The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 01, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 14, Image 28

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TO T.XCH lXfig.
40 acrea of Imgitt'l land ander Cav
ernmeot dttcb. that eau te had en ey
1-rT. , part cash and sum Tra..
K KAf L T. HwJKauS J;fcKERT.
lj i;itAmir of Commerc B.dg-,
Port, and, or.
aoa) tTMw Morrow uni wheau land.
SS mliH from rei.roed s:atia. Four
rorh baa ben euitiated- Ail feared; fair
hoUM and barn: good w:i ant soma too.,
Crir pr acre. Will e-U far amav.1 can
ptrmmt or trade for Portland property or
firm ar Portanu Very literal urmi to
rght part jr. T. fra:i. Board of Trad
- ' tv.. Memlxr" Portland Raa.ty Foard.
Slo.-4 quur la eioee-ln subdlvlekMa of
Ii rr p. a: ted and aw ready lo ell;
1 fane, good achwol. Horn and trwne
portanoo. If Ton want a m'nry-makr,
tnva;:ac; will trade for fiat. atart
ments or realdence property of 0401 alu.
V 44. Oreeronian.
X ft a; or fichang fr Improved farm.
f!ne suburban bom piare. 16t12. with
2-foot al.y. nr 2 cart in-, mlnutee
from 2d and Morrison; gd buildings. 3"
fru.t i r-. all hind of berrlee, orr 2
re busbs and otn-T shrubs; state price,
Ownrn ny. AO 44. Tooiit
HAVE ya a paying bu:na. tout I."""1,
prfret;y furnishing or gmeral merctaan
d'.ee, lb or oat of city, to exchange for
Hot -are tract, partly improved. ma:n
county road, .ii mUH from Portend? V
4j, Oronlan.
First -cl apart ment-hne, elegnnt'y
furnlahad. lone leaa. netting IV-I pr
snootl. for or 10 room, will accept
e.o-a tcrMfl or large hoa and lot
a part payment. B 461. Or-'sonlan.
Man ao:i my equity in 10 acre at
Rood Fiver at oat. Thia la A-l froit
laad with 14 acre in orchard. Make ma
an offer oa my 10 5 acuity. W ill con
sider any rood trade. 411 Henry bldg.
C-aFETERIA; clears $ a month; account
of oihr builntM ownr must sell befora
Tueaday ight and wlii conaider property
c'-ear of incumbrance; prlca $26 .
Ul Hob be, AoMrtcaa Truat Co-. Chamber
of rommrri
Fqalty of l-o tn ew homo In Roaa
City Park. I win taka vacant lot or acre
age for my fvuu equity. It'a a Una horn,
r- edy to oc upv : furnace, fireplace, ate
AH a.J. frntan.
lia AUHK.'t of th- brat lo.i. ail In cu.ttv--tloo,
oM Improvamania. mlla from
f:m aiactrlc. and raiiroad on on a!ia
of It. on county road, wul taha PrtUTfd
pmpri y Prlca muat bo r:hU 2t iic
Kay. ow nr
h.lit-; (iuul) TilAIES.
I.aarlhurt lt rijulty f.r nod piano.
Acrrai fr houx equity or luiomobil.
!.! and arraa for houaaa or planoa.
IUrh lota for trriea furnliura of bonda,
STOLTri Hwetland blda.. ftth. W aalw
TO TKAl'K rH tIRvH-Ellltf.
$iro acurtua on farm land; a!ao nice
ftoufo and lot. ft frorr carllna. In
an Caatara town of ahout population,
f hav mm Waat and ant to alajr. K
APARTMENT houa. brick bulidlna. new.
atfictly modarn : chp rant; b od laaaa;
T room! ai;aniiy fumiah!. ama.l
amount down, baianra cir or auburbaa
property American Trnat Co, 21a Cham
ber of rommrr
I ."4VE 4 flna Iota at Nawport. Or., worth
t.M-u. w'H nrh.mft mil or part for Port
land propartT mo r not baarh Iota,
bat ara centrally located near bua!n
n.trl. U rt hat a you 7 11 a. Ore
g.n,jn. FOR KXCHANOK Wa hava a cholco plca
of land hl-h wa ran trad on aa auto
mnbua. Macblna muat ba In A-l coodl-
1T0 nth t.. oppoatta poatf flea.
IkllAT will you slva f-r two f'lnw lota oa
th beach near Tillamook Flno Jora
twn for tnmjnr horn. Will trada f-r
anthln. or cheap for caab. Itox 4L.
lnt. or.
M CHOICE auburbaa lota at a flfura which
you can trallo your money lnTeati;
aplendld rax aervloa with antra, arbool. ato.
If you aro a Uvo wlra. look lata Uita. V
A V 1 N HI AC It R on Eaa Mil at. , will ax
rhanra fr farm la Weatern Oron or
WAininftna or bom In city Prlca ii;
ro iprumbraaca Addraaa owner. 2-i K.
61 at N
Wlft. trada 7oo diamond and pay dlffr
enceafor rarent rrnHlel roadtcr or fur
paanartcer automobile la ool condition :
glm name of car and apeclflcatlona. W
4t3. Oregon lan.
UAVR aecond luortug of aUmt $10O pay
abl monthly. Iniereat Pr cent, to ap
ply oa rn.nlern home, wtihln l-i'"". Haw-thoma-unnyalda
dlatrlct prafarrad. T Hi
TO EXr,;ANr. Warahouaa aita. W'eat
ti'da: lmt n :ton In city with traekivira.
Tk Portland property or ranch up to
$ ;o,orw M. f llbba. American Truat
o, 313 Chamber of Commeroo.
Tv EXCHANGE fr Portland property. 1M
acrea wheat nd; if acra cu tivateH:
Klickitat Co.. Wiih. Call or rtdrcaa till
M n iy Dliht, owner, room M. Hainlcr
Hot. I
I HAVE an equity worth $'.) In rtvo lota
that I will riiavount to J If takn to
rt iy nr Monday. Call 41 Grand ava. or
SX'HANttB $;tHKi equity In 10 arraa oa
Or-.n Klectric for ood automobile;
mht pay a t It 1 1 caan. Frneai Wei
3'2 Coh bid. Marshall 1017.
FUALI tile and brick plant near Portland;
1 acrea bent r!uy: tratla for real eatuta
In or near Portland. Owner. X 40. Ora-
XQCITIKS In Mount Tabor. Weat moreland
and laureihurat lota to Mchtnn for
other pmprty. 6ua tfwetland bide.. 6tb
and Waah.
JtMINii- H t S K. 42 rootnt, houaekoeplna;
and ilni , at earn heat. Iterated In Tacoma;
exchange for acreage nar i'ortland. Box
tT1 Tacoma.
TO VXCHAMiK PlrM-claaa lota dear of
Incumbrance, la Ant or: a, for "oliimbia
Orchard bonda M. t. llobba. 213 Cham
ber of Commerce
tlOrtA E-Jl'lTT la two dealrabie lota In Oim
ated Park, to ncbiVo Income prop
erty or mortcaa. caah differenco. V 4i8,
Or a on tan.
TO KXCII NC.I-T Timber claim Bear Hood
Rtvor; value acreaxo or bunr-
low . would aaume dlfferem e. American
Truat Co. 7 1 'hamber if t'ommerce.
TO EXt'HANOK Hy ..wnr. moera 5 -room
buttaaiow. on Ai'&PHb lC for lot. aa firat
?ament. Overtook or Alblna prafarrad.
hone C 8035.
TO EXCH A NOR rirst-claaa Income prop
arty, vatua fla.nno. for Improved acre re
?r ranco. M 1. Iotba. .mericaa Truat
a. 2 1 J Chamber of Commerce.
S4 A'KKS. all wall Improved with good or
chard, to trada for city prooertv.
ft 14 Cham bar of Commerca llida;.
1J COOS RT. Marahfield lntai will trada
for suburban houao and lot ro Portland.
V 4A Orectan.
It l.oTs. 'th and tilaJetna. 8:S.?Sti. haif
rah. balance .rmi. t-md Cl 3:1 Ab
Initon b.-'-a.. today. Va'n !.
2 1.TS on tbe pemnau;a and im caah aa
flrat ri Trent an modern huuae or bunga
.w Ent de f 4S4. OrertlAa.
( A'KFjt flna fmrdn land near alec trio car.
all cleared no mortga to trada for
cot tag. JA3 n orceater bide.
Wll.i. $."") equity In fin lt for
aarthtn of au.u-41 v.u. atata full par
ti ular. H 4tL5. trrgonlaii.
V- K bAi.K or fhini, St. 'i'O equity In
tnem hc.iae I'aat bida. located oa tarltne.
H trfgonnn.
- A R K farm, well Im prow-!, atock and
Imp. amenta for city prop-arvy. 2.3
Worcoater blda.
i-CTUlNOKil. T-paaa Thorn to exhanaa
for aaa or 3 amail cara. 241 Bwet-
land bid.
POrE-It RTFOltP. n-paaenrr. for- vacant
lot K Cliv Pa-k or itroadway dla
trtcta Phono Faet Mia
EjTITT. Uur hurf for p'.ano- beaca lot
for pVwioc-raph, eU3 Hwatland bldg.
row nit-B.
Vthkle. Kt.
TFH, cf ponlea. barn
a a cheap. and T J
a and waaoi
k 12
era. tltT bruk
eai jruup ei4 r
J"hra ca-'.lna.
pair of KVt-'ti. nm'.a and
ha-neaa. 1 1 Inch U B, tMK kUla
wcth at VT-R car. ;t o1 .H-th at.
$ i v PAIR pon tea. ased 4,
a-ond drivara. lil 3d at.
4, fat. wall mated.
Sonnrt. mre.
little thia
muat aelL 15.
3 ft qw.i
X'R ALF klora.
cheap. 154 let aU
bag g y and haraeao
Ki R salk-
Tliap big work bora, pbona
TKAM. "t IiW Ia. wacon. hameee. part
rmrnH. baan-e time. : FL lamhli!
rv jttudebaker Stanhope fina barneaa for
1 'rmm tian ha'f valne phone MaJn M'.
SOR ALF Ore 3-ln h wagoa la good coa
rt'tlon. 11 41 K ItwofTh v
H-TKI. be a. 2 hnraea ae4 ham eaa 4 X
h at
ijK HEAVT horao fur aaJa, 6T1 La at.
Yafatckew, Etc
S WILL buy a go.d horae. ft yeara o.d.
aright 1H; wora iug:e or double; lady
can or dme him. 55 Aldr.
I H will taaa a good pair, mara ana
g-e.aing. weight v. quick and gentle:
jaat aulte4 for ranch; work Jlng.a or dou
ble; and a new et of breechlrg harneaa
complete for above price. Alder.
will buy a n:ce rour.d b-ycar-aia
mare. cty broke, alng.e or double; a laiy
or child can rid or drive her wan perfect
aaf-ty day or night; aiao a new 'pcn run-a:-ul;
near bajneaa. All for $ U5.
A'm will buy flna alngle driver, a mara
g yara old. brok-n lo diy aighu and to
rn'-e. rou:.d and amooth. A I want to
a-tl her at once, w M inc.ude ber new lt
barneaa. coating -J. fr aoova price. o3
Aii will purcbaaa a 7 and H-year old
pa:r of grt.ngt. weight ; thoroughly
broke and gentle, in or out of atate; no
fau.ta. aork a;ngla or double, and "j2
from baing a god pulling pair, ara line
i!ni!i drivere, TnaPv avowed. A new
harneaa la la included for abort prlca.
Mr. Hrown'a team. Alder.
mi-jm ic; an blOokj a; a.
Brfora yon buy either above,
t:aca and g-t pricaa. Wa ara located
de the bigh-rant district and for thai
re aeon can aU cheaper. Way buy a aee-ad-hand
vrntclt wbti 7u
aaw u at about the aama prlca r
R. M. WAlS a OA
323 Hawthorn Ave.
Oa Monday. Oct. 2. at Port. and iyr
Kxcbarga. at 3 P. M. aharp. we wl.. 11
the bet load of F-aet-rn Oregon hora-
that tave be-n in Port.and thia year: a
ij, aoiiclt congignmentg of horata. wr-n-aa,
wagona. ett.. which we will get the
hi neat caah prtcea for. Portland H'jrw
Kacnange. -i4 Montgomery ac, cor. t UUw
fnona i.iranll 141
WANT good ail-round driving horae, not
aver 8 yra, old. rnuat be gantie. eound
and elty-broka; have 85t-lb- driving or
rniiiif pony, vary gentle; wilt trade nlra
and ono of our new and lateat "btngera
toward a bora to auiu Wnat hy jouT
Write or phono A. A. Moore. li Main
blnrr Mch. aU. Oregon tuy.
HAVE aorae eignt acreage, cloeo to ta
tloa on an electric lino, ail clearod. alao
ciur of Incumbrance, to trade for aellera
equtttea In good bouaaa and lota or for an
autum&tile. . .
5t2 CouLh iiiug. Mrahall 1017.
PAIR horaea and harnaaa. Sl-
1 pair marea. e- v.
1 pir honea, Sl"
1 pir horaa l--
m ana nawiiiu.ww -
U-i'utMi i-am of marea. both la foaL
aound and atralght In ovary way; ono
oony car and harneaa ll&O. S teams of
mules. 14 bead of huraea. Inquire Port-
anu pi'"t,
VOH SALE One good delivery horae weigh
ing llu. sound and true, ono One team
young horaea weighing ono team
sma.i horses weighing 20WA. 2i Rua-
s-tl at.
lo HEAD ot mares and horaea. mulea,
4 seta of doubie harneaa. 3 farm waguno
and 3 buggies; will sell at any reasonable
offer; coma and uy team. 247 East 13th,
cor. asauiaon.
I HAVE a buggy mare 7 years old about
toO Ibe alao a nandard bred colt 1
years: will sell cheap or trade both for a
heavier norm. r,
OuuU farm team, 2-""0 ba. mara hnrae,
anl u ycara old. farm wagon and harneaa:
. plow aU t'or S175. i'houa oellwoo4
ft-YKAR-OLU geldlbg. trotter. Com0na
weal in. nam - . e--
hand a. perfectly gentle, good and faat
Ui l 'I .
HOKE. aultabla for peddler or
work? for aala cheap. IniAUlra 4A Wash-
G(nH team of mulea fr aala or trade for
liahter team. Inquire after P. AL or
hundav. 7'H f.mmt 11th St. North.
bil ALL horse: un do light work: to keep
for Wtn-er for board. Call 83 Glenn tvt
or B lsi'.
FoR tALri Cheatnut srrsl horse, T years
old. poo lba.. city broke, very gentla. 415
Citfton at., cor. luth
COOH tem. ready t work; weight 2'"
lUa,. with good farm waton and harneaa,
a.i S Phone Hail ood 1 45,
lioKSK. welching ikh) lba.. harness and light
at-rlng wgon. cash. lid. 4tlw East sal
mon t,
COR. th and Hawthorne ave. Pair ranch
marea. harneaa, S2J5. Call for Mrs. Her
man's tenm,
T K M good workers, sound and fat, weight
2 4 SO. price with good harneaa 917&. 301
3d St., near MilL
buKHKL goldtng years old. weight 1200,
aound and true; cneap. uwner leaving ie
city. W Kast Okk.
WAN T EU LMt ht delivery team, heavy
horse, as part payment. ivOS East Stark.
I'h ne Tabor lbS.
FOR SALE CHEAP Double or single- ex-
Breea wagon. 1'hone Woodlawn Uotf. W8
ort hwirt at.
12 HOKSBrt and mares, positively must sell
by October ; forced to move; price $44
up. 1)1 3d si-
ptaBMs Org mna and Moaieal Instrument a.
bE.NO Si f'r chord chart for piano or or-
gin; teachea 7b chorda, a in eacn aey:
cm play with any Instrument or song in
f w minutes' practical Frank Herald,
FOR fcAi.lC Check; havo prise check on
p.ano for ai.4 on oravca uam win
ell for 910. Mildred L,yna. Springfield.
Foil SALE Cheap, ono flrat-cla piano; al
most new. Inquire room 4, Grand
ave.. Barber Apartments.
BLIV1TLY used Weber upright piano, very
cheap for cash; leaving city for Eaat.
pleaaa call 2-5 5th at.
FOR HALK $109 credit check at Oravea
MUSlc House. V 1 1 1 sen enmp or
for something. Call Main Jtl.
FOR SALK A fine Martin guitar, good con
dition. SJ5. W 487. Oregontan.
S.Mi PFTe Rl S3 electric upright plana,
atle cltrnp or rent. 40 8d st.
WH XT wlM you give me for piano check for
SUIT Tel Pel i wood 13 'J.
ftlio PIANO check to trade. What havo jrou?
tail l irranu aw.
PIANO check wanten. I win roaae y m
good offer. Address AC 41 Oregonlan.
A VI RG II. practice uiavu r. in gooo cuuui
tlon; che-ip. Call 111 4th St.
fll? PIANO check, will aell or trade; make
orrer. r ao.. v 'f inu.
PJANO check for sale: what do you
offer? Address N 4fd. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Cheap; a brand-new Holton
baritone horn- Phone C 2 7 SO.
$.oo PIANOLA, slight:? Upe-L Sa.5 Of
music rolia. for S75. East So5..
THRKE g--Kd old violina from 9 to 300
ea-h. lol Eaat Huh at. North, city.
j.j'ASS auto for orchard honda il e3wat-
land bllg.
COl.l ilMIA RIVER bonds wanted for caah.
7 l Hweiiani Ding.
LE V1.U for ticrmany; mut sell htgh-ola
piano, M12 47:h ave.. rt. K.
WANTED To exchange two lota la Aa
toria; what have you? AS 475. Oregonlan.
XW garage Jut completed. Live and dead
atnrage. iieedwell Motor Co., 2. 3U SJ.
3. lh su. cor. Couch.
CAIlTt'Ki'AK, 5 iir.grr. P11 . only slight-
Ir uaed; a rargain; owner teviugj eky.
AS 47. Oregonlan.
rrANUAllH flve-peaener gaa-:;ne car 10
good ccndltion. for spt ofi; give full
p.irtlcu.ara and price. AH 4.'o. Oregonlan.
FOR ijfc.L Hmbr runabout auto, 375, li
taken at once. Ml.waukie at.. Brook-
FOR 0ALE Iirand new Jiabcock Electric at
low prlca fur cash. koae City LlecttJc
FvH KALE, easy tenna. 7-p- aaenger
btudebaker Corford. or will fade for small
car or real estate. Phone Kaat 'M9.
g.kV for aa almoat new fUe.paaeenger Ford
car In fine condition; owner deceaaed. V
4i. ireg'nlan.
FOR t ALE 5 paeeenger 34-horaepo war tour
ing car for :; owner ea nig cti.y. v.u
at III th sl
ARE you in the mark-t for an automobile
bA-ca.n? Have aeveral fine choice. AU 45.
r--s rtan.
ELL' TKIC runabout. gfHHl order, for ao.Ie
hap. will traae. '-'.J Worcester blwg.
Vui. R or nve-paaeng--r car at once; atata and t r r m a. AH 4Vj.Oregonian.
WANT 1 1 l"CadiIlao aa part payment oa
.unralu. A V 4tl. Oregonlan.
111 WIN TON " full equipped, cheap
for cnr. Corbett bldg.
FO R HAL K O ie-1 on aula truck. Good or
dr. V 4-v. Oregonlan.
l-fAbSENUKK auto for hire, $.50 pax hour.
At TM'PILKi repaired at your homo. N21
Eaat 7th St. North. Tabor 3 PS.
FOR HLK 1 Ko car. 1P10 raodeL 2-cyi-
inder; rrlce t'K t hone A 2V-5.
ftTp a7S.-4KN iF.U car In good condition. Worth
3.mj, take 8" today Call 41 urand
vTli.L par spot caah for Al f:ve-paaaan-gr
automobile. O 455, Oregnlao.
Now la tur n.w bulldlns.
MICHIOAN" SX 1?H nwlfL 5-p.n-ict
lourtnir c.r. iulpi4 wltb top. wm.i-
hi.ld., clock, extra new ca
ln.. eiin Inner tubes. 4-lnch lire, on
r.r. pr.cttc.llr n.w. unimal prtc. with
thl. wiulpm?nt I17U0
Mets Runabout
Krlt Kun.kuut
liulck Runabout
italclc Roadster, 4-paraenger. ....
liupmobKo. JVll tourlns car.....
Rral 1H10 tourins car ........
Tope-Hartford tourlnK car
liulck l h. p. roadster. 4-paaa,..
... 11.10
.. 5"0
.. sr.o
.. 800
. . c n
.. 67.T
HOUSE. Exclualv, dMltft la oaed aotomobUea.
1B11 Cadlllaa fully equipped, coat 4O0;
practtcaJly aa lood aa new: owner pur
cbaatn, lt12 Cadillac and baa authorized
ua to aell bla lull: will v. liberal dla
count. cash or time.
I1V10 Plerc. 7-paaa.. fully equlppoci:
looka and runa Ilk. new; foredoor, 48
H. P.. tfuarantred tba a.m aa n.w one;
bargain for caah.
v. bav. th. largest number of slight
ly uaed automobiles of any firm In lha
otty; w. handl. nothing but uaed car.
and -uarants .Tery car we sell, there,
furs you take no chanc. when you buy
a uaed car from us; wa ara hers to stay.
Our motto la a square deal to every one.
21st and Washington Sta
CLEARANCE sal. of new auiomobliea at lssa
tban dealers' coat. v.
Ona 7-paasnger. 6-cyllnder. 40-noraa-power.
420t; our prlca l:7i0.
Ona S-passangcr, 4-or":lnder. 0-bot-power.
.310: our prlca i40u. ..o.
Ona 6-passenger. Si-horsepowar, lw,
our prtcs Slo0.
One 7-passenger, fora-door. 40-llorsa.
power. HV40; our prlc. Iiu.
Two 7-pasenger. open body. 40-norsa-power.
3iu; our prlc. I3O00.
Hem.mber. the., tars are new. Wa also
bare asveral cars slightly used at prices
far below thslr real valua.
Theas pries ar. for caah only; as
trades considered. -
309 Union are. No., cor. Holladay.
Waverly Eleetrlo, for sala or axchanga.
J.paasangar, slight sxponsa on batterlea
will put In flral-claaa condition. 111
trada for gasollna runabout. Apply Jaa.
I Marshall Ug. Co.. th and Couch at.
DES1HE to pay spot oash or exohange flna
iot on Kast ad near Irving In Laura -hurst
which Laurelhurst Company arlla
at f 1350 for Al flva-paasng.r automoblla.
5i0 Altler IL
Auto, 2-paaaenger runabout. rlrst-eJaas
condition: 4-cyllnder. top extra tire etc.
Want I7"0: will aell for 13. Call 611
, v -a .Uais A FsTAT.
WANTLU) To exchange good lot, valua 1150,
fur 4 or fr-paeaenger automobile; bring
machine out today and I will show t ha
lo., fci- A. Rltxen. 44 Kast. sOth ISorth.
T a nor
WILL trada $70Qdlamond and pay differ
ence for recent m-nlel roadster or four
pnssenger automobile la good condition;
glva name of car and specifications. W
j o.. vn.-f.wn
$7000 Plercs-Arrow Laundelet for sale at a
BAROAIN A rubber-tired Bstley huggy
and harneaa, used but lo or 10 times;
cost JU0; shown on application. V vol,
HOW about your gasoline moiorT-Does It
run smoothly? If not. send lOo postage
for "Kngtno Trouble" text-book, lirecxs
Carbureters, Newark. N. J.
1P11 METZ runabout, like new. S350; modl
H Buick roadster, fully equipped, a."o;
Ftearna toy tonneiu. $1100. Custom-House
Auto CO., cor, r.. JJin anu nwmunn
WANT to axchanga fine blooded horsa In
part payment nr new ur rWiiu-uauu
tomobila, balanca cash. AN 472. Orego-
t4tHt Klve-pasaenger, four-cylinder Haynes,
fully equipped; $J50, two-cylinder, flve
paescnger Hco; thusa are two of the best
buys in Portland. SOS Bwetland bldg.
R-PSSENGKR pope-Hartf ord, good condi
tion, will fichanfre for well located vacant
lot suitable to build a home. Phone Kast
Uuiriintcea tor nvo yen re.
l.'.n'j Yeon bldg. Phoae Main -.'33.
a - .
GCKU 1810 flve-paasenger automoblir. spare
wheal, electric lights, top. windshield;
chjap for cash or secured payment.
Phone tast 100- or jimh
FOB SALE 7 H. P. twtn-cyltnder Indian
motorcycle, run 2100 miles; In good con
ditlon; prlca $200. Address J. 1 Lewis,
Albany. Or. .
2-PASSfcNJKlt Maxwell runabout In flrst
ctaaa condition, fully equipped. Call 107
East Mam st. nmnc i -...
jiOB (iLB Beven-pasaenger Ftudebaker
Oarford 40 h. p. Al condition, or will trada
fr real eaiaio. a a...-..
7-1 taKN')EK auto for sale, cheap, $400
cash if" taken before Monday at 12 o'clock.
i 2 r rom.
WANTtD Tft exchange two lots In As
toria riverside addition, for auto. A3
477, tiregonian.
1810 Flve-paiuienger automobile. good as
.... - -, atalsH Shaath ff) t-1Illk
new; coai ai o". a v - a. ...
sale. Owner. 123 1st st.
WANTEO Auto truck; will exchange pay
ing rooml ng - house ; soma caah. P hone
A 42n2.
W'll.L'pay spot cash for runabout; would
prefer Hudson or Onkland runabout. Pbona
E 1 or M laia.
CHALMERS , in excellent condition, fully
equipped, for "ale cneap. Phone MarahaJl
Poga. Birds, pet Stock.
KULLBLOODEU Barred Pl:-yiiouth Rock
and Leghorn chickens. Winter 1 aye re.
cheap. i-'none wontn.-u
litCAR. eojgar and coyote hounds pups, $10
each; trained dogs, $25 to $30. A 4ld.
Oregon Ian.
JXR 8 A I . E A rcglatered Boston terrier
brood bitch In whelp. 22 Ihs. House
broke. Bargain, at once 1.14 E. 14th at.
FOR t?ALK A dandy Kngllsh Bull puppy.
Seal brindle. 11 weeks old. tee him if you
want a crackerja-k eligible. 134 K. 14 iL
7jN u some second-hand 4x6 and 6x6
timbers: -also dlmerelon stuff and floor
ing or celling. Phone Sellwood r0l5.
Fi'X 1 ERRlEllii, thoroughbred male pups,
for sale cheap. Holland Cash, Vnderwood,
h'COTt H colile. pedigree aa.l reglatcred l-year-o:d.
a beauty, houscbroken, prlxa-arin-ner.
l"hone Tabor 1 V
THOROl'iiH HKG1 bla. k Langshan chickens
for a-ile cheap If sld at once. 12TO Kast
Ta j ior. I'h or.e Tabor 27.
FOR SAI-E Cheap, one six H. P. A. C and
one H. I'. D. electric motors. D. Kel
laher gt Co. 13SS '.rand ave.
PRIZE- WINNING Ioston terrier for saie
ch-ap. 1 X Press. 04 4tb St.. between
tk and Pine.
Goon guitar for aaie. $.".
Phone Tabor
FINE pedigreed bull terrier puppies, cheap,
j. r. ptlre. cor. 32d and Hawthorne ave.
THOHOL'OHBREU Engllah pug puppies,
prtce reaeonable 0 E. th at.
FiR .SALE English DU.l pupa Call 10 E.
4th. near Ash.
WHITE IsE'lH' RN and Ancona cockered
for sale, V 457. Oregonlan.
IKEDALE ".'EltHlHSI -or -aia. ivort 4ta
r Hera's. Iddlx Knn;l Katarada- Or
FINE tount tat le (n la and aome well-bred
laving hrr.a for s.ile. Tsbor 12.
COCKER spmiel pups for saie, 3 months
old. 2 Pheridsn St.
GOOD chicken feed. Ilrtc a smck. wheat $1.50
k. 1 f. 1 1 Eaat Gi isan st.
ALMOST given away; fine bull terrier pup
plea. Call A 3im.
FOR SALE r'edi greed toy Malto
do. ApplT AD 47o, Oregonlan,
roga. Birds, Pet Btoca,
FHILO raised White Orpinglons, IS pullets,
$1 6o to $.50 each; a few oid birds; some
nice young cockerels; 23 six-weeks-old
chicks; ail thoroughbreds; am gelling to
reduc stock to go into Winter quarters.
Phone Woodlawn 523. St- Johns car to
Columbia Park and Just across car track.
Aaron K. Taber.
FOLK large St, Bernard dogs for sale; Ro
var, the prise wiiaer 1W' bench show
Portland: Uaian, the largest 2-year-o:d
In the country: 8 montlia old pup, from
Hover ana good bitch, i sUso have good
bitch for gale. Can be teea at Imperial
Hole! tor one w.-eic
FOR. SALE At Portland Bird Co.. 81
l'n!on ave.. all kinds of fancy biros, im
ported peafowls. Imported Japaneae span
iel, mar: monkeys, lynx. Guinea pigs,
etc. at very low prices.
1 AM Just In from the country; have some
fine Khooe Island Red pullets and hens;
aleo a few Rocks. Very good blooded
chicken, Mrs. O. B. Meugur. 749 John
son st.
FOR SALE 20 pair first-class homer
pigeons. If you want aome fancy birds,
cail at TaO Multnomah, Monday, between
nd o.
FIN E-BREl brood mare, weight about 1200.
gentle for ladles to handle: also a two
seated surrey, harness and everything
complete. 2 Clai" t-
AN OCR A kittens, pedigreed; extra fine spec
imens. 1601 Albina ave.
M Leccilaneoua.
ROLL top desk, solid oak. four feet long.
S1&00: flat top desk, 54x30 inches, golden
oak. $14.00; typewriter tables, oak, $3.50",
revolving office chairs. $3.00 to $7.00; safe,
&4xaf4xJ3 inches, fireproof. Triumph pat
ent, $00.00; $50.00 bed, davenport m slog
anized frame, green Verona velour up
holstering. 26.00; hotel dressers. $4.5o;
full aize dressers. $7.50 to Si'5.00; chiffon
iers. 47.50 to $la.OO; buffets, $7.50 to
$65.00; extension tables, SJ.&O to $16.50;
as ranges. $5.00 to $18.0u; steel ranges,
15.00 to $25.00 (standard makes), heating
stoves. $L75 to $La.oO; mantel folding bed,
hardwood. $5.00; fxl2 art rugs, S5.00;
Kxl2 Brussels, Aim In star and velvet rugs,
$'J.oO to 127.50; linoleums, carpets and
matting, ail sixes; brass and Iron beds,
$1.50 to 25,00. Goods delivered free to
any part of the city with our own teams.
Wa have a well selected stock of new and
fine second hand furniture. Call and see
for yourself. Western Salvage Co., 545-547
Wsshington. bet. ltfth and 17th sis.
SECOND-HAND marAf ery for sale. 2 10O
K. W. G. E eneiT ra: 1 60-arc light G.
E. generators; 1 switch-board; 1 72x16,
125 H. P. stationary boiler; 1 8 H. P. up
right boiler; 1 5o H. P. Russell engine; 2
upright elevator engines, 40 H. P. each;
4 American hoist stump pullers by horse
power; 2 triple blocks about 20 tons, light
rails for concrete work, ate. Inquire H. B.
Da via. Main 2421.
HERE Is the secret to good furniture buy
ing. I buy up good furniture in large
lots from hotela and homes; I show these
foods by appointment in my warehouse;
pay small rent and keep no help, there
by being able to sell them cheap In small
or large quantities. Phone Woodlawn 1726.
Electric and steam hoists.
Concrete mixers and equipment.
Motors, engines, boilers, pumps.
Etc etc., etc.. etc., etc., etc, etc, eto
Lumbermens bldg.
INDIAN MOTORCYCLE, 2 speeds, free en
gine, tandem, lamp and full equipment,
cost over $H0O; will sell for $170; looks
and runs like new. Inquire 1012 E. 7th
t N., noar Alberta, before 2 P. M. to
day, or after 4 P. M. week day a
FOR SALE First-class ticket on N. P..
Burlington to Kansas City; limit October
HI. For medium build male parson, AV
f;irt, Oregonlun.
FOR EXCEPTIONAL bargain In Under
wood, L. C. Smith ft Remington type
writers, see The Northwest Typewriter
Co.. No, 0O 6th.
If your stove dosn't bake, there la
something wrong. 1 can fix It. 80 East
Morrison, phono East 1022.
FOR SALE Practically new full equipped
donkey engine adapted to clearing; take
pay In clearing. F. F. Williams, 814
Yeon bldg. .
2-KOOT, covered, half cabin launch, 10
H.-P., 18-foot open, 3 H.-P. heavy duty
engines; ls-ft. skiff. 21 H.-P. A. L.
Whitman, foot 17ih St. Phone M. 6664.
L'tsED sewing machines, all makes, perfect
stitchers. Special prices for one week. New
Horae Agency, 850 Morrison, between 7th
and Park.
LEAVING city; must sell iron bed, springs,
mattress, dresser, couch, tables, books,
rug, rocker, range: your price takes them.
BS4 Marguerite ave. Hawthorne cars.
2a20 WINCHESTER, nearly new ; reload
ing tools, caao, 700 shells. 805 E. 16th JN.
week day a
FOR SALE Furniture 3 rooms, almost new,
also garden tools, saws. Phone Main 51H3
or address D 474, Oregonlan.
$10.00 BROWN wicker baby carriage. Rub
ber tiros, storm top; good as new. Cost
$.10.00. East 3024.
PLUMBING outfit ( ft as stove, boiler, wash
trays, etc)' for sale cheap. Also steam
tttMe and counter. Call Main 5026.
REMINGTON typewriter; grreat bargain;
also beautiful mink stole. AP 477, Ore
gonlan. FOR BALE Duntley vacuum cleaner, In
perfect condition. Has all appliances. C
461, Oregonlan.
ROLL top. desk and Columbia bicycle, coaster
brake, like sew. Root, 722 Chamber of
FOR SALE 12-gauge hammerless shotgun
with automatic ejector; good condition.
Tabor 166L
WILL sell fine located Laurelhurst lot,
value fViOO. for D40; $4oo down, balance
monthly. R 481. Oregonlan.
DAVENPORT or settee, full size, solid ma
hogany frame: practically new; for sale
cheap. P. O. Box 223.
FOR SALE Monarch typewriter, new ; will
sell for $60 or trade. Call Belvedere Ho
tel clerk.
STOVES, cheap: double-oven Mississippi
range, need short time; 3 box heaters and
box heavy hotel dishes. Phone 5361.
First-class ticket cheap, male, middle-
aged or young. AO m i, urennnian.
NX'RSERIED English Cluster hop plants,
Ella M, Finney, R. F. D. No. 2, Gervais,
FOR SALE Second-hand firebox holler, 80
h p all complete, with smokestack, $150.
Ea Side Boiler Works, lbl East Water st.
FOR SALE Good tent house, 12x24, with
winiows and screen door, very cheap.
Phono Monday. Tabor 243.
FOR PALE A Washburn guitar, case and
music stand, very cheap. Phone Monday,
Tabor 243.
$4 W ILL buy a handsome hand-carved
Chnlr. No. 2 X. 14th.
FOR SALE Majoestic steel range, good
condition, $35. Telephone Main 1458.
HAND-CART Two-wheeled, food as new.
heap. Call lata ist at.
11TH ST.
(10 BUYS 15-Jewel Elgin gold watch. East
TYPEWRITER desk $17.50. cost $35; good
as new. 603 Swetland bldg.
GENT'S high-grade bicycle, coaster, new
tires, bar train. 2064 4tb.
HOUSE-TENT, two large rooms, furnished
complete, very cheap. D 4tl7, 'Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Male ticket to Denver, cheap.
M 40". Oregonlan.
WILL sell piano check very reasonable. M
467. Oregonlan.
DINING-ROOM SET. springs, iron beck
stove, etc., cheap. 670 East Main. B 32.".
FOR SALE Wood law. with 6 H. P.. gaso
line engine. Address S0 E. Salmon st.
TICKE T to Chicago, for young man. me
dium and dark. R 473. Oregonian.
SAFES 2 medium and 1 larga slsa. at a
bargain. J 222. Oregonlan.
FULL-DRESS suit, nearly new ; breast 36;
$a. AC 447. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Encyclopedia Brltannlca. 81
vols. 66 FUndt-ri st. Marshall 1 122.
FoR SALE I.Ady's ring, set with pearls
and two diamonds. V 471. Oregonlan.
WI LL trade gentle mare, 10."0. for fresh
f-AmTy cow. C. Baker. Hillsdale, Or.
Lad Y s fur-1 1 hed coat, cheap." Further par
titulars phone Tabor S01.
Fell SALE Body brussels rug. 24x10
ft., and pillows. AJ 40o. Ortgonlan.
FOR SALE Gent's bicycle. In good condi
tion, cheap 19 1st st.
FOR SALE Newcombe four harinesa rag"
and rug carpet loom. X 4S7. oregonlan.
NEW 26-foot launch, with 14 horsepower
engine, complete, $.)."0. Sellwood 475.
FIRST-CLASS tirket to Denver, male. Ad
dress 11 Shaver. Phone Woodlawn 2754.
FOR SALE A few Al decoy ducks. F arm
ors. ii4 Vancouver.
1 4-HARNESS Newcomb loom. 187 E.
6:h N. Phore Wdln. 178.
H ALL eafe. used only a short time; will
give terms. AP 24S. Qreronian.
LIVE mailing lists. 5 per thousand. A. M.
Fofile, Neaberg, Or.
Contractor' equipment by United Engineer
ing a. Construction Co. S0 Lewis bldg.
M lacelianeoaa.
1 Ice plant.
1 16-ru-p. upright engine.
1 SO-h.-p. engine.
1 SO-h.-p automatic engine,
1 VO-ti.-p. Corlisa engine.
1 S-h.-p. upright boiler.
1 ftO-h.-p. boiler.
1 Petson water wheel.
Lot of rails, all sizes.
Corrugated iron.
Rubber roofing.
pipe pipe pipe.
We are positively the largest dealers
In second-hand machinery in the city and
carry a large stock of alt kinds of saw
mill, mining and electric machinery.
Front and Grant Sts. Take S car going
south. ,
H-Inch gal v. pipe, $3-75.
i-lnch galv. pipe, $4.40.
1- Inch galv. pipe. $6.4rt.
I1 -inch galv. pipe, $s.50.
IS-lnch galv. pipe. $10.50.
2- lnch galv. pipe. $13.75.
Above pipe Is all new and guaranteed.
We also carry in stock large quantities of
second-hand pipe in all sixes up to 12
lnch. which we offer at the following;
prices :
H-lnch pipe, ?Hc
V-irfch pipe, 2 c
1- inch pipe. 3V.C.
2- Inch pipe, 6c.
All guaranteed to be In lst-class con
dition, having new threads and couplings.
Front and Grant Sta. Take S Car.
WE HAVE on hand the following articles
which we would sell at a reasonable price:
One 20-H. P. Fairbanks-Morse gasoline
engine but little used; 1 No. 0 Smith con
crete mixer; 1 Byron-Jackson six-inch hor
Ixontal centrifugal sand and gravel pump,
with 30 feet of six-inch pipe and fittings,
and one 15x20 fireproof safe. Wind River
Lumber Company, cascade locks, or.
90a per square.
Guaranteed new.
Corrugated Iron. . Corrag-ated Iron.
Front and Grant Sta Take 8 Car.
FOR SALE Non-descriptive first-class
ticket, Portland to VIncennes, Ind., via
Seattle. Spokane, Cheyenne. Denver, Kan
sas City and St. Louis, good tJJl October
15, with stopover privileges any point en
route. Carl Kuebler, general , delivery.
Portland, Or.
BOOKKEEPER'S high desk and revolving
high chair for sale at half cost, good as
new. Also oak rolltop sanitary desk and
desk chair. These are being disposed of
on account of changing to mahogany fur-
WOOD heating stove, nearly new: cost $1R.
sell $9. Call between 10 and 12. 939 E.
Couch St., also 4-room modem new house:
bath, toilet: price $lSVO; $200 down. $18.00
month, same as rent; 3 blocks from car.
B 454. Oregon la n.
Genuine English gabardines. Priestley
rravenetted: $22.50 to $25 values at $14.75;
$15 raincoats at $10; rubberized allp-ons.
$10 values. So. Jimmy Dunn, room 315
Oregonian Bldg. Take elevator.
SPECIAL sale on sewing machines; slightly
used; Singer. Wheeler A Wilson. White.
Domestic and New Home; soma other new
S40 machines now $27.50. while they last.
8. S. Sigel. 835 Morrison mt.
FOR SALE Almost new Remington 12
gauge pump gun, latest model; gun.
cleaning rod. sole-leather gun case ana 50
shells, all for $25. 551 Ladd ave.. Flat
D. or phone Mr. Wllhelm, Main
LARGE lot of new wire fencing.
All galvanised.
4c pound.
Front and Grant Sta Take 8 Car.
25-FOOT cabin launch and bouse, almost
new; must sell ; will demonstrate today
from 12 till 2 at Mason's boatyard, foot
of East Washington St., next to flreboat.
Ask for Littleton.
DECOMPOSED GRANITE for use on garden
walks or drives; the same material used
bv the Southern Pacific on their stations.
Call Marshall 398.
Lathes, drill presses, shaper. motor,
shafting-, belting, etc. Jos. J. Fisher, re
ceiver. 214 Lumber Exchange.
SAFES New and 2d-hand; low prices; easy
terms: safes opened, repaired and painted.
SAFE CO.. 85 5th St. Main 6309. A 4118.
VICTOR phonogrsph, 40 records; Singer
band aewlng machine; 2 tents; enamel
bathtub; large heater, and a lot of other
goods. 112 Union ave.
FOR SALE 2 h. p. A.-C motor, heavy
wood-t jrnlng lathe, comb, rip and cross
cut saw, hangers, shafts, pulley and belts.
Inquire 797 Montana ave.
ONE overcoat, nearly new. No, 40. $7.50;
one oak table, golden oak; one mandolin,
cheap ; one rocking chair, one coat and
vest very cheap. 476 Larrabea st.
FOR 8AL13 First-class ticket on N. P.
Burlington to Kansas City; limit Oct. SI;
for medium build male person. Apply AV
53S. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE or trade for lot, steam hoist en
gin, gasoline engine, air compressor and
air tools. 322 Mohawk bldg.
SEALSKIN coat, 40 Inches long, 38 inches
bust measure; just like new. W 450, Ore
gonian. FOR SALE No. 4 Underwood typewriter
and two gas stoves; cheap. Inquire 213
2d St.
RUUD HEATER, practically new, reason for
exiling, no gas in new no use. is 012s. am
E. lOth at.
$'5 COWBOY saddle, flower stamped, $30;
$45 ladles' cushion seat astride saddle,
$20. Nearly new. E, 8128. 301 E. 10th st.
SMALL diamond earrings, diamond rings,
will exchange for Winchester pump gun
or Colts revolver, or rifle. 411 Everett st.
$14 BUYS $65 drophead sewing machine, all
accessories. 120 10th St., near Washing
ton. FOR SALE A first-class National Cash reg
ister. Can be seen at Rainier Hotel. Phone
Main 3413. 128 N. 6th st.
5 TONS, NO. 22 gauge galv. sheet Iron.
Front and Grant Sta Take 8 Car.
Al DRY cordwood, on car. at Elmonlca,
Oregon Electric line; $3.50 carload lot.
Call at 608 E. 8th. Sellwood 84.
FOR SALE or trade for fuel Three nicely
mounted fur rugs, cougar, black bear and
wildcat. Caiy Tabor 8367.
FOR SALE Fine, strong; strawberry plants.
Gold Dollar variety. C. W. Dunning, Mil
waukie, Or.
FURNITURE, rugs, beds, dishes, etc.; must
be sold At once; leaving city. Inquire 422
Chamber of commerce Diag.
FOR SALE SeVecal pairs of Chinese and
J a I'd near rmuvi-icij tmui uiuci -
tieres. Phone Woodlawn 2941, forenoons.
por fiAl.F, Oak wash stand, bed Dad. nil
lows, rue-s, 656 Flanders st. Phone Mar-
shall 1122.
FOR 6ALE Motorcycle. Indian, used some,
but in first -class condition; $16o. Inquire
room 214 Railway Exchange bldg
WILL sell a 8-mos. tuition and books for
stenographers course at P. B. College at
a great reduction. Call East 573L
REMINGTON typewriter, No. 7, almost new,
only $15. Call Sunday or Monday, room 8,
82 Grand ave.
FOR SALE Fine new sanitary roll-top of
fice desk and revolving chair at a bar
galn. Call 248 H Stark st.
LARGE houseboat built on scow; fine con
dition; with rowboat; very convenient lo
cation. AP 46S. Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Ticket to Detroit, Mich; de
scription, male, dark, medium. E 453.
LOOK this up; red broadcloth evening coat,
lined throughout, sell cheap. 464 Colum
bia st. Main 1901.
FOR SALE Remington typewriter cheap.
AJ 455. Oregonlan.
WE pay the highest cash price for second
band furniture. Seater at Martin. Phone
Fst 3134. 844 Hawthorne ava
WANTED Interest weekly paper; must
have future; plenty money. X 483, Ore
gonlan. WANTED .22 Savage repeater, first-class
condition and cheap; give particular a AD
40, Oregonian.
TICKET to Cheyenne, Omaha or Chicago
wanted Immediately, medium, light. C 465,
WANTED To buy for cash, diamonds, not
less than one karat; do not answer unless
you can offer bargain. G 44S. Oregonian.
WANTED Moving picture machine, gas
outfit, films, folding chairs, etc AL 37s.
$70 E. Morrison. Phone E. 1022.
Pays highest cash price for furniture.
DIAMOND wanted, from H to 1 K. Must be
bargain. M 46?. Oregonian.
FOR stone retaining walls, address AM 444,
WANTED A small writing desk, cheap.
Phone Main 42.
FORD Auction Co- pays most cash for any
W. aa 'usnlinra Ualn RQjtl A 9AA.K
WANTED Second-hand cash re-rlster. pref
erably. National. A 4&5. Oregonian.
WANTED Good deer head or bearskin rug.
AR 453. Oregonian.
GENSER pavi high prices for cast-off cloth
ing. Main 8553. 500 5th.
Highest price paid for men's and ladles
cast-off clothing, shoes, furniture, too.
mechanic logging. Call Main 20So 39
First st. The Globe,
WANTED One second-hand launch com
plete with whistle and sidelights, engine
to be 15 to 20-h. p.; quota price. 1 614,
WANTED Second-hand electric motor. In
god repair and cheap; from two to four
h. p.; give price and horsepower. A. P.
McFee, Washougal, Wash,
WANTED Encih cart and pony; price
must be reasonable. Give full aeta la
A B 465, Oregonian.
PORTABLE Sawmill Wanted Man having;
portable outfit can gret good contract by
writing Forest Hill Investment Co.. 268
Stark St.. Portland. Or.
STENOGRAPHER'S roll top Or flat top desk
In oak; must be In good shape. 312 Lewis
I WANT You to let me build your green
house; also carpenter work of all descrip
tions. Apply J. Stout, Oswego, Or.
WANTED Second-hand gas engine, 2 h. p..
in good condition. Dr. W. F. Lewis, 809
Oregonian bldg.
WANTED Cook stove. No. 8. .and an oak
dresser In good condition and cheap. Phone
Main 8494.
WANTED A motorcycle; trade for beach
lot or cash; state lowest price. AO 453,
WANTED Singer sewing machine from
private party; must be in good condi
tion. urwioniaa.
Xools Highest prices paid for all kinds of
2d hand mechanic, logging tools. La via
Hdwre. Co.. 229 Front. Main 9072.
HOISTING engine, 7x10, Monday preferred;
erected. 610 Lumbermens bldg. Main 8766.
28 hi North Second St.
Phones Main T2T, A 2290.
Team and wagon, city, $T, .
8 carpenters, $4.
10 teamsters free fare), $2.25 and $2.50.
10 Bulgarians jboard selves), $2.a,.
5 quarry men, 2.25. v
6 concrete men, $2.50.
Oregon Electric, new work. We are
receiving- orders dally for this work.
Teams, teamsters, station men, right-of-way
men, laborers, etc
All orders given prompt attention.
Who thoroughly understand all lines of
merchandise, can arrange stocks, paint
cards and banners for special sales worK.
must be hustlers, not afraid of hard
work, clean-cut and busineasllke Appiy
today (Sunday), at 1 P. M., 414 Mar-
quam Diag.
ir Lt & i un tun. Tii-rKt
WANTED Man with family to take charge
of cook house and purchase Interest In ap
ple orchard; $500 cash required; wages
$50 per month and board. A3 4G9, Ore
gonian. -
WANTED In towns adjacent to Portland,
representatives to handle our orchard lBnd"
In the Hood River-Mosier district; liberal
terms. Hood River Orchard Land Com
pany, yeonbiog.
SALESMEN wanted, steadily traveling, side
line embroideries, laces from manufac
turers; must have trade In small towns;
liberal commissions. Merk A Co., 410
Broadway, New l ork.
SALESMAN wanted; commission and liberal
salary to the right man. You need not
have sold real estate, but you must have
qualifications and references- A 511 Ore
YOUNG man not over 20, who has had ex
perience In stenography and typewriting,
and is capable of advancing, one who has
had experience with tires preferred. Call
Sunday between 10 and 1, United States
1 1 re v p.. o- cum
WANTED Colored cook for country hotel.
itiO.00. Room and board. 1
Main Office. 12 North Second street.
WANTED an experienced grocer for solici
ting and delivering; must have good ret
erence. State age and experience. G 4-a
CABINETMAKER wanted; only a man with
wide experience in special cabinetwork
and a first-olnss mechanic need apply.
Call 4X7 HancocK mu
WANTED Live man for business chances,
excellent oportunity for hustler; experi
ence not necessary. American Trust Co.,
n. n -II V. nmmaareaa.
iJd - naiimc ........ .
SALESMEN and general sales agents to sell
our new automatic wrapping paper, print
ers to merchants; money-maker. Auto-
. . nine?.. ni. ! ih ifU M
atic v-o., cia cm. v-' "- "
WANTED men to work by the day in new
suburban townsite of Falkenherg. Pay
ment In property. Wonderful opportu-
nlty to reliable men, zus torpeu piug.
WANTED Man good appearance, general
business experience, unuor o-x , j
$70; state age, references, address and
phone number. AD 481, Oregonlan.
WANTED Two coal miners; state age, ex
perience, address, references and phone
- : u. a r. A.i0 OrcH-nnian.
REGISTERED drug clerk, city work; state
asre and lRSt Place of employment. x
WANTED Man to do chore work on small
farm for good home for the Winter. AV
SALESMAN and local sales manager for
garment-pressing machine. Address Mon-
arcn ang. i.o.. "n
PRINTER Steady situation In city at scale;
must be Al commercial man, furnish ref
erences. Aaaress u weguuian,
DENTliST for a suburban office; fine loca
tion for business, established year. 1300
Belmont st. Phone B 1503.
HAVE15 per cent commission, good side
line for salesman making Eastern or in
terior seotion Oregon. AV 636. Orego
DRAFTSMAN Wanted young man to do
tracing. State experience and salary
Wanted. AU tO. LrgHmnan.
WANTED Agent at Pendleton to represent
us; first-class references required. Grand
SPECIALTY salesmen wanted and men to
take out good side line ; liberal commls
sion. 624 Board of Trade Bldg.
HAVE good opening for energetic city so
licitor for family liquor store. Call after
WANTED Bright, energetic man to sell our
cheap acreage; good commission. Neu-
hausen & "'"f
ynrvo Japanese boy to help with house
work and delivering milk; wages $20.
'Phone a
BUS HELM AN for cleaning and pressing
shop: steaay, coiuycm.
son st.
WWTEP Boy to learn wholesale business,
17" to 20 years old, good chance to work
up. AF 470, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER, "who "can report testi
mony: references required. AD 477, Ore
WANTED A good steady man for general
farm work. German. Swede or colonist
prererrea. r. "
wanted Man to take charge of restau
rant: $200 needed. W. W. Jordan, 610
Lum berman omg,
BOY with wheel at Wolcott'g Millinery, 416
Alder st.
FIRST-CLASS tailor on ladles' coats ; no
other need apply. Aronson. 426 Alder.
APPRENTICE will pay auto truck driver
for lessons. Y 612, Oregonlan.
WANTED Dishwasher at Stein's restaurant.
122 14th. '
PRESSMAN, first-class, non-union cylinder
and platen, irienuy - , uirju'-inmi.
WANTED Man to do llpht work on small
WANTED Young man to operate elevator.
Apply Mtverneia v.. --""""j mm .i uuuaj ,
WANTED Young man for Jewelry store.
Apply IUra"" 0 ams.n. mvvu, IT
TAILORS and coatmakers wanted. Apply
Maxwell the Tailor., 246 Washington st.
VESTMAKEP.S wanted. Apply Maxwell the
Tailor. 246 Washington St.
BOY wanted to learn auto business. Custom
House Auto Co., E. 13th and Hawthorne
WANTED Man and wife work on smail
(arm. Call for particulars Monday morn
ing a: 18S 4th st
SADDLE-MAKERS wanted; good payi per
manent position. AV 532, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED poolroom man; good wages
for right man. W 4-"i6. Oregonlan.
FIRST-CLASS finishing carpenters. nor
union. Apply 222 Commercial Club bldg.
WANTED Solicitors that can show results;
good money. Grand Union Tea,, Co.
WANTED Moving-picture operator for
Alaska. $51 weekly. A 501, Oregonlan.
ERRAND boy. Watson Printing Company.
242 Salmon st.
WANTED Coatmakera
355 Stark St.
(One of Many.) .
Office. Secretary Employment Department,
Toung man. stranger, out of work ($20
his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for
special employment membership I win
have only $13 left between, me and atar
vatfon. . .
Secretary If you pay $5 for special
employment membership you will have
the Y. M. C. A- with its resources, be
tween you and starvation.
Record for 8 months ending August .81.
Calls for men JJfl
Positions filled J302
New members 10-it
Employment membership guarantees
employment or refund of membership
fee; gives two months' full membership
privilege. 10 months' social privileges
and undertakes to keep party employed
during the full term of membership with
out further charge.
We have constant demand for nig n
?rade, experienced men. Are you fitted
or a better position T
See secretary employment department,
Y. M. C. A.
COATMAKERS and tailors wantefl; la
pressors and finishers: sanitary shop anc5
good pay. Ray Bsvkhurst. Tha TaUlfltt
cor. ftth and fitaxlt sta.
WANTED Young man of good character to
learn automobile and aeronautical business
and open parage and automobile agency
arter completing. We will furnish, proper
man with tools and equipment for garage
and select town; $175 profit on each car
sold; we secure agency without any in
vestment for demonstrating car; all agents
receive training in factory where cars ara
built, before opening business; training bT
mail to begin. Write for Plan No. 169,
which gives full information. The Auto
mobile College of W'auhington, Washing
ton, D. C.
on comm Isslon to ran c h men and ot he
large consumers, giving you an oppor
tunity to work up a business of your own
with large returns. Reference required.
Satisfaction guaranteed to customers. Es
tablished in 1872. Write Western Of
fice 422 24th it., Ogden, Utah, or Loverln
& Browne Co, ISO 3 -S. State st, Chi
cago. III.
For large real estate office. Must
be familiar with real estate busi
ness, must be good stenographer and
willing to do detail work. AB 452.
WANTED Experienced actor for stock
(heavy and straight parts), must be ver
satile, not under 5 feet 8 inches; good
wardrobe, good appearance on and off
stage; give full particulars and lowest sal
ary !n first letter. Include photograph; no
amateurs need apply; would prefer mar
ried man, whose wife could take small
parts when needed. AV 526, Oregonlan.
A high-class salesman who will appre
ciate chance to connect with Eastern
pottery manufacturing Queensware,
crockery, etc. : sell to merchandise, va
riety and dept. stores; must furnish A-l
references: commission basis; weekly ad
vance on orders. Address 822 Realty bldg.,
Spokane, Wash,
FREE Illustrated book tells about over
360,000 protected positions in TJ. 8.
service; more than 40,000 vacancies every
year; Is big chance here1 for you, sura
and generous pay, lifetime employment;
easy to get; Just ask for booklet C360;
no obligation. Earl Hopkins, Washing
ton, D. C.
AMBITIOUS. Intelligent people make $6 to
$20 dally soliciting for us. You give th
public best value In America; don't treat
vou as agent ; our man will show you
how; 5 P. M. only. 10 Healy bldg..
Grand ave, and Morrison at.
HONEST man wanted in every town to
represent well-known wholesale firm. Ex
perience unnecessary. Must furnish good
references. Easy, pleasant work. Fair sal
ary to start McLean. Black & Co., 2041
Beverly St., Boston, Mass.
Thoroughly experienced dry goods,
clothing, men's furnishings, window trim
mer and alteration lady; none but first
class help need apply. Inquire of cleric
, at Perkins Hotel, 11 to 2 Sunday.
WE want men to learn the selling of real
estate; If you have confidence in yourself
and will work hard, we will provide the
experience and guarantee results. We have
a new addition just ready for the market.
Call at 146 5th st.
WANTED By Jobbing house, young man
acquainted with dry goods line to work
In stock and wait on trade. Apply, giv
ing references and salary wanted, to A7
466, Oregonlan. m
proposition; pocket samples; prompt com
missions; consigned goods. DYER MAN
TJFACTURING CO., 1420 S. Michigan ave
Chicago. 111.
BIO profits for you ! Manufacture barley
crisp; new confection; 6c package costs
you c; machine $7.50 prepaid; samples
10c. Shaffer Co., 526 Natoma st., San
Francisco. a m
WANTED A hustling real estate salesman
to help sell best addition in city, close, in.
Take Broadway car, get off at Klickitat,
walk east. Call at office, cor. SOth and
Klickitat. .
AN opportunity for a live man selling our
guaranteed Yakima Valley grown nursery
stock- exclusive territory; outfit free; casU
weekly; "hustle," not experience, required
Top pe nlshNurserCoi:Tpj
WANTED Salesman, experienced magazine
and book men, to represent "Current Lit
erature"; entirely new and a sure win
ner; highest commissions. "Current Lit
erature," room 4u3, Marquam bldg.
jTgoOD live boy to work from 8 A. M. to
10 A. M daily and 8 A. M. to 11 A. M.
Sunday; good money for this short time;
must be a hustler. Apply room 200 Ore
gon iajibhl&ttycjrcujaw.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer wanted ill
country bank; young married man pre
ferred; please answer in handwriting;
state salary expected. AV 527, Orego
nlan .
BE A DETECTIVE Earn from $j50 to $300
ner month; travel over the world. Write
C. T. Ludwig, 1402 Scarritt bldg., Kansas
CI ty M o. ,
TWO carpenters foremen, must thoroughly
understand jobbing work; none but union
men- one for city; one for country. 2uo
4th st. Wm. Fishback. i
SALESMEN wanted to sell our line of Pa
cific Coast-grown nursery stock; cash paid
weekly. Pacific Nursery Co.. 308 Corbeti
bldg. .
dv MAIL CLERKS, postofflce clerks, mall
carriers November examinations in Port
land; sample questions free. Franklin In
etitute. Dept. 310-J. Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED I still have territory for on4
more solicitor, hosiery direct from th
mill. Call Monday, 2 to 4 P. M.. 512 Bu
chanan bid g. ArthurB i ggersta ft.
WANTED Three magazine or book salee
men to represen t SCRIBNER'S MAG A
ZIE great premium offer; easy seller!
big commission. 423 Hamilton bldg.
WANTED Stenographer, railroad office (
must have experience and references. Ad
dreas AK 473, Oregonlan.
OFFICE manager wanted, out of town;
must be first-class bookkeeper. Apply JlP
464. Oregonlan.
WANTED A good ballad singer. Apply at
Efectric Anna, room F. Oregon Cityk
from 1 to 5 P. M.
MAN wanted for fire Insurance and loan
business; commisslson only. 840 Cham
ber of Commerce.
WANTED Picture play writers; big pay;
we'll teach you. picture Play Associa
tion. San Francisco.
WANTED Architectural draftsman, on
with experience in residence work. AS 6a
Oregonian. i
W A TE D Three experienced apple pack
er's, near Portland. Call 218 Carlton Hotel,
S a t u rd a y and Sunday.
WANTED Active solicitor, well recommend
ed. American Hospital Assn., 1216 SeU
ing bldg.. 10 A- M.
LICENSED barber wanted at once. Call 690
Alberta st.
WANTED Boye over 14 with wheals. 14
d" at. ;
WANTED An experienced stock salesman.
Apply at 605 Oregonlan bldg.
WANTED Mandolin player for cafe, work.
j r.14. Oresrnnian.
GOOD coatmaker for ladies' tailoring; good
opening. Hoenlg. 11 Flledner bldg.
PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents,
nsw offer. Cutbarth Studio, Dak urn slog