THE SUNDAY OREGOMAN, TORTLAND. SEPTE3IBER 24. 1911. 18 a W HAVE fc-eo au; tir.J i .'as on en of m t-iu. rai er e tnt . ve hom-r on ri ar. I li ' T., . p.a.- eta &e ro.-a rmp' y f p 'I. rni . riiMvir'H. IT oJ arc i1 ir-c "- Mxr.'.ff Ccc: .e. -t of tl ;a:r.rr 'w n-i - u s-Vut t h-- CHA.IN ilr.KKW. 3S- n in-.-r rtf r.-n:r.-f:. IjK VI TIKI l roo.n hwS-. iu;np t' V nn-l B Hthrrne v . fa.l l " .'- s- ut. f u ' jr apc .a-a-a. n ---.rnr. f THiii lr . u--s plan i.:o. -i rr. n AM. St. t .i--Ter BEAfTIFri. new hm tn R!tM: f--r : rent completer f urn .vh-"d fr tnntn. Ttiii p..- has tDout J -t of g t- a 14c 4 bom. .- us K,oa. lie. its lor . 1 rtrs nm.rv. 31 J 'jmf-T of ( on:nrrt. I r.v--T-.s , oath. an-" h-r. ' f.T.'. ait 2 firr:h ftA 1 At h at. Ni.iin S. f.j. A5.f i fro-n n m 'r n. b.r lv trap!, n-w w-wl irJ rr-. iT:r n-. O in rr ir.f.rrotJ .n nJ kT c.t Al a - A 4Tr. . I iftVIS.'.T'S. mh ( . nr !r-lnt n j car. ir.olro Mm, romp!' r frn;n-1. m-m nd 3 imping pvr I'aw e-aJ. ; -S. t MufERN T-rm furniaftm h- i. rant Hr--okirTi cr to 57 A Kt trt C. .i- woo3 1717. -J.o'M hui- na liro. :rt. In f. r. u:. !-!! n a pr:ty r for nr: ned. i 2.V1 ad ;-ih t-. auiy far- THE S'lAV-bAR C.. Mi:n r.i.r ni hir.-'o;ne: fjrr. t Vrtb II,,' d rirt. rf-r- 7-rvrn n-- ;r m . H P l-:mr-J.n-a p.Iy f irr.lhd. furn.-. f.rpi mw,A Mrr hNi'f . east. r!..a t- r"d ft-""-, nice neigh borhod. Thna Wo.:. rrn 1-W. . COM FI.KT ELY "f if c.ied m h e: ' la Kut S l-. has and -r- inclty. fumif. rrr,n' mnt tire n.aje. trepln prcn. Pb -aa H 1-? SXvE furniand cV:ttsr. !U ah-re ronntal e"uple u w to oni f-r d. cu :" 3 M- 1'ark at. p OS Wi :rn:t lle:hta, n-w. mod-m. h.. wt- v f jfLjiii,! bous. roon-.a. d in-r.j m an 1 bath, eeptnf Pri NKA t-rom sn-tern home, with a.eeo l-.e norrn y.r n e-lv fuTnihed. for J rMore Vain 713 bet. M A. M. and 6 V M M( " fl-dV ';ty car line ai J anl 3 nwn TeL. it :i r unda. Cregoo Cltjr Karm r !. Vr- -m ho-isa f1 rent for rro-nra N . near A.txrta ndy. , lo? fc Lh Caa be m V f am i d I-r' m h, aii moj -lrt lov-s " la St.. ?outh tlaw rn cor. Tairnct s. " a-i'ir's only. ItJ hi- ,r.TLT fur .1. pmm house. liroofc! f n. Js Z utsiinr tmr . buac -ow. :rc- gAr.lfn. Vkni p -t.y ijfuKn-u. in S !rt-i!tta en U st H -. i m;n-n--s tws rnt m-p. fr 1T3. laveetlga'a V.i ehne rst &. or address A P 4-. Oregontan. . room liar. he-H n -'- nnlr p:-n. Rent f.'. :n tl:anc A r rniH f-r roomers, large faiu. y. R X Oregon ran HAU'.AIN newly furned mod-ra -roota f at iir;:ni !-k-hq. few mmutaar t i to P O . If yoa a-e looking ''.!'- and Income. ea this at oac. a i-er-d V e( l ark. BY n-ar. at a sacrifice, furniture f se.n r m airt.1r f at . tour rjo rented t-rir.g Inc. me enoug n to pay rent and heel. s st ante, maw neighborhood- C4 A Til , JWr.UI. - I ia sutte of farnitare ready rr run" anj Ca.l or M or. day af vernoon. rom ! I I S "t St. Ii.-T fjrn'shed S-rooio f:at la the e ty. ( of quartered oak and leatner fur r turt, bargain, sear la cash or lerma, rSon E rniture of 13-roon h -iie on N"U .r at a b-rgln. H eom- n-r-'hed and money-maker. Tnon :i p;e-e' NiNF-K'M hnuie. ail '! ht roni ; Urge atu- and basemen: a-minnt wn k frrn P O ci--.i-nl nelgiborhoot. For par-f!-T3're dlr.-ea A' . (-"n'iit t, . iLl'TKI.T modern I-r'oa f'.at. Nob Hill arar:rnent bouea service: furniture new" and attrw-ti-eg. barya'a before Ocio- a i;rHiV4. hor for rent and furniture for ,i i i or pert; rnrr rvnt-d; m re ten rays rsn'. Inquire Morrlsoa. fr.r lT:b F H R k.N T - thre-rom f . furnttura f r s e ch or t-rnis; " income . w king dlsrance; by ct. 1. Fhone East S14A i l molm houe ; tew f urnltuie; cheap. Then ere of g-oand. furnltur od i:a r AH' I AlN in t jrnttur set en rooms , IA mth; parties leading town, , AL e- FT KN I Ti I'-'. ; -1 or reAjonb e I g in r. rrt f et for I cash. AJ N I ELY f urr ihed 7 - room Mt. c!ojmp. nio.' . ern opportunity rent roon;s: f-i'l. net over expene. E 4-1. Oregonlan. fACp F ICE 5-room lumbhH horse f.r cah. g"Ml ftrnttii-e. I am going into m n home Ri h st . ccr Market st r I RNITl liri of t r vin f Wl .klrg d,s lo rem; t i 4''. ute.l that 1 M sne.l I u. - iil llTH CT. 7-rm hie. rent f 4 good I'watton for drejmaker. sewing m a rnm-. etc.; no children or dog a ,t.RO'K house. iea. furniture eoMd ma hogany bedroom and dining-room set. Market st. FlRNiriRE of -rom fiat f-r sa.e : three rooms vM mora than py rcnu N. X R A LE Fur en!i two moi v!:; hrd: it. ure for seven ricms, use a. g ood c or. d 1 1 '. o n ; I '. JO :;auire di3 Fianrf-ia st ri'RNITl'RS room cottage, near Washing- oa su; part cash, terms. Marsh 4 J T. e T rVKMsH E D N ic B-roora teaat!ful oek furniture. Leaving wl.i ae.l at fcarsa:n. East M' A. f at. city. FITRNITVRB of ft-room flat, used S months. 10 minutes to P. C 1M wlU hand.e. CaJ Sunday. College. KRMTfRB 14 rocn modern. Weal 5lde. Ms to 7"TL nicely furnished. in; no a gent a. Fl hMlt'RP of ft-roo.n fii f.r sa; rv. thing comp'-etev pfone East 1-J CiJ Lat Acat.y st . corn-r i.itX rtet A H RMTlRi of -rm f at. mnlrrn. he:. ;nt 1I. trcome -4. close In, prtce Pb-'pe Vm IX. Fl HNITt RE cf i-rMim tn ockI. lot 7ia". herry fr cr'.f fr. Jie::0'd iern house. je;;-'!:-.. good p.aca modern I fire n , c h Nr h oi. furni:;-d. snap. attr,-tiey i"h .rte X tn li-l K r'Xt rrt' . fum.anel. cheap. .r t. a.i mornings. I to 1? A R VFi'iAlN T-r -m c-o p.r !r , v far- n'sh'! a:, modern f:t. h", Park. F-R PAI.E Furniture -r xon .1 rooms mere than p rert. Fhne A 4757. Fl ; . I I tit-' ot c::ii r Hir i (or reel. rtelreMe l.'vaHo n 4QJ Clav st. a RvM4 conp.ete. cheap if wa":-.g distance. I .loni ta a n East C HOC'M ' rent. - S rooms brirg IUov Mi l st. A S"AP r.orn fitt. . rent rhi e.-rr.p ee;y fiirr.lshed. ns Ma:a 1 ! 7 l. FOK ALE r-ms rf fu f ill o h.ardera. APT .Itur: hm now 4-1 N'Tth ."! st. Jo CA.-H. Ect terms, roomers, Marsh s.I 1 11 r 1 4 hue l ihur s F RT LAN r fnt . t rent, fur cor. ;i-h- J1 r tr rer. '. f urn I' u re fo' sa ie. . nea- .".th rT farlln 1C-K'M houe part:v fure.,,3j. ria. rufr. l-M-a':-c. ba-i:. Man to'. " Ite:glite houe ft g.t!n :n f-imtture Phre V 5"!. FT' R I TI RE for room ho . faP Fvr pn:cu'.i.t call -in 7t.'L FOB MM. 11 Mi- tmr Krai. 1 umlivrt tmw fe-ala. riKSITVUE roil SALlv -VM miihi'fiiy b-e-i sets. Clrcas S'an ..j oiM. n nI fufi ( coer- mr ovrr f i . hr.i-?nt ro:J' 4 .cur ta.ns. bauf j1 china S"-t of 1-U pm:M. n w rnmbmi! ton t n4 oril rsr. ge. -irs-, rf. :--. In fat I have oer .:T't or n-w s'uff and !f Jou "! rail lo-dav ro-j mm have It mil for si.iio. never st:-"!. a et--ifi--e in this cttr. fr-it I m-ist bv 34 nlav next la- T:te of ''J T-m b If M-i-ahai. i r- l M.r. a y .'urn .-roru hout, J can b'iy tnia furn,:ura d'r.t fr-.m ffMtrrr. J?u1. on :rt. p..nrnt at . ip.fDi.l p.c tr l.irt!r'. r. n: oc;y -l . total prt on trr;:; m L ao.d tad wiii t 'At M i'4. l ri..ia 1 J. Juatto. C. h.".'. liun-Ur or v-n;n. M. 7-1 i. 7 ' ' K fimiur In 1 room fT al ; rl . n- f urn.-. - ci n: f aur crfil'. r f in vll ir. A liAH'.AlN fan b ul a p -.vat hrua or Wotti-t- i-a-4ins li-u. Inquir owner. r:NT-f'.i, jr. lrn i-ritn h"W. j!e-tr: Itrhis and !amn ind T'.ora. ry )-"- fr ii;forn.. Fil A?;i. near Sua. i h f jrna. r-r.a ; ""-)' I a ir t;j: &:!. 1 ;.wk f-m s-A M f:t. !(..; ir Addition, a;pinK- p r n. at t fcn-n.nt. furnace: rr.t - - ur la alid q'lartcr-an"' oaK. Im- t qu.i!- Hurm near ona month 4. Will a i if.iu.n baric nn account l.avin cltj. I'hor.a fcaat rrRNITTtE f'r and house to r-nt. arrnsd in tr.Kla rooma and bouekrp- r.c u.'. firnitur n. ai aner ?ua' (!r. UH, 1 1 1 1 at htorei fTuHr: in modern Lrlrb; hulldlnr nearln on. on urand ave.. at tax. op porua V r(tan-Au hey Furniiura Co. tore- any -ie from l-0 ft. up; 2W t. r! .i e-s. f ir a m-t any kind of boainesa th's locatiOB oCera ire greatest oppor Unity of any In Portland: especially ood opn.njr for bakery, c-n t- lonTr and dei lva:p'n. also fr e.e tr.cel fn:ura UutiGA N. FLIKD.NtH IiOlCiw fliS Ai'r.toa tlla. CROL'N'J i:or tor". lxU. at W:h "t., nl w ho aa 'e rooms on -t 3d floors li ie-r l: . oj Wrii'il n;ir. at corner 7 h ir I Oil. s:- i. P. I'!ir.r-J. 'J i.nnnirrrUl Cub b.df. Phones n :. A : R-lrront l.i. Ifcl tiriid. To. li Ail T M AN THOMPSON". Rrai E - a:e LpL. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CI orM KI,fuh a-.ore. 2..10i ft., at "th sr. ard u ho.t-ie rooms on -d and 2d r o.-s in new l'u A Wr'ght b.df.. corner 7h and Oaa sta. 11. P. Faimer- Co . ) .'uinm-rcici Club 1 g- ! o Main . A -: VV; h. -r le-se 3 tine iv ator.s on th . W. corner of 1st and liaison. be us f.r pa: t : -J a ri CH.PLV at HERI.Ow'. 37 Change- of . inmrce. it ia; -r.ic nl ! mni on 1-lh st. be in i rurk and j.h:rj: n s:. . prfce 9 ; pr tionth. I'l.iuT Jurifi i-o,, i nr.r. Ciub bluif. 1 'hoove lan ti a IK t near J story brl a. ts lou; p.Kt g ass front; lth and Ms.a:l. sjltaDle f I Jobbirg manufacturing or retail will lease one-If; ill vide sioce to si' r tenants, lotg lease. A. i Long. FC'R It EST Sv Mi Ar.eta s-h per mD'i. si. Phon re w!ih Itvlng rooms, oppo !; grod buK.nes stand. 13 w n,r. W. Rotp.1. los East aat l .'d. ' U RENT I-arge rom. r.ri!7V ln.-.udlng t a Be :ii, ii t. u u. for ST"ra je room, rent r n I. Inquire lil 7:q s:.. or phone Nun --'v iEW s'"fa t :orth est ri of Fourth ad J- fferson ts. re- u f jr partlouiara. I AKK;.-!'. W ATKINS - CO.. .0 AMer g FtK RENT eUore on Vlorrleoo St.. belw 1st ard d sts. Wtll s- i b varant Also a corner. Lammeier. -l Hoard of Traule d 3 by 7 second floor, good ;ght lesse. .-en; ron-' ;! ; sj t.ihie f.i mar.ufa -turitig. A: ; y IJ" Front 8Toi:E.r ftores::: 'EMI A TEHRT. s ri.i'O. main to N.' 477-7l Wi:;iams Ruapeil stree;. J WaVson. enuev near 4-4 i'umb!a s Rhone Main 11L ht. L!(AL stores a: east end MaJ.aoo-su tr.-'ge ?o to 140. according t else, quire 271 Hawthorne ave. iTil.I.TNETt Y or"""br b r ' s shop. 3 S ih!y Roid. Look this up. and UKIK store. 21i" F-lrchlid. 173 E. j 1 1th and Hawthorn. loth- Offlee. Sl!T: of a rooms, or atr!e. freight aecom motlanocs Ud floor. Phoenlg bidg.. (th ni oak sts.; Suitable lor wholeaaJa or wic agerita. X LAK ;K rooms In new brick at ISth and a. rou.h Rghu hull aspeciaily for No: as' la. lor. m!g- mtoiner. etc Mii aiO.-r CENTRALLY Ia'ATXI OFFICES ATI-nlaht elevator service: special In ducements on yearly 8U3 nwetlacd bMg . 6th and W ssalngt ttt. W;r.L rent on of my millinery rooms for dressmaker or suitable business. Phona Main 4 DtMKAi'LK o.ft room for rent. CO, LIU?. lUN'.I.ER & Lewis I'lc. PEMKAl-l.r; off .'o r.x'Ti for nuU 1 HAS. M.N'.li K Aj L'O.. I'll Lewis Hl1g. TUO-THIRDS of lar.e, I fhi. furnished of- rf-e. ur rr phone end typewriter; rent 1J. ajl Fal'.lrg bMg. E.-K roin In nffl.-e. with use of telephone. , tregon:an. Ailtlresa A 4 OFFICE (- for rent; can turn Is u desk. Marsnsll -4 .-it i'm oft., Loo!i for rei.t. -Mh ji.l jriiiy :s up. TOR. d -ra. pa. it. new Ho k. '4; Wood au n fc3. hI4.L.L oT.ce with use f I'hun'. giod i 4' -. Oregonta; ion. creip rent. A; LK.-K rom for rent, hrat, llaht and phone $y a month. 81 Railway Exrhanse. r dcikro-Mti r. rear 3d st un ground fioor at SI' A'd JIAI.F of office with phone. S10 per month. C..: nt Ml Hoirl T Trade btdr. llatla. HALL VOit RENT. E- R. Hail. 77:h anl Hathome. season 1911 12. for society and ciuo danres: ele gantly equipped; $10 par n.ght. Fleming A Winters. M7 Chamber Commerca. Phone M. 14.1 TO t-KSR. TO LEASE. Win build modem warshoosa to atttt tenant, on R. R. track, close to tast end cf Aiblna ferrv s!lp; cheap rent. CHAS RlNdLEK 2X. 11 Lewia Rldg. FOR LEASE lOOsi.M) fe-t on 2 and Pohuy lr at a. East riide; g k1 for ws rehouse or garage purpoaea. Apply A adJ. Ore-gr'.sn- TWO good ground lease propositions, one on Stat k. th other on &in su. at low valuation: fine for apartments. a lota st. tnear Ptark). BTMNrva OPfHRTTXrTTE. POOL ROOM. Ogsrs, tobacco, candy. !. cregm : S poo; inr c. several card tables end doing a nice business, clearing over ?.'0 per rarmth. ifi J years with pri-. l ege of fie; we ha half of this building rented, for $.'... r. nt for $.10 per month: rf!'' $-'t, llberai terms; mlht consider STiail larm. HIVTER REALTY CO. Poard Trad. Marana!! 1777. Ail07. W A N T E I 1 .! TO n,0. along It ft a man who poesesrrs good gra brims, to f. nance the moat moo em e-lucattnal Ins ruiiient to date. Patent la ee.-ure 1. instrument perfeCLe,l, Indorsed by i he highest educators, if yo-j have the rf.i. tnveattgate at ok . Address V 44 d, regonLaa. OOOI cpen!ng for a live man to step Into estb:: sited bus:rss and mak IjOO to f .vi monthly, jto required. Pric Is Iras than cost of g-ds. and best of help to teach you the bus:r:eaa. Other business ra'.la ine to Texas It w!i pr you to In est 'gate. P 42, ;an. bPEC Am alone; neei r. p in rhy high-class business, ntt ing $-i-o mon'h y ; w i:i hire ou tr snont n to give trial befora you cay. O. A. KICHfJ INV. Co.. ftf "wetland B 4g Fi'U ALE Oanir.g and bus! ne . ow ter must sU this ok; open lay. A. 1L 12 bJ4 Mississippi l INTKP.rT In well wtka. West ide. t Fh ir.e owner Sunday. ee'.Viliehed Oaring us:n. m taught f re-. C r- Jl, East P17. BY i.WNKK. the beat payitg hu-.r, i c;v. ay trirf. A i. 4j. ' PAl.OOV Long lea denendenl i.eetee ft. centrally located; J 4;v Oregonlan. h'lt SALE Four chairs. Call 2i 1st st bootblack siaa Bt'SlVrSS OrrORTlMTIES. R KI.IA Elt.S man. bandy with too: a. or a gwil butrr, wlliinr to lorK an.i tnvewt a fw hundred d-j..ara In manufacturing and oparattnc ana of tfaa faatrat and ald money camrn In tha L'nlt'd Ptat and ana! P A KcIR THAN A NATION AL, HaNKa Will fttand tha Trr ctot inre:laiinn- Hi yi iant di .it;d ery yar for iiia. If you can de ioie to u t t:n.a to li uineaa. witl earn you from Jloo to J-o pr rr.onth. No i:.'"n or rtiii.a'r. m'n nantd. FLEAPK (KVE TifR riiuNt NUAIBIK. V Ci. rrirn!an. FINK CRO'KHJ. I-oritad In pared dur!rt. rm a Cod corner; alnck ) new. nxturas ar new and cvnmi of show, cases, el c trie corToa ni:i. meat cutter. aheUinc. and avery t nir.s; y u n ed la a iht; awd horts and vtRin; lr(fe taement. food monthly !; rent io per month ; pru- -'H0; w.;i exchange f.r farm. Hi NVKIt KKaLTY ro.. Poar-1 Tri ! Marnho'l 1777. A o'"7. prfl.VK'S OPrORTlNITT. A :i--tai i;hed nianuficturint busl Dsa. we. I I - atf.l: h plend.d patronsri; If is prfttai. and will be r the closest lrecTjon. On account of old ae. part w sha t- ret!r. w fu!d consld r an rhsnge for ity pr.tperi v or property In cf.d tow n In l ii;am"tr Valley. Tha pr e of the place ia ll'J'K). Including m,a chinrv and material. Hnt ras r.tblu. OTTO HAHKHO.V KKALTV Cy., 14 First Streeot. FOR PALE By owner, a fine establlsh-d bus'nrsa for IS rears: corner location, downtown, conststlnc of a good, clean et.vk of tobaccos, clears, confectionery. fru.i trm rim. aoft drinks, stationery and news: good aoda fountain with larRtt French pla: mirror; locket s unierneain. Will sell ork at Invoice, furnlttire and r.Tturea $ -"hi; rent Is ISO Owner wishes to retifa. Address M 41. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT 1EN INVESTIGATE. I have my businas now 8 years clear ing me 2iK average a month, which is I centrally located restaurant with 8 liv ing rooms up stairs; any msn who wants to work can make monry with It- I mad enoush and wish to retire. Aak my fc''nt V. H'rHA. 4-0 CHAMBER OF COM MERCE. B.VOMER in this city Sent. 22 at the h.i. of hce mnn Thomas ( TtloOmer. 1 N "let st.. Maria H. Bloomer, atted '10 ivra T m.mlhi liJ fl AV- helOVed Wl of A. T. and mother of A, B.. Jr.. and Th'irnaa C. lilcomer and Mrs, Lsura Mo Danarl. Funeral services from Enst S:da Funeral tMi-c:ors. 414 K. AlUer Sl. on da. Septemper lo, at 2 P. M- CONFECTIONERY. Business $10 per day; this stork con- alata of light crreries. clear, tobacco, Re cream; natures ar goo 1. located close In on F-tM fJide; rent per monin, price 9 im: would cons' der small larra. lil'NTEl; REALTY CO.. JJJ-fi Board Trsrle. Marshall 1777. A.i07. RfSINESS OPI'OKirMTIES. We hae counto' scores from -S.TXA tip to S40.oo. and opportunities In nearly e cry k'nd of a R-K.tlmate business, and handle only opportunities of merit, which wi.l atar;. l voji- fi.-eai in yoaticat ion. K. KUCHS. 4 JO CHAMBER OF COM MERCE. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY OWN YOt nwv nr:si.L:s.s: atari wagn VACITM CLKA.MN'O bt:s ir ess : profits I0 to -" dnv: No CfM PETITION; field un- limited; ". to J(oO required, part cast, b;iant-, voniciits; on.y tine wujfon In t-o in-y. js.vrif ..AL VACUUM MA CHINERY CO., lM)ion. O. kM altne in w ell-e Lublia.ied office and need partner: have my -wn close-in acre age sul divisions; property selling rapidly; want good mun t- lake half Inter.- t in entire tuslncaf. Can show heavy sales in Sine money required. Call H14 Couch b'-ig. INVESTMENT, desirous of svcurlng t. raiaMrt nmn who will We are serv- Invett Ices of 1 5 (krt with services in manufart urlng concern wilt bear tho strictest 444. Oregonlan. an o'd-established In Portland. TM Invest Is-aMon. AB SMALL capital ta-! Independent business: mak .V to JIO oy: "A.nrun" machine honea rasors. ihnp-ni a.l kinds safety r.tir bofl-s. cl.picrs. seaborn. -tc. 3Tcr. Mnols Cutlery Co.. 1MI Washington, Chl rj so. WAN rf.' .Vjn to work In small cna h business as partner, as owner has more tusui-f tiirfn he tun han't; will p. ou : nry nnd prns ; very lit Me m-T.y required. Room Lumber Ex change. KEI 7ARLE re.i! cutt man handling sua u:bn acreacs un.ter contract ana cty property wants ste.v-ly man as partner to slow customers property: sais will show that be never makes Us than 40 month ly. H-orn r21 Lumber Eachanse. PARTNER WANTED. I need a sober, reliable as partner In my !7e; ha a good proposition for right party. U- A NICHOLS INV. Co.. 706 SWella ::d Rldg CONFECTIONERY and cigar stand, doing a cn business. spiendii location, price 7iO. $4xi down, balance monthly. W. w. JORDAN, uio Lumbermena bid. M Un S700. Wl'PT PIDE 'ONFECTIONERT. R!g moey miker; trn.lo over $40 j day; will itivoj-f at-uut i.-intrt HALL gt GLSTIV. 11 WMBERMEN3 BL1K1 POOI, 1!0"M. SIDE. Oeod lese. li rent; about $50 a day bufftnas ; 3 pool tables, sod i fountain, confectionery, c -ars and fruits. $1600. B. A. Crande. 71 Yeon Mil jr. pOfLTRY FARM FOR REVT. Fully erjulred with Incubniors. brood ers, pens. b-il!d nffs. etc. Van R. De Lash muTt. at Witch Hurl, or RV1 Sherlock bu tiding, rort la nd. REPTAl'RANT DOWN TOWN. Seats 10; bu- nii over lo every day; S-vear lease right In the heart of the city; will trade for city property; $400X B. A. Crandelle. "Ol Yeon bldg. FOR SALE One of the best-appointed mov ing picture th-aters in portiana, at a sno riftce; partners don't airree; dun't answer this unless you mm business and can give security f o r l"ngV . l t 4-':0, re onj a n. Wori.P LIKE TO LE SE hotel or store In cunntr town or tarin or rancn; would rav ash: and buy stock. D. F. M'gg!nbotham. Brooks. Or. WAN TEI- Eperlen ed sawmill , man to take substantial interest in mm ana log ging proposition, fully equipped ; fSOOO cah necessary. A F. 444. Oregonlan. WANTED A partner who has knnwledce of prices or engraving ana printing; ex rept lonely good offer; must have some mun'y. Address C 4'.:i. Oregonlan. OFXTLR1A and t.i-t'iy; owner will gnnr- te. is py tntr i 'o mommy ni ; inn g.icr. before ir.vcs'lng. Room 5-3 Lum ber Exchange. WANTED rerson with loVH or more to Join in legitimate business enterprise omls:ng large returna; investigate, s-Farro bldg. WaNTKD rn or woman with $1M to ln- v.t In Mat mon.y.maklnir proposition In rnrt:nd; m)ccB, ffuarante.4. Apply 202 Tth at. Prtl.NTINO plant, conipi.ta IftxlS Gnrdon jobt-ar. 2.-lnoh cutter, lara-. compo,inc !: n. 75 chim O'pa. etc; food condition. SI0 Flrat at. CIGAR FTAND?. On th Wt Flda: r.nt 2 fTHO. HALL GUoTIN". fll I LUMBERUEjrS BLDO. FOR 6At.i: at a bargain, cl.anlnc and praa In, worka doing rood Duainaaa. must an, fin, away on arcount of 111 naaltb. oA3 Waahlna-ton at. Pnon. M S3 90. lIOVIN plotura theater, locat.d !n on. of f'Oriiana . r. lurnutl luauru., igr .... cheap. Tha la a mor.ey-mak.r: good rca- r-n i"T l'.lnc. O Ortgorlan. Clt't'Kr.T and cof.cTionr.T with llvina r.iomf. rnt. rm.r, narpain at PA F TV ER want..!: pylrc rpartmcnt mall lnrftni.nt. AB h.-aat; w e.t fio.; 4" 4. Orcnnlan. BISIN'Kfrrf woman partner wanted: fine antrtmnt-nouse; utile money. a. .4.1. Oregonlan. OTKI- y rooms, that Is paying $7.'r.o mi.i'My over s.t expenses. Room 5-3 Lumber Fxchenge. VINl pu-tiire theater. West Side, show ing w-ekl- profit abov. exr-er.sej. or ro sale. Owrer, J 4. Oregonlan. FOR RENT Moat markst, furnished. choice location, rat six rnon Mi WANTED A good clean grocery a'.ock; must b. a bargain, toe. Air. iiartin. j. W. Davis A Co . Commercial block. COLLECTOR wanted for a co'Iectlng Room 523 Lumber ss.ier as partn.r. Kxeharge. TONS of green tomatoes st your own 430 Worces- price. Hoddin. Main ltfu. ter bide. ".M A f.I. grov.ry store that la doing cash bu:n.s et r.aiiy; nw. itoom o-a Lumler Exchange. W A VT ED Small fru'.t or candy store; glv. 711 Gllsan St. particulars. Hansel. DRI'GSTC.RK wanted, or location to open one; city or country, u 4-fS. t'regonian. A NT F I c.i:: for -Fa-tner 'n real estate business, non.. 32. Wor-etr b'dg. GOOI cook with few hundred dollars as restaurant- Q444. Oregonlan. Cafeteria, near Washington partner tn FOU F.VT.E- st. nrist be S"ld. O 441. Oregonlaat, 60 t-HAKfeTS of Fsm Anto call stock; tar- gala. Audrsaa M 40, orsgonian. BrSrX OFPORTfMTIia. AO F NTS WANTED TO HEPRESENT OiU'HARL LAN PS. IRRIGATED. NO CASH PAYMENT REQt'I RED We nel settlers; not their money. Lsnd r-aay fur the plow and mater avail aii for lrrlcatlon. Lo ated In famous Rogue River Valley Southern Os-etrori. r"rtnn 1 ' ,..-. and (limit. Our propii: kn and flnnniaT standing of company indorsed by National banks ana leading buiiRfn men. W also improve orchards and all on nr terms to suit ihos who cannot come out this year. f'hanc for r(m.l rnmmiulnnl by repre senting somthlcs: legitimate. Can y Ir. terra t Tr i.rHi n. ninfntPI. Com miss.ons do not Justify consideration of real estate arents. Send for printed mat ter anrl rror o( 'inn nts. P.OGl S Lands incorporated. io:s chamber of rommerce bidg.. Portland. Or., or aieo f"rd. Or. . PA LOON, flood location West fide. Ah-olmely Independent license. ' Pon t jw" a cent own everything. Have to sell on account of sickness. Less expires soon can renew if wauted. No a.;nts no commission. t?o,t take It If aoiri this WeK- faftf. cah reUter, furniture, stock, ev er) tiling goes, Li.en -a'd to Janulry 1. IC 41". Oregonlanr AN ANNT'ITY for 3o years Within a few days we wlM reive subscriptions for per cent preferred stock of lad mining company in heart of the Southeast Mis souri lead district. Shares In this mine practlra .y mesn an annuity for 30 year on arcount of the grent :onnage of ore shown. To insure getting a prospect ua v nen It comew from the nreas. make ap plication for It now. Arthur E. Stlllwall, president. J4l B'w ay. New York, N. l . Et'ROPEAX rtnttal- alliance established Eumoenn hanks supplies capital for sound enterprises all sorts and substantial size, corporation stock and bond Issues under- writ ten. bought or sold; railroads, mining. Industrial desirable monertles purchased. Correspondence invited. The International rtankrrs AUianc4S Mark Lane. Lonaon, England. PARTNER WANTED. Man wants reliable vouna man as part ner In cash business; wtll make you $C5 per week; very little money will handle It, Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bin. GEN. MDSB. STOCK FOR SALE. Will sell for cfish. stock of gen. mdaa.. Invoicing from 7O0 to fROOO: srood loca tion: brick building and In rent: city of about INwio population: e-ood fnrmlnr coun try: liberal discount for cash; no trade: ro storks or bonds; cash la all that takes. AV 427. Oregonlan. DTNINO PARLOR. Place la well located and serves meals In hours only; $3 rent: good lease: receipts about a day. Well-arranped living- rooms In connection; house furnishings ar.d all po: fl0. B. A. Crar.delle, 701 Yeon bl'g. r0 TOT? TVATA OOOD GROCERY?"" If you want one that will bear closest Inveatlgatlon and without bonne or fix tures, call at 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. for particulars. . CT1EESE rtl'SrNERS. Weat Side location. Does ?fr to 4n every dny. Handles dairy products all through: splendid opportunity for man and wife; 3- vest lease nnd reasonable r-rr: fi.irf), B. A. Crandelle, 701 Yeon bide. . MOvr"TMAKlVO corpot At'oTi. lncreIng It capltil. enabling It to do Tnrfrer business, bis a few shnres of sfock for sale at par, $ 1 on per sb re ; stock now w orth 1 r.O ; will stand the mowt rlarld In-rntigatlon; prlnoipals on I v. Address A 43. Or'gonTan. ONE Or THE BKT T V CITY. XKArt TH A NO W AHTVOTO!.' , aveuaok month:. y receipts ;i:tto. l:et time to bur; .Vver leis. Par-i'tilar" K loth st.. Stark. HAl INTEREST IX MNFGn. BT S1NESH. Will atrnrt the mot rleld lnvesMvatlon; manufactures wire specialties. This a flrst-clnss' investment and the business rhoms big prnflu; iO0. B. A. Craodelle. 7l Teon bide. llf.oo and services to Invest In etnnl!shed gnofi paving mercantile ousinena uy - psrienced bosIn"ss man. Country town P-e'erre. partner consJdered. X 40 Oregon'an. . HAVEhd 1 years experience In horrats !(. and to Invest with someone that has some cash to put In a hog farm: don't rw. r unUas you mean business. M 43S, Oregonlan. CONFECTION FRY ANT CIOAR STORE. Fixtures and stock invoice, cne in v. 3 living-rooms In connection; $10 rent; 3 res rs' lease : $17" Is a low price. B. A. Crandelle. 701 Yeon bldg. P. E STAt'PANT AND TIGHT GROCERY. Ha pood lease t xi.i rent; noea a very nice bulnes: juat the placo for man and wife to spend the W'nter; $20. B. A. Crnnd-Tle. 701 Yeon bldg. POOLROOM and clear stand. 2 tables and a rnmplete line or cigars ann todbccobi .o4 to.-atlon; doing a nice business, A3 4o", Oregonlan. FOR SALE i good general merchandise a small country town: must Address G. W. Smith. Apple- bulness, Bell at o ton. W In FOR SA LK F!rst-class candv store, best lo cation m cltv. on-estamisnea ousines; woulo take part In trade- Answer. P. O. brx WANTED Tor:e cnrpo'-ntlon wants 3 voung men over years oia wr.o can put. up; fft up peeurlty; responsible position. AJ oreeonlan. H;t.1 AND ,.-rvi-.e to Invest in estaMisncd. nss man: hnrdwar or ftirnftur. Una pre ferred. T 41. Oregonlan. dTor"K. bond offerlnr. Industrial, mlnlnc. rnllway. r'ectrlr wanted for snle; rommli elon has!. Full particuiara. Clientele, P. O. Flo. 078. New York. MOVTNa-PTfTl'RK ahow In city: fireproof; !.: eents S42; rood business. Price. 4io e.h: balance to suit. rail own-r. Main 3069. NTW. modern home for snle. in heart of IrvinKton: cnt front: everythlyie ps'd-e-nr "111 Bell at low figure. AX 4T..1. OreoniTn. PALOON FOR PALE, ' Prominent corner. 8-year leaso, rent very reasonable. Inquire 234 Yamhill. Phone Marshal! S4. S CIGAR STAXD. Onlv sin rent: doe. about $12 every day. Tbl Is one chance In a hundred : -only ?oa. . Tt. A. CrandMle. 701 Yfrn bldg. Gnor'ERY store. West Plde. for J45: rvlng-eooms' rent $15. Don't let It pas 'ill 303 Lumber exchange. MOr,'(J-rlrTrRK .how wanted, prefer town of 20oo or 3ono; give Tun partlculnri and price first letter. O 415, Oregonlan. FOR PALE Garage and repair shop In town of too: sz.i can mites tuoia ana stock. B. B. Brown, Oakland. Or. MINTN1 AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and other bonds bought and oM t Fletcher Inv. Co.. 225 Ablngton. WANT good-paying grocery store: IViust stand close Investigation; riv. full par ticulars In first letter. AT 445. Oregonlan. FOR SAT.E Meat market. If interested, look this up: a good buy. D 429, Ore gonlan. JL LIVE man with $1000 can make $2O0 -per month. Clean, legiumai. Dua.nesa References' required. 317 Oregonlan bldg. fs" Von have $300 and want to ct Into a good eash business, call at room 719. Carl ton Hotel. Sunday. RESTAURANT, doing good business, fin. location, beet proposition In Portland: a snap for some one. AF 447. Oregonlan. GROCERY Comer, cash business, rent $25; receipts $50 dally, will Invoice, up-to-date. Call 803 Lumber Exchange. WILL buy substantial fire Insurance agen cv; BBiwen confidential. I. 221. Orego nlan: GROr-vRY .rock and fixtures at Invoice, good location, Mt. Scott line: 4 living rooms. K 40S. Oregonlan. PALE CIrar stand on main street; 44 veers' lease, good location. 1 O. rtor 2otvi. cltjj . $'5 BUYS interest In cleaning and "pressing. West Side business, clearing $10 per day. Call 803 Lumber Exchange. FO' S il.E cheap, grocery, confectionery, cigars and fruit store. No agency. Apply 50 North th Stree WANTED Lady to Invest ready cash In good-raving business; A 1 proposition. AT 437. Oregonlan jlOVIVO picture theater, rood location; will atat.d lncstlvratlon: $5i down, balance weekly. AK 4'JO, Oregonlan. RESTAURANT for sal. ch.ap, good loca t'on. lnqulr. 8d t. North. Phone Main 9;.30. , RtSTAUKANT for sale cheap for cash: must be sold at once. Inquire 610. Ore gon lan blag- FROM private party. $I20O to Inveat, prop .rty value $400, 10 per cent on invest ment guarant.ed. K 4.'9. Oregonlan. 60 BUSINESS cards, $!O0; you must bring this ad. Rose City Pnntery. 18-1, Third. A HEAL HAKOAIX PAIXT.Esi PRICES. FOR SALE Williams 1 at Invoice, corner grocery. Ddl) V'OR CALL Jood pool tab,, at 6K4 Alberta St. CAtH grocery confectionery: good location; cheap if taken at once. Woodlawn So. FOR SALE Profitable general merchandise buslneaa at L:alld. Or. Wilson ilex. Oa. Br PI NESS OPrtHTTn'Ui. GET a home or a fine business In the GOL DEN WEST, In one of the beautiful Puget Sound or Columbia valleys, finest climate and soil In the world for commercial fruitgrowing; fine chanc for people witn small capital as well as large. We want a few reliable, enterprising parties tor nursery and orchard development In air ferent parts of the Northwest; can wore; with us and learn; pleasant, permanent work, good pay; must invest some money, anv amount ssfe and secure; a variety oi work; salesmen, practical nursery or or chard work, or office; good chance lor la-d!t-s at office work. Write for panic ula rs. Send for fine catalogue of Godn est Fruits, Roses and Flowera. Agent wanted everywhere. .ddrem KOKTH AMERICAN NTTRSERT CO. Engvolsen Bro.. Proprletora, Port Arjteles, Washington. WILL BELL; Almeda Con. Mines Co. Alaska Pet. Sc. Coal Black Eagles Camp. Auto. Safety Gas Oc-rman-Am. Coffee Metaiine Con L. S. Cashier .cheap . . .lu Br. f 1.05 . .. .$fli:5 .. .101-, is. 00 WILL FI T: Tort. Home Tel. bonds and stock. Port. Con. Pile A Eq. Fidelity Copper. Colum. Riv. Orchard bonds. Call at 2U9 Lewis Bids;. - RE a drv roods merchant. Sell underwear, dress patterns, skirts, dress fabrics, suits. Start right In your own town; big prorlf- W e furnish hundreds or sampie. e.iu t.rrlmrv Sell anv OUantltV aDOVfl H ard: line different from dry goods stores. so every woman buys. Written guarantee with each sale. Write for catalogue. rew f Dreaa fiaoda Co.. Dept. 537, St. Louis, Mo. HARDWARE BUSINESS; NO COMPETI: TION. T hla la flne Tntistness !n Country -town - owner will sell for part cash and balance on terms to responsible party, rnru. lara room 313 Lumber Exchana xbldg. Three pool and one billiard tables, all in good condition; has a good stock or cigars and tobacco; does over $300 a mo. ; onlv $.0 rent and a 2 year lease; place arranged in good order; SNAP a.t $SXfc. is. A. cranaeiie, i l yeon diub- sviii.i. mnder-t sash and door factory in citv oeiient location: large grow lng country to supply: will sell business anH ii nr leaBA nroDCrty: would take miiiwnrw in tart Day. Address box U. Bay City. Or. FOR SALE: Ice plant, creamery and lee cream in connection. This is a growing concern in a city of flOOo population, uooa outside territory. Reason for selling un able to manage business. AV 480, Ore gonlan. CAFETERIA Xor sale; not a dead one; I real live paying "business; if you want a monev- filler- look this up '. close inves tigation solicited; will sell cheap on ao- go n 1 an. YOTTKO MAN. FTRANGER. Make careful investigation at expense of seller before you invest money in any proposition. Advisory Department, x. M. LOOK INTO IT. Chiropodist, with established and op want tn enlarsre practice; for this reason a lady or gentleman Is n td na aiipnt or active partner. AJS. 4.10, Oregonlan. GROCERY STORE. WEST SIDE. ront and .Vyear lease. Over $100 dav business: 70 per cent cash; horses and wagons, stock and fixtures; will Invoice aboul SOlToO. B. A. Crandelle. 701 Yeon bldff. WANTED to work gravel claim In South ern Oreirbn on percentage; know now to save gold from experience; full particuiara first letter: no agents. Lloyd Deniaon, 4-T North Second St.. Corvallla. FOR SALE Delicatessen and cafeteria, imo location, paing wen. lire rrpmanou ., " strictly home cookina;; reason for selling, other business interests require all atten tion. AJ 417. Oregonlan. li- ou are looking for a business opening, call on us. We will see that you are lo cated richt; no charge- for full Informa tion. Kinnev & stampher. nsi-S Lumber Exchange bldg.. ad and Stark sta. ON account of th rapid growtn or ron - land, we are compel iea to rnmntv out business; would like to get Into communi cation with some gen Up man wlti $12,000. G 441, Oregonian. " BOND INaL'ES. $100,000 upwards, negoti ated. Corporations orcramzeo. rranumew matters L. N. Rosenbaum, lawyer and financial agent. 214-218 Halght bldg., Se attle. Wash. . WANT TO INVEST. ' T have a client who wlihcs to purchase an Interest In a going business In Ore gon. Give fu:l particulars and price. E 4 IS. Oregonlan ROOMING-HOI SE BARGAIN, j 25 neatly furnished rooms, all good fur niture; a 3-year lease; $i5 rent; a brick building; $2200: half cash, balance on long time. B. A. Crandolle, 701 Yeon bldg. ilOVING-PICTVRB SHOW. Weat Side, beat paying location in tn. .m... va.ih. balance eaey payments; a anap for a live man; don't answer unless you mean business L. 42S. Oregonlan. t FOK SALE Bakery and confectionery do ing a Mg business: stock well kept up; a snap If taken at once; long lease; largest school In the etate. W. T. C. E. Email. Corvallla. Or. LIVE, high-class men's clothing and fur nishing goods business for sale until Sept. 20. V 419. Oregonlan. . THEATER FOR SALE. Best moving-picture theater In city of 3 1 noil ; will stand closest Investigation: $301.0 cash: doing best business In town now. AV 195. Oregonlan. SNAP for newspaper rrran; Western Oregon; county seat newspaper; 1200 subscribers! plant mostly new; growing town; only two weeklies; $3500; big discount for cash. . AV 499. Oregonlam CONFECTIONERY AND CIGAR STORE. A rood lease. $27.50 rent. Does better than S15 everv day. Living rooms in con - . T3 A CranHulln CO' Crandelle, 701 Yeon bldg. BUSINESS CHANCES Mr. Laundryman. why not double your route and Income? Reliable, economical car for $350. Terma Address P 430, Oregonlan. i. BUSINESS man with $10,000 can get a rermanent, lucrative position and make a trge profit on investment: will stand the closest Investigation, li 439, Oregonlan. PORTLAND HOME TELEPHONE bonds itr.-l stock: have a cash buyer for any - reasonable amount: -bring them In If you want money. Davidson, 209 Lewis bldg WANTED Lease, modern country hotel. 40 to 80 guest rooms: will buy furniture If good and price right. W. H. Lucraft, Payette, Idaho. MAKE money In mall order business; we show you bow; complete outfit 10c; few leaders free- Fantua, Franklin bldg., Chi cago TWO-CHAIR barber shop doing good busi ness; good reasons for selling. 5515 Ar cher Place. Mt. Scott car. Open Sunday for Investigation. BAR. restaurant, grill and confectionery, doing good business; new, modern build ing: snap for live man. AN 433, Ore gonlan. $750 BUYS butcher shop doing cash busi nese $80 day; rent $10 per month, long lease, great snap. Call 803 Lumber Ex change. FOR SALE Large restaurant In the down town district; an new ana nrai-cms. eru dition; will sell very cneap tor C 430. Oregonlan. JT0R SALE A first-class shoe repairing I . . .. ihn. mmnlet.- elan 1. . ouwii, "cf ....... . - . . I of shoes If so desired, cheap. 132 2d St., Portland, Or. FOR SALE A very attractive drug store In a good suburban district. Portland, an up-to-date pace doing good business and a winner. Address AR 415. Oregonlan. STOCKS, bonds soid: commissions moderate; references exchanged; give full details; er;aillshed house. Post box 1922, New York. - FIRST-CLASS saloon on Washington St., business district, good business, fine fix tures. Independent license. Address AJ 4-t Oregonlan. PHYSICIAN: excellent location. East Fide; practice established : large field; prosper ous community. $250 casn value of of fice furnishlnga O 433. Oregunlan. DELICAT ESSEN. home bakery, light lunch; on good business corner; must ell on ac count of sickness: terms given; co fair offer refused. $72 11th at. WI1-L1NG to Invest small amount with serv ices in a legitimate proposition; am hon est, reliable and sober. What have you? A 4o Oregonlan. $275 WILL buy confectionery, clearing $20 per week, near school, rent $25; forced to sell. Call 803 Lumber Exchange. 50x100 CORNER. best In city, 35 years. West Sice; gooa onice corner. HIGLEY ft BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. WILL buy 100 shares Amerlcsn Automatic Fender stock, name best cash price. M. F-. 19 South Sth St.. Minneapolis. Minn. DRUG STORE $300, $l"0O cash, balance on easy terms: fine opportunity for good drus:st. AP 440. Oregonian. MOVING-PICTURE theater. For cheap price and terms see Paclflo Film Co.. (4 Rothchlld bldg. GOOD Restaurant. $-00. Rent $20 ma. 106 N. Third St. owner. BUSYNESS OPPORTUNITIES. RESIDENT SALES MANAGER WANTED to take charge of distributing offic In unoccupied territory; 76 to $w0 allowed monthly; also office expense: commis sions on all sales; duties consist In ap pointing salesmen, advertising, selling;, su perintending deliveries, collections, etc. Representatlve required to carry stock of manufactured products (according to sire of terrltorv; terms of contract) sufficient to fill immediate orders secured by our advertising nnd his agents and dealers ap pointed. This Initial account must be cash. Return of same secured by written agreement with corporation rated S50.000. References required. Personal interview arranged for. Give full particulars as to your qualifications first letter. Address General Manager, New Bauer block. Chi cago. IF THIS ADVERTISEMENT STRIKES THE EYE OF A MAX BETWEEN 25 and 40 years of age who, perhaps, has always worked orr a salary, but who feels he would like to better hla condition and con nect himself with one of the best prop ositions In Portland, fend engage in a business where he Is working for himself, and the more results he accomplishes tne more he will increase his Income, If such a man will call for Mr. Jones nt 28 Oak St.. HE MAY LEARN OF JUST THE OP PORTUNITY HE WANTS. RARE! opening for h!gh-"jrade mercantile establishment, the Commercial block In Tillamook. Just completed: entire lower floor. 50x100 with basement for rent; mod err concrete building, absolutely fireproof. In the heart of. Tillamook's business dis trict, near new depot- The railroad open ing into Tillamook this Fall, will lnaugu rate a new era In business activity; chance for some on. to get In on the ground floor. Particuiara from M. Malchlor, Tilla mook. Or. ' WE HAVE a first-class opportunity for an active man. capable of looking "er the business end of an electric road show, owner does the operating and Is looking for a partner such as this ad cans tor, he owns 10.000 feet of films, sufficient ror a two-night stand, and all necessary equip ment ; price of H . Interest. b00; terms can be arranged for the liplrt man. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. , 170 Fifsh St. A HOT MINERAL SPRING. I want to sell or trade a hot mineral spring, a health and pleasure resort, and about f.VH0 In personal property; total value $23,000; will take general atore city residence or good acreage as part pay; you have no competition here, and the property will more than double In valne in Pve vears. Deal with -owner, "Box 28, Mt. Vernon, Or. . I HAVE a good cash business to seU: come and I will Bhow you that It pays from 1350 to 4o0 per month cash and clear profit; will permit the fullest Invest. ga tlon; good reasons for selling and the busi ness can be increased to much more If the right party gets it. If you will call at room 220 Falling bldg. full particulars will be given you. ' tlB.000 INVESTMENT, 80 PER CENT INCOME. 5 months work. 7 months' vacation: Western outdoor life; I have two running plants, can't handle both well; will sell either; don't write unless you have tne money and Ave months yearly. Bryan Haywood, box J 776, Lamar. Colo. WANTED To met party who has $10,000 to $20.00T to Invest In substantial high class business enterprise which will show annual Increase in value equal to about 20 per cent net on money Invested; party who will act on board of directors pre ferred; will bear closest Investigation. D 448. Oregonlan. COMB TO THE PACIFIC WITH WARD. Agents wanted In Pacific Northwest. Pacific Mutual Life. 43 years old. 22 millions assets. We loan money. H. H. Ward, Mgr., 712 Spalding bids. QOOD PAYING PROPOSITION. 20 good rooms; practically new furn!-' ture; brick building; rent 7.r including heat; 5 years' lease; nets $150 a month; located In live town of 12.000 close to Portland; $13.Kt: $700 cash, balance easy. HALL & GUSTIN. 'ill LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. I WISH to become permanently employed; have $1200 cash; am an A-l clerical and material man: was for several years tn charge of lumber yard and material de partment; handled all receipts and ship ments: can furnish best of references and willing to locate any place. V 424, Ore gonian. ' GROCERY STORE. Here la a chance to get into business on a very little capital. Place is doing nice business; haa 7 living-rooms in con nection: you can buy the furniture If you wish: stock and fixtures, $250. B. A. Crandelle. 701 Yeon bldg. .. EKAT1XG RINK and dance hall, only hall in town or 6000; property and Dusiness for sale, including piano, skates, phono graph; big money-maker; old-established; Investigate this. It is a good business; price $3000, terms. H. Deeths, Grants Pass. Or. 3-CHAIR barber shop, good lease, all fix tures exceptionally good, room ior two more chairs, price $400; a snap, don't fall to see It Monday. W. W. JORDAN. 610 Lumbermen, bldg. Main 8768. FOR 6ALF Manufacturing plant (wood working), with one acre or ground: 4-room house, choice location in euburbs, manufac turing special line: no competition and growing trade; $2200 caah required: time on balance; (no trades). Tabor 629. CONFECTIONERY and cigar stand, good fixtures, clean stock, rent $16 a month. Including two living-rooms, price $225: clear of Incumbrance. W. W. JORDAN. 610 Lumbermens bldg. Main 8768. FINE GROCERY' STORE. . Double store and 7 living rooms: rent $17.50; lease 1 year; trade $65 a day; In voice about $2250. HALL & GUSTIX. Bit LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. WANTED $10,000 to finance the 20th cen tury building plan; reinforced hollow -wall concrete, cottages: fireproof. moisture proof, frostproof: cheaper than frame, as durable as the rock of Gibraltar; a snap for someone. H 437, Oregonlan. CIGAR stand. In front of leading bar. cheap rent, one month's rent paid in advance, price $275. including stock and fixtures. W W. JORDAN. 610 T.umbermens bldg. Main 8768. STATIONERY and typewriter supply store, well established business, excellent loca tion, clean, salable stock, rent reasonable, good buv for only a small -capital. F 432, Oregonlan. $275 CASH buys one of the neatest little restaurants In city. West Side, cheap rent one-year lease, good business for man and wife .clears $8 per day. HIGLEY ft BISHOP, 182 8d st- FOR SALE New 26-room hotel, building and fixtures. In hustling town, doing good business. 86 to 40 per cent net per an num; price and terma right; investigate. AV 503, Oregonlan CANADA wants manufacturers, capitalists, live men; Winnipeg City offers greatest combined money-making advantages; business facts free. Caas. F. Roland. Commissioner, Winnipeg. Canada. BARGAIN A nifty clean grocery, confeo tlonery and lunchroom with 3 living rooms, close to Jefferson High School: good reasons for selling. Apply 158 Sumner L Woo.l'awn :i70. STRICTLY CA6H GROCERY. Trade over $25 a day; rent $12: this la the very best buy In Portland: $300. HALL ec GUSTIN. 611 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. OPPORTUNITY for energetic man used to . . . ..... .-.. .mall in-..l. larm proauce . leyu"" ". ..... ment and can clear $100 month. Partic ulars 24K4 stara st. 1400 STOCK of staple groceries; changing location of market and will not move gro ceries. For discount and inspection, call 428 Washington st. REAL estate and business chances, every description bought, sold or exchanged. City or counto. Call or address 502 Swet- land Diog. FOR SALE Largest book, stationery and school supplv house In Los Angeles; es tablished '"I years. Address Wm. Kelder. Long Peach. Cal. . REPAIR shop, want steady partner; this will pav better than wages and requires only $275. Call 248 H Stark st. gXVE all commissions: buy farm, business or patent direct from owner. Advertisers' Co-operative Association. Chicago. I1L FORfe ALE Retail paint store at Invoice; onn-jcting business goes with it- F 433, Oro:i::iti. PROSSER. WASH., restaurant for sale at sacrifice, account sickness: doing a fine business. Address Prosser Restaurant. FOR S VLE 5 acres Castllloa rubber series one. for $2000. Address V. Wetterborg, box 151. Lewlston. Idaho. P RTY to Join me In establishing new laun 'dry: splendid opening.. Address H. O. M., SS Klllingsworth ave.. City. CIGARS confectionery. Btatlonery, etc.; nice store for 1350: can clear $3 to $5 dayCall 248 Stark st. REAL ESTATE Interest In ground floor office; best location in city: otner Dusl- AT 443, Oregonlan. ness. WKLL-BOt'IPPED meat market for sale at reasonable price. 6 442. Oregonlan. c-o c a t p: nve works, long established. 7 -rear' lease; reasonable. J 470, Oregonlan. I BrsrxEss oppoRTCNrrrjsa, TALK WITH FLETCHER. -Ail California oil stocka. 5000 Alaska Pet. & Coa S.-.0 Almeda Con. .04 H bid 4u0 Almedrt Con. trans "" 50 Am. Life ic Aco. 3 6O00 B;ack Bag's b'd 1000 Cascadia M. Sl T bargain 10 Coin Machine (Potter) . .apecial 6000 Columbia River Orchard bonds to trade for unincum bered real estate -. 1000 Comstock G. G . 50 Favary Tiro 100 Gil'son Mis. Co S0 Govt. Stand. Powder 75 Hudson Ice Machine 100i Meader-Cochntne Press .... lOi'O Metaiine ConBOl 1010 Mountain Treasure 500 Ontario Oil NVcarney City Hydrocarbon. .10 cheap bid cheap 1.5' LOO .25 bid ,lt snap cheap 2500 Orioie tSo. Ore.) 500 Pac. Coal & Gas l.s S0Q rac. Coast Cranberry bid 200 Peck Auto Wheel big bargain 5no Poniard Cement bond . bid 100 Portland Concrete Pile apecial 1 Scotia. Dev.-:..pment bid 50 Slmonson Fix-It market R00O Skamania G. & C big bargain 1100 Spring Tire 50 St. Johns Oil & G bargain 75 U. S. Cashier bargain All other stocks and bonds; see me before buying; may be able to do better. I WANT: Campbell's Aut. S. Portland Concrete. G. B. Port. Home Tel. Empire Life. stocks and bonds. Fidelity. Copper. Rose City. Omaha Tel. bonds. SImonson Fix-It BUY ELLISON. B. C. LOTS: SEE U3. MOVING-PICTURE THEATER. Profitable, new and modern; seat ing capacltv 400: a veritable mint for right party. S 420, Oregonlan. FOR SALE The best ems 11 restaurant In the city. 1 block from Washington sL! 2 years' leae; reasonable rental; receipta $0 per dav; a snap; good reasons lor selling: will make the price right for Quick . sale. Phone Main 8300, or address L 42a Oregonlan. , ; BILLIARDS, pool, bowling, car dy, cigars, tobacco, soft drinks, 6 good tsbles. 2 con-i tlnuous allevs. bjst town of 5O0. In Soutn v.est Washington; S1SO0 cash swings Jl; balance to suit purchaser: this will bear closest Investigation. Wilklns & Miller, Chehalls. Wash. PARTNER WANTED IN LIGHT MANU FACTURING. This Is a monev-maker: highest refer ences given; 750 required. Particulars - room 315 Lumber Exchange bldg. BICYCLE AND MOTORCYCLE. Place Is fullv equipped for all kinds or repairing: carries all kinds of accessories and supplies, handles 2 good makes or motorcvcles and Is located nicely on the West Side. B. A. Crandelle. 701 Yeon bldg. . $100. 7 per cent coupon gold bonds. Prin cipal and Interest guaranteed by $ Trust Company; interest payable January Julv. American Exchange National Bant, New York: descriptive circular upon re quest. Arthur E. Stl'.lwell. Singer bids-. New York. RESTAURANT DOWN TOWN. Very well located and doing a big b"f'" ness: does over $50 a day; partners dis agree and will sacrifice 2 years' lease to run at $150 rent. This Is a good propo sition at $1100. B. A. Crandelle. iOI Yeon bldir. WE CHALLENGE YOU And defy any one to obtain a more secure and profitable $150 deed to Portland nt in addition to $15 cash bonus bond with $i0.000 security, guaranteeing payment! offer limited to first few callers. C 454. Oregonlan. BEST location in Oregon for hardware business. I have a $160.0 stock for sale and will give some terms. Good stock, good business and a money maker. If you want a business come and see me. O. C Rushing. Aurora. Or. CIGAR STAND ON THE WEST SIDE. Very w-ell located and does a big busi ness: only $3S rent, with a 2-year lease. We can't hold these West Side locations very long: $700. B. A. Crandelle, 701 Yeon bldg . WHOLESALE GROCERY. Does an enormous business; works nlno traveling men; handles exclusive line.; here Is a chance for a wide-awake busi ness man ; $5100 or invoice. B. A. Cran delle. 701 Yeon bids- FOR SALE Saloons, choice location, cen ter, aouthern and northern part of city, from $5000 up. One wholesale liquor firm, clearing from $12,000 to $15,000 a year: books open for Inspection. Ed. Hoppe. 22 -Yeon bldg. WEST SIDE CASH GROCERY. Rent $40; 7 living rooms; trade fin a dav: lease fixtures $300; stock will in voice about $700. HALL Jk GrSTLV. fill LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. FOR SALE Restaurant; oheap rent, good lease: also 8 furnished rooms, well estab lished, good location: 350 customers a day: parties leaving town; cash $1000. 1SJ Front St. TURKISH BATH HOUSE. Located In one of the best towns m Oregon and no competition, place Is well equipped and completely furnished: only $20 rent; $800. B. A. Crandelle, 701 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE A new vacuum carpet cleaning machine very cheap. A good business with very little capital Invested. Phone Wood lawn 1294 after 8 P. M.. or address 211 Clay st. , . I AM broke and need money and to get It will let my Campbells Auto. Safety Gas Burner Company stock go for a "one: $1 per share for 100 takes It. Who Is the lucky manr a wt, mts"""1"- FOR SALE at a bargain. 45 shares In in corporated planing mill In live town: posi tion with company If des red: good invest, ment; will bear Investigation; leaving "ate George P. Marks. Springfield, Or. $300 SCHOOL STORE $300. ' Fine corner close to large school; rent $25: good fixtures and clean stock: $30 HALL & GUSTIN. 611 LUMBERMEN'S BLDG. HAVE a second-mortgage equity of Jinj" on new. modern bungalow. bIr.g r'dfor at $35 a month. Including interest at T Der cent; will sell at a discount. Address X 4S2, Oregonlan. . Tininnt'P,-KOL'SB. West Side location: 16 rooms; place clear, over $325 a month; ha. the best of furniture; $700 cash will handle It. a. a. Crandelle, 701 Yeon bldg. , $1030 BUYS one of the best grocery store. In city: cafeteria In connection: 5 IMm- rent omy .... '- business: clears $7 per doy HICLEY & BlSHUf. 1-J THIRD ST. GOOD proposition for someone; money maker" I have ev-rything for money; will take $200 or $300. AK 4.)6. Oregonlan. GROCERY and confectionery, on busy cor ner only $850; stock, fixtures and every Thlng goes Call 328 Russell st. Telephone East lu. SOLID business for energetic man, willing to invest $300 with services; will pay you $100 a month now and can be Increased. Particulars 24H star sx. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. Living-rooms in connection does is $22 every day: carries scnooi swiipno $i.v. B. A. Cranaene. idi neon om. g OWNER Washington -street grocery, delicatessen; lease, best-paying .tore la Portland. 688 Wash, street. Phone Mar- shall 2628. $1000 OR MORE and service to invest m good paying grocery by experienced busi ness man: full particulars In first letter. AT 46. Oregonlan. A GREAT bargain In grocery stock: wiS invVtc? $2-500 .1000 cash will handle it. Mke us an ofer. Must be .old this week. Jones fc Shaw, .IPS Board of Trade. I WANT any kind of paying business, either In or out of Portland.- Have $1200 to $1500 cash. Give particulars first letter. C 451, Oregonlan. PRTY to invest in well-estaonsnea, ruu 'nlng manufacturing business; good propo sition: S2000 or $3000 necessary. AG 464. Oregonlan RELIABLE man with $3500 mn or woman with eame would Join amount In really paying business, gonian AE 444. Ore- DO vou want to buy an Interest in a manu facturing business that will pay you big rnonev Investigate this at once. 50J Lumber Exchange Dicg- OPPORTUNITY In cash business: can de pend on $25 week; requires very little monev. Particulars 248 Stark St. FOR SALE Harness and shoe store; also re- nmr enoo: write ior tia t.-uia.o. .--. Oregonian. IWANT to buv a moving picture theater in Portland. ' What have you to offer? X 4i:l. Oregonlan. SALOON First-class, centrally located, rea sons ble terms; investigate this. Owner. O 4t. Oregoruan SPECIAL Solid business for $1400 that will clear you $10 a -month: lease: atrtct ly cash" trade. Call 248 'j Stark St. FOR SALE A hardware and furniture stock In Adna, Wash.: new and complete. E. T. Price. ,-.!l Rothchild bldg. M. 6612. GROCERY Can depend on clearing $175 a . month- have good lease and strictly cash trade. Call 24S14 Stark St. DELICATESSEN for sale doing nice busi ness. 204 hi 7th st- TWO-CHAIR barber shop, taking in $40 to $13 per week; cheap rent. Faone Eat 785. i A