TIIE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAN. PORTLAND. SEPTEMBER 24, 1911. if) Try U Onc; You'll Comfi Again Particular People i la F.Ik, O-fc" Will find Our Dental Work To Their Wmmg Edwards' Prices Actually BRASS BED SALE.- wiK Satisfaction DR. B. K. WRIGHT. Out-of-town Patrons Will find us in position to handle their work with ' promptness. Delays are vexatious, especially 'when your time is limited and we have so systematized our business that your work, no matter how difficult, will be completed in an incredibly short space of time. Don't infer from this that we-turn cut any slipshod or hurry-up work, to the contrary, each case receives the most careful attention and all of the time necessary to insure perfect results. Our work is painless, thorough and cannot be excelled. Our Prices Are Extremely Moderate. DR. B. E. WRIGHT AND ASSOCIATES 342te Wahington Street, Corner Seventh OFFICE HOURSi S A. M. to 5 P. M,7:30to 8:30 P. M Sunday: 9 to 1 Phone Main 21 1 MAGIC NAME LURES Sharper Talks of Hood River and Banks Give Cash. WESTERN SLANG ENSNARES w York Banker mindly Accept Fftls Certified Check on Ore gon Institution and Give Money In Ketnrn. Uaclc In th word "Hood Rlvr" mad &a excellent working capital for a mooth porson striae tho nam Jtmei 1L McCann. posing ax an Or iron orch ard lit. who mainly upon the popular uppovltloa that Hood River apple ar tba 20th rrniury honansa. succeeded in extracting over HOOO from thw cautloua and ultra-uplcloua bat; king Institu tion of little old New York. How the plausible stranger, with Western breexe and tnannerUma, "put It orer" the said money-changer of the metropolis, la told by the New York Evening I'oat. which says. WMU th Nat ton nrty Compaar wtl Varalnff ail bnka In lh rt y to bar ft a f-rr who had hQ etn the PMinOi mt various ankln intitutiur and trw Ing Binv no boaue chvoka. Ih rry roD In )v-ftua. rt" th! tm? "Jma H. MCnn. of KUrr, Or." found It to xtrart I 17SJ tn t am manner frm on of lha aiifMl bank a of the city. The fvl that th rruf.M vhrk on .he Putlor iaknc ComptDT, of Hxxi R1vT, which ho hod dpoit4 In; N-w Tor, vm a frtd. earn to llht to.to.y wha a ! pram from tho Orvn bonk in bouoe rchd tho bonk tn tale cttv. tho name of the InatUutloa aot boina dlseloeod. Tare Baaks "WeeneeV tneltfoataUv. two ethor banks arore fim lariy "workl for amallor amount, pro vmabJy bv tb am man- H got each te eortifr r hooka for l.iH. then took tho cr tkfiod chocka to tho Emptr Truet Company, whlr-h I tho at at nry for tho aoio or stork-transfer stamp, and bad the checks -hBs-d for trmaafr a tamp. Tho apple crop out bt way. he tbotmht. wwi id b a whoppor. but It was a quoatlon vhthr th frmra wr kra to a rr-l-wroclty a throucn. h. ya h knew to-and-m ut iw Hood HtTr; ud to o caaaI with htm. yra ao. H waa here I low oa hualn-. flr-t trip te ih bl tow tn a Ion time, and It sur wa rvm tow. Th affable atranror made good Imprfwl n all around. iM ho ope n account whtl In town? CerLalnly. II ttMa't happen t. aeod anv cash just then, but h mtaht b hui4 tn a day or two. Th wtth which th man carried en his eporationa deptt warning that b wa at lore, wa aurpr1tns. in Thurs day of laat week be went to vne of th, tare bnk and tntrtxluod Mmalf a Jame H. Mi tnn. from Hood Kiver. Or" H talked of th apple crop out home, and eeeaored hta convr.a?.n :th enoucn Ut- r alan to alloy uaput-n. H was her for a short star, and wiahed to open an account. Ho had an account out horn I th Butler Hanking Company, and knew that th New York bank to which b had com was tha correspondent In this city of th firm out Wrat. Certtriemttwa Tneacbt Crwod. H the produced a cashier check for $t 7' oa tb Hutler Comi-aiiy and said h wotild. Mk to depoatt It ta th New York bank. Th raihitr certification looked 'X. K." t th bank officer her and they ae . cepted It. Th man, by th way. happened to men t ton that h was stopping, at th r'laaa whil In town. Ai: thia ha opened en Thuraday. They saw Both leg of him at tho bank until TU rMay. a hen he dropped in to draw out tMT:. H preaeated hi chock and got th money. kteanwhlte. of room, the certified chock e ih lutier tanking t'ompany w as on tt way t to trtMt institution. "Mr. Mc lana' did nH appear at the bank any mor aftev drawtr.g out th t.i7;k. but a tele gram cam lot lat r!ght from Hihvj River saying th certified check which bad heen sent had arrived, and that It waa no good. Ta New Tora bank prompt iy began a rrk f r McVann." They ra d up th Fasa. Waa h ther? n had spent two days at th hotel last w-ek. but that waa ai th room-c.vra knew of him. Tt Mew D W ork. Tb bank at oac nottflod th National urety oar. pan y Nw tame at about th mm rtm that two other banks found ut that Mr. Mci'ann- bad paid thorn a via; boni tho deax-riptio. ttiough. the pinkono aad Bvraa dcectte who are werkiag oa ih cat think that ther must hav bn two man In tnes thefts "McCann" and his helper, very likely. In these two case, th forger somehow had stolen two .blank checks from th chock book of Sharaon. Hammlll 4k Co.. of No. 71 Hroadway. He dated on September 8 and th othor Sep tember II. mad ihm out for $15)0 each, and signed them civrly wtth th firm sig nature. Each check was presented at a different bank and by a different man. And ack bit of paper was duly certified and handed back, with no queatlons naked. Afterward It waa a stmpl matter to present th cer tified checks at th Empire Trust and rt th stock-transfer stamps In schanga This wss don on tb following day. The d tec Uvea bellev thy hav ctuc whlcb will lead t!im la the end to th man "from Hood Klver." They ar fairly confident that he la still In New York, and that h never visited th apple son. They bet lev he (s th head of a rang that has found New Tork fertile around for their own par ticular crop. Th National Surety Company announced thto afternoon that It would safeguard Its own Interest a In futur by an amendment to It forgery tnsuraoc policies. "Hera after. aald William It. Joyce, tb company's president. w Intend to Issu a rider In our policte stating that we will not be re sponsible for ! tn any case nnle a man's account has stood In the bank at least IS days ' Joyce addd that the false certification custom was becoming so popular among forgers that all that some of them now dio. was to Invest In a rubber I'unp of some banking boat and do their own crtlfylng. A rubber stamp could b obtained by a total stranger, without presenting an order for It from th bank In qneition. said Mr. Joyce. REAL TYPES IN PAGEANT IMMIGRANTS FROM , MISSOURI DRIVE IX BOCXD-rP. ArriTal - of Caravan Over Oregon Trail Adds Realism to Pen dleton Display- TENDLETOV. Sept. (Special.) Unsuspectingly rldlnr Into th midst of a frontUr festival, two parties of immigrants front Missouri bocants a psrt of Peadleton'a reallstla "Wast, ward Ho" parade last week and. lit rally snatched from th Old Oregon Trail, brought exclamations of delight and amazement from th thousands of Round Cp spectators who lined th city's streets while th bla; pagaant was passing. Today, for th first time. It beoam known that at least one portion of th wild west pageant was genuine. Traversing th same trail which brought Ezra Meeker Into Oregon 6 years ago. two parties of Immigrants In trplral prairie schooner, contain ing houshold goods and all the worldly belonglngi of the two families, seek ing the Western land or promise en tered the Pendleton city limits Satur day. lust-mothered and with the family dog trotting along behind while a brood of youngsters pverrd from be neath the flaps of th canvas-covered wagons, the caravan entered the city and when near the Brers' mill. It was halted by the approach of the pageant typifying the vanishing frimtler. With a whoop of enthusiasm. Dsn P. Smyth, Roy Ktshnp. F. A. Steiwar and Fred Karl, directors of the Round Up Asso ciation, deserted their place la th ranks and gallojed to the home-seeker e. Despite their protestations, th lat ter wer pressed Into servlc and no on In th vast throngs on the streets realized as they cheered th reallstlo pralrl schooners In their progress over th line of march, that their enthusi asm was being stirred by th real thing, and that the creaking wheels al ready had turned over th soil of many statea Although not nearly so common as they wer half a century ago. such outfits ar not rare today, but th Round .Up directors consider that they mad a singularly fortunate find in kidnaping the dust-laden tourists for their frontier parade. Ontralia Pioneer Dead. CENTRA LI A. Wash- Sept II (Spe cial.) J. li. Aust. aged ;. died here Thursday. Mr. Aust was a member of th Masons and Grand Army of tb Republic. SayeYoul0to25PerCent : If you had the faintest idea of the enormous expense of some of the stores in this town, you would know that you had to pay your share when "yu trade there.- They tell, you fair' tales of enormous buying, etc., but the fact is that any one who has the money can buy one car of goods just about as cheap as he can buy five. Our rent, advertising is only one third of othersr See what we save for you. -. Solid Oak $ 3 7. S 0 China Closet Thu Week for $22.75 This Massive Solid Oolden Ok China Closet stands S feet Inches hlx-hf is 31. feet wide and will , accom modate an extra large num ber of dishes. Built for years of service as well as for appearance. On sale this week for 00 7ti only 0tim I sJ High-Grade Colonial Brass Bed on Sale This Week for $22.75 This Colonial Brass Bed Is extra qual ity, has the beautiful satin finish pre served with hot process; English lac quer. The posts are not the small size usually found In low-price brass beds, but are the large two-Inch patterns, with attractive mounts, as shown." A handsome, well-built, full-sized brass bed on sale this week for 7S Other Brass Bed Reduetloma This Week 145.00 Colonial Brass Bed 829.90 158.50 Hellenic Brass Bed. 834.40 $55.00 Cardinal Brass Bed S37.TO $65.00 Extsa Massive Bed. 844.75 Name Your Own Terms at Edwards Best on Coast "We require much smaller payments than, other institu tions giving credit because we have more Confidence in the people trust them further. We leave it to you to name your own terms in' furnishing your home. Could any credit proposition possibly be more convenient than ours? Every man of limited means who is ambitious for a home should make it his business to take Edwards into his confidence. Sale ofPiliows Pore While Dock Feathers $23 Solid Oak Bookcase on Sale for $18.50 This Is not so big a reduction as you read about some places, but If you realized how good value it was at $23, then you would see why wo cannot red uce It more. Several other cases specially priced this week. SENT HOME AT YOUR OWN TERMS Be Sure to See This Attractive "October Bride" Three-Room Outfit, $187 "for a Little Less." Young couples who want to be on the safe side .should deal with a big reliable firm like Edwards, that has a reputation of 30 years of honorable merchandising behind it. Then voull be sure of eoods and credit "fit to use." "We, Keeping young folks in special mind, we have included our October Bride 3-room outfit among this week's specials. Andt we will make special easy credit erms on these outfits to October brides. In selecting specials in individual Furniture,' Rugs and Carpets we have kept in mind usefulness and econo my, and you will find these articles always a "Little Better mark all prices in plain figures and sell you goods on a days' free trial in yoqr own home, thus absolutely guaranteeing ' you a square deal. - - An Extra Hlgh-Grade Special Pillow, filled with new curled duck feathers, '. steamed and curled. Guaranteed odorless and sanitary. Heavy fancy art ticking-. Greatest durability guaranteed. Worth $3.76. iJO Off On sale this week. each... tPaieOiJ i . . -:.v iijAsaie '..li h i iumuji -'ta.stnecoo This Heater ' Only . . . See the Famous Duplex Draft means less money expended for fuel, better cooking and saving in labor and energy to the woman who does iking. ... Your Old Stove Taken in y " Part Payment - And we will allow you every cent it is worth. Just ring up Main 504 or A 2826 and our stove man will -call. See the Water Front No pipes for water to hinder the baking in a Monarch Range: A glance will convince you that pipes in a range are out -of date. It Needs No Blacking It Is Indestructible Fine Oven Thermometers Free A Good PI iace To Tra Hundreds of Others for Your Inspection The Stove Department is our greatest drawing card. Heaters and Cook Stoves here at match less prices, and satisfaction guar anteed. Wood and Coal Be sure to take a look at our new style lump grate combination Heaters. . KLAMATH JUNKET BIG PORTLAND DF.I.KGATIOX TO BE ENTERTAINED EACH WAT. Cities Along Ronte Arrange to Wei conic Excursionists Day- at Ealr Is Scheduled. Portland business irn who will par tlclpate In. the forthcoming; trade ex tension tour to Klamath Falls will hav a busy time. They will stop at many towns of Importance In the Wil lamette Valley on both the frolng- and return trips and will be entertained at eeryplac by local committees. Th first stop on tha southern trip will be at Albany, Tuesday evening, September It. They will remain there for several hours, arriving; at Graqts Pass the following morning. Grants pass. Medford and Ashland will' see them Wednesday. They are due to arrive In Klamath Kalis . Thursday morning and will spend the day at the agricultural fair there. On the return Journey th principal feature will be th luncheon at ' Eugene. President Campbell, of th University of Oregon, has Invited them to partake of a meal prepared by the domestic science class and the Portland peopl hav accepted. They will be In Junction City long enough to see the. pumpkin show , and perhaps to eat pumpkin pie. They are scheduled to arrive in Portland at :S0 o'clock Krlday evening. The train will run between Albany and Corvallls In both directions, providing for a two hours' stop at Corvallls on the, north bound trip. The complete list of those who will he In the party Is: Studebaker Bros. Company, agricultural Implements, L. F. Weaver; Schwarsscnlld Bulzberser Companr. packers; O.-W. R. N. Compsny. -William McMurrar: Portland Commercial Club. C. C Chapman, manager promotion department; J. G. Mack a Com panr. furniture, carpets and draperies; Lumbemeni National Bank; Fairbanks. Mors Company, scales, trucks, engines; John A. Roebllnrs Sons Company, wire cloth, netting, rope; Kllhsm Stationery a Printing Company; Brcymin Leather Com pany. Otto Breyman; Dougherty-Ftthlan Shoe Company, Paul DHs; M. Seller tt Company, wholesale crockery, glassware, tinware; Marshall-Wells Hardware Com pany; Hart Cigar Company. Sol Hart; O. N. a E. Walter Company, wholesale carpets, llnolenm: W. B. Olatke Company, commis sion. W. B. Glafke; Neustadter Bros., whole sale men's furnishings: W. . L- Keats Auto CompuUw Hmry Wetnhard Brewery, Paul Wesslngar; Imperial Stock Company; Chana lor L.yon Motor Supply Company; Pack ard Motor Car Company. Frank C. Rlggs; pacific Hardware a 6teel Company, A. C Cailao; W. P. Fuller Company, paints, olla, glass. C. B. Woodruff, mawager; Pa cific Coast Biscuit Company. J. L Wicker ham. secretary: H. Bock with, general agent Wells, Farge Company; Merchants Na- tlonal Bank, Wilfred P. Jones; Great North ers Railway, Archibald Gray; 8. P. 8. Railway Company, W. E. Coman; Dwight Edwards Company; O.-W. R. N. Company, H. K. Ixransbury; Pacific Paper Company. I. A. Cotton, secretary; Goodyear Rubber Company. F. 8. West; Ladd & TUton Bank, E. Cooklngham, vice-president; Llpman, Wolfe Company: The J. K. Gill Company; Honeyman Hardware Company; Meier Frank Company; Flelschner A Mayer Com pany; Allen a Lewis, L. A. Lewis, president) Mason a Ehrman Company, Incorporated, Harry Beck; FKhlan. Barker Shoe Com pany; A. H. AverlU Company; International Harvester. Company of America, L. W. Car nahan; E- Henry Wemme; Arthur P. Tlfft. attorney; O.-W. R. N. Railway Company. John M. Scott; McCargar, Bates ft Lively, insurance, W. E. Pearson; Portland Railway, Light A Power Company. B. 8. Josselyn. president: E. C. Atkins Company. G. F. Bar. ringer; F. H. Rothchlld. wholesale liquors; Portland Brewing Company. A. I. Blitz; HcJ msn Transfer Company, S. W. Herrman, president; Blake. McFall ft Company; Umb denstock ft Larson Company. J. Fred Larson; George A. Lovejoy; Plttock ft Leadbetter Lumber Company. F. W. Leadbetter, presi dent; Evening Telegram, John F. Carroll, editor: Ellers Piano House. Hy Ellers; Ore gon Journal, C. 8. Jackson, president and general manager; Fisher. Thorsen Company, president, M. G. Thorsen: Pacific Door Com pany, president, M. G. Thorsen; Graves Muslo Company. F. W. Graves, president and manager; Morning Oregonlan. Addison Ben. nett; Burrell Investment Company, Walter F. Burrell, president and manager; Paclflo Telephone ft Telegraph Company, C. H. Moore: Albers Bros. Milling Company. W. F. McKllbon: J. A. Pllklngton, nurseryman. Guy Pllklngton. Grants Pas Withholds Action. .GRANTS PASS, Or., Sept. li. (Spe cial.) At a meeting of .th city coun cil this week the Home Telephone Com pany made application for a franchise to operate within the corporate limits of the city. A year or so ago the com pany tried to come Into the city, but the opposition was so great among th business men against a two-fold sys tern that a defeat was suffered. Whai the general sentiment of the council is at this time upon another system has not yet been expressed, as the franchise was directed to pass through the hands of the city attorney befora baing heard .or atted upon by tha couhcilmen. , 21 Drop of Blood Or little water from the human system when thoroughly tested by the chief chemist st Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., tells tho story of impoverished blood nervous exhaustion or some kidney trouble. Such examinations are made without cost and is only a small part of the work of the staff of physicians and surgeons under . i i ... l 1 1. u i pt.nw nivinp rne nmr tne aireciiuu ui ui- jh medical advice possible without cost to those wno wisn iu wmo - -- symptoms. An imitation 01 natures metnoa 01 restoring waste of tissue and impoverishment of the blood and nervous force is nsed when you take an alterative and glyceric extract of roots, without the use of alcohol, such as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery Which makes the stomach strong, promotes the flow of digestive juice re stores the lost appetite, makes assimilation perfect, invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches the blood. It is the great blood-maker, flesb-bnUdar and restorative nerve tonic. It makes men strong in body, active ia miad and oool ia judgment. Get what yon ask for 1 1 i