rilE SULA1 UKEUU.MAX, I'OKTLAM)t OCTOBER 8. 1911. rw today. Half Acres Glisan Street $600; Very Easy Terms. Positively bet tracts on the market today. Loeated two block north from Mount Hood Electric station, one mile from rity limit. Ground hich, level and sightly and in fine cultiva tion, faeinz Villa avenue, the new county boulevard. 80 feet wide. Take Montavilla ear at Third and Yamhill at 8:15 A. M., or 1:15 P. M.: transfer to Mount Hood ear; pet off at Ventura Station, walk north. Fare 6. Owner lives on tract. Call 1012, Chamber of Commerce, and en out in auto. Phones M. 3510 or Tabor ' I. on Sunday. MT. HOOD LAND CO. It Tabor Acre View Homesite $8000 ak roa MR. VAN NICE. Chapin & Herlow CHOICE HOMES 7t:S ft. mot lh'r. with pw. ni.irn. t-riora residence, on V 111 trnrllv i(fltlt. T-wn rrry nice modern rMncM on iuh mimu near Marshall. Several very dtrable homes In beat parts of Irlnurt. BUSINESS PROPERTY On East and Weal Mdea. STOCK RANCH 10 ; aeres In Central nrfon. with II a r r I m a n it. K. runninK through II an'l havln a fronla on I ar-hutes l;tvr of five mtla. The ranh ha worTn of Improve ments an J la ulfrrvd cheap. FINE MILL SITE On Wlllametto itlvrr. near new Ft. I brMir. uo trackage on two It. li. track. DONALD MACLEOD 2VNI f.le-trle RalUlas. Portland Heights Residence Nw and strictly mw)rn 7 -room. rl denca, every copvenlem-e: beautiful view; lot tcilU t"t. north frooie. Price $13,000 rVe us tor full particulars. -AHRIIL ATKIM at CO, I.-K ldT "t. Apartment Site rloae In and ronvenlnt to three car. lines. S"l't or 1 I X Exceptionally favorable location. K r e r y putl"k uM comman-l a view of entire oily, rlvera and mountain. If you are look -ln for a euirb location. ae this. Frire $1 per square foot. jki: iiiuitox. SIS Railway t:raaaae RalMlas;. 100x106 Grand Avenue and Alberta Street $7500 I m Hiiro LOUIS SALOMON & CO. 'Jj:t Stark St reft. INCOME PROPERTY UAftrn ntrrn n 1 Tit. Ini-om p r month. PRICE 51 1.000. tr Cf ill Sss Mr. I't-k. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., 5?3 Mara. . I'hone Mali ji; r A 21. SlUOO Sacrifice Sw-Tritwn 'r rn Munt II-o. ntT wv, n'r r;rr m. il -lt!.r-, er tt or ' f rr. No )-i tr 1 .n1 In Or K in. llviua hrn. rbr J . nitcht'.y . r it i,n. msx.n r.i. ri-cht i t-- ti-n rn.-s? $...., whi.'h .4 i;:-t) ir t p.U to rr av. Inijuir titr urn: bik, .rh , Or. One or Two Lots at Kcnilwortli M'RIFH K I'RIt VL !!4IM lVi. Thimii'.-on nt Kah. Slut. IT." rtftsi. l;;int r An trm Kiv nrrn nar nrtnori Kleclrle II. K. n. t.yan Station. Mony t h mn en real ett mort- i. M. MOM , Otk, H mm X $1200 ONE ACRE fin. view, a'l In cu'.Uvatl.-n. at Ttyan Dace, tJ minutes out. ic commutation tare. Let ua show ou this beautiful homa alta. r. . K jt r, 3 eraett HWi. Irvington Quarter P.'- f th. hnilsr.Tn-t q nr In Ir r.t. n F4i( air 4 t-'u: h 1 rniAef w tr Ft tf V'int H h c:nvt t h ut r-ff Fu- r-r ownr At a rt Minr.ct. 1 omr 24 r and T)Tr.x-n trn. Arri v 4c ivirj m.iM.. Apartment Snap 4 tO0. and M 'l sts. l.vO handiea. (. r.o. iiit. 5 I,aaaarraBeBa Bids; rw TOO AT. $10,000 BUSINESS PROPERTY 100x100 in Sunnyside. In come 80 per month. $24,500 KENTON DISTRICT 14-acre tract with rail and water shipping. It's under the market. S18,500 BROADWAY CORNER 50x100 close to new bridge. Has 100 feet on Broadway. Tli is is a choice business cor ner when Bridge is com pleted. $10,000 APARTMENT SITE 50x100 on Second, near Montgomery. Close down, nothing better. $14,500 JOBBING DISTRICT Fine corner 50x100 on 16th and Xorthrup Sts. The price is low for this location. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKav Bldg. Third and Stark Sts. Exclusive Residence Property FOR SALE ' 150 feet on Kinpr street, 225 feet on King Court; 12-room . hon.e, fronts Kins. Choice lo cation for another residence on Kinirs eonrt, or whole may be used for other purposes. Terms. Home phone C 2140. jr 100x150 Second SEoluinfo s Fometnlna; ts g-olna; to happen In this district. Buy Now. Sea Mr. Kupper. Mnkrn af tae Partlaad Realty Board. $5600 luarter Block v M.t lth and Gllaan sts. Some Income. A real bargain. Parrish, Watldns &. Co. 3o Alder . On the Parkway Full quarter block. 100x100 on Tark street, for a short time at S70.000 GODDAKD & WIEDRICK, 213 Stnrk Street. acntice 100x100, two blocks from new Jef ferson Hich School, one block from car. Mu.-t Lave cash immediately. foCO below market. Thone owner, C HOC. AE 4l. Orcfuian. WANTED TO LEASE 50 TO 100 ACRES liv a -private organisation, a lonv lease n a Kvel, rohlnrf piece of property, of tfie at -a s!e. Need not be flrt-cla asn. ultural ian-U but should support a 'air od. Not too fir out and on frciiient car s-rvKa. A rite to audress bciow. Kl! location and terms, io K 'reK 'nlan. ACREAGE We have a number of good bays in actvuce on the I5ae Line road. For information, see Mali & Von Borstel 104 Second Street, Lumber Exchange Building. IRVINGTON HOME I -,(V0 -Nrw l-rooro modern home. 4 9 1 E:it Mh t- North; fact t ; lot 60 .: hou c.uilcti by owner. Excep tionally good buy an J rrooil terma. I KONAKI) HRO. M7 ( kimKrf of f nuifrrf. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Home it for tia who wnt the bfxt. Level. manifl'"fnt, unot-structed ifir. eplendM approach moat exclus ive neii.hlorhp'"i A ass. . , CHAPIN & yZ, s. HERLOW yZ' NS lit ( . her mt CwuMirt. XIW TODAY. Available Acreage for sale VERY CHEAP About ninety acres, the best specn tive buy in Portland or vicinity. Buy this and wait two years and realize five dollars for one, or you can dou ble in Jess than-30 days. These are facts. This land is situated on the main Columbia Slouch, just one mile east of the Swift holdings, where land is held at from $1000 to $5000 per acre, and not nearly so pood as this tract. Only 300 yards from the city limits or from the Columbia boule vard. East of this land the price is $."00 to $1500 per acre. This tract is for sale; there is no price just say what you w ill give. Must be sold. Terms can be arranged to suit. Buy ers investigate and make barrels of money. You're dealing with owner, and expect to deal with buyers. None other need answer. V 427, Oregonian. .Irvin one On 75x100, two blocks from Broad way; 10 rooms. A dandy buy. $8500 Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Ask for Mr. Van Nice. Beautiful River Front Home Eipht-room bunpalow, nearly new, and strictly modern; concrete basement and good furnace. One and one-half acres very produc tive soil. Fruit and berries in bearing. Beautiful roses, fine gar age, pheasant and chicken peas, pood houses and runways, fine beach and boat landing, excellent pure water system; exactly 20 minutes' run from Jefferson street S. P. station. An ideal country home with every city convenience. Terms to suit purchaser. S. DE LA MEE Fhone Marshall 668. WESTOVER TERRACES A new restricted residence district, close in on the West Side, offering every convenience to the particular trade. Splendid view from every lot. Well worth an hour of your time, the view alone being worth the trip. Drive out Cornell road to the head of 29th Hrect. on hard-surface pavement, or take ."W" car to Forestry building, then walk three blocks south. CLARK-COOK CO. Room 6, Board of Trade Bldg. i cm DLW Profit $400 an Acre This Year la tha 3000 acres w bought for fruit there art two fine hopyards, complete, with dryers. We will sell these at a barsraln. Linn Countr Orchard Colony, 41 Rallwar Exi-hanse. E. 7th and Burnside That fine corner. 100100. situated I on the northwest corner of East 7th and E. Burnside streets. e have immediate tenants for the property, if you will build on same. -For price, terms and other particulars see us. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second Street, Lumber Exrhanjre Building. 10th-St.50xl00 Between Burnside and Flanders. Spe cial price to close an eetate, 30.uv0. r.ouniRn ar ivirnmcK 243 Stark Street income Investment enn efn TSxIOO corner, close In dOlUUU on Fast Side. Fully Im proved with stores and flats. Income II S per month: present rents very low and ran he Increased. Investigate thla. V. O. Waddell. Sv Lumbgr Jxcbaaxe. Factory Site gtoe H jTrvr TODAY. Flaherty & Connolly . 715 Teon Building. GENERAL REAL ESTATE. Will sell, rent and insure your prop erty. Business investments and loans negotiated. Store leasing a specialty. $31,000 J 50x100, facing east on West Park street, opposite Arlington Club. Terms. Acreage Ten acres, heavily timbered, nine miles from city, onEstacada line. Land is level and very reasonable in price Trackage 150x200 on O.-W. It & N. Tracks, water. rights. Frontage on E. 21st. Ideal manufacturing site. Will ac cept city property in trade. Terms. Flaherty & Connolly 715 Teon Building! BUY AT ROCHESTER Railroad Center Rich Natural Resources New Townsite Rochester Is located In the beautiful Chehalla Valley. Southwestern ash-Ina-ton. rlirht at the Junction of tha Northern Pacific, OreRon & 'Washington and Milwaukee railroads. These roads re not proposed roada, built on paper only, but they are In actual operation rlKht now. $25 Lots $25 While they lt. we wilt sell these level, cleared lots, within 2 blocks of the railroad, for onlv 25 each. Thesa lote will be worth $100 within a year: they are all ready to build on or put Into garden: only a few of them left and they won't last Ionic. Sold pn very easy terms. Remember Theaa railroads are completed and 1J passenger trains stop at Rochester every day: the natural resources could not be batter, and Rochester is bound to become a. big city. Every lot is ; going- to lncreaoe In value and somebody Is going to make this profit. Why not mil? Csll and see photos, soil, etc., and get names of Portland people who have seen Rochester and own lots there. Tou can easllv visit the townsite and re turn to Portland the same day. v e are sending parties to Rochester every ''"'WARRANTY deed and FREE certi fied abstract of title with each sale. We are owners, not agenta. AmericanHorae Investment Co. OWNERS 1016 Chamber of Commerce Take elevator No. 1. Third-street side. A Good Corner E. 16th AND E. COUCH STREETS Price $8700 That choice corner and two modern houses, situated on the northeast cor ner of East 16th and E. Couch sts. A fine property and cheap. See it. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second Street, Lnmber Exchange Building. E. Burnside Street Price $2850 Each See the lots that we are selling on this street for $26-30 each. This price includes hard-surface pavements paid for. Mall &Von Borstel 104 Second Street, Lumber Exehanee Building Grand Ave. and Oregon Sts. We are instructed to sell that fine business corner, 75x0 feet,' situated on the southwest corner of Grand ave nue and Oregon streets. Price $21,000. Terms $0000 cash, balance on or be fore three years, interest 6 per cent. This is a fine comer, being the en trance to the new R. R. bridge. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second Street, Lumber Exchanse Buildin?. FOR Apartments 110x100, IRVING STREET Near Twentieth. Sea Mr. Kupper. CHAFIN & HERLOW S33 Chamber f Commerce. Bleanbera of tae Prtlaaa Realty Bosurd. STW TODAY. Investments A full half block, within 3 blocks of the postoffice, that offers the best chance in Portland for future devel opment. Can be handled on very easy terms. We have a customer whowill take a ground lease $210,000 50x100 just off Washington and east of 13th $57,500 25x100 of the above for $27,500 70x100 on 11th. Close-in apartment site S3S.OOO 100x100 on 20th, near Washington, improved; pays over 7 per oent $48,000 For the man who wants a good buy for a little money, we hare 3?4 lots on the track, with 150 feet of switch already in. This property is close in, and has a bright future $8500 i ' ' u. t KEASEY CSi-i HUMASOMJEFFERY 232 Chamber of Commerce. Cj - Investments $5200 $6750 2 (-room houses; rent $40. Porter st.; lot 60x100; ,1700 cash, balance In 4 years. 6 houses and 100x106 corner on Porter St.; rent 55; 2500 cash. A big snap. 100x100, business corner, on Williams ave.. good house. $8750 in Cfin 60x100, 2 stores and 2 OlUjOUVflats, on Williams ave. near Morris; rent S7. $11,500 $12,000 $12,000 S new houses, 3 lots, near Jefferson High School. Rent 9a; $2000 cash, bal. 6. 4 good houses, 100x100 on Water St., West Side, $4000 cash. 4 fine flats, rent 12 per month; West Side. n ftf") stores and 15-room ho dluluUU tel on Thurman St.; rent $100 per month. a , n tff Four fine flats on cor OlOlUUU ner lot. E. Madison St.; rent $12u per month; $6000 cash. QIC? nnn 50x100 with house on 9 1 JlUUU 15th st. trackage, near I-oveJoy, or 100x100. Corner $35,000. g. 1 O nnn Block bounded by Mac OlOlUUU adam, Hood. Whlttaker and Curry sts., facing on 2 railroads. Fine factory site and a snap. n nnn 2 stores and 6 S-room O lOlUUU apartments; Income $150 per mo.; on West Side. Grussi & Zadow SIT Board of Trade Bide 4th and Oak ITS A SPLENDID AUTO DRIVE TO WiUalatin Park I THE WEST side: AND Marine View These twin additions are on the Germantown and Cornell roads, which offer the most scenic ride out of the city. The view from these tracts of the mountains and rivers Is beautiful. In the near future a new home will be erected for St. Helen's Hall In Willalatin Park. This with a $2500 building restriction and the proximity of the Sroperty to the city, assures a most esfrable location for a country home $400 Per Acre and Up 10 PER CENT DOWN, 9 PER CENT PER MONTH. A single lot as far out on the East Side costs more. See us about these twin addi tions. Shepard, Mills & Rogers 2I4-21S Board of Trade Bldg. Main 6858. A 4710. Six Room Bungalow forS4 Worth $5500. Full basement, fireplace, furnace; built-in bookcases, sleeping porch, upstairs all finished; year's sup ply of wood; house is modern in every way. Will take $2850 cash, balance on mortfrag-e. Call 495 East 10th North, bet. Thompson and B razee. No agents. 's Tha one BEST place In Portland t rny. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and HOST DESlKABi-i residence property or tbs city. SEEINO IS BEUBV1NO FETTER (0 and tha many CatOICE resi dences under constructiea a4 U law lrevementa golug on. the Grego-i Real slate Company CHAA'D ATB. AKD MCLTAOMiU ST. Holgate Addition A new proposition close In. We solicit closest investlpatton by invest ors and homeseekers. Includes valuable business sites, river view and residence lots on small monthly payments. See us before investing elsewhere. GRADED STREETS, CEMENT WALKS, CITY WATER OR SELECT VOI R LOT AND WE WILX. BlILD VOI R HOCSE ON SMALL, MONTHLY PAYMENTS. IIKIOKII K A WINTERS, 51T Chamber of Commerce Kids;. Phone Main 14;. or 9 Milwaukle ttreeL Phone Pellwood 1124. Agent on tract dally, Sunday Included. Take Sel'.wood car to Alice street. COLLIS, BERK1UGE THOMPSON, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS, AUDITORS, &24 Worcester Block. I'hene Mala SSS7. Holladay Addition TTFW TODAY. Best Acreage Best Prices ONLY IS MILES OFT ON RAILWAYS. UNITED CeiOn 1 acres, more .than half OJlUuin cultivation: rood house, 2 barns and chicken-house. dJOT? 15 acres, partially eultl wOO 4 iJvated. the balance easily cleared; 2 Brood springs, good slope and splendid soil. (Cnn 3 acres at Junction of county (JOUU roads, half mile from station. 7Q"5 6 2 J acres, timbered, but un O I 03 derbrush cleared. Enough timber to pay for place twice over. iQnn ' acres, all In cultivation, vlOUl on pood county road, close x to station. CQnn 8 acres, clear except few O JUU stumps; good spring; splendid slope and best soil. Jackson & Deering 246 STARK -STREET P EOPERTT ROPERLT BJCED HOOD STREET 200 feet frontage between Arthur and Baker; improvements consist of a 2-storv donble store bldg.S?7500 MAIN STREET Near 12th st. ; pood twostorv bnild ing. lot 40x50 feet $9500 NORTH 18TH STREET Near Irving st., rent $112.50 per month, lot 50x100 feet. .$17,000 SAVIER STREET Corner of 18th North, 100x100 feet, five cottages .$17,500 NORTH 22D STREET A very choice apartment site, cor ner lot, 100x150 feet; subject to street assessments $35,000 DAVIS -STREET Between 12th and 13th sts., lot 50x 200 feet, 300 feet frontage-trackage, between Twelfth and Thir teenth streets 55,000 NORTH 13TH STREET Four lots, between Everett and Flanders St., 200 feet, frontage on 13th St., trackage $100,000 FULL BLOCK Bounded by First, Second, Mont gomery and Harrison sts. Will sub divide into quarters... $125,000 WATERFRONT AND TRACKAGE Entire block, bounded by Taylor, ' Front, Salmon and harbor line $300,000 WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 85 Fourth St. Members of Portland Realty Board. West Side Lots 50x100. In settled community. $200 to $400 Easy Terms. 5c carfare. Grand view. Water to every lot. Electric lights. Tele phones. These are most beautiful lots for home building or a first-class in vestment. Shepard, Mills & Rogers Members Portland Eealty Board. 214 Board of Trade Bldg. . Main 6659, A 4710. Is the income on a quarter business block which the owner is compelled to sell at a sacrifice to protect other investments. PRICE $19,000. $12,000 cash. Inquire McCARGAR, BATES & LI YEY 301 YEON BUILDING 690 Acres Near Eugene Want to sell to improve Portland property. Will offer my 690 acres 2 miles from Eugene at $50 per acre; easy terms. Best of fruit land; al ready platted into small tracts. Good roads, good schools; phone in house. Dr. D. W. Jarvis, owner, will be at Imperial Hotel Saturday afternoon, Sun. and Mon. Later, Eugene, Or. GARDEN HOME Buv a beautiful acre at Garden Home at 700 to $&00; terms, 20 per cent cash and 2 per month: only 200 yards from depot: 44 trains daily; double track to Garden Home is a necessity; this means special service and a 5-cent fare; then prices will be 2700 to 2900 on a 50x100 foot lot. Buy the acre now and profit. Boll deep shot clay, all In high state of cultivation; altitude high, aightly; water pure and abundant; present fare 10 cents by book; only 4 miles from Courthouse when tunnel is completed. Come and be "shown." GRl'SSI ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg, 4th and Oak. 10" Net JTEW TODAY. BURNER'S ADDITION When you buy here you get CHOICE LOCATION GOOD CAR SERVICE PROPER RESTRICTIONS LARGE VALUE Sice$1500 Take a ride out Hawthorne ave. and see these fine lots at East 55th, 56th and 58th streets. See the elegant new homes in this district. Ton '11 want to pick out a building site here, and let us assist you with a loan for building purposes. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Building Third, and Stark Streets ine One mile of city limits; Mount Hood station on the tract, Base Line road on one side, Mount Hood line on the other. 40 acres, Al for subdivision, and a money-maker from investment standpoint. One-half what others are asking for acreage in same locality. Owners will consider part in ex change. Anyone looking for an in vestment of merit, this will interest. F. E. Taylor Co. 404-5 Lewis Bldg., Fourth and Oak Streets. BEFORE YOU BUY AN ACRE HOME, CALL AND GET PLATS AND PRICES OP Sycamore Acr es Acre tracts, facing the O. W. P. elec tric line, Johnson Creek and the Foster road, for the price of a suburban lot. Sycamore Acres Is 40 minutes from the city by the O. W. P. electric line; and in the best portion of Multnomah County. Take the Gresham or Cazadero car from 1st and Alder. Cars leave 15 min utes to the hour. Get off at Sycamore station. Will be on the ground today. W. H. Grindstaff 1125 Teon Bids. Main 875. A 7S42. Geo. D. Schalk 228 Stark St Main 392. A 2392. SWELL Qr. BLOCK INCOME $160 MONTH. PRICE $17,500 Alwavs attractive to desirable ten ants. $20,000 would not be excessive for this. C. W. LAMAR, 1223 Yeon BldK. ALFALFA LAND 160 acres, close to the city, for Port land property. Improved, or for busi ness lots in Portland. GRTJSSI A ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bid 4th and Oak. Base jRoiid N OPENING, m l ' YOU ARE ENTITLED TO Flit ON Ip i Itvill 160 ACRES OF IRRIGATED LAND, iv- J IVgJlYl MAKE APPLICATION NOW g? YS CENTRALORf GON IRRIGATION CO. f X&SSl 4'S rr EXCHANGE BUXi. SffilWf