THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 1. 1BU. I II WITH SHOPS IDLE ! MEN SEE VICTORY More Than Half of Harriman j Carworkers in Portland Answer Strike Call. PEACEFUL AGREEMENT AIM fnkra Official Say They Are Sail " fleJ With Wate. but Demand ; Recognition of Federation by ' Brads of Traffic Line. ". Union picket! are patrollng before the entrance of the Harriman shops la Albtna and In Pouth Portland. The freet machine Inelde the building are till and the S0 men employed there feare quit work. . Saturday and Sundays are day of Inactivity, anyway, and the effect of the strtk that waa atarted at 10 o clone yesterday morning have not yet made tamelves felt. Not until tomorrow morn In, when the men are due to re turn to work, will either lde be able f determine to what extent the atrlka erdera have been obeyed. With the trlhe In prurfM nearly 14 hour already. ervli-e on both the Southern rartflc and O.-W. K. A N. Imee aeema not to hare Buffered. Train are running; on whedule time, locomo tive, rare and equipment appear to .be fci good order. The traveling public baa not been Inconvenienced. Bath 9ldra Mlfalae. ' Labor leaders declare that they are urprtaed and pleaeed at the encour agement they have been given by the .general reapone on the part of the men. while railroad fnrlale ay that the atrlke already howa eigne of reak Inr. J. P. O Brlen. vice-president and cen tral rainier of the Southern Pacific and Q.-W. K. S. companle. haa tak en personal rharae cf the situation in " Portland. Thua far he baa refueed to recognise that a atrlke exists, aa con dition at the shop were no different yeaterday than they are on any other Saturday. A careful check taken np to noon yea terday Indicated that only about S per rent of the affected employee bad re sponded to the ordcra to quit work, waa he report that came from Mr. O'Brien's cf nee yeaterday. . nr. O'Brien's direction alo extend to the shop at The Dailea. I'matllU. J.. Grande. Huntlne-ton. Starbuck and Tekoa. on the Q.-W. It. N. llnea. and to Junction City and Jtoeeburg. on the Southern Pacific Vloleaeo Bo Takswk ' The shops will be opened Monday morning; at the usual bour to all the regular employe who care to return t work. Railroad official believe ftaet large proportion of the men -lll be eager to take their position. The old men will be taken back at any time, but ahould they remain out Ions; enough to cripple the aerrlce an effort Hll be made to secure othera to take their places. Promises have been made by tne inlon men that the strike will be con ducted on a quiet, orderly baala and hat effort will be made to win fhelr point by meana of violence. T The situation la In cbrif of a com mittee composed of Henry R Webber. Of the blacksmith; C. IL Merrill, of ha machinist: C. F. Wohlforta of the bollermaker: Joseph Vana. of the car men, and J. W. Tarnasky. of the metalworkers- These men are said to rep resent the conservative element among the workers. They have been chosen to handle the business of their re spective organisations while the men ftr out. ; Strikebreakers) o Wanted. Instructions have been sent to the inen on picket duty that no man who Seek to enter the shop shall bo nnlted. The picket will endeavor to use their Influence and moral Suasion to prevent prospective trlke fer eaters from taking up position, but are retrleted by the union rule front Interfering with them. -W can win our trlka the quickest tev withdrawing our labor power from the services of the road." said Web J.r yterdy. -Without our labor power what have they got? They can't to anything. It la merely a business, proposition with u and we can't win anything by belna- disorderly. We ex pect to conduct our affair tn the most j.eaceaMe manner possible." ' Federation t'aaw ml pllt. Striking employes are united In the rplnlon that the greatest and practi cally the only principle Involved In the struggle I the recognition of their federation. Heretofore the railroad ba dealt only with the Individual unions. vhll they are willing to continue their relation with the aeveral unions, the Harriman Interest are opposed to "dealing with them aa a federation. Tht Is virtually the pivot upon which the entire situation revolves. It Is not question of wages or hours or of working conditions. . The union are well prepared for a long-drawn-out struggle. Their Inter national organization liaa ample mnl to finance the campaign, and enough ynoney to pay benefits to all the men. After the first week, the men wl'.l start to draw allowances from the union treasuries. This averages a k for the married men and I a week for the single men. I'nlM orflrlala Pleased. In spit of the strike order, a -few Tnen continued at work yesterday. These were either non-union men or deserter from the union rank. The . .iinlon official are well satisfied, how ever, with the extent to which the men answered the call. A few real old men were told to atay on duty. They can't Yr'.p the cause of their organization, any way. and may Injure their chance Tor being pensioned. However, the men jcenerally hare no confidence In the pension scheme In force orer the Har riman system. At union headquarters yesterday none of the men could recall n Instance of cue cf their number be ing pensioned. 8everal non-union men yesterday joined the ranks of the strikers, saying that they preferred to cast their lot with their associate to remaining at work during a strike. Though the sl.or at La Grande were reported here yesterday to have been deserted, official deny they are hiring strikebreakers to replace the 102 who went out Many common laborers are mors; thoa out. The stockade gatea at La. Grande are watched closely by strikers, but no out-and-out picketing la attempted. POLICE PHOTKCTIOX PH-MEI Promise of No Violence IXrlile-s City Board Against Interfering. Following the assurance of local j strike leaders that the dispute between 1 the railroad shopmen and the Harri man roads would be conducted orderly, the pollca committee of the Executive Board yeaterday decided not to grant the request of the railroad officials for the appointment of 14 apodal patrol men for duty at the railroad shop. Request for pollca protection waa made by Assistant General Manager Buckley, repreaentlng the Harriman llnea. before a meeting of the Executive Board Friday afternoon. The railroad men naked that the special detail be aelected frora the eligible Hat. the wagea of the men together with the premium on the bond they might be required to furnlah. to ba met by the railroad corporation. The matter waa referred to the police committee, which, after two conference, rejected the ap plication of tbe railroad officials. The committee waa given the aeaur ane by atrlka leadera that violence waa not contemplated by the striker. SHOPS IUO.VCTAXTLY QCITTED Carmen at Albany Express He ft ret That Tleup Is Forced. From the towna affected In Oregon outside of Portland reports Indicate that the majority of the men In the, shops Joined In the walkout. At La OrandA all of the men quit. With apparent reluctance the. men In the Albany carhops and roundhouae collected their tools and working clothes and left the shop. There was no vindictive spirit and several said that they were opposed to quitting, but believed that the principle involved necessitated the walkout. "Kvervthlna- In our work haa been pleasant." eald W. W. Wilson, on of the Inspectors there, yesterday morn Ing. "The railroad company haa aald a great deal about lta pension system, and haa led the pnblto to believe that all old employe are pensioned. But we personally know of Instance where old workmen, who have grown gray in the service of the company, have been turned out without a pension. Knowing these thing from the Inside, we are forced to fight for recognition of our federation to protect ourselves. We hate to quit work very much, but It ha come to a point where our Ameri can Ism demanda that we quit." Other towna In the Northwest report the number of striker a follow: Al bany. In the Corvallla Western shops. 14; The Palles. 21; Roseburg, . and at Ashland all the shopmen and ma chinists quit. At La Grande. Or. hundreds of ex pectant citizens and County Fair visit ors at 1 o'clock today saw a procession of 101 men and aeveral common labor era march frora the 0.-W. R. N. Co-'s machine shop for the uptown dt trlct. The march formed quietly and the men. many of them grown old In the service In this city, without noise or demonstration. disbanded their parade. The ahopa have five or lx engines undergoing general overhaul ing and the IS or SO main line locomo tive are standing In the ahopa ready for service. Peventy-flv men walked out at Star buck. Wash, and ( at Seattle. MOREL IS VETERINARIAN CORVALIJS MAX IS APPOINTED BY GOVKR-XOR. VEST. Situation Relative to Compulsory Cattle Pipping In Klamath to Be Investigated. SALEM. Or- Sept. 10. (Special.) Upon the recommendation of the State Board of Health Governor Wesc today appointed J. F. Morel, of Corvallla. as State Veterinarian for a four-year term to succeed Ir. W. H. Lytie, of Pendle ton. I'nder the new law the State Sheep Inspector waa to act a veterin arian until the State Board of Health made a recommendation. Dr. Lytle will continue In office aa State Sheep Inspector. The new position will pay 1200 a year with IliOO for expense money and a (4000 bond Is required. One of the first acta which will com up to the Skate Veterinarian wllj fol low a letter from County Judge Wor den. of Klamath County, relative to a recent order emanating from the ex ecutive office, placing a quarantine on cattle In that county. The Governor will follow tbe recommendation of the Veterinarian. Concerning the condi tion In Klamath County the County Judce write: "Relative to the recent order emanat ing from the State Capitol compelling the dipping of cattle In Klamath Coun ty on account of supposed scab or a disease so called, supposed to be prev alent here. I wish to say that after careful Investigation on the part of the County Court and various capable and conservative atockmen throughout Klamath County, we are unable to find any evidence of this disease. "The order la going to work a great hardship upon the people of this county for the reason that many of them raise and sell their hay each Fall, depending thereon for their livelihood. The prea- ent order prevent the bringing of cat tle here from other localities to leea the same. -The County Court therefore ug- gest that you chanr fhla quarantine, so that only cattle which are found to be afflicted with thl disease will have to be dipped. In euch action you will have the support of the County Court snd a large majority of the people of Klamath County. The altuation la a aerioua one here and you should take quick action." 20,000 MEN QUIT Operation of Trains on Harri man Lines Not Affected. NO DEMONSTRATION MADE Illtnol Central Official Declare Men Abrogated Contracts and Are Making- Senseless Fight for Recognition of Federation. (Continued Pram First Para COTTAGE GROVE IS HOST Representative Haw ley Discusses "eeds oC Oregon Country. iyittaRK GROVE. Or.. Sent. 10. Aneclal.V The Commercial Club of Cottage Grove gave a banquet last iht at the clubrooms and a get-to gether feeling predominated from start to ttnlth- Every one went preparea to hr a e-ood time and none went away disappointed or dissatisfied. Representative Hawley waa an In vited guest and discussed the needs of the Oregon country. He said Cottage Grove haa made aa much progress aa any city on the coast, mate nanroao. Commissioner Campbell waa also prea ent and gave a short talk to his home town friends. Mr. Campbell waa tne Brst president of the Cottage Grove r-ominercial u ub and complimented the members on the good work they had done In the past. Booster" Freeman, of the Eugene Commercial Club, waa preaent with a big boost not only for Eugene, but for all Lane County. About 150 attended the function and It 1 felt by the mem ber of the club that great good will reault from the meeting. The banquet wis held In the dining-rooms of the fc. C3C4 ilkseaaeCXarfJi llOtVi vrtjtoia- PIANOS SELLING FAST. Kohler aV Chase piano clearance sale, rage 10. aectlon 1. thla paper. Tha demand for Caba s hardwoods and It cedar is Increasing, as might naturally be espected. and It is qulta probable that the succeeding year's exportation will show va Parser gaiaa. mal and the maintenance of regular schedules will In no manner be Inter fered with. The men Involved In the atrlka are divided into the following groups, ac cording to the union leaders: Machinists, 1000; bollermakers. 4000: blacksmiths. 1000; carmen. 11.000; clerks. 1000; miscellaneous workers, 10U0. Catraurts Are- Violated. W. I Park, vice-president and gen eral manager of the Illlnola Central. Is sued a circular to employes of the road tonight, characterising the demands of the men as radical, relating the story of the negotiationa and charging that the contracts between the men and the unions had not been abrogated by the necessary 10 days' notice. He added: "It Is well known that the Interna tlonal officers of at leaat some of the crafta supported our position and bit terly oppoeed violating their contracts by consenting to cell a strike on the Illinois Central. The conservative aeemed to be In the minority, however. and thl Is on of the most uncalled for walkouts of labor in the history of hls country. The shopmen at Mem phis and New Orleans quit their work In defiance of the Instructions of the same grand officers responsible or call Ing the strike. "The Illinois Central ha not sought this controversy and haa no quarrel with organised labor aa such, but It will use all Its resources at its command to retain such control of the management aa will enable It -to continue the exer clae of the public functions for which It waa created and which aubsequent events have ahown it could not have continued to exercise, had the manage ment conaented to enter negotiations witn tn organisation which la primari ly responsible for this trouble.". WESTERX WORKME.V DIVIDED Traffic Official Declares Less Than Half or Employes Quit. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 10. Com parison of reports from the shops of the Harriman system Indicate tonight that the atrlke order affecting the Federated Shop Employes was more generally obeyed in the East than on the Pacific Coaat. In the district in the Jurisdiction of E. E. Calvin, vice president and general manager of the Southern Pacific Company. 10,000 men are employed In the shops and a state ment leaned tonight from tbe office of the general manager said a fraction leaa than 10 per cent of these men obeyed the strike order. Calvin's Jurisdiction extends to Ash land. Or. on the north, to Sparks, Nev. on the east, and to El Paso, Tex. on the south The statement appllea to all ahopmen embraced In tMa territory. In San Francisco the strike order waa more generally obeyed than In any other of the large ahops on the Coast, almost every man walking out. In Oakland, Cal. about 1200 men are em ployed, of thla number about 400 being unorganised repairmen. Of the car re pairers about 11 per cent went out. The awitchmen quit work for an hour, but went back again and their future course probably will be decided at a meeting tonight. In contradiction to the statement of the railroad officials, Ernest Leguln, president of the Federated Shop Em ployee In this city, asserted tonight that the situation was more than satis factory to the strikers and that it ex ceeded expectations. He said that here tl per cent of the men went out. In Sacramento, where are situated the largest shops of the Harriman llnea on the Coast, only about 400 of more than 1000 men went out. The labor leadera expressed the belief that this number would be greatly Increased by Monday. In the atrlke of 1894 the men employed in Sacramento went out al most to a man. From Loa Angeles It was announced tonight that labor leaders announced that 1600 men had walked out. repre senting the employes of the Southern Pacific and of the Salt LaKe Railroad shops, the employes of the latter num bering 220. This estimate Is about 300 less than the number announced by the union leadera directly after the strike order went Into effect this morning. The railroad officiate said that there were only 1007 men at work In the shops yesterday and that nearly 400 of them remained at work today. Superintendent Piatt, of the South ern Pacific, said tonight that between 2S0 and 100 men remained at work In the Loa Angelea ahopa and that these are aufflclent to do the work necessary to enable the road to transact business. MEV PROMPT TO QfIT IV WEST No Disturbances Mark Suspension of Work Along Line. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 10. All of the Southwestern shops heard from were promptly abandoned by the work era thla morning. Little or no friction haa marked the walkout ' of the men and the Interference of strikebreaker haa not been reported In the West. At Tracy, the most Important point on the Southern division of the South- HOW FAT WOMEN CAN REDUCE THEIR WAISTS Fat shows a preference for the abdomen, chin, aaklea, hip, ttc. the quiet spots ust the placea where It caa show th meat, or wont. -What Is to be dene exsr clae and dlat are they the only alterna tive T On th contrary, thy seldom do th work. A better plaa for reducing th fat la to use th atarmola Prescription Tablet. One of the after maala and at bedtime will produce tbe requisite redaction without bother, delay or harm. la a tew weeks you eaa be losing a pooad of fat a day. It will drop eft. aa It were: disappear aa quietly aa It came: remove uniformly without causing even a suspicion of a wrinkle or ditrsa. Meanwhile. at and act aa usual; deny yourself nothing. It Is not required. If Marmola Tablets are used. Get off two Inches of waist line before the month' end. It can be done certain ly, cheaply, aafely. The Itarmola Tablet I aonlnjurlou (it being mada attar tha ta moua tashlonefcle. formula H os. atarmola. on. FL Ex. Cascara Aromatic S Vi os. Peppermint Water), and It cost only aer-entr-flve cents, the large case, of any drug gist, or direct from Marmola Co., 461 Farmer Bide-. Detroit, Klco. YoiiigJ Mem of MarK. V . , L-fV,T! Pkane. and Youncr Fellow in I OUllg 1V1CU vviiw mo vwuu "wrM o the business world Men who keep posted on styles who know Correct Clothes for , Gentlemen who appreciate fine tailoring ' who have investigated clothes values are all agreed upon SCHLOSS R ALT! MORE Clothes U7?&4 WJ m Saf Ml " XiSi - ' ' - I ) Beautiful 1J I f Ml :i I' J F V iU - . 11 hUhiultM . Or k'W- if i I and New York LLiU-i lU-iuLJaU P,- ,r ' " y - , 'lilMiiSlW''1', i Vjcu jr r i 1 ' lid aV it- V it l 4 Clothes designed and made by Schloss Bros. & Co. of Baltimore CATJTIONTo avoid mistakes jp:v ' b sure to look for this Label i yfe&zzfffoi ' Wholesale DraperT4 t Xone Warranted -Without. CvrrmJkl Also Models for older men conservative, dignified styles for the Banker or Lawyer, Doctor or Merchant Refined and Elegant yet lacking nothing in smartness. everywhere '"V " " Schloss Bros.& Go. BALTIMORE NEW YORK BOSTON Designed by ' SCHLOSS BROS. & CO. Fine Clothes Molten Baltimore and New York . ON SALE BY SALEM WOOLEN MILLS CLOTHING CO., FOURTH AND ALDER STREETS em Pacific 100 men walked out without .1 .-.Ks.lnn It Tln nstntllr SO men joined the walkout, leaving; tne rouna- . . TAu.w-nl vllhnnt emnloveA. . OOUBfl n l I1,1 IIUIU". ...... . - No disorders attended the strike of more than 700 employes of the Harri man lines In the Rocky Mountain region. Denver. Cheyenne andTLaramie were the points chiefly affected by the walkout. At each place the men have expressed determination to push the strike by peaceiui meana. .mi., in ,h Southwest where men have walked out are as follows: Los Angeles. 1800; San Francisco. uv; u land. 600; Ogrden, 500; Bakerstleld. Cal., 100; Tucson, Aria., xia; eacnumoiK, Las Vegas. Nev.. J60; Salt Lake City, 200. CHICAGO LEADS STRIKE LIST Mississippi Valley Most Affected by Men Out of Work. CHICAGO. Sept. SO. With some of thw points at which large numbera of men are employed, not heard from, ap proximately 20,000 men In the chief cities on the Harriman lines were known to have left their work. No disorder was reportea at any point. The number out In the chief cities follows: Chicago, 4000; Omaha, looo: Denver. 400; East St. Louis. 600; New Orleans, 1760; Kansas City. 100; San Antonio. 600; Vlcksburg, 600; Memphis, 1300; Houston, 1600; McComb. 'Miss., 1000; Paducah. Ky., 700; Centralia. S00; Grand Island, Neb.. 2S0. PAIR MARRIED 60 ' YEARS Colonel and Mrs. D. B. Bush Cele brate Anniversary. Colonel and Mrs. D. B. Bush, residents of Portland for many years, celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their wed ding, at their home, at Fourteenth and East Burnslde streets. yesterday. Friends and neighbors and members of Colonel Calkins Grand Army Post, of which Colonel Bush Is a member, called throughout the day to congratulate the couple Colonel Bush is a veteran of three wars, having served in the Black Hawk, the Mexican and the Civil Wars. He is 84 years old. The couple have been residents of Portland since it was a small village. M. Bush formerly having 1912 Pope-Hartford 1912 Seven years of a successful agency with a successful car 1912 POPE-HARTFORD IS HERE Demostrations by appointment H. L. KEATS AUTO CO. Burnside, Seventh and Couch ; been an Insurance agent. Mr. and Mrs. Bush -were married In Pittsfleld, 111. The omnibus and tramway service of Paris Is In the hands of a corporation. La Compacnle Generals dsa Omnibus, organised In 18S as an omnibus company exclusively. hnt vhirh fiM sines absorbed horse, steam. compressed air and electric tramway llnsa until It controls substantially all the ma chinery of publlo passenger traftto within the city except the metropolitan subway, which was built by the municipality. v.tLnfrr romM on tbe first Bunday after the 'full moon, which appeara upon or next af- ter March 1. "Unequalled for Lungs, Stomach and Bowels" 1C1 Says Capt. T. J. Lowe, who knows I rum ilia own sua uuieis cxy"1 .' ences. He is unwilling to keep v good thing to himself, so he recom mends and gives it to all his friends. Capt. T. J. Lowe, Sr., of Mableton, Ga., who owns one of the most beauti ful homes along the Southern R. B. in that part of the country, writes as follows: "Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is the best medicine for . lungs, stomach and bowels I have j j t -T - . i . -a - s , " y Tk I ever ubeu, mm x uu uul ftuuw I S-Ap Sw. sinS'e ease of failure to parties to & j "T? ;.,...aJ "horn I have given it for these trou- JT j f jjau hies. My wife had a severe cough Hi i i I ' ' last Winter and was taking different CAPT. T;J. LOWE, sr. medicinesf but they did no good. She could not sleep and .disturbed me much. I sweetened a portion of Duffy's Pure -Malt Whiskey with' sugar, put it beside her pillow and told her to take a teaspoonful every time she coughed. It was but a short time before she was asleep. I don't 'think I have heard her cough for the past three months and the cough was most distressing. "A neighbor of mine some ten or twelve days ago said his wife was desperately ill with indigestion. I told him if he would come to my house I would give him something I believed would be of great benefit to her, as it had done wonders for 'me in stomach troubles. Yesterday, also today, he told me that it had done her more good than all the doctors' treat ment and is much elated. I'm satisfied it will cure her. "I am not living for myself, but others and I will continue to recom mend and give Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey to the afflicted. I've already lived many years more than I expected, due to the use of this wonderful medicine." Duffy's Pure Fiflalt Whiskey STANDARD OF PURITY AND EXCELLENCE SINCE 1860. If . you wish to keep strong, vigorous and active, and enjoy perfect health, take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, according to directions. It builds up the nerve tissues, tones up the heart, gives power to the brain, strength and elasticity to the muscles and richness to the blood. It brings into action all the vital forces, it makes digestion perfect and enables you to get from the food you eat all the nourishment it contains. . It is a wonderful remedy in the prevention and cure of nervousness, typhoid, malaria, every form of stomach trouble, diseases of the throat and lungs, and is prescribed as a medicine by doctors of al! schools. Duffy's Pore Malt "MTiiKkey la the only whiskey that waa taxed fcy tbe Government aa a medicine during; the Spanlah-Amerlcaa War. If In need of advice, write Medical Department, The Duffy Malt Whiskey t Co.. Rochester, N. Y., stating your case fully. Our doctors will send you advice free, together with a valuable tnedical booklet. Sold IX SEALED BOTTLES ONLY by druggists, grocers and dealers or direct. sXQu per large bottle. VI