V a -ah a' I 1.Ut Dl: K M AKi NO doaa raaaor ab'.y at cor. i'nrtt and Pnd.t-n av. Mrha:i 121 Coif I'K TENT aam;rraa wlhea work by day Marshal Ml. lA II-O r.TD aklrta and plain awlna 4a-A j nurtran bt , apt. if. A aui. Iilf-:1IAK I NO at our homo by Ilia tlay. Vn WMtn-y. Main !". alK3 DAVId, drfumakmg rau-lora: raaaoa- priraa, Mala J.t. I04 Madison. KMTKT tsllortnu a ad drfamaiC. 4vi Tirnr:: f. prior Marshall a r List! ilnw. ma-la. t ppar Flat D, 7M panap. 1'hona 143 Main. Xar fcOT'H ilr!y lady, hai:hy and com pitt. would Ilk a poa:tton aa nurs m.l companion for Inva ; Id. or hous-kpr f r an af--1 cojp.t, rvf-rnca. Addrvaa Mrs. Aan- a Hug ban. S31 Oram it. - A NCRSR will glva an InvaMd bst of car at hr noma: rry plaajiant surroundlnca; plenty of Hajht and frsti air; trma mod rrat. N 41'. Orcritsn. MIDDLE-A OKD lady, axporlancod nurs. with baat rafarrnra. w iahea parmaoent poattlca carina for Invalid, childraa or in fan t. p ho nm Main 3 0 IlA-SPONMfU K lady will eoma to your bom or hotal. carina; for child ran or m(lova!ida at any bir day or antn(. Phona Main A oO M'R5K want maternity caaaa at nous; firtTa accoaimodAtlona: raaaonabta. Pbon h-llwood ftd or ca:i at 43 4-Id av. t. K. MOTHER of T children cava blrtb to an other four daya aajo. ttiil born, and wtll nurs Infanta of arood family. duO 74 ih at.. Firiaao: station AN axprtncd rrVra will Tak lady at bom durtnc conf!nmnt. 113 par weak; b-t of car M 27 1 W. p. M. a-XPtTHIKNCEt Bun. car invalid, matar n 1 1 y. lnf an t. aj-r t latnaa, lad y. city, Call-rrnla- Main A M 1LUI-A;KL Kutnn aura desire tha cara of alck or of small chlidran, rafar -n-a. Ail 445. Orconlan. It : y I.NKO mldd .a-a ad w omia w tsbsa to tsk rax of baby srary aft-moon riLpt Hundaa and Prtdaya H 4 It. Orvajoolan. MI t'DLE-AUKD lady w.h- poaltlon to cara f ir ami-mtahd or aldarly parson. Call Main aWt. ;. V OatKUAS Hospital ruluia nura will tak pAtl-ntaJtt tr boms. Phon Wood lan or AP 4 oreajonlan. TO cara fr aaml-laaiid or makt horn fr old coor la strictly prlralo Xamliy. Pnoo Main 41M4. MATKilNITT nurs want caa; will work ama. Marahall JKTT. TO do msndlnc damlnir or plain aawlnt; in oar horn. Phono Marahail 2Zi9. A h m l prart icai aura wtabaa poaltlon. Mat-rnlty raa a apodal ty. Main P 1 4't. CART, of Inralld or hnus-kaaplns;-N ura. room . M ain 74 1 Ul Ha A ItRt.lABI.K jounaT w!dw waata boua kri poaltlon for wld-?wr or ama;: nt.amaa; am a arood cook and am -x-pertsncad. can fumiih tha baat of rafar rn.-a P 4fT. Crraionlan. Kr.Ll AhLB w am an with daughtar of II dlr work m houakanr or hlp in nty . wa-a . a. 4ili ;ih at., a. a K-m Park. POSITIiN by ap-'rl-'ncd Tounf lady at asatatant hooa-kpr or llnon-room (t'ri In first-rtaaa botal ; rafaraocca, H 473, t'racP'an. LMN C C M HKHKU, mldd a B4 lady would ik position aa housk-psr in rpK-tb:s wi lwr'a fa-nJy or famtiy of adulta ad 7 riantnbaln a UADT of rftnm-nt and aapr:nr would Ilk poaltlon aa houskapr or companion for o:d lady AM 4-Vd Orraronlan. L NIN'TM llEf; Ct " widow of mlddla aTa witutd hAuafkp for con (a olai rantlmaa. W 7. Oraarontan. N FT AT. worklcar houaakaapar wanta poaltlon; thorotichly cimp'inil ; boat rfarnc AN 47, OrrsjooLan. W A N T F r By raflnad woman, arood axacu tiv ability, poaltlon aa manir of a part -maat houat or hot-!. AC 4-4 Ora ronian. WuMIN with two chPdraa wanta housa ksptnaj: country prfrrd. svaat 477X Koom .301 W Ifawtriorrt av. UwHT housework; juldd;-a;-d woman. Ad 44J. Or-Konlan. lA lX wiahaa pattlon aa houaakaapar for on or mora nilaman. F 473. Orraronlan. I'OSITION aa houaakaapar wanted by a mli'1-trJ woman. Phon Kaat o2. L.A LT wiahs poaltlon aa bouakaapar In rooming-hou. Tslaphono 811 wood 1914. lomallca. il'NO lady wanta amployma-nt In family of farmer or rancher, do to Portland. Q 474. Op-Ttlanv COMPFTENT mtdd:a-aa;d woman wanta arar4i botuaaork; good cook. T 44i, Ml aralla naatw. EXTKiUEV'TD woman wanta day work, washinr. Ironln-f or c ham bar work. Mar shall 17?T. f TKt.Nd Gorman wrman wanta laundry work by tho hour; sood worker. Main 4C2. Pundar arranlnc- WANTED Py a flrat-clasa cook, plac fo work by tha day r hour. Parties aod lunrhon alao. 35 13th at. EXPCKIKNt'KD mui!c taachar arlraa two piano lraaona for 75 ota. AO 427. Ore a: n inn. MAN and wlf wnnts plara aa cook and hipr In oar, camp or aroall hoCeL C 443, orv-a-nntan. I litST CLASS martcuriat dealr o 470. Or-aonlan. poaltloa l. y. CT PTAINa band laund-rad-Ma'n 14m. Phono Ui'MAV Janitor work In office bide ah 471. Urrtonian. riKT-f I.AS5 Uuntlrm can aMve Monday a or WaUneaday a: rf rrnca Mala WrW. EXPFKIFNEO chamosrmald da-siraa po sitlotu Addrras AF 4bd, Oregonian. COLOR EI laundra. piecework. sPk. wool ar.1 l!--n. silk d'pp-d. MarhaM W VSTtD ty work bv rilabl woman, for Mr, ftrown. 4."P4 Main. i.ilA'HKP woman wiahea poaltlon. J an i: rasa or car of off.; prtncd. M V69. COt.f KEn woman. houaaworV cMk or chamber Tnald after . M Orran. WOMAN wanta day work. Call Woodlawa U t m CAl'ABLK woman wants day work. Main 7C.''. room a, LAUT win cater for dtnaer or luncheon. Mr. W.. Mla 4M. , r PKiL.NCKU chambermaid, phone Main MM WANTIU Poaltlon as Uaihr; four years UIKL 14 wish pla to work for room and bord and Ionian. achooL AU 441. Ore- LA K curtains lur.d-rd by an exprt. Mr. W K. Mrott. Tabor 24 4.1, C I?U 7 . NoKU koUN wom&n wanta d.y w ork. Ptiona arnion only. Kasl 4 JSC AT houaakaapar deelrve situation for widower In cy. i 4-S. Oresuaiaa. EXfERIEN'TD woman wanta work by tha day, waahic s and Ironlrg. Main TTa. DaT work wmatad by arood woman. Phon Main 4J4- 1 make a specialty of laundarln lac cur t a ma at home. Tabor 3A70i i,AE curtains band iaundaraxl. called for and drltyer-d. Phna Wood. asm IXt kHIalNCKU tutor w ishe backward pa Ptl to coa h. raferancsa. Marshal 5'14. Vj AN rt.l Wsah.naf and ho us ciaanins. phon FBt a room io. a.X V V. HI EN El woman wanta chambsr work or day work. Pr-.ona, Main 3 .''. WoMAN wan;e wrk by hour. 2oc phone Ms re ha: I Wi'l l.D Ilk laundry work for Monday and Tu'elay. phone o-llwo'-d 4S. LA' "K curtalna waahed ; asperlencad; cailsd for and d-.f-er-xl Main Ir l.l AI'l.E woman wanTa few hours work. Low wsa-ee. No svh'nf B 1MX E. PETil UNCtn woman wants any kind of work by day Main 4J1T. WM.N 4A a work by day ar hour. Ca.l Mai a 202, WANTED. HOUSEWORK. Refined, axporienced Sirl wauts houao work in family of two or tbre adulLs; a quiet pace with elderly people preferred; best of referancea. Phone Eait 5174. WANTED Pupils to tutor In biffh school and oil ere preparatory branch. For full Information address X 44. Orafun Ian. POSITION wanted as manaaT-r of apartment-house by experienced woman. city ralarancea as to reliability and effi ciency. Y od4, urtfonian. EXPEni ENCED woman wants mo mine or apartr&snt house to car for In a for houaekaspinc room a and small aaa.ry. 4 '-j K. Uuiuatq. room . Iul'.Vi; ijdy w.iu;d Ilk puaiilon aa ta. ph w up-rator In hot. ; i-B speik P rnch. epavaish and Italian. Call 00WI, Apt. li. MIDDLK-AOKD lady atransjar wanta full manaarment of nnmir.f-hura or cham berwork; xprlenced; fair waa;ea. J. New liawuiorne. 1st and Jelfrrson. EXPERlBVCtD youn lady" wants poaltlon as racapllonlat. pboto atudlo prefsrrad; capable of takinx charyo; local references. Mar-a ail 21 btweta li and 1 P. M. FIKaT-CLAita cook watnta poaiUon hotel or hoardinc-bouso; A-l referancaa M 421, Orerniaa. F.N-il 1HK woman, used to bualnesa Ufa, dsa.rn poaltlon of truat or aupervlalon. Addr-as AE 4d. Oror.lan CARE of children. Uouaework. day or even ins; ref-rences. Mrs. Atlln. 4M6 70th at. S. E. Phone Tabor lo50. GERMAN lady wants day work for full dava for Monday. Tuesday,. Wednesday. Phone East f47. MiLLINEHY trimmer d-stres poaltlon, Chl raco exparlenca. M l-a L. Walgren, 330 Taylor t. Phone SJni. KEFrNEI. compatsnt woman wanta room ing ho us to car for. Phon. Main room 7. MANUSCRIPT work, fllllnr In. addraaa Ina. cheap; work called for and delivered. N 472, ores on lan. KlRT-CLASH colorwd laundreaa waui'.a ihr days' Ironing In private family. 4 'Hi Couch. LA"E curtains, hand laundered, called for, deiivred; 40 cent a pair; work ajuaranteed. Marsnall 2137. . MIDDLE-AGED woman aa traveling com panion to old lady or invalid coins; to Los Ansel. A 47u. OTesotian. TOI'NG latly wiah-a to make corset covers, comolnatton autta and daj-n at or kings; reasonable prlt--a. 1'hone Main 417. LAl'V of ability and good ponman desire copying or poaltlon in office w hers expe rlrnce la not caceaaary. i 414. (rffonlan. TO TAKE charge of small roomlng-houae. Reaeon:ble wages; referencea -67 7th St., room 1 0. EXPERIENCED cook. 10 up; chamber maids, w aitreaaea, nurse. PL Jouls Asency. 3j3 S Waah. Main 203, A 4775. EXl'ERT nedlawoman wishes orders for fine hand embroidery I prices moderate. Phon Marahall 3Ku. A LADY woulJ take charge of room In g bous In Marsh held or nursing. Phone Miln PHO. W ANTED by rwflned mtddie-ased woman; actlv work, god eeiwnstreaa, room and board. AM 457 Ores'olan. WANTED fo buy DuntU'y'a cleaner; muat be la sod condition. Phon Main 3'1. W A XTE I A f! E NTH. U. TOC money! I Jo dally can b made. Tou be the one to ret thousands of dol lars. Just snd postal asking for terms and fre aampia proLKasltion. Itevolutlun In vacuum cleaners that will be snapped up. Owl In quick. Aarto Vacuum Co., D 080. Clo-innail. O. Ir OHU, Iluu k. Overland, Maxwell, air-fric-tton carburetors drlv a our cars 3 miles pr hour on hish; much mors epved, much Uas gasoline; na auji:sting scrw; attach one jourself; satisfaction or refund money, want agents. Alr-Prlctlon Carburetor Co.. Ia y to n. O. At K NTH on aa'ary or commission. The greatest sgents Seller avsr produced; erery ueer of pen and Ink buys It nn sight; 2" to o'.v per cent profit; one asset's salea amounted to S -'-( In six dara; another ..J In two hours, Monro Wfa. Co.. ... 244. La Croiac, Wla v E WANT a few more agents In open ter ritory to eall the new improved Aladdin Coal Oil Vapor Lamps; sample outfit free to our agenta; send us your name on postal, aaa for catalogue It. The Mantle Lamp Company of America, Portland, Oregon. REPRESENT ATI VEH wanted to sail olf se curities now paying lu per cnt annually from producing waits; money required to drill mora wais quickly; gilt-edge propo sition quirk response securities liberal contract. Addresa suit 342-344 Cltliens National flank bids.. Los Angales, Cat. AO ENTH maice $1 every day In Oct.. Nov.. Dec. with our Mr. free Vall outfit; 5VOU new. qulck-selirrg. guaranteed articles maka aaveral customers at every houaa; writ t ol ay for territory, free outfit and our wonderful money-making plan. A. W. Holmes Dept. P., Providence, R. L TO 10 day for reliable men and woman agents; easiest, fastest, bast sellers ever offered: nine sales to each ten calls, by our special plan; big profit for you; fu!I detatia free. Addresa Household Co. A cency. Division No. . Topeka, Kan. UONEaT man or woman wanted In every town to represent well-known wholesale firm; experience unnecessary; must fur nish rood references; easy, pleasant work; fair salary to start. McLean, Black aV Co.. ft4 Beverly St.. Boston. Mass. INVENTIONS of merit should be manufac tured properly; our equipment la modern and complete; backed up by ability and good service; estimates and full Informa tion cheerfully furnished. The Metal Spe cialty Co.. Department H. Cincinnati, O. JJIG MONEY selling auto aoceaaory. Just out; to par day profit; auto not neceoaary; attracts attention everywhere; sells Itself- every sutolst wanta It. Writs today. Dock 10, Hunvllls Mfg. Co., Pus bio, Colo, TO SELL, tha Book of Knowledge and Chil dren's Encyclopedia, the rial money maker of the year; leads furnished; sales men making big money; get In on the ground floor. The Oroller Society, 132 Tenth sL WILL atart you earning $4 dally home, spare time, all van ng mirrors; no rap Its 1; free Instructive booklet, giving plans of oporatlon, O. F. Redmond, saopL 64, Bos ton. Muss. SlilN tainting aajents. 1W0 per cent profit; beat and cheapest window letter made ; iesi Taounted: outfit frre; success posi tively aruarantsed. Emboaisd Latter Co.. 2MU Mllwsukee av.. Chicago. AGENTS make big money selling our metslllc letters for office windows, store fronts and glsas signs; anyone can put them on- samples) free. MetaJUc Sign Co., 4.i7 N. Clark st.. Chicago. ATTENTION Mandolin achool solicitors. Investigate our new proposition: h-st for agants and public by clean, legitimate ertiooL Call K0 to 10 A. M room 14. 87 E. Burnslda. FoR HALE Eik flags, banners, draperies and novelties for the reunion In 1913. Finest line In America for sale cheap. Audreaa the Western Fir wo rate Company, Denver, Colo. EITHER sex. aeU guaranteed hosiery; 70 per cant profit. goods replaced free If hole appears; experience unneceesary. Ad dress "Wear Proof," West Philadelphia, Fa. BOi.DRIN'S home treatment electric oren loetantly relieve) rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, aclatica. lumbago, etc balls fr 115. h ample, o. Boldrin Company, iiUd Ash worth ave., feattl. STATE agent, crew manaaara; apeclal ar- ransernenta. new household spec isj ties. monev saver, money getters: write for particular. Automatic Perfection Co, IT W. 43d. Ji. T. AOENTi) to handle Mr rest money-making fire sat lngult hers; special starting offer; 73 to per month: xclnaiv territory. Padser Chwmical Mfg. Co.. Milwaukee, W is. WE sll perfuma: so can you. S3 will buy goods worth $13: we will explain: aampi 10 cents. Hoy a I Perfume Co., Dept. Ad. sba Francisco. 8El'RB steady Income selling our novelty and changeable slgna. in demand by ad merchant. Catalogue) frea. Climax Nor Ity Co . St. Louis. viiiHT dollar pr hundred paid for col lecting n a. UK'S and addresses. Steady Worts. Stamp HT wrucuiKrs. nitri rn:e .., 21 7--PJ St. Paul st.. Baltimore, Md. FREE aample; pa'-nted Aug. ltil; not sold In stores: f dally profit do ad easy; vend Zc ( cost). Sed Mfg. Co,, si Reade. Nw York. t0 MONTH upwards staple specialty; bg demand : exclusive territory. Write now. T. N. Htgsa. 14 N. Mark, Chicago. AGENTS Could you use some real money? Writ or caUl 1V9 Lu ruber Excuanga. Portland. Or. AGENT3 waated men and women) If not making - per day. call Monday or Tuea day afternoon. ftu Division it, cor. lth. UE A R N about the profits made supplj lug perfumes to families. Address Lefier A Co.. Indianapoiia, Ind. LEGITIMATE substitute for a!ot machines; patenteil; selli on alicht for 91. Particulars Gisha Company. Anderson. Ind. STOCK FALESM N for limited, flrat nrwpoaltioa. buft Wella-Fargo bldg. WANTED AGENTS. GENERAL and local, her la your oppor tunity; energetic men can make $29 yearly and up; Improved Canchster kero sene mantel lamp revolutionizes old meth ods; far superior to electricity, gas. acety lene or gasoline. 1-14) coat; burner fit all lamps; aafa. clean, odor lea, burns with or without mantle; teated and pronounced by stats of Pennsylvania "moat efficient light found. Greatest seller known. Ws want a few mor liv men In open terri tory. Canchster Light Company, Dept. 37. 104 N. Stat st. Chicago. EAST money: go after It; here's a hunch your opportunity; whirlwind seller, men wild or marvelous work of new auto matic raxor aharpener any raxor; rlx-xlp, trick's don; get busy with money-making machine your territory; agents, aaleamen. managers wanted. Ail or spare time; no extterlence required; ll.&O profit every 1 minutes; life cbanos for hustlers. Write for lacts. sworn proofs now. The Never Fall Co.. 01 Colton bldg.. Toledo. O. NEW household artlclea. low priced. 150 per cent profit; money back, guaranteed; has start I td world; 1,000. OuO to be sold next 10 months; every woman buys; novel In vention; one agent says, "21 sales first day; another wired, "fihlp ft doxea first express.'' Moss took ft order after sup per. Seotire territory. Snd poatoi today NOW this minute. Delay Is defeat. ' Full detalla and working plan free. Oauge Mfg. Co, 61 Meredith bldg., Toledo. O. AGENTS wanted ; orders from our agents for Auguat deliveries of LIVESTOCK CY CLOPEDIA AND COMPLETE STOCK DOCTOR aggregate ll.oua volumes; we still have territory for a few mors live aienta; write for "Sworn Statement of Kecord-Rreaktng Sale" and information about bow our agents are coining money; no experience necessary; w tell you how; out dt free to first SO who app!v. Tha Thompson Pub. Co.. SL Louis. Mo. MEN AND WOMEN AGENTS WANTED Sell new Idea dress goods, tailored skirts, scarfs, drawn work; fins chance to start easy, profitable bualnesa; exclusive terri tory, large samples of silks, poplins, sergea, mohairs furnished; sell something to every woman; profits big; write for cat alogue. New Idea Dress Goods Co,, dept. CkIT, Ht. LoulB, MO. WANTED First-class salesmen to sell Brit ish Columbia farm land, near Fort George; will pay large commission to men who can produce; we pay full cash commission on first Installment. Call at the agency of the North Coast Land Co.. Ltd. Paid up capital of $1.&UO.OUO. Iul7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland, Or. References required. START In business; be Independent; I start ed as agent; am now big manufacturer making household specialties; have hun dreds of agenta working; want more of ability to manage territory. This Is your opportunity for success; write today. Presi dent, c. . Swartxbaugh Co., box 111. To ledo, O. WANTED TO KENT. Houses. WANTED To rent from owner, a four or five-room cottage, modern, not more than SO minutes' ride from down town, conven ient to Catholic Church and car; place for tr-w chickens if noa-ible; not more than 1S per month. L 47'.. Oregonian. -ROOM house at Graya Crossing. Mount Kcott line, 1 block from .car and stores, r-nt $lt. Inquire at Graya Croanlng Realty Co. or MS loth, near Stark. Phone Mar shnll P-'t'S. WANTED for Winter, completely furnished 6 or i-room house with furnace, in choice neighborhood; references given; not over nontniy. Phone Main 1313 Sunday between li and 12:30. WANTED t to 12-room unfumlshsd house, V eat Side, beat location, modern in every particular; house with private garage pre ferred. X 49J. Oregonian. WANTED To rent S or 4-room modern fur niah'd flat, clos In; must be reasonable, ly young couple with tt-inontha-oid baby. X 4d. Oregonian. AK lot' have a house or fiat to rent. Hat It with us: we can rent It. WARD dk uiL'NUER, rental dept., Suite SG, 1'eon bldg. WANTED Four or five-room f urnianed house, modern, for the Winter; responn blt young couple. T 428, Oregonian. WANTED At one, furnlah-d house, 6 or 7 rooms, bungalow preferred, near Broad way carllne. phon Wood is wo yrh Fl KMslIEI) flat, 3 or 4 rooms, suitable, for bath parlors; must be cloee In town. Address Mr. F. Halt. G-n. Del. ADCLTS want to rent unfurnished rooms, or house, furnished or unfurnb-hed, close In, West St.le. C 441. Oreaonlan. i'lK.MSHED houcTT or flat desired In ex change for board of one person by young mnrrird couple. Tsbor ft 4. liV Nov. 1, 4 or " -room house, not over 13 minutes out; must b reasonable. Y 4bl, Orerfonlcn. FIVE-ROOM houaa or bungalow, vard, elec Irtclty, furnace, cement basement, etc., aTlya full particulars. H 425, Oregonian. WANTED A young couple of two-ladles to share furnished cottage with lady. 2-A K. 40th, near Main. Apart me nta. WANTED Completely furnished three room flat or apartment; clean, modern and must be reasonable; West Fide pre ferred; give price and particulars. AF 4 J 7. Oregonian. S OR 4 rooms, furnt-hed or unfurnished J-orflat, heated, piano, close In. Phone Room a W ANTE D T O LEAS E. IsOOg term, with option of purchase, bear new Steel or Broadway bridge, loo fee by 200 fet, business property; East Side; state your proposition. T 427, Ore gonian. GENTLEMAN wishes room with breakfast and dinner In private borne or ftrst-clasa boardlnir-houae. East Side, north of Broadway. References furnished. V 477 Oregonian. WANTED Two-room furnished apartment with private bath; must be close In and reasonable. Phone Marshall 211 uO, room 13. between 1 and 2 o'clock. GENTLEMAN wishes room In private fam ily ( IrvitiKton), with breakfast; would pre fer breakfast and dinner; atate terms. M 477, Ores on Ian. THREE young men want one large or two connected rooms, three beds or cots, elec tric light, walking distance. West bide. J 471. Oregonian. MAN and wife wants to rent small busi ness place furnished. boardlng-hotise, rooming-house, lunch counter. C 442. Oregonian. ji;iET refined couple would like nicely furnished housekeeping suite In modern home; must be neat, clean ami close In; state prli;e. W 4-4. Oregonim. WANTED Cosy furnished room in private home by young refined couple; walking distance, reasonable, y 424. Oregonian. MAN and wife would like 2 clean houre keeping rooms, furnished; must be rea sonable. Phone M. 57:2. Fl'RNISHED rooms to couple In exchange for aervlcea of neat, reliable woman. AE 472. Oregonian. Room a With Board. A REFINED young lady wants bme prlv llegea In small, private family; piano for practicing; walking distance. AH 455, Oregonian. A YOl'NG professional man wiahea room, breakfast and dinner with private family. West Mde or Irvlngton; references. R 44tf. Oregonian. MIDDLE-Aged man, mechanic, wanta good room and board In plain German family, not too far out. AP 4 Sit, Oregonian. WANTED Home for school girl; 13 years; assist with work for room and board. Mam S4.M. Catholic Women's League. YOL'NG lady, employed during lay would like room and board on West Side with young married couple. -F 4l7, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN wlehesroom with breakfast and dinner In private home or first-class buardlnr-house. AM 473. Oregonian. Business riacea. DRT basement, 20x'0 In n-w brick for rant cheap. Call -7- Sd st. Phone M .V7X FOR RENT. Rooms. THE CAPLES 350 Taylor, between 7th and Park, absolutely central, quiet, modern brick, at earn heat, hot water, all Im prove mania; from 94 weekly, and with private bath from 9d weekly. Fl'RNIHHED. also unfurnished rooms, suit able for gentlemen. Kamm bldg., 1st and Pinv RooMs Northeast corner Fifth and Stark; hot water, steam heat. Apply 1!S Wash. Furnished Kaaoia. NICELY furnished rooms; light. steam heat; one bouaekeeplng room. 471 Morri son. LARGE sunny steam-heated front room, suitable for two. ft51 Washington, fiat C Main 3.J. Z PARLOR bedrooms, one with piano, two large outside room : all well furnished 11150 UP- Phono A o74. ai'4 Jackson 11 HOTEL REX. V4 Washington at. Steam. heated rooms. Buc pe- day, 2.&0 pr sa aod up: alao housekeepicg-rooma. TlTE LANDORE. 2S8 10th at.. Urge, nicely fumlahed room, steam heat, suitable for 2. NOR BIS HOTEL, rooms etrictly modem. 13 5U per week and up. 132 17th st. THE HAZEL Nicely furnished rooms at mod a rale price, cor. Sd and Montgomery. FOR RENT. Furnished Room. NOW OPEN! NOW OPEN! NOW OPaTN! Those thro beautifully furnished hotels. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL M IN HOOK. PARSONS. ROWLANDS. 313 4th at, ZU 4th st. 207-aj 4th su On Fousth su. running from Taylor te Salmon at.; brand new brick, elegantly furnished; steam heat, private hatha, tool and cold water In all rooms; strictly tip to dat l& ! respects, and at popular price. If you want something out of the ordinary. In tha heart of the city, at rea sonable piic, glv us a caU, as w know you will like It. Rooms by ths day. weak or month. Tourist trade solicited. HOTEL ALDER. After October 1 HOTEL ALDER, 4th and Alder sis, will offer special induce ments on weekly and monthly rates to J permanent guests during the Winter. Bast ocation In the city, convenient to sUl theaters, stores, business district nd post office. A comfortable home with every modern convenience. In the heart of the city. Local and long-diatance tele phon and hot and cold running water In every room- The best of bellboy and elevator service day and night. Rooms singly and ea suite. House thoroughly modern and newly furnished. Kataa on applica tion. GRAND trxION HOTEL. 37 Vs East Burnaid. Why not live on tha East Side and save money on your room rent? W can give you better accommodations for leas money and within 13 minutes walk of the business center of the city. Steam beat, hot and cold running water; rooms sing! or en suite; rooms with, private bath, rates oOc ta 2 per day; regular, J 2 to $7 par week. Phon Mast 640, B Jib. HOTEL CAPLE3. Residential. 350 Taylor. Translawt. Bet Tth and Parte Sta. Opposite Heillg Theater. Central, quiet. Rooms from 76c dally; with private bath, from gl dally; apeclal weekly and month ly ratos; suites. Aew, hondsomeiy lur nlshecL brick ; elevator, telephones, hot and cold running water. Fiom Union Da pot "J" car to Taylor or "W" car to Tth; from Hoyt-street Depot, "S" car, transfer on Morrison to 7th. Phone Marshall 2300. HOTEL ALTON. Main 7114. Now Open. Main 7116. 11th and Stark Streets. New, modern brick hotel; all outside rooms; hot and cold water, steam heat and phones In every room; elegantly fur nished; elevator, large lobby and ladies reception room; rent very reasonable. Call and see us. HOTEL SAVON. 131 Eleventh Street, Nw, modern brick bulidinr. steam heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, coxy, com fortable, rente very reasonable. Call and se us. Regular and transient trad so licited. SARGENT HOTEL, corner Grand and Haw thorn aves. Beautifully furnished rooms. Single or en suite, with private bath; hot and cold water, steam beat and private phone in evry room: moderate weekly or monthly rate; grill in connection; tr anal en ta aollclted. 12S 14TH ST. Between Washington and Alder, newly beautifully furnished, thoroughly modern, large and airy, 94.50 per wek and up. Transienta solicited. PHONE MAIN S3S2. THE COLONIAL Handaume rooms on flrat floor, running water, steam heat, fine bathrooms, suitable for two or three peo ple, li. 10.50; also some nice 94 and 94.50 rooms upstairs. lt Tenth st. , Take W car from depot. SUITE of 3 rooms, large, southeast front room, plenty of suuftght, exceptionally nice kitchen with gas range and pantry, bath, light and phone free; terms reason able. 47 HalL between 7th and Park. Main &vt. liiE PEEK HOTEL, Eaat 3d and Hurnaide; new fireproof build ins. steam-heated, hot and cold water and phones In all rooms; private baths, iobby and parlor; elevator aervics; rates 93 lr week and up; travn s ten u solicited. Ione East 17L THE REGENT, 151 Seventh iL; beautiful rooms, right down town; Ideal location tor partia staying In town for businees or pleasure; rates very reasonable, by day or Wttwk, 915 month up. HOTEL REN WICK. An ideal borne far business people; centrally located; ala gaut roome; all modern conveniences; 7ta and Taylor sis., 1 bioca from Portland Hotel, oppoiite Uel!ig Theater. Main aid, " MADRAS HOTEL, 12th and Washington, Any room In the house for $5 a week and nothing extra fur two In a room; thoroughly modern. COMFORTABLE, pretty rooms, reasonable, free phone, steam heat, bath, etc 3b 7 Taylor at; also 2 nice basement sleeping rooms. LIGHT, airy rooms, modern, suites or sin gle, 42 and fti; week; five minutes' walk to theater and stores; free phone. Lin dell Hotel, 3-8 4th. HOTEL ARMINIL'S, cor. 11th and Mor rison; all outside rooms, centrally located. Permanent guests solicited. Respectable and very moderate prices. THE AMHURST, 409 4 Washington; rooms by the week, 93 ana up; by the day, 00 cents and ui. THE Larrabee, 227 Larrabee. AU conven iences; reaeonauie; perm, avua trans. o. THE DORMER, 2i3 13tn. Furnished rooms, -. kctli lturh Bn.l n. Vi n.n t- rwrnUlied Rooms In Private Jtamily. N ICELY f urnhthed rooms, all conveniences, good neighborhood; breakfast If desired. East 144. U52i E. Burnside. ONE large nicely furnished front room sult-a-bi lor two people; men preferred; must have reference, ontf Irving at. Main WW3, CLEAN sunny room. Phone, heat, light and bath; walking distance. A 6U20. 370 a 7th st. ' NEWLY furnished room, electric lights, bath, heat and phone; one 97 . 910. 311 Main it. SOUTH "front airy rooms, clean aod com fortably furnished; hot water heat, walk ing distance. 421 Market. A 4ood. FURNISHED room for gentleman; modern, 111 per month. 81 North 17th St., half block from Washington st- COMFORTABLE room to let on Portland Heights, private family, convenient to city and cars. 486 Chapman, ROOM and board In private family; walk ing distance; splendid residence district; modern conveniences. C lioUl. FOR RENT Large front room, nicely fur nished, steam heat, walking distance; rent reasonable. 454 11th. apt. B. NICELY furnished room, private family; walking distance. 320 West Park. Marshall rtL FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, mod ern conveniences, 310 month. 2yoii 12th STEAM-HEATED furnLshed rooms, electric lights, phone, bath, reasonable, adofe Gll san st- . ROOM suitable man and wife or two women, phone, heat, light, bath, walking distance, on carllne. References. Marshall 3471. NICELY furnished room, modern conveni ences, for two gentlemen; reasonable. 213 13th st. NICELY furnished room, 11.50 per week; other nice rooms reasonable; modern con veniences. 420 Jefferson st. LARGE front room for two gentlemen; heat, free phone, with or without board. 3bo Mill St. NICELY furnished room; also cosy attic room, cheap. 57 Trinity Place, between 10th and 20tn ortn FURNISHED attic room. In flat, furnace neat, buiiuuio v , w- ir.t imh st. VF KY pleasant front room, near two car lln -s: walking distance; reasonable. O 470, Ortgoniiin. SWELL front room. West Side, within walk ing distance, every convenience. 623 Love joy. Main 1822. . NEWLY furnished room In modern home. Marhajl652. NICELY furnished rooms. 31 N. Park, near Burnside. Rates reasonable. LOVELY rooms: cheap; all conveniences. 7t4 Gllfan, near hospitals. Board near. LAPP'S front room, quiet; gentleman; phone. bath. 3"0 rtoss St.. o d jocks. thv 1 ,-r-i ( h a A room, m ni'prn Tsirt1 m . ployed preferred. 615 Glisan, near 21st. SLEEPING room, suitable for working man, -cian and neat, $5. 502 East Main st. NEWLY furnished front room; everything modern; only 2 !n family, t. all ts j,-2. NEWLY furnished .'OJm, one "or two gentle men, walking dlstunre. 4.'13 E. A'.d-.r. LARGE, llcht, front room; light, furnace heat, bath, private family. 348 11th. FURNISHED rooms, 2W 13th st; rent very reasonable. CaU Sunday or evenings. 350 SALMON ST. Desirable outalde room; hot and cold water, bath, phone. LARGE room suitable for two; 10 minutes' walk. 220 E. 1st North. $10 NICE room, furnace heat, all conveni ences, fine bed. A 7796. EAST SIDE nicelv furnished rooms, all con veniences. 80 E. 11th st. N". B 3105. FVRNIFH ED sleeping rooms, single bed; bath and phone: 450 Yamhill st. ROOMS. 5.13 Hoyt, cor. 17th; all modern conveniences; 312.50 and ss per month. CHEERFUL, sunny room for renL 474 Yam hill St.. cor. 14th sC FURNISUEDrooms, 331 14th- Mar 00S. FOR RENT. Fnrnlsbed Rooms In Prlvai Family. FOR RENT Neat, clean. a!ry room. In pri vate faml'.y, newly furnished, electric light, bath, close to three carllne with beet service; respectable residence dis trict, walking distance, furnace heat, suit able for two. 5 GO East Main, corner 13th; no sign. LARGE, well-furnished slshUy room, new, modern home on Rose City Park carline; electric lights, furnace heat, bath and use of phone; no other roomers, gentle men only; references required. Phone Ta bor 2155. . TWO nicely furnished rooms, 93. 5 Pr weak, for four refined gentlemen room mates. 12iXJ Commercial St., In beauti ful Piedmont. Hath, light and phone; near the U, L and St. Johns cars. Wood lawn 403. BEAUTIFULLY furnished large room with alcove for jwo In modern home: board next door; walking distance; near N. P. Dental College. 254 East 3d st. North, southeast corner Multnomah. NICELY furnished rooms, 743 H Hoyt. ON the park blocks, elegant, private modern home, easy walking distance, or two blocks from carllne ; very reasonable ; furnished room for on or two men. Phone Main 4575. CONGENIAL young" man wanted for room mate, elegantly furnished room close In, gas, electricity, steam beat, telephone. Janitor service. AT 425, Oregonian, NICELY furnished front rooms suitable for 2 gentlemen or 2 ladies; also 3 nice sin gle rooms, furnace heat, bath and phone. 632 Flanders at, . 327 H 10TH ST., 10 mln. walk from Post office, front room, furnac heat and ojec tric lights; rent reasonable. Call Sunday A. il. or .mo mi ay. NICELY furnished rooms for one or two gentlemen In private family In modern flat; Invite Inspection. 444 Jefferson st. Phone Main at. FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms, steam heat, electric lights, walking distance; bath and phone; 92. SO to 34.50 per week. 872 eth st. and Montgomery. EASY waiklng distance; nice light room, modern house; furnace, phone, oath, hot water, beat location; reasonable. 2S4 12 tn street. LARGE front room, private porch, walking distance, two or three persons, fine boar a If desired; owner formerly of Tull Gibbsr xearooin. oai 1 -nm. NEWLY and artiatlcally furnished large front room, with alcove; breakfast privi leges, private home on Nob Hill. 13" Oiisan at. aiaranaii iao. LARGE front room, newly furnished, fur nace heat, gas and electric "rhts. hath, phone, walking distance. West Side. 04 - una Auiiisu COMFORTABLE ROOM, private family; steam heat, hot and cold water, electric light, phone; easy walking distance. N 4(9, urrguiiiau. LARGE, pleasantly furnished room, with porch, steam heat, elect no light and bath; West Side, walking distance. Phone A 8S74. . ONE desirable room in handsome private home, suitable for 1 Or 2 business men; easy walking distance. 670 Ford St. Drive. A 4925. ROOM for one or two gentlemen in modern private home; 915 tor one and $20 for two in room, 4.10 Park su Phone Main 8527. FOR RENT Furnished room, clos In, East Side. Ladd Addition. Bath, heat, phone; will give breakfast, 690 Holly st, E 2112. FURNISHED room with private family; beautiful view of city and mountains; Nob Hill, opposite St. Vincent's Hospital; gen tlemen preierreu; reiqrw'. w - NICELY furnished front room, two gentle men; bath. heat, telephone, $3.50; also One at ..OV woeK. vi latu, cur. A J able for gentleman or ladies; upper flat. 033 East Madison, corner 17th st. TWO nicely furnished roms. $2.60 and 93, suitable for two, gentlemen only. 415 7th street. A VERY nicely furnished room for rent, all conveniences, walking distance. 634 Flanders. Phone Aiarsnan it-v. DESIRABLE front upstairs bedroom, well furnished ; new, modern home; private - n. i.ib Off iToet lid mt TO-R f" A r. DESIRABLE furnished room In modern steam heated apt.. 2d floor. Flat D, 409 Jefferson. Main 7594, CHS KEARNEY, third bell, sunny, airy room; all conveniences; breakfast Jf de sired. A GENTLEMAN may hsve nice steam heated room in apt,-house at 918 month. Marahall 2327. v. FINELY furnished suite or single room; attractive home. Nob Hill; walking dis tance; 6S1 Gilsan. Marshall 1248. NICELY furnished rooms, modern and rea sonable. 272 Park st,, bet. Madison and Jefferson. Keierences. NICELY furnished room, modern conven iences, centrally located; reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. LADY employed may have room and home privileges free for staying with lady for company; references. Tabor 3426. BEAUTIFUL room for gentleman; electric lights, bath and phone; furnace heat. 700 Flanders st. HERE are desirable for gentlemen, modern, walking distance. 424 H 6th; $6 up. A 8728. ELEGANTLY furnished front room apart ment, den, fireplace, suitable for two or more gentlemen. 555 East Ankeny st. 248 NORTH 20th Pleasant, comfortable rooms; walking distance; modern conven ient ea 92 WEEK, furnished room, phone, bath, electric light, walking distance. 427 Har rison st. PLEASANT room, close In. walking dis tance, bath and phone. 608 E. Morrison. B 2861. LARGE, "light, airy room, steam heat, first class bath; reasonable to two. 715 John son street, flat 2. NEWLY furnished front room, baths, phone, electric lights, furnace heat, suitable one or two gentlemen; reasonable, 408 flth. NICE, newly furnished room for lady or gentleman; heat, light, bath, home priv ileges, $S. 502 Montgomery. FINE room, hot and cold water and bath, furnace heat, with or without board. 428 Vi Mil! st. EXTRA nice clean front rooms, gentlemen preferred ; 910 and 918 Per month. 183 13th st. VERY choice, bright front room, finely fur nished, 2d floor, 920 per month, gentlemen preferred. 309 11th st. ELEGANTLY furnished front alcove. Every thing new and up-to-date. S49 Harrison. Phone mornings, M SOlo. FURNISHED room to rent to lady. 2.50 week; must have references. 347 Jeffer- son. Phone A 4517. ROOM for two gentlemen in a strictly private ramiiy. Jiaranau m. SUNNY front room In modern flat. 6934 Gilsan, near 21st, NICE furnished rooms in modern flat, all conveniences. 432 Mill st. FOR RENT Nice room, private family; bath, pnone, piano, iw a uim u NICE steam-heated room. -References. Apt, 21, Chetopa, g a, vm. iu. 2i4 JEFFERSON Large. light, newly fur- . ,. a w. with firanlnna msneu i " - ROOMS, suitable for two or three, 5 mln- ,, ODO 10(V, Utes wam puannu. --"j - NEWLY furnished front room, furnace heat, bath, phone, 274 Park st, PHONE Main 693 or Main 5348 for fine steam-heated room, reasonable, NEWLY furnished front room, modern, on carline; take "S3' car. 1067 Belmont. WELL furnished front room suitable for two. ISO 14 th. PLEASANT front room, walking distance, bath, phone., furnace heat. 674 JohTTSon. WELL furnished room, private home, steam heat, best neighborhood. A 4353. LARGE well furnished room, walking dis tance, modern. 8. 66 East 8th. NICE attic room, suitable for two or four young men; cheap. zt Lincoln st. LIGHT, airy room for two, private family. Phone Main 4257. NEW. richly furnished; hot water heat, also housekeeping suite, reasonable. 3'.i 11th. NICELY furnished rooms for 1 or 2, furnace heat and hath. 310 Holladay ave. TWO modern well furnished bedrooms rea sonable, near Steel bridge. 249 Halsey. LARGE front room with board for two; modern, private family. 2U8 N. 23d st. FURNISHED rooms, modern conveniences; board optional. 269 14th. Main 3893. NEW, richly furnished; hot water heat, also housekeeping suite, reasonable. 335 11th. NEATLY furnished room. In good home; ref erences. 738 Johnson st. ROOM in refined home; all conveniences; no sign. Mar. 3194. 352 Jackson. N1"ELY furnished room; no other roomers. 701 Everett, near zist, r lat a. LARGE desirable and pretty rooms, modern. FURNISHED room, hot water fca-v txo, month. 771 HoyC FOR RENT. Famished Rooms In Privwto Famllie, SUITE of 2 front rooms, excellent loca tion, walking distance, furnace heat, eleo trio lights, built-in bookcase, fireplace, lar-e front porch; unfurnished but will furnish if permanent; breakfast if de aired. Apt. B. 825 E. 12th, corner Maxket. T WO or three girls wanted to share fur nished flat; very reasonable. 412 2d st. Call Sunday even lags. During office hours call Main -iTtJS. TO LET Two large, newly furnished rooms, modern In every respect; free telephone; walking distance from P. O. o40 Sixth St., near Jackson st. EXCELLENT, large, clean, light alcov room, opposite Multnomah Field, for on or two employed men. fid. Call Sunday-, 654 S Yamhill. 163 17TH ST. Handsomely furnished rooms. NICELY furnished room in private family, both phones, steam heat, hot water. Nob Hill resident district, walking diatance. jr-none juain biso. aiceraoon. LEAVE your cold, dark room and take on of my cheerful, warm rooms. Prices very reasonable. 126 18th st. N. A 7595. NICE sunny room with all modern equip ment, dose in, desirable noma. ftoos Mill st, FOR RENT One nicely furnished room, only a short distance from the heart of the city. G 425, Oregonian. 9-40 SMALL furnished room In steam-heated apartment, 2d floor, flat D. 460 Jeffer son. Main 7594. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO unfurnished front rooms, steam heat, electric lights, use of telephone and bath. Suitable for light housekeeping. Private family. Tabor 25T5v FOR RENT Four large, two small rooms upstairs, unfurnished, rent including water 912 month. 227 E. 49th St.. between Haw thorn and Belmont, Phone Tabor 528. t LARGE sunny front rooms, modern; cheap rent to nice couple; 8-mlnute car service; 30 minutes to post of flee. 946 Belmont. FOR RENT Three modern unfurnished rooms, down stairs. Call on Sundays! or phone after 6 P. M. Main 8291 Boom ana BoarC LAMBERSON. 654 Couch, cor. 17th Good board and clean, well-furnished rooms; single and double; walking distance; table board also. Main 6523. A 3081. DOES a home appeal to you 7 The Whitehall, cor. 6th and Madison, large rooms, bath, broad verandas, quiet, close In, near car, 4 blocks from P. Q- American plan, TH B MAN I TOU 221 13th. new manage ment; thoroughly renovated: inviting rooms; choice board. Main 1184. PORTLAND Women's Union. 23d years rooms with board, use of sewing-room, 11 brary. 610 Flanders, F. N. Heath, rapt. LARGE front room for 2 or 8 young men, choice table board. 33 N. 17th, one block from Washington. WANTED Refined gentleman to complete a club; everything first-class; two meals, 925 per month. M 476, Oregonian. ELEGANT room for two, Including good board, reasonable. 874 Park. HOARD and room for 4 young men, 9-8 each. 800 Jefferson. Casa Rosa. BOARD and room, 300 Jefferson. Casa Rosa. Rooms With Board In Prlv4e Family. LARGE furnished room for two; first floor, private family; all conveniences free, with or without board. Marshall 2424. 286 14th st, AN elegant furnished room In the nicest steam-heated apartment In the city- suit able for two; with or without board. Phone Marshall 8620. LITTLE girl, under six, of good family, can get board and mother's care In small re fined family In modern home, restricted district. 8 427, Oregonian. ROOMS with or without board, also house keeping rooms, home cooking; all con veniences. 564 Morrison su A 7495; use of piano, phone etc. ROOM and board In private family, furnace heat, good board, prices reasonable. 80 E. Yamhill, one block to "S3" carline. Phone Tabor 3367. NICELY furnished front room, running water, fireplace, excellent board, suitable for 2 young people, reasonable. Nob Hill district. 714 Davis st. Main 7070, NICE room for quiet business man. Best of home cooking. Nob Hill district. Walk ing distance from business section of city, 52 Lucretla st, near 23d and Washington. FINE front room with breakfasts and din ners, private family, new modern home, walking distance. Phone East 5932, Mon day. FURNISHED rooms, single or double, with or without board ; bath, phone, furnace heat; walking distance. Main 4288. 571 Qllsan st, ATTRACTIVE room, with board, for one or two business people, in small private fam ily; walking distance; references. 736 Irving bu ROOM and board, private family, large al cove room, two closets, suitable for two men. 391 7th st- PLEASANT suite of 2 rooms, suitable for 2 or 8 gentlemen or ladles, with, board; also single rooms, m ooou. VERY pleasant front room, nicely fur nished, close In; best of home cooking very reasonable terms. Main 8280. LARGE furnished room, suitable for two, with breakfast and supper, central and desirable. Phone Monday, Marshall 2244. TWO large, comfortable rooms, well heated, light and bath; good board if desired. IsS E. I2tn st. a. rnono x ovov. ROOM and board for young women, 33 pe week, privilege of laundry, library and sewine. 12 E. 7th St. S. ONE sanitary bedroom, bath adjoining, pri vate, modern home, good cooking. Phonf. Sell wood 1 (not In Sell wood). ROOM with hoard, convenient for man and wife or two gentlemen. 20 B. 15th at. East 4031. FIRST-CLASS room, all modern conveni ences, with excellent board, suitable fof one or two; ladles preferred. 391 10th. A LADY, comfortable home, wants a girl A years old, not over 8; very reasonable terms. E 472. Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL large room and excellent board in small private family, for 2 or 3 refined young men. E 474, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS ROOM and board for 2 gen tlemen. 414 East Harrison. Phone Eas1 5311. GOOD home for two children of school as! or younger, near Alberta School; term reasonable. Phone A 1002. ROOM and board, single or for two, 95 per week; bath and phone. Main 3S04. 605 6th et. LARGE parlor suite, also other room; choice board, congenial home; piano; refined neljrrborhood. 761 Marshall. A 4020. ONE or two gentlemen can have pleasant rooms In private house, with board if de sired, reasonable. 431 Market, . HAVE room and board for two respectable working girls. Home privileges. Reason able. 247 N. ISth st. YOUNG lady, employed, to share room with board In private family, reasonable. 713 Hoyt st., near 22a. ROOM and board for two occupying sami room in private family. Call 713 Hoyt st, LARGE front room with board. 553 GUsan street. Marshall 815. FURNISHED rooms with or without board. 202 12th st. EXCELLENT board, nice room, cheap. East Side. S-S. car. 1140 Belmont st. GOOD home for two younjr men. desirable location, reasonaoic- nwa -"" q- LARGE room, suitable for two; breakfast If desired, .rnoiie aiam WANT a small child to board. 6S5 Kearney, or phone Main 7S33. - NICELY furnished rooms, with board, 96 and 16.50 per week. 192 13th st. FINE warm rooms with first-class table board. 834 Jackson St., cor. 7th. iCELi furiiiahed room and board in pri vate family ; gas, electricity. G27 Taylor. WELL-FURNISHED room with best board, large porch and grounds. Main 2071. ROOMS with or without board. Main 1547. 712 Flanders st. PLEASANT room with board for two. Ap ply 357 Mill st. 656 GLISAN Rooms, single or en suite, good table board. NICE room with board in modern home, furnace heat. East 2S9L EXCELLENT rooms and board for man and wife or two young men. Phone East 4706. ROOM and board for two in nice private home. 595 East Ash. Phone East 1843. ROOM, with or without board. In Bunny side. 1 block car; modern. Tabor 1761. FURNISHED rooms with hoard in private family. Call Marshall 33I2. PRIVATE boarding-house, room and board. 3S9 Taylor St.. between t9th and 10th. 653 WAS H ST. Room and board, front .room ; rates reasonable. ' ROOM and board, home cooking, new man- agement. 814 r-acoiai. WANTED 1 or 2 girls or couple to room and board in private family. Main 7774. PLEASANT rooms and board, nicely located; modern; furnace heat. 340 Hassalo. FIRST-CLASS board and room. 699 Svrtt stre t