The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 01, 1911, SECTION SIX, Page 7, Image 75

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    TtTE STjyDAY OREGOyiAy, TORTLAyP. OCTOBER " 1, 1911. ,JL
New Yorker's Charm Gains Adhesion of All
Men and Most Women in European So
ciety Even Princess Bichette, Prince Al
bert's Mother, Who Planned a Royal Match
for Her Son, Says "She's Bewitching"
Long Honeymoon Continues After Ro
mantic Courtship.
WARSAW. Sept. JO. Poland hae
W surrendered to lt American
prtnresa Dorothy Deacon that
u ha broken down almot all the
prejudice that reared Itaelf against her
when he became the bride of Prlnc
Albert Radxlwlll. Even her mother-In
law will presently hare to givs In and
declare the match a good one. for she
has to confess the American girl la be
So many tale ha been told of this
wooing- that It will be well to glv the
true version at the outset. It reads
like a chapter from a novel, with
beauteous maiden and fairy prince and
li; the rest of It.
Never has a fair American made a
more brilliant European match than
this New Yorker. For Prince Albert
Tts.l.ilwlil Is a Polish rr.agnat and
(nrr of hue esfste. Including the
historic caMl of Nlevswles, In Lith
uania. The Kadilwllls nut onlr own
between them, more money and acree
than any other aristocratic family In
Europe, hut their connectlona are aa
strong as tnelr rent-roll la long. Prlnc
Ihrt Is clo.ely allied by marriage) to
ri le-is than three reigning housri
the Homsnoffm llohensollerns and
llapshursrs. This meana that by block
relationship, the Ka.lzlwllls have entry
t tr.e most Intimate circles at the
Courts of Mt. Petersburg. Berlin and
Mis mother. Prlnce.s Blrhet'e Ra.lil
wiil. famous fr her striking- likeness
to Catherine the Ureal, spends her
Winters In Rome, where she entertains
a creut deal. A rout l of Winters ago
she met the Deacon family, who also
pass many Winter at Home. Miss
iN.rothi Iwieon attracted the. Princes
at on. e to such an extent that she In
sisted upon bavins; the girl a near her
a possible and taking her about, an
offer which Mr. Lwsroa. who doe not
car for society, accepted. So. Mlse
iKirothy Iwaron was constantly seen
tth the princess, with whom she vis
I red the QutrlnaL. the Italian royal
palnre. and all th beet houses In
Alhert rallee) tfersalt.
Every day. th Prlnres became
fonder of tn girl until th crlsl
rame. tine fine day. Prince Albert
arrivej to see his mother. Ile had been
nicknamed. "Albert th Hermit." la th
fmlly circle because of his dlstasto
f-r soctetr. No sooner, however, did
he know Mis Deacon than he as
tonished everybody by going to all th
entertainment she attended. Thl
lasted all Winter and all but hi own
mother roull see that he waa head over
ear In love with the American g:rl.
One dy he went to Prlnc Bichette's
boudoir and told her he had mad up
hi mind to marry Mis Wacon. Sh
was too Incredulou to be angry, bh
had already plannsd for him a match
with an Austrian Arch-Duchess, a
grsnd-daughter of th Emperor Frana
Josef, and looked upon his declaration
a- a Joke. When she realised that ha
want what ha said she promptly tele
grawied for her relatives on both !dej
of the hou to hold a family council.
Iter on n daughter. ITIncae Csertwer
t iii-lil. had a tew year before, also
chosen a commoner for a husband. Hut
the fjmllv council a favorite Institu
tion with Polish magnate had
trnuirht th girl to her senses and la
d.ioet hr to take her present aris
tocratic husband. But. though this
family council consisted of some of th
greatest maanatea In Europex Prince
Albert defied them all and said his In
tention wa to marry Dorothy Deacon,
and nobody elsei
All the arguments, reasonable and
unreasonable. In favor of a Grand
Duchess of royal blood, were In rain.
Then th famlly.-councll appealed to
Mis Dcon herself, who said she
would give Prtnc Alhert up If he said
ONCE upon a Time two Maverick
lived together In a Cubby-Hole In
a European Hotel In a surging
They worked for a grinding Corpora
tion, each pulling down a stipend that
tnaMed htm to Indulge In Musical Com.
.!!. Rotation Pool. Turkish Clgar
rttea. Buttons and other Neces
sities of Life.
Often they woaM put their Feet on
tv Radiator and talk about th Fu
ture. They said t!-at every Man should
have a Home of Ma Own. To the
Peanery thrice a Day and then back
to th Kennel wa no Life for a refined
Number One had a Theory that Two
could get along a cheaply aa One. If
tr- Wife would practice Rigid Econ
omy. Rent wer lower In th Suburbs,
lis looked up Into the Plpe-Smok and
rauc!-.t a Vision of a Bungalow with
Hollyhock In front and a Hammock
winging In the Hreeie. Somehow he
felt that h never would save any
Money until ha took the High Jump and
became a Family Mtn.
Number Two had a vague Teaming
to experiment with Matrimony but he
sail he would watt until he wa Fixed.
When he cou'.d open up the llttl old
Bank-Book and In plain sight th
Ice Box and th Talking Machine- and
tfc Dtnlng-Room Chair, then, and not
until then, wou.d h ask a Nice Girl
to leav a Comfertabl Home and take
a Gamble.
Number On picked out a Stenog
rapher who wa ready to retire, on
yrcount of her "pel'.lng. and then he
Tailed on the License Clerk, a Presby
srtan Minister and the Weekly Pay
he wished to have It so. Prince Albert
said ha did not wish anything of the
kind, so the strained situation remained
All Rssa la Asia;.
All Rom waa agog- with thl -"aristocratic
international love affair.- aa
It was railed. Queen Helen nsed en
couragingly to ask th two young pso
pie how they were bearing up against
the "family." and HI Holiness th Pop
sent a discreet message- to Prince Al
bert. In which tha word "heretic" was
prominent. True, there waa no special
need to worry about the family, all the
Nievswle estates are entailed and
Prince Albert must get them, no mat
ter what ha does. He Is the sldeat son
and will on day be worth anything;
up to 150. 000. Ore. His father. Prlne
George, who la a confirmed Invalid,
cannot leave one cent of this away
from tha lawful heir. But Princess
Bichette, who knows more about busi
ness than most Princesses, has always
kept her children under the control
of allowances and told Prince Albert
that she would not Increase his Income
by tl If he persisted In marrying; Do
rothy .Deacon.
Then Princess stepped In.
This Prince Inhabited when In Roma
that beautiful Stroizt palace which Is
one of the city' greatest sights. She
Is Princess Bichette's alster; but the
two have nfver been over friendly and
rumor has It that-Princes Strozsl en
couraged the match Just to annoy her
family. Anywav. she told the young
lovers they could count upon a gen
erous allowance from her and that aha
would leave Albert her fortune said
to be worth $30,000,000. Thl sent th
family council Into an explosion of
rage, but thrlr anger waa useless for
as all tha World knows. Albert fol
lowed th Deacon to London and tha
couple were quietly married In Han
over Square. Prince Strozsl was
among- their well-wisher at tha wed
ding aad has been a good as her word
about th allowance.
Maeher-a Ortevaaee lislset Rea.
Prlncess Blchett has never bean on
flrat-clas terms with her eldest son.
Years aro her great grievance against
Albert waa that when she ordered him
to b locked up In tha Nteswles school
room aa a punishment for naughtinea
he would be ao disobedient as to lump
out of the window and hide In tha for
est which surround tha park. On such
occasion h wa quit capable of hay.
Ing him shut out of th bous for
night or two at a time.
Strange to aay, ah waa not annoyed 1
with Mis Deacon, but with hlui over
th marriage.
"It's not yenr fault, because you ar
so bewitching," 'she frankly told Tier
prospective daughter-in-law. "Ha
ought to have known better than to
fall In love with any but the girl I
chose for him.
She cannot understand Radslwlll
marrying anybody under a Princess. 80
far, her children had thought so, too.
but Prlnc Albert' revolt waa an aw
ful shock, especially aa ha will be tha
head of the house when hi father dies,
as he must era long.
Prince Albert mean to have his
beautiful wire all to himself, for th
present. "W are living quietly Just
now." he told a friend, "because Do
rothy and I want to be together aa
much as possible. Then, when we have
had a long, long honeymoon, I'll go
with her to all the courts In Europ If
she wlshe. But I don't think aha care
for them any more than I do."
Aearrtraa Ctrl Create aaatlaw.
When he took hi wlf horn to Po
and her beauty created a tremendous
sensation. All the men crowded round
at one and paid her homage In ball
rooms and theaters. Even the task of
winning orer th women, who, for th
most part, aided with Princess Bichette,
turned out unexpectedly easy. As a
ment House, whose Announcement will
be found In another Column.
He packed up hi Banjo and th Mil
itary Brushe and left Number Two
marooned In the Rat Pit with the Oak
Dresser and th Pictures of Lillian
Russell on the Wall.
Number Two said he would swim the
River and Join him in the Promised
Land as soon as h was Two Thousand
to th Good.
Soon after the break-up of the Damon j
and Pythlaa Combination, one of them
was transferred to the Detroit Branch, j
They did not meet again until 10
ytirs later.
One day th Benedict had little Mar
Jnn and th Baby out at the Public
Zoo. so they could hear the rea Lion
bark, when Number Two carae along In
a Sight-Seeing Automobile with other
Ielecstes to the National Cooclav of
the Knights of Neurasthenia.
It was a Harpy Meeting between the
two Old Friends.
Number One reported that his Little
Girl could recite lone Poetn by Heart
and was about to take Music I.eisona
He wa living In a Flat but waa about
to move.
Nutntver Two said he wa Finer than
Plik except that Hotel Cooking had
got to him at last and he had to stop
In and se an twteopath every Morn
ing Toil are tlll Vnmarrled?" asked
Numher One.
-Tea." waa the reply. "I am still
$::J0 Shy of what a Guy needs before
tackling such a risky Game. IUw are
you making It?"
-I am Broke, thank you." replied
Number One.
With the utmot Good Feeling re
established between tnem. they took
Marjorle and th Baby over to e the
Lions and th other Dumb Animals.
MORAL: Opportualty knocks one at
Evry Man's Door and then keeps on
iCopynght. 1111, By George Ade.)
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matter of fact, they also have fallen
In love with her. "This American girl
Is different from any of us," they said.
Bo now they are paying; homage, too.
Princess Cxertwertlnskl, Prince Al
bert's sister, lent her town house In
Warsaw and went about everywhere
with th bride, shopping and racing.
It was ah who persuaded Princess
Dorothy to appear at a fancy drees ball
as ona of her husband's ancestresses,
a lady of great beauty, who had a
most romantic history, having coma
to Poland from Turkey, where a Polish
Prlnra found sh had been sold aa a
Greek alave. ha died over a hundred
yeara ago, but so perfect was tha fair
American's make up that all who saw
her enter tha ballroom drew a quick
breath of aurprla. Tha secret had
been so well kept that none there but
Memoirs of Skerlock Holmes
up aa If they had been children and
threw them overboard alive or dead.
There waa one aergeant that was hor
ribly wounded and yet kept on swim
ming for a surprising time, until some
one In mercy blew out his bralna. When
the fighting waa over there wa no on
left of our enemies except Just th
warders, th mates, and the doctor.
-'It was over them that the great
quarrel arose. There wera many of us
who were glad enough to win back our
freedom, and yet who had no wish to
have murder on our aouls. It was one
thing to knock the soldier over with
their muskets In their hands, and it
waa another to stand by while men
ware being killed In cold blood. Eight
of us. Ave ronvlcts and three aallors,
said that wa would not see it done.
But there was no moving Prendergast
and those who were With him. Our
only chance of safety lay in making a
clean Job of It. said he, and h would
not leave a tongue with power to wag
In a wltnes-box. It nearly cam to
our sharing th fat of the prisoners,
but at last he said that If we wished
w might tak a boat and go. W
Jumped at the offer, for wa wra al
ready sick of these bloodthirsty doings,
THE 1911 F4BLE
JiYM' t.'- ' . . JjmfNSPi-ry, "r2ijmrk :iTSrn. rvj : V; I
rr 'tTr-"r- . i'jg.,ii" 1 1 i ie 1 1 .i sfr as sirrJaiu.-..'w;;i,taiyi i
iYi.ktt :t J : '.: 'l ' 1T1 it' iTi LHSJ 1 1 wv,T. JStS2:v 1
.V-sWVIe-H Af
her husband and sister thought any
body waa to Impersonate the beautiful
In Niesxwles, the young; couple are
surrounded by the historic associations
of centuries. The estate Is so enor
mous that the administrator and
clerks employed In Its management fill
a township, named after the castle.
The customs In th families of Polish
magnates ars still patriarchal. So tha
American bride, on going; there this
year, found several brothers and sis
ters of her husband Installed for the
Summer. Each has a separata apart
ment and all meet together for lunch
and dinner, at which 20 Is considered
a small family party. All th Radzi
wells speak -English perfectly, so that
Princess Dorothy felt at home In
Nfesswle at once.
and wa saw that there would ba worsa
before it waa done. We were given a
ault of sailor tog each, a barrel of
water, two casks, one of Junk and one
of biscuits, and a compass. Prender
gast threw us over a chart, told us
that w war shipwrecked mariners
whose ship had foundered In latitude
It degreea and longitude 15 degrees
west, and then tut the painter and let
us go.
" 'And now I come to the most sur
prising part of ray story, my dear eon.
The seamen had hauled the fore-yard
aback during the rising, but now as
we left them they brought it aquare
again, and aa there waa a light wind
from the north and east, the bark be
gan to draw slowly away from us. Our
boat lay, rising and falling, upon the
long, smooth rollers, and Evans and I,
who were the most educated of tha
party, were sitting In the sheets work
ing out our position and planning what
coaat we ahould make for. It was a
nice queatlon, for tha Cape da Verdes
waa about too miles to the north of
us and tha African coaat about 700 to
the east. On the whole, as the wind
was coming round to the north, we
The days are passed as much out of
doors as possible, but she spends av
couple of hours a day learning; Eng
lish. She says her husband's position
makes it Imperative that she should
learn his language. Being the biggest
landlord In Lithuania he has duties
to fulfill which she means to help
him with.
' Princess Bichette's stubbornness
finds less and less sympathy as Prin
cess Dorothy wins her way with all
who come near her. The general ver
dict of the magnates who see how
splendidly she fills her new position
la "Albert did the best thing in his
life when he married her. She will
be the making; of him." 1
Radslwlll Great and Powerful.
The Radxlwllls have been great and
powerful for over 800 years; Indeed.
thought that Sierra Leone might be
best. lnd turned our head In that di
rection, tha bfcrk being at that time
nearly hull down on our starboard
quarter. Suddenly as we looked at
her we saw a dense black cloud of
smoke shoot up from her, which hung
like a monstrous tree upon the sky
line. A lew seconds later a roar uso
thunder burst upon our ears, and as
th smoke thinned away there was no
sign , left of the Gloria Scott. In an
Instant we swept the boat's head round
again end pulled with all our strength
for the place where the haxe still trail
ing over the water marked the scene
of this catastrophe.
" lt was a long hour before we
reached it and at first we feared that
we had come too late to save anyone.
A splintered boat and a number of
crates and fragments of spara rising
and falling-' on the waves showed us
where the Vessel had foundered; but
there waa no sign of life, and we had
turned away In despair when we heard
a cry for help id caw at some dis
tance piece of wreckage with a man
lying stretched across it. When we
pulled blm aboard he proved to be a
young seaman of the name of Hudson,
who waa so burned and exhausted that
he could give us no account of what
had happened until the following morn
ing. " at seemed that after we had left
Prendergast and his gang had pro
ceeded to put to death the Ave remain-
their greatness dates from a time when
the Roinanoffs were unheard of. So
sura Is their position In high places
that they treat It quite as a matter of
course. Even at tha autocratic Berlin
court they do Just aa they like. Prince
Albert's aunt. Princess Mary, recently
electrified a brilliant crowd at a court
ball there by boxing her daughter's
ears In the presence of Kaiser Wil
liam Somebody asked- her how sh
dare do such a thing when royalty was
near. "Royal fiddlesticks," cried the
Princess. "The Dadzlwills were mag
nates when the Hohenzollerns were
starving- on Russian swamps 1 My
daughter has caught the spirit of the
times and flirts outrageously with a
beggarly commoner and I had to give
her a lesson."
Prince George, Prince Albert's
father, is Just as independent. One
day he was at the Russian court and
the Tsar, who liked this relative 01
his. was taking- him over some of the
superb collection of antique relics and
objects of art. They came to a huge
golden casket inlaid -srlth precious
stones. "This Is the most beautiful
thing- I have," said His Majesty.
"Yes, my cousin," was the Prince's
retort. "I ought to know that, because
your grandfather's soldiers looted It
from my palace at Nlesxwles."
This was perfectly true, though, of
course, the Tsar did not look for such
candor from his guest.
At the Viennese court, etiquette Is
stricter even than In Berlin. Princess
lng prisoners. The two warders had
been shot and thrown overboard and so
also had the third mate. Prendergast
then descended into the 'tween-decks
and with hia own bands cut the throat
of the unfortunate surgeon. There
only remained the first mate, who was
a bold and active man. When he saw
the convict approaching him with the
bloody knife in his hand, he kicked oft
his bonds, which he had somehow con
trived to loosen, and, rushing down the
deck, he plunged Into the after-hold.
A dozen convicts, who descended with
their pistols In search of him, found
him with a match-box in his hand,
seated beside an open powder barrel,
which was one of a hundred carried
on board, and swearing that he would
blow all hands up If he were in any
way molested. An Instant later the
explosion occurred, though Hudson
thought It was caused by the misdi
rected bullet of one of the convicts
rather than the mate's match. Be the
cause what it may, it was the end of
the Gloria Scott and of the rabble who
held command of her.
'Such, In a few words, my dear
boy, is the history of this terrible
business in which I was Involved. Next
day we were picked up by the brig
Hotspur, bound for Australia, whose
captain found no difficulty in believing
that we were the survivors of a pas
senger ship which had foundered. The
transport ship Gloria Scott was set
down by the Admiralty as being lost
at sea, and no word has ever leaked
out as to her true fate. After an ex
cellent vayage the Hotspur landed us
at Sydney, where Evans and I changed
our names and made our way to the
diggings, where, among the crowds
who were gathered from all nations,
we had no dificulty in losing our for
mer identities. The rest I need not
relate. Wo prospered, we traveled,
we came back as rich colonials to Eng
land and we bought country estates.
. 1 . :
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The American Woman in Politics
and she presently came to the conclu
sion that there would be money enough
If the public utility corporations were
compelled to pay all they ought to In
franchise taxes. She went to the courts
and obtained a mandamus to compel
the proper authorities to act, with the
result that the revenues were increased
by some millions of dollars.
.Miss Haley's experiences In that fight
led her to study the question or mu
nloioal ownership, and she became an
ardent sunDOrter of that doctrine. She
had also learned something about pol
itics and in the Spring of 190S she
took an active part in the alder-
manlo camDalgn. as ' lember of the
committee which manu. the canvass
for municipal ownership Mermen.
Miss Haley has since continued active
in matters relating to labor and polit
ical and aocial questions.
Miss Julia Lathrop gained distinction
as a reformer of the management of
state charities In Illinois, and she has
served aa a member of the State Board
of Charities In that state. Dr. Cornelia-DeBey.
who Is a practicing phy
sician, Is another woman whose influ
ence has been felt in public anairs in
Illinois. Her special field of interest Is
education, and she has served as a
member of the. Board or i-aucation in
n : C- V. n n Inlfiiantlal In KAOlir-
Luic-asu. SJiJW 1 " " -- "
!ro- the settlement of the great stock
yards strike in 1904.
Another woman woo neipeo. to sui
. i . . i i t Tunrnm ut-v V Tlfia'o ! !. whn
tXljfct Bl'ino to .ujoa - J
Is well known as an organizer of labor
and a worker for the betterment of in
dustrial, social and political conditions.
Here Is an Influence that is felt in many
Perhaps mention should oe maae oi i
f f : t zs Hi
Bichette, who has already married one
son to a Hapsburg- Grand Duchess, is
given full freedom of expression by the
Austrian Emperor, who Is exceedingly
fond of her. It Is not overlooked by
these royal believers In ancestral lines
and close connections that the Radsl
wlll lineage haa few equals and a
Prince or Princess of so rich a house
Is a yery good match for any of the
Grand Dukes and Di chesses, who are
not likely to come to .the throne.
Story of the Princess Bichette.
All sorts of stories about Princess
Bichette go the round of aristocratic
tea-tables. Ona of 'them may be given
as characteristic of her. One hot day
when she was sitting In her boudoir In
a very thin tea gown, without even
shoes and stockings, a certain Canon,
now a bishop, was announced. "Show
him in here," she said to the servant,
and received the Canon In this light
attire without the slightest embarrass
ment. When he had gone her sister,
who had called In the meantime with
a lady friend, said, "How can you re
ceive a man in that negligee?" The
Princess retorted: "My dear, you sure
ly don't consider the Canon Is an ordi
nary man, do youT If he Is, he ought
not to be, so It amounts to the same
80, taken all round, it is a strongr
minded and original, as well aa a
wealthy and powerful, family that
Dorothy Deacon married into when she
became an American Princess.
For more than 20 years we have led
peaceful and useful lives and we hoped
that our past was forever burled. Im
agine, then, my feelings when In the
seaman who came to us I recognized
instantly the man who had been picked
off the wreck. He had tracked us
down somehow and had eet himself to
look upon our fears. Tou will under
stand now how it was that I strove
to keep the peace with him and you
will In some measure sympathise with
me In the fears vthloh fill me now that
he has gone from me to his other vio-,
tlm with threats upon his tongue.'"
Underneath is written In a hand so
shaky as to be hardly legible, ,'Beddoes
writes In cipher to say H. has told all.
Sweet Lord, have mercy on our souls.'
"That was the narrative which I
read that night to young Trevor, and
1 think, Watson, that under the circum
stances It was a dramatic one. The
good fellow was heartbroken at It and
went out to the teral tea planting,
where I hear that he is doing well. As
to the sailor and Beddoes. neither of
them was ever heard of again after
that day on which the letter of warn- -ing
was written. , They both disap
peared utterly and completely. No
complaint had been lodged with the
police, so that Beddoes had mistaken
a threat for a deed. Hudson had been
seen working about and It was believed
by the police that he had done away
with Beddoes and had fled. For myself,
I believe that the truth was exactly
opposite. I think that it is most
probable that Beddoes, pushed to des
peration and believing- himself to have
been betrayed already, had revenged
himself upon Hudson and had fled from
the country with as much money as
he could lay his hands on. Those are
the facts of the case, doctor, and if
they are of any use to your collection,
I am sure that they are very heartily
at your service."
(Copyright, 1911. by Sir A. Conan .
Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, In this con
nection, although her work has been
strictly In the field of education. Her
elevation to the position of superin
tendent of schools In Chicago two
years ago attracted National atten
tion, as she was the first woman to be
chosen for such a position In the United
States. Her relation to politics might
be called a negative one, inomuu o
she has fought consistently to keep
politics out of the schools.
Woman Who Elected a Democrat In
Colonel Roosevelt's District.
Mrs. Martin W. Littleton, wife of
Congressman Littleton, who represents
the Oyster Bay (New Tork) district,
gained prominence as a political cam
paigner last year when she contributed
to the success of her husband's candi
dacy. It was not believed at first that
Littleton, a Democrat, had much chanoe
of winning In Colonel Roosevelt's own
congressional district, but after Mrs.
Littleton had taken the stump for her
husband, his prospects began to bright
en. Mrs. Littleton made a ' thorough
canvass of the district, appealing to tha
voters individually, and making short -but
effective speeches In her husband's
behalf. Her campaign was regarded
by seasoned politicians as very clever
and brilliant "
The Rev. Caroline Bartlett Crane,
who Is a Unitarian minister, has done
much work of a semi-political nature
during the past few yeara While a
pastor Ih Kalamazoo, Mich., she ini
tiated a number of successful reforms
in municipal administration, especially
in relation to street cleaning, and she
has been retained by many municipal
ities since as an expert in "municipal
housecleanlng." . .
(Copyright, 1911. by E, J. Edwards.).