The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 24, 1911, SECTION FIVE, Image 55

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3 Ro 8c Yamhill.
r M i
The Most Important Sale of Carpets and
Ev'er Offered to Portland
Begins Tomorrow and Lasts 3, Days
Many people do not realize that one of the strongest features of our organization in the new building is our immense Carpet Department, and in order to impress the fact forcibly in the public mind we
have planned thJj special three days' sale. Those who take advantage of the unusual reductions, some of which are herewith described, will have an opportunity, to see for themselves the extensiveness of the
department, occupying the entire second floor, and will know in the future where the broadest range of selections are to be obtained. Recent additions of new Fall stock render the department especially
attractive at this time, and early purchasers will reap a rich reward in actual savings that perhaps will never be offered again.
Beautiful Wool Velvet Rugs
4. Patterns
Reduced to
No. 4514 9x12 all-wool velvet Rug, in a rich two
tone green'effect, small pattern with corresponding bor
der. No. 3141 9x12 all-wool velvet Rug, light solfd ef-.
feet in light tan color with medallion center in Persian,
' No. 2G24 9x12 all-wool velvet Rug, medium sized,
Oreintal design in Persian colorings, with handsome
border design. ,
No. 3143 9x12 all-wool velvet Rug, small conven
tional design developed in dull rich tones of green and
Ingrain Rugs
The Famous-Whittall Rugs
IS $55-00
EUa 9x12.
The Anglo Persian is the closest approach to a real
rival of the luxurious product of the Orient. Newest
patterns for Parlor, Reception Hall and Library are
procurable at this special price for the next three days.
The Anglo Indian in singularly beautiful patterns
and harmonious colorings, is one .of the most popular
products of the Wilton loom. For actual service and
thorough satisfaction in every respect we cannot recom
med them too highly.
illSf Genuine Saxony Rugs $52.20
9x12 Sixe.
Everyone is familiar with the wonderful enduring
qualities and beautiful texture of Saxony Rugs. Pat
,trni are .aithfal and accurate copies of the finest.
Oriental designs, suitable for use in rooms.
'Your Choice of 4 Patterns
of Heavy Axminster Rugs
9x12 size. Begular $25.00 Values.
.Large and small patterns in greens, tans, Oriental shad
ings and two-tone effects are included. An exceptional '
5 Patterns in Pro-Brussels Quality
able for any room
Best Qualities of Carpets
Substantially Lowered in Price
A glance at the following descriptions will prove that this three weeks' sale is truly a notable event,
new Fall patterns are included at prices stated. Sewing, laying and lining without additional cost.
Regular $1.25
T.p.atry Brussels Carpet, with or
without border. In large, small and .
medium patterns, two-tone and com
bination color effect in an almoet
unlimited assortment, special for
this week.....
Regular $1.35
Kztra Kearvy Velvot Carpet, twenty
beautiful pattern to select from,
with or without border, and with
hall and stair runners to match;
rich, soft combination' and plain
color effects. Special ...
Extra Special, Bigelow Wiltoh Carpet $2.93 Yard
Heavy and luxurious, surpassing all others in beauty of design and rich colorings, and notable for its great
wearing quality. AH new and latest patterns, also offered this week atr a reduced price, including sewing,
laying-and lining. ; ' -,
Describing 12 Patterns Strongly Reduced
' to Close Them Out
eautifiil dark red
embracing designs and colorings suitable for any room
in the house. Size 9x10.6. Regular i
$16.00 value fr ."...
4 patterns in Pro-Brussels, in 9x12 "I O QA
size, regular $17.60 value for..... tj) X OotU
No. 36 Wilton Rug, 9x12 size, in a beautiful dark red
Bokhara pattern. Now reduced
to ........
No. 204 Wilton Rug, 9x12 size, dark green and red
colorings', small conventional de- d O Q Q C
signs 4?l7O0
No. 515G-613 Wilton Rug, 9x12 size, small design in
rich Persian colorings. Reduced
to ...
No. 107-3 Wilton Rug, 9x12 size,
conventional design, $48 value for
No. 3975-1 Wilton Rug, 8.3x10.6, small pattern in
brown and green tones. $44.00
value for ."
No. 1361-4 Wilton Rug, 8.3x10.6 size, beautiful two-
tone brown effect. -$44.00 value
No. ' 3090-4 Wilton Rug, 8.3x10.6, conventional design
m olive green and tan. $44.00 value
for ;
No. 101-1 Wilton Rug, 9x12 6ize, green and red con
ventional design.' $48.00 value
sen and red con-
small pattern in
No. 213-764 Wilton Rug, 9x12 size in (t Q 7 Q C
brown, tones, small design for.... !a3 OaJ
No. 107-1 Wilton Rug, 9x12 Jsize,tQ QA
green, tan, red, Bokhara patterns tPojOotU
No. 551 Amaxim Axminster Rug, 9x12 size, Persian
design, $58.00 values. Reduced
No. 100i Amaxim Axminster Rug, 9x12 'size, tan and
blue - Oriental pattern.' Special 8 5
-We carry an extra fine line of hevy all-wool in
gTfl'n Bng in light and dark colors, sjuto-ble fet any-,
room, and in a wide selection of patterns. Reduced
prices prevail on the entire line, as follows:
x 7x9 AH-Wool Ingrain Rugs,, special now at- 86.65
9x9 All-WooJ,,' Ingrain Rugs, special now at $7.90
.9x10.6 All-'Wjjpoi' Ingrain Rugs, special. no.w at 3S8.50
: 9x12 All-Wool Ingrain Rugs, special now-at $9.90
Japanese Matting Rugs
Regular $4.00 Value
A most desirable covering for the bedroom- floor,
shown in 8.6x9 size. : Patterns are reversible, so that
either side of the rug can be'used as desired. Colorings
light or dark, small and large patterns included.
Small Size Wool Velvet Rugs
Measuring 27x5 inches; colors and patterns to har-.
monize with any design you may have.
There's Absolute Satisfaction
for the Housewife Who Uses
The South Bend Malleable
"When you buy a South Bend Malleable you buy a Range that is
positively guaranteed to give you absolute satisfaction, just as
long as you have need to use one. The South Bend Malleable has
more special features than any other Range. Its thorough riveted
construction assures you everlasting service. Its economy of fuel,
its Sterling MalleaWe qualities and perfect - results obtained in
baking and cooking will appeal tyou -who seek Range perfection.
30 Days'
Free Trial in
Your Home
So confident are we that the '
South Bend Malleable is the
Range you want that we of-v
fer you the use of one on 30
days' free trial. If in that
time you do not find it to be
entirely satisfactory in ev
;ry particular, we will refund
you every dollar you may
hare paid on it
:(:' '3ft';
.S'5s 'ip-i
" - 1 V
"-5 t-l'r
1 1-0-.';1lv
$1 Weekly
pays for this wonderful
Range. Your Old Stove or
Range Taken as Part Payment.
This $27 Extension
Table Reduced to
Surely a very low price for
such a handsome table, made of
finest selected quartered oak,
finished golden.' Large 45-inch
round top with massive pedestal
and legs. Will seat 10 persons.
Another instance of the fact
that we are always ready to
give better merchandise at lower
prices than are obtainable else
. Where.
Cash or Credit
Terms to Suit
Steel Sanitary Couch
On sale at this remarkably low price for the whole week. An extra
good metal couch, made with heavy anele iron base, supported center
and heavy link fabric top, finished gold bronze. One only to a customer.
Cash or Credit Terms to Suit .
Mill . .r-rrat--Yj. A ' ' 1 ' -rJ
See Our Immense Heater Stock
Temptingly Low in Price
No otBer store in -the city can, show as splendid a display, of Heat
ers as will be found in our Stove Department. Every style and size
is represented, and. all are new. Better make your selections now
rather than wait until it becomes an absolute necessity to have a
Heater, as stocks will be well picked over by that time, and values
not so attractive. By anticipating. your requirements and fulfill
ing them at the beginning; 01 the season you
get the advantage of wide choice selections to
fill your individual need. I . T V ' e '.' 1 '
The Famous Oak Heater
: $9.50 :
and Higher
These splendid ;stoves have body of boiler steel; rein- .
forced "cast bottoms and air-tight drafts. . Extra large
ornamental feed door, nickel foot rails and nickel or
black legs. Shown by us in all'sizes. For coal or wood.
Perfection Oil Heaters
in small, large and medium sizes are obtainable at
closest prices-- For safety, cleanliness and satisfaction
we cannot recommend them too highly. .
White's Columbia Heater
The only successful 'wood and coal Heater on the market with Duplex Grate ar
rangement. Thoroughly practical and entirely satisfactory in every respect.
Buys Any Heater
in the Store
$1 a Week