THE SUXDAT OREGOXIAX. TORTLAXD. OCTOBER 8, 1911. , ,,TAT1 - REAL. ESTATE. I MAI. ESTATE. J RAt, ESTATE. WTOOVT 1 TOOAT. PAT rLIlVlT BaleoU. For tor S.le-Hou. 9 investors We hit rllent who anthorlxe u In offer a one-TJarter Interest tor tllS.OuJ. or a one-half Intfrmt for . (H4 la real estate Investment com pany t un-uatl"-neI merit. THI l" SOT A PROPOITIO HKRK THK (IIFVT I "IT. the lti offered for ! Iwn- unissued capital iivk ini) treaaurv a tack on a his ol .: n.r 'iar. par : p" "hare At th M'-T lllKKVTlli: I TI this tocsi 1 wortii 1-20. ana at price would ba worth up ward of $:." pT snare. Aa evidence that tula I a l'r J" dVairabl propositkin r need only mention fiat "" pr cent of the prop erty owned by the company a Tr ao haa been disposed of. The remaining stock la practically an in of one man. The propoaltlon. eil a. tra rtiiri'-tfr and ability or the principal etoc-klioM.-r. will bear th moat careful Investigation. A roan desirln: to lake aa aetlva In terest preferred. . Full particular will ba riven to thoee whose reference are tlafactory. A K 443. oregonluru - Subdivision at Eagle Creek on th Eatacada electric line. SS mllea rant of Portland: tract of 144 acre fvinaj one-quarter mile eaat of atatlon. Rel'msd cuts through the p'.ace wltll poibiIi!T of a station on the property. Soli verr rich and all under cultiva tion. Ilala-d upward SO buhela of heat per acre this year. tilir.a; J'J'''" ln nd '-cr" 'facta "wfVi deliver th whola for :4.0ifl, payable $4000 CASH Fa'.anc on auch easy term that you can figure on taking car of futura bay lent out of your eale. henco tot at lima nti:TMKT siint'LD HETI HV AT I.KT S IOR 1 MX Ak for Mr. Van Nice. Chapin & Herlow M aster ef Pwrtlaasl nealty Hoar, atj-tia aiker af aaaere. A Real Bargain 31 ACRES Thla Jl a-re l one of the beat llttTa farma In the Wlmtl Valley. -V tnllea from Portland and Just one mile from tati-n on Salem Electric, with nml sHewalk from door to atatlon. there ar -S acres in fine mate of cul tivation and nearly all aown to clover, leep rich loam poll; one-quarter mile to graded li-honl. 100 rods to boat landlng n Willamette, where are store and I'hoola: koo.l elcht-room houe, two good barn and otner outbuilding: six acre of HmhT and pasture: a-i"d fam ily orchard. Main county road on aouth and weai aide, and located In beautl- ul open count rv. with thia farm Be earn of aplendld marea 6 and yeara M worth Jjoo. wood colt, irood milch sow, ho. 60 thorouchbred chicken, brand new waon new bus-sty never kaa been used, new r.arn esees. plow, parrow. new mower, all email tools, barn full of har, plenty of Kraln to feed atock: nearly all houaehold -rood. We eoM ten acrea Just acroea the road from Ihle place no Improvement for 1;2fc per acre. Jrle $- 'OA; $10o0 cash, alanc three year at per cent. ce II. is and you will buy It. COOPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY lO-Sw-SI Hallway K.vckaaare. lunk mmm Mark. BARGAIN. IN ACREAGE Twenty minute clor In thn much IrMelv advert. Kd acrettca. Every arr imm rron tr on rnrline. Iwo block Frtim station: all elr-irrfl. bent of aotl. fou can Jump on tti car. ira out anl look at this and b bak. tn tlia rttv !n an hour and a quarter. Price 7ift) )fr acre on eajy term. p.MM-M 131.1. BZ2 Tartxr ff HI tlx. HOMES West Side 'a hv a number of rood home in tha N.-s Mi'.l txnd Portland Hetghta PJatrlcta. Thv are good buys. See Mr. Kupier. CHAPIN & CHAPIN & HERLOW ml lBrm ' Meaken ( the Partlaad Reality Haarw East Ankeny Street Price $2200 Each the Irf we are soiling on this itrret for $'-J00 per lot. All Ar.keny ;x p&sa this property. Mall & Von Borstel ir4 Svn.l Street. I.uf.her Kxchanse Buildinc- Mallory Addition F 3t irl !Tarrion uta. All new h.rr.,- 1 -to-.l'r. ,;i;irovementa frirw-a J "- l Tern;s 1 ax T monthly. A xrnt on tra t- r.. M IH. 4i Mwi,r- . Nob Hill Home O.rner Twentr-f urth treet. e!ht ons. rardwv.i f.-or: fine raraite; tard-ff arrav-e street, lot 4vTt fet: ,-u a hMl'.t for a home two year li-o. 'r: -e 1 1 1. . 5engstakeS: Lyman 9 rift t- ta VEX rt"RED Qt,l"K LT- MM era "fcino tr ft ntnoui 4t..lty. ei..-i4 C indl rH-t:. cftr.n o bio1 and !n a.:mnta. CM!-ii:ation fr. W la. Ho4iT4. 1 l. KatbcbUsl Jg. 4ta aAd -jitokV Attention 50,000 Cords of Wood on 0O acre within eeven-mlta radlu from the river at Stark treet. A re snonslhie cruiser' report howa 14. viO feet of merchantable saw tlm b,r' ii.o. feet of pllln. tJ." tie and' 7' cedar poles. It Is really too aood to cut for wood. Nlnetv per cenof th land I ex cellent, and authorities say It will sell at an average of to 1250 per cra after wood is removed. . Price $60,000 OR will sell wood without land. Owner mlsjht consider part trade for Income bearlns; city property. $5000 Cash Will Handle It Ask for Mr. Van Nice. CHAPIN & HERLOW Measbera at Pert lead Realty Board. S.'O-S.'M Caaeaeer af rosasaeree. Bargains fifth tr:ft. sear washixgto A full business lot. partly Improved. ftome Income. The price as low and should double In value In two years. n-AMIIXGTOX STREET. Bflxisn. Improved, pay per cent: runs clear through the block with two atreet frontaares. Requires $10,000 cash, balance Ions time. THIRTEF.STII-TREKT TRACKAGE. Quarter Mock at Thlrtenth and Everett. Reasonable price and re quires but fsvuo cash. Balance Ions; time. UDDm ADDITION REMDEXCE. A very nice aeven-room home, lias every Improvement. Fin neighborhood and the price la right. I. PARKER BRTO at CO, I?fC, tUMs-T-M Teas Rids. Mala r.MIs A 11T. The Men Who Know Say 'Buy Acreage Wp ACRE, near electric line, ten cent fare: house, barn, chicken houses; assorted fruit and berrlee. No gravel. ITOuO. Terms. TEX ACRE on Mount Hood caxllne. Price IJOOO. Good terms. FORTY ACHEH fin land, eight mllea from Portland, running water, part cleared: fair buildings. 14000. Eaay term. FIVE ACRE adjolnlnc Country Club. in city limits. iTloe IsouO. ACHE 4.f K I our specialty. Particulars gladly given. Plione us. A. W. LAMBERT & COMPANY, 04 Eaat Alder Street. Eaa . R lt. Colonial Heights Special FOR TE.V nYS MORE we ar offer ing lota In thla most desirable of East bid locations, with cement walks, ewer, water and hard-aurf ac street, at tha prlo of lb bar lot. Colonial Heights extends from Hawthorne avenue, to Har rison treet. and from East Twentieth to East Twenty-fourth. Terms are 11 per rent down and we build for you if tou put down 11000. Full Information at our office. Sengstake & Lyman O Fifth St. OFFER Goldsmith's Addition 0x100. near 16th St.. $4&00 asked for lots adjoining this. See Kupper. Chapin & Herlow jfo 332 Chamber of Ay Commerce. Kr Uemhera at the Fart- ff laatl Realty Hoard. 12 NET For $13,000 we tT" one of the best propositions in Portland. Income now on lease, $1560 per annnm. Thia Is situated in Ladd's Addition, in the best district on the East Side. J. E. NICHOLS COMPANY 615 YEOX BUILDING WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE Old I. In Oomnanlea. Pee t's Befors Tou I'lace Tour Insurance. ward a i orr.KR, alte 5 l eaa Hid;. WEST SIDE SNAP Went S1r1. closo-ln SOxlOO lot with up-tr-lit Improvements brtnrlnir near ly :oo for for 1-S.wOO. i:i ronitIir mnrtnaKes for half of pn.e. lone lime at per cent on bal ance. a. e, rot rsEX. 4IH Rnllnir Kvekaaa B1d. WONET-VAKEHS Furniture of oae H-ruora nd oce ft-rvom flat fr M.e: eoM to rthr r ir'ly. at a; ehe4 rant . a mine la heart of city, re qjtrtnc tut I tt, car to run; eulteMe for mm ..J wife ho j--k4 heme, or UUf err.plo4. wwuld irhinc a part ft meut on laree j rp.itioa. Atldreea Mtrr. N 4 02L Orefor.letv lTitR fAl-E Acre and one-haif-erre tract e.oC t tin- ef th I:t strvetcar teni.or et extpt looel ly reeeotidib.e prices end oa vary rnjr tenta 1 caa make yea the u.oet t tractive propelt.on you beve vr Iie:&e4 tx Addreea O 11. Ore foniAii. H a v cZ m f-ind who he rooming-house for chep. money -msker. come quirk: dm aJst cot d home tor Winter end Ir cjm. at . 51 if n St.. beieeea 9 A. M. and 4 P. M. tr Informetlon, -ttoo)( fum'hed house for rent, herd wx4 Cntir. Tur.itf) rus downetaire. mh''itny r trntture tiou.hdUt, reat v2t Vo. I boae Mrsrs:l IF TOU are a real m od fur At we have a po-tlon ep4n fr too. fere ex (V4-ien- rd Ci'e telephone n d m be r. O 42. Orfnlin Usrtat eerrUea a W4 aeerd. Those who know and are in a position to know say "Deschutes will be the town of CEN TRAL OREGON" because of ITS CENTRAL LOCA TION. ITS RICH SURROUND ING TERRITORY ITS RAILROAD TRANS PORTATION ITS MODERN BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE CONSTRUCTION ITS PIPED MOUNTAIN WATER SUPPLY ITS MATCHLESS CLI MATE AND SCENERY You have money to invest in Central Oregon You know that in that great In land Empire an imposing City will be built. "THAT CITY WILL BE Deschutes" It is for you to determine whether you will share in its unquestioned prosperity. Deschutes Townsite Co. 415 Railway Exchange. Irvington Lot $1600 CHAPIN & HERLOW, S32 Chamber of Commerce, FOR SALE Acre and half-aer traets alone tha line of th latrst streetcar extension at esceptionallr roaaonas prices and on very easy terms. I can make you the most attractive propoaltlon you have ever llstensd to. AT . OrefopJaiu REAL BSTATB DEAJ.ERS. Berk. William O.. 115-lIt Falllne bids. BRfBAKKR a BENEDICT, 0S McKay bids. M. 8. Chapin Harlow, til Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 8. Co. lot Corbstt bide Jeaalns Co. Main lit. J 04 Oretonlaa. rAUltH JOMCS CO.. H. II Cemmer- alal Club bids. The Orsson Rsai Estate Co. Orand av. and atuluwmah sc tUolladay Addition). RI-4.I. ESTATE. tow fale IVata. I8V1XOWOOD T-J Broadway ear. (t off at Klickitat streTand walk east, where you can buy beautllul lots tuxlOO with natural ahrubbery for as low aa 1723 par lot; stents always on the (round. West em Securities Ctx. aetata. 414 bpaldlfit bldr- SACRIFICE, ieavlns town, choice residence lot. King's Helthts. walkln( distance. West Side: cost of sewer, water, gas. ce ment sidewalks, nara-sunac sireeLS in- tluded In pries, only 11400, terms, owner. , 43i. Oregunlan. HE. LOT B L. 1 fc H riease taae nrouvir car at once, to to Klickitat at. and walk Cast: you wlU find the best bargain ln the Irvington district. Don't dele, but go today. tssu FILL lot. east front, on 29th St.. one block of Albsrta car. Howard. BUS Sast land bldg; ONE of best Lanrelburst lots 11800. half cash, balance terms. By owner. A ill. GregonlaiL TERRACE PARK, two fine view lot 50 each, on terms; worth Tu0. Writ owner, H 4tt. Orcffontan. WAVERLEIGH HTA lot. toth and Kelly sta Terms or cash. Owner. P 4S2. Ort. gonlan. iuvivr.Tn rtiri.ow Beautllul lot. choice surroundings, on lftth st. Phone Eat 3H. SSAP; equity In choices quarter-biock ln Alameda Park; much leas than cost. Ap ply Immediately to AP 440. Oregjnlan. 1; r.tLHl'KST l-ot 5. block 61. equity; t.uu under the market; by owner. AO 46a. oregonljin. lie CASH and IIO per month, nice lot 6wx leO. near Flrland station; price. 143. HIOUET a H1SHOP. ISi Third St. aa.iOd 1ITH and Jarr.tL l.'uO below value; price iOk Howard pany. Sat Swetland bldg. land Com REASONABLE cash otter will be accepted for choicest lot tn Itellecreat. Just oil car Una Apply AE 427. Oregonlsn. ;iUO. I7TH and Hoiman. 1710; lOuxloO. Ciena ave. and Hoiman. t'JSO. Howard Land Cmpany. ett Bwetlanq pidg. 170 CASH will buy a S13PO lot. close to nose City Park car; must have money. L 4 Oregnntsn. WILL,' sell contract on fine lot very cheap; good section Laurelhurst. Address Box :. City 1001.100 APARTMENT site on Ollaan St.. between lotn and list: l.UuO: very easy term AO Oregonlsn. LAUREI-HL'RST Second anniversary, Sun aav. Oct 1.V Watch our ads CHKAPE.-'T let In Sunnl.!e. I1AS0; mil lm proeraents paid. Mala SlJ. WILL, aaeritlce l0 lot. jl cash. Ro C:ty carilne. Phone Marshall 1111. ' 145 FILL lot. 2.1d and Alnswortb, easy tertr.a. Howard. -4 gwetland bids. SnTp, business lot near hank at Kenton. Owner. Tabor 27N-L NEAR KENTON. SrtxHM. tSOO. HIONV OOLIMBIA 107. CHOICE Lrvlngtoa lot for : a bargaia. Addrese owner. J 473. Ortf nlin. UAt REI.HtBST Second anniversary, Sun day. Oct. 1 Watch our als- At'KtrifE Pull lot. near Rose City ear; price 1 ' r 3 owner, stain eiai. UrKEUR'BST Second anniversary. Sun day. Oct. li. Watch our ada FOR (J a I-E iOx 1 fin lo atlon. east front; xlberta car. 1Z-3 East eOth st. north. WE HAVE a few beautiful lots left ln ARBKNWALD, ranulng ln price from S40tf to $40, wan streets , graded. sidewalks built. water piped to each lot and Improve ments all paid for. OUR TtRMS EASV. Tt.e car fare Is S cents, with transfer privilege, and there Is no residence property on the market whnre values ar so treat for th prices w quote. Let La SHOW VOL'. KNAPP V. MACKET. Ill-Zll Buard of Trade Bldg. O. T. PARKY, Agent On the ground. JU6T 4:tV PORTLAND HEIGHTS LOT. . .Vxll 2 5. almost level, unobstruotlble view, pretty fir and dogwood trees. City water In and street graded and paved, Is Included In the price. con venient to Portland Heights carllne. It a a shame to sell such a good lot so cheap, but It must go at once. See It quick and be the lucky purchaaer. AB 4U, Ore gonlsn. E. 2HD. EVERETT AND SAXDf. WALKING DISTANCE LOTA Other Investments may cause hesitation, bnt not so here; you will refuse big profits on lota here at no distant day if you huy now; walking distance from busi ness sictlon. paved street, wslks. sewi-rs, etc.; fine residence lota. l'Jul t0-''t' a few business lots on bandy at ta.oo to f2."0); also a few full-size lots a rew blocks farther out at two; take Rose City car to E. l!-'d and s'andy; office on ground. A. E. Poulsen. 418 Railway Ex change DO NT LOCATE AST PLACE until you see LTLE. THERE'S A REASON. Our Illustrated Booklet Tells It. KEASEY, HUMASON JEFFERT, Dealers In Land. Chamber of Commerce Bids, PUILDINO SITE. WEST SLOPE OF MT. TABOR. IHixlMo feet. CHEAP. Call Main S37 or A IMS. J. V. GUTHRIE, , ill Stark blreeu tlOOO CASH, balance on Installments; unusu al, for this Is on Portlsnd Heights proper; this amount of money will enable you to build your own borne according to your own Idea and by your own architect and builder. The lot cost 11550 to 11850: therefore, at a cost of 11000 va $.000 you csn secure a desirable home. This is a locality where, when you wish to dispose of your property you can sell at a profit. 1.E NOIR A CO Dealers ln West Slds Realty. Ground Floor. Chsmber of Commerce. MONEY" TALKS. WUE MEN LISTEN. LOTA 42xloO. LAUKELHURST DISTRICT. . PRICE $12,000. DISCOUNT FOR CASH, . Call for C G. Reagan. BUY NOW. CHAPIN A HERLOW. Members of Portland Realty Board, Chamber of Commerce. $114 LAURELHURST $114S 6300 sq. ft. In this lot; ona block to beautiful Ladd Park; three blocks to car this Is an extra good buyi easy terms; assistance given to build. . . Phone East OiO- C 20Ji. Mr. Delahunty. EAST SIDE BUSINESS LOT. Choice corner Kllllngsworth and Missis sippi aves.. 60x100: oottage brings small Income: surrounded by business blocks; value Increasing rapidly; price $0600. 't;mT. PR ALL, Board of Trade Bldg. Member. Portland Realty Board. Bunch of 9 lots, restricted district. Ball Run water, graded streets, cement Side walk and curbs; lots selling at $ooO to $750. This bunch. $3000; ons-thlrd cash. balance long time. CARTER-DUG AN COMPANY. g'.'O Chamber of Commerce bldg. t LAUKELHURST LOT. 50x100 ft. on Haselfern Place, within 1 block of E. Ankeny and Montavllla car Una; one of the most sightly lota ln th addition; price $1650. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., xli-iris Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main bOU9. A 2053. PIEDMONT. Kew, I -room house must be sold this week, very attractive location; will sacri fice for less thsn oost; near carllne. Must be seen to be sppreclated. JOHNSTON. BOTHFUR A TtTFFORD. sos unanipcr oi i.uinmo"- I1K06 BUYS at this time this choice close in West Side lot: the surroundings are goo4 It la accessible to carllne and Just a nice 'walk to town: If you value being close In. see this without fall. AP 44S. oregonian. $0600 Ol'ARTETt block, 100 by ,00 feet, norlhrsst corner E. ltlth and GUsan sts.: some Income; a real bargain; Investigate this. PARRISH. W ATKINS A CO.. 2.VI Aldt-r st. . ONLY $''" CASH. FOR t00 LOT. RUSK CITY PAKK. EAST 4TH ST. STREET IMPROVEMENTS PAID. J 60. OREGONIAN. WET SIDE, close In, walking distance, large lot: will be a splendid site In the future for a large apartment-house, be cause It has frontsge on two streets, and hss also the right locstlon: $".000: terms; might sell hslf. AN 4S. Oregonlsn. $450 CASH, business comer. West Plde. 60 x.V on csrllne. suitable for Income from stores, flata or factory; big payroll ad joining cut of town owner compelled to -11; price only $12:0: easy terms on bal. (lee James C. Logan. BIB frpaldlng bldg. $10 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit tress, re stricted district, near car. cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Mar shall 4TS. A 1022 E. 27TH ST. Comer. 100x100. one block north of Rose City Park carllne; price t2200;terms. J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. 73r SALE $200 BELOW ADJOLVINQ By owner. 00x100; oement sidewalk. JTth and Hancock; $T50; terms. J BIS, Orccnlan. WEST STARK AND 5D STS. Lots $30. eaay terms: best buy tn the eltv- new cerhne building: see us at ones. EMPIRE RJIALTY A TRUST CO 402 Teon bldg. Marshall 34a. PARTY leaving for East will sacrifice beau tiful bungalow, completely furnished. A decided bargain. This Is bonafide sale. If you want a snap, here's your chance, AD 40. Oregonian. NICE CORNER, large enough for 3 houses. Price $1.V. Sidewalks m. Term a. O. E. Weller. loth and Lincoln. Sunday after noon. , WILL sell or exchange for unincumbered In come property, six fine East Side lota one business lot. West Side; total value $12.- ooo. phone A 543. SEE Le Nolr A Co. for West Side property; exclusive dealers In West Side realty. LE NOIR A CO.. Ground Floor Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS LOT." WOODSTOCK. $550 A fine comer, adjoins new school. $!!"0 cash, balance easy: grab this. Fred W. German. 311 Burnslde. M. or A 2776. SNAP. $Ldown and $1 a week, choice building lots 2n minutes out. on beat carllne ln cltv. F 4M. Oregonlsn. ROSE CITY PARK LOT BARGAIN, in block adjoining carllne; beautiful trees; Im provements paid; near store snd school; am sacrificing for $6o0. Woodlawn 20W2. EQUITY In slghtllest and best lot In Laurel hurst, one block from car. oposlte $23. 0h) residence: cbsap for cash. Apply AE 4-l. oregonian. 67xlO0 CORNER LOT. north of Reed lnstl-ture- 4 blocks of W-W carllne; tine view, hlsh. sightly. Easy terms. Telephone Sellwood lo. FOUR lots in Argyie Park $i'S each. Bull Run water, street graded, oement walks. $iao restrictions. 1 blocks Sandy road; terms or trsde. Bax . Dallas. Or. TWO East SL Johns lots for sale: 1140 paid, will sell my Interest for $.'.0. AC 475. Ore aonlan. TO EXCHANGE for modern 6-room house, centrsl, two lots. Mscadam road, factory or store sites. AM 47L Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade, a fine apaxtment-slte or re.ldence property; close In. Telephone Woodlawn ll7. $5 DOWN snd $5 per mouth, beautiful lot 44xloo. n-ir Sc csr: (l0. KJ7LEY A BIliHt't', 13X T.nrq pt. GOOD lots, on Esst S!1s. for gmthlng of raiu. 614 Couch bldg. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. 2im) feet off Felmont St 50x100 lot. J7.-C- cash. BARGAIN. Call Main P-7 or A 2633. J. V. GUTHRIE 72 Stark Street. ALROY. See thl elerant new addition. Jurt Tut on the market, west slopeof Mt Tabor. East 50th St.. bet. Salmon and Taylor. All Improvements, Including- paved streets. 3 carlines. 2 blocks to fine school, end the prices are right. Terms 10 per cent down. 2 per cent per month: also 2 new homes ln this tract. Just completed, of the most modem and exclusive design. Terms to suit, responsible parties. W. L. NASH. OWNER. 109 East outli st. Phone Tabor 703. -WASHINGTON -STREET SNAP. I $1000 TERMS. A corner lot near City Park, with city view, modem Improvements, 2 block to carllne and enly 17 minutes from Third and Washington street. Lies well and ex pensive walls not required. If you wish to build on the West Side get this lot now. Ton will never get the same opportunity again. T 4.Tp. Oregonian. ONE-HALF At RE. Wood me re atatlon, on Mt. Scott electric line; streets graded and water piped. Ask us lor price and terms. KNAPP & MACKET. 312-213 Board of Trade Bldg. TRVTNGTOX Pull lot faelnc East on 20th street, near Btanton for $1600; about $100 has been paid on the bonded street Improvements. It lies about two feet above the side walk and hard surfaced street. This is the cream of the new section of Irvington. May we show you this lot? CHOPIN A HERLOW "V." 832 Chamber of Commerce. LOTS LOTS LOTS. Fouthmoreland. situated only IT minute out: clone to car service; lots COxlOO. in t hlghlv-restrlcted community; only $460 and up: on easy terms. This Is a great opportunity. A. B. HALL & CO., :m2 Rothchild bldg., 217 H Washington st. LOTS. HIGHLAND. PIEDMONT-WALNTJT PARK. Have several good buys, both ln Im proved and unimproved property. If you wish to buy or soli ln these districts, see P. B. LENT. 417 Corbett Bldg. FOR SPECULATORS. Block of ri lots, restricted district. Bull Run water, graded streets, cemejt side walks and curbs. Lots selling at $000 to $7M. This block, IS500; one-fourth cash, balance long time. CARTER-DUO AN COMPANY. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CLOSE IN RESIDENCE LOTS. 1450. Thev are 40x100 ft: located on East tde. 15 minutes' ride from 2d and Alder: three blocks from Seliwood car; easy Unu MERIDIAN TRUST CO.. 09 Rsllway Exchange Bldg. Phones Marshall 2."S4. A 7430 MOUNTAIN VIEW PARK. Three acres n ridge, above Willamette .lav on eoiintv road. ample water from perpetual spring, price - tjuuu. terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO... 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8l9. A 2053. WEST SIDE LOTS. $100. BIrht on carllne on upper Washlnrto-s St. West 39th and Yamhill sta. beyond City Park: easy payments. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg-. Main 5129. THINK OF IT! 55 FEF.T ItY 14" FFET. HARD-SURFACE STREETS. SEWER- OAS. CEMENT WALKS. 3 FEET ABOVE GTtADE. BEAUTIFUL NEIGHBORHOOD. ONLY J106O. $100 CASH. J 621. OREGONIAN. FOR SPECULATOR OR INVESTOR. Bunch of S lot ln restricted district. Bull Run water: lots selling at 000 to $710. This bunch. $1200; half cash, bal ance long time. CARTER-DOOAN COMPANY. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IRVINGTON. OWNER'S SACRIFICE. 7-room, well-built house, modem, built by day's work: hardwood floors, built-in buffet, furnace and fireplace, between 2 carlines. See at once for bargain. Owner, 647 East JSd St. N. THROWING up my hands? No sir. I'm a woman. I overbought and so will sac rifice my equity ln 1 or 2 beautiful lots (Improvements now going In) on Mount Tabor, roar Palmyra. Last year's prices. Who wants a growing bargain 7 K 396, Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, grand site, about 11.000 sq. ft.. 1000 fit, above city, gentle (almost imperceptible) southern slope, magnificent view, 4 blocks car, suitable for Invalid with respiratory trouble, or for sanitarium: $4"nn: any terms; no Interest: must sell. XXX. Oregonian. FTCSI'M, Washington townsite, now on the market. Business lots. 50x110. tl".1; res idence lots, 50x218. $150; terms half cash, balance 1 year. 7 per cent. Act now. Homer G. Day Co.. sales agent. White Salmon, Wash. BEAUTIFUL FTXL LOT. Near E. 80th and Clinton sts.: cement walks in and paid: price $77.r). $450 cash, bal. $10 month. This is a sacrifice and must be sold st once. 89 10th st., near Stark. APARTMENT-HOUSE BITE. Lot 02xlOO, on E. 17th St.. near Hotft on; finest location on East Side for apart mente. See this at once if yon want a bargain. Owner, S'19 Lumber Exchange. ONLY $600; Urge lot 42x170, near 41st and Richmond car; line, sightly, rich soil. Just the place to get started close ln without paving high prices; easy terms See Jaa. C.'Logan. 813 Ppnlding blilg. MT. TABOR LOT. $560. Will sell 50x100 on 61st St., 300 ft. north of Belmont carllne. for $560 cash; lie low. Phone Tabor 222T. $10 DOWN, $10 MO. Beautiful building lot ln Pellwood. all fenced and In garden. See owner, 83 10th, near Stark. LOT for sale. Rose City carllne, or will exchange on first payment for small place with furnished house to raise chickens, near carllne, Mnln 4288. 571 Gllsan st. EQUITIES ln Laurelhurst lots, 23 per cent discount. Lots near Peninsula Park on easy term. 8. M.. Vanard. 601 . McKay bldg. -vthti uovrv rTTTfTC Waco-street lot." 100x50. $S00; $100 down. $12 per month; must sell at once. AN 441. oregonian. BEUT1FUL homeslte, southwest corner, on East 36th St.. close to Rose City Parle car; price very reasonable; owner needs money. ArJ 4u. uregoniun. $1200 lot, ln a restricted district, 10 per cent down. $10 a month, no Interest; will take piano, good furniture or dentistry aa first payment. M 4S21 Oregonian. I HAVE a IIS.IO equity ln 5 fine building lots that I will sell for half price: balance j 25 per month. Call 1278 E. Taylor Bun day or 41 Grand ave. Monday. LOT for ssle in Eastmoreland; one block from carllne; grand view; owner must sell. Address AG 4Q. Oregonian. For Sale FOR sale by owner, new modern 6-room house, with attic Dutch kitchen; all built in conveniences, cement basement, lot 50x loo at a bargain, easy terms; take Mount Scott car to Division St.. walk one block west, then south to 242 E. 4lth st. SIX BEAUTIFUL HOME3. Splendid finish, oak. select fir, modern, choice locstlons, cheat): several innxlOO and 50x100 lots way below market values. Irvington. C 1S66. East 273. No agent. W. H. Herdman. t FORCED to sell my new 5-room bungalow and two lots: dining-room, paneled and beamed ceiling. Dutch kitchen laundry trays ln basement, one block from Alt, Scott car. t19P0. Phone Tabor 2W3. $100 DOWN. Balance to suit, buys this 5-room bunga low In Hawthorne district. Miss Gourdoux, Columbia Trust Company. S4 4th st. A BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE. Xew 4-room plastered house: lot 40x 120: 2 blocks from car; only $75; terms, phone Tabor 52. 50q Two-room house and 2 comer lots; Mount Scott car to 6th ave.. one block south and one seat. H. Y. Clarke, 6th and Morse. Lents. FOR SALE Modern new 6-room bungalow, price $3100. SS00 cash, balance 615 a month. Call t2 E. 47th, corner Salmon- PRETTIEST 6-room bungalow In town; E. 10th and Going sts. Look at it, make offer. Owner. 43o Worcester bldg. Main l'J40. iT-ROOM house, $50O cash; on-ner is com pelled to go suuia ii ttiuici. ooir Everett St. - lOOxlO ON -Portland Heights with modern cottage for $35'0, on easy terms. Can roa beat ltT Call 414 Spalding bldg. ANDERSON ANDEKSON ANDERSON BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK. 672 EAST 61 ST ST.. Between Siskiyou and Kliskltat sta. 6 rooma. $3950. 84 EAST 61 ST ST. 5 rooms, $3450. 68S EAST 61ST Si?. . 5 room and sleeping porch, $3500. 606 EAST 6' ST ST. 6 rooms. 631O0. 700 EAST 61 ST ST. S rooms. tobOO. Second, house north of Stark L OB 71st St. (Mt. Tabor car. 5 rooms, $3700. TONY G. ANDERSON. Builder, 401 Lewis bldg. Regular commission for sale. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. One of the handsomest, new. mod - era. best built bungalowa in the city of Portland; 5 large rooms and den (making practically 6 rooms). Very large living-room with fireplace: furnace with hot water coll; gas and electric light, built-in buffet and china closet; hardwood floors; fine lawn, roses, etc.; splendid lot, 5(1x100, half block to car CO min utes ride to Postofflce): select neighborhood; everything first-class and up to the minute. Price only $41'30 If taken quick. Terms Jl'-'OO . cash, balance convenient payments. J. W. CROSSLEY. 618 CORBETT BLDd. No Information by telephone. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. Lot 45x107, new 5-room bungalow, beamed ceiling, paneled dining-room, fire- filace, full basement, bullt-ln buffet, cab net kitchen, bath and toilet; in fact, one of the most modern homes ln city: ele gantly furnished ln every detail. Call for C. G. Reagan. BUY NOW OF CHAPIN & HERLOW. Member of tha Portland Realty Board. 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE BY OWNER A BARGAIN. A modern, 6-room bungalow, garden and fruit trees; hard-surface street, cement walks. Improvements partly paid; three blocks from car, block from school; $2650 It sold by October 10; easy terms to re sponsible party; will sell adjoining lot; take Alberta car to 22d St.. walk three block south to Prescott. S. E. corner. Owner on ground; or phone C 8082. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT. WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE. IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTECTION. JT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. L. R. BAILEY CO., INC., CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLD. ELEGANT 10-room house, most exclusive design, elegant Interior finish; something entirely new. Tou will nave to see mis to appreciate It; restricted district; paved streets; 3 carlines: 2 blocks to school. Terms to responsible parties. W. L. NASH, OWNER. 199 East 50th St. Phone Tabor 793. "ELEGANT NEW IRVINGTON HOME." Very choicest location, near Irvington Club; east front; contains 9 rooms; artis tically arranged and finished: oak and birdseye maple floors throughout; hand some Illuminating fixtures, duplex shades; price $750t. Including all street Improve- Tt.-I.-ST S1DR HOME 17000. Modern 7-room house with 33 1-3x100, on Marshall, near 23d St.; furnace and Ilreplace. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club bldg.. Phones Main 86D9. A 2C53. BUNGALOW. ARBOR LODGE. 62100. $100 down, $16 and Interest monthly; H block ,to car; 6 rooms, modem, almost new, owner on strike 16 months and must sell: don't miss this as it's a bargain. Fred W. German. 829 Burnslde. M. or A 2776. MUST SELL QUICK. 6-room house on comer of E. 85th and Harrison: hard surface, paid; house Is very attractive and well-built; see it at once. 1135 E. Harrison. JOHNSTON, BOTHFUR A TUFFORD, 908 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. BEST BARGAIN IN CITY. It new, strictly modern bungalows. 4 snd 5 rooms ready for occupancy. $2000 to $2500; small payment down, bal. like rent; let me show you these homes. JAS. A. CLOCK. 152 Alder st. Main 8189 $000 CASH, balance easy, new 5-room mod em bungalow, 25 minutes out. Mount Soott district; lot 50x100: full basement, bath. Dutch kitchen: electricity: everything first class; only $2300; worth $3000; one block car. HIGLEY ft BISHOP, 132 Third St FOR SALE, by owner. New 6-room house. never been occupied; small payment down and $16.50 per month, including Interest- This Is a snap. I must selL Phone. Marshall 81. BUNGALOW, Laurelhurst. choice location; hardwood floors, plate glass windows, fur nace, electric light fixtures, screen door and shades; everything complete; bargainl easy terms. East 8578. BARGAIN FROM OWNER. Unlversltv Park, 7-room house. 8 cor ner lots 75x100, $2500; $230 cash, bal ance monthly. Best buy In Portland. Phone East 491. NINE-ROOM house and fractional lot for ale by owner on very easy terms; no rea sonable offer refused: house too large for me and do not want to rent it. 710 East Everett, near 20th, East 1516 - ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. S-room bungalow, hardwood floor, cor ner lot. 50x100: walks in. grading ln, 2 blocks to new brick school; $3500; . easy terms See owner. 120 Grand ave. e.750 a real good, substantial 5-room oot tage on E. 2Gth St.: large attlo, good base ment: $250 cash, $25 month. A good plan to save rent- A. H. Blrrell Co., McKay bldg.. -3d and Stark. J5 MONTHLY. Including interest, moves "you into a nice bungalow, near carllne; nothing down. Owner. 631 Worcester block. . $100 CASH New 4-room oottage; lot 40x 100; 2 blocks Mount Hcott line, 5c fara; chicken-house; small fruit: only $150. KIGLBY & BISHOP. 132 Third St. DO you want a fine modern home cheap and easy terms, close-in, Ladd's Addi tion T Call 402 Selling. Phone Marshall 2433: East 2725. Thos Vlgars, owner. S100 CASH and rent put ln a nice 3-room bungalow; lot 60x1001 3 blocks from Al berta car. near Union ave. HIGLEY BISHOP. 133 Third t. t HAVE a few modem homes at a bar- rn n: terms 6MI uutLiui iiiub Vlrars. 402 Selling bldg. Marshall 2433. East 8725. 12000 5-ROOM bungalow on East Taylor t- lot 50x100: $300 down; $30 per month. W. L. NASH. 199 East 60th St. Phone Tabor 793 OWNER offers beautiful bungalow, 11S5 Ivon street, $400 below value; select "neighborhood; paved district; monthly ' . K.rvnln S2Q00. paj '" ". " IRVINGTON Modem 6-room house, 60x50, southwest eorner 8th and Thompson. Owner. Blgelow, Main 112i or A 6045. Sunday, C 1895. $2400. Hawthorne dlstriot. 5-room modem bun galows lot 40x100; small payment down; balance $15 per month. Phone Tabor 651. $100 CASH and $15 per month, new B-room modern cottage; lot 40x100; 2 block 5o car; cheap at $13"iO. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 1.12 Third St. IFVIN'GTON 7-room, modem; lot 50x100. Come In and see the picture; $0000; cash; beautiful home. HIGLEY A BISHOP. 132 Third St. $25 MONTHLY RENT. Buys modem home, price $2160. No pay ment down necessary. Qwner. East 2711. IF YOU want a 5-room bungalow or a 6 room, two-story house, phone Bllven. Tabor 706 vrvr modem 7-room house ln Irvington. S.'OOO- terms; will take Laurelhurst lot in part payment. Phone C 2040. SWELL apartment-house: long lease: for sale! jrS'Ji): accept bungalow to $4500. AS 492. Oregonian. IRVINGTON district, modern 6-room bouse; flne lawn, shrubbery, fruit trees; one or two lots. AP 47. Oregonian. LEAVING, will sell cheap, home on East :19th " street, 1 acre Mt. Tabor. 1 acre Woodstock. Address Box 24. City. Y -,- Beautiful, modem bungalow; every convenience. C. L. Parker, 125$ Greeley. m . MODERN new. 5-room bungalow, close - .mnil navment down, balance like tnt- 12230. Call 1061 32d and Alberta sts. rent, . , . ..--,,, BEAUTIFUL 6-room modern bun galow; $50 cash. 623 monthly. Tabor 1768. ..nil Modern 5-room bungalow; lot SOx 100: 500 cash, balance monthly. Phone Woodlawn 329. C 2429. ...,00 Six-room house: $200 cash, bal. $15 -Dermonth. Phone Woodlawn 3229, C 249. NEW modem, 6-room: Creston. $2.'00 term, or $2100 cash. Owner, Tabor 1309. GOOD BUYS. $3000 West Bide, $1400 down, bsjaljce t suit purchaser, for a 5-room noure on 13th st.. West Side. $3000 .100 cash, balance easy, take a modern, comparatively new I -room bungalow on Montana ave. $2900 $300 cash, balance -$20 per month. buys a beautiful modem 5-room bungalow. Just finlsied. on B. Flan ders st.. 50xr0-lot; street Improve ment paid. . $1250 f350 flown, balance monthly, buy a fine 100x100 corner ln Belle Crest. jflOO Buvs a splendid 40x100 lot on East 20th St., near Gladstone,, term easy. We have good buys ln Improved and unimproved real estate ln all part of the city. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. Main 85. - . 850. $200 CASH. $30 MONTHLY. INCLUDING INTEREST. 6-1 com modern bungalow ln HOLLA DAY PARK Addition. Just south ol 1B VINQTON: choice of 3 carlines: artlstlo nd well finished; will furnish beautifully with your apartment furniture, comforta ble, cosy, convenient. . This section Is closely built ta wltn high-class houses and these bungalowa will never be duplicated again at the price of $3100 and terms, a the lot are nigh In price and acarce. These bouses are for people of refine ment, who want a moderate-priced home. Main 2182. DETSCH & WITWER. A 1559. S40 Chamber of Commerce. ONE acre of "ground, all ln cultivation, with a 7-room modern house: 1 block to 6-cent carllne: can have gas. etc; for $6000. only $1000 down, rest like rent at 6 per cent. Also 2 acres, with a 6-room house, 1 block from streetcar; all ln cultivation; 61000 down; easy terms on balanoe. Also. 225x2S0-ft- pleco of ground, all In cultivation; 1 block to streetcars: $4000; half cash. All of theso aro in the city, near an 80-foot street and worth more than price now asked. A. N. SEARLE, East Gllsan and 70th sts.. M.-V. car. CHEAPER THAN RENT. Buy This BUNGALOW. Just completed. 6 rooms, full basement, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet, den. large bathroom. Dutch kitchen, piped for gas. wired for electricity, wash trays, etc., 50x100 lot, 5 blocks from car on 33d street, only $2950, $295 down, balance to suit your income. OREGON HEIGHTS ADDITION. See Owner, Co-operative Trust Company. 404 Yeon bldg.. Marshall 410. ' SUBURBAN HOME. ONE ACRE. Goad 8-room house, with basement, eleo tric lights, city water, stable and garage; beautiful lawn 1in)x2O0; good shrubbery and all kinds of fruit; Enfilish evergreejl hedge: close to Mt. Tabor Park and reser voir. Insuring cold water under good pres sure; only 4 blocks to Hawthorne car. If you wish a beautiful suburban home that you can subdivide and practically own for nothing. Investigate this. Price $7500. on easy terms. J. E. Nichols Co.. 615 Yeon bldg. MR. LOT OWNER, HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE LOUR PROP ERTY WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APARTMENT; WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST; PLANS FURNISHED FREE. IT WILL PAY YOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVER. - J. S. ATKINS. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. ALBINA. 6- room house with stable, on lot 50x100 ft.; close to Russell st. and Williams ave.; rents Icif $25 per month; the completion of the Broadway bridge will Increase the value of this property very materially. Price $3500. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO, 213 Commercial Club Bldg, Phones. Main SG90, A 2653. ROSE CITY PARK. $250 CASH. T rooms, large living-room, dining-room. beamed ceiling, built-in buffet and book cases, solid oak floors, Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace. NATIONAL REALTY ft TRUST CO, Room 728, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Main 6129. FOR SALE Neat, new, 4-room bunga low: buffet, bookcase, clothes press, cup board, water ln kitchen; lot 50x100 feet: fenced; neat chicken house; beautiful shade trees; 8 blocks from car, 14 min utes' ' ride to heart of city. $1050. $350 down, balance $10 per month. AG 499. Oregonian. t FIVE and six-room homes, fireplaces, hard wood floors, furnaces, with all bullt-ln, modern conveniences; near carline; all street Improvements paid; monthly pay ment plan. Provident Investment A Trustee Co., 201, 202, 203 Board of Trade bldg. Phone Marshall 473, A J 022. FOR SALE BY OWNER. New. absolutely modern Irvington house, 8 rooms, hardwood floors, bullt-ln buffet and window seats, sleeping-porch, fin ished attic; everything up to date; $1000 cash, balance monthly. Phone East 491; evenings East 1.122. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. S blocks to Union ave., between two carlines, three blocks to large snhool, 60 xlOO-foot lot: paved street, ea front; snap at $2000, terms. Owner, 41S Corbet bldg. Marshall 557 ' 1 $800 $25 CASH. $15 MONTHLY. Dandv little 3-rooni cottage, full lot, frood cook stove and large kitchen cab net thrown In; near new Mt. Hood eleo-tric- photo at office. Fred W. German. 829 Burnslde. M. or A 2776. ATTRACTIVE home, modern in every de tail; 7 rooms and sleeping porch; hot water heat and hardwood floors; situated qn a sightly corner; street Improvements all paid; price $7000, terms. Call 25th and Tillamook. Key at 825 Tillamook st. FINE new 6-room bungalow with all mod ern improvements in fireplace, bookcase, laundry tubs and Dutch kitchen, con crete sidewalk, close ln, near car and school; only $2500, easy terms. Owner, Main 9308. " PIEDMONT. 7- room house, modern, beautiful grounds, 1 block from carllne and high school, with elthor 1 or 2 lots; account moving away will sacrifice for quick sale. ' Owner. 1200 Commercial St. SWELL HOME. 8 rooms, hardwood finish., hardwood floors up and down stairs- tile bath, tile kitchen: also garage: $1000 down. $1000 per year. 598 Braxee. bet. B. 14th and E. 15th sta Phone East 1275. Price $8500. DO YOU WANT A HOME T 8 large rooms. 2-story, all modern, lot 46x117, hard surface streets, all improve ments In and paid for; price $4650; $1000 cash $25 per month; on E. 31st st. Call 626 Yeon bldg. Main 1400, A 6213. ' FOR SALE. A Snap A 6-room cottage ln South For est Grove; 100x2o0 feet; frurt of all kinds; good park and chicken house; part cash; balance on easy terms. Address box B13. Forest Grove. Or. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. 6-room bungalow, shades, fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, buffet, 50X100 lot. one block from carline. Price $315a Call Marshall 207. J i YOUR OWN TERMS. Or discount, part cash; two full lots, fruit, garden, lawn, roses, henhouse, barn; 6-room painted, tinted cottage; bath; near reservoir. Phone Tabor 1392. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, close In, 5-room new bungalow, furnace, fireplace, 2 blocks north of Hawthorne ave.; easy terms; price $2900. Phone Ta bor 6ol. $2150 NEW 5-room bungalow, modern plumbing, electricity: beautiful lot, shade and fruit trees; 2 blocks car; $100 down. Owner. A 518. Oregonian. 35G 5-room cottage, double construction, good location, near car at Kenilworth. "ash onlv See A. H. Blrrell Co., 202 McKay biiag.. jau For SALE, cheap, grocery,, confectionery, cigars and fruit store. Owner. Apply 50 North 6th st. NEW 4-room bungalow and 4 lots, $1700; $100 down, $13 a month. Franta, owner, Knox ave. and Cooper st, ML Scott car, Tremont station. 0 4-F.OOM cottage, basement, poultry bouse. 2 blocks Mt. Scott car, $50 down. 110 a month. Owner. X 475. Oregonian. . $1350 TAKES our new 5-room modem cot tage. 2 blocks Mt. Scott car; $100 down. Owner. K 446, Oregonain. FOR BALE by owner,, the handsomest -room house ln Irvington. 496 a. 20ta. c N. Call and see It. 6-ROOM home near car. $2200; term. 138 E. 61st. Marshall 1564. MODERN 5-room cottage. South Portland. Call Marshall 8400 2' IRVINGTON far sale, modern ral dric-- For particu'ar.. phon ( 334. $30 MONTHLY buys modern home; no first payment necessary. Owner. East 2741. EIGHT-ROOM house. bst part of Irvlng- ion. r a i uLuia.D, 6 ROOMS, modem; two lots, fenced. AJiabel Station. Main 5438 or 743.