r rnr. sttxday oregoxian, ronTT,Ayj, settesiber 21. ion. REAL MTAT GOOD Fl'TH. $U0O9 Put a aire T-rwom - bew but.t on ar. rontrurHi. i .- ftn!hU. niO'i-rn ror.en:ni-e. blovfcs frm -ar. I-" cash, be.ance J aasy. iul 9.u .rn. H'O ch. aa'ence to sa't par chr. ikA't pruy little bom. tumi. -- p "..- o, h . I. eI me!- cuBtaltn. lot 4'100; n!ee lawn. i ac from car; tft S-de orta. $30 for a fin vtv lot oa OfMBtr .. Portend H!nts. caa. ba.anc to suit bu)f. $ eee-half rash, ba :-- eaar. will boy a Bo 4iH ioi; t :d bouia: gra4 iumIi, cement ws-aa aa .. lata tn rorttaad $i' end up- Barsralna la ru rata, tu parta of toe city. the !rtw.r:vR compant. ;uj fourth $irL Mala A. A $-0-X PORTLAND HLI'.HTS-Fa--t.f ul ow bouao uf rrwmi and aeeep-wn ha.i. fuU-ieng-h aittlng-rvorn run X.rplr. w ic-low -ts and caes: b"-uiifurr ..-. ana -i-- - d.n.bi-rt' ro w.ta buff-i. kitcn- w.th' .. t-n rontrnifOrr: hardwood I floors; ( ur cromi, d:: an :p.n Oa.conr. fu.I enupmenl of doe eta, full concrtt bmDl. hoi-wt;r baU Thti horn u built eftrr Crmfte man d'ifDt ;th the fltur thorough ly la kpir. with trto color at-name of a-b rwn; tn xxlw r l of ihe beat, wttfi a eat in amah and rt-h tone; ina groutJ4 U ;1h and c mmao? aa unoO trurir of the -tty and risers and a w I uptoM of tnoun'e.nt. on bit illlbtc t-el; a. I irnprrntta In and paid, on rerUne ntr H..ts Clu school. Cnr 112. iW. !r..U: tin hall refpeta, mat l,a aad s r ait.-t.rn rnA 1 A. F. BRUN. Mala 1 KI. Ch-n. of Com. A HIT. WALKING DISTANCE. I hOOMS. SftiinA rn tha aouth aid of Faat An. ttw-n Kat luih and Eat n.t. and mo'l-rn 1-rrom houe: p,rr of tod Irxiir and bauti(ul a.rutbry; prira can arrac icrma. KOW. P. VALL ftiO and J1- Chambar of c ommtrf. iMK KIN K MOMKA ISTA t'n al'. corner. $4-..wrra:horn avenue. i..IUImnt; Ana. lr inrtoB. i r tn ton. fr;,!- In irct-'n, $Tw" Irvtt.p-iun. I ; ir ir::rtn ; IniproTeaenta paid. $-;.' Ha:horna a. f;iMi irv mctoo, j., -,,-v U tllia.-ra a . WtHut Park. $; V't !tda. f t4 irvtnctnn. loxl'X. Horn a.l itM-atmn: will b gtad ! ai th-n. can iwriT auit yoo. 1WMKKMAN. 3H H"l of Trade PHg. PlfPMOXT HOM S. invntin a Rrat'Viaaa h-m w!!I ti: t th.B -ryira, r-ptl--i hall, r a? h. a'eptnr pri-h. 2 toi : an lhd attic and platI and cemntd ba mn? : rtih p-.ia"icd and ,nm.C'l and pid Anlah w:th tmi and i -m t-d rmi:ing. aa B-Kjra pia'e ft-Taaa wind-twa. lara- tulTi. all the m-id-rn cwrrnlrnrM -fn airei in a flrat-cta hot a; retrtrted d'efrtrt. 11- I ComniervlaJ aC Take tU. John a car. FOR SALE. Trm with ar.ndid frunda. 1Vi14A: ffolt tra. ornamental tra, tc. cated in i i a t baut.f ul reMencj a-tton Br E. i-'.th and -uth of the Mount Tabor tr-'-ar : prtr 0l IURTJUS A THCSOV, Ut Kt'ate Pfpirtmnt. ChimW of Cnmmre b d. lUO A'RIKI'K Rfll.T KJK A ltME Put awaer la f.r-I i H and wilt t rapt an jr reaan a Me offer wlt.j at lea at ! cak; a 'Ujuv p:a If )o want a barrata thia No trada rortU-rd. I'.rrvl nw. airtrtiy modr:. comp.ate tn ef:T apptntmnl : S eitra laraa bed rm and lar aee-pln- pon h . atrMt pa.t . nno !.: '-n. If you bQ buat-n- ca'i TaVr roomh ITH AVE W. E.. nw morn -r-m heue and a Mh aihdy lot. c;nt iw . n!- vard. U . r'cht oa tha crlmi tak V-V fir i 4h .. nat houj . th:a la a bargain. look fnto It. Owner A S"R1KHE. Owner comji!ed to ec.i; 5-rvm burtra fw. new and moOrn; Hr-p:rt. buat. Nad. ctuea. lai pro men t a tn and x oV Th'a a ba'-iain: mual ell; ter-7ie t tit; amatl Art pariiit or tt . IV minute car ride- Ca.l iiaranall 2 Hon dr :.. f3t. t?i0 raaii bu?a either ot two new mod ern bun talow, but It -111 buffet. paneiel rt inijt rom. fu!t cement baament and rmcnl waika: Ifawi.lome diet n-t ; bar-p-am. otvr. M. it. Wnovtn. a Roth cr!'d b'lC- 1 n l trt F It N TM 1 N . Portland Hlchta. Ur, almoet raw. A-r. ora burni.ua; fireplace, aleptnc port h. 2 b.oka car, a!! cnreniutea. 3 jm. mprue:nen:i worth miner ; land thrown in. Main 2.1. BROOKE. A NICE Ht'MH CORNER LOT. I V P R VEMENTS ALL IN 7 R'-OMS. M'PKrtX, "i HLOK3 FROM C KLINE; PR '.' d f "vVrO. Z1M MKHVJA.N UlM HOARL OF TKAL'E 8,1 J EXTRA COOP. A rooms on nrat rt ,r. rom up atalra for two m.re; hot water heat. A re place, good natures, house built for horn and wall furntafted. a bvraain at saiML Zimmtr man. 310 Brd of Trad bMg. RESTRICTED IISTKIT. Fr!rate partv ilf bvii' 1 you a boma to auit on a beaut t rut sight :y lot or on your own lot . raav frst pavment. bal-ai-e monfi'v m ahow vo-t nn pretty plana I will duplicate ' 4'1. t r gn tan. F ' K ji.Vl.K-T-nwim hou. T J l st. N. : 1 b.ock to car. electric t.hta. bt? h. lnMe rloaeta, corner lot om7. prue l.'t.'O; JJftd rash and monthly paymenta; thla la a bargain ; reason for at'rif!c. am going Kaat October 7. Owner, Tabor 32o. BARGAIN FROM OWNEIC llTrt'. X- room cottage; 2 room a In rear: lot ItMt. aime fru:t trees and berries; ciy ronvanlencee : gd car aen lc. E. 7'..' tth at. N Marshall '."40 j-X 3"" I'.NPHK VALUE, new. ail mod ern r.om ht:e. drubl conat ruction throughout ; reatricted dlatrlcr ; pavvl a: rests. u Tmia to ault. Must aiL A-deas owner A K 4 Oregonlar QoCr 7-rom house; bath and eloctrlo lights; a so 14 acre a of ground. lea t.'aa biocke from streetcar at Wood stock; very chaep and vary aaay term. L E. Thempaon, Zi 34 at. ITAN PLACE, OVER LOT" VXlort. ON CARLINE. OC FAR:. 0 tin 1 Af.?. spi.ENPin Location, cheap at fftOO; WTT.L FELL ltX. OWNER. A K 44, OREI.ONIAN ii"LENPIO mo.l-m Irt-tngton home, seven rooma and aieeping por- h ; : than foo; ownr leaving cuy and muat aacrif ice: $2:o will hand:: deal W:th owner and sa v e commission. E Oregonlan. J-R.XM. t wo-at-iry reaitlem-e. modem In every particular, on paved etreu 1 blocs: to car. at a bargain, restricted, dvstrlct; dM; with t owner and save com rat a aion. F"at 3. Vf tunaalow. E. rt h nr Clinton. $;: 3l-V cash, ba'anc month In- f-'-'-'lng Intereai. ".orooa ws cwe-onu Vdr- IT will iit yptt to see that beautl'ul bunga low at II'.hi E. lth N. It a a dream." I w'U meet voo on almost ,nvt ry pru lrt or E. 2"!"3 terms. Ow n- M 3-ROM h-aa. new. large lot. eome fru't. M?unt Tabor. reaanar!e teria; prlfe 3T50- will tak vacant Laurel hurat let worth 11.5s. J . Or-gonin. q SALE 4 -room house good location on r it jitrk. lot ftOxldt), casn. Owner. phna Tabor 1 41. Y owner, new in. eacrlfb'v J-person at.. at.vlarn 4-roo nthouas. close aale; small panata 4w 7 apt. R Main .T'4. b'JWK from r..id: eaaa Tia Goat ioo f.-lHJ. two fur- 1 t nee before eu buy. Wst KlHlrgsworth ate. EaT bllK modern atory and half bunga low; large parlor itv full particulars e.nd terma K 417. Oregonlan. ONE Of the beat I.aure hurat lota. If aold sroa. II ": half caah. balance terma. Ownr. AK 4A Ore goo tan. SFVVJM-R." M house .-t 1 ft aoj iar. ba-r'n with eaav te-ms Tiber SI." JsOPilHV new 3-ro.m bungalcw. $oO dowa aa 1 S ncnlta : owner S'lwiwd MA. IWiLL bunga.o-. tbre lta only t-3.l). ay taraoa. Phoa owner, fctala Clie. t or Mi-Hoi A CEVTLEMAVS RTM HENCE. On a otDr. lilo In an Cic.uilv LLstret. $1J0 vn.y. $lvOu cub. a block from 3 car Untf. J to 5-mtnuSe wrvica 2o miDuiM' rui. Un. roeea. strawberries. ,rf r worn a. 3 bath roomi Cvry poa.D. coanlDC. 1 flrlac. !n:an of tho beat and tat act. Hot li atreeie hard nnihe4. A.i at reet improTrnnta pa! 4 for. Built by tha owner. h;t t"mm. FKfclD K HtMKKSS. 613 McKay B df., 3d and biark. HiNNYlllI'K liAl'.'.AlN. Jf you wa-.t a prttr. up-to-data homa In .r.- of th nii acira : a aviiona oa Ut iUt... U n t m.M thta opportunity. Tn l.i-oif la nrw and r.ourn in rf r-a;e-t. lh intnr rrmaKment and On ia im ry a:trac:tv nl cr.rr ntnt; rumu b.d- u c ha'.h ad toUrt. retP tloa hali. iar t:v mi -rm. ith col umned r-h paratmc It from dinln rom. dmir.c-r j:n :a paneled and ha bu'.t-in buttt. rnt'i:;oa fisturea. ate. ami-Uu:ch kitrh-n ; b!roma ara all ir-. I;ht and a.ry; anepUjnny lara r oth'i f:. fui! crotot bnfmrnt with Jh tray. o.! lif t. gaa t.rafer. tr. ; fiK lan a.! around the li"ua. Com and - t h la tcora it la (one. I'nce ou.y $i i. A. K. HII.U 419 aTT.NRT nriLDINO. P! FPMONT. pEAmn'L r-RcoM bi'noalow. icatd on a Bit a eaal front lot. itr) bard-aurf rm a'.rret In; haa a fireplace, furnjf. hardwood f.oora. paneled and L-amed dlnuif-room and a beautiful buiU 1n bu.Tt: in fit thia la one of the bt built houaea In p:tlinnnL If I n1a p.nca tl.ia month wul 1't It so for $4u0. A.ao ail. waikr ranuia termai r. ii. i.t..NT. 417 Criett Hldg. I alao have od tuiya In unlm proved property lu It;moot. BEAUTIFUL CORNER HOME. Rooms. .vn ikiW.n. . Beautiful new home, riant up-to-data, full baemni. attic, ftreplaie, furnace and hardwood floor, buffet, beamed ctl Intra. ae:a. I tn Ifuit ft kit hen with fireleaa c-'k- r. cold water call. etc.. large cioata, b.u::fui e octri- flxturea, largo veranda, tunur fa-ea e.iat and north, on bi-c to Roae City Park cr. reetrlctwd diatrU t of ni hornra, inont hiy paymenta on l'aance at cost price $40. fc-t-e J AS. C. LiAiAN. 115 paldina btdg. FvR SALK the moat bejutltful home In one of the a-! ev l dtatrU la iK tha Kaat fi.de. large, elegant reai'lenr with every known m.lern convenience. hardwood flura. doub.e construction; built by tha nitiwt reliable contractors In the city? tha location la Ideal, cummndlng a view of the entire aurroundtnas; we rs. hard aurfar pavem-'nta. atl in: thia grand homa ariou'd bring at lraat fT.VHi, If you ar looking for e-irncthlng nice It win pay you to a' tli la. 1'rtre :.0; small pay ment d-in. balance to suit. K. J. CONP'N ei CO.. 4 Teon bldg. BET1EK THAN 1" PF': CENT NET ON N VETM EXT. Bnt:fu; new 4-Iaiiti.y ail"tly modern flat With rt r.m and aUeplr.g porch to ea h apartmaai . hut water healing ara ten; '.txate.l near ltd at.. In Nt Hall dlsTl-t and on carlir.e; rented at $J.O pr n-'-nth; lt .".1m1j; p,-w only J.' i; fltK-u cj1 hinJin. If ou are louk lnc f-r a gd and ac fe place to Invest y-.ur tncney and at wo-1 ir..-rt. don't fill to ini est la; a this. O. F. 1'llugar Co . u to U 31 ulkey bldg.. cor. d and Morrlo-tn. SNAP FR 1H CASK. Prl-e tz.vo. bivnk to Rose city Park car. new j-r.ma with full baaement. full attic, itreplace. ar it, buffet, completely equipped; bath, laundry trar. lutch kite neo, a:Ktrlo fixture, a hade, large porch ee. cement walks and atreet Im pruveuienta pe ul ; lm cash, ba.anca 3 yeara; It a a gxd chanca (r Investment aa well aa a Lome; ha a rented for month. Owner. Mi -apaidicg bidg. Sunday phon Tabor J40. THH 11.1ST HOilK Hl'YS. New i-room bouae; mo-1 rn plnmhlng, b efue:tt. large tut. East bide, clue In; -". urme. Fine &-roorn cof,ae; modern p'umbtna. baeem-rt. lot 4"i iv-: In fmiih Portland, on carltne; a bargain at $.'h-, terma. t i-room modern hu. Ar place. bajttful lot. In go-t.1 ne'ghborhood; a ap.intlul bur fr $ ivr. terma. E- J. liKlMCIl. 4'.'U Chamber of Commerce. i(t b ai.-t to be appreciated; J7x!vO TVVO brand new ft-roorn bungalows, excel lent view of the city, lst'd on aort h ale of Mkldmore eir-et. between E 14?h and E. loth aa ; prle $'.'.: HOl cah. ba.ance to ault pttrrhaaer; tak Alberta car. get off at ernon av , go aulh 4 b.o- ka to Hktdmore; ow ner will be on premise all day Sunday; be aura and aea thta property C FRTITR. Call Main .Vt weekdays. V ANT A ii H. l HO M E ? -room modern hooa and lot. Nob Hill. IlliMk. .rnon modern hooee and lot, Irving ton. tMVX .-rxm modern houa. and two Iota. C2renway. TA". h-rorna bjnt.l'w, Irvlngton. I-WO0. ft-routn bungu ow. Vernon. UuOl And numerous otbera. VANt't YX A W ALTOS. 5li Chamber of Commerc. UOlEHX IUVINC.TON HOME. S Room. Thoroughly Vlodern. Larg living room, beamed c!Ilng. fl rep's.-, built -In bookcaaea. buffet, Dutch kifhen. nice pantrr. beautiful paneled a. la. d'tat and ciutha chuies. large at t'--; 'ot x1'm). cast front; remember only lft.'0O; terma JOHNSON A DODSON". 32-o-'"- Hoard ot Trade Bldg. IRVINMTON. ON 21PT ST. 9 -room house, new. hardwood floors, furnace. flreplaca. white woodwork In bedroom, readv to mov Into and tha price will appeal to you if you know Irv ine ton values. H. P .PALMER-JONES PO 2U-:U Commercial Club Bid. Ph nes Mmh t?. A ::-J. FR HALE. A BEAUTIFUf. VROOM bungalow, lawn all In. WslM lot. built lesa than a year; If you are looking for nlc hnm close to town and a bargam. call and ee thla at E. 4Mh North. tl.0 TERMS. Hotjae and corner lot 50x100 feet, two rooms. Bull Run water; rood location; total prite 34.V: cash. $1 per month, tall at ;rgory H'chta" office, end of Roa City Perk carilne. WANT A HOME fet. Ir. swj.l location; apples. pears, p'achea. cherries, quinces, a'monds. small fruita and rosea In abundance; house b roos-a; ras, water. Owner. Phoae Tabor 112,t. B liM: or N 440. Oregonlan. RAR3 CASH BARGAIN. Large new 7-room modem house : open eraada on two sides; gaa. electricity; faces enat: lot sluv: frutt. lawn. Hum mr kitchen. atret fru proved. cement walka: go-vl ne.ghhorhood. Ajply own er. 4.' Magnolia. Wood lawn. NEW IRVINCTvN HOME. T room a. hardwood floors. 2 fltplftee, built-in buffet. paneled dining-room. TOutch kitchen. large aleeping-porch screened In. window seats, dsn, modern In very reemect. Owner J 47. Oregonlan. BIG SNAP, f Toc-o cash. IST' on time, for H block of around wltn well-oui't modern 8 -room honi. Ane lawn and fruit trees, worth l-'.O -': t:s Is the bigceat snap In Portland. F FUHS. 42' C'.mmher of Commerce. Foil SALE ily owner. W-a.re tn cultiva tion, ."-cent car fare. 3-rvom box house, woodshed, chl- ken houses. 2 large chirk en yards, terma reaaonahie. Phone M!n ;..4o before 2 P. M., or addreaa AD 4.13, Orrnnlnn. SAME AS RENT. 4-room house. Ko&in) lot. right In Qt. John, netr e-hooI. modem, only I1V0; f.'.o cash, balance I2 per month. Owner, 311 Lew's bldg A RE W. snsp by o n-. north a-est corner of Eaat tth ar. d Washington; "-room house; w'.ll sell to suit buver. with or without house. Call 13 Eaat 3otn. Sunny aide car. Ft-R ATE w nr : J- room modern rot tag. 1h"4 l'tt l.'th. Nortn; leaving city; bargain. Merta f.ir For Jile Host news Property. OVER ITS per c rt net Income; 32340 in xv.ial Income or flirt per month: price $13. 0m); store and flats with above Incom and pr.c named; will pey to look It up. J Frank Porter. &04 Chamber of Com mere. Wil l, If w Id at one. Si acre with 112 trt of water front: to-foot channel at wharf line for $10 a front foot. AJ J lHx !" o.V Union iff., b js.'nesa location; s?tib;! houal rent I-: better Inveatlgate; Sl) 00. E.erett A Crew. 616 Rothchlld b.dg. fourth to sell the two beat boelcess C r- rfrt between Portsmouth and Eaat St. Johns: taraain f-r soma on. owner. Pore Wood. awn 1 1 2. CAN locale honiese"er on vacant Govern ment land tn Central Oregon. Hav sev eral loca'.lona. charge nothing to tell you of them. A 477, Lregonian. FIVE bus'neea corner on E. 11th at., near Hawthorne a . Pea .a A Robinson. 3G1 K. lltar a. Fs m REAL ESTATH, Bttatneaa Property. BRIOC bnlldlnr. IVAxlOO ft. 4 atrlta htrK In center of buatneaa dlatiict on Weat hid. Laaed for 2 yaara; price 43,vuO. Kaaaoa abl terma. Brlrk bulldlnc. SSiSO faat. 3 atorlea nlffn, on Balm on il. near Front at. Leaaed for 2 yean; prlca $15.(KH). Raaaonabla tarnia. OREGON FURNITURE MU CO, Macadam. HUSt N'Eb'S PPOPF.RTT WORTH LOOKIN'J INTO. A buainee blocic. with an eatabllaned bnainaaa income; on tha corner of on of tha beat bualneaa etraata In Portland; 11.1 better than 12 pr cent Pron5i a tore, market, hall, officee; eloa In: 100 feet fmnia on carllne. Kr further par ticular inuir at iW2-a Chamber of Co it. mere. I Aak for Mr. Hlckok. IlUSINESrt PROPERTY. Stor bulMloa nd cottase with two Iota E. Morrtecfi it., only $-3m, with ainall outlay, good for 10 per cent Income. In veetlffat. VANDUTN A WALTOM, 513 Chamber Commerce. INCOME and bualneaa city property for la on account of airkneaa. no a it rrt a. Two-atory bullJln. Ut at., income pr moi.ih, lot :ilf. 10 -room bouae. tJltaan at., near 23d -at, rarline. , lS-room house. Front at., near two crllna. AO 4.v orefonlan. FACTORY aita on reninaula. I muat at one. Owner. O 4li-4. Orea;on'.aa. r haJe Arreajje, HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. All planted, prim condition; 10H aoroa of Ana commercial orchard In heart of Hood Rivar Vailey. on min coutty road; part In besrlrr ; Improved with good hour; plenty of water. for Irrigation, also spritig t atr piped to house from large spring on p'ac, will a vera en 3.".S per c nt net ilrat 3 year, at which time all will t lu bearing and greatly Increase the profits: f.Ov cash and modern Portland resio.'nc worth e"0H, free from Incum brance, will put you in roaseaslon. 0 4.'S. Oregonlan. HOOD RIVER. 40 acres. 6. W. 4, N. E. . See. . T. 2 N.. H. 10 E, all covero.1 with fir and oak brush : about 30 acrt-a under lrrica t ion : about l' acrea rat her ateep. Mt. Hood R. R. runa throunh Innd. Biouciier Station opposite Price $40i; easy terma, or would exchange for Portland prop erty. OODDARD a wiedhick. Ha3 Ftark St. LAND. SOIfj. DIRT. 2a to $."0 per Acre. No better farm or fruit soil in tho state: fine spring water: some timber; beautiful home altes; any else tract. 20 acrea to 1 00 acres: small peyment and easy terma ; only few miles from Port land. 4 tralna dally, beaijeg boats to ahip prrMucte onto the market. It's abso lutely the best bargain in tlie North wt. Remember It a only $-." to 3oO per .a Let's talk It over and go and see it. at 3"A Fourth st- Room 1. ONE OF THE BEST BUYS NEAR THE CITY. 2 acres. Improved with a nice 7-room house and three chlcken-houaea; one acre In orchard, with 0 or 70 fruit treea. 73 chickens; located only 2000 feet from "ta tion; li-cent fre from Portland; price $i'0; good terms rnn te had. OTTO A HRK.N REALTY CO, 133 4 ?L . 3-ACRE HNAP-fKMirt. Located on the Oregon Electric carilne, 15 mlU-s from the city- rich, level soil and free from gravel; anundaut water at S.I feet; $joo r-tah will hHndle It and you may have 5 yoara for tha balance at A pr cent, payable monthly: a mighty Ane ateuMon. my young man. even if you don't need It now. Call tk'T Yeon bldg. Ask for Mr. Stringer. A 10-ACBE TRACT. Of cleared land, rich black anil, no turn pa, gravel or waare land; especially aslapted for raising vegetable, berries and fruit: 2"0 cah. balnare eauv frnn. PACIFIC N -W. HiiVELOPMENT CO., 403 Couch bhlg. READ THIS. THEN ACT. It arrea. mile from McMtrnellle, In high state of cultivation; S-3 four-year-old walnut trees. 3h apple. 4m) peach and 23 cherry trees, a.l bearing; best of fences, Ane road, beautiful running stream on place. He photogmpbs at our office. t'ht-sMr t Taylor. Ieu& Chamber of Com merce. 4 ACRES FOR 313W. Th best of sandy loam, all In clover, almost level, overlooking the surrounding country, quite close to electric railway station, school, chureh. poetofflre and store, but 8i mlnutea from Portland. AB 422, Oregonlan. 3H-ACRE TRACT. Only P miles from center of Portland, weat aide. 10 mlnutta walk from atattnn; live s; team on back end; a snap at $-00 per acre; cnh down, balance easy. ATCHISON A ALLEN. SIS Gerltrtgfr Bldg.. 2d and Alder. Phone Marshall 20 ARES. al under cultivation: rich level land. 11 mtlea from heart of Portland, on good level road. In Ane salirh borbood. on R. F. D. route, cloae to good school ; spring water on place; we will gell 10 acrea or riore: ve-rv er.aT trma. JOHNSON A t'ODSON. o 2Q-22 Board of Trade Bldg. FM ALL ACREAOB. Two acres on Section Line road tn cltT Umlta If you ara In the market look thla up; there will be some extensive Improve menta develop surrounding this In the near future. This la weat of the German Aid Society grounds. The price la right. JACOB HAAS. 408 Yeon bMr BUY acreage from owner AXT acrea two miles from Eugene, the best town In Oregon aicept Portland. Beat stock, dairy or fruit land n valley. Already platted Into amail tracts. Good roada, good . echooie. rural delivery: phone In house; $(V-Ter acre: easy terms, D. W. Jarvls, owner. Eugene. Or. 14 ACKF.S, being tract 10 In Primrose Arros. nt Multnomah Station, on the Oreaon Electric By.. Just R ml'es from tho center of town; thta Is the best buy In acrenge In this district; 22oo, small payment cash and terms. Western Se curities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. HrflUSf, WASH., on tha Whit Salmon River. Townslte lota now for ral. 123 discount on all lota aold this month. For particulars write. Honor Gray Co., Whit Salmon. Wash. WITHIN 10 MILES OF PORTLAND. Fine, deep sandy loam, on the county road. W mile from arhool, church and stor and loctrtc railway station, but '4 hour from Port lend; IO acrea for $2750. AB 424. Ore gon tan. ; GENTLEMAN'S suburban homesite on th Willamette, one to flv acrea, macadam street a. cluster lights, phonea. electricity, aprlng water and every city convenienoe. restricted to good real den res. Terms, Pur.e SIS Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE ACREAGE 8 acre fine land adjoining Oreson Ag ricultural College; short walk to naved street , divided Into Iota would soon double In value. Price. 3S0OO. If taken soon. G. F, Denlaon. 427 North 2d mt.. Corral! Is. Or. e ACRES, mostly In yoang treea and po tato $i2M: will sell half; one-third cash. t mllea ont; Ana road: good ear aervlo! Salem Electric K all, Orego- plan. " 10-ACRB TRACTS Near two good towns on Southern Pactflo, Fine fruit or garden land. rlco $300 to f '.'A per acre. Terma to ault you. AB 4 23. O rt gon 1 a n. 20 ACRES Ane garden land: 12 acrea aeeded to hay; H mile to e'cctrlc line. Owner muat have money. Want an offer. A. V ester. 3:10 Railway Exchange. 14 ACRES, being tract 12 in Primrose; 6 cent carfare; A mll'-e out: a bargain at $MX. terma. Western S?curlt!ea Co., 414 S;a. ding bldg. jr.-A CK E tract, fine soil, some fruit. In Southern Oregnn. 4 miles from town; deal with owner; J37O0, easy terms. L 446, Oregonlaftu MT tl -acre property on Kellogg Cre-k worth (I3.0d0 will ba aecrlficed for $10, eO immediate sale. B. L. Hagemann. Milwaukie, Or. YOU can't beat this: 13 acre In Tualatin Valley on Oregon Electric, $210 per acre. Terma Main 6703. FOR SALE Bv owner; 2 acrea at North Plalna. all under cultivation; $100 per acre, phone Wood lawn 1 . 43 ARFS. unimproved, on county road, lower Columbia P.lver. near P.y.; $23 per acre, terms. Y qQ2. Oregonlan. BARGAIN, o acrea, 1 7 minutes from center of cltv ; 4 acres plowed. 1 in timber; spring on place. Owner. C 4A4. Oregonlan. A At Kls. Miiwauaie. toia oi iruii, w-roora housa, 3:v; $1000 leas than worth. East 34. 3. a,-i;EAciE and lirmi., from I12.M per acre ttp. large and small tracta Cad Kinney A ;mphar. 3C1-2 l.rmber Fichance bd. 43ACRFS. 2 miles North Plains; rent free to riaot party. German family preferred. C .ti : t,;3 E. Sta rW a:., tor. lth. ON E acre for $1 near Multnomah ata "t ! on. Call 4.4 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE or trade; Bulrk modal 10 auto mobile. P. O. Box 2043, oUr REAL ESTATB. Fot H.I. Atrw SPLENDID VALUES IX LITTLE PARKS. IT ictm, 1 ml), from Newbury. n m.in Portland auto road, ml)M from Portland. ALL IN HIGH 8TATB OF CULTIVATION, hplendld 10II. fin. water auppllM; fod family orchard, good bouM, .n. I.n barn, ate Frio IJtfO.bO acra. ?0 acra, r!ht at depot o 8. P. Ry. now belnv eletriled and 23 mllea from Fortlaod. ALL IN HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION. 'i acrea atrawbrrtefl, good family orchard, fin. water, good bouae. barn, etc A eplendld llttla prop erty an Ideal home. Price 7000. v ar. prepared to offer terma on thea. properuea ao atlractlv. a to aurpria. you. 19 acrea. 14 acrea In cnltlvatlom. balance bruab pasture Som, ilea garden land. NEW 8-room bunga low, new barn, chicken houae. etc Thla la a fine property located only S mile from atreetcar line and 1 mile from town. Prlc. i0. Fa vorable terma. LITTLE FARMS ONLY PE ACRE. F!ne level land. aplendld aoll. ' running water, plenty of timber for fuel, only 3 milea from thriving town, on i llnea of railroad, aplen dld local market, fine tranaporj tlon facllltlea to be.t marketa In tne Northweet; located In aplendld dairy country: aurrounded by fine farma: IDEAL FOR DAIRY and POULTRY rancbea. We are aelllng thu in 10. 20 and 40-acre tracta on TERMS SO EASY THAT AN YON B CAN OWN A HOME. HtTNTER REALTY CO.. 223-3 Hoard of Trade Bldg.. Marahall 1777; A 2307. r.:nv A RHEM TRACTS. 0-acre tracts, cleared, rich, black aandy loam aoll, with water for Irrigating. They are located In the city llmrra of the thriving little City of Canby only 20 miles from Portland. Prlc. J00 per acre, on very liberal terma. 18 acrea of rich land at Canby. Or., the Molalla River runa through It causing several acres of waste. However, at 7B0 for all It is a SNAP. We havo other email buve In thla locality we will gladly ahow you. SO acrea of the richest land In the Mo- . .. . ii ....... v.;. &. mil. from laiia River auc. ..is" . - ., Canby. Or. Thla land la level, very easily c.earea ana unucr ...u. " " r-re It and you will believe what we lay. J.-.0O cash, balance to suit, will handle this piece. - !m our list of Molalla River bottom land; Improved farma. WHrTMF.R-KELLT CO.. Main 10o. 70 4th St. A 100s. ACREAGB. 1. 2. li. and 10-acre' tracts, close to Portland, on West Side, In beau tiful vallc-y. Just west of Council Crest and only 40 minutes ride: 2 good carllnee. The tunnel will bring this location within 22 minutes of Stli and Washington eta, Oood roads, fine water at 24 feet. $2o0 to l.'.oii per acre, and upon easy monthly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 4th at. ,A 3500. TROPICAL HIGHLANDS OF OLD MEXICO. 123 per acre, on terms, cleared, plowed and ready to plant: no Irrigation neces ssry close to railroad and water trana ' portntlon. healthy climate, pleasant sur roundings. The land Is "the best In the world it y i u . - sugar cane, tobacco; even common field corn will proauce fnim . . " acre per annum. Call and let ua toll you mora. rabb pATTOJ. 27 Lumbermena bldg.. 8th and Stark. 6-ACRE tracts down th. river -on West Ride. oppo.lte.Bt. Johns, and 2 miles back from Willamette River. Macadamised road all th. way. 1150 to S..O per acre, and upon easy monthly paymenta. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 85. 102 4th at. A 3500. LIVING STREAM. Over T acrea of fine black loam soli; enough timber on place to pay for clearing- 12H mllea from Portland, near Hllls boro: running water: on main ro.d email payment down, balance very easy PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 Couch bldg. . FOR SALE AT ORENCO. 5 acres, on csiline. 14 mllea from Port land; up-to-date little bouae. range some furniture small fruit, young orchard, well, chicken-house, barn. Jersey co-w chickens, nay and wheat, big garden. 25 cord, of o.l cut. n-ar church and good school, o.t off car at Quatama station, go welt; 'Iifif f wml Address Thoa. Tarswell, Orenco. Or IRRIGATED LAND FOR SALE, t have a fine list of large and small rscu of Irrl-sted land In the Deschutes alley for aale and on very easy terms. A"e? 'l.A -in h. her. October 1. Write for more Information and descriptions; aents wanted. W. S. Rodman, Redmond. Oregon, 373 BITY3 10 acrea deep red shot aoll adapted to fruit and vegetables; .11 smooth and tillable: no rock: wood and water; " Khool. Postoftlce and W,"re; within easy reach of Portland and the cheapeat land on the market. 812 Couch bldg.. loB 4th st. CHICKEN RANCH. .ii acres bearing orchard; would nr lake - iiSe chicken ranch w4th an assured ln ?ome from orchard; on Oregon Elsctrlo K nrlc tzoon; cash 1500. or will trade for 'desirable city property. See owner. 17 Stout st. Phone Marshall 18J9. rrv acres bravenlam land, under irriga tion and ready for crop, best for onions, c.lery cauliflower, potatoes, etc; river rJ,a transportation; nothing better nvwhere: low price and easy payments. ?l.riVate. Bia Couch Ndg.. lOfl 4th gt. rnTfKEN and fruit ranch. acres fine C?nd included. S3 mile, from Portland. 4 mllea from Willamette River and R. R town, price 800. 1100 cash balance ! per month. George A. Rla, 1S Spalding oius- luta ACRES, one nour irgm finiuu, mw ro-k or gravel: lKa good; S mllea to rail I", river transportation on a mac dam road and dally R. F. D. route; one mile school: for' 1050 , J termju By owner, rtooni -" vi vk rarden tracts on fiauvlaa Island, op oosni Buritnitton; 11 mllea from Portlandj railroad streetcar and boat transportation- these tracta ara on hig-h land and "a r oVerflow. 611 Couch bldr.. B 4th. "kn ai-KES BY OWNER. Tt-rt acrea t on Salem Electric; deep, -is-h cultivated aoll; will aeil In tracta to lul?; Tory terma W. F. FUr. Don aid. Or. a . B ACRES f?ne land, with 6-room bouse, barn, chicken coop and cistern ood order, mile and half from Rose City car-line- owner leavln state; sell cheap. Call Tabor IMo. ny,OQ 4 ACRES ood garden land, on West Side close In: aoo cords of wood stand lnr'neat houae. barn, chic ken-houae ; Juat the' plac for chickens. li 441, Orego nlan. 5 a c R ES beautiful residence aitea. fineat aoll- at atatlon. fc fare. 830 per acre. t'aii at Silver Fprlnr atatlon. Oregon City car I- W. ReinharUt. phone Oak Grove. Red 4-ti t4Q PER A- t- ' -o -o-i- o long-u-oii land "5 mllea from Portland, on rail road In the -Scappooae fruit belt. Enough timber remains to pay for place. Easy terma a, w?. -.s.a.... T, aOSTONE acres, near Chautauqua Park partly wooded : tin for chicken r.nrh or country home: 10 mlnutea walk to t-tectriciiii-. -"'- - ' -t v; pT In Oregon for fruit, vegetablea or walnuts 6 and 10-acre tracts, lo per cent rash balance will pay itseif. Eager & Ovation. 1 Lewia bidg.. 4th and Oak ata. ONLY "$25 AND $35 AN ACRE. for choice logged-off land, rich aoiJ, plenty V? l.ter- near town and R. R. Nu. hausen A Co.. owner. T03 Lrawla bldg tTe'T land In atat for Investment modern improvements; ctrlo car aervl?a; terma to uit puj-" F ntavtlta. near Mt. HooS R. ft.; good in .hutment. ai-- - 0 v p- two-acre tracts on electric line f..r sale b owner; easy terma. Cail 5 fFtark "w ill, sell . AO or mora acrea of orchard land planted or not. Se owner. Kn wlck Botei, room Set. Call from Jul REAL ESTATE. Fw B.le Acreei 150 PER ACRS. 84H acrea. Located near proeperoua "Tallroad town. 87 mllea from Portland. 140 acrea under cultivation, 110 of which la rich, volcanic oah land and 30 acrea red-ahot loam, bench land, li.5 acrea oak grub, much of which la well rotted atump age. eorae old elaah and eome naturally cleared. About 21 Si acrea In aaw fir. Two perpetually running ereeka and ev ral all-year aprlnga. Land thoroughly bored and tested, showing not leas than five feet of rich top soiL 340 bearing prune trees. bealdea apples. cherries, plums and email fruits, etc.. for family use. Elsht-room house, phone and well; barn 100x50, all necessary outbuildings. Ranch la located 4J0 feet above the alti tude of the town. Roada good and hard the year round, grade sufficiently easy for one span of horses to haul all a wagon .tn k.M k..h v...-. iiinr. church. school, and Poatoftice near by. Adjacent I land cannot be Dougnt at twice m. i. Terms: H cash, balance long time. Thla offer holds good few daya only. Addreas owner, AB 442. Oregonlan. HOP LAND. FRT'IT LAND. GARDEN TRUCK LAND Small tracta one hour from Portland on Oregon Electrlo Railway. One block from town, rich dark aoll. some planted in bops, fruit and garden truck. 10 per cent down, balance easy, payments. Hoprop this year almost paid for value of land. Tralna hourly, electric lights, telephone, to. Thla is selling fast. See ua at once. OREGON FARM LOAN CO., 403 Lewia BuUalng. TWO ACRES. Located near -Kuao atatlon on Oregon Electric Una These two acrea are level, rich, black aoll and very well situated. Prlca $10o0 each; H caah. balance to suit. New homes ar being - built all around this property. 20 acres of rich, sandy loam ahil, lies level, has about 10 acres cleared, with acres In orchrrd. Good 7-room house, nearly finished, barn, well, all fenced, etc. Located on good county road, four miles from Vancouver. Wash., close to school, churches, atatlon, stores, etc. In a well built up district. This tract can be had for $150 per acre, on terms of $S00 cash, balance mortgage. Land adjoining sold at $-iH) per acre. WH1TMER-KELLY CO, Main 1008. 70 4th St. A 1008. WEST STAYTON BARGAIN. 16 acres, all In cultivation : lo ganberries, strawberries, garden, -orchard and fine 10-room home, plastered, hardwood finish; house can't be duplicated under $4ino; will put It in at $-000; land $-50 acre, with perpetual water right; will reduce or Increase the amount of land If desired. See Mr. Bishop, Hart man & Thompson, Fourth and fcUrk. OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT. ORCHARD LANDS. IRRIGATED. NO CASH PAYMENT REQUIRED. We need settlers; not their money. Land ready for the plow and water avail able for trrigatton. Location In famous Rogue River Valley, Southern Oregon. Unequalled for productiveness and climate. Proposition and financial standing of com- fanv indorsed by National banks and ceding- business men. Only irrigation com pany In Northwest permitting settlers to make the land pay for ItSf If. Send for descriptive matter, ROGL'BLANDS IN CORPORATED, 1018 Chamber of Com merc bidg., Portland, Or., or Medford. Or. CLEARED ACREAGE. 5. 10 AND .0-ACRE TRACTS. One hour from Portland, river and rati transportation; . dark, loamy soil; now in cultivation: splendid for orchards, gardens, berries and chicken ranches; all close to the atatlon ; 2 llnea of railway now in operation and e!eetrlc line build ing; $150 to $2kH an acre; the cheapest acreage near Portland, according to quality and location. GOWEN-IUE TRUST CO., Lumbermena Bidg., 5th and Stark. BEAUTIFUL 14 T. TABOR, Why pay $2"io for a mere lot when yon can buy one of the fineat acres In Port land for this amount T We hare for sale G acres, within 200 ft. of the new Mt Tabor Park, at the end of lit. Tabor carilne; city water; all kinds of frutt trees, berries and grapes Magnificent view of the Cascade Moun tain a. Investigate. v SHEEHY BROS.. 130 13th St. Both Phones. FINE CLOSE-IN HOMESITES. 8 to 0 acres on Oregon Electric, with running water, lies fine and sightly and best of garden soil. Only $175 per acre with small caah payment and eary terms. Unquestionably the cheapest "acreage on the market near city. Buy acre homes Instead of a lot and be Independent and raise everything you eat. Also 8 to C acres, c 1 ea red, for $350 per ac re. VANDUYN ee WALTON, 015 Chamber Commerce. CRANBERRY LAND. IS LIMITED TO A FEW PLACES. A few ten-acre tracts will be aold to parties who will develop It. This Is part of a large tract which is to be developed. Peat bog land. Each tract has fresh water and sand. No danger of belnj? flood ed by salt water; cranberries now growing on this land; each tract fronts on rail road and ta within short distance of sta tion. Address C. N. Bennett. Warrenton, or J. E. Oratke, Budget office. Astoria. 10 ACRES. 45 minutes out on tho Salem Electric, 4 acres cleared, one acre In fruit, 5-room house and barn; all for $2000, easy paymenta 10 acres in same locality, with 6 acres cleared, on very easy terms. 50 acres. IK nwlea of Portland. $55 an acre. This Is all Al land. J. M. FRENCH & CO., 412-413 Abingtun Bldg., 1064 3d St. 2 ACRES ON THE OREGON ELECTRIC. This little tract Is located only 15 miles out from city; lays perfectly level; dark, rich loam soli, absolutely no gravel; only 20 ft. to water; close to sta tion; $160 will handle thla; 5 years at 6 per cent for the balance. Call $07 Yeon bldg., and ask for Mr. Stringer. 6.24 ACRES BALEM ELECTRIC LINE. Price $1100; terma $200 cash and 5 years In which to pay th balanoe at 6 per oent; only 16 miles from Portland and eloeo to station; good soil, easily cleared; you will surely miss a bargain if you don't sea thla. Call today at S07 Yeon bldg., and ask for Mr. Stringer. MT. HOOD RY. now runs to Sandalla Or chard and Country Home tracts, near Bull Run station, 25 miles from Portland, be tween Sandy and Bull Run Rivers; best volcanic shot soil, an abundance of pure water, beautiful scenic surroundings, boat ing, fishing; 1 to 20-aere tracts; easy terms. Henry C. Prudh.om.me Co., owner, 906 Spalding bldg. CHICKEN and trui ranches near Portland; walking diatano to good town; running water, beat aoll, free wood, aplendld fruit fliatrlet; view or Columbia River and snow peaks; I acres, $250; ft acres, $400; 1$ acres. $600; 10 per cent cash, easy pay menta; other tracta near railway atatlon, 9-6 to $40 per acre. FRANK M FAKLA.VD REALTY CO-, $09 Yeon Bldg., Portland. Or. 10-ACBE tracta, creek bottom, deep rich soil, for gardens, water for irrigation, large creek on land ; no rock or gravel ; 2 fine cold springs, one hour's ride from Portland, one mile from railroad station and boatlandlng and prosperous t town of 1600 population; in a famous fruit and berry section ; cheap and on easy terms. S12 Couch bldg., lot 4th St. VEST MT. HOOD DISTRICT. 160 or 320 acres, within mile survey Mt. Hood Railway, about half tillable if o lea red. running water and soma good timber. A snap at $20 per acre, easy terms or might trade. VANDUYN & WALTON, 615 Chamber Commerce. SNAP. $1000 cash. $1700 on time, puts you In possession of a nice 20-acre farm, very fertile soil, only y mile from station. For small Improved plaoes near Portland see F. FITCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. IN A few days I will be reidy to offer you choice acre tract on a 10-cent fare at a price that will surprise you; let me show vou this. L 233. Oregonlan. ACRE tracta West Side, close In. 20 min utes car service ; best of soil ; $400 nd up ; easy payments. S. T. DOVE INC., 420-422 Board of Trade. FOUR Acres of good tillable land; H mile from R. R. etaMon; 3 -room bouse, chicken houae. Price $500, $200 caah. balance eaay terma Mr. Mackey. 543 Thurmaq. ONE acre, 5-room house, chicken buildings, near stream .telephone: $-). $2trf) cash, balance easy monthly payments. 312 Lewis building. ftO ACRES improved land, near Madras, $18 an acre ; ivw .-.n., ucsi-.ui.-i i - par cent. A. 6i, Oregonlan. REAL ESTATE. For Sole Acreage- COLCMBIA BOULEVARD. 2 acres at head of East 11th at., with house and outbuildings. All In fruit and berriea. Price, J7BO0. 4 acres, 8 -room modern house and outbuildings; .choice fruit and ber ries; gasoline engine: 10 chicken, cow. horse and implements. A beautiful city home, price $14,000. 134 acrea also fronts on R. R This is an ideal factory site. Price, $27,000. 7H acrea with 11 -room modern house and barn; choice fruit, beau tiful home. Price, $12,000. 6 4-5 acrea with house and barn; large bearing orchard. Very easy terms. Price, $10,fc$0. 2S 8-5 acres, about H mile from Union av. ; modern 6-room house and barn; fruit. This would make a fine nursery. Very easy terma Price $2S.600. GODDARD W1EDRICK, 243 Stark at. JUST 4 of those little farms near Beaver ton left. One 5 acres, half swale, fine for onions, a few stumps on, balanoe pasture, at $275. Another, 6 acres cleared, small bouse, good well, fenced, in apuds, at $375. Another, 5 acres cleared, under fence, good crop of oats taken off It, at $325. And another. 6 acres, with some wood on, balance easily cleared, nicely slop ing, best of soil, for $265. These tracts are all together, and they are choice garden tracts or for chicken raising, 1 mile from town, served by two carlines, 12 trains dally. Terma Owner. $17 Railway Exchange bldg. HUNTING AND FISHING PRESERVES. Olequa. Wash., 240 acres cut-over land, good road, one mile Pacific Highway, 60 miles Portland: two good trout streams, plenty of pheasants and Uer, plenty or shade, no Improvements. 80 acres too rough to till, all good soli, three moun tains In view, deal with owner; P rice IS per acre. Write A. C. Gllman, 383 West Park St., Portland. 22 ACRES $4400 TERMS. BALEM ELECTRIC LINE. 15 miles from Portland; 6 acres In cul tivation and every foot of the balance can be easily cleared and cultivated; rich, level loamy soli; 20 feet to abundance of water; 850 cash and 5 years at 6 per cent for the balance. Owntr will show you this property. Call 907 eon bldg. Ask for Mr. Stringer. CHICKEN RANCH. 5 10 or 20-acre tracts, cleared or un cleared, near Portland and .near good transportation facilities; especially adapted for chicken ranches. Excellent aoll and plenty of water. We give easy terms on all our property. Particulars cheerfully given. SS0 to 210 per acre. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 405 Couch bldg. 10 ACRES. SECTION LINE ROAD. 5 miles east of city limits; corner sec tion Line and Rockwood roads; V, mile to electric line; 2 acres cleared. 2-room house; covered with nice young fir trees: the very place to build your home; $42o0, 1425 cash, or will trade this equity for city property. Call 907 Teon bldg. Ask for Mr. Stringer. 2 ACRES .r.75. ON THE OREGON ELECTRIC. This little tract Is located only 15 miles out Irom city; Ilea perfectly level; dark, rich loam aoll. absolutely no gravel; only 20 ft. to water; close to station; V0 will bardie this; 6 years at 6 per cent for the balance. Call 907 Yeon bldg. and ask for Mr. Stringer. 10 OR 16 acres fine level tillable land it miles from Portland, hi -mile from car line, living creek. 4 acres good timber, balanoe easily cleaned; mall delivery every day; telephone and milk route; $125 an acre, terms to suit; adjoining land sell ing for $200 an acre: a bargain this week only. Cheshire & Taylor, 905 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE ACRES SACRIFICED. Must sell my acre place. Just eaat of the city limits, on two finest roads, choice location, nice and level, good soil, with 4-room house, good barn, chicken-houses and roothouse. fine water, all fenced, cheap at $560; you can have It for 3950. 1 am going away. See Owner. 109 Third st- 10 ACRES. .00. Or 5 acrea for :lo0, 20 per cent cash. 10 per cent a month. 60 minutes from city, 9 daily trains, level and good soil, on good county road and all modern, country conveniences, all who have seen have bought. We are the owners. G. A. NICHOLS INV. CO.. 606 Swetland bldg. FIVE acres of garden land, all in cultivation, rich black muck soli; good family or chard; 5 minutes to station, stores ana school. In Tualatin Valley, 15 miles from Portland: price $300 per acre. 1-3 cash, balance long time. 6 per cent. W H. LANG, 1309 Teon Bldg. CHICKEN RANCH. 2t4. 5 and 10-acre tracts, all cleared, level, black, sandy loam; no better land In the state for chickens, fine for fruit, garden and grain: 1H miles from railroad station and will be near electric line: close to big markets; 90 per acre, easy terms. Owner. 1016 Chamber of Commerce. OWNER offers 5 acres at $1125, one third cleared, good deep garden or fruit land. Fifteen miles from Portland, close to Oregon Electric, county road on two sides of land. Nine months' school on next 40. $125 cash, five years to pay bal ance at I per cent. Phone Eaat 2204. 68 V4 ACRES on Oregon Electric; fine cleared land with some wood and running wafr; all platted into 5-acre tracts; price ?225 per acre; $MX)0 cash, balance 3 years at 5 per cent; full Information at my office. -414 Spalding bldg. 35 ACRES east of Gresham on Mount Hood line. Good house and barn, running wa ter, near school, church and store. Partly Improved, crop goes with place. Great bargain. Terms. Owner, 4S0 Worcester bldg. LOOK I LOOK! Nearly one acre, mostly in garden, and 4-room house on carilne, only t"00; terms. Dubois & Crockett, Washington bldg., room 3 THREEacres at Garden Home, 10 minutes from station: 40 trains a day. Land con tains about 25 large fir trees. Spring, small stream. Will sell for 11600 on terms. This is a snap. j urcgmn.ii. ONE to ten acrea at Garden Home, all clear and In cultivation; close to two stations on Oregon Electric, on two roads, level and. fine view. 10c fare, good car service. - .I..... .I ooo UMr-.t .!... per c v...... RICH acreage, close In. high ground, south west slope, early for fruits: bottom ground with running water, sheltered from frosts and winds. Call or address owner. 695 East Ash st. DO.VT MISS THIS. Improved acreage. mile from eleo trlo station, only $375 per acre. Call at J02 Gerllnger bldg- Jd and Al der. Main 4ST9. GREAT LANDSLIDE. 10 to 20 acre tracts -on Mt. Hood R. R. Reduoed from 250 to $160 per acre. Terms to suit. Raymore Realty Co., 430 ' Worcester bldg. 40 ACRES choice land near La Pine, Or. (under Carey act): best In that section: owner must sell: SS4 per acre: adjoining land aells at M: very easy paymenta. Ad dress owner, f IZV, Oregon mn. WHY pay $8-'0 for one lot when you can get -Vi acre for the tame price In the city Umlta at Firland station, on the Mt. Scott line Atl under cultivation. Phone own er, Taoor iti, or x -.-.. wigummi. FOR SALE Choice 8. 10. 12 and 16-acre tracta of garden and fruit land; well located on good road, six miles from ,.-. nrlro tW t.riTI. PaV. J. A. Munday. 410 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. GOOD 3-passenger automobile, top, wind shield, electric lights, spare wheel, will exchange for bungalow or city lota, phone 2Vi ACRES, In city limits. Bull Run water, best soil, one block to car. A dandy home site and a bargain; must sell. Address owner, y r FIVE ACRES All In cultivation, orchard and garden, Gresham line. 5c fare. 8 MIX & MARSH, 1"0S Teon Bldg. Marshall 332S. WANTED Investors for Wyoming Irri gated lands. $40 per acre: going Oct. ; full particulars. A. E. Tount. 1C10 E. Lavis si. ONE to three acres. Oregon City line, near station, running water; good aoll; owner. ..i. o SMALL farms on electric line, near Portland- best soil In Oregon: one and two acre 'tracts. .Call Main f.76. ACRE tracts. 23 minutes out: 1 down and i per week: take Estacada or Gresham car to Bell Station; agent on ground. 25 ACRES of good ssll, running water, on county road and school, close to Mount Hood JL R.; $900. 205 McKay bldg. REAL ESTATK. For Sale Ac rrngo. CHEAPEST ACREAGB XJf PORTLAND, PRICE 630 AN ACRE. EAST TERMS. Just eight of these acre tracta to sell at this price; close to car. good water. Ideal for chickens and garden; an acre close to Portland means 6 city lota In th. near future. Get an evcre. get a bargain, and got It now. E. O. TOOKER. 821 Teon Bldg. DO YOU WANT TO CLEAR 40 ACRES OF " LAND THIS WINTER ? Within 20 miles of Portland;on rail road; finest onion and potato land: 40 acres to clear; will give part of the land as payment. Land Is worth 200 when cleared, and Is In center of a very rich valley. Job must be finished by next May. An -experienced man, properly equipped, can make big money. C. W. DAVIS sV CO.. 606 Commercial block, Portland, Or. tor gale Homesteads. ADVANTAGES of Oregon; 100-page book gives the amount of Government land open to homestead In each county In Oregon. Washington and California and descrip tion of same; gives homestead, desert, timber, atone, coal and mineral laws- two maps of Oregon In colors, 21x28;' one showing R. R. In operation and one show ing R. R. proposed and under construo- tlon. Including Eastern and Central Ore gon; book 25c:. maps 20c each, or th. three. 80c; map of California. In colors. 87x32, 25c Nlmmo. Runey A Ca. Ham ilton bldg. SOLDIERS' additional homestead ecrlp can bo used to locate any Government land subject to homestead entry; aecurea title without settlement or cultlvatlon fully guaranteed: only scrip which can be used In Alaska: prices given oa aDnli- .. ...... ... ... ...i. .MIIBIiaiQ, Jfcio. CAN locate you on 820-acre homestead In Southeastern Crook County; excellent soil plenty of water at 10 to 20 feet; good neighbors, stores, poatqffice, near two townsites and railroad survey; satisfaction guaranteed: location fee 73. Write & Montgomery. Bend. Or. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 160 acres, 60 acres meadow land, fenced. 8 wires; living water: 5 miles R. R. town. In Klamath County. Oregon; sell or exchange for city property. 322 Falling bldg.. 3d and Wash ington sts. FREE homesteads, located near Portland, gpod soil, timber, water, wheat, corn, fruit and stock land; good homes; near school, P. O.. R. Ii. and river. Covey, 267 Oak. room 21. FOR SALJ3 160 homestead relinquishments: land, roads and improvements good, mall delivery, near R. R. station, close to neigh bora Address M. L. Dawson. Cllne Falls. Or. HOMESTEADS and timber claims In South ern Oregon; claims will cruise seven mil lion; good soil. 823 Chamber of Com merce. 40-ACRE homestead relinquishment, Uma tilla project. Government Irrigation and Improvements, $1000. Address box 92, Hermlston, Or. A SPLENDID homestead relinquishment for $300. In Walla Walla County; best land In the state; near transportation. G 446, Oregonlan. A GOOD homestead location or relinquish ment wanted, must be cheap. Give full particulars In first letter. AB 420, Ore gonlan. 6,000.000 BEAUTIFUL timber Joining large body for quick sale, $1050. 813 Mar quam bldg. Phone Marshall 694. . For Sale Fmit Lands. Rogue River Valley's Greatest Lane Sale Now Going On. $100 Per Acre. Small payment down, balanc 1 Aat ACRE PER MONTH. Rich, Deep Soil. Climate That Can't Be Beat. You can secure steady employment while not caring for your own tract. FREE TRIP TO MEDFORD TO ALL BUYERS. SMITH & ANDERSON, Exclusive Sales Agents, 919 Chamber of Commerce. APPPLB ORCHARDS, 265 PER ACRE. Located in one of the best fruit dfs . trlcts In Oregon, and planted to com mercial varieties of apples last Winter. In order to get right prices had to buy one hundred acres. Will sell fifty acres In a body, or ten-acre tracta at above price; same to be cultivated five years from date of planting at no additional cost to purchaser, and will give surety bond to guarantee contract. Reasonable cash payment, liberal terms on balance. If interested and you mean business, write quick, as I will leave for my home In Texas October 5. Address D 446, Ore gonlan. MOUNT HOOD RAILWIAT now runs to Sandalla Orchard and Country Home tracts, near Bull Run station. 25 miles from Portland, between Sandy and Bull Run Rivers; best volcanic shot soil, an abundance of pure water, beautiful scenio surroundings, boating, fishing; 1 to 20- , acre tracts, easy terms. Henry C. Prud homme Co., owner, 906 Spalding bldg. WANT a man to assist me In further de veloping 100 acres in Hood River. I now have 43 acres to trees, 1 to 9-year-olds; mile to. station on East Side, fully equipped, will sell Interest on pay ment ot 7000. R 468, Oregonlan. run bALbl iy owner, tract of orchard land near Lyle, Wash.; about 30 acrea ready for planting, balance unimproved; dwelling house and outbuildlnga. Price low; terms easy. C. M. McLeod. Lyle. Was a. FOR SALE40 acres, Klickitat Valley ap ple and grain land; 40 acres prairie, bal ance timber which will more than pay for the place; $15 per acre cash. Owner, 283 Williams ave. Call in A. M. WHITE Salmon Home Tract of six acres right In town; 3 acres In strawberries and fruit treers; balance natural woods fine view. Price right. AV 482 Ore gonlan MAN with about $2000 to take a third In terest In 00-acre tract of land; 50 acrea In cultivation, rest beaverdam; object, to set out apple orchard; experienced man preferred. P 427, Oregonlan, FOR SALE 16-acre bearing apple ranoh In Rogue River Valley, arts and crafts house, good barn, etc.; $2500 will handle It. Owner, Seward Hotel. . I FURNISH and plant highest-grade apple trees on your land at $14 per acre; other fruits slisrhtly higher. Jeselson, 416 Cham ber of commerce. 1114 ACRES, set to Newtown and Spltren berg apples 2 yeara old. 1900; 1300caah. 5;il Hamilton bldg. , KLICKITAT fruit land; 160 acres, $30 per acre. A 486, Oregonlan For Sail Farms. 80 ACRES CORDWOOD TIMBER FOR 10,000. ' 80 acres fine level land, covered with about 8000 cords of first-growth timber; 7 miles from Vancouver, on 2 county roads, H mite from electrlo line. This la abso lutely the best buy on the market, either as a cutting or a holding proposition; 3000 cash, balance 1000 per year, or will take a good auto as first payment. STEWARD & THOMPSON. . 409 Vm Main St., Vancouver. Wash. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS FOR SALE. Large and small tracts, suitable for reneral farming, grain, hay. fruit, hops, rtalrvlng etc: about 40 miles southwest of Portland. Or. Call or write for price - i.t. W E- Kidder. Carlton. Or. vr,VL SALE 824 acres; 35 cultivated; bal .ir.r limber; good lawns and orchard; will ll WW or 20-acre plats; 100 per acre will handle this; down; balance 6 per cent: no agenta. Call Main 7333 after 6 V. rrrTT farm lands, reasonable prices, easy tems splendid soli, electric car service, ii.hta' and water available. Call for par .i?iilars. Ruth Trust Company, In United RaUwaya ticket office, 235 Stark at.. Port- lana. pr. ACRES, 4U CIWIO' .u ,u wv.c, u. timber soil the best, one mile from elec tric line near Damascus; this is one of the best place In that locality; easy terms. Owner, A. L. Shaughnessy, 9u4 C. ut C. bldg. ; Z wFLL-EQUIPPED farm 1G3 acres, be tween 80 and 90 under cultivation, 12 acrea bona 2 acres orchard; horses, cows, sheep, i..,.-i. and chickens; part cash, balance terms. Call 521) East Ash. x R AVE some BARGAINS In dairy and fruit farms at Dundee, Or.. 28 miles from Portland; NOTHING BETTER IN ORE-fsriN- easy terms. Sam Norton. 7 Cham of commerce, ground floor. LINCOLN COUNTY COAST HILLS for small farms for dairy and fruit; mild climate- plenty of timber and water; wild lands' $15 per acre. O. G. Dalaba, Elk City. or. nvrv sio PER ACRE. ICO acres west of McMinnvllle, 7-room house, 2 barns and other outbuildings. good spring oj uuu, Call at 2U3 Gerlinger bldg. Main 437. FARM. The best bargain In Oregon, few days only. C P. Miller, 21 Washington bldg. 4 A A