The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 24, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 17, Image 29

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.. ui.w ! rate passUy.
7v?-"4 nd bo ard jn p rival faro i 1 r. suit
'at. "'tw. Udie. P-r "'h
ha in roo. t'l and co,d wlt ' J,,
rtr1c'.d.hborhood term.
to r.gat part.ea Prone Tabor ..,.
Lr ArTljTLLT rurnlh.d ler. room with
for l-o mo.m hoin.; board n.xl
walking Cieta..,.; "" - Denial
oor. Multn " :a-a.
E7o"fcfroBt room for on. or "!
H .1 district. Wa-a,cg dlatnc. from bosl-
i,u s.cun of c.iy .1 Arfacrwais. -
!U and
shins ton.
Lr.r IN
" 1.' . - .... m.Hira horn.
and wif. room and board. ....paon.
a.ocOMMuDAT.. S f..r two or three s-n-tl.m.n.
... breakfast, m 1 d atrlcl;
alar.d pnt. nou,. No HI"
tvRV:fcR: room .ad ""V"1,1-? f T-.tlt
feml.. t..rd and r m .t - . ..-ai
it-7 modern h ..: k.n.1 ! '
CTwiTf"f-arT.:..-..1 !.- enKwitr.l-
wr:Jt .. l
Vi a 32".
La1NT:I.Y furnished room, wna bo.rd. rn
am.7l j'lT.l. fa-nl.y. for two r.flB.d k"
n-e Bop.. fi". n.r,'Jr:iool.
5."ar!c.7Vferr. ca -"" '
frr.i:.J rooma e.l modern co'.-
nl-ee h'ui. p.-lw.-.. mJ g.wal horn.
ooTk. for th?,. o W-
, rfl.jlf r Vr. fcc. er.t room an ";
?sr .r-i-:h"u-pa':;:
V.r.,1. ;
L ..T -a r..-r.f :.1 to r..m ml r- r J
A. Mr. v.. om b.. from
, L car.
Plans, fimac. b'.t. a.l mod.rn
Vrt "wiki K.tS. onb.
Pr.aaf... If 1lrri -No o:h.r room..
E- IJ.n at. X.
BBAfTIFlU cm.r from room for 1 or
ten at. Mnhi:iJ".'A
IVSE or lwoTar aunnT rooma. nw and
w.:l "fornlanro. It-oJ prlv.l.
In Irvlntt. n. gooj Car a.rMca. , Thon.
bvT' En;.
CXr.B fror.t room. 1 c.o.-.. n-w t0"""'
horn. P ... ho:,,-. Nor.n-
rup- T W car. Mi:n
tot -a raTI for a comfortab:.
' boi? wnr. a.l m . l-rn convnlrnc ar.
d.a,rl. call M:n '-
Prion, .ai.lnti. Tahor llfl
;;c f-nft room. ut:.' 'or
h-rd'lf ur.lfl. Call at -V Eaal -tb o.
NICE front room;
froU bom. cookie. '
jp 2 g.nOmen. J3
all horn, comfort.;
I b.m. fro:n Y. O. :
ta.mon. Main SM-V
riKNiliEU rooma wltn ft .
bom. fr ounf man and
lhnut b-ai
Til F'.amrraat.
SiCB furnla!J room. Horn. ton,n!"'';
Br.t-cla. bordi wa;lr. jtancfc l-bon.
Main iiT. ,
fw-O w-fl-fvirnl.h.l front room. 1th i or
without bord. waikinj dla.antr. o.i Win
tH'-ICB plao. for a.ntl.m.n. jrlj h""'
. . ..tan. rin. bain.
family tabl.; roaaonnbla. -Main .-l".
' Til El.fXPK.
S.4 13.b Pt.
S and 4-rocu apartm:it with prlva:.
path completa.y lurnn-nrJ for Immr-lnw
and bom-li.; l r d -"". ' l
you want a nlc. par. for ' " ' 'r " '
moo-.r... pric. you .1.1 m... ' k
In acirlni your at lh Luaor.
On. J-rt iTi furni.a.d apar.m.nt. nnaat
ulppl k.i.-h.n in cl.r. .1-ctrlo cook
IrV i ran. ilu ht. pr..a ba b
.nd janitor a.rK-.; loc.uoa In etij.
TO 4 Mora. D.a. niiwui"-.
Cor. ljtb and ll An-
V.ry da.lraol e ro.m.a. .ul T"f""
oulrl. Pbon. C
. A
""""..' :... -. r lath Vam-
Com.r lh and Car aia r1..
,i..t,j lo.atloa. lctrle .!.ator W.
K " . f - and room aullaa. u-
2"--JLoi0 V'T """"
tlLi.,i,' ful-HT. In heart -f lrrt"n.
i and huyl.r ..a 4 rooma
r?.S ..L,...J or unturnl.hd. jnllor
rnlaioa or umiw .
rut.y mod.ia. lual comp-.ted.
-- ,
Pboi. C
ait lib 'irnlan.d and nfunilbS.
r "ly mod.r apar.m.n..: -a.k.n aaia
Tanc". pric ,.aaonabacblldr.a.
TIVK-HvKJ furnl.b.d a.l moj-
rant raao&aD.. Vbou. MaraaaJ
apartmama f-r cn.nlal
i .x-r.asc. lor - - ,
a '.:; If o 4
norouaa. :tt ard tand.ra.
k. ia fornl!i apartni.n.a aplcn-
d d ;ocat,oa. at.;l. ijdk. v " , , 7
ri4raaa7i.ia aad pboa till up A
A2anm.n;a. furnlab.d
u ... uo :.rn. pr.a: aa.i an.
a. 1'bono B loll. E. --s Ba nura
11: a a... i.K. r farn,h"-l
na J-ro..m t.;nt aparl-
. . . w h c
ta'.n. -
for and rWa-room ""u- JV'i;
.OU6.WS -room fjrnian.d apartm.nt. brat
ITS J. '
arais LA SDUKE. : on. com-
i is.
Va J t-T 10. f-nt:jf Turn hd apart-
it. n
C y at.
aSZANTA AieAHTVKNTi, nw.y fvrnlbl.
T' -t: rr.vAaria. prlta ha- a. j,r.'r., ate-,
a. . ?I4 a. Uinni'.: 2J1.
ft. W.
cor. f:h ci Jeftar
Dfxlora 4 p. 8-roo-n unruriaj.4
prtmnta; "",m .
ffOK U'OM CNT!. Uchrlo ApartxTaMnt
lth oJ Maxltat, vry wB!-wa jeboi.
fcla.a 130 or A for rata.
fKIDT-jrtm-'at fumlalsad and Bnr
ctahM. II"-4 law- na Xs.rtX
K. .-il 3-11! on. rai.'an cUairuu
-nr r-r.n: Kb--c t- -'i-
t U S ITTA-E-utMl. hia-h-claaa. m!ra
prtnan. 4 r 'l ou:a:da: .arna
treat b:cony. 4- 7B at. MaraiituJ 167.
CrxCS AFT., 4t and Nsrthrup ata.
vorn arr,mnt fnt rmn la and
lr.i-prcn. tr, haac; pnvata phr
liIv'c.aa.T furn:ia-i. l-rm Cat. run 1 iloor.
at Mm hat. f i, bato. phon. 9 -2 ptr
month. 40 -S i
L .cant
f!a-rotn a
wa'kt&c 4-aiaac.
JVANHA APT-. :j llth at.. -roora fur
in j bad aria, wltn ptiTaia a; -0 and
a . n.'ni d:!tr.c. am.
Jj M(wiUEKN 6-roora aparmnt; a.1 oon-T-c,ncl.
:'-nf dt-'an.-. phaa, a.p-
EZT'lUAH afartm:-: n rs. uat. mod am.
tirtiiM Bnfurr.:-iMS; at i:n 0;
Velcn cor. WooJ:wn 5iV
5nSON"T A. I7 1"' h I. 1 and l-ro'Tn av. !!.
hot and Id watar In ary aprU&aat.
Kaaaonab.a. Phona Mn
TclLI.nWtoN" C'H'RT. J. J. 1 4-ro-:n
au a. a.l raodra. pr.a arj ronaba,
lit aad Kvaratt. 3-1 a. a 12k
r! tih cor. Davia, apt- J. raw
-rk fnmitnra t J. i : 4 rtm aad ta.Ja, tra
haat and wafr. rr.t
EOER V rjrn!Sad J-mom anaxtaiant .
K. Jta at. rnooa Eaat
UIONCE afodarn apt ; Nob H' 1 i'itnH,
0v'nt J oar int. 1 u gal at-
TH a ItlN PAVIa. cr K!n and Ivlfl
a 00a 4-rom apartmant. raXirnca.
U H t lilS I and 1-room apantnant tur-
a.-Hasi. i 1 M-a at. Ma n 444-
t a PT3. I rr 1 rt--.a. Cor. 6tb ad
tAMILT of thr. adulU '' ' 5. fi
Ar locaUoc. 13 Lft-iaa a-""
I i I rt,R BKT I FOR RENT. -
I rO RETTT. ! . TV 5 TH MXT- I .. ... .-.-I.,. Honsekeeptn.; Room, hi Prtvat. TrT. Uow
A0ENT om premises.
1TI Kicff ?t-. near Warfcirafton 8t opr. Octo-.- 1 l: 11. and wl.l
maintain tir former h1:i :anrtard of
tar.anty. 4. and tt-room l a-tmnta. Ap
p.jr on prem:a fo' raaarTation
Corr.-r et 11th and Jeffaraon . 4 ' n4
8-rwm apartmn:a. unf urnaaiied. wl'rt ra
caption ha:l. autrmailo elevator. Pcira
l-tataa tlpbon In every apartment ia
th- moat modern rorv-nttneei found in
tr.m rny. Ph-T.e 3alalo or cU up znain
!;ic. Main 6754,
OKA SDLSTA Fl KNiSiiKn apartment
Oranii a an4 Ka.t .-tark a: Urant
new four-atry fcuiMlnif. ready tr orcu
panry ao; fi-room aplendid'.y furntne 1
at Ar:mna. e.rctrio aLtmatto elavawr
a;J eery moj'rn conver.ianca; on tna
.ut Eidf. but cl..r In tnan m'vit apaxt
nianta: vary raaaocabla rant and baat or
I'Mrt Apply to Janttor on pramia--
Theaa t tti 4 and ft-room unfurnland
apartmen'a. .Tuf.a In tha heart of tha
ci:y. within la aiinutea' w k of taa buai
Heacrvationa imt ba mad on pramlaaa
or trphr.. A!a:n 4Tt5. A PT-'S.
FHE AMERICAN. Slat and Jvhna- at., F-rt. 1. ; flnaet, brta; h teal and
bwet arraafed apartment reeiiWnca La 'ha
rity: S. 4 and w-rom; a.l outaida. day
Itr rnomi: convenient to car walk in
.tnc. private teiphonaa la ary
apartment, team heat, water. t ran tea,
refrlceraiora. laundry faclllllea. vacuum
cleaner-, itc Attendant oa premlae Mar-
hall 3V. .
TH bA H iv K. cor. -:it and Irvine; at;
thia new 4-etory brick now open : t ur
niahad and unfurnished la 2. t and 4-room
ittcs; recaption ha. I. aiectrlc, automatio
a. ova Tor. Holmes d.apperinr beda. built
in DufTet and rttln U -. aa rm. Ice
box, pienty of cintrt room, both pnon
Wuum c.eanr Ire to Natrona. if you
war.t omethtr.a; nice, coma tn tha Bf ker.
Ptunaa A 1744. Mirini:! SVoiw
Tot Kvarett.
Two. threa and f.ur-room apartment
completely furniahed for houaakaaplnf;
eierythlne; w and atrlet'.y modern;
nam h-at. flrtrl.iaa aarvica: alao
a;n; room A 710. Mi'n 42tS.
044 Everett Bt.
New and etaaani'.y furr.lehed apart
irentB ft room reception hail and aleep
lr.a pjreh; automatic electric e'eraior and
private Pacific talaphone; located In one
of the choicest reilden dltrtct Bur
rounded by elegant bomea;; Qla-
liEI.NZ APARTMtSTS. 14th and Columbia,
4 Mncke a-juth from Morrieon etreet; new
k bulldlny. completely firal-claae. fur
nlehd in 2. 8 anj 4-room family apart
menta; nr! ata batn. reception hall, ateam
heat, hot water, elevator, fre phono, com.
rTraaed air rarpat clear-ln. Janitor aar
re: rant per month. o and up.
li:t t im to be appreciated.
ANOKI.A APART.M ENT3 Trinity Place.
lij frrt fruin Vfc;i.uKton at.; new
B(cTnT.t : 2. 3 and 4-room modern apt,
furnished, st ram heat, electric elevator,
hot and cold water, private telephonea
and janttor aervioe. Managar. apu 2d,
Rfferencea required. Maraha;ilPoQ.
amh:ll a
aa lrvtiff at 4Jne four and on fl
rrom anfamiahed apartment; have a
ranct, rafrigerator. shade hot and coid
water, steam heat and Janitor aarloa;
11 oatsi lt room vrandaa; rat roaaoa
aM; raference Phone A 2"-2X
Par, betw. lfi-.h ar.d 30th :: Just fl
lahed; moat was;nlflcent apartmente o
the Paclfio Coaat: rantaia reaaonabl:
a eeplna porchaa: prtvat hallways and
rry modra conwn '.eiice- rafaraBcaa ra
qutrad. J hona Marshall 51.
A beaui. fully furnished S-roora Iar'e.
Urbl and airy) aparunent, steam beat,
private phone nd bath, automatic elevator-
the most hrmie-ilk and quiet In
tv ciry must he aeen to b appraclattd.
rt'.M M.irshal!. Main 03g. A Sl9t-
LtVRETIA COL K T. unfurnished; a class
bv themaelv Hee thorn. Lucratla St..
rj-ar nd Wash. 1 to 5 rooms. .T
large, light and outsrde; large eloeeta
and baihs; bard wood f '.oora, fre pbonra
In eaca apt. 1'hona prop, and mgr. Max.
janitftr 1'-
ar.d "oiumt:a et Kirst-class , S-room
unfnmlsi.ed a(artiTcntB: all modern cn
ftifncM. 'st lovatlon In th city, front
ing the parks, and only 3 minutes walk
from t he tu:nea renter App'y to Mgr.
Tit H C'lT.
431 Taylor.
New. legantly furnish!. 1 and S room
apamem. privat fchon. rra heat;
.e.-tnc lights furnished, janitor nric;
p-iv-a T2 r.o ar.a up.
Tr. atntJiirL
Til WSaehington. ror Z-J at-: 1. S nd
4 rm apt, furrishad or unfurnivhad
BP-to-dat cla-an- aad modern; privat
tath tatphone. rates reasonable; beat
service. phfne yaln T'S-T
filrrFFIELD APARTMEVTa. 7th and Jf
fron st. ft and 4-room apt, with bath,
stifumlitied: ail OBteld rooms; erry con
Tenlsnc; modern; I mtn, waia: from P.
O ; very rasonaola rant.
CiDAK HILL APrtmens. 1T Oren av.,
tr.o-k aouth -3d and Wash., attractively
furnish ad 8 -room apt, select, modern,
concrete bW.g . overlooking c!ty;To bulld tear, a: earn haat. hot water, phone.
PARI AHA FVT if E NT 9. Park and Harrlaoa
eta beautiful 8 ar.d 4-room apartment
furnished f r fcousheeptng: everything;
raw and modern; .evator; t slap hone fraei
$43 to 1-
jiUATTvii ajartmant larg roc ma and
a ! ing porch; privgt front and brl
.,.)' rrlvat entrant; het, hot water
V . J k. ..... Tt V'Arih.
mp. rnooa M'a
LlNCOL aPTS-. cor. 4th and Llnroln at;
complete' y furnished It-room apart rnsnte
for bousekeeplr.g: new and modern; bouse
lust cred: wa.k'ng disranca: no ali
ireo: t"3jof. Phone Mala 18TT.
aj Orard cr. East Stark.
furn'.shed two and t bra -room
partmen modern. prSea r eoaaa.
walking dtstaxc. Phone East 800
"tup unRoV-
King and Wash.
8 4k 4 room ui.' urn u had apt three
room, furnished. iao basement apt.
tf.ct'.T mcdera.
ovpLETELl turn -shad apartment, piano,
v 4 or 3 room ery raaaoaab'a. Tha
v avriboroug lw corner X 1st and i"adara
40t Hall il, new X and 8 -room furnished
apartment walking distano. ioJtor
;rN tea. Phon M:n 4?lJ.
HaUIxW HALL, 414 Uth. cor. Hall. t. ft
and 4-roc.m apartment iegant.y f ur-
.m,A private phone, hath ar. J balcony
.renr.; 25 P- Mar, bail lljl.
K. Morrlaon. oornr of TUa. 1 I and
.."room a;.artmnta f urn la r. ad up to data.
jrlv.( ba:1a. mJdarat. pric. nrw m ft.
, ..4 ...oom .uttM .i.aantly furn'.h.d.
t. ,H at. Norin. Pnon. Main voa; or
V.a.n l
ThV Bal.VI. Lari. rooma lavraa cloMta
aiid airy for aummar. aom. Ijr
m.til apanmania. Xlat and lrnjoy;
uar W car.
atAI'lO rAna araniaania
lara Btrwat. Com.r aladiaoa.
r.... .hd 1 and 4-room aLannntu
trd..dual ponra: downtown.
AT tha -n rrr'u Kaarn.y and Hat ata.
a-rwa, furnuh.d. at AO p.r
mon'.a. Inguir. on vramlw or I-ort'.aua
Truat Co- A and Oaa ,ta.
sr. , noix avabimknta
JTO .t. Clair- - n? fjrnlah.d ft-ftm
arartrnan'.a and on. nrfurntabad n-rocra
, r .i -t! l. li.a nxwLt aa au aaxamaau
rni; sunday oregoxiax, Portland, September
101 i A a33. MANAGER ON PR EM lata.
Car. Parat and Taylor Sta
Cor. T.ntb and Salmon Sit a
Walktnt Dlatano
Con.plrf.ljr furnished 2. and 4-room
parimrnta: oulMlnna na and strictly
modarn; rrlc flrat-claaa.
Blryant. Individual itnm-hatled ltom.
Of 6 and 7 rooma. for famUlea.
730 Evrrtt.
Xw 4-rtory eonorat. bolldlnir. 2, t and
4-room apartmenia. furnished and unfur
n'.ari.'l: new furniture, modern. Apply to
tha Chetopa, lalb and Flandera ata
570 coach. 1 block from Waahlnrton at.,
an lth ,t.: t.l. Main 1192, S and 4-room
mrtd.rn apartmanta. I taa in hail, .leotrlo
.1. valor, hot and cold wat.r. t.l.pnon.
ard janitor aarvlca. Apply of maoafar;
r.f.ranc. raqulrexl.
Corner 20th and Kearney.
Naw and beautifully furnlah.d and tm
furnlahed 1-rnom apartment,: larr
cloieli; aplendld location. Call and aa.
manager at apartmanta or phona Marahall
SUITE of i furnlahed rooma for houao-kecp-ln
In lax. new rraldanoa. W eat Side,
bautilul vl.w. nrapiace. bath; fumac.
boat, aa. water, telephon. and eleo
trlclty furnlahed; rent fuO. K 4a. Ora
fonlan. 1 lata,
13. 60 A modern 4-room fat. furnlahed
completely, bath, gaa, eloctrtc, lutch
kitchen, etc A roap. 76H B. Btarlc
Call between 2 nd S P. M.
NEW 8-r,.om flat. $20; Holmea dlaappearna;
bed. caa range, linoleum, private balcony.
L or. r. jutn ana ri j . " .
Mnln 10S. Ka,t 14S.
LOOiv at the,, new B-room modern flat,,
at 30 Belmont at; J0 mnnth; atore, l-S
month. E. J. Gelaer. 420 Chamber ef
Z'V, O new modern flat,, upper and lower.
4 room, and bath, ahadea, (aa ranee,
furnace, one block from car Una. Haw
thorn, dlatrlct. Phone C 251S;
FOR RENT New modern B-room flat; ba.
s:ov,, nra-piaca nutwn
Tabor Hi. 117 E. 8Jd ,t.
2. S-room lower flat: light, con.enlent. 3M
Eaat fcth. corner Schuyler. Inquire apart-
mer.ta acroaa atreet.
MODERN 4-room flat, aa range, linoleum,
very desirable and good location. 2,1 E.
l;.tn at., near ay. abd. rno. .-...
MODERN upper 6-room fiat, lo.'la B. ltth
at., near iialmonu Key loo Ev 17th at.;
rent t
J fOril-KOOM flat,. Including- ateam heat;
furnHhed. 33: unfurnlahed. .10 a month.
jacason nougaiow, ao, inn
FINE 7-room flat In Nob Hill dlatrlct. Will
HMc T7r,-i Johnson, bet, 2ad and 24th,
Phine M. B3l.
123 3-ROOM nttly furnlahed flat, dealr
aol.; 10 minutes' ride to poatofflc. East
Su43. .
TWO upper flata sleeping porches, furnace,
attlo. oa carllne; adults, references. 621
Northmp at. Flat 1).
JVH RENT Flva-ro.,roed fiat, newly tinted,
r'ce yard, two porchea, cioa. In. Phone
Marahall Ulei.
AN upper flat on E. Aah Ml., now. modern
and reasonable price. Call at ttfl E. An-
k.ny at.
a-ai,i. .i nnnu ftat. ail modern convent
encee. new,? tinted; t rarltnaa: I2T.HO: key
on premlaea Pill Hap coca, aaeia .aye.
4-ROOM modern flat,, with t good attl,
rooma. TO Cornell at,, off 23d an(f Washing
ton ,.a Phone Mam IHV Kent 3).
FOR KENT Lower fiat, hardwood floora
A-l neighborhood, very central; rasponslb.s
partle. only. Main fi-'4Q.
MODERN 6-room Hat, choice location, 7M
Marahall. near 23d St.! rent .?0. C 6th and Etark, Lumbermen, bldg
u.tnrnv ' A-room flat, with porch, flre-
plac. fumac and walking dlatanca; rant
reasonable. Call 420 college St.
714 KEARNET. rooms, new, reflnlahed.
modern in .verr JT. -j
Tortland Tmat Co.
TWO Ladles or young ooupla to shara cot
tage and axsanaes with lady. L 4L
Oregonlan. .
WANTED Old lady or working woman to
sr. sr. onesp noma viu jvtmm avup, aa
431. Oregonlan.
aiEW flat. 4 rooma plenty of steam heal,
hot water, corner lata aad E. Morrison.
Phons Tabor lta.
tXRNIHED, alao unfurnlahed. flat, mod
ern, walking distance, adul
near aaarriaon.
. r .-room ivwv. - - ' -. 7
beet In the elt for the prlca 80th and
Hawthorn Phone Tabor 2238.
FOR RENT S-room flat, all modem con-venle-.cra
E. ISth and Aea. Phone
CNFCRXIoHED lower flat, 4 rooms and
bath; pnon. anu . . . .. - -.
LOVELY naw four-room flat, ath and East
. . ii l.a- a-. at B
" - J '
MODERN 7-room urrr flat, yard. 10 l7lh
aw, inquire iw
PORTLAND HEIGHTS .1'il Davenport St.;
4-room furnished flat, 2U. A 17.,.
ILBOOM flat with furnace, bath and wash.
talmon at. Key at BOO aalmon
AND 4-ROOM flats, lil, 2i; modern.
central. est biaa naranaiao-.
FOR RENT I'eautlfury furnished fiat, til
Kearney. Vacant Oct. 1. E. 2021.
"VPPER a-room flat. 712 Kearney at.
rnone i aoor irov.
COSY furnlahed 6-room modem flat. Includ
ing planO. V4 f.- ' ..mi. m i
MODERN B-room flat, cor 18th and Lov
loy sts; 1 .
MODERN four and five-room apartment,
fiata. centraL 6Qf Salmon. Klna-a H.a
B-ROOM modern fiat, handsomely furnished.
compteta.y tqu,i". ' ..-.-j
FLKNlHED flat for rent. 633 V East Ana-
4-ROOM f'.ata new, cioaa in. $30 month; so
children, t'non. r.e.. . q.-
FIVE clean, convenient rooms;
gaa. bath.
Maement. e-.c ovj u""-
MODERN 6-room upper flatj adults. 189
Eaat 13tn. near rimo,i
STEAM-HEATED flat, cheap to permanent
tenant. ow.
6-R-lOM fiat. 2 attlo rooma r.4T4
at., i.aar l'.n; 2o. more v. ooatawn io.
TW. 4-r.ora Ltata on Relmont at., furnlahed
and ttuAurtuanao. a uwu. ..v
c . ,r.n.e ri.f on Watt Side.
oiear achool; hot and cold water In bed
rooms; couid easily rent a room or two;
4- room modern flat with alcove on
west elds, walking cujiance; $26; 12th and
Col. tie.
5- room flat, on Eaat Ride, with sleep
ing porch, furnace, fireplace, etc; $23.
S32 Chamber of Commerca
NICELY furnlahed 5-room, on West
6lde. In gaod dlatrlct. bath, furnace, nre-
?.ac. and fine furniture. Including piano;
B-room. thorourhly modem Tat, In Irv
Inston. two porches, flreisss cooker, linen,
stiver, plsno, etc I $.',.'.
832 Chamber of Commerce.
14th and Hal,y; 5 large rooms, sleep-
" leg porch, private front porch, hardwood
floora. fireplace, tile bath, kitchen fur
nished with flae overhead gas ranxe.
Among beautiful homea, and excellent car
service. Rant $37.5.
E. "d and Brasee ata
NEW. modern. S-room flat, large rooma and
wall arranged; fireplace, Dutch kitchen,
large from porch and back yard; eaay
wa king dlataace; car aarvlca In city,
Ither Union or W.lllania ave.. SM Eaat
1st. between Schuyler and Hanoock; (2a
Phone C 271)3. Alula 8204- ,
FOR RENTA aplendld modem flat cloao
In oa th. Eaat Side, walking dlstsnos.
very nlc. surroundings, separate base
ment, furnace, fireplace and every knowa
modern convenience. Only $27.60 per ma
av. J . Loaaon sa io-, .w acwuo.-
$20 PER month for 6-room flata. brand new;
nrepiace. lull oasement. cemaui
nace and bath; room, light and airy. B.
E. Portland.
i r, ..m . c.
Ciround Floor Chamber of Commerce.
S AND o-room flats, ust completed; flre
piaces, al-eplng porch, hardwood floora:
don t overlook tboe w hile you are hiint
lng. East 2Sth. between Hawthorns and
. nulsi.n.
WELL-ARRANGED, 6-room. new upper
flat, every modern convenience, gas range,
linoleum. furnace, fireplace, elseping
porch: adults. 2K3t E, 21st. Haw
thorne car. Tabor 1097.
6-ROOM flat, 7S2 Gllaan st,, new. modern,
convenient, hardwood floors, fireplace and
furnace, $iiJ.i0.- Morgan. Fllsdner St
Bovce. 603 Ablngton bldg. Main 2015, A
$16 NEW flats, overlooking besutiful Pe
ninsula Park; light, airy: sleeping porches;
near Jefferson High; publlo school; se.
them today; fine for children- "L ear.
Alnaworth. Alblna avca.
NEW. modem. 5-room upper fiat; gas and
electric, fire piace. furnace; no children
under 12, $0. Inijulra 2U2 Graham ave..
near ,.,im. .
FOUR modern 6-room new flats. In Central
East Portland. 10 minutes' walk to busl
neaa center. Will rent cheap to ateady
MODERN B-room flat, large aunny room,,
walking distance, furnace, newly tinted.
7fc E. Salmon at. East B319;
K 1 ...,. -n, .. , Rnnma.
WELL-FURNISHED houses. Bats, rooms
7-room oottaKS, $27. ,0 month; snother 4
rooms. $; 4-room lower furniahea
flat. (18 mouth: suitea two furnished
housekeeping rooma $S. $10, $U a month;
$. $li. t4 26th at- N. "W car from de
pot. 6th, west on Morrison to 26th, block
north. ,
THE HEAVER. 12tb and Marshall; fur-
flah?d for housekeeping: gas range, elec
i Ic lights, hot water, bath, laundry, free;
$13 per month up: a clean place, best In
the c'ty for the money; short dutance
from Union Depot Take "S" or JUth-at,
cars north, get off at Marahall ,t. Nodosa
NEW YORK 7th anifBelmont; new brick
building, furnished ahd unfurnlahed apart
ments. $16 up; steam heat; walking dis-
tance. ,
ONE large basement room, furnlahed for
light housekeeping dandy for two bacne
lora. $12 per month; everything fur
nished. 231 7th St.
$1 60 TO $2.Sa WEEK; clean, furnished
housekeeping rooma fre. laundry, batn,
phone, clean linen. heaL 40o Vancouver
ave. and 203 H Stanton; take TJ car.
" $27.60.
Three completely furnished housekeep
ing rooms, stesm heat, hot and cold water.
MARSHALL APTS.. 624 MarsnalL
TWO housekeeping rooms. 693 ii Williams
sv.. take U car. Gas, bath and free phona
Eaat 43A7. after $ P. M. i
CAMBRIDGE BLDG. Furnished houaekeep-ir.g-rooms.
single and en suite. Room ad.
8d and Morrison.
A, 2 AND I large, modern housekeeping
rooma suitable for 4; cheap. BsO Second
st- .
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. F.aat 8th:
completely furnished housekeeping suites;
FOR RENT Laree kitchen with one or two
bedrooma, furnlahed or unfurnlahed. 385
8d st. The HaseL
HOUSEKEEPING room. In new concrete
bldg. Phone Woodlawn 2997 or 237a.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms;
suite or ng e. 48:H Washington at.
THREE housekeeping rooma Phona Wood
lawn 6K2.
TWO large housekeeping rooms: modern
convenlencea East 3740. 804 Benton St.
FURNISHED housekeeping apartments for
rent at the Palmer House. 3idhj Alder st.
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooma steam
heat, gaa. bath, phona. 402 V, 3d at.
NICELY furnlahed housekeeping rooms;
very central. f4oH Washington.
FURNISHED housekeeping suitea $3, $3.60
per a-o. 2o4 jencraon at.
Houaekeeplng Rooms In Privat. Family.
ONE aulte of 8 rooma; owner's own living
rooms on ground floor of thoroughly mod
ern horn! Asmnlster rug, range, linoleum,
everything complete; walking distance;
$-'.'.; rooms for $4 per week- OoO E. Burn-
TWO beautifully furnlahed housekeeping
rooma heated, gaa range, fireplace. $25
month. . . .
Also three rooms, first floor, furnlshM
for houaBkeeping; modern. 47V Clay st.
SPLENDID large front room; rar. vl.w-
Joint; hot water, haat. Ilghta bath, phone;
IS to $20 month, 675 Couch, N. E. oor.
ISth. '
TWO furnished sunny housekeeping rooms
with sink, steel range, gaa and electric
Merits, nlc. yard, rent reasonable. 3,4
tviliiama ave.
iflCE 8-room aulte, newly furnlahed for
housekeeping; modern conveniences; easy
wslklng distance; $3 weekly: no children.
61 N. 21st. 1V blocks from Washington,
flVB-ROOM furnished flat, gaa. electricity,
could rent 2 rooms! 20 minutes- walk!
phone, wat.r frra 46a East MILL 3V
.ocas iroru uraua . q.
TWO newly furnlahed housekeeping rooma
alao one sleeping room In privat. family,
talking dletaaca, Gaa. bath- Phons
Main 6sl.
HOUSEKEEPING suite, reasonahle, private
family, walking distance. 800 Jackson
St.. between Bth and 6th.
OS N. 20TH Newly furnished S-room suite,
complete for housekseping; alao larg.
front parlor, strictly flrst-clssa
ONE furnished front housekeeping room,
larra closet, privat. porch, modem. 139
B 14th. 1H blocks off E. Morrison.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms,
furnished, with piano, gas. bath, phona.
83 11th.
H&fM) FURNISHED, threje-room houskeep-
1ns suite. c,-w. modern house, gaa both
phon.a Included. 781 E. Yamhill at.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, gas.
sink, pantry, walking distance- $13- 211
Fherman st-
FURNISHED 3 or 4-roome, modern: In quiet
neighborhood, block from car. 801 East
Madison. Phone East 2304.
THREE large furnished housekeeping
rooms for rent. 74'-, Union ava. North,
Phone woooiawn ie.'i-
TWO connecting front rooms, ground floor,
range, running water, modem., 2S
Larraoee sv. n... -
UNFURNISHED houaekeeplng rooma 7 E.
lOtl). COT AJivismia.
FURNISHED houaekcrlng rooma heat, gaa
67 North 14th, bet. Davis and Everett.
2 WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rant: free gaa
nr..v .-a k . Matn 41(1 Hall
Dim .m .
CLEAN, light, well-fumlshed housekMplng
. Srh at
rooms. w-ii
VERY deslrabl. housekseping room, walking
... , n ,h,Mrrn. AA7 Market.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. flrrt
rioor. iai a..v.i, -.v..
FOUR nicely furnished rooms at 6S5 Mont
gomery st.
FORRENT Housekeeping rooma furnished.
848 Montgomery Phons MalnJial5:
XWOor three unfurnished rooms for rent,
4TS East Everett, or phone B 139.
FOR RENT A suit, of housekeeping rooma
624 E. Morrison: no children. Phone B1352.
FROVT rooms for housekseping. bath, gas
and phone. 840 College st.
FURNU-HED housekeeping rooms: light,
water and bath. 640 Borthwlck St.
THREE mod-m. nicely furnished house
a.aplng rooma. reasonable. 100 7, lath.
FINELY furnished large front room, with or
without separate kitchen; gaa range; to
refined married couple without children;
modern. $23 per mo.. Including furnace
heat. bath, phone; elegant location, walk
ing distance, few atei East Morrison-SL
carllne. chioiodi bu, vol c
LARGE, sunny housekeeping suit, fn private
family; newly furnished and very cosy;
Ilghta phone, bath and ua. of stationary
tubs: walking distance; rent $16.60. Phone
C 8C7K. .
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms In pri
vat. family; 13 minutes' walk from post
office; gaa, light, bath, phone and laun
dry fumiahed; J6 per week; adults only.
SCO 6th. Main KTB.
THREE room furnished suite, gas heat,
llarht. fireplace, porch, use of phone; half
block to W" car. 867 X. 29th si. Phono
Mar. 2-22.
ONE or two nicely-furnished housekeeping
rooms; gas and steam heat, electrlo light,
bath, etc.; Weat bide, walking distance.
Phone A 3S74.
$2.33 WEEKLY Furnished housekeeping
rooms, free phon., laundry, bath, yard,
gas. llnsn exchange. ot9 Commercial St..
between 9th and Graham; "W" car.
2 FURNISHED houaekeeplng rooma, $12 per
month; also 4 rooms, furnished, $20 per
month. 2n19 E. Burnsld-, cor. 80th st. M,
V. car. Phone Tabor 4b3.
TO RENT Front housekeeping suite, new
furniture, good location; $0 par week. In
cluding furnace heat, light and cooking
gas and telephone. -Inquire at 20 12th st.
NEW, clean, furnished housekeeping rooms;
free phona light, fuel, bath and laun
dry: central and reepectable. Prices rea
sonable. 630 Couch, bet, 16th and 17th.
TWO and-three nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms; use of bath and phone; heat
and light Included. Pric. $18 and $25.
498 Montgomery.
TWO very convenient connecting rooms on
- first floor for housekeeping. Gas. eleo
tric light, heat and bath and phone, alao
large aingle room. 190 N. 17th bl
ONE or two large furnished housekeeping
rooms with gas stove for cooking; will
rent one or both. 772 Alblna ava, ons
block from car.
WANTED A respectable middle-aged work
ing lady with prlvlleg of housekeeping;
object, company. Call 7ST Eaat 2Sth at,
WW car.
$33 THREE large, well-furnlshed rooms,
suitable for family, bed. davenport, couch,
. every convenience. Fumac. heat, fire
place. 254 12th.
6UITE of dean, light housekeeping rooma
about five minutes' walk to postofflce,
good neighborhood. Incjuire at 414 Tay
lor st.
LARGE, clean corner bay window room:
alao email room, chean: large attic; house
keeping permitted. 23 4 E. 12th. apt. B.
3 TO 6-room apartment, nicely furnished,
clean, modern, central, desirable, rea
sonable. 621 Coucb-
TWO furnished housekeeping rooma $11
per month, electrlo light, gas and phone.
1717 Portsmouth ave.
LARGE, light front housekeeping room,
free phone, bath, gas; also cheap fur
nished room. 473 Taylor St.
FLAT of three connecting furnished house
keeping rooms; lower floor. 430 Yam
hill. TWO furnished housekeeping rooma gas
and phone, $18. Corner of Meade and Wa
ter sts.
$5 PER week, clean, well-furnished first
floor corner suite, beautiful location, run
ning water, stationary tubs. 113 N. 23d,
LOWER floor, tt rooms, parlors, piano,
kitchen, pantry: no cigarette smokers or
children. 44S 10 St.
TWO neatly-furnished rooms for light house
keeping, private family, $12 per month.
110 Alberta St.; take L car.
TWO rooms, upstairs. Just cleaned and pa
pered, for two people who are occupied.
412 10th St.
FURNISHED room, suitable for two, with
uso of kitchen. In new, modern home;
rent SS. !!08 b. 43th st- Tabor 3267.
NICE, pleasant housekeeping rooma. also
single room, quiet place, reasonable. 421
8 DESIRABLE rooms for rent, fin. location;
will sel! furniture at a bargain. Se. this.
234 East 20th St., corner Mais.
THR5E newly furnished housekeeping
rooms, nice location. 234 East ISth, cor.
SINGLE or double housekeeping, sleeping
or batching rooms; running water. 603V,
$94 COLUMBIA, cor. 10th. Well-furnlshed
room, kitchen prtvilegea Business women
FOR housekeeping, 2 large outside rooms,
neatly furnished; gas, bath, phone. 275
N. 21st st.
TWO large light fumiahed houaekeeplng
rooma, bath and phone, $1$ month. 628
Market St., West Side.
VERY pleasant rooms, newly furnished for
light housekeeping. 657 Madison, near
2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooma
2 blocks from Rose City Park car. $16.
61 E. 18th. JT.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished modern house
keeping or bedroom suite, or single rooma
Phono East 6026. 655 East Burnsld. st.
FURNISHED houaekeeplng rooms. In cot
tage, bath. sink, gas; no other roomers.
102 N. 15th.
NEWLY furnlahed housekeeping room and
kitchenette. 3S3H Mill at. Phone Main
NICELY furnished housekeeping and fur
nished rooms on carllne, light, bath and
phono free. 294 Williams ave.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms In fam
ily; front, lower floor, clean and light,
(14 4th. Main 2752.
LARGE front . furnished housskeeplng
rooms; sink, water, phone, gaa 488 Ev
erett. FINE, clean furnished housekeeping and
sleeping rooms at 229 6th St., across from
WELL-FURNISHED rooms for housekeep
ing: also one room suitable for working
man, reasonable 231 East 6th.
TWO housekeeping rooms, nicely fur
nished: light, phona bsth; no children;
rent $15. 615 20th st-. Portland Heights,
A NICELY furnished two-room suite, rea
sonable, heat, bath, raa phon. and laun
dry privilege. 175 Slat, near Waah.
FOUR furnished houaekeeplng rooms, with
yard; no objection to children. Rent $20.
Cot. of 21st and eKarney sts.
TWO large, light, unfurnished housekeeping
rooms, with use of modem bath for rent
to reliable tenant. Apply 1005 Belmont,
TWO connecting housekeeping rooms, lower
floor, frM lights, water, phons; walking
dlatanca 89 E. 8th N. Phone East 1865.
CLEAJf furnished housekeeping rooms;
bath, gaa and electricity; adults. Phono
A 2748. 430 Park st.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. $17. 464
Hall st,, near 13th. top floor.
810 MAIN ST. For housekeeping, a home
like suite, cosy cottage, olose In.
BASEMENT rooms for housekeeping, cheap.
190 N. 17th st,
8 OR 4 furnished rooms. Including kitchen
and sink. 147 North 21st,
S-ROOM suits, completely furnished for
housekeeping. oentrsX 468 Main st-
ONE deslrabls room, sultabt. for house
keeping. 295 Montgomery st.
NICE" clean housekeeping rooms; walking
dlstanoe; reasonable. 15 E. 6th sr. N.
TWO large housekeeping rooms; privat.
family. 734 Alblna ava
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, also
single rooms. 401 1st St.. flat C
LIGHT, clean, two-room suitea phonea bath,
walking distance. 407 Holladay ave.
IN SUBURBS One or mora Phone. Sell
wood 36-
LARGE front room, running water, bath,
phone, fumac. heat. 666 Johnson.
THREE housekeeping rooms to coupla
Phon. E. ISiO.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; walk
ing dlatanca. 168 North 18th at,
TWO fumiahed housekeeping rooms. 429
E. Ash St. Call E. 4398.
FURNISHED housekeeping, basement rooms
for two worklngmen. 26 N. 17th.
$2 WEEK, front room furnished light house
keeping for lady. 424 Jefferson.
NEW and nicely furnished and unfurnished
housekeeping rww.
COMFORTABLE light housekeeping rooms,
8u3 12th St.
2 OR i furnished housekeeping rooma J 04
E. ISth st. E. 2;82.
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms;.
grourd floor, rent reasonaole. 202 E. 45.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.
$19 per month. 249 E. 2d N.
TWO housekeeping rooma walking distance.
960 East th St. North.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooma 914
2. Yamhill, Tabor 1670.
4"wELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooma
. i , . - r-A iifl r-.T.r Alder.
gas, uam. a"J "- - -
PLEASANT, newly-furnished housekeeping
ajA Olmnnf mt MfflM 27rh Kt.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. $17 per
mon:ii. at 47 East Pine at-
COSY room, nicely furnished for housekeep
ing; $10. S34 Park.
930-4 Morrison, cor. Park; furnished, un
furnished apta for quiet people; elevator,
steam heat, all conveniences; best location.
8 rooma
6 rooma
5 rooms,
B rooms,
6 rooms,
7 rooma
6 rooms,
$ rooms,
7 rooms,
0 rooma
8 rooma
10 rooma
6 rooma
6 rooma
5 rooms,
7- rooma
5 rooms.
8 rooma
4 rooma
6 rooms,
7 rooma
B rooms,
5 rooms.
5 rooms,
5 rooms,
6 rooms,
S rooma
5 rooma
E rooma
6 rooms,
8 rooms,
4 rooma
B rooma
4 rooma
4 rooma
5 rooma
6 rooms.
400 East 8th St.. $22.50.
412 East 8th sL, No., $35. .
250 Alder St,
Home huntera visit our up-to-dat. ran
tal and Information department. 4th floor,
main building, and se. the vacancies ws
bsve listed of deslrabl. houses and fiata
You'll aav. time In getting properly and
comfortably located. Wo keep In touch
with all vacant housea flats and apart
ments In the city. W. also keep a list of
new buildings In courae of construction.
Th. combined lists of all real estate deal
ra Thl Information la absolutely fre
5-ROOM honse on Williams ava, all new
ly tinted and fixed up; $20.
8-room bungalow, all newly painted and
tinted, nice yard with trees on corner,
hard-surfaoed gtrests. ono block to car;
8-room nous. In Montavllla. $12.50.
thoroughly modern. ,nrt . .
7-room house, cast of Irvlngton: $32 60.
7-room house. 29th and Hancock, $25.
832 Chamber of Commerca
lo-ROOM furnished house, 8S1 Overlook
boulevard, $45.
9-rooru house, 403 7th St., -M"..
6- room house, 925 Halsey st-, $20.
9-room furnished house on Lovejoy St.,
76-roora house In Vernon district, $26.
7- room house In Overlook district, $2u.
90 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6i)0i.
8-ROOM modem house on West Side. $24;
will be vacant Oct. 1. ,, ...
4-room house on St. Johns carllne $10.
4-room hous. on Z6th st. North. $10.
6-room hous. at Woodlawn $12.
6-room modern house on Williams ave.
133 Vt First St,
S ROOMS, 403 E. 12th St., near Harrison,
5 rooms. 8C.0 Morris st,. nr. Union ave.,
' V rooms, 105 N. 15th st,, near Flandera
Inquire 233 Stark St,
GOOD PLACE for chickens, cow. garden
(rich soli), house, chlcken-house, lots fruit
trees and berries, near graded school and
carllne, lontavilla district; $10 month;
one or more acres; snap. Apply 864 North
26th. W car west on Morrison to .26th.
block north.
10-ROOM house, hot water heat, nice lawn,
south front, suitable for large family or
parties wishing to rent rooms, located on
Tillamook st, bet. Union and Williams ave.
Only $35 per month. T. M. Word & Co.,
uo ieon Diag.
New house, seven rooms, besides large
reception halL bathroom, pass pantry, at
tic and full basement; furnace, fireplace,
large porch; corner; choice neighborhood;
$55, N 4S7, Oregonlan,
5-ROOM house in Sunnyside, comer; fruit
trees, gas and electric light, bath, base
ment, 1 block from Mt- Tabor car. Phone
Tabor 1229, or Inquire next door, 1215 E.
PRACTICALLY new 8-room house at 6o2
Elliott ave.. In the Ladd Addition; will
build garage If wanted. Tradera- Truat Co..
603 Yeon bldgj
8-ROOM house In Irvlngton, choice district.
408 15th St. North. Inqulr. room 232
Labbe building. Phones: C 2923. Main
ONE 7-room new honse wltn garage, near
E. S5th and Division sta, four lower rooms
furnished and furniture for sale. Apply
405 Marguerite ave. Phone Tabor 2779.
FOR RENT Five-room modern house for
small family. West Side, walking dis
tance; $18. Inquire 224 Caruthers. Phono
Main 3675.
FOR RENT 8-room modern house, fine lo
cation. 609 Harrison St., $30 per month;
kev at 510 Montgomery st. Phone M.
4833 or Woodlawn 2433. 317 Henry bldg.
FOR RScT-;---Cholce residence on Portland
Heights; large grounds, magnificent view,
select neighborhood; referencea Address
L. -F, 1214 Macadam at.
8-ROOM modern house, walking distance,
647 E. Taylor St., cor 12th St., nlc. large
well-lighted rooms. $35 per month. Jor
dan & Garbade, 2321, Washington st.
TWO houses, 7 rooms each, elegant condi
tion, choicely located, East Side, one well
appointed for physician, reasonable rent,
M. S. Rentery. Stearns bldg. ;
A 6-ROOM house with bath and basement,
some garden; Stat, price. AH 420, Ore
gonian. AN 8-room modern bouse, furnace, 2 fire
places, 2 batha. garage, Portland Heights,
Apply 407 Wells Fargo bldg.
NEW modem house, 8 rooms; rent very rea,
sonable. Call evenings or Saturday, East
FIVE-ROOM cottage. 1806 E. 9th st. South:
full bath-room fixtures, near Sellwood car
barn. Inquire next door.
9-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale
or will rent furnished. Call afteraoona B95
Love J oy, cor. 19th st- or phone East 8899.
MODERN 6-room house, excellent condi
tion. 1 block from W. W. car. 643 17th;
a $15. 171 Grand ave.
5-ROOM cottage, good condition, bath, eleo
trlclty, gas; 2 blocks Broadway ear; $20;
no children. 404 East 11th st. North.
MODERN seven-room house. East. 30th and
Yamhill; yard, fruit, electricity, gaa. East
TWO modem 7-room housea $10 and $16,
Eaat Side, close to carllna Main 4608, be
tween 1 and 8.
FOR RENT New 6-room cottage on Wood
stock line, $14 per month, cor. 40th and
Holgata Phone, Sellwood 1451.
8-ROOM home. - modem. Suitable for two
famillea 100 East 68th St. Phone Tabor
FOR RENT New modem 7-room home.
Overlook district; reasonable Marshall
HOUSE for rent West Side, walking dis
tance thoroughly modem. 8 rooms, yard,
veran d a, fireplace. AF 434, Oregonlan.'
FOR RENT Good cottage. 2 lots, ail kinds
of fruit- $12 a monlh. 3629 67th st. S. E.
Portland. Or.
FOR RENT Six-room house. $22.50 per
month. 720 Union ave. N. Sea Quesnelle,
804 Oak St.
A NOB HILL house of 8 rooms and bath.
In splendid condition. Rent $50 per
month. Phone Main 4927.
FOR RENT 6-room house. East Salmon
at,, near 27th ; large yard; fine location
Phone Tabor 707.
SIX-ROOM modern house. Just completed,
fireplace and sleeping porch. 850 29th st.
7-ROOM house, 660 Mason St. $14. Apply
3jl Sacramento st. pnon. o2in j,aat.
MODERN 7-room house, wslklng distance;
some furniture for sale 808 Jackson st,
$8 4-ROOM cottage; yard 100x100. 74 East
67th St.. Mallf 1141.
7-ROOM house 710 Front st. Call 714 Water
TO RENT House In exchange for small
boy s board. 1095 Eaat lath at, N.
NEW modern seven-room house close In.
East 630. C 2266.
FOR rent 5-room bungalow, modern, "W-W
carllne Phone Sellwood 1858.
SEVEN-ROOM furnished houae on Wlllam-
et;e" Heights. A 223S; 830
120 Modem, newly tinted 7-room house;
yard, fruit. E40 Montane Mam 2336.
FOR RENT 5-room housea and for aaia
Howard". 614 McKay bldg. ;
t ROOMS, modem, close. $40. pretty home.
best district, roomers, furnishlnga C 269L
17 -2-
8-room, West Side.
$ 25 00 per
40.00 "
100.00 "
22.50 "
Portland Hts...
West Side
East Side
furnished 50.00
40 00 "
30.00 -30.00
27.30 "
fiat. East Side
Houses and fiats furnished and
furnished for rent In all parts of th
ci ty.
' 102 Fourth St.
Main 35. A S500
FOR RENT 11-room house' close In
on West Side; beautiful residence district;
hot wster heating; two tolleta bath, ga9
and -electricity; strictly modern and owner
will give long lease; rent $100 per month;
close to 23d street car.
MY beautiful new 9-room house,- everything
modern and strictly up-to-date; 100x100
corner on Broadway carline, restricted
district: references: no children; owner,
426 Lumbermens blug. M. 6000; rea Wooia-
lawn 14S4.
IF you have a vacant house or flat any
where on the East Side. SCO
Real Estate, Rentala Notary Public
Cor. Grand ave and E. Ankeny. (
NICE five-room house, bath. electricity,
with acre of ground; splendid placs for
garden and chickens, on llSl Gladstone
ave. Rent $20.00 a month. Phone Xa-n
FURNISHED or unfurnished West Side
modern six-room, cement basement, laun
dry, furnace, fireplace, two carllnea. pretty
lawn and garden. 923 Savler street, Wll;
lamette Heights car.
PIEDMONT modern 7-room home, corner
100x100. with garage, everything flrst-
1c. arA nnmnl.t. .inflirnlfth. Sift. f UT-
nished $55 per month, 222 Ainsworth. -
FOR RENT 8-room house and garage. 100D
Raleigh St.. Willamette HelRhu. beautiful
location. Phone Main 6675 after Mon-
H.u p r Sent. 25.
FOR RENT 6-room modern bungalow,
partly furnished, If desired: winter's wood
for aale; no children. 1279 Haight St.,
Piedmont. Call Monday
eo YORK ST. H block from 23d-st. car
line; good modern 7-room house with fur
nace and fireplace; $25. Call 414
Spalding bldg.
MODERN 8-room house; furnace, etc.;
$32.50 per monthCor. E. 29ih and Da
via sts. -
960 WILLIAMS AVE. 6 large rooms, m .id
em except furnace, $20. Portland Trust
Company. .
82 E. 22D N. 6 rooms, modem In every
way, nice yard, class A stuff; (32.30
Portland Trust Co.
6-ROOM house for rent, (125 will buy Win
ter's wood and some furnishlnga Call at
660 E. Alder.
A NEW modem 8-room house. $24; 1433 E.
19th st, Westmoreland. Sellwood 1346.
Monday. Main 33S8.
99 FRONT. 9 rooms. 2 baths, gas and
furnace, newly renovated, suitable for 2
families. $40. Portland Trait COS-ROOM
Bath, electricity, gas. fine shrub
bery. 830 East 9th North, near Broadway.
Inquire on premlsea
6-ROOM house on WILLIAMS avenue; $2,!
per month. Columbia Trust Company,
84 4th St. H
MODERN cottage, sightly, 43d and Brosd
way. block to car, $17. Main 3593. Sun;
days or evenings.
8-ROOM unfurnished house -good condition,
large rooma lawn, walking distance, rent
reasonable. 549 Sixth. Main 8542. J
MODERN seven-room house, one block
from cars and schooL 648 Klrby. co.
Monroe. 2
MODERN 6-rom house, one block from car.
fireplace, china closet, stationary waah
trays, etc Call at 221 Falling bldg. ?
7-ROOM house, gaa bath, etc: $22.50; East
8th and Falling ste Apply to Imperial
Pharmacy, 48 N. 6th.
8-ROOM modem house. . near Hawthorne,
to rent by owner. A 7316.
FOR RENT $20, 7-room bungalow. Inqulr
Dick's Grocery. E. 26th and Clinton.
7-ROOM modern house. 1088 Denver ave
Take St. Johns car.
FOR RENT Modem 7-room house, hard
wood floors; in -Irvlngton. East 4504.
CLEAN 6-room house for rent; gae bath.
607 Second st. Inquire 601.
MODERN 6-room cottage, 8S8 East An
keny; open Sunday from 8 to 4.
NEW, modem 7-roomed house. furnace,
fireplace, yard, close In. 724 E. Main.
6-ROOM house, B. Pine, near 18th. C 2268,
East 6095.
RENT, 4-room house and basement. 740
Minnesota ave Woodlawn 820.
8-ROOM house on Kearney, near 21st. Phone
East 4237. -
4-ROOM bungalow, built-in bed In living-
room, AJUtcn Kltcnen. iw.t aiu,. '
SIX-ROOM house, 842 East Pine near 2Sth,
$20. Owner, 130 Eaat 27th.
8-ROOM modern house, 431 Market. How
ard Land Company. 608 Swetland bldg. .
6-ROOM cottage. West Side, desirable loca
tlon, centraL Key. 32S Park at-
NEW 4-room modern house. East Couch,
near 29th.; $17 month. Main 2023.
FOR RENT 8-room housa, 447 6th at.
FIVE-ROOM cottage. 290 East 9th.
Furnished Houses.
7-ROOM bungalow, bath and fireplace, fully
furnished. Including piano. Price $25 per
month. Apply 1492 South 9th st, Soil
wood car, off at Maiden ave.
FOR RENT A completely furnished mod
ern 5-room cottage. 171 E. 40th st,; lawn
and flowers; adults only. Phone Tabor
1252. '
6-ROOM house, furnished, thoroughly mod
ern; one block from Rose City Park cat;
only $3000, on easy terms. Owner, C
SEVEN nicely furnished modern rooms, with
bam and largo grounds; $28. 656 Syra
cuse St., corner of Olin. Call after 2 P.
M. Sunday or Monday.
APARTMENT of six furnished rooms and
store with candy kitchen and three fur
nished living rooms; rent very cheap. Call
745 Northrupst.
MODERN 8-room house on West Side, Nob
Hill district, nicely furnished and very
desirable to responsible family; references
required. A I960.
NICELY furnished rooms, $8 per month and
up; one light housekeeping, walking dis
tance; bath and phone 405 Weat Park at.
Phone Main 4791.
NEATLY furnished house, 7 large, cheer
ful rooma gas, electricity and furnace
289 E. 47th at-; take Hawthorn, car to
E. 47th at.
COMPLETELY furnished home 8 rooms,
modem convenlencea 258 East 30th; rent
only $45. D. G. Woodward, agent, 104 2d.
NEW 6-room bungalow, newly and com
pletely furnished. Take Montavllla car
to 60th. St. Apply 2090 EastGllsam
NEW clean, modem 7-room house, fur
nished complete; furnace Hawthorn ave
Tabor 22 m.
FURNISHED 7-room house, all modern; .
fine location. Phone Woodlawn 1610 or
Call ,-l commercial au
120 MODERN 6-room house, or will sell
very reasonable Owner, 877 Oberlin st.,
Portsmouth. St. Johns car.
FOR- RENT Neatlv-furnished. modem, -room
cottage. 10S2 Eaat 13th st- North;
Alberta car. Phone fc.aat 1210.
FOR RENT to responsible tenants, well-furnlshed
house, 7 rooms; desirable neigh
borhood on Weat Bide. Phone Main 5003.
a COMPLETELY furnished 5-room cottage, ,
.30 per month. 1024 Williams ave Key
at 1019 Williams ave.
NEW 6-room home, recently furnished; will
rent six months; can be seen Sunday. 1028
E. 13th Norm.
MODERN 4-room flat, permanent, walking
distance; reiercioca. n-n-.
FOR RENT 5-room cottage, with furniture.
Inquire zun aim .
VOR RENT Elegantly furnished 7-room
housa in Nob H1U. Phone Main 6746. -
FOR PENT 6-room furnlahed cottage; no
children. Call 504 E. 18th.
jj-VINGTON home, 7 rooms- furnished,
rent for year; tOO. A 1786.
FOUn-ROOM cottaffo, partially furnUheL
45i tf.ast viJ-
gao rn Modern 7-room houee. 5 rooma fur-
-' V , !JQ Call n.-nnA KC7
nisnea. 00 cbl ""
LARGE room with henette also room,
Walking ama-mrr. t.w .wwa.
For RENT S-room house, furnished. $73
East Oak.
k ROOM furnished houae for rent, 114 blocks
from L car. Inquire 163 Stanton.
i20 4. ROOM furnished house awl yaxd.
Boa o. av.a4.
MODERN 6-room buny&low furnished t'J5
NICELY furnished 5-room bungalow; would
board with tenant. Phone Tabor 1132.
n-ROOM furnished cottage, :5, Eaat lde.
j. i 43. Oregonlan.