The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 24, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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stsk Vain
Du HcAQen Praises' Display u Showing Training of Wind and Hand.
McMinnvflle Bustling, Homelike City Babies Rival Any, Says Judge.
Great Percentage of Fall Col
onist Traffic Bound for
Willamette Valley.
Good Roads Men Want West
to Call Solons Others Are
Against Move.
rM:j write cSfcx or mms. m&t tanas a? ved to 8 'vv
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Highway Adi-omtrs Bcliere Demand
Warrants rYial Call of Legis
lature Opponents free
Gorcrnor to Walt Tear.
Proponent and ppponenta of a spa
da! irulan of th Lesjlstatur arc or-
sTanlzlna their forr.s. ThM who j
wouirt nav tov.mor .si aa.mDi
th oricll liukri of ta. (lata will
back up their raquail with the circula
tion of petition which. they expect.
wt:i present a sufftrlent pnmbir of sl
mturrfl to movf tho Oovernor to ao
tlnn. Opponrnia of a apodal Ion
ar. forwarding; to th executive office
letters protesting- aaalnst any eonren
tloa of tha Legislature at thla tlroa. er
aro adopting- raaolutlooa voicing th
aama sentiment.
The asrttatton for a apodal aesslon
appear to hart resolved Itself Into
rnntttt MtvvtD tho eooa roada on
thualast on on hand, who ar Insist
Inc on aool roada legislation, and thoaa
who object not only to any Lclslatloa
on tha aubjert which contemplate
atato aid la effectlne- tboa Improve
menta. and alao ar chary of taklna?
any chance with an extra aesslon of
lrtftn'a sotons.
Roada Maa for
Tha good roada men ara demanding
that a special saaalon la Imperative,
that legislation bo provided for build
Ira permanent hia-hwaya throuirhou
tho state, and In their contention Insle
that tho areneral demand on tha part o
th great majority of tho people of tbo
etat. Justifies tho Governor In ratline;
tha Legislators toirrther. They take
tho position that public Interest In thla
movement baa reached a stage that tna
roat of a apeclal aesaton should not bo
allowed to defeat their request, tall
ure to assembl th Legislature at thla
time. It Is feared by them, might re
sult In dissipating largely tha enthusi
asm for srood roads that now ao gener
ally perrailes the entire state.
opponents of an extra session, bow
ever, ara representing to tha Oovernor
that the prospect of obtaining aattsfac
lory goods roada legislation at a apo
dal session Is no brighter than at tha
regular session, since tho special ses
sion would b made up of tha aama men
who aerved at th regular meeting last
Winter. liesldes. they ara urging that
only a year will elapse until another
regular aesslon of the Legislature will
be convened. These same farce would
defer th enactment of good roada leg
Islatlon until then. Many of them at
tha same time advocate submitting un
der th Initiative tna same maasura
tnat bav been drafted by the special
Good Itoada Commission, and recom
mended for enactment at a special sea.
Labor AgaJaat Tall.
Anti-good roada Interest. In further
support of their contention, contend
that there la a great similarity In ma
terial features between th bills paased
at th resrular session and vetoed by
Oovernor West and tba measures draft.
ed for enactment by the special Good
Roada Commission. It Is particularly
for this reason they refuse, to b con
verted to th necessity for an extra
aesslon merely to consider good roada
Organised labor of thla city, which
supported Governor West almost unan
imously, haa lined up with th oppo
nent of a special session. At a meet
Inc of tha Central Labor Council Fri
day night resolutions were adopted
protesting avgalnat tha propoaed spe
cial aesslon. and declaring In favor of
submitting th good roada bills that
bav been drafted by the special com
mission to th electors of th Stat un
der th Initiative at next year a gen
rai election.
In th meantime, however, th goo)
roada man ara showing activity. They
will drculat petition Invoking th
Oovernor ta conven a special aesslon.
Thee petltlona will be given general
circulation In each of th 24 eountlea of
th state. Several thousand si
turea ar expected ta b obtained as a
result of thte effort.
Preparations Made to neeelve Port
land Delegation at Ceremony.
Plans for entertaining tha delegation
of Portland buslnesa men who will go
to Van Franc I sro to participate In tha
eeremonlee of breaking tha ground for
th Panama Exposition. October 14. ar
being mad by th fan Francisco pro
moters, according to a telrgram re
ceived yesterday by Secretary Utltner,
of th Chamber of Commerce. Th
telegram aays:
W ar Informed that a delegation
of representative buslnees men of your
dty will participate In our exposition
ground-breaking ceremonies October
14. It Is the deslr of thla chamber
to xtend courtealea to your popl
while here, and w would thank you
Immediately to furnish us with all In
formation available. In order to permit
us to make our arrangements Intelli
gently. Pleas ba aa specific as possi
Tollrenian Charged With Battery for
Poolroom Arrest.
For cbaaing and recapturing a run
away prisoner. Patrolman L J. Helms
standa accused of assault and battery
In the Municipal Court, on th com
plaint of F. Eckelson. a youth whom
he arrested In tha Acme Billiard parlors
at Sixth and Alder streets, a few nights
Helm waa aent to tha place on com.
plainta that It was rah without regard
to th ordinance and statute forbidding
harboring of minors In poolrooms. He
found two boys, of whom Eckelson was
While th policeman waa gathering
evidence th boy broke away and ran
down stairs. Helms followed, sprain
ing his ankl ta th chase, and recap
tured th youth, who now asserts that
undu fore was used upon him.
September !Sth Is tha next sal data
for special round-trip tickets to East
ern point. Th Canadian Pacific
makes tha ritia.
Edirsa delivers country si ah. K tag. "
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W WINXYLLLE, Or, Sept. ii. Tam-
hlll County Fair, Oh, no. dear reader,
get It right, for the people of Tamhlll
County ar very sentltlve on thla point.
It's Tamhlll County School Fair. That's
the Idea. Tha word "school" makes a
difference and distinction. The fair
Is an exhibit of the work of the
county' schools, products of th farm.
the homo and th workshop.
It la remarkable what children ran
do under proper direction. The ex
position building where th exhibits
ar displayed la a fine structure 70x140,
with a large circular gallery and well
lighted. Here you find, carefully ar
ranged, the bread and other good
hlns-s of the girl, prepared In her
mother's kitchen. In another section
may b aeen th result of th boy
on his father a farm. Then lurtner
on la th work of the youth with a
mechanical mind la the way of all
kinds of furniture. And last, but not
east Interesting la th work of th
young seamstress, showing her sain
and taste In the deslgnlna of children's
and Infants' garments. The exhibit, as
whole. Is Interesting.
This Is what I call education, as It
rains the hand aa well as the mind.
This Is work that Is worthy of emu
lation by other sections, aa It Interests
he boy In th farm and workshop and
he rlrl in her home. Too much credit
cannot be alven to th superintendent
of schools for bringing about thla con
On visiting th exhibition on the first
evening of my arrival here I waa re
minded of the old Mechanics' Fair at
Portland; th crowd of happy, whole
some-looking folks. Looking and
watching their unconscious movements,
my thought was: These people ara to
ba envied.
City Feaad Hessrllke.
McMlnnvlll Is a homelike city. Step
ping off the train at th head of Third
street I was Inspired with th appear
ance of that thoroughfare: electrlo
arches and decorations In every block.
lear to the exposition building. It
certainly leaves an Impression. This
I a pretty city with lta lovely homes
and wll-kept grounds, a nic publlo
park, good streets and sidewalks, and
In good condition. Third street, th
mala artery of commerce. Is a busy
avenue. Many fin business structures
are to be aeen. There ar three banks
that will stand the test of a midnight
raid of the bank examiner.
One of the most notable features of
this fair city ta lta moral aspect. Thla
la easily accounted for. The law ar
enforced. A Ion police officer does
his duty. Up to last election things
wer different. Notwithstanding that
Tamhlll County waa supposed to be
-dry" and that for six years previous
en the public streets of McMinnvllle
could be seen at any hour of day or
night, drunken men. but things have
changed; the lawa are enforced, with
the result that a peaceful, wholesome
atmosphere surrounds the place. Peo
pie call It rsgetlsm. A Lee Paget
Club Is formed here for the purpose of
spreading the doctrine throughout t.e
There Is good hotel accommodation.
The Elberton la a first-class hotel, with
all modern conveniences, and would do
credit to a larger city. John Wortman,
a brother of II. C. Wortman, of Olds,
Wortman dc King, la permanently lo
cated here. The Wortman own the
First National Bank, capitalised for
1100.000, with deposits of 1500,000. A
savings department waa added two
montha asro with $60,000 deposits al
ready. The bank waa established In
lots aa a private concern, wrth John
Wortman acting aa cashier, porter and
Janitor. Portland bank clerks wltn
atand-up collars, red neckties and patent-leather
shoes should sit up and
tak notice.
Settler Ar Needed.
The trouble here, like many ether
sections of the country. Is lack of set
tlers on the land, and they have the
land where everything can be raised
suited to the climate, except com. Land
can be had here for from ITS to 1100
an acre. Everybody knows, or should
know, that land In the Willamette Val
ley la productive and needa no Irriga
tion. Nature furnishes her ewn abun
dant aupply.
Th great event of th School Fslr
waa the baby show. -Old Tamhlll
crowned herself with glory, for a finer
collection would be hard to find. A
grand parade of the babies in decor
ated baby-carrlagea waa made on Third
street. The parade formed at Railroad
avenue, and. headed by a brass band,
marched to the fair grounds, where the
shew was held. Because the babies
measured well up to the standard In
every respect. It was most difficult to
select prtxe-wlnners In any class. In
many cases a vot had to b taken to
arrive at a decision. The weather was
Ideal, and. all told. It was a pleasatt
affair, with the result that everybody
waa pleased and hoped to have it re
peated next year.
Th city ta alive with people, all
wearing amiilng faces. Hotels, busi
ness houses, restaurants are doing a
rushing business, giving every indica
tion that ths Yamhill County School
Fair will remain a permanent institu
tion. The people here do not wish
their school fairs confounded with the
stereotyped county fair, with lta horse
racing, balloon ascension and red lem
onade, with a fly In It: and It shouldn't.
Great credit is due W. T. Macy. presl.
dent of the "Tamhlll County School
Fair Association." and H. H. Belt, the
secretary for the management, for tho
pronounced success of the fair. j
Drawn "oy Low Rates, 00 Eastern
ers Trek to Oregon Number
Bound for Central Oregon.
Movement Will Continue.
More than 75 per cent of the colonists
now coming to Oregon are aeeklr? homes
on farms. Indicating that the efforts of
the railroada and commercial bodies to
divert people from the cities have been
J. L. Miller, city passenger agent for
the 0.-W. R. a N. Company, returned to
Portland yesterday after spendlntr five
days in Eastern Oregon, where he board
ad every train from the East for the pur
pose of getting into close personal touch
with the newcomers. He made an en
deavor to learn what attracted them to
the state, where they are going, what
they Intend to do and whence they came.
tie learned that a majority are bound
for the Willamette Valley, while a great
many expreea their Intention of going Into
Central Oregon. A number declare that
they will remain in Portland, but th pro
portion that is seeklner locstions In the
city Is smaller now than It was last
Spring. This is the most encouraging
sign of the Fall colonists' movement.
Coloalata Are of Coed Stock.
While the movement Is not so heavy as
It was six months ago. It Is steadier and
Is made up of a better class of people,
There are more families and fewer sin
gle men. There seems to be a greater
number of men with money to Invest In
homes and fewer lob-hunters.
If they can make suitable terms for the
purchase or lease of small farms. It is
probable that the greater number of them
will become permanent residents of the
state. Some of those who are coming to
look for work have wives and children
and are shipping their household goods
They will stay until they find something
to do. Most of these, however, are going
into the smaller towns of the state, where
the chances for securing employment are
better than In the larger cities.
Mr. Miller estimates that the number of
people coming through the Huntington
gateway averages 300 dally. The season
did not start with the rush that charac
terlxed last Spring's business, but It has
continued In steady volume. His advices
from Chicago and Omaha Indicate that
ths flow of future Oregon citizens will
continue In the same proportions until
the low-fare period ends. Last Spring
the movement In the middle of the period
waa but slight.
Low Ratee Draw Traffic.
Nearly all travelers declare that they
would not have come to the Northwest If
the railroads had not granted the low
rates. Most of them were attracted by
some form of advertising. While the pub
llclty work of the railroads has been re
sponsible for the coming of many, a large
number has been drawn by reading newi
It Is likely that the movement over the
northern lines into Portland equals that
on the O.-W. R. A. N. On this basis the
number of people coming to Oregon aver
ages 600 dally. It Is believed that this is
conservative estimate. In the 30-day
period, therefore, the population of the
state will be Increased by about 18,000.
The O.-W. R. N. Company has placed
colonization agents on ail trains coming
westward. They board the cars at or
near Huntington. These representatives
are uniformed, so that they may not be
mistaken for real estate agents. At the
aama time all the railroads are endeav
oring to prevent land "sharks" from op
erating on the train.
Suspect Held for Wehrman Murder
Has Parent Come to Aid They
Engage New Counsel.
I don't believe it, I don't believe it,"
declared an elderly woman, sobblngly,
aa aha fell on the neck of J. A. Pender,
eld aa a suspect In the Wehrman mur
der case, at the County Jail yesterday
The woman was Pender s mother, just
arrived from Ogden, Utah, with the
prisoner's father, J. F. Pender, to assist
heir son In his trouble. Putting her
rms sbout her son, the mother wept
to her heart's content, and then went
with her husband to engage additional
counssl for his defense.
The parents have retained John F.
Logan and John H. Stevenson to look
after ths suspect's Interests. It Is not
nnounced whether or not Seneca
Fouts, who was previously engaged by
the prisoner, will be continued aa
Detective Levlngs said he had dis
covered additional evidence tending to
hrow suspicion even more heavily on
Pender, but he refused to state what
la until he has secured corrobora
Fraternal Organizer In Court.
Roy C Hopkins, accused of mlsap-'
proprlatlng funds of the Knights of the
Rose, a fraternal society of which he
was organiser, was arraigned before
udge Gatena In Circuit Court yester
day and given till Friday afternoon to
Knoll Property Sold.
B. L. Knoll has sold a house and lot
In Cook's Second Addition to the Val
ley Trust Company. A 1 2-room house
occupies the lot. Mr. Knoll took in
excher.s;e for part of the purchase price
In a few days I will be offering for sale some
Choice Acre Tracts
These are close in and on the carline. 10-cent fare.
If you want a choice acre home; best soil; right at the
.city limits and at the right price, let me show you
this. L 224, Oregonian.
, i 1 .al LR.iMSSSgW.saaj
We have been boasting a lot about this monstrous Clearance Sale of new and used pianos. It haa
stirred "pianodom" in Portland from top to bottom. Every promise we have made is being mada
good, and we want YOU to make us prove it to you personally. Since the announcement of this sale
competition has run rampant. Small dealers cannot understand how high-grade pianos can be sold at)
such great reductions. Come here tomorrow and let us name over the long list of buyers who last
week purchased pianos. Talk is cheap, and money will buy newspaper space. It's the facts you want
so come and get them, and when you buy from Kohler & Chase, you are doing business with a housa
back of which is 60 years' record of honest piaao sailing on the Coast. - t
You will be amazed to find here pianos and player pianos, either new or almost as good as new, selL
ing at $89, $98, $115 up and bearing names of the world's famous makers.
On each and every one of these pianos you will save from $100 to $300 actual cash, as you will readily;
realize when you see the instruments. Every piano is guaranteed by Kohler & Chase, and any piano;
placed in your home for a few dollars down and a few dollars a month.
We must reduce this stock at once and the pianos are being grabbed rapidly at the very low prices
Remember, pianos of such celebrated makes as Weber, Fischer, Steinway, Decker, Mason & Ham-
lin, Steck, Wheelock, etc., etc., are included in this sale. Come tomorrow you be the judge. ,
Mason & Hamlin $133
Kohler Campbell $ 1 75
Vose $225
Look for the name Kohler & Chase,
of tho city property six acres In the
Poulson Acre Tracts, three miles from
the city limits on the PoweU Valley
road at $700 an acre.
Consumption Often De
velops From Pneumonia
Conaumotlon readily attack thos who
iava had Pneumonia. Many aulTerers from
Tuberculosis fiva a, nlatory of naviny aaa
PntumonlL Tha luncs thua weakened ara
mora eaally attacked toy tha erma that
causa Consumption.
For all thosa with "weak lungs," aspa
rlally thosa who hava had Pneumonia,
Eckman'a Alterative Is tha appropriate
remedy. Cures of Consumption ara ac
complished by Eckman'a Alterative. But
take It In time. There -4s no wisdom In
waJtln until Tuberculosla Is established.
Health la never fully valued until sick
ness comes. A remarKaoia recovery xoi-
lows: S3 ft X. 41st St., Phi la., pa.
ontlTnen T wish I had known of
Eckman'a Alterative two years ajo. Since
taking It, following a bad attack of pneu
monia, I hava rained 28 pound a, and I can-
nnl Kt Kaa Varv triaankftll tfi VOU ATVA thS
Almighty Ood for the great blessing; and
change of health It has brought me."
fBifrned affidavit) thumas iiivi .
Frkmin'i Alterative la effective In Bron
chitis, Asthma, Hay Fever; Throat and
Lung- Troubles, and in upbuilding- the
system. Does not contain poisons, oplatea
or h&bit-formlnr drujra. For sale by the
Owl Drug Company and other leading drug-g-ista.
Ask for booklet of cured cases and
write to ETkman Laboratory, Philadelphia,
Fa., fop additional evidence.
fjavestigaJo at oacscoo.
jlp y I
Be rare yon get to Kohler A Chase's
store. Look (or tha big slsm. It's two
doors WEST of the STAR THEATER la
the same block on Washington. Other
dealers are trying to take ad-vantage of
thla big ptano-aelMng sensation. Cer
tain customer have been, led to be
lieve that they were In oar store when
they were not. So look for the btsr
bIsjb. See that your receipts are signed
KOHLER A CHASE. See that you get
KOHLER CHASE quality and Iron
clad guarantee.
Washington Street
and the large sign over the door.
If the Law Compelled
the Use of
Genuine "Weed Anti-Skid Chain Grips automobile ac
cidents would be reduced to a minimum.
"Weed Chains are Sure Grip won't slip Sold by all
Dealers and Jobbers.
Weed Chain Co.
Pacific Coast Agents.
329 Ankeny St.
W M'sl I t
I Story
Hallet & Dans $178
Hoffman $176
Ivers & Pond $119
Weser $217
Stodard - $118
Hallet & Davis $137
Two doors west of Star Theater
& Merton
Portland, Or.