TTTF isirAr ortEOOVTAV. POTtTLANT?. OCTOBER 1. 1911. FISHER'S REFORM -PROGRAMME BIG Secretary Promises That Set tlers' Rights Will Be Re spected in Future. MANY OBSTACLES IN WAY Bad IVrpartnvrnt Prvdent Remain lo Be Overcome PirdccMor Handicapped In Slncer Ef fort to HI glit Wrong. Cr.E'lOXrAS NEWS m-REAC. Wash inton. St. :. If Wa:ter I Fisher. crtary of the Interior. I able to carry out the prnmlsvi he made to the mod: of the Will In the course of several -oilc speeches. ha wiil show hlmn-lf 7 a rrater friend to the public Und stairs than any of 61a recent pre dessors. Ttils statement ta not Intended aa a r.n.riion nnon the Secretary, for be yond all doubt hie promlaee were made In the utmost Rood faith and with full IntrntWn that t;.ey ahould be keu. But t.e evl!a wr.l. h the Secretary haa prom Iwd t correct are of lone etandlna:. the outgrowth of undlslurbrd hurnurrarr. and are traceable to of A'UIj In t.'ie Interior Department who fcave failen Into a rut. and are loath le change their methods, lleaae.Mak.lae: t Be CaeaaraseaV In brief, the Secretary declared talm-a--:f "for the man on the land." Ha j. larr i In faror of ncourin honeat a. moment on the public domain; In fv..r of aldlna- an.I encourantng- the homrateadcr. and In decided oppo sition ti Ion delay In adjudlratlna; rf where the question of Irregularity or fraud haa been Introduced. He de clared that the man who had earned a patent ahould receive It and expe ditiously and the man who la not entitled to patent ahould be dispos sessed. That la all the West haa asked, but t:iat ta Just what the West haa not been abla to net from the Interior De partment In many years. Hack In tha old daye. the Interior Department waa an eaay-srolns; ma chine, ponderous, alow and indifferent The administration under Secretary Itllsa. at tha openlna; of the McKlnley administration, waa far from efficient. Such was the condition of affalra when Kthan Allen Hitchcock became Secre tary, lie was a business man. and quickly realized that something waa wren. Hut when he et about rticht ln the wronit. ha overdid tha thin;, and to the reforms Initiated by Secre tary Hitchcock may be attributed moat of the abuses of which the Weat com plain today. Rarsra r laced aa Ratryasea. . Secretary Hitchcock started on tha assumption that every public land en tryman was dishonest, and Imposed upon him the burden of establishing; his honesty and his (food faith. The public land laws. Instead of Instruments to aid homeseekers In acquiring; lands, j were construed Into statutea designed to retard settlement, and every mrana j at the Secretary a command waa usea to prevent the Issuance of patents. Spe cial arents of the Land Office were called Into the Secretary- office and In structed that vigilance waa the price of their Jobs, and agenta who were unable to discover fraud were aoon aware that their service were no longer required. Tht built up a system that brought about most of the trouble that exist to this day. Under Secretary Hitch cock the special agents went broadcast over the West, and when they rouna no specific Instancea of fraud, reported a suspicion" that fraud waa being committed In this locality or that. That Misplclon waa enough for Secretary Hitchcock. He Immediately auspended all entries against which specific re ports were made, and Issued blanket suspensions axalnst all entrle In a locality where "suspicion" of fraud had been reported. This Is a matter of record, as Is th further fact that many entries suspended by Secretary Hitch rock have not yet passed to patent, notwithstanding the filra of the In terior Department contain not one lota of evidence against the entryman. Spirit ef 5aaplrloa Urowa. The same spirit thst pervaded the special agents crept Into other bureaue .f the l-nd office an.l Interior Depart ment: Uw clerks became Inoculated, for they. too. wanted to hold their lobe, and when cases were appealed from the local land offices, they were scrutinised and passed upon by law clerks who had never practiced law and had never seen en acre ef puhlle Und; the output from Washington law colleges In many In stance., and naturally such clerks In terpreted the law not as Congress In tended hut as they thought Secretary Hitchcock would like. The settler never got the benent of the doubt; he always felt the full effect of any technical objection to his record. Under this system thousands of en tries were suspended and manv other creeled when the evidence before any Just official would have Justified the l.suance of pstent. To make matters worse, a greit array of regulations, one ft tnrm amounting; to law In effect, were promu'sated by the Sec retary, and these extended even onto the lands of Government Irrigation protects. Thus the homesteader, no matter where he tried to establish him self, found all manner of obstacles In Ms path. And that Is Just the reason n-ar.y an Amcrl-an firmer has crossed Inl.i Canada, where the government Is Ms friend and not hi enemy. t.ardeid Better. When James It. Garfield became Secretary of tre Interior he announced that he waa the friend of the settr and that the special agent of hla de partment were to help and not hinder the man making an honest effort to get title to public land. But the rec ord fails to show that thta promise was kept- Rather, the practicea of the Hitchcock regime were continued, and Mr. Garfield, after conferences with his friend. P:nchot. Issued a new set of regulations, withdrew from entry a lot of land that H.tchrock had over looked, ar.d without watting for the sar.ctlon of Congress, set about "con serving' all that waa left of the public domain. The West finally got a man In the Interior Department, at the opening of he Taft administration, and one who, "ad hs been allowed to carry out re forms he had In mind, would have given the V est a square deal. Put secretary Bal'.'.nrer had no aotner en tered the cabinet than Pinchot pickrd a q-iarrel Mm. Thla quarrel grew to large proportions and became the I'tnchot-Balllnger tmbroglio, and for a ear he waa compelled to divert hla attention from hla department and spend hta time defending himself. H '!id make a start; he revoked the Man. ket orders of auspenston Issued by Secretary Hitchcock aa fast as .le could f ed tnem, and he starred In to revise tne departmental reaT-iial.on- But lc was handicapped In ihe jt i.iul. ated. and. moreover, public sentiment rtS'Jit Ina; from the Plnchot-Balllnger j'falr waa largely hostile to reajonahls re forms, and Mr. Balllcg-er left tna Cab inet with the better part af hie .task unfinished. Ftaker'a Eyes Are OaeaeA When Mr. Fisher became Secretary the work of 'conserving; the West" had been pretty thoroughly accomplished. Every known resource had been with drawn from entry; the area of enter- able public land had been reduced 10 a minimum, and be had ample oppor tunlty to look over what hla predeces sors had accompllahed. and see where Improvement were needed. He waa not a Western man; he had little knowledge of condition In the public land states; knew little of the work ings of the public land law and de partmental regulation, and ao he made a trip through the Weat to Inform hlm aelf. Before going, however, he studied the laws, and hla aatonlshment at me way aome of them are being; enforced OREGOX TIDEXT IIPPORTS ? HIM'ELF AT EXPE'SE J or aese o.THJ,r. a L. Leea Ray. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON'. Eu- s gene. Sept. 10. (Special.) Amons; I a the many university studenta I t who are working; their way through the University of Ore- J the associated student body. Ray haa also been prominent In de-' bate, oratory and publication work. When Ray entered colleea he Invested hla 1100 aavings In a auburban lot convenient to the campus. Since then, through hla own efforts, he ha paid off the deferred lot paymenta of $125 and erected a rough bungalow where of hla freshman year. Although of hi freshmen year. Although In 111 health when he entered col lege. Ray managed to keep his houeehuld expenses down to $g.S0 a month, aa the records for hi first year show. ran be gained by aome of Ms Western ape ec he. The late adjournment of Congress limited the Secretary's time In tha West, and he did not have opportunity to make a thorough investigation of all the problem with which he will be confronted. He learned enough, how ever, to convince him that the honest homeaeeker la not getting; that aid and encouragement which he should have from the Government; he learned that many regulatlona are onerous and un necessary: that some of the laws are Inadequate or antiquated, and that tha average aettier who gets title from the Government earn a great deal more than he receives. All this he haa jtromlaed to correct, but he will find be has a herculean task before him. He will be obliged to overturn old precedents, to abandon old practices, to force old clerks to adopt new methods, and to wring from Congress sensible legislation which It haa been unwilling; heretofore to enact. It Is a big undertaking, but Secretary Fisher has shown that he Is not afraid to tackle big problems, and being a man of Intense determination, he may be able to make good all his promises. If he fulfills half of them he will make the Weat his everlasting- friend. BORDEN PICKS CABINET rXSTF.R, OF TOROXTO, TO BE MINISTER OP FINANCE. Tentative Slale Mado Up by Future Premier of Canada West Is Well Represented. OTTAWA. Ont.. Sept. SO. R. L, Bor den, the future Premier, has been busy for a week framing his Cabinet and it la understood that a tentative alate has been made up. it Is understood that George E. Fos ter, of Toronto, will be Minister of Finance. Frank Cochrane. Ontario, Minister of Mines, will be Federal Min ister of Public Works: Andrew Ilrodero, of Dundaa, Ont-. Mlnlater of Agricul ture; Sam sharp, of North Ontario. Min ister of Militia, and Thomas C. Rothers, West Elgin. Ont, and P. Kemp, To ronto, will get portfolios. ' British Columbia will be represented by A. S. Caoodeste: Alberta, by Senator Lou g head; Manitoba, by Roberts Rogers, who will have the Interior portfolio; Quebec, by George C Cosgrain, of Argentuel: C J. Doherty. of St- Ann's: T. O. Cosgrain, of Montgomery, and U D. relleter. New Brunswick, by O. 8. Crockett: Nova Scotia, by John Stans fleld. and Mr. Borden, the new Tremier. FLYER CROSSES ROCKIES Cromwell Dixon Soars Over Main Range, 7000 Feet High. HELENA. Mont. Sept. SO. Cromwell Dixon, the aviator, was successful In his attempt to cross ths main range of the Rocky Mountains this afternoon. Flying in a Curtlsa biplane he left the State Fair grounds at t o'clock and, rising to an altitude of 7000 feet. atarted straight west for Blossburg, 45 miles away, where he arrived at X.-S4. He carried a message from Governor Norrls to the dtisen of Blossburg. S00 SHORT LINE I'ast Service, train la the train for the pas- This anger who is in a hurry, and want the beat of everything. A olld through train from Portland to St- Paul and Minneapolis. Ticket office. 141 Third street. It Is estimated that since lSPe opals valued at over S.V&O0 0-O ban bees found la the Mat ef Nw South Waiea. I ! v i'l . ' T' I : 4 It ' ' i ' I I Ul I i i i- " ""' " a TUFT IS BOY AGAIN AT MISSOURI FAIR Trick Mule Cuts Capers for President and Aeronaut Drops in Parachute. FARMERS ARE HIS HOSTS After Speech Explaining Tariff Ve toes), Executive See Horse Race and Tben Beau Governor Had ley In Game of Golf. S CD ALIA, Mo, Sept. JO. President Taft passed today with the Missouri farmers at their state fair. Tha tea ture of the day was a mule parade In honor of the President ana tn nun dred of sleek animal hitched to all sorts of conveyancea brought plaudits from the Chief ExecuUve. who was in a flag-draped box in the grandstand with Governor HadJey. Then there waa a trick mule, owned and ridden by 17-year-old Henry Har baugh, that did all sorts of "stunts" for the President. Uenry made the mule bow to the President, stand on his hind legs, sit down and drink wa ter out of a dipper, play dead, kiss him and finally do what the mule seemed to like best kick. Governor Defeated at Golf. The President watched -Hugh Robln on make several flight In an aero plane, saw a balloonist make a para chute leap, watched trotting and pacing- racea, and then pi yed golf with Governor Hadley and "Archie" Butt and Kev. Dr. Paul Talbot, of Jefferson City. The President and Dr. Talbot beat Governor Hadley and Major Butt. It waa the first day of recreation the President has had since he left Bev erly. He departed at 8 P. M. for Omaha, where he will paaa Sunday and part of Monday, and thence start for the West. Mr. Taft In his one speech at the fair grounds In the forenoon confined himself to tha tariff. He told the story of hla vetoes of the wool and free list and cotton bills, and won his greatest applause by asserting; that despite the criticism of having employed "a royal prerogative." he would continue, to veto any bills of which he did not approve. Iowa People Tkaaked, In discussing his trip through Iowa the President declared his reception had been most cordial and pleasing. "I am glad I went to Iowa," be said. "I had no fear that my reception would not be cordial. However, some had suggested otherwise not Iowans, Per haps the wish was father to the thought; at any rate I wish to testily my gratitude to the Governor, to the atate officers, to the Congressmen of Iowa, and to the Senators, for- their very cordial reception of me without regard to the queatlon whether they agreed with me in politics or not, and I want to say the same thing about the people who turned out, I believe they learned something that I had In my heart to tell them, and I guess It has not done them any harm." PartlaanaalsV Is Avoided. On this trip the President said he did not wish to appear as a partiaan President, "I do not want to lose the character of President of the entire country." he ald. "I think a President can act with respect to a great many Issues In such a way as to convince those who are his opponents in politics that he I striving to act as fairly as he can In all matters that do not In volve party principles, for the benent of the whole country." SILVERSIDES' RUN IS EASY Fall Fishing; Season Peculiar 'on Oregon Coast This) Year. ASTORIA. Or 8ept. SO. (Special.) The Fall Ashing season, like the one that onded on .August 25, is peculiar in some respects. While a few ailversides are being taken, there has been no run of that clasa of fish, although large numbers of them are known to be hanging about outside the mouth of the river. On the other hand. fairly good catches of Chlnooks have been made and these flsh are of exceptionally fine quality for thla season of the year. In color they reaemble the Spring Chl nooks. but are, of course, not so rich. The Fall salmon now being taken are probably of the school which went into Monterey Bay late In August, whereas usually the last catch of Chlnooka la made In that bay before August 10. Coulltx Farmer Killed in Runaway. CHEHALIS. Wash.. Sept. 30. (Spe cial.) Joe Era, a young farmer from Cowllts neighborhood, was killed In a runaway accident at Napavlna today. Era had delivered part of a load of hay to J. F. Linhart. when he went to feed his team. Later he waa seen stagger ing along the street In an intoxicated condition. On hla way to deliver the balance of his hay to XV. P. Wagley. Kra untied hla team. It became un manageable and ran as far as the Emery Nelson mill. The driver fell and waa crushed to death. Era, who waa alnvrle, was it years bid. HI father and two listers reside in EtheL Since tha war of lsng the public economy ef Spain and Its Industrial and commercial activity have undergone Imoortant changes. In order to cover expenses caused by. the Cuban snd Philippine campaigns snd the war with the t'nlted Statos. It waa neces sary to reorganise completely the national budget. Thla waa don In 1900 with credit able results. . - - In Barcelona the moving-picture shows are so poDular that on Sundays thousands of people can be seen outside ef tb?ra wait ing, for their turn to secure admission. FITTING EYES Wit a Preper Has B e e a Oar Bnataeaa Over IS rears. Gla Established 1S9S. We examine EYE3 scientifically. We make Specta . rles to fit all sights. We frtl Prescrip tions correctly. We can Duplicate any Glass. We Repair any- thing in our line. W"e please In qual ity and price. DALLAS OPTICAL PARLORS SIS -3t FAILIXG BLDG, Cr. Third aaa Waahtaartea Street a. fteewad Floor. Take Elevator. L Awns CARUSO Tenor Busy in Litigation With Former Sweetheart. COURT ORDERS NEW TRIAL Because Woman Charged That let ters From Impresario Were In tercepted, Host of Accusa tions Are Made. ROME, Sept. 10. (Special.) Enrico Caruso, the tenor whose silver, notes have thrilled two continents, is busy and triumphant aa a migrant nowadays. For not only has he won the breach of promise suit brought asralnst him, but he also finds that the law Is in his favor In his action for slander against his former sweetheart, Signora Giac- chetti. 6he entered a complaint in May, 1910, in a Milan law court against Caruso and his fellow artist, Carlotta Carlgnanl. for having, as she alleged. Intercepted certain letters addressed to her In August and September, 108, by the Impresario Gaetano Lorla, whereby she lost an engagement in New York. Caruso and Carirnanl were acquitted of the charge and they immediately brought a counter action for damages for slander against Glacchetti, who was In turn acquitted on the ground of in sufficient evidence, but Caruso and hi friend appealed to a higher court, whose DresidtnaT Judge has Just re versed the decision of the minor tribu nal and ordered a retrial. Proceedings are taken against: Ada Glacchetti for defamation of character on grounds aforesaid. Lorla Gaetano for collusion in the slander. Cesar Romati, the "chauffeur friend of Ada Gtacchetti, for corrupting Wit nesses Vincenzo and Sarria. Mlcalllzl Vlncenio for knowingly giv ing false testimony and for endeavor ing to suborn Sarria. Finally, from fresh evidence gathered a separate charge will De Drougni against Lorla Gaetano for giving false evidence In the case against Caruso. CO-OPERATION CHECKS FIRE Settlers Credited With Doing Much Toward Saving: Forests. WASHINGTON. Sept. 30. Close co operation between the people living near National forests and the forest rangers and thorough preparation for emergencies are the chief causes as- atrned by Henry S. Graves, chief for- en gls! lnni 331 Washington st, bet 6th and 7th sts. imperial hotel building STORE WILL ALL MONDAY, OCT. 2 JEWISH HOLIDAY BEN SELLING LEADING CLOTHIER ester for the Government, for the small loss in forest fire this year. Mr. Graves returned today from a tour embracing; several of the Western forests. CHURCH AFTER WOODRUFF Warrant Out for ex-Xew York Boss for Promoting? Sunday Flying-. HEMPSTEAD. N. T. Sept. 30. A warrant is out here for the arrest of ex-Lieutenant - Governor Timothy L. Woodruff, charging him with having violated the Sunday law In conducting the aviation meet at the Nassau Boule vard grounds a week ago. This action was precipitated by the persistence of Woodruff in asserting that there would be flying again tomorrow in spite of the protests of Bishop Sturgiss, Canon Chase and various Long Island church congregations. The warrant issued by a local Justice of the Peace, is backed by six affi davits, replete with details of the The first motor truck to cross the continent entirely under its own power. Left New York July 8th ; reached San Francisco Aug ust 24th. Carried a 3-ton load all the way. This is a retrirkablo demonstration of the stamina and capability of the Packard truck under every conceivable con dition of hauling. The trip i one that has been accomplished by only a very few automobiles. The venture ha been re garded a virtually out of the question for a heavy truck. It was easily within the ability of the Packard truck because both Packard truck and Packard car are built to surmount difficulties much greater than they encounter in actual service. Their margin of efficiency is your margin of safety in pur chasing Packard for whatever purpose. FRANK C. RIGGS, Packard Twenty - the new stylish short coats with raglan shoulder 33S and $40 gabardines priestley cravenettes $17.50, $20 and $25 ichel BE CLOSED DAY events of last Sunday. They describe Woodruff as the "bead showman," and recite conversations had with him on' the grounds during the Sunday flying by detectives sent there for that pur pose. Woodruff is somewhat disturbed by the new turn in his controversy over the right to have Sunday flying. In a statement explaining his position, he declares that "if the Sheriff considers it his duty to make arrests, we can but submit, conscious, however, that the final determination of the matter In the courts will sustain the position that this meet does not come within the scope of the specified or implied prohibition' of the statutes of the state." Biggest Seer Is 200-Pound Buck.' GOLD HILL, Or., Sept 30. (Special.) -The largest deer reported killed in Southern Oregon this season is a 20$ pound buck, brought in yesterday by S. T. Hodges and C. A. Peterson from the Upper Evans Creek country. It. car ried a handsome pair of antlers, which Mr. Hodges will have mounted and placed in the Gold Hill Hotel. , Service Bulldiiuc, Cornell Road, Third aod Washington Streets. fall blocks of the monroe $3 hat ;,;v." ' GROWS NEW HAIR ON BALD HEADS IN THIRTY DAYS : Real Hair Grower Discovered a.t.1 Last in the Juice of Tropical Shrub, Stops Falling Hair and Itching Scalp in One Applica-; tion. Kills Dandroff Germs in. . Three. Restores Color to Gray Hair in Seven Days Without, Dyes. Deadly Hair Destroying; Dandruff Germs: Oreatlv Magmlfled. A Salitbol Kills Them Quick. 500 Fifty Cent Packages FREE; ' Stop being a Bald Head. Stop scratching! ' Ma Stop pulling out hair by the handfuj r. with every combing. y-' Kill for once and for all tha Daadly lit-. . tie Dandruff germ that aps the vitality or -your hair roots and covers your hair, scalp and coat with disgusting scaly matter. Stop growing old and gray. Be young again. Have hair its natural color. Begin today to end all hair and scalp trouble and have a thick, glossy luxuriant y head of hair as Naturs intended. r- SALITHOL Is the most wonderful hatr" remedy in the world. Not a mere pleas antly perfumed hair wash like the drug; ,-. store advertised "tonics," not a greasy po- made, but a marvelous original scientific discovery that genuinely and actually growa v new hair, on the baldest heads where roots are Dot totally destroyed, in thirty days or . less, and autckly ends hair and scalp trou- ble of every form and description. I will ' prove tnis to 5u0 readers of this paper by sending them a full-size 50c package f. ; SALITHOL absolutely, free to use on thelr. own head. The SALITHOL treatment has. as Its- base, the juice of the rare and little known Pernambuco Shrub of South America,, which grows new hatr with utterly amair, ing rapidity. Hundreds of people, living t in every corner of the United States, tes- . tify to its marvelous dualities. One lady writes to say: "My husband As been bald for twenty-five years and has .. used everything. The first week after us ing your treatment his hair began to come ' In and what hair he did have is turning back to its original color." A lRdy uwr,H savs, "I have been terribly tortured with,; itching scalp and dandruff. Your treat ment stopped them quickly." Another user' savft, "My hair was coming out In handfuts - with every combing. One application ended all trouble." -v, I want 500 readers of this paper to step forward and send" me the free Coupn be- - low readers with any form of hair and scalp trouble. I want bald-headed people - the balder the better folks who wear wigs who think their hair roots are dead. and that nothing can help them. The hair roots rarely die and merely lie" dor?.' mailt beneath locked follicles waiting for 7 a true stimulant and scalp food to set them,. n to work again. - Here Is the test that tells. T.'se SALf J' THOL one week. Then take your mirror and note the countless tiny hairs that have sprung up on every bald and thin 6pot Watch them grow. Be careful not to apT ply where hair is not desired. Sign and send this Coupon today, enclos ing ten cents in stamps to pay for postage r and packing and a full-sixe fiOc package of" SALITHOL will be sent you free. Do it now and be one of the lucky fie hundred. Address me personally. Everett Wood, Hair and Scalp Specialist, Suite 102IC, Clarlt Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. FREE HAIR GROWING COUPON Enclosed Is 10 eta. to help pay postage and packing and to prove good faith Please send at once a full-size 50c package of SALITHOL, absolutely free. I am under no obligations to buy more. If not satisfied, my 10 cts. is to be re turned on request- SALITHOL must grow hair on head as you say. Name Address WANTED; Eight new members for the Portland ;. Saxaphone band. This is the most',,, unique band in the country. No other. band like it in the United States. Sure--to become widely known and very popu lar. Many young men are Interested anclv' only desirables are considered. The in- rtrumentation will consist of SAXA PHOXE3. Bassoons. Oboes. Flutes, Pic- . colos. Clarinets and Drums. The SAX-' APHONB IS THE EASIEST OF AI-lV ' BAND OR ORCHESTRA INSTRU MENTS to LEARN. It Is used for band. " orchestra or eolo work and Is becoming:. very popular. Players on some other .r instrument have been able to play me- ., dium grade music on Saxaphone four' weeks after purchasing the Instrument. . Tou can do as well. Free instruction " under well - known director and ln-1 structor. For further particulars see or write ED WKTMORE CARE GRAVES MUSIC CO.